--$Id: fastadl.asn,v 6.4 2001/11/02 21:44:54 camacho Exp $ -- -- Notes: -- -- taxonomy: an integer is proposed, which would require some sort of -- table (or network connection) to do the conversions from integer -- to various names. This could save quite a bit of space for databases -- that are predominantly of one organism (e.g., human in htgs). -- I've proposed here that table contain scientific-, common-, and -- blast-names at the advice of Scott Federhen. Scott also was in -- favor of having the complete lineage in the file, but it seems like -- this would be seldom used and we could have a view with a link back -- to the taxonomy page for anyone needing it. Since one file would -- suffice for all blast databases, it seems like this should be a new file. -- -- memberships: a sequence of integers is proposed. Each bit of an integer -- would indicate membership in some (virtual) blast database (e.g., pdb, -- swissprot) or some classification (e.g., mRNA, genomic). -- -- links: a sequence of integers is proposed. Each bit of an integer would -- indicate a link that could be established based upon the gi of the -- database sequence. -- -- $Revision: 6.4 $ -- -- $Log: fastadl.asn,v $ -- Revision 6.4 2001/11/02 21:44:54 camacho -- Make title and taxid optional fields -- -- Revision 6.3 2001/04/02 15:08:53 madden -- Add other-info SEQUENCE OF INTEGER for future use -- -- Revision 6.2 2001/03/29 19:03:40 madden -- Minor change for consistency -- -- Revision 6.1 2000/09/14 20:05:00 shavirin -- Initial revision. -- -- NCBI-BlastDL DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS Blast-def-line-set, Blast-def-line; IMPORTS Seq-id FROM NCBI-Seqloc; Blast-def-line-set ::= SEQUENCE OF Blast-def-line -- all deflines for an entry Blast-def-line ::= SEQUENCE { title VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- simple title seqid SEQUENCE OF Seq-id, -- Regular NCBI Seq-Id taxid INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- taxonomy id memberships SEQUENCE OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- bit arrays links SEQUENCE OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- bit arrays other-info SEQUENCE OF INTEGER OPTIONAL -- for future use (probably genomic sequences) } END