/* $Id: organelle_products.inc,v 1.1 2012/01/20 20:54:43 kans Exp $ * =========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== * * Author: Jonathan Kans et al. * * File Description: * Built-in copy of organelle_products.txt. * */ static const char* const s_Defaultorganelleproducts[] = { "Suspect-rule-set ::= {", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"cytochrome oxidase subunit\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"cytochrome c oxidase subunit\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"NADH dehydrogenase subunit\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"cytochrome b\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"ATP synthase F0\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"photosystem I\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"PsbA\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"PsbB\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"PsbT\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"PsbH\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"maturase K\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"ATPase subunit 6\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"ATPase subunit 8\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } ,", " {", " find", " string-constraint {", " match-text \"matK\" ,", " match-location contains ,", " case-sensitive FALSE ,", " ignore-space FALSE ,", " ignore-punct FALSE ,", " whole-word FALSE ,", " not-present FALSE } ,", " rule-type none } }" };