#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Benjamin Drung # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. import csv import glob import optparse import os import subprocess import sys from moz_version import (compare_versions, convert_moz_to_debian_version, moz_to_next_debian_version) import RDF _VENDOR_ENV = "DH_XUL_EXT_VENDOR" # error codes COMMAND_LINE_SYNTAX_ERROR = 1 MULTIPLE_INSTALL_RDFS = 2 INVALID_VERSION_RANGE = 3 FIREFOX_ID = "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}" THUNDERBIRD_ID = "{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}" class XulApp(object): def __init__(self, xul_id, package, sol, eol): self.xul_id = xul_id self.package = package self.sol = sol self.eol = eol self.min_version = None self.max_version = None def __str__(self): return(self.xul_id + ": " + self.package + " (" + self.sol + " to " + self.eol + ")") def defaults_to_compatible(self): """Returns true if the maximum and all later versions of the XUL application defaults add-ons to compatible. The XUL extension will be enabled even if the version of the XUL application is higher than the specified maximum version in this case. Firefox/Iceweasel 10 and Thunderbird/Icedove 10 defaults add-ons to compatible.""" return(self.xul_id in (FIREFOX_ID, THUNDERBIRD_ID) and compare_versions(self.max_version, "10") >= 0) def get_breaks(self): """Return a string for ${xpi:Breaks} for the XUL application.""" breaks = [] if self.min_version: deb_min_version = convert_moz_to_debian_version(self.min_version) breaks.append(self.package + " (<< " + deb_min_version + ")") if self.max_version and not self.defaults_to_compatible(): deb_max_version = moz_to_next_debian_version(self.max_version) breaks.append(self.package + " (>> " + deb_max_version + ")") return ", ".join(breaks) def get_eol(self): return self.eol def get_id(self): return self.xul_id def get_package(self): return self.package def get_sol(self): return self.sol def get_versioned_package(self): versioned_package = self.package if self.min_version: deb_min_version = convert_moz_to_debian_version(self.min_version) versioned_package += " (>= " + deb_min_version + ")" return versioned_package def is_same_package(self, xul_app): return self.xul_id == xul_app.xul_id and self.package == xul_app.package def set_max_version(self, max_version): if compare_versions(self.eol, max_version) > 0: self.max_version = max_version def set_min_version(self, min_version): if compare_versions(self.sol, min_version) < 0: self.min_version = min_version def update_version(self, sol, eol): if compare_versions(self.sol, sol) > 0: self.sol = sol if compare_versions(self.eol, eol) < 0: self.eol = eol def _get_data_dir(): """Get the data directory based on the module location.""" if __file__.startswith("/usr/bin"): data_dir = "/usr/share/mozilla-devscripts" else: data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data") return data_dir def get_vendor(): """This function returns the vendor (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu) that should be used for calculating the dependencies. DH_XUL_EXT_VENDOR will be used if set. Otherwise dpkg-vendor will be used for determining the vendor.""" if _VENDOR_ENV in os.environ: vendor = os.environ[_VENDOR_ENV] else: cmd = ["dpkg-vendor", "--derives-from", "Ubuntu"] retval = subprocess.call(cmd) if retval == 0: vendor = "Ubuntu" else: vendor = "Debian" return vendor def get_xul_apps(script_name, all_distros): vendor = get_vendor() data_dir = _get_data_dir() if all_distros or vendor == "all": csv_filenames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, "xul-app-data.csv.*"))) else: csv_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "xul-app-data.csv." + vendor) if not os.path.isfile(csv_filename): print >> sys.stderr, ('%s: Unknown vendor "%s" specified.' % (script_name, vendor)) sys.exit(1) csv_filenames = [csv_filename] xul_apps = [] for csv_filename in csv_filenames: csvfile = open(csv_filename) csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in csv_reader: xul_app = XulApp(row["id"], row["package"], row["sol"], row["eol"]) existing = [x for x in xul_apps if x.is_same_package(xul_app)] if existing: xul_app = existing[0] xul_app.update_version(row["sol"], row["eol"]) else: xul_apps.append(xul_app) return xul_apps def _get_id_max_min_triple(script_name, package, install_rdf): """create array of id_max_min triples""" id_max_min = [] model = RDF.Model() parser = RDF.Parser(name="rdfxml") parser.parse_into_model(model, "file:" + install_rdf) query = RDF.Query( """ PREFIX em: SELECT ?id ?max ?min WHERE { [] em:targetApplication ?x . ?x em:id ?id . OPTIONAL { ?x em:maxVersion ?max . ?x em:minVersion ?min . } . } """, query_language="sparql") results = query.execute(model) # append to id_max_min tripe to array failures = 0 for target in results: appid = target["id"].literal_value["string"] max_version = target["max"].literal_value["string"] min_version = target["min"].literal_value["string"] id_max_min.append((appid, max_version, min_version)) # Sanity check version range if compare_versions(min_version, max_version) > 0: msg = ("%s: %s contains an invalid version range for %s:\n" "%s: minVersion <= maxVersion is required, but %s > %s.\n" "%s: Please either fix the versions or remove the entry " "from install.xpi." % (script_name, package, appid, script_name, min_version, max_version, script_name)) print >> sys.stderr, msg failures += 1 if failures > 0: sys.exit(INVALID_VERSION_RANGE) return id_max_min def get_supported_apps(script_name, xul_apps, install_rdf, package, verbose=False): id_max_min = _get_id_max_min_triple(script_name, package, install_rdf) if verbose: print "%s: %s supports %i XUL application(s):" % (script_name, package, len(id_max_min)) for (appid, max_version, min_version) in id_max_min: print "%s %s to %s" % (appid, min_version, max_version) # find supported apps/packages supported_apps = list() for xul_app in xul_apps: supported_app = [x for x in id_max_min if x[0] == xul_app.get_id()] if len(supported_app) == 1: # package is supported by extension (appid, max_version, min_version) = supported_app.pop() if compare_versions(xul_app.get_sol(), max_version) <= 0: if compare_versions(xul_app.get_eol(), min_version) >= 0: xul_app.set_min_version(min_version) xul_app.set_max_version(max_version) supported_apps.append(xul_app) if verbose: print "%s: %s supports %s." % (script_name, package, xul_app.get_package()) elif verbose: print "%s: %s does not support %s (any more)." % \ (script_name, package, xul_app.get_package()) elif verbose: print "%s: %s does not support %s (yet)." % \ (script_name, package, xul_app.get_package()) elif len(supported_app) > 1: print ("%s: Found error in %s. There are multiple entries for " "application ID %s.") % (script_name, install_rdf, xul_app.get_id()) return supported_apps def get_all_packages(): lines = open("debian/control").readlines() package_lines = [x for x in lines if x.find("Package:") >= 0] packages = [p[p.find(":")+1:].strip() for p in package_lines] return packages def get_source_package_name(): source = None control_file = open("debian/control") for line in control_file: if line.startswith("Source:"): source = line[line.find(":")+1:].strip() break return source def has_no_xpi_depends(): lines = open("debian/control").readlines() xpi_depends_lines = [l for l in lines if l.find("${xpi:Depends}") >= 0] return len(xpi_depends_lines) == 0 def get_provided_package_names(package, supported_apps): ext_name = package for prefix in ("firefox-", "iceweasel-", "mozilla-", "xul-ext-"): if ext_name.startswith(prefix): ext_name = ext_name[len(prefix):] # check if MOZ_XPI_EXT_NAME is defined in debian/rules lines = open("debian/rules").readlines() lines = [l for l in lines if l.find("MOZ_XPI_EXT_NAME") != -1] if len(lines) > 0: line = lines[-1] ext_name = line[line.find("=")+1:].strip() provides = set() provides.add("xul-ext-" + ext_name) if ext_name == get_source_package_name(): provides.add(ext_name) for xul_app in supported_apps: app = xul_app.get_package() for i in xrange(len(app) - 1, -1, -1): if app[i] == '-': app = app[:i] elif not app[i].isdigit() and not app[i] == '.': break provides.add(app + "-" + ext_name) # remove package name from provide list provides.discard(package) return list(provides) def find_install_rdfs(path): install_rdfs = set() if os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.basename(path) == "install.rdf": install_rdfs.add(os.path.realpath(path)) if os.path.isdir(path): # recursive walk content = [os.path.join(path, d) for d in os.listdir(path)] install_rdfs = reduce(lambda x, d: x.union(find_install_rdfs(d)), content, install_rdfs) return install_rdfs def generate_substvars(script_name, xul_apps, package, verbose=False): install_rdfs = find_install_rdfs("debian/" + package) if len(install_rdfs) == 0: if verbose: print(script_name + ": " + package + " does not contain a XUL extension (no install.rdf found).") return elif len(install_rdfs) > 1: print >> sys.stderr, ("%s: %s contains multiple install.rdf files. " "That's not supported.") % (script_name, package) basepath_len = len(os.path.realpath("debian/" + package)) rdfs = [x[basepath_len:] for x in install_rdfs] print >> sys.stderr, "\n".join(rdfs) sys.exit(MULTIPLE_INSTALL_RDFS) install_rdf = install_rdfs.pop() filename = "debian/" + package + ".substvars" if os.path.exists(filename): substvars_file = open(filename) lines = substvars_file.readlines() substvars_file.close() else: lines = list() # remove existing varibles lines = [s for s in lines if not s.startswith("xpi:")] supported_apps = get_supported_apps(script_name, xul_apps, install_rdf, package, verbose) packages = [a.get_versioned_package() for a in supported_apps] if has_no_xpi_depends(): # Use xpi:Recommends instead of xpi:Depends for backwards compatibility print ("%s: Warning: Please add ${xpi:Depends} to Depends. Using only " "${xpi:Recommends} is deprecated.") % (script_name) lines.append("xpi:Recommends=" + " | ".join(packages) + "\n") else: lines.append("xpi:Depends=" + " | ".join(packages) + "\n") lines.append("xpi:Recommends=\n") packages = [a.get_breaks() for a in supported_apps] lines.append("xpi:Breaks=" + ", ".join(sorted(packages)) + "\n") packages = [a.get_package() for a in supported_apps] lines.append("xpi:Enhances=" + ", ".join(sorted(packages)) + "\n") packages = get_provided_package_names(package, supported_apps) lines.append("xpi:Provides=" + ", ".join(sorted(packages)) + "\n") # write new variables substvars_file = open(filename, "w") substvars_file.writelines(lines) substvars_file.close() class UnknownOptionIgnoringOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): def __init__(self, **options): optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, **options) self.unknown_options = [] def _process_long_opt(self, rargs, values): option = rargs[0].split("=")[0] if not option in self._long_opt: self.unknown_options.append(option) del rargs[0] else: optparse.OptionParser._process_long_opt(self, rargs, values) def _process_short_opts(self, rargs, values): option = rargs[0][0:2] if not self._short_opt.get(option): self.unknown_options.append(option) del rargs[0] else: optparse.OptionParser._process_short_opts(self, rargs, values) def main(): script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) epilog = "See %s(1) for more info." % (script_name) parser = UnknownOptionIgnoringOptionParser(epilog=epilog) parser.add_option("--all", action="store_true", dest="all", help="expand substvars to all known XUL applications " "(not only of your distribution)", default=False) parser.add_option("-p", "--package", dest="packages", metavar="PACKAGE", action="append", default=[], help="calculate substvars only for the specified PACKAGE") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="print more information") options = parser.parse_args()[0] if len(options.packages) == 0: options.packages = get_all_packages() if options.verbose: for unknown_option in parser.unknown_options: sys.stderr.write("%s: warning: no such option: %s\n" % (script_name, unknown_option)) print script_name + ": packages:", ", ".join(options.packages) xul_apps = get_xul_apps(script_name, options.all) if options.verbose and len(xul_apps) > 0: print script_name + ": found %i Xul applications:" % (len(xul_apps)) for xul_app in xul_apps: print xul_app for package in options.packages: generate_substvars(script_name, xul_apps, package, options.verbose) if __name__ == "__main__": main()