path: root/sub/sd_srt.c
diff options
authorAlessandro Ghedini <>2013-08-11 15:13:33 +0200
committerAlessandro Ghedini <>2013-08-11 15:13:33 +0200
commitfaced26fd02c02e4af301fcab8e56667963f5340 (patch)
tree87b56103317656807c9480e48b33c9776822b788 /sub/sd_srt.c
Imported Upstream version 0.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'sub/sd_srt.c')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sub/sd_srt.c b/sub/sd_srt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9d1a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sub/sd_srt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+ * Subtitles converter to SSA/ASS in order to allow special formatting
+ *
+ * This file is part of MPlayer.
+ *
+ * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <libavutil/common.h>
+#include "mpvcore/mp_msg.h"
+#include "mpvcore/bstr.h"
+#include "sd.h"
+struct line {
+ char *buf;
+ int bufsize;
+ int len;
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+static void append_text(struct line *dst, char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+static void append_text(struct line *dst, char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list va;
+ va_start(va, fmt);
+ int ret = vsnprintf(dst->buf + dst->len, dst->bufsize - dst->len, fmt, va);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto out;
+ dst->len += ret;
+ if (dst->len > dst->bufsize)
+ dst->len = dst->bufsize;
+ out:
+ va_end(va);
+static void append_text_n(struct line *dst, char *start, size_t length)
+ append_text(dst, "%.*s", (int)length, start);
+ * SubRip
+ *
+ * Support basic tags (italic, bold, underline, strike-through)
+ * and font tag with size, color and face attributes.
+ *
+ */
+struct font_tag {
+ int size;
+ uint32_t color;
+ struct bstr face;
+ bool has_size : 1;
+ bool has_color : 1;
+ bool has_face : 1;
+static const struct tag_conv {
+ char *from;
+ char *to;
+} subrip_basic_tags[] = {
+ {"<i>", "{\\i1}"}, {"</i>", "{\\i0}"},
+ {"<b>", "{\\b1}"}, {"</b>", "{\\b0}"},
+ {"<u>", "{\\u1}"}, {"</u>", "{\\u0}"},
+ {"<s>", "{\\s1}"}, {"</s>", "{\\s0}"},
+ {"}", "\\}"},
+ {"\r\n", "\\N"}, {"\n", "\\N"}, {"\r", "\\N"},
+static const struct {
+ char *s;
+ uint32_t v;
+} subrip_web_colors[] = {
+ /* Named CSS3 colors in RGB format; a subset of those
+ at */
+ {"aliceblue", 0xF0F8FF},
+ {"antiquewhite", 0xFAEBD7},
+ {"aqua", 0x00FFFF},
+ {"aquamarine", 0x7FFFD4},
+ {"azure", 0xF0FFFF},
+ {"beige", 0xF5F5DC},
+ {"bisque", 0xFFE4C4},
+ {"black", 0x000000},
+ {"blanchedalmond", 0xFFEBCD},
+ {"blue", 0x0000FF},
+ {"blueviolet", 0x8A2BE2},
+ {"brown", 0xA52A2A},
+ {"burlywood", 0xDEB887},
+ {"cadetblue", 0x5F9EA0},
+ {"chartreuse", 0x7FFF00},
+ {"chocolate", 0xD2691E},
+ {"coral", 0xFF7F50},
+ {"cornflowerblue", 0x6495ED},
+ {"cornsilk", 0xFFF8DC},
+ {"crimson", 0xDC143C},
+ {"cyan", 0x00FFFF},
+ {"darkblue", 0x00008B},
+ {"darkcyan", 0x008B8B},
+ {"darkgoldenrod", 0xB8860B},
+ {"darkgray", 0xA9A9A9},
+ {"darkgreen", 0x006400},
+ {"darkgrey", 0xA9A9A9},
+ {"darkkhaki", 0xBDB76B},
+ {"darkmagenta", 0x8B008B},
+ {"darkolivegreen", 0x556B2F},
+ {"darkorange", 0xFF8C00},
+ {"darkorchid", 0x9932CC},
+ {"darkred", 0x8B0000},
+ {"darksalmon", 0xE9967A},
+ {"darkseagreen", 0x8FBC8F},
+ {"darkslateblue", 0x483D8B},
+ {"darkslategray", 0x2F4F4F},
+ {"darkslategrey", 0x2F4F4F},
+ {"darkturquoise", 0x00CED1},
+ {"darkviolet", 0x9400D3},
+ {"deeppink", 0xFF1493},
+ {"deepskyblue", 0x00BFFF},
+ {"dimgray", 0x696969},
+ {"dimgrey", 0x696969},
+ {"dodgerblue", 0x1E90FF},
+ {"firebrick", 0xB22222},
+ {"floralwhite", 0xFFFAF0},
+ {"forestgreen", 0x228B22},
+ {"fuchsia", 0xFF00FF},
+ {"gainsboro", 0xDCDCDC},
+ {"ghostwhite", 0xF8F8FF},
+ {"gold", 0xFFD700},
+ {"goldenrod", 0xDAA520},
+ {"gray", 0x808080},
+ {"green", 0x008000},
+ {"greenyellow", 0xADFF2F},
+ {"grey", 0x808080},
+ {"honeydew", 0xF0FFF0},
+ {"hotpink", 0xFF69B4},
+ {"indianred", 0xCD5C5C},
+ {"indigo", 0x4B0082},
+ {"ivory", 0xFFFFF0},
+ {"khaki", 0xF0E68C},
+ {"lavender", 0xE6E6FA},
+ {"lavenderblush", 0xFFF0F5},
+ {"lawngreen", 0x7CFC00},
+ {"lemonchiffon", 0xFFFACD},
+ {"lightblue", 0xADD8E6},
+ {"lightcoral", 0xF08080},
+ {"lightcyan", 0xE0FFFF},
+ {"lightgoldenrodyellow", 0xFAFAD2},
+ {"lightgray", 0xD3D3D3},
+ {"lightgreen", 0x90EE90},
+ {"lightgrey", 0xD3D3D3},
+ {"lightpink", 0xFFB6C1},
+ {"lightsalmon", 0xFFA07A},
+ {"lightseagreen", 0x20B2AA},
+ {"lightskyblue", 0x87CEFA},
+ {"lightslategray", 0x778899},
+ {"lightslategrey", 0x778899},
+ {"lightsteelblue", 0xB0C4DE},
+ {"lightyellow", 0xFFFFE0},
+ {"lime", 0x00FF00},
+ {"limegreen", 0x32CD32},
+ {"linen", 0xFAF0E6},
+ {"magenta", 0xFF00FF},
+ {"maroon", 0x800000},
+ {"mediumaquamarine", 0x66CDAA},
+ {"mediumblue", 0x0000CD},
+ {"mediumorchid", 0xBA55D3},
+ {"mediumpurple", 0x9370DB},
+ {"mediumseagreen", 0x3CB371},
+ {"mediumslateblue", 0x7B68EE},
+ {"mediumspringgreen", 0x00FA9A},
+ {"mediumturquoise", 0x48D1CC},
+ {"mediumvioletred", 0xC71585},
+ {"midnightblue", 0x191970},
+ {"mintcream", 0xF5FFFA},
+ {"mistyrose", 0xFFE4E1},
+ {"moccasin", 0xFFE4B5},
+ {"navajowhite", 0xFFDEAD},
+ {"navy", 0x000080},
+ {"oldlace", 0xFDF5E6},
+ {"olive", 0x808000},
+ {"olivedrab", 0x6B8E23},
+ {"orange", 0xFFA500},
+ {"orangered", 0xFF4500},
+ {"orchid", 0xDA70D6},
+ {"palegoldenrod", 0xEEE8AA},
+ {"palegreen", 0x98FB98},
+ {"paleturquoise", 0xAFEEEE},
+ {"palevioletred", 0xDB7093},
+ {"papayawhip", 0xFFEFD5},
+ {"peachpuff", 0xFFDAB9},
+ {"peru", 0xCD853F},
+ {"pink", 0xFFC0CB},
+ {"plum", 0xDDA0DD},
+ {"powderblue", 0xB0E0E6},
+ {"purple", 0x800080},
+ {"red", 0xFF0000},
+ {"rosybrown", 0xBC8F8F},
+ {"royalblue", 0x4169E1},
+ {"saddlebrown", 0x8B4513},
+ {"salmon", 0xFA8072},
+ {"sandybrown", 0xF4A460},
+ {"seagreen", 0x2E8B57},
+ {"seashell", 0xFFF5EE},
+ {"sienna", 0xA0522D},
+ {"silver", 0xC0C0C0},
+ {"skyblue", 0x87CEEB},
+ {"slateblue", 0x6A5ACD},
+ {"slategray", 0x708090},
+ {"slategrey", 0x708090},
+ {"snow", 0xFFFAFA},
+ {"springgreen", 0x00FF7F},
+ {"steelblue", 0x4682B4},
+ {"tan", 0xD2B48C},
+ {"teal", 0x008080},
+ {"thistle", 0xD8BFD8},
+ {"tomato", 0xFF6347},
+ {"turquoise", 0x40E0D0},
+ {"violet", 0xEE82EE},
+ {"wheat", 0xF5DEB3},
+ {"white", 0xFFFFFF},
+ {"whitesmoke", 0xF5F5F5},
+ {"yellow", 0xFFFF00},
+ {"yellowgreen", 0x9ACD32},
+/* Read the HTML-style attribute starting at *s, and skip *s past the value.
+ * Set attr and val to the parsed attribute name and value.
+ * Return 0 on success, or -1 if no valid attribute was found.
+ */
+static int read_attr(char **s, struct bstr *attr, struct bstr *val)
+ char *eq = strchr(*s, '=');
+ if (!eq)
+ return -1;
+ attr->start = *s;
+ attr->len = eq - *s;
+ for (int i = 0; i < attr->len; i++)
+ if (!isalnum(attr->start[i]))
+ return -1;
+ val->start = eq + 1;
+ bool quoted = val->start[0] == '"';
+ if (quoted)
+ val->start++;
+ unsigned char *end = strpbrk(val->start, quoted ? "\"" : " >");
+ if (!end)
+ return -1;
+ val->len = end - val->start;
+ *s = end + quoted;
+ return 0;
+static void convert_subrip(const char *orig, char *dest, int dest_buffer_size)
+ /* line is not const to avoid warnings with strtol, etc.
+ * orig content won't be changed */
+ char *line = (char *)orig;
+ struct line new_line = {
+ .buf = dest,
+ .bufsize = dest_buffer_size,
+ };
+ struct font_tag font_stack[SUBRIP_MAX_STACKED_FONT_TAGS + 1];
+ font_stack[0] = (struct font_tag){0}; // type with all defaults
+ int sp = 0;
+ while (*line && new_line.len < new_line.bufsize - 1) {
+ char *orig_line = line;
+ for (int i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(subrip_basic_tags); i++) {
+ const struct tag_conv *tag = &subrip_basic_tags[i];
+ int from_len = strlen(tag->from);
+ if (strncmp(line, tag->from, from_len) == 0) {
+ append_text(&new_line, "%s", tag->to);
+ line += from_len;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strncmp(line, "</font>", 7) == 0) {
+ /* Closing font tag */
+ line += 7;
+ if (sp > 0) {
+ struct font_tag *tag = &font_stack[sp];
+ struct font_tag *last_tag = &tag[-1];
+ sp--;
+ if (tag->has_size) {
+ if (!last_tag->has_size)
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\fs}");
+ else if (last_tag->size != tag->size)
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\fs%d}", last_tag->size);
+ }
+ if (tag->has_color) {
+ if (!last_tag->has_color)
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\c}");
+ else if (last_tag->color != tag->color)
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\c&H%06X&}", last_tag->color);
+ }
+ if (tag->has_face) {
+ if (!last_tag->has_face)
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\fn}");
+ else if (bstrcmp(last_tag->face, tag->face) != 0)
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\fn%.*s}",
+ BSTR_P(last_tag->face));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (strncmp(line, "<font ", 6) == 0
+ && sp + 1 < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(font_stack)) {
+ /* Opening font tag */
+ char *potential_font_tag_start = line;
+ int len_backup = new_line.len;
+ struct font_tag *tag = &font_stack[sp + 1];
+ bool has_valid_attr = false;
+ *tag = tag[-1]; // keep values from previous tag
+ line += 6;
+ while (*line && *line != '>') {
+ if (*line == ' ') {
+ line++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ struct bstr attr, val;
+ if (read_attr(&line, &attr, &val) < 0)
+ break;
+ if (!bstrcmp0(attr, "size")) {
+ tag->size = bstrtoll(val, &val, 10);
+ if (val.len)
+ break;
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\fs%d}", tag->size);
+ tag->has_size = true;
+ has_valid_attr = true;
+ } else if (!bstrcmp0(attr, "color")) {
+ int found = 0;
+ // Try to lookup the string in standard web colors
+ for (int i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(subrip_web_colors); i++) {
+ char *color = subrip_web_colors[i].s;
+ if (bstrcasecmp(val, bstr0(color)) == 0) {
+ uint32_t xcolor = subrip_web_colors[i].v;
+ tag->color = ((xcolor & 0xff) << 16)
+ | (xcolor & 0xff00)
+ | ((xcolor & 0xff0000) >> 16);
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // If it's not a web color it must be a HEX RGB value
+ if (!found) {
+ // Remove the leading '#'
+ bstr_eatstart(&val, bstr0("#"));
+ // Sometimes there are two '#'
+ bstr_eatstart(&val, bstr0("#"));
+ // Parse RRGGBB format
+ tag->color = bstrtoll(val, &val, 16) & 0x00ffffff;
+ if (!val.len) {
+ tag->color = ((tag->color & 0xff) << 16)
+ | (tag->color & 0xff00)
+ | ((tag->color & 0xff0000) >> 16);
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\c&H%06X&}", tag->color);
+ tag->has_color = true;
+ } else {
+ // We didn't find any matching color
+ "SubRip: unknown font color in subtitle: >%s<\n",
+ orig);
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\c}");
+ }
+ has_valid_attr = true;
+ } else if (!bstrcmp0(attr, "face")) {
+ /* Font face attribute */
+ tag->face = val;
+ append_text(&new_line, "{\\fn%.*s}", BSTR_P(tag->face));
+ tag->has_face = true;
+ has_valid_attr = true;
+ } else
+ mp_tmsg(MSGT_SUBREADER, MSGL_WARN,"SubRip: unrecognized "
+ "attribute \"%.*s\" in font tag\n", BSTR_P(attr));
+ }
+ if (!has_valid_attr || *line != '>') { /* Not valid font tag */
+ line = potential_font_tag_start;
+ new_line.len = len_backup;
+ } else {
+ sp++;
+ line++;
+ }
+ } else if (*line == '{') {
+ char *end = strchr(line, '}');
+ if (line[1] == '\\' && end) {
+ // Likely ASS tag, pass them through
+ // Note that ASS tags like {something\an8} are legal too (i.e.
+ // the first character after '{' doesn't have to be '\'), but
+ // consider these fringe cases not worth supporting.
+ append_text_n(&new_line, line, end - line + 1);
+ line = end + 1;
+ } else {
+ append_text(&new_line, "\\{");
+ line++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Tag conversion code didn't match */
+ if (line == orig_line)
+ new_line.buf[new_line.len++] = *line++;
+ }
+ new_line.buf[new_line.len] = 0;
+static const char *srt_ass_extradata =
+ "[Script Info]\n"
+ "ScriptType: v4.00+\n"
+ "PlayResX: 384\n"
+ "PlayResY: 288\n";
+static bool supports_format(const char *format)
+ return format && (strcmp(format, "subrip") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(format, "text") == 0);
+static int init(struct sd *sd)
+ sd->output_codec = "ass-text";
+ sd->output_extradata = (char *)srt_ass_extradata;
+ sd->output_extradata_len = strlen(sd->output_extradata);
+ return 0;
+static void decode(struct sd *sd, struct demux_packet *packet)
+ char dest[SD_MAX_LINE_LEN];
+ // Assume input buffer is padded with 0
+ convert_subrip(packet->buffer, dest, sizeof(dest));
+ sd_conv_add_packet(sd, dest, strlen(dest), packet->pts, packet->duration);
+const struct sd_functions sd_srt = {
+ .name = "srt",
+ .supports_format = supports_format,
+ .init = init,
+ .decode = decode,
+ .get_converted = sd_conv_def_get_converted,
+ .reset = sd_conv_def_reset,