/* $Id: ncbi_socket_connector.c,v 6.36 2015/03/20 16:49:18 kazimird Exp $ * =========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== * * Author: Denis Vakatov, Anton Lavrentiev * * File Description: * Implement CONNECTOR for a network socket(based on the NCBI "SOCK"). * * See in "connectr.h" for the detailed specification of the underlying * connector("CONNECTOR", "SConnectorTag") methods and structures. * */ #include "ncbi_ansi_ext.h" #include "ncbi_assert.h" #include "ncbi_priv.h" #include "ncbi_socketp.h" #include #include #include #define NCBI_USE_ERRCODE_X Connect_Socket #define MAX_IP_ADDR_LEN 16 /* sizeof("") */ /*********************************************************************** * INTERNAL -- Auxiliary types and static functions ***********************************************************************/ /* All internal data necessary to perform the (re)connect and I/O. * NOTE: sock must come first! */ typedef struct { SOCK sock; /* socket; NULL if not connected yet */ const char* host; /* server: host */ unsigned short port; /* server: service port */ unsigned short try_own; /* max.number of attempts to establish conn */ TSOCK_Flags flags; /* see socket flags in ncbi_socket.h */ size_t size; /* size of the "data" buffer */ const void* data; /* data to send to the server on connect */ } SSockConnector; /*ARGSUSED*/ #ifdef __GNUC__ inline #endif /*__GNUC__*/ static const char* x_GetType(SSockConnector* xxx) { return g_kNcbiSockNameAbbr; /*NB: Important!*/ } static char* x_Descr(SSockConnector* xxx) { size_t hostlen, portlen; char* buf, port[16]; if (!xxx->host) return 0; if (!xxx->port && *xxx->host) { portlen = 1/*EOL*/; port[0] = '\0'; } else portlen = (size_t) sprintf(port, ":%hu", xxx->port) + 1/*EOL*/; hostlen = strlen(xxx->host); buf = (char*) malloc(hostlen + portlen); if (buf) { memcpy(buf, xxx->host, hostlen); memcpy(buf + hostlen, port, portlen); } return buf; } /*********************************************************************** * INTERNAL -- "s_VT_*" functions for the "virt. table" of connector methods ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ static const char* s_VT_GetType (CONNECTOR connector); static char* s_VT_Descr (CONNECTOR connector); static EIO_Status s_VT_Open (CONNECTOR connector, const STimeout* timeout); static EIO_Status s_VT_Wait (CONNECTOR connector, EIO_Event event, const STimeout* timeout); static EIO_Status s_VT_Write (CONNECTOR connector, const void* buf, size_t size, size_t* n_written, const STimeout* timeout); static EIO_Status s_VT_Read (CONNECTOR connector, void* buf, size_t size, size_t* n_read, const STimeout* timeout); static EIO_Status s_VT_Status (CONNECTOR connector, EIO_Event dir); static EIO_Status s_VT_Close (CONNECTOR connector, const STimeout* timeout); static void s_Setup (CONNECTOR connector); static void s_Destroy (CONNECTOR connector); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ static const char* s_VT_GetType (CONNECTOR connector) { return x_GetType((SSockConnector*) connector->handle); } static char* s_VT_Descr (CONNECTOR connector) { return x_Descr((SSockConnector*) connector->handle); } static EIO_Status s_VT_Open (CONNECTOR connector, const STimeout* timeout) { SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle; EIO_Status status = eIO_Success; if (!xxx->sock) { unsigned short n; if (!xxx->port) return eIO_Closed; assert(xxx->try_own); for (n = 0; n < xxx->try_own; ++n) { /* connect */ status = SOCK_CreateEx(xxx->host, xxx->port, timeout, &xxx->sock, xxx->data, xxx->size, xxx->flags); if (xxx->sock) break; assert(status != eIO_Success); } if (!xxx->sock && xxx->try_own > 1) { char* descr = x_Descr(xxx); CORE_LOGF_X(163, eLOG_Error, ("[%s%s%s] Too many failed attempts (%hu), giving up", x_GetType(xxx), descr && *descr ? "; " : "", descr ? descr : "", xxx->try_own)); if (descr) free(descr); } } assert(!xxx->sock ^ !(status != eIO_Success)); return status; } static EIO_Status s_VT_Wait (CONNECTOR connector, EIO_Event event, const STimeout* timeout) { SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle; assert(event == eIO_Read || event == eIO_Write); assert(xxx->sock); return SOCK_Wait(xxx->sock, event, timeout); } static EIO_Status s_VT_Write (CONNECTOR connector, const void* buf, size_t size, size_t* n_written, const STimeout* timeout) { SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle; assert(xxx->sock); verify(SOCK_SetTimeout(xxx->sock, eIO_Write, timeout) == eIO_Success); return SOCK_Write(xxx->sock, buf, size, n_written, eIO_WritePlain); } static EIO_Status s_VT_Read (CONNECTOR connector, void* buf, size_t size, size_t* n_read, const STimeout* timeout) { SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle; assert(xxx->sock); verify(SOCK_SetTimeout(xxx->sock, eIO_Read, timeout) == eIO_Success); return SOCK_Read(xxx->sock, buf, size, n_read, eIO_ReadPlain); } static EIO_Status s_VT_Status (CONNECTOR connector, EIO_Event dir) { SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle; assert(xxx->sock); return SOCK_Status(xxx->sock, dir); } static EIO_Status s_VT_Close (CONNECTOR connector, const STimeout* timeout) { SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle; EIO_Status status = eIO_Success; assert(xxx->sock); if (xxx->try_own) { SOCK_SetTimeout(xxx->sock, eIO_Close, timeout); status = SOCK_Close(xxx->sock); } xxx->sock = 0; return status; } static void s_Setup (CONNECTOR connector) { SMetaConnector* meta = connector->meta; /* initialize virtual table */ CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, get_type, s_VT_GetType, connector); CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, descr, s_VT_Descr, connector); CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, open, s_VT_Open, connector); CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, wait, s_VT_Wait, connector); CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, write, s_VT_Write, connector); CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, flush, 0, 0); CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, read, s_VT_Read, connector); CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, status, s_VT_Status, connector); CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, close, s_VT_Close, connector); meta->default_timeout = kInfiniteTimeout; } static void s_Destroy (CONNECTOR connector) { SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle; connector->handle = 0; xxx->data = 0; xxx->size = 0; xxx->host = 0; free(xxx); free(connector); } static CONNECTOR s_Init (SOCK sock, const char* host, unsigned short port, unsigned short try_own, const void* data, size_t size, TSOCK_Flags flags) { CONNECTOR ccc; SSockConnector* xxx; /* some sanity checks */ assert(!sock || !(size || data || flags)); if (!(ccc = (SConnector*) malloc(sizeof(SConnector)))) return 0; if (!(xxx = (SSockConnector*) malloc(sizeof(*xxx) + (data ? size : 0) + (host ? strlen(host) + 1 : MAX_IP_ADDR_LEN)))) { free(ccc); return 0; } /* initialize internal data structures */ if (sock || !host || !port) { xxx->sock = sock; xxx->size = 0; xxx->data = 0; if (host) { xxx->host = strcpy((char*) xxx + sizeof(*xxx), host); xxx->port = 0; } else if (sock) { unsigned int x_host; char* addr = (char*) xxx + sizeof(*xxx); SOCK_GetPeerAddress(sock, &x_host, &xxx->port, eNH_HostByteOrder); SOCK_ntoa(SOCK_HostToNetLong(x_host), addr, MAX_IP_ADDR_LEN); xxx->host = addr; assert(xxx->port); } else { /* this denotes invalid state */ xxx->host = 0; xxx->port = 0; } xxx->try_own = try_own ? 1 : 0; } else { char* temp = (char*) xxx + sizeof(*xxx); xxx->sock = 0; if (data) { xxx->size = size; xxx->data = size ? memcpy(temp, data, size) : 0; } else { xxx->size = 0; xxx->data = 0; } xxx->host = strcpy(temp + xxx->size, host); xxx->port = port; xxx->try_own = try_own ? try_own : 1; xxx->flags = flags; } /* initialize connector data */ ccc->handle = xxx; ccc->next = 0; ccc->meta = 0; ccc->setup = s_Setup; ccc->destroy = s_Destroy; return ccc; } /*********************************************************************** * EXTERNAL -- the connector's "constructors" ***********************************************************************/ extern CONNECTOR SOCK_CreateConnector (const char* host, unsigned short port, unsigned short max_try) { return s_Init(0, host, port, max_try, 0, 0, fSOCK_LogDefault); } extern CONNECTOR SOCK_CreateConnectorEx (const char* host, unsigned short port, unsigned short max_try, const void* data, size_t size, TSOCK_Flags flags) { return s_Init(0, host, port, max_try, data, size, flags); } extern CONNECTOR SOCK_CreateConnectorOnTop (SOCK sock, unsigned short/*bool*/ own_sock) { return s_Init(sock, 0, 0, own_sock, 0, 0, 0); } extern CONNECTOR SOCK_CreateConnectorOnTopEx (SOCK sock, unsigned short/*bool*/ own_sock, const char* hostport) { return s_Init(sock, hostport, 0, own_sock, 0, 0, 0); }