/* Copyright 2006-2008 Robert Nelson $Date: 2008-08-19 03:03:38 -0700 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) $ $Revision: 193 $ This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for complete details. */ /* * This is the SCSI commands for Windows. */ #include #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #else #include #endif #define SCSI_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 300 /* 1 minutes */ #define SCSI_MAX_TIMEOUT 108000 /* 30 hours */ typedef struct _HANDLE_ENTRY { HANDLE hDevice; UCHAR PortId; UCHAR PathId; UCHAR TargetId; UCHAR Lun; } HANDLE_ENTRY, *PHANDLE_ENTRY; PHANDLE_ENTRY HandleTable = NULL; int nEntries = 0; DEVICE_TYPE SCSI_OpenDevice(char *DeviceName) { int DeviceIndex; TCHAR szDevicePath[256]; int nColons = 0; int index; int port, path, target, lun; for (DeviceIndex = 0; DeviceIndex < nEntries; DeviceIndex++) { if (HandleTable[DeviceIndex].hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) break; } if (DeviceIndex >= nEntries) { PHANDLE_ENTRY pNewTable; nEntries += 4; if (HandleTable == NULL) { pNewTable = (PHANDLE_ENTRY)malloc(nEntries * sizeof(HANDLE_ENTRY)); } else { pNewTable = (PHANDLE_ENTRY)realloc(HandleTable, nEntries * sizeof(HANDLE_ENTRY)); } if (pNewTable == NULL) { FatalError("cannot open SCSI device '%s' - %m\n", DeviceName); } HandleTable = pNewTable; } for (index = 0; DeviceName[index] != '\0'; index++) { if (DeviceName[index] == ':') nColons++; else if (DeviceName[index] < '0' || DeviceName[index] > '9') break; } if (DeviceName[index] == '\0' && nColons == 3 && sscanf(DeviceName, "%d:%d:%d:%d", &port, &path, &target, &lun) == 4) { HandleTable[DeviceIndex].PortId = (UCHAR)port; HandleTable[DeviceIndex].PathId = (UCHAR)path; HandleTable[DeviceIndex].TargetId = (UCHAR)target; HandleTable[DeviceIndex].Lun = (UCHAR)lun; sprintf(szDevicePath, "\\\\.\\scsi%d:", port); } else { int nPrefixLength = 0; if (DeviceName[0] != '\\') { memcpy(szDevicePath, "\\\\.\\", 4 * sizeof(TCHAR)); nPrefixLength = 4; } HandleTable[DeviceIndex].PortId = 0; HandleTable[DeviceIndex].PathId = 0; HandleTable[DeviceIndex].TargetId = 0; HandleTable[DeviceIndex].Lun = 0; strncpy(&szDevicePath[nPrefixLength], DeviceName, sizeof(szDevicePath) / sizeof(TCHAR) - nPrefixLength - 1); szDevicePath[sizeof(szDevicePath) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = '\0'; } HandleTable[DeviceIndex].hDevice = CreateFile(szDevicePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (HandleTable[DeviceIndex].hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); #if DEBUG LPSTR lpszMessage; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, 0, (LPSTR)&lpszMessage, 0, NULL); fputs(lpszMessage, stderr); #endif switch (dwError) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: errno = ENOENT; break; case ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: errno = EMFILE; break; default: case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: case ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION: case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: errno = EACCES; break; case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: errno = EEXIST; break; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: errno = EINVAL; break; } FatalError("cannot open SCSI device '%s' - %m\n", DeviceName); } return DeviceIndex; } static int scsi_timeout = SCSI_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; void SCSI_Set_Timeout(int secs) { if (secs > SCSI_MAX_TIMEOUT) { secs = SCSI_MAX_TIMEOUT; } scsi_timeout = secs; } void SCSI_Default_Timeout(void) { scsi_timeout = SCSI_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; } void SCSI_CloseDevice(char *DeviceName, DEVICE_TYPE DeviceFD) { if (DeviceFD < nEntries) { CloseHandle(HandleTable[DeviceFD].hDevice); HandleTable[DeviceFD].hDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { errno = EBADF; FatalError("cannot close SCSI device '%s' - %m\n", DeviceName); } } /* Get the SCSI ID and LUN... */ scsi_id_t *SCSI_GetIDLun(DEVICE_TYPE fd) { scsi_id_t * retval; SCSI_ADDRESS ScsiAddress; BOOL bResult; DWORD dwBytesReturned; if (fd < nEntries) { retval = (scsi_id_t *)xmalloc(sizeof(scsi_id_t)); retval->id = HandleTable[fd].TargetId; retval->lun = HandleTable[fd].Lun; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"SCSI:ID=%d LUN=%d\n", retval->id, retval->lun); #endif return retval; } else { errno = EBADF; FatalError("cannot close SCSI device - %m\n"); } memset(&ScsiAddress, 0, sizeof(ScsiAddress)); ScsiAddress.Length = sizeof(ScsiAddress); bResult = DeviceIoControl( HandleTable[fd].hDevice, IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, &ScsiAddress, sizeof(ScsiAddress), &ScsiAddress, sizeof(ScsiAddress), &dwBytesReturned, NULL); if (!bResult) { return NULL; } retval = (scsi_id_t *)xmalloc(sizeof(scsi_id_t)); retval->id = ScsiAddress.TargetId; retval->lun = ScsiAddress.Lun; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"SCSI:ID=%d LUN=%d\n",retval->id,retval->lun); #endif return retval; } int SCSI_ExecuteCommand(DEVICE_TYPE DeviceFD, Direction_T Direction, CDB_T *CDB, int CDB_Length, void *DataBuffer, int DataBufferLength, RequestSense_T *RequestSense) { PSCSI_PASS_THROUGH ScsiPassThrough; const DWORD dwDataBufferOffset = sizeof(SCSI_PASS_THROUGH) + (sizeof(RequestSense_T) + 3) / 4 * 4; const DWORD dwBufferSize = dwDataBufferOffset + DataBufferLength; BOOL bResult; DWORD dwBytesReturned; DWORD dwInputLength; DWORD dwOutputLength; if (DeviceFD >= nEntries || HandleTable[DeviceFD].hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { errno = EBADF; return -1; } ScsiPassThrough = (PSCSI_PASS_THROUGH)malloc(dwBufferSize); memset(ScsiPassThrough, 0, dwDataBufferOffset); ScsiPassThrough->Length = sizeof(SCSI_PASS_THROUGH); ScsiPassThrough->PathId = HandleTable[DeviceFD].PathId; ScsiPassThrough->TargetId = HandleTable[DeviceFD].TargetId; ScsiPassThrough->Lun = HandleTable[DeviceFD].Lun; ScsiPassThrough->CdbLength = (UCHAR)CDB_Length; ScsiPassThrough->DataIn = Direction == Input; ScsiPassThrough->DataBufferOffset = dwDataBufferOffset; ScsiPassThrough->DataTransferLength = DataBufferLength; ScsiPassThrough->SenseInfoOffset = sizeof(SCSI_PASS_THROUGH); ScsiPassThrough->SenseInfoLength = sizeof(RequestSense_T); ScsiPassThrough->TimeOutValue = scsi_timeout; memcpy(ScsiPassThrough->Cdb, CDB, CDB_Length); dwBytesReturned = 0; if (Direction == Output) { memcpy((void *)(((char *)ScsiPassThrough) + dwDataBufferOffset), DataBuffer, DataBufferLength); dwInputLength = dwBufferSize; dwOutputLength = dwDataBufferOffset; } else { dwInputLength = sizeof(SCSI_PASS_THROUGH); dwOutputLength = dwBufferSize; } bResult = DeviceIoControl( HandleTable[DeviceFD].hDevice, IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH, ScsiPassThrough, dwInputLength, ScsiPassThrough, dwOutputLength, &dwBytesReturned, NULL); if (bResult) { if (ScsiPassThrough->ScsiStatus != 0) { memcpy(RequestSense, &ScsiPassThrough[1], sizeof(RequestSense_T)); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Command failed - ScsiStatus = %d\n", ScsiPassThrough->ScsiStatus); PrintRequestSense(RequestSense); #endif bResult = false; } else { if (Direction == Input) { memcpy( DataBuffer, (void *)(((char *)ScsiPassThrough) + dwDataBufferOffset), DataBufferLength); } } } else { #if DEBUG DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LPSTR lpszMessage; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, 0, (LPSTR)&lpszMessage, 0, NULL); fputs(lpszMessage, stderr); LocalFree(lpszMessage); #endif memset(RequestSense, 0, sizeof(RequestSense_T)); } free(ScsiPassThrough); return bResult ? 0 : -1; }