/* $Id: ddvcreate.c,v 1.66 2001/02/01 00:39:53 lewisg Exp $ * =========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction. * We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in * any work or product based on this material * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * =========================================================================== * * File Name: ddvcreate.c * * Author: Sarah Wheelan * * Version Creation Date: 08/99 * * $Revision: 1.66 $ * * File Description: * * Modifications: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Log: ddvcreate.c,v $ * Revision 1.66 2001/02/01 00:39:53 lewisg * fix leak * * Revision 1.65 2001/01/29 20:35:49 hurwitz * make gap between aligned blocks optional * * Revision 1.64 2001/01/25 21:49:14 hurwitz * added option for extra gap char (tilde) between aligned blocks * * Revision 1.63 2001/01/19 22:05:40 wheelan * took out small spaces created by UABuildDescriptor * * Revision 1.62 2001/01/10 23:38:39 lewisg * fix seqid and various memory leaks * * Revision 1.61 2000/09/08 21:50:38 hurwitz * made DDV_ReadSeqBin public * * Revision 1.60 2000/09/06 17:41:26 shavirin * Fixed bug with printing gaps with discontinuous alignment. * * Revision 1.59 2000/08/25 18:55:27 shavirin * Changed layout - unaligned regions will be always in lower characters. * * Revision 1.58 2000/08/22 19:59:28 shavirin * Changed layout no.1 - it will be used for standalone blast with * decline-to-align parameter not = 0 * * Revision 1.57 2000/07/19 18:46:19 bauer * Fixed bug in DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_EX * * Revision 1.56 2000/06/29 23:15:13 hurwitz * leave single space between aligned blocks with no unaligned sequence between them, no auto-merge of adjacent aligned blocks * * Revision 1.55 2000/06/22 20:56:52 hurwitz * assorted bug fixes * * Revision 1.54 2000/06/13 18:23:55 hurwitz * made ViewMgr_MakeMultiple routine, call this on each launch of DDE rather than launch of DDV * * Revision 1.53 2000/06/12 23:02:40 hurwitz * enable launch of DDE from Cn3D, swith from DDV_ComputeRuler to DDE_ReMakeRuler, get rid of styles option for DDE * * Revision 1.52 2000/06/08 20:04:38 hurwitz * made warning about converting to true multiple alignment into a Message window, and other small fixes * * Revision 1.51 2000/06/07 19:09:36 hurwitz * made DDE_ReMakeRuler work with linked list of ParaGs * * Revision 1.50 2000/05/10 16:17:00 hurwitz * can show tails for just 1 aligned block * * Revision 1.49 2000/05/08 13:16:00 wheelan * replaced segment-based counting with block-based counting * * Revision 1.48 2000/05/04 22:43:38 hurwitz * don't launch DDE on top of DDV, change some wording, redraw DDE after save to AlnMgr * * Revision 1.47 2000/05/03 19:34:38 wheelan * added fix for NULL alignments * * Revision 1.46 2000/05/03 14:51:02 thiessen * revert to ~ gap char for Cn3D * * Revision 1.45 2000/04/21 23:00:50 hurwitz * can launch DDE from DDV * * Revision 1.44 2000/04/19 19:08:23 hurwitz * problem with justification of flanking unaligned regions fixed * * Revision 1.43 2000/04/19 15:45:50 hurwitz * can create display for a block * * Revision 1.42 2000/04/06 17:59:50 durand * fixed a conflict between BLAST and DDV in the use of the function DDV_SetSTyle * * Revision 1.41 2000/04/04 19:08:00 durand * add new BLAST color schemas; fixed a bug in DDV_PopulateDisplayForDisc * * Revision 1.40 2000/03/31 21:33:07 durand * added new default color schemas for BLAST * * Revision 1.39 2000/03/28 21:20:07 shavirin * Adjusted for correct structure of BLAST location mask. * * Revision 1.38 2000/03/28 17:08:17 durand * removed debugging code lines * * Revision 1.37 2000/03/27 14:19:28 durand * fixed bugs in BLAST outputs * * Revision 1.36 2000/03/21 19:26:45 durand * adapt ddvcreate to be used by pgppop * * Revision 1.35 2000/03/20 13:46:23 durand * fixed a bug in BLAST functions; added DDV_BLAST_COLOR0 to produce a BLAST output without any layout * * Revision 1.34 2000/02/28 16:52:47 durand * wrote a new manager for unaligned regions * * Revision 1.33 2000/02/23 21:34:29 durand * allow custom display of gap characters * * Revision 1.32 2000/02/23 19:49:33 durand * use row number instead of SeqId for coloring * * Revision 1.31 2000/02/17 15:54:56 durand * use ~ for an unaligned gap and - for an aligned gap * * Revision 1.30 2000/02/15 22:40:57 lewisg * add ability to launch udv so that it colors by row, fixes to colormgr, track rows from viewmgr, fix visual c projects * * Revision 1.29 2000/02/14 16:49:33 durand * add new options for BLAST output * * Revision 1.28 2000/02/11 13:58:21 wheelan * bug fix for unaligned region of length 0 (Durand) * * Revision 1.27 2000/02/07 14:03:35 durand * replace BioseqUnlockById by BioseqUnlock * * Revision 1.26 2000/02/05 01:32:22 lewisg * add viewmgr, move place freeing is done in ddv, modify visual c++ projects * * Revision 1.25 2000/02/02 14:44:30 durand * added function to create data structure for block editor, fixed some bugs * * Revision 1.24 2000/01/26 13:38:54 durand * update the GUI for the editor. Add functions to create the data to be used by the editor * * Revision 1.23 1999/12/29 22:55:03 lewisg * get rid of seqalign id * * Revision 1.22 1999/12/20 20:20:41 lewisg * allow cn3d to do color and ddv to do case when both are running * * Revision 1.21 1999/12/20 14:45:37 durand * add new functions for the new BLAST outputs * * Revision 1.20 1999/12/08 22:42:17 durand * add the code to produce colored BLAST outputs * * Revision 1.19 1999/12/03 23:17:22 lewisg * Patrick's new global update msg, argument passing when launching ddv, experimental editing * * Revision 1.18 1999/12/03 18:24:08 durand * gapped regions are displayed using lower cases; BLAST outputs * * Revision 1.17 1999/12/03 13:23:08 durand * replace AlnMgrGetNumSeqs by AlnMgrGetNumRows * * Revision 1.16 1999/12/02 14:46:42 durand * fix a bug in UABuildDescriptor; problem with unaligned region of size 0 * * Revision 1.15 1999/11/24 21:26:29 vakatov * Fixed for the C++ and/or MSVC DLL compilation * * Revision 1.14 1999/11/17 22:44:02 durand * speed up the selection manager for large SeqAlign * * Revision 1.13 1999/11/09 22:14:01 shavirin * Added parameter follower to the Blast score printing function * * Revision 1.12 1999/11/09 17:08:59 durand * transfer some functions from ddvgraph to ddvcreate, so that ddvcreate remains Vibrant free and can be compiled with BLAST * * Revision 1.11 1999/11/03 21:29:48 durand * add CTRL and SHFT keys for mouse selection. redesign the loader functions of DDV to properly register the message callbacks * * Revision 1.10 1999/10/29 14:15:40 durand * add simple mouse selection functions * * Revision 1.9 1999/10/22 20:12:47 durand * add Export command (text, HTML and Phylip formats) * * Revision 1.8 1999/10/22 14:57:25 durand * use AlnMgrIndexSingleChildSeqAlign to build BLAST output * * Revision 1.7 1999/10/22 13:17:19 durand * remove unreferenced variables to avoid warnings with Visual C * * Revision 1.6 1999/10/20 13:17:19 durand * add display for disc. SeqAlign tails * * Revision 1.5 1999/10/15 21:57:35 durand * add a UI for display options * * Revision 1.4 1999/10/12 15:01:29 lewisg * resolve confict with internal/ddv * * Revision 1.3 1999/10/07 13:36:08 wheelan * bug fixes -- AlnLengths were 1 too long * * Revision 1.2 1999/10/05 14:04:21 wheelan * made DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_2, which creates the display for discontinuous alignments; minor bug fixes * * Revision 1.1 1999/09/30 14:10:25 durand * add ddv to toolkit * * Revision 1.11 1999/09/30 13:38:09 durand * DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex takes ParaG_Size as an argument * * * * ========================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct ddvdataforcolorfunc{ SeqIdPtr sip; Int4 from; Int4 to; Int4 row; Uint1 strand; Boolean IsUnAligned; Uint1 style; Uint1 rgb[3]; Uint1 UAstyle; Uint1 UArgb[3]; } DDVDataForColorFunc, PNTR DDVDataForColorFuncPtr; #define MAX_NCBIstdaa 26 #define MAX_NCBI4na 17 #define DDVCOL_DEFAULT 0 #define DDVCOL_HOTPINK 1 #define DDVCOL_MAGENTA 2 #define DDVCOL_PURPLE 3 #define DDVCOL_BLUE 4 #define DDVCOL_SKY 5 #define DDVCOL_CYAN 6 #define DDVCOL_SEA 7 #define DDVCOL_GREEN 8 #define DDVCOL_YELLOW 9 #define DDVCOL_GOLD 10 #define DDVCOL_ORANGE 11 #define DDVCOL_RED 12 #define DDVCOL_PINK 13 #define DDVCOL_PINKTINT 14 #define DDVCOL_WHITE 15 #define DDVCOL_BLACK 16 #define DDVCOL_BLUETINT 17 #define DDVCOL_GREENTINT 18 #define DDVCOL_YELLOWTINT 19 #define DDVCOL_GRAY 20 #define DDVCOL_BROWN 21 #define DDV_COLOR_MAX 33 static Uint1 DDV_PaletteRGB[DDV_COLOR_MAX][3] = { /* Red Grn Blue Color ColorID Old Hex New Hex */ 255, 255, 255, /* default 0 0xffffff - */ 255, 0, 153, /* hotpink 1 0xff1493 0xff0099 */ 255, 0, 255, /* magenta 2 0xff00ff - */ 153, 51, 255, /* purple 3 0x9b30ff 0x9933ff */ 0, 0, 255, /* blue 4 0x0000ff - */ 00, 153, 255, /* sky 5 0x1e90ff 0x0099ff */ 0, 255, 255, /* cyan 6 0x00ffff - */ 0, 255, 153, /* sea 7 0x00ff8f 0x00ff99 */ 0, 192, 0, /* green 8 0x00ff00 - */ 255, 255, 0, /* yellow 9 0xffff00 - */ 255, 204, 0, /* gold 10 0xffa500 0xffcc00 */ 255, 102, 0, /* orange 11 0xff4500 0xff6600 */ 255, 0, 0, /* red 12 0xff0000 - */ 255, 153, 153, /* pink 13 0xff7256 0xff9999 */ 255, 204, 204, /* pinktint 14 0xffaeb9 0xffcccc */ 255, 255, 255, /* white 15 0xffffff -*/ 0, 0, 0, /* black 16 0x000000 - */ 204, 204, 255, /* bluetint 17 0xb0e2ff - 0xccccff*/ 153, 255, 153, /* greentint 18 0x9aff9a - 0x99ff99 */ 255, 255, 153, /* yellowtint 19 0xffec8b - 0xffff99 */ 102, 102, 102, /* gray 20 0x7d7d7d 0x666666 */ 153, 102, 51, /* brown 21 0x8b5742 01x996633 */ 255, 0, 0, /* perm colors 22: red 0xff0000 - */ 0, 255, 0, /* perm colors 23: green 0x00ff00 - */ 255, 0, 255, /* perm colors 24: magenta 0xff00ff - */ 00, 153, 255, /* perm colors 25: sky 0x1e90ff 0x0099ff */ 153, 51, 255, /* perm colors 26: purple 0x9b30ff 0x9933ff */ 0, 255, 0, /* SS colors 27: helix, green 0x00ff00 - */ 255, 204, 0, /* SS colors 28: strand, gold 0xffa500 0xffcc00 */ 255, 102, 0, /* SS colors 29: turn, orange 0xff4500 0xff6600 */ 0, 255, 255, /* SS colors 30: coil, cyan ox00ffff - */ 255, 255, 0, /* highlight colors 31: yellow 0xffff00 - */ 0, 0, 0 /* background colors 32: black 0x000000 - */ }; Uint1 DDV_STD_AAColor[MAX_NCBIstdaa] = {DDVCOL_BROWN, /*-*/ DDVCOL_GRAY, /*A*/ DDVCOL_ORANGE, /*B*/ DDVCOL_PINK, /*C*/ DDVCOL_RED, /*D*/ DDVCOL_RED, /*E*/ DDVCOL_PURPLE, /*F*/ DDVCOL_GRAY, /*G*/ DDVCOL_BLUE, /*H*/ DDVCOL_GRAY, /*I*/ DDVCOL_BLUE, /*K*/ DDVCOL_GRAY, /*L*/ DDVCOL_PINK, /*M*/ DDVCOL_CYAN, /*N*/ DDVCOL_MAGENTA,/*P*/ DDVCOL_CYAN, /*Q*/ DDVCOL_BLUE, /*R*/ DDVCOL_GREEN, /*S*/ DDVCOL_GREEN, /*T*/ DDVCOL_GRAY, /*V*/ DDVCOL_PURPLE, /*W*/ DDVCOL_GRAY, /*X*/ DDVCOL_PURPLE, /*Y*/ DDVCOL_ORANGE, /*Z*/ DDVCOL_GOLD, /*U*/ DDVCOL_HOTPINK /***/}; Uint1 DDV_STD_NAColor[MAX_NCBI4na] = { DDVCOL_PINK, /* gap */ DDVCOL_GREEN, /* A */ DDVCOL_BLUE, /* C */ DDVCOL_CYAN, /* A or C */ DDVCOL_BLACK, /* G */ DDVCOL_CYAN, /* G or A */ DDVCOL_CYAN, /* G or C */ DDVCOL_PURPLE, /* G C or A */ DDVCOL_RED, /* T */ DDVCOL_CYAN, /* A or T */ DDVCOL_CYAN, /* T or C */ DDVCOL_PURPLE, /* A C ot T */ DDVCOL_CYAN, /* G ot T */ DDVCOL_PURPLE, /* G or A or T */ DDVCOL_PURPLE, /* G T or C */ DDVCOL_HOTPINK,/* G T A or C */ DDVCOL_GRAY /*?, but MAX_NCBI4na==17, see mmdbapi2.h*/ }; extern void display_ParaG_content(MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp,Int2 LineSize) { BioseqPtr bsp_debug=NULL; Char szBuf[15]; ParaGPtr pgp; MsaTxtDispPtr mtdp; ValNodePtr vnp,vnp2; Uint4 j,k,size,sum; FILE *fp; Boolean bClose=TRUE; Int4 i; if (LineSize<=50)/*just for the integrity of the function...*/ LineSize=ParaG_Size; fp=fopen("zpgplist.txt","w"); if (fp==NULL) {fp=stdout;bClose=FALSE;} for(i=0;inBsp;i++){ /*for each line (i.e. bioseq) */ vnp=mpplp->TableHead[i]; if (vnp) pgp=(ParaGPtr)(vnp->data.ptrvalue); else pgp=NULL; if(pgp){ if (pgp->sip) bsp_debug=BioseqLockById(pgp->sip); else bsp_debug=NULL; if (bsp_debug){ /*get the access code*/ SeqIdWrite(bsp_debug->id, szBuf, PRINTID_TEXTID_ACCESSION, 14); fprintf(fp,"[%5u] %s , size: %d, IsAA :%d \n", i,szBuf,BioseqGetLen(bsp_debug), ISA_aa(bsp_debug->mol)); BioseqUnlock(bsp_debug); } else StringCpy(szBuf,"unknown"); } k=1;size=1; while(vnp){ pgp=(ParaGPtr)(vnp->data.ptrvalue); if (pgp){/*create the name table*/ /*loop on the pgp*/ fprintf(fp," ->ParaG[%d] , range (%7d..%7d):\n",k++,size,size+LineSize-1); size+=LineSize; vnp2=pgp->ptxtList; j=1;sum=0; while(vnp2){ mtdp=(MsaTxtDispPtr)vnp2->data.ptrvalue; if (mtdp){ fprintf(fp," (%4u): range(%7d..%7d) (%2d), Gap: %2d, Strand(%d)\n", j++,mtdp->from,mtdp->to,mtdp->to-mtdp->from+1,mtdp->IsGap, mtdp->strand); } sum+=(mtdp->to-mtdp->from+1); vnp2=vnp2->next; } fprintf (fp," Total = %d.\n",sum); } vnp=vnp->next; } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } if (bClose) fclose(fp); } static Boolean DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_1(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int2 LineSize, Int4 start,Int4 stop) { AlnMsgPtr amp; Int4 i,from,to; Boolean more; MsaTxtDispPtr mtdp; Int4 n; ParaGPtr pgp; SeqIdPtr sip; ValNodePtr vnp; ValNodePtr vnp_head; ValNodePtr PNTR vnp_list; ValNodePtr vnp_para; ValNodePtr vnp_para_head; if (LineSize<=50)/*just for the integrity of the function...*/ LineSize=ParaG_Size; amp = AlnMsgNew(); vnp_list = (ValNodePtr PNTR)MemNew((mpplp->nBsp)*sizeof(ValNodePtr)); if (start!=(Int4)-1){ from=start; } else{ from=0; } if (stop!=(Int4)-1){ to=stop+1; } else{ to=mpplp->LengthAli; } for (n = 1; n<=(mpplp->nBsp); n++) { vnp_para = vnp_para_head = NULL; sip = AlnMgrGetNthSeqIdPtr(mpplp->sap, n); for (i = from; iStartLine = n - 1; pgp->nLines = 1; pgp->StartLetter = amp->from_m = i; if (i + LineSize >= to) pgp->StopLetter = amp->to_m = to - 1; else pgp->StopLetter = amp->to_m = i + LineSize -1; if(i == from) pgp->sip = sip; else pgp->sip = SeqIdDup(sip); pgp->ScaleStyle = SCALE_POS_NONE; amp->which_bsq = NULL; amp->row_num = n; vnp = vnp_head = NULL; amp->place = 0; while (more = AlnMgrGetNextAlnBit(mpplp->sap, amp)) { vnp = ValNodeAdd(&vnp); if (!vnp_head) vnp_head = vnp; mtdp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)MemNew(sizeof(MsaTxtDisp)); mtdp->from = amp->from_b; mtdp->to = amp->to_b; mtdp->IsGap = (Boolean)(amp->gap); if (mtdp->IsGap) mtdp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_GAP; else mtdp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_SEQ; mtdp->strand = amp->strand; mtdp->IsUnAligned=FALSE; vnp->data.ptrvalue = mtdp; } pgp->ptxtList = vnp_head; vnp_para = ValNodeAdd(&vnp_para); vnp_para->data.ptrvalue = pgp; if (!vnp_para_head) vnp_para_head = vnp_para; } vnp_list[n-1]=vnp_para_head; } mpplp->TableHead = vnp_list; /*display_ParaG_content(mpplp,LineSize);*/ DDV_LocateParaG(mpplp->TableHead,mpplp->nBsp); return TRUE; } static Boolean DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_2(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int2 LineSize) { AlnMsgPtr amp; Int4 i; Boolean more; MsaTxtDispPtr mtdp; Int4 n; ParaGPtr pgp; ValNodePtr vnp; ValNodePtr vnp_head; ValNodePtr PNTR vnp_list; ValNodePtr vnp_para; ValNodePtr vnp_para_head; Int4 PopulateTo; Int4 ReportSpacer; Int4 PlaceSpacer; Int4 RealAlnLength; SeqIdPtr sip; Boolean last; amp = AlnMsgNew(); vnp_list = (ValNodePtr PNTR)MemNew((mpplp->nBsp)*sizeof(ValNodePtr)); RealAlnLength = AlnMgrGetAlnLength(mpplp->sap, FALSE); for (n = 1; n<=(mpplp->nBsp); n++) { vnp_para = vnp_para_head = NULL; sip = AlnMgrGetNthSeqIdPtr(mpplp->sap, n); ReportSpacer=0; amp->to_m=-1; amp = AlnMsgReNew(amp); last = FALSE; for (i = 0; iLengthAli; i+=LineSize) { amp->place = 0; pgp = (ParaGPtr)MemNew(sizeof(ParaG)); pgp->StartLine = n - 1; pgp->nLines = 1; pgp->StartLetter = i; if (i + LineSize >= mpplp->LengthAli) { last = TRUE; pgp->StopLetter = mpplp->LengthAli; } else pgp->StopLetter = i + LineSize -1; if(i == 0) pgp->sip = sip; else pgp->sip = SeqIdDup(sip); pgp->ScaleStyle = SCALE_POS_NONE; amp->which_master = 0; if (amp->to_m != 0) amp->from_m = amp->to_m + 1 ; else amp->from_m = 0; amp->to_m = amp->from_m + LineSize -1; amp->row_num = n; if (amp->to_m > RealAlnLength) amp->to_m = RealAlnLength - 1; more = TRUE; vnp = vnp_head = NULL; PopulateTo=0; PlaceSpacer=0; while (amp->place == 0) { vnp = ValNodeAdd(&vnp); if (!vnp_head) vnp_head = vnp; if (amp->send_space) { if (!last) amp->to_m=amp->to_m - PlaceSpacer; } if (ReportSpacer){ amp->to_m -=ReportSpacer; mtdp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)MemNew(sizeof(MsaTxtDisp)); mtdp->from = pgp->StartLetter; mtdp->to = mtdp->from+ReportSpacer-1; PopulateTo+=(ReportSpacer+1); ReportSpacer=0; mtdp->IsGap = TRUE; mtdp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_1; vnp->data.ptrvalue = mtdp; vnp = ValNodeAdd(&vnp); } amp->send_space = FALSE; more = AlnMgrGetNextAlnBit(mpplp->sap, amp); mtdp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)MemNew(sizeof(MsaTxtDisp)); mtdp->from = amp->from_b; mtdp->to = amp->to_b; PopulateTo+=(amp->to_b-amp->from_b+1); mtdp->IsGap = (Boolean)(amp->gap); if (mtdp->IsGap) mtdp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_GAP; else mtdp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_SEQ; mtdp->strand = amp->strand; vnp->data.ptrvalue = mtdp; if (amp->send_space) { vnp = ValNodeAdd(&vnp); mtdp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)MemNew(sizeof(MsaTxtDisp)); mtdp->from = pgp->StartLetter+PopulateTo; mtdp->to = mtdp->from+SPACER_TXT_BLANK-1; if (mtdp->to>pgp->StopLetter){ ReportSpacer=mtdp->to-pgp->StopLetter; mtdp->to=pgp->StopLetter; } else{ ReportSpacer=0; } PlaceSpacer=SPACER_TXT_BLANK-ReportSpacer; PopulateTo+=(mtdp->to-mtdp->from+1); mtdp->IsGap = TRUE; mtdp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_1; mtdp->IsUnAligned=FALSE; vnp->data.ptrvalue = mtdp; } } pgp->ptxtList = vnp_head; vnp_para = ValNodeAdd(&vnp_para); vnp_para->data.ptrvalue = pgp; if (!vnp_para_head) vnp_para_head = vnp_para; } vnp_list[n-1]=vnp_para_head; } mpplp->TableHead = vnp_list; /*display_ParaG_content(mpplp,LineSize);*/ DDV_LocateParaG(mpplp->TableHead,mpplp->nBsp); return TRUE; } NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_EX(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int2 LineSize, DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop,Int4 start, Int4 stop) { /******************************************************************************* * same as DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_EX2, but by default no extra gap char. *******************************************************************************/ return(DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_EX2(sap, mpplp, LineSize, ddop, start, stop, FALSE)); } NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_EX2(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int2 LineSize, DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop,Int4 start, Int4 stop, Boolean WantExtraGapChar) { AMAlignIndexPtr amaip; AlnMsgPtr amp; Int4 i,from,to; Boolean more; MsaTxtDispPtr mtdp; Int4 n; ParaGPtr pgp; ValNodePtr vnp; ValNodePtr vnp_head; ValNodePtr PNTR vnp_list; ValNodePtr vnp_para; ValNodePtr vnp_para_head; Int4 PopulateTo; SeqIdPtr sip; Boolean last; if (LineSize<=50)/*just for the integrity of the function...*/ LineSize=ParaG_Size; if (!sap) return FALSE; if (!AlnMgrIndexSeqAlign(sap)) return FALSE; if (sap->saip->indextype == INDEX_PARENT) { amaip = (AMAlignIndexPtr)sap->saip; if (sap->type == SAT_PARTIAL || (sap->type == SAT_MASTERSLAVE && (amaip->mstype == AM_SEGMENTED_MASTERSLAVE || amaip->mstype == AM_NULL || amaip->mstype == AM_MASTERSLAVE))) { return(DDV_CreateDisplay_DiscAlign2(sap,mpplp,LineSize,ddop,WantExtraGapChar)); } else if (sap->type == SAT_MASTERSLAVE && amaip->mstype == AM_MASTERSLAVE) { mpplp->sap = sap; if (start==(Int4)-1 && stop==(Int4)-1) mpplp->LengthAli = AlnMgrGetAlnLength(mpplp->sap, FALSE); else mpplp->LengthAli=stop-start+1; mpplp->nBsp = AlnMgrGetNumRows(mpplp->sap); mpplp->DisplayType = DDV_DISP_HORZ; if (!DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_1(sap, mpplp,LineSize,start,stop)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } else mpplp->sap = (SeqAlignPtr)sap->segs; } else mpplp->sap = sap; mpplp->LengthAli = AlnMgrGetAlnLength(mpplp->sap, FALSE); mpplp->nBsp = AlnMgrGetNumRows(mpplp->sap); mpplp->DisplayType = DDV_DISP_HORZ; amp = AlnMsgNew(); vnp_list = (ValNodePtr PNTR)MemNew((mpplp->nBsp)*sizeof(ValNodePtr)); if (start!=(Int4)-1){ from=start; } else{ from=0; } if (stop!=(Int4)-1){ to=stop+1; } else{ to=mpplp->LengthAli; } for (n = 1; n<=(mpplp->nBsp); n++) { vnp_para = vnp_para_head = NULL; sip = AlnMgrGetNthSeqIdPtr(mpplp->sap, n); amp->to_m=-1; amp = AlnMsgReNew(amp); last = FALSE; for (i = from; iplace = 0; pgp = (ParaGPtr)MemNew(sizeof(ParaG)); pgp->StartLine = n - 1; pgp->nLines = 1; pgp->StartLetter = i; if (i + LineSize >= to) { last = TRUE; pgp->StopLetter = to; } else pgp->StopLetter = i + LineSize -1; if(i == from) pgp->sip = sip; else pgp->sip = SeqIdDup(sip); pgp->ScaleStyle = SCALE_POS_NONE; amp->which_master = 0; if (amp->to_m != 0) amp->from_m = amp->to_m + 1 ; else amp->from_m = 0; amp->to_m = amp->from_m + LineSize -1; amp->row_num = n; if (amp->to_m >= to) amp->to_m = to - 1; more = TRUE; vnp = vnp_head = NULL; PopulateTo=0; while (more = AlnMgrGetNextAlnBit(mpplp->sap, amp)) { vnp = ValNodeAdd(&vnp); if (!vnp_head) vnp_head = vnp; mtdp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)MemNew(sizeof(MsaTxtDisp)); mtdp->from = amp->from_b; mtdp->to = amp->to_b; mtdp->IsGap = (Boolean)(amp->gap); if (mtdp->IsGap) mtdp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_GAP; else mtdp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_SEQ; mtdp->strand = amp->strand; mtdp->IsUnAligned=FALSE; vnp->data.ptrvalue = mtdp; } pgp->ptxtList = vnp_head; vnp_para = ValNodeAdd(&vnp_para); vnp_para->data.ptrvalue = pgp; if (!vnp_para_head) vnp_para_head = vnp_para; } vnp_list[n-1]=vnp_para_head; } mpplp->TableHead = vnp_list; /*display_ParaG_content(mpplp,LineSize);*/ DDV_LocateParaG(mpplp->TableHead,mpplp->nBsp); return TRUE; } NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int2 LineSize, DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop) { /******************************************************************************* * same as DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex2, but by default no extra gap char. *******************************************************************************/ return(DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex2(sap, mpplp, LineSize, ddop, FALSE)); } NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex2(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int2 LineSize, DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop, Boolean WantExtraGapChar) { return(DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex_EX2(sap, mpplp, LineSize, ddop, (Int4) -1, (Int4) -1, WantExtraGapChar)); } static Boolean DDV_PopulateDisplayForDisc(SeqAlignPtr sap,MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int4 nBsp,Int4 LineSize,DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop,Int4 TotLength,ValNodePtr vnp_head, Boolean OverrideDiscJustification, Boolean ForceLeft) { /*------------------------------------------------------------- Added OverrideDiscJustification: Set this true for single block alignment. In that case, the first unaligned region will be right-justified and the second unaligned region will be left-justified. Added ForceLeft: Set this true for single unaligned region alignment. In that case, the unaligned region will be left-aligned. -------------------------------------------------------------*/ Int4 cumulpop,StartLetter,n,nPgp,from_bsp,to_bsp,MaxLength, BspLength=0,BspStart,BspStop,AbsPos; Boolean more,bFirstMtdp,bFirstPgp,IsGap; ValNodePtr vnp,vnp2,vnp3,vnp_para,vnp_mtdp=NULL; ValNodePtr PNTR vnp_list; ParaGPtr pgp; SeqIdPtr sip; DescriDispPtr ddp; MsaTxtDispPtr mtdp_pgp; AlnMsgPtr amp; UAMsgPtr uamp; Uint1 strand = Seq_strand_unknown; Uint1 strand_tmp, Justification; Int4 PassCount; /*now, use the previous descriptor to build the ParaG List*/ mpplp->sap=sap; mpplp->nBsp = nBsp; mpplp->LengthAli = TotLength; mpplp->DisplayType = DDV_DISP_HORZ; amp = AlnMsgNew(); vnp_list = (ValNodePtr PNTR)MemNew((mpplp->nBsp)*sizeof(ValNodePtr)); if (!vnp_list || !amp){ /*delete the descriptor*/ ValNodeFreeData(vnp_head); return(FALSE); } cumulpop=0; /*loop on each sequence*/ for (n = 1; n<=(mpplp->nBsp); n++){ sip = AlnMgrGetNthSeqIdPtr(mpplp->sap, n); /*for each sequence, use the descriptors to build the ParaG list*/ bFirstPgp=TRUE; bFirstMtdp=TRUE; StartLetter=0;AbsPos=0;/*disp coord*/ nPgp=0; vnp=vnp_head; PassCount = 0; while(vnp){ ddp=(DescriDispPtr)vnp->data.ptrvalue; if (ddp->TextStyle==MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_ALIGN){/*aligned*/ /*initialize the amp struct for the current aligned region*/ amp = AlnMsgReNew(amp); amp->place = 0; amp->from_m = ddp->from; amp->to_m=ddp->to; amp->which_master=0; amp->row_num=n; amp->send_space = FALSE; more=TRUE; AlnMgrGetNextAlnBit(mpplp->sap, amp); while (more){ /*list of TxT descriptors*/ mtdp_pgp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)MemNew(sizeof(MsaTxtDisp)); mtdp_pgp->IsGap = (Boolean)(amp->gap); if (mtdp_pgp->IsGap){/*disp coord*/ mtdp_pgp->from=AbsPos; mtdp_pgp->to=mtdp_pgp->from+(amp->to_b-amp->from_b); mtdp_pgp->TextStyle = ddop->AGapStyle; } else{/*BSP coord*/ mtdp_pgp->from = amp->from_b; mtdp_pgp->to = amp->to_b; mtdp_pgp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_SEQ; } mtdp_pgp->strand = amp->strand; mtdp_pgp->IsUnAligned=FALSE; strand=amp->strand; /*add the new node*/ if (bFirstMtdp){ vnp2=ValNodeAddPointer(NULL,0,(Pointer)mtdp_pgp); vnp_mtdp=vnp2; bFirstMtdp=FALSE; } else{ vnp2=ValNodeAddPointer(&vnp2,0,(Pointer)mtdp_pgp); } more=AlnMgrGetNextAlnBit(mpplp->sap, amp); AbsPos+=(mtdp_pgp->to-mtdp_pgp->from+1); } } else{/*unaligned*/ switch(ddop->DispDiscStyle){/*user's display choice*/ case MSA_TXT_STYLE_1:/*just put a little spacer*/ mtdp_pgp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)MemNew(sizeof(MsaTxtDisp)); mtdp_pgp->from = StartLetter;/*put DISP coord*/ mtdp_pgp->to = mtdp_pgp->from+(ddp->to-ddp->from); mtdp_pgp->IsGap = TRUE; mtdp_pgp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_1; mtdp_pgp->strand = strand; mtdp_pgp->IsUnAligned=TRUE; /*add the new node*/ if (bFirstMtdp){ vnp2=ValNodeAddPointer(NULL,0,(Pointer)mtdp_pgp); vnp_mtdp=vnp2; bFirstMtdp=FALSE; } else{ vnp2=ValNodeAddPointer(&vnp2,0,(Pointer)mtdp_pgp); } break; case MSA_TXT_STYLE_2:/*display the unaligned sequence*/ MaxLength=ddp->UAMaxlength; if (ddp->UAnum>0){/*within SAP*/ AlnMgrGetNthUnalignedForNthRow(sap, ddp->UAnum, n, &BspStart, &BspStop); } else{/*Tails of the SAP*/ if (AlnMgrGetNthRowTail(sap,n, (Uint1)(ddp->UAnum==(Int4)-1 ? LEFT_TAIL : RIGHT_TAIL), &BspStart,&BspStop,&strand_tmp)==FALSE){ BspStart=(Int4)-1; BspStop=(Int4)-1; BspLength=0; } } if (BspStart!=(Int4)-1 && BspStop!=(Int4)-1){ BspLength=BspStop-BspStart+1; } /*init the analysis process of an UA region*/ switch(ddp->UAnum){ case (Int4)-1:/*left tail*/ Justification = ForceLeft ? DISP_JUST_LEFT : DISP_JUST_RIGHT; uamp=UAMgrIntUAMsg(MaxLength,BspLength,BspStart,BspStop, ddp->from,ddp->to, Justification, strand); break; case (Int4)-2:/*right tail*/ uamp=UAMgrIntUAMsg(MaxLength,BspLength,BspStart,BspStop, ddp->from,ddp->to,DISP_JUST_LEFT, strand); break; default:/*within SAP*/ Justification = ddop->DiscJustification; if (OverrideDiscJustification) { if (PassCount==0) {Justification = DISP_JUST_RIGHT;} if (PassCount==2) {Justification = DISP_JUST_LEFT;} } uamp=UAMgrIntUAMsg(MaxLength,BspLength,BspStart,BspStop, ddp->from,ddp->to, Justification, strand); break; } /*analyse the content of the UA region*/ while(UAMgrGetNextUAbit(uamp, BspStart, BspStop)){ /*get data*/ UAMgrUAMsgGetInfo(uamp,&from_bsp,&to_bsp,&IsGap); /*list of TxT descriptors*/ mtdp_pgp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)MemNew(sizeof(MsaTxtDisp)); mtdp_pgp->IsGap = IsGap; if (mtdp_pgp->IsGap){/*disp coord*/ mtdp_pgp->TextStyle = ddop->UAGapStyle; mtdp_pgp->from=AbsPos; mtdp_pgp->to=mtdp_pgp->from+(to_bsp-from_bsp); } else{/*BSP coord*/ mtdp_pgp->from = from_bsp; mtdp_pgp->to = to_bsp; mtdp_pgp->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_SEQ; } mtdp_pgp->strand = strand; mtdp_pgp->IsUnAligned=TRUE; /*add the new node*/ if (bFirstMtdp){ vnp2=ValNodeAddPointer(NULL,0,(Pointer)mtdp_pgp); vnp_mtdp=vnp2; bFirstMtdp=FALSE; } else{ vnp2=ValNodeAddPointer(&vnp2,0,(Pointer)mtdp_pgp); } AbsPos+=(mtdp_pgp->to-mtdp_pgp->from+1); } uamp=UAMgrDelUAMsg(&uamp); break; } } cumulpop+=(ddp->to-ddp->from+1); StartLetter+=(ddp->to-ddp->from+1); if (cumulpop==LineSize || vnp->next==NULL){ /*new ParaG*/ pgp=(ParaGPtr)MemNew(sizeof(ParaG)); pgp->StartLine=n-1; pgp->nLines=1; pgp->StartLetter=nPgp*LineSize; pgp->StopLetter=_min_(pgp->StartLetter+LineSize-1,mpplp->LengthAli-1); pgp->sip=SeqIdDup(sip); pgp->ScaleStyle=SCALE_POS_NONE; pgp->ptxtList=vnp_mtdp; if (bFirstPgp){ vnp3=ValNodeAddPointer(NULL,0,(Pointer)pgp); vnp_para=vnp3; bFirstPgp=FALSE; } else{ vnp3=ValNodeAddPointer(&vnp3,0,(Pointer)pgp); } bFirstMtdp=TRUE; cumulpop=0; nPgp++; } vnp=vnp->next; PassCount++; }/*while() on the descriptor list*/ vnp_list[n-1]=vnp_para; SeqIdFree(sip); }/*for() on the bsp */ /*delete the descriptor*/ ValNodeFreeData(vnp_head); mpplp->TableHead = vnp_list; /*just for debugging purpose*/ /*display_ParaG_content(mpplp,LineSize);*/ DDV_LocateParaG(mpplp->TableHead,mpplp->nBsp); MemFree(amp); return(TRUE); } NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_CreateDisplay_DiscAlign(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int2 LineSize,DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop) { /******************************************************************************* * same as DDV_CreateDisplay_DiscAlign2, but by default no extra gap char. *******************************************************************************/ return(DDV_CreateDisplay_DiscAlign2(sap, mpplp, LineSize, ddop, FALSE)); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_CreateDisplay_DiscAlign2() Purpose : create a display for a Disc. SeqAlign Return value : FALSE if failure *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_CreateDisplay_DiscAlign2(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int2 LineSize,DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop, Boolean WantExtraGapChar) { Int4 nBsp,TotLength; ValNodePtr vnp_head; /*descriptor*/ nBsp = AlnMgrGetNumRows(sap); vnp_head=UABuildDescriptor2(sap,nBsp,LineSize,ddop,&TotLength, ddop->ShowLeftTail,ddop->ShowRightTail, WantExtraGapChar); if (vnp_head==NULL) return(FALSE); /*build the display*/ return(DDV_PopulateDisplayForDisc(sap,mpplp,nBsp,LineSize,ddop, TotLength,vnp_head, FALSE, FALSE)); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BuildDisp_BlockEditor() Purpose : create a display for a Disc. SeqAlign Return value : FALSE if failure *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_BuildDisp_BlockEditor(SeqAlignPtr sap, MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, Int4 block_num) { Int4 nBsp,TotLength; ValNodePtr vnp_head; DDV_Disp_Opt ddo; /*descriptor*/ nBsp = AlnMgrGetNumRows(sap); vnp_head=UABuildDescriptorForBlockEditor(sap,nBsp, block_num,LIMIT_EDITOR_SIZE,&TotLength); if (vnp_head==NULL) return(FALSE); DDV_InitDDESAPdispStyles(&ddo); /*build the display*/ return(DDV_PopulateDisplayForDisc(sap,mpplp,nBsp,LIMIT_EDITOR_SIZE,&ddo, TotLength,vnp_head, FALSE, FALSE)); } /******************************************************************************* Function : UABitDescrInit() Purpose : init a UABitDescr data block Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ static void UABitDescrInit(UABitDescrPtr ubd,Int4 Start,Int4 Stop,Boolean IsGap) { ubd->from=Start; ubd->to=Stop; ubd->IsGap=IsGap; } /******************************************************************************* Function : UAMgrInitBitList() Purpose : init the descriptor of an UA region Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ static void UAMgrInitBitList(UAMsgPtr uamp, Int4 MaxLength, Int4 BspLength, Int4 BspStart,Int4 BspStop) { Int4 halfBspLengthSeqL,halfBspLengthSeqR,halfBspLengthDesc,start_middle,stop_middle; /*just a gap*/ if (BspStart==(Int4)-1 && BspStop==(Int4)-1){ UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[0],0,MaxLength-1,TRUE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[1],(Int4)-1,(Int4)-1,FALSE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[2],(Int4)-1,(Int4)-1,FALSE); return; } /*only sequence*/ if (BspLength==MaxLength){ UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[0],BspStart,BspStop,FALSE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[1],(Int4)-1,(Int4)-1,FALSE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[2],(Int4)-1,(Int4)-1,FALSE); return; } /*additional data for DISP_JUST_CENTER and DISP_JUST_SPLIT*/ if (uamp->DispType==DISP_JUST_CENTER || uamp->DispType==DISP_JUST_SPLIT){ halfBspLengthSeqL=BspLength/2; halfBspLengthSeqR=BspLength-halfBspLengthSeqL; halfBspLengthDesc=MaxLength/2; start_middle=halfBspLengthDesc-halfBspLengthSeqL; stop_middle=start_middle+BspLength; } /*only one sequence letter and DISP_JUST_SPLIT : use DISP_JUST_LEFT*/ if (BspStart==BspStop && uamp->DispType==DISP_JUST_SPLIT){ uamp->DispType=DISP_JUST_LEFT; } switch(uamp->DispType){ case DISP_JUST_RIGHT: UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[0],0,MaxLength-BspLength-1,TRUE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[1],BspStart,BspStop,FALSE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[2],(Int4)-1,(Int4)-1,FALSE); break; case DISP_JUST_CENTER: UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[0],0,start_middle-1,TRUE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[1],BspStart,BspStop,FALSE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[2],stop_middle,MaxLength-1,TRUE); break; case DISP_JUST_SPLIT: UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[0],BspStart,BspStart+halfBspLengthSeqL-1,FALSE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[1],halfBspLengthSeqL,MaxLength-halfBspLengthSeqR-1,TRUE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[2],BspStart+halfBspLengthSeqL,BspStop,FALSE); break; case DISP_JUST_LEFT: UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[0],BspStart,BspStop,FALSE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[1],BspLength,MaxLength-1,TRUE); UABitDescrInit(&uamp->ubd[2],(Int4)-1,(Int4)-1,FALSE); default: break; } } /******************************************************************************* Function : UAMgrIntUAMsg() Purpose : constructor for a struct UAMsg Note : from and to are in UnAligned region coord. system. Such a coord system always starts at 0. Length = max length of the UA region Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN UAMsgPtr UAMgrIntUAMsg( Int4 MaxLength, Int4 BspLength, Int4 BspStart,Int4 BspStop,Int4 ddpFrom ,Int4 ddpTo , Uint1 DispType, Uint1 strand) { UAMsgPtr uamp=NULL; uamp=(UAMsgPtr)MemNew(sizeof(UAMsg)); if (uamp){ uamp->DispType=DispType; uamp->strand=strand; uamp->from_a=uamp->currentPos=ddpFrom; uamp->to_a=ddpTo; UAMgrInitBitList(uamp,MaxLength,BspLength,BspStart,BspStop); } return(uamp); } /******************************************************************************* Function : UAMgrDelUAMsg() Purpose : destructor for UAMsg structure Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN UAMsgPtr UAMgrDelUAMsg(UAMsgPtr PNTR uamp) { if (*uamp) MemFree(*uamp); return(NULL); } /******************************************************************************* Function : UAMgrUAMsgGetInfo() Purpose : query function for a UAMsg structure Note : from_bsp and to_bsp are in BSP coord system. Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void UAMgrUAMsgGetInfo(UAMsgPtr uamp,Int4Ptr from_bsp, Int4Ptr to_bsp, BoolPtr IsGap) { *from_bsp=uamp->from_r; *to_bsp=uamp->to_r; *IsGap=uamp->IsGap; } /******************************************************************************* Function : UAMgrGetNextUAbit() Purpose : analytical function to retrieve information about an unaligned region. uamp must be init. before entering this function. *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean UAMgrGetNextUAbit(UAMsgPtr uamp,Int4 BspStart,Int4 BspStop) { Uint1 i; Int4 from_a,to_a,cumul=0,diff,tmp; if (uamp->currentPos>uamp->to_a) return(FALSE); for (i=0;i<3;i++){ if (uamp->ubd[i].from!=(Int4)-1 && uamp->ubd[i].to!=(Int4)-1){ if (uamp->ubd[i].IsGap){/*disp coord*/ from_a=uamp->ubd[i].from; to_a=uamp->ubd[i].to; } else{/*switch bsp coord to disp coord*/ from_a=cumul; to_a=uamp->ubd[i].to-uamp->ubd[i].from+cumul; } if (uamp->currentPos>=from_a && uamp->currentPos<=to_a){ if (uamp->ubd[i].IsGap) uamp->from_r=uamp->currentPos; else uamp->from_r=uamp->ubd[i].from+uamp->currentPos-cumul; } else{ cumul+=(to_a-from_a+1); continue; } if (uamp->to_a>=from_a && uamp->to_a<=to_a){ uamp->to_r=_min_(uamp->to_a,to_a); if (!uamp->ubd[i].IsGap) uamp->to_r+=uamp->ubd[i].from-cumul; } else{ uamp->to_r=uamp->ubd[i].to; } uamp->currentPos+=(uamp->to_r-uamp->from_r+1); uamp->IsGap=uamp->ubd[i].IsGap; break; } } /*if minus strand (nuc. only); reverse the values*/ if (uamp->strand==Seq_strand_minus && !uamp->IsGap){ diff=uamp->to_r-uamp->from_r; uamp->from_r=uamp->from_r+(BspStop-uamp->from_r)-(uamp->from_r-BspStart); uamp->to_r=uamp->from_r-diff; tmp=uamp->to_r; uamp->to_r=uamp->from_r; uamp->from_r=tmp; } return(TRUE); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BuildBspEntitiesTbl() Purpose : build a table of eID, iID of each Bioseq of a SeqAlign. Return value : a table of entities *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Uint4Ptr DDV_BuildBspEntitiesTbl(ValNodePtr PNTR TableHead,Int4 nBsp) { ValNodePtr vnp; ParaGPtr pgp; BioseqPtr bsp; Uint4Ptr entitiesTbl; Uint2 bsp_eID,bsp_iID; Int4 i; entitiesTbl=(Uint4Ptr)MemNew(nBsp*sizeof(Uint4)); if (!entitiesTbl) return(NULL); for (i=0;idata.ptrvalue; bsp=BioseqLockById(pgp->sip); if (bsp){ bsp_eID=ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer((Pointer)bsp); bsp_iID = GetItemIDGivenPointer (bsp_eID, OBJ_BIOSEQ, (Pointer) bsp); entitiesTbl[i]=UDV_EncodeIdxFeat(bsp_eID,bsp_iID); BioseqUnlock(bsp); } } } return(entitiesTbl); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BuildTailDescriptor() Purpose : build a descriptor for the unaligned left/right tails of a SeqAlign Return value : the descriptor (see also TotLength; total size of the tail) *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr DDV_BuildTailDescriptor(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 nBsp, Int2 LineSize,Uint1 which_tail,Int4Ptr TotLength,Int4Ptr cumulpop) { Int4 startcopy,stopcopy,pop,i,MaxLength,start,stop; Boolean bError; ValNodePtr vnp,vnp_head; DescriDispPtr ddp; Uint1 strand; vnp_head=NULL; bError=FALSE; MaxLength=0; /*get the size of the left UA region*/ for(i=0;i0){ startcopy=0; stopcopy=MaxLength; *TotLength+=(stopcopy-startcopy);/*to be used for the display coord. system*/ while(startcopyfrom=startcopy;/*use relative coord, i.e. UA coord system*/ ddp->to=ddp->from+pop-1; ddp->TextStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN; if (which_tail==LEFT_TAIL) ddp->UAnum=(Int4)-1;/*UA region number; -1 means LEFT TAIL*/ else ddp->UAnum=(Int4)-2;/*UA region number; -2 means RIGHT TAIL*/ ddp->UAMaxlength=stopcopy; /*create a new node*/ if (vnp_head==NULL) { vnp_head=ValNodeAddPointer(NULL,0,(Pointer)ddp); vnp=vnp_head; } else vnp=ValNodeAddPointer(&vnp,0,(Pointer)ddp); if (!vnp){ bError=TRUE; break; } (*cumulpop)+=pop; if ((*cumulpop)==LineSize) (*cumulpop)=0; startcopy+=pop; } } if (bError){ vnp_head=ValNodeFreeData(vnp_head); } return(vnp_head); } NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr UABuildDescriptor(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 nBsp, Int2 LineSize, DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop, Int4Ptr TotLength,Boolean AddLeftUAPart, Boolean AddRightUAPart) { /******************************************************************************* * same as UABuildDescriptor2, but by default no extra gap char. *******************************************************************************/ return(UABuildDescriptor2(sap, nBsp, LineSize, ddop, TotLength, AddLeftUAPart, AddRightUAPart, FALSE)); } /******************************************************************************* Function : UABuildDescriptor2() Purpose : build the descriptor of a SeqAlign. This function is ONLY designed for discontinuous SeqAlign. The descriptor is a valnodelist. For each node, the field data.ptrvalue is of type MsaTxtDispPtr. It contains inportant info : start-stop of either an aligned or unaligned region. In the first case, SeqAlign coord system is used, otherwise UA coord system is used (UA=UnAligned). The descriptor should then be used as a guide to populate ParaG for the display. Note that this descriptor is a "pre"-layout of the ParaG structure : some descriptor's nodes put together = a ParaG in size. Return value : the descriptor (see also TotLength; total size of the SeqAlign, display coordinates) *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr UABuildDescriptor2(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 nBsp, Int2 LineSize, DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop, Int4Ptr TotLength,Boolean AddLeftUAPart, Boolean AddRightUAPart, Boolean WantExtraGapChar) { Int4 length,r,cumulpop,StartLetter,startcopy,stopcopy,pop,UAnum; Boolean bUnAligned,bError; ValNodePtr vnp,vnp_head,vnp2; DescriDispPtr ddp; r=0; cumulpop=0; StartLetter=0;/*align coord*/ bError=FALSE; vnp_head=NULL; *TotLength=0; /*build UnAligned left part, if needed*/ if (AddLeftUAPart && ddop->DispDiscStyle!=MSA_TXT_STYLE_1){ vnp_head=DDV_BuildTailDescriptor(sap,nBsp,LineSize,LEFT_TAIL,TotLength, &cumulpop); /*get the last node; will be used in the SAP loop (see below)*/ if (vnp_head){ vnp=vnp_head; while(vnp->next){ vnp=vnp->next; } } } /*loop through each aligned and unaligned regions to build a ValNode list of descriptors. These descriptors will be used to generate the ParaG list*/ UAnum=0; while(AlnMgrGetNextLengthBit(sap,&length,&r)){ startcopy=0; if (length<=0){ bUnAligned=TRUE; switch(ddop->DispDiscStyle){/*user's display choice*/ case MSA_TXT_STYLE_1:/*put a spacer between 2 align blocks*/ stopcopy=ddop->SpacerSize; break; case MSA_TXT_STYLE_2:/*put sequence between 2 align blocks*/ stopcopy=ABS(length); /* give a small space no matter what */ /* took out small spaces SW 1/19/01 */ /* put it back in optionally, DIH, 1/25/01 */ if (WantExtraGapChar) { if (stopcopy==0) stopcopy=1; } break; } UAnum++; } else if (length>0) { bUnAligned=FALSE; stopcopy=length; } *TotLength+=(stopcopy-startcopy);/*to be used for the display coord. system*/ while(startcopyfrom=StartLetter;/*use align coord*/ ddp->to=ddp->from+pop-1; ddp->TextStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_ALIGN; StartLetter+=pop; } else{ ddp->from=startcopy;/*use relative coord, i.e. UA coord system*/ ddp->to=ddp->from+pop-1; ddp->TextStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN; ddp->UAnum=UAnum;/*UA region number*/ ddp->UAMaxlength=stopcopy; } /*create a new node*/ if (vnp_head==NULL) { vnp_head=ValNodeAddPointer(NULL,0,(Pointer)ddp); vnp=vnp_head; } else vnp=ValNodeAddPointer(&vnp,0,(Pointer)ddp); if (!vnp){ bError=TRUE; break; } cumulpop+=pop; if (cumulpop==LineSize) cumulpop=0; startcopy+=pop; } if (bError) break; } if (bError){ vnp_head=ValNodeFreeData(vnp_head); goto erreur; } /*build UnAligned right part, if needed*/ if (AddRightUAPart && ddop->DispDiscStyle!=MSA_TXT_STYLE_1){ vnp2=DDV_BuildTailDescriptor(sap,nBsp,LineSize,RIGHT_TAIL,TotLength, &cumulpop); /*add vnp2 at the end of vnp_head*/ if (vnp2) { vnp=vnp_head; while(vnp->next){ vnp=vnp->next; } vnp->next=vnp2; } } /*debug only : print the content of the descriptor vnp=vnp_head; while(vnp){ ddp=(DescriDispPtr)vnp->data.ptrvalue; printf("[%4i..%4i],%2i (%4i) ; ",ddp->from,ddp->to,ddp->TextStyle, ddp->to-ddp->from+1); if (ddp->TextStyle==MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN){ printf("MaxLength = %i ; UAnum = %i\n",ddp->UAMaxlength,ddp->UAnum); } else{ printf("\n"); } vnp=vnp->next; } debug only - end*/ erreur : return(vnp_head); } /******************************************************************************* Function : UABuildDescriptorForBlockEditor() Purpose : build the descriptor of a SeqAlign for the block editor; i.e. the descriptor contains the information about one aligned block along with its two adjacent unaligned regions. See also the 'purpose' fo the function UABuildDescriptor() above. Return value : the descriptor (see also TotLength; total size of the SeqAlign, display coordinates) *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr UABuildDescriptorForBlockEditor(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 nBsp, Int4 block_num,Int4 LineSize,Int4Ptr TotLength) { Int4 length,r,cumulpop,StartLetter,startcopy,stopcopy,pop,UAnum,nBlock, blockNum; Boolean bUnAligned,bError,bPopNow; ValNodePtr vnp,vnp_head,vnp2; DescriDispPtr ddp; /*test if we have a Discontinuous SeqAlign*/ if (!AlnMgrIsSAPDiscAli(sap)) return(NULL); /*get the number of block(s)*/ nBlock=AlnMgrGetNumAlnBlocks(sap); if (block_num<0 || block_num>nBlock-1){ return(NULL); } r=cumulpop=UAnum=blockNum=0; StartLetter=0;/*align coord*/ bError=FALSE; vnp_head=NULL; *TotLength=0; /*if the user wants to edit the first block (block_num==0), I have to use a special function to create the left-side part of the descriptor*/ if (block_num==0){ vnp_head=DDV_BuildTailDescriptor(sap,nBsp,LIMIT_EDITOR_SIZE, LEFT_TAIL,TotLength,&cumulpop); if (vnp_head){ vnp=vnp_head; while(vnp->next){ vnp=vnp->next; } } } while(AlnMgrGetNextLengthBit(sap,&length,&r)){ bPopNow=FALSE; startcopy=0; /*unaligned region ?*/ if (length<=0){ /*region adjacent to the block of interest ?*/ if (UAnum==block_num-1 || UAnum==block_num){ bUnAligned=TRUE; stopcopy=ABS(length); bPopNow=TRUE; } UAnum++; } else{/*aligned region*/ if (blockNum==block_num){ bUnAligned=FALSE; stopcopy=length; bPopNow=TRUE; } else{ StartLetter+=length; } blockNum++; } if (!bPopNow) continue; *TotLength+=(stopcopy-startcopy);/*to be used for the display coord. system*/ while(startcopyfrom=StartLetter;/*use align coord*/ ddp->to=ddp->from+pop-1; ddp->TextStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_ALIGN; StartLetter+=pop; } else{ ddp->from=startcopy;/*use relative coord, i.e. UA coord system*/ ddp->to=ddp->from+pop-1; ddp->TextStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN; ddp->UAnum=UAnum;/*UA region number*/ ddp->UAMaxlength=stopcopy; } /*create a new node*/ if (vnp_head==NULL) { vnp_head=ValNodeAddPointer(NULL,0,(Pointer)ddp); vnp=vnp_head; } else vnp=ValNodeAddPointer(&vnp,0,(Pointer)ddp); if (!vnp){ bError=TRUE; break; } cumulpop+=pop; if (cumulpop==LineSize) cumulpop=0; startcopy+=pop; } if (bError) break; } /*oups...*/ if (bError){ vnp_head=ValNodeFreeData(vnp_head); goto erreur; } /*if the user wants to edit the last block (block_num==nBlock-1), I have to use a special function to create the right-side part of the descriptor*/ if (block_num==nBlock-1){ vnp2=DDV_BuildTailDescriptor(sap,nBsp,LIMIT_EDITOR_SIZE, RIGHT_TAIL,TotLength,&cumulpop); if (vnp2) { vnp=vnp_head; while(vnp->next){ vnp=vnp->next; } vnp->next=vnp2; } } erreur : return(vnp_head); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_DumpSAPInAFile() Purpose : write an Indexed SeqALign in a file (use the code of the Population Viewer). Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void DDV_DumpSAPInAFile(MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp,DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp, FILE *hFile,Uint4 option,DDV_ColorGlobal * gclr) { ByteStorePtr PNTR byteSpp; Int4Ptr PNTR matrix ; Int2 LineSize; if (!mpplp || !hFile) return; /*get the optional data*/ if (dobp){ LineSize=dobp->LineSize; byteSpp=dobp->byteSpp; matrix=dobp->matrix; } else{ LineSize=ParaG_Size; byteSpp=NULL; } /*do the display */ DDV_AffichageParaG(mpplp,0,0,mpplp->LengthAli-1,mpplp->LengthAli,0,option, LineSize,hFile,byteSpp,matrix,gclr,NULL); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_DumpSAPInFastaFile() Purpose : write an Indexed SeqALign in a file (use FASTA format only). Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void DDV_DumpSAPInFastaFile(MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp,DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp, FILE *fp,Boolean bPrintGap) { CharPtr szBuf,szSeq; ParaGPtr pgp; SeqIdPtr sip; ValNodePtr vnp; BioseqPtr bsp; Int4 i,j,n,LineSize,bspLength; Boolean bFirst,IsAA; Char letter; Char DefLine[255]; if (!mpplp || !fp) return; if (dobp){ LineSize=dobp->LineSize; } else{ LineSize=ParaG_Size; } szBuf=(CharPtr)MemNew((LineSize+1)*sizeof(Char)); if (!szBuf) return;/*todo : error msg for the user*/ for(i=0;inBsp;i++){ vnp=mpplp->TableHead[i]; n=0; bFirst=TRUE; while(vnp){ pgp=(ParaGPtr)vnp->data.ptrvalue; sip=SeqIdFindBest(pgp->sip,0); if (sip==NULL) sip=pgp->sip; bsp=BioseqLockById(sip); if (!bsp) return;/*todo : error msg for the user*/ bspLength=BioseqGetLen(bsp); IsAA=ISA_aa(bsp->mol); if (bFirst){ FastaId(bsp,DefLine,254); fprintf(fp,">%s ",DefLine); CreateDefLine(NULL, bsp, DefLine, 254, 0,NULL, NULL); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",DefLine); bFirst=FALSE; } BioseqUnlock(bsp); szSeq=(CharPtr)MemNew((pgp->StopLetter-pgp->StartLetter+2)*sizeof(Char)); if (!szSeq) return;/*todo : error msg for the user*/ DDV_GetSequenceFromParaG(pgp,&szSeq,bspLength,IsAA,NULL,NULL,NULL); j=0; while(szSeq[j]){ letter=szSeq[j++]; if (isalpha(letter)){ szBuf[n++]=letter; } else{ if (bPrintGap) szBuf[n++]=letter; } if (n==LineSize){ szBuf[n]='\0'; fprintf(fp,"%s\n",szBuf); n=0; } } MemFree(szSeq); vnp=vnp->next; if (vnp==NULL && n!=0){ szBuf[n]='\0'; fprintf(fp,"%s\n",szBuf); } } } MemFree(szBuf); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_InitDefSAPdispStyles_BLAST() Purpose : set the default styles for SeqAligns. Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_InitDefSAPdispStyles_BLAST(DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop) { /*use colors*/ ddop->bUseColors=FALSE; /*disc SAP styles*/ ddop->ShowLeftTail=FALSE; ddop->ShowRightTail=FALSE; ddop->DispDiscStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_2; ddop->SpacerSize=SPACER_TXT_BLANK; ddop->DiscJustification=DISP_JUST_LEFT; ddop->UAGapStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_UAGAP; ddop->AGapStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_GAP; /*ruler style*/ ddop->RulerStyle=RulerStyle_Continue_Start; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_DisplayNewBLAST() Purpose : build a default SeqAlign display for BLAST. Parameters : sap; SeqAlign disp_format; display formats (see pgppop.h) disp_data; for future implementation fp; to send the output NOTE : this function uses the alignmgr.[ch] instead of blocks.[ch] Return value : FALSE if failed *******************************************************************************/ static Boolean DDV_DisplayNewBLAST(SeqAlignPtr sap, ValNodePtr mask, Int4Ptr PNTR matrix,Uint4 disp_format,Pointer disp_data,FILE *fp) { MsaParaGPopList mppl;/*contains the data for the display*/ Int2 LineSize; DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp; ByteStorePtr PNTR byteSpp; DDV_ColorGlobal *layout; DDV_Disp_Opt ddo; Boolean bUseLayout; Uint1 what; MemSet(&mppl,0,sizeof(MsaParaGPopList)); MemSet(&ddo,0,sizeof(DDV_Disp_Opt)); layout=NULL; /*get the optional data*/ if (disp_data){ dobp=(DDVOptionsBlockPtr)disp_data; LineSize=dobp->LineSize; byteSpp=dobp->byteSpp; bUseLayout=dobp->bUseLayout; what=dobp->LayoutType; } else{ LineSize=ParaG_Size; byteSpp=NULL; bUseLayout=FALSE; } DDV_InitDefSAPdispStyles_BLAST(&ddo); /*build the indexed SeqAlign and the ParaG structure*/ DDV_CreateDisplayFromIndex(sap, &mppl, LineSize,&ddo); /*create the layout*/ if (bUseLayout){ layout = DDV_CreateColorGlobal(TRUE, (void *)sap); if (layout){ if (dobp->LayoutType&DDV_USE_STDCLR){ DDV_InitColour_When_Start(sap,&mppl,&layout, FALSE); } if (dobp->LayoutType&DDV_USE_UALAYOUT || dobp->LayoutType&DDV_USE_NOMLAYOUT){ DDV_LayoutUAregion(sap,&mppl,&layout, dobp->normlayout.rgb,dobp->normlayout.style, dobp->UAlayout.rgb,dobp->UAlayout.style); } if (dobp->LayoutType&DDV_USE_ISOLAYOUT){ DDV_LayoutISOColors(layout,mppl.TableHead,mppl.nBsp, 0,TRUE,matrix,dobp->ISOlayout.clr_ident, dobp->ISOlayout.clr_simil,dobp->ISOlayout.clr_other, dobp->ISOlayout.sty_ident, dobp->ISOlayout.sty_simil,dobp->ISOlayout.sty_other); } if (dobp->LayoutType&DDV_USE_GAPLAYOUT){ DDV_LayoutGap(layout,mppl.TableHead[0],mppl.TableHead[1],1, dobp->GAPlayout.style,dobp->GAPlayout.rgb); DDV_LayoutGap(layout,mppl.TableHead[1],mppl.TableHead[0],0, dobp->GAPlayout.style,dobp->GAPlayout.rgb); } if (dobp->LayoutType&DDV_USE_MASKLAYOUT){ DDV_LayoutMaskRegions(layout,mppl.TableHead[0],mask,0, dobp->MASKlayout.style,dobp->MASKlayout.rgb); } } } /*do the display */ DDV_AffichageParaG(&mppl,0,0,mppl.LengthAli-1,mppl.LengthAli,0,disp_format, LineSize,fp,byteSpp,matrix,layout,mask); /*done... delete data*/ DDV_DeleteDisplayList(&mppl); if (layout) DDV_DeleteColorGlobal(layout); return(TRUE); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaZero() Purpose : BLAST color sheme 0 : standard b&w BLAST output *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaZero(DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp) { memset(dobp,0,sizeof(DDVOptionsBlock)); dobp->bUseLayout=FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaOne() Purpose : BLAST color sheme 1 : - masked regions in lowe case, - everything else in upper case. *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaOne(DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp) { memset(dobp,0,sizeof(DDVOptionsBlock)); dobp->bUseLayout=TRUE; /* dobp->LayoutType=DDV_USE_MASKLAYOUT|DDV_USE_NOMLAYOUT; */ dobp->LayoutType=DDV_USE_UALAYOUT|DDV_USE_GAPLAYOUT; dobp->UAlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; dobp->GAPlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; /* dobp->MASKlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; */ } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaTwo() Purpose : BLAST color sheme 2 : - masked regions in lower case, gray letters, - UnAligned regions in italic, - everything else in upper case. *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaTwo(DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp) { memset(dobp,0,sizeof(DDVOptionsBlock)); dobp->bUseLayout=TRUE; dobp->LayoutType=DDV_USE_MASKLAYOUT|DDV_USE_NOMLAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_UALAYOUT; dobp->UAlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_ITALIC|DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; dobp->normlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_BOLD; dobp->MASKlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE|DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[0]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[1]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[2]=102; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaThree() Purpose : BLAST color sheme 3 : - masked regions in lower case, gray letters, - UnAligned regions in italic, - Identity/Similarity colors - everything else in upper case. *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaThree(DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp) { memset(dobp,0,sizeof(DDVOptionsBlock)); dobp->bUseLayout=TRUE; dobp->LayoutType=DDV_USE_MASKLAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_UALAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_ISOLAYOUT; dobp->UAlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_ITALIC|DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; dobp->MASKlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE;/*|DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[0]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[1]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[2]=102; */ dobp->ISOlayout.clr_ident=DDVCOL_ORANGE; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_simil=DDVCOL_BLUE; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_other=DDVCOL_BLACK; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaFour() Purpose : BLAST color sheme 4 = BLAST color schema 3 but with different colors *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaFour(DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp) { memset(dobp,0,sizeof(DDVOptionsBlock)); dobp->bUseLayout=TRUE; dobp->LayoutType=DDV_USE_MASKLAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_UALAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_ISOLAYOUT; dobp->UAlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_ITALIC|DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; dobp->MASKlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE|DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[0]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[1]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[2]=102; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_ident=DDVCOL_BLUE; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_simil=DDVCOL_BROWN; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_other=DDVCOL_RED; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaFive() Purpose : BLAST color sheme 5 = BLAST color schema 3 but with different colors *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaFive(DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp) { memset(dobp,0,sizeof(DDVOptionsBlock)); dobp->bUseLayout=TRUE; dobp->LayoutType=DDV_USE_MASKLAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_UALAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_ISOLAYOUT; dobp->UAlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_ITALIC|DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; dobp->MASKlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE|DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[0]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[1]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[2]=102; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_ident=DDVCOL_RED; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_simil=DDVCOL_BLUE; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_other=DDVCOL_BLACK; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaSix() Purpose : BLAST color sheme 6 = BLAST color schema 3 but with different colors *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaSix(DDVOptionsBlockPtr dobp) { memset(dobp,0,sizeof(DDVOptionsBlock)); dobp->bUseLayout=TRUE; dobp->LayoutType=DDV_USE_MASKLAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_UALAYOUT; dobp->LayoutType|=DDV_USE_ISOLAYOUT; dobp->UAlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_ITALIC|DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; dobp->MASKlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE;/*|DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[0]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[1]=102; dobp->MASKlayout.rgb[2]=102; */ dobp->ISOlayout.clr_ident=DDVCOL_ORANGE; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_simil=DDVCOL_BLUE; dobp->ISOlayout.clr_other=DDVCOL_BLACK; dobp->ISOlayout.sty_ident=DDV_TXTSTYLE_BOLD; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_DisplayBlastPairList() Purpose : function to display a BLAST output. Parameters : sap; seqalign mask; list of masked regions in the query fp; output file; is_na; TRUE means nuc sequence tx_option; some display options ColorSchema; one of the available color schemes Return value : FALSE if failure *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_DisplayBlastPairList(SeqAlignPtr sap, ValNodePtr mask, FILE *fp, Boolean is_na, Uint4 tx_option,Uint1 ColorSchema) { DDVOptionsBlock dob; SeqAlignPtr sap4; SeqIdPtr new_id = NULL, old_id = NULL; Int4Ptr PNTR matrix; Uint4 option,i; Boolean bRet, follower= FALSE; if (!sap || !fp) return(FALSE); /*get the matrix*/ if (is_na == FALSE){ matrix=load_default_matrix(); if (!matrix) return(FALSE); } else { matrix=NULL; } memset(&dob, '\0', sizeof(DDVOptionsBlock)); /*init display format*/ option =VIEW_FULLSEQ; if (ColorSchema==DDV_BLAST_COLOR0 || ColorSchema==DDV_BLAST_COLOR1) option|=DISP_FULL_TXT; else option|=DISP_FULL_HTML; option|=DISP_BSP_COORD; option|=SEQNAME_BLAST_STD; option|=DISP_NOLINKONNAME; option|=DISP_BLAST_STD; option|=DISPE_COLOR; /*get the color scheme layout*/ /*note that the following functions will set to 0 the entire dob structure, before filling in its content with the layout information. All subsequent init. of dob should be done after the following switch()*/ switch(ColorSchema){ case DDV_BLAST_COLOR0: option|=DISP_BLAST_MIDLINE; DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaZero(&dob); break; case DDV_BLAST_COLOR1: option|=DISP_BLAST_MIDLINE; DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaOne(&dob); break; case DDV_BLAST_COLOR2: option|=DISP_BLAST_MIDLINE; DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaTwo(&dob); break; case DDV_BLAST_COLOR3: DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaThree(&dob); break; case DDV_BLAST_COLOR4: DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaFour(&dob); break; case DDV_BLAST_COLOR5: DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaFive(&dob); break; case DDV_BLAST_COLOR6: DDV_BlastGetColorSchemaSix(&dob); break; } dob.LineSize=(Int2)60; dob.matrix=matrix; bRet=TRUE; sap4=sap; while(sap4) { /*build the Index*/ if (sap4->segtype == SAS_DISC){ if (!sap4 || !AlnMgrIndexSingleSeqAlign(sap4)){ bRet=FALSE; break; } } else{ if (!sap4 || !AlnMgrIndexSingleChildSeqAlign(sap4)){ bRet=FALSE; break; } } if (option&DISP_FULL_HTML){ fprintf(fp,"
        /* Attempt to print score for the alignment */
        new_id = TxGetSubjectIdFromSeqAlign(sap4);
        if(old_id != NULL) {
            if(SeqIdMatch(new_id, old_id))
                follower = TRUE;
        if (option&DISP_FULL_HTML)
"); old_id = new_id; if(!FormatScoreFromSeqAlign(sap4, tx_option, fp, matrix, follower)){ bRet=FALSE; break; } follower = FALSE; if (option&DISP_FULL_HTML){ fprintf(fp,"
\n"); } /*display a SeqAlign*/ if (!DDV_DisplayNewBLAST(sap4, mask, matrix, option, (Pointer) &dob, fp)){ bRet=FALSE; break; } sap4 = sap4->next; } if (matrix){ for(i = 0; isegtype == SAS_DISC){ if (!sap4 || !AlnMgrIndexSingleSeqAlign(sap4)){ bRet=FALSE; break; } dob.bUseLayout=TRUE; } else{ if (!sap4 || !AlnMgrIndexSingleChildSeqAlign(sap4)){ bRet=FALSE; break; } dob.bUseLayout=TRUE; } /*set the layout type, if needed*/ if (dob.bUseLayout){ /*basic layout*/ dob.LayoutType=DDV_USE_UALAYOUT; dob.LayoutType|=DDV_USE_GAPLAYOUT; dob.LayoutType|=DDV_USE_MASKLAYOUT; /*dob.LayoutType|=DDV_USE_ISOLAYOUT;*/ /*ext. layout*/ dob.UAlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; dob.UAlayout.style|=DDV_TXTSTYLE_ITALIC; dob.UAlayout.style|=DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR; dob.UAlayout.rgb[0]=255; dob.UAlayout.rgb[1]=0; dob.UAlayout.rgb[2]=0; dob.GAPlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE; dob.GAPlayout.style|=DDV_TXTSTYLE_ITALIC; dob.GAPlayout.style|=DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR; dob.GAPlayout.rgb[0]=255; dob.GAPlayout.rgb[1]=0; dob.GAPlayout.rgb[2]=0; dob.MASKlayout.style=DDV_TXTSTYLE_BOLD; dob.MASKlayout.style|=DDV_TXTSTYLE_UNDERLINE; dob.ISOlayout.clr_ident=DDVCOL_ORANGE; dob.ISOlayout.clr_simil=DDVCOL_SKY; dob.ISOlayout.clr_other=DDVCOL_BLACK; } if (option&DISP_FULL_HTML){ fprintf(fp,"
        /* Attempt to print score for the alignment */
        new_id = TxGetSubjectIdFromSeqAlign(sap4);
        if(old_id != NULL) {
            if(SeqIdMatch(new_id, old_id))
                follower = TRUE;
"); old_id = new_id; if(!FormatScoreFromSeqAlign(sap4, tx_option, fp, matrix, follower)){ bRet=FALSE; break; } follower = FALSE; if (option&DISP_FULL_HTML){ fprintf(fp,"
\n"); } /*display a SeqAlign*/ if (!DDV_DisplayNewBLAST(sap4, mask, matrix, option, (Pointer) &dob, fp)){ bRet=FALSE; break; } sap4 = sap4->next; } if (matrix){ for(i = 0; ibUseColors=TRUE; /*disc SAP styles*/ ddop->ShowLeftTail=FALSE; ddop->ShowRightTail=FALSE; ddop->DispDiscStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_1; ddop->SpacerSize=SPACER_TXT_BLANK; ddop->DiscJustification=DISP_JUST_CENTER; ddop->UAGapStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_UAGAP; ddop->AGapStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_GAP; /*ruler style*/ ddop->RulerStyle=RulerStyle_Continue_Start; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_InitCn3DSAPdispStyles() Purpose : set the styles for Cn3D SeqAligns. Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void DDV_InitCn3DSAPdispStyles(DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop) { /*use colors*/ ddop->bUseColors=TRUE; /*disc SAP styles*/ ddop->ShowLeftTail=TRUE; ddop->ShowRightTail=TRUE; ddop->DispDiscStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_2; ddop->SpacerSize=0; ddop->DiscJustification=DISP_JUST_SPLIT; ddop->UAGapStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_UAGAP; /* use different unaligned gap chars ('~') */ ddop->AGapStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_GAP; /*ruler style*/ ddop->RulerStyle=RulerStyle_Continue_Start; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_InitDDESAPdispStyles() Purpose : set the styles for DDE (i.e. DDV used as an editor). Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void DDV_InitDDESAPdispStyles(DDV_Disp_OptPtr ddop) { /*use colors*/ ddop->bUseColors=TRUE; /*disc SAP styles*/ ddop->ShowLeftTail=TRUE; ddop->ShowRightTail=TRUE; ddop->DispDiscStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_2; ddop->SpacerSize=0; ddop->DiscJustification=DISP_JUST_LEFT; ddop->UAGapStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_UAGAP; ddop->AGapStyle=MSA_TXT_STYLE_GAP; /*ruler style*/ ddop->RulerStyle=RulerStyle_Continue_Start; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_ReadSeqBin() Purpose : read a sequence using Seq_code_ncbistdaa or Seq_code_ncbi4na Return value : the sequence *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Uint1Ptr DDV_ReadSeqBin (SeqIdPtr sip, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean IsProt,Int2 len,Uint1 strand) { SeqLocPtr slp; SeqPortPtr spp; Uint1Ptr btr; Uint1 residue; Uint2 i=0; /*from always < than to*/ slp = SeqLocIntNew (from, to, strand, sip); if (!slp) return(NULL); spp = SeqPortNewByLoc (slp, (Uint1)(IsProt==TRUE ? Seq_code_ncbistdaa : Seq_code_ncbi4na)); if (spp != NULL) { btr = (Uint1Ptr) MemNew (len * sizeof(Uint1)); if (!btr) return(NULL); while ((residue = SeqPortGetResidue(spp)) != SEQPORT_EOF) { if (IS_residue(residue)) { btr[i] = residue; i++; } } /*SeqPortRead(spp, btr, len);*/ SeqPortFree (spp); } SeqLocFree (slp); return btr; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_SetStyle() Purpose : set the layout of a single letter Return value : -. *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_SetStyle(DDV_ColorCell * dccp,Uint1 style, Uint1 *rgb, Boolean bAllowReset) { if (style&DDV_TXTSTYLE_ITALIC){ dccp->UseItalic=TRUE; } else if (bAllowReset){ dccp->UseItalic=FALSE; } if (style&DDV_TXTSTYLE_BOLD){ dccp->UseBold=TRUE; } else if (bAllowReset){ dccp->UseBold=FALSE; } if (style&DDV_TXTSTYLE_UNDERLINE){ dccp->UseUnderline=TRUE; } else if (bAllowReset){ dccp->UseUnderline=FALSE; } if (style&DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE){ dccp->LowerCase=TRUE; } else if(bAllowReset) { dccp->LowerCase=FALSE; } if (style&DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR && rgb){ dccp->rgb[0]=rgb[0]; dccp->rgb[1]=rgb[1]; dccp->rgb[2]=rgb[2]; } } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_SetStd_AA_UA_ClrEx() Purpose : set the standard colours for a nuc or prot sequence; or the same function can be used to layout UnAligned regions Note: For performance issue this function set up the layout of both aligned and unaligned regions at the same time Return value : - *******************************************************************************/ #define read_buf_size 3000 static void DDV_SetStd_AA_UA_ClrEx(DDV_ColorGlobal *pColorGlobal, void *pData, DDV_Range *pRange,Uint1 what) { DDVDataForColorFuncPtr ddfcfp; BioseqPtr bsp; Int4 bsp_length,i,from,to,limit; Boolean IsAA; Int4 dp; Uint1Ptr SeqBuf; Int2 len; Uint1 idx; DDV_ColorCell * dccp; ddfcfp=(DDVDataForColorFuncPtr)pData; if (!ddfcfp) return; /*get bioseq size and type */ bsp=BioseqLockById(ddfcfp->sip); if (bsp){ bsp_length=bsp->length; IsAA=ISA_aa(bsp->mol); BioseqUnlock(bsp); } else return; /*compute the ends of the bioseq's region we want to analyse*/ if (ddfcfp->from!=(Int4)-1) from=ddfcfp->from; else from=0; if (ddfcfp->to!=(Int4)-1) limit=ddfcfp->to; else limit=bsp_length-1; to=from+read_buf_size-1; if (to>limit) to=limit; /*read the sequence by chunk of 'read_buf_size' letters*/ while(TRUE){ len=(Int2)(to-from+1); /*get a sequence chunck ; from is always < than to*/ SeqBuf=DDV_ReadSeqBin (ddfcfp->sip, from, to, IsAA,len,ddfcfp->strand); if (SeqBuf){/*scan each letter and get the appropriate colour*/ for(i=0;istrand==Seq_strand_minus) dp=to-i; else dp=from+i; /*first, query Color Manager*/ dccp=DDV_GetColor(pColorGlobal,NULL,ddfcfp->row+1,dp); if (!dccp) return; if(what & DDV_USE_STDCLR) { if (IsAA) idx=DDV_STD_AAColor[*(SeqBuf+i)];/*AA*/ else idx=DDV_STD_NAColor[*(SeqBuf+i)];/*NA*/ if (ddfcfp->IsUnAligned) DDV_SetStyle(dccp,ddfcfp->UAstyle,DDV_PaletteRGB[idx],TRUE); else DDV_SetStyle(dccp,ddfcfp->style,DDV_PaletteRGB[idx],TRUE); } else if(what & DDV_USE_UALAYOUT) { if (ddfcfp->IsUnAligned) DDV_SetStyle(dccp,ddfcfp->UAstyle,ddfcfp->UArgb,TRUE); else DDV_SetStyle(dccp,ddfcfp->style,DDV_PaletteRGB[DDVCOL_BLACK],TRUE); } /*set the colour*/ DDV_SetColor(pColorGlobal, NULL, ddfcfp->row+1, dp, dccp); } MemFree(SeqBuf); } /*compute the next chunk*/ from+=read_buf_size; to+=read_buf_size; if (to>limit) to=limit; /*end ?*/ if (from>limit) break; } } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_InitColourSAP() Purpose : init the colours for each Bsp of a SeqAlign Parameters : sap; a (indexed) SeqAlign global colour data struct (see ddvcolor.[ch] in api) NoColor; don't color the bsp's, but do change the case. Note : usually, this function is called when DDV loads a SeqAlign For performance issue this function set up the layout of both aligned and unaligned regions at the same time Return value : FALSE is failure. *******************************************************************************/ static Boolean DDV_InitColourSAP(SeqAlignPtr sap,MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, DDV_ColorGlobal * * gclr,Uint1 what,Uint1 * pRGB,Uint1 style, Uint1 * pUARGB,Uint1 UAstyle) { DDVDataForColorFunc ddfcf; SeqIdPtr sip; ValNodePtr vnp,vnp2; ParaGPtr pgp; MsaTxtDispPtr mtdp; Int4 n; if (!sap) return (FALSE); if (!(*gclr)){ *gclr = DDV_CreateColorGlobal(FALSE, (void *) sap); if (!(*gclr)) return(FALSE); } for(n=0;nnBsp;n++){ vnp=mpplp->TableHead[n]; while(vnp){ pgp=(ParaGPtr)vnp->data.ptrvalue; if (pgp){ vnp2=pgp->ptxtList; sip=pgp->sip; while(vnp2){ mtdp = (MsaTxtDispPtr)vnp2->data.ptrvalue; if(mtdp && mtdp->TextStyle==MSA_TXT_STYLE_SEQ){ ddfcf.sip=sip; ddfcf.from=mtdp->from; ddfcf.to=mtdp->to; ddfcf.row=n; ddfcf.strand=mtdp->strand; ddfcf.IsUnAligned=mtdp->IsUnAligned; ddfcf.style=style; ddfcf.UAstyle=UAstyle; if (pRGB){ ddfcf.rgb[0]=pRGB[0]; ddfcf.rgb[1]=pRGB[1]; ddfcf.rgb[2]=pRGB[2]; } else{ ddfcf.rgb[0]=0; ddfcf.rgb[1]=0; ddfcf.rgb[2]=0; } if (pUARGB){ ddfcf.UArgb[0]=pUARGB[0]; ddfcf.UArgb[1]=pUARGB[1]; ddfcf.UArgb[2]=pUARGB[2]; } else{ ddfcf.UArgb[0]=0; ddfcf.UArgb[1]=0; ddfcf.UArgb[2]=0; } DDV_SetStd_AA_UA_ClrEx(*gclr, (Pointer)&ddfcf, NULL, what); } vnp2=vnp2->next; } } vnp=vnp->next; } } return(TRUE); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_InitColour_When_Start() Purpose : standard init function for Vibrant DDV ; see DDV_InitColourSAP() *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_InitColour_When_Start(SeqAlignPtr sap,MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, DDV_ColorGlobal * * gclr, Boolean NoColor) { if(NoColor) return(DDV_InitColourSAP(sap,mpplp,gclr,DDV_USE_STDCLR,NULL,0,NULL,0)); else return(DDV_InitColourSAP(sap,mpplp,gclr,DDV_USE_STDCLR,NULL, DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR,NULL,DDV_TXTSTYLE_COLOR|DDV_TXTSTYLE_LOWERCASE)); } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_LayoutUAregion() Purpose : set a layout for UnAligned regions; see DDV_InitColourSAP() *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean DDV_LayoutUAregion(SeqAlignPtr sap,MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, DDV_ColorGlobal * * gclr,Uint1 * pRGB,Uint1 style,Uint1 * pUARGB,Uint1 UAstyle) { return(DDV_InitColourSAP(sap,mpplp,gclr,DDV_USE_UALAYOUT,pRGB,style,pUARGB,UAstyle)); } /******************************************************************************* Function : UDV_BigEncodeIdxFeat4() Purpose : encode two Uint4 into one Uint8 *******************************************************************************/ static Uint8 UDV_BigEncodeIdxFeat4 (Uint4 val1,Uint4 val2) { Uint4 index_g[2]; index_g[0]=val1; index_g[1]=val2; return *((Uint8Ptr) index_g); } /******************************************************************************* Function : UDV_BigEncodeIdxFeat4() Purpose : decode one Uint8 into two Uint4 *******************************************************************************/ static void UDV_BigDecodeIdxFeat4 (Uint8 index_g, Uint4Ptr val1, Uint4Ptr val2) { Uint4Ptr index_g2; index_g2 = (Uint4Ptr) (&index_g); if (val1) *val1 = (Uint4) index_g2 [0]; if (val2) *val2 = (Uint4) index_g2 [1]; } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_GetGapCoord() Purpose : get the list of gaps given a ParaG. Return value : -. *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_GetGapCoord(ParaGPtr pgp,ValNodePtr PNTR gap_list) { ValNodePtr vnp; MsaTxtDispPtr mtdp; if (!pgp) return; vnp=pgp->ptxtList; while(vnp){ mtdp=(MsaTxtDispPtr)vnp->data.ptrvalue; if (mtdp){ if(mtdp->IsGap && (mtdp->TextStyle==MSA_TXT_STYLE_GAP || mtdp->TextStyle==MSA_TXT_STYLE_2)){ ValNodeAddBigInt(gap_list,0, UDV_BigEncodeIdxFeat4 ((Uint4)mtdp->from,(Uint4)mtdp->to)); } } vnp=vnp->next; } } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_AllGapInLowerCase() Purpose : analyse sequences by pair and switch to lower case all residues "aligned" with a gap. Return value : -. *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void DDV_LayoutGap(DDV_ColorGlobal *pcg,ValNodePtr vnp_seq1, ValNodePtr vnp_seq2,Int4 row2,Uint1 style,Uint1 *rgb) { DDV_ColorCell * dccp; ValNodePtr vnp1,vnp2,vnp3,vnp4; ParaGPtr pgp1,pgp2; Uint4 i,from,to;/*display coord.*/ Int4 bsp_coord; DDV_ColorCell dcc; if (pcg==NULL || vnp_seq1==NULL || vnp_seq2==NULL) return; /*scan the first sequence to modify the second*/ vnp1=vnp_seq1; vnp2=vnp_seq2; vnp3=NULL; while(vnp1){ /*is there a gap in the vnp1 ParaG*/ pgp1=(ParaGPtr)vnp1->data.ptrvalue; pgp2=(ParaGPtr)vnp2->data.ptrvalue; DDV_GetGapCoord(pgp1,&vnp3); if (vnp3){ vnp4=vnp3; while(vnp4){ UDV_BigDecodeIdxFeat4((Uint8)vnp4->data.bigintvalue, &from, &to); to++; for (i=from;i=0){ dccp=DDV_GetColor(pcg,NULL,row2+1,bsp_coord); if (dccp){/*if there is already a color, just update the required parameter*/ DDV_SetStyle(dccp,style,rgb,FALSE); DDV_SetColor(pcg,NULL,row2+1,bsp_coord,dccp); } else{/*otherwise, set up a new layout for that letter*/ memset(&dcc,0,sizeof(DDV_ColorCell)); DDV_SetStyle(&dcc,style,rgb,FALSE); DDV_SetColor(pcg, NULL, row2+1, bsp_coord, &dcc); } } } vnp4=vnp4->next; } } vnp1=vnp1->next; vnp2=vnp2->next; if (vnp3) vnp3=ValNodeFree(vnp3); } } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_LayoutMaskRegions() Purpose : layout the masked regions of a sequence (usually the query sequence of BLAST). Return value : -. *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void DDV_LayoutMaskRegions(DDV_ColorGlobal *pcg, ValNodePtr vnp_query,ValNodePtr mask,Int4 row,Uint1 style,Uint1 *rgb) { DDV_ColorCell * dccp; ValNodePtr vnp; SeqLocPtr slp; Int4 i,bsp_start,bsp_stop,mask_start,mask_stop,scan_from, scan_to; DDV_ColorCell dcc; if (pcg==NULL || vnp_query==NULL || mask==NULL) return; /*get sequence range*/ UDV_GetBspRangeinPGPList(vnp_query,&bsp_start,&bsp_stop); /*scan the mask list*/ vnp=mask; while(vnp) { slp=(SeqLocPtr)vnp->data.ptrvalue; if(slp == NULL) return; if(slp->choice == SEQLOC_PACKED_INT) slp = slp->data.ptrvalue; else if (slp->choice != SEQLOC_INT) return; while(slp) { if(slp->choice != SEQLOC_INT) { slp = slp->next; continue; } mask_start=SeqLocStart(slp); mask_stop=SeqLocStop(slp); /*check if the masked region is in the bsp range*/ if (mask_stop>=bsp_start && mask_start<=bsp_stop){ scan_from=_max_(mask_start,bsp_start); scan_to=_min_(mask_stop,bsp_stop)+1; for(i=scan_from;inext; } vnp=vnp->next; } } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_SetISOClr() Purpose : layout the colors for ident/simil/other (I/S/O). *******************************************************************************/ static void DDV_SetISOClr(DDV_ColorGlobal * pcg, ParaGPtr pgp,Int4 disp_coord, Int4 row, Uint1 idx,Uint1 sty) { DDV_ColorCell * dccp; DDV_ColorCell dcc; Int4 bsp_coord; bsp_coord=DDV_GetBspCoordGivenDispCoord(pgp,disp_coord); if (bsp_coord>=0){ dccp=DDV_GetColor(pcg,NULL,row+1,bsp_coord); if (dccp){/*if there is already a color, just update the required parameter*/ dccp->rgb[0]=DDV_PaletteRGB[idx][0]; dccp->rgb[1]=DDV_PaletteRGB[idx][1]; dccp->rgb[2]=DDV_PaletteRGB[idx][2]; DDV_SetStyle(dccp,sty,NULL,FALSE); DDV_SetColor(pcg,NULL,row+1,bsp_coord,dccp); } else{/*otherwise, set up a new layout for that letter*/ memset(&dcc,0,sizeof(DDV_ColorCell)); dcc.rgb[0]=DDV_PaletteRGB[idx][0]; dcc.rgb[1]=DDV_PaletteRGB[idx][1]; dcc.rgb[2]=DDV_PaletteRGB[idx][2]; DDV_SetStyle(&dcc,sty,NULL,FALSE); DDV_SetColor(pcg, NULL, row+1, bsp_coord, &dcc); } } } /******************************************************************************* Function : DDV_LayoutIdentColors() Purpose : layout the colors for ident/simil/other (I/S/O). Return value : -. *******************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void DDV_LayoutISOColors(DDV_ColorGlobal *pcg,ValNodePtr * row_list,Int4 nRow, Int4 Master,Boolean bSetMaster,Int4Ptr * matrix,Uint1 IdentClr,Uint1 SimilClr, Uint1 OtherClr,Uint1 IdentSty,Uint1 SimilSty,Uint1 OtherSty) { ValNodePtr * row; ValNodePtr vnp; ParaGPtr pgpQuery,pgpSubject; CharPtr szQuery,szComp; BioseqPtr bsp; Boolean IsAA; Int4 i,j,len,bspLength; Uint1 idx,sty; row=(ValNodePtr *)MemNew(nRow*sizeof(ValNodePtr)); if (!row) return; for (i=0;idata.ptrvalue; szQuery=(CharPtr)MemNew((pgpQuery->StopLetter-pgpQuery->StartLetter+3)*sizeof(Char)); if (!szQuery) goto error; bsp=BioseqLockById(pgpQuery->sip); if (!bsp) goto error; bspLength=BioseqGetLen(bsp); IsAA=ISA_aa(bsp->mol); BioseqUnlock(bsp); if (!DDV_GetSequenceFromParaG(pgpQuery,&szQuery,bspLength,IsAA,NULL, NULL,NULL)) goto error; /*lopp on each row, get the sequence, set the colors*/ for (i=0;idata.ptrvalue; szComp=DDV_GetBLASTCompLine_3(szQuery,pgpSubject,matrix); if (szComp){ len=StringLen(szComp)+1; for (j=0;jStartLetter+j,i,idx,sty); if (bSetMaster) DDV_SetISOClr(pcg,pgpQuery,pgpQuery->StartLetter+j,0,idx,sty); } MemFree(szComp); } row[i]=row[i]->next; } szQuery=MemFree(szQuery); vnp=vnp->next; } error: MemFree(row); if (szQuery) MemFree(szQuery); } NLM_EXTERN MsaParaGPopListPtr DDE_CreateDisplayForBlock(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 BlockIndex) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * allocate and fill the paragraphs for displaying 1 block of a * sequence alignment, plus the flanking unaligned regions. * BlockIndex is a 0-based block count. * * This function works by making a linked-list of 3 DescriDisp's: * head --> node1 --> node2 --> node3 * || || || * \/ \/ \/ * unaligned aligned unaligned * * This is a descriptor for the display. This descriptor is passed * to DDV_PopulateDisplayForDisc to create the paragraphs. * Each node is easy to construct: * * * Aligned (A) UnAligned (UA) * ----------- -------------- * from: SeqAlign coords 0 * to: " " length-1 * TextStyle: MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_ALIGN MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN * UAnum: 0 (explained below) * UAMaxLength: 0 length * * * UAnum, for unaligned regions, is determined as shown here: * * BlockIndex: 0 1 2 * |<--UA-->|<--A-->|<--UA-->|<--A-->|<--UA-->|<--A-->|<--UA-->| * UAnum: -1 1 2 -2 * where -1 and -2 are for the LEFT_TAIL and RIGHT_TAIL, respectively. * * * return a pointer to the paragraph list. * return NULL for unsuccessful completion. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ValNodePtr head = NULL; DescriDispPtr ddp1, ddp2, ddp3; Int4 i, NumRows, NumBlocks, Size, SaveSize, start, stop; Int4 TotalLength=0; Uint1 strand=Seq_strand_unknown; DDV_Disp_Opt DisplayOptions; MsaParaGPopListPtr pPopList; /* index the seq align */ /* if (!AlnMgrIndexSeqAlign(sap)) { return(NULL); } */ NumRows = AlnMgrGetNumRows(sap); NumBlocks = AlnMgrGetNumAlnBlocks(sap); if ((BlockIndex < 0) || (BlockIndex >= NumBlocks)) { return(NULL); } /* figure out the length of the unaligned region preceeding the block */ SaveSize = 0; for (i=0; i SaveSize) {SaveSize = Size;} } TotalLength += SaveSize; /* make a node for this region */ ddp1 = MemNew(sizeof(DescriDisp)); ddp1->from = 0; ddp1->to = SaveSize - 1; ddp1->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN; /* set UAnum to -1 for LEFT_TAIL */ ddp1->UAnum = (BlockIndex == 0) ? -1 : BlockIndex; ddp1->UAMaxlength = SaveSize; ddp1->strand = strand; ddp1->IsGap = FALSE; /* add it to the linked list */ ValNodeAddPointer(&head, 0, ddp1); /* make node for aligned block and add it to linked list */ AlnMgrGetNthBlockRange(sap, BlockIndex+1, &start, &stop); ddp2 = MemNew(sizeof(DescriDisp)); ddp2->from = start; ddp2->to = stop; ddp2->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_ALIGN; ddp2->UAnum = 0; ddp2->UAMaxlength = 0; ddp2->strand = strand; ddp2->IsGap = FALSE; ValNodeAddPointer(&head, 0, ddp2); TotalLength += (stop - start) + 1; /* figure out the length of the unaligned region following the block */ SaveSize = 0; for (i=0; i SaveSize) {SaveSize = Size;} } TotalLength += SaveSize; /* make a node for this region */ ddp3 = MemNew(sizeof(DescriDisp)); ddp3->from = 0; ddp3->to = SaveSize - 1; ddp3->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN; /* set UAnum to -2 for RIGHT_TAIL */ ddp3->UAnum = (BlockIndex == (NumBlocks-1)) ? -2 : BlockIndex + 1; ddp3->UAMaxlength = SaveSize; ddp3->strand = strand; ddp3->IsGap = FALSE; /* add it to the linked list */ ValNodeAddPointer(&head, 0, ddp3); /* create the paragraphs from the descriptor */ pPopList = MemNew(sizeof(MsaParaGPopList)); DDV_InitDDESAPdispStyles(&DisplayOptions); if (DDV_PopulateDisplayForDisc(sap, pPopList, NumRows, TotalLength+10, &DisplayOptions, TotalLength, head, TRUE, FALSE)) { return(pPopList); } else { return(NULL); } } NLM_EXTERN MsaParaGPopListPtr DDE_CreateDisplayForUnAligned(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 UAIndex) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * allocate and fill the paragraphs for displaying 1 unaligned * region of a sequence alignment. UAIndex is a 0-based count. * (UA = unaligned) * * This function works by making a linked-list of just 1 DescriDisp. * This is a descriptor for the display. This descriptor is passed * to DDV_PopulateDisplayForDisc to create the paragraphs. * * Each node is easy to construct: * * UnAligned (UA) * --------------------------- * from: 0 * to: length-1 * TextStyle: MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN * UAnum: (explained below) * UAMaxLength: length * * UAnum is determined as shown here: * * UAIndex: 0 1 2 3 * |<--UA-->|<--A-->|<--UA-->|<--A-->|<--UA-->|<--A-->|<--UA-->| * UAnum: -1 1 2 -2 * where -1 and -2 are for the LEFT_TAIL and RIGHT_TAIL, respectively. * * return a pointer to the paragraph list. * return NULL for unsuccessful completion. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ValNodePtr head = NULL; DescriDispPtr ddp1; Int4 NumRows, NumBlocks; Int4 i, Size, SaveSize, start, stop; Int4 TotalLength=0; Uint1 strand=Seq_strand_unknown; DDV_Disp_Opt DisplayOptions; MsaParaGPopListPtr pPopList; /* index the seq align */ /* if (!AlnMgrIndexSeqAlign(sap)) { return(NULL); } */ NumRows = AlnMgrGetNumRows(sap); NumBlocks = AlnMgrGetNumAlnBlocks(sap); if ((UAIndex < 0) || (UAIndex > NumBlocks)) { return(NULL); } /* figure out the length of the unaligned region preceeding the block */ SaveSize = 0; for (i=0; i SaveSize) {SaveSize = Size;} } TotalLength += SaveSize; /* make a node for this region */ ddp1 = MemNew(sizeof(DescriDisp)); ddp1->from = 0; ddp1->to = SaveSize - 1; ddp1->TextStyle = MSA_TXT_STYLE_REG_UNALIGN; /* set UAnum to -1 for LEFT_TAIL, -2 for RIGHT_TAIL, or UAIndex */ if (UAIndex == 0) {ddp1->UAnum = -1;} else if (UAIndex == NumBlocks) {ddp1->UAnum = -2;} else {ddp1->UAnum = UAIndex;} ddp1->UAMaxlength = SaveSize; ddp1->strand = strand; ddp1->IsGap = FALSE; /* add it to the linked list */ ValNodeAddPointer(&head, 0, ddp1); /* create the paragraphs from the descriptor */ pPopList = MemNew(sizeof(MsaParaGPopList)); DDV_InitDDESAPdispStyles(&DisplayOptions); if (DDV_PopulateDisplayForDisc(sap, pPopList, NumRows, TotalLength+10, &DisplayOptions, TotalLength, head, FALSE, TRUE)) { return(pPopList); } else { return(NULL); } } NLM_EXTERN MsaParaGPopListPtr DDE_CreateDisplay(SeqAlignPtr sap, Int4 BlockIndex, Boolean IsUnAligned, Int4* pNumBlocks) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * build display, ruler, entitiesTbl for either an * unaligned region or an aligned block *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp; Int4 from=-1, to; if (IsUnAligned) { mpplp = DDE_CreateDisplayForUnAligned(sap, BlockIndex); *pNumBlocks = 0; } else { mpplp = DDE_CreateDisplayForBlock(sap, BlockIndex); *pNumBlocks = 1; /* get the first align index of block */ AlnMgrGetNthBlockRange(sap, BlockIndex+1, &from, &to); } ASSERT(mpplp != NULL); mpplp->entitiesTbl = DDV_BuildBspEntitiesTbl(mpplp->TableHead, mpplp->nBsp); ASSERT(mpplp->entitiesTbl != NULL); mpplp->RulerDescr = DDE_ReMakeRuler(mpplp, FALSE, from); return(mpplp); }