--$Revision: 6.0 $ --********************************************************************** -- -- NCBI Sequence Feature Definition Module -- by James Ostell, 1994 -- --********************************************************************** NCBI-FeatDef DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS FeatDef, FeatDefSet, FeatDispGroup, FeatDispGroupSet; FeatDef ::= SEQUENCE { typelabel VisibleString , -- short label for type eg "CDS" menulabel VisibleString , -- label for a menu eg "Coding Region" featdef-key INTEGER , -- unique for this feature definition seqfeat-key INTEGER , -- SeqFeat.data.choice from objfeat.h entrygroup INTEGER , -- Group for data entry displaygroup INTEGER , -- Group for data display molgroup FeatMolType -- Type of Molecule used for } FeatMolType ::= ENUMERATED { aa (1), -- proteins na (2), -- nucleic acids both (3) } -- both FeatDefSet ::= SEQUENCE OF FeatDef -- collections of defintions FeatDispGroup ::= SEQUENCE { groupkey INTEGER , groupname VisibleString } FeatDispGroupSet ::= SEQUENCE OF FeatDispGroup FeatDefGroupSet ::= SEQUENCE { groups FeatDispGroupSet , defs FeatDefSet } END