/* entrcmd.c * =========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== * * File Name: entrcmd.c * * Author: Epstein * * Version Creation Date: 1/4/94 * * $Revision: 6.5 $ * * File Description: * non-interactive command line interface for Entrez * * Modifications: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Date Name Description of modification * ------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- * * $Log: entrcmd.c,v $ * Revision 6.5 2011/12/19 18:40:17 gouriano * Corrected printf formatting. NOJIRA * * Revision 6.4 1999/08/11 18:58:09 kans * changed FindNuc and FindProt to avoid collision with sequtil functions * * Revision 6.3 1998/08/24 20:43:42 kans * fixed -v -fd warnings * * Revision 6.2 1997/12/10 13:48:44 kans * removed call to SeqEntryToFile * * Revision 6.1 1997/11/04 21:02:44 epstein * change stray stdout to master_fp * * Revision 6.0 1997/08/25 18:19:34 madden * Revision changed to 6.0 * * Revision 5.7 1997/07/21 16:12:39 epstein * CONVERT to new format for exported list of identifiers * * Revision 5.6 1997/07/14 18:24:20 epstein * add complexity argument 'y' * * Revision 5.5 1997/03/21 18:41:46 epstein * retrieve correct genome sequences * * Revision 5.4 1997/03/10 19:33:45 epstein * add Genomes support * * Revision 5.3 1996/10/24 15:49:27 epstein * add -r option to fetch entries from ID * * Revision 5.2 1996/06/11 15:16:54 epstein * remove another artificial 32K boundary * * Revision 5.1 1996/05/31 19:27:46 epstein * eradicate 32K UID limitations, as much as possible * * Revision 4.4 1996/03/19 17:08:41 epstein * remove stray printfs * * Revision 4.3 1996/02/21 22:09:16 epstein * add EntrezBioseqFetchEnable/Disable() to fix GBFF outputs * * Revision 4.2 1995/09/18 18:18:52 epstein * add GenPept format * * Revision 4.1 1995/08/21 19:41:14 epstein * add cluster analysis * * Revision 4.0 1995/07/26 13:54:26 ostell * force revision to 4.0 * * Revision 1.30 1995/07/20 18:58:15 epstein * use new SeqIdWrite function * * Revision 1.29 1995/06/19 21:42:11 kans * changed asn2ff_entrez to SeqEntryToFlat * * Revision 1.28 1995/05/15 01:29:58 ostell * added newline to end of file * * Revision 1.27 1995/05/15 01:28:44 ostell * Fixed Callbacks prototypes to SeqEntryExplore * * * ========================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include Args myargs[] = { {"Initial database", "m",NULL, NULL, TRUE,'d',ARG_STRING,0.0,0,NULL}, {"Boolean expression", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'e', ARG_STRING, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Comma-delimited list of UIDs", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'u', ARG_STRING, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Program of commands", NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 'p', ARG_STRING, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Display status report", "F", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 's', ARG_BOOLEAN, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Produce WWW/HTML formatted output (recommended value is /htbin)", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'w', ARG_STRING, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Detailed help", "F", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'h', ARG_BOOLEAN, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"For WWW output, use Forms", "F", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'f', ARG_BOOLEAN, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"'Check' WWW output Forms", "F", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'c', ARG_BOOLEAN, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Name of export file for named UID list", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'x', ARG_STRING,0.0,0,NULL}, {"Comma-delimited list of files to import for named UID list", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'i', ARG_STRING,0.0,0,NULL}, {"Produce a list of terms (term)", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 't', ARG_STRING, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Taxonomy lookup", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'l', ARG_STRING, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"On-the-fly neighboring", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'n', ARG_FILE_IN, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Output file", "stdout", NULL, NULL, FALSE, 'o', ARG_FILE_OUT, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Use WWW-style encoding for special input characters", "T", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'g', ARG_BOOLEAN, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Get sequences from ID Repository", "F", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'r', ARG_BOOLEAN, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Complexity (1=bioseq only, 2=bioseq set, 3=nuc-prot set)", "3", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'y', ARG_INT, 0.0,0,NULL} }; #define ENTREZ_FLD_MNEMONIC_LENGTH 4 #define DEFAULT_TERMLIST_LEN 40 #define DISPLAY_SPECIAL_AND_TOTAL 1 #define DISPLAY_TOTAL_ONLY 2 #define DISPLAY_TERM_ONLY 3 typedef struct savlist { CharPtr name; Int4Ptr uids; DocType db; Int2 num; } SavList, PNTR SavListPtr; typedef struct term_and_counts { CharPtr term; Int4 special; Int4 total; } TermAndCounts, PNTR TermAndCountsPtr; typedef struct { Uint4 num; DocUidPtr uids; Int4Ptr weights; } * LocalLinkSetPtr; static CharPtr wwwPrefix = NULL; static CharPtr theTerm = NULL; static Boolean useForms = FALSE; static Boolean checkForms = FALSE; static Int2 numTerms; static Int2 termsBefore; static FILE * exportFilePtr = NULL; static LocalLinkSetPtr pubLsp = NULL; static Int2 termDisplay = DISPLAY_TERM_ONLY; static FILE * master_fp = NULL; static Int2 seqEntryRetval = 3; static LocalLinkSetPtr LocalLinkSetNew(void) { LocalLinkSetPtr lsp; lsp = MemNew(sizeof(*lsp)); lsp->num = 0; lsp->uids = NULL; lsp->weights = NULL; return lsp; } static LocalLinkSetPtr LocalLinkSetFree(LocalLinkSetPtr lsp) { MemFree(lsp->uids); MemFree(lsp->weights); MemFree(lsp); return NULL; } static LocalLinkSetPtr LinkSetToLocalLinkSet(LinkSetPtr newlsp) { LocalLinkSetPtr lsp; if (newlsp != NULL) { lsp = LocalLinkSetNew(); lsp->num = (Uint4) newlsp->num; lsp->uids = (DocUidPtr) MemDup(newlsp->uids, sizeof(DocUid) * lsp->num); lsp->weights = (DocUidPtr) MemDup(newlsp->weights, sizeof(Int4) * lsp->num); } return lsp; } static void DoOutput(CharPtr term, Int2 depth, Boolean showTerminal) { Int2 i; for (i = 1; i <= depth; i++) fprintf(master_fp, i < depth ? "-" : ( showTerminal ? "*" : "-")); fprintf (master_fp, "%s\n", term); } static void PreOrderTaxTraversal(EntrezHierarchyPtr ehp, Int2 depth, DocType db, DocField fld, Int2 maxDepth) { Int2 i; EntrezHierarchyPtr child; DoOutput(ehp->term, depth, depth >= maxDepth); if (depth >= maxDepth) return; for (i = 0; i < ehp->numChildren; i++) { if (ehp->children[i].isLeafNode) { /* no need to move down tree, since all information is here */ DoOutput(ehp->children[i].name, depth + 1, FALSE); } else { child = EntrezHierarchyGet(ehp->children[i].name, db, fld); if (child != NULL) { PreOrderTaxTraversal(child, depth + 1, db, fld, maxDepth); EntrezHierarchyFree(child); } } } } /* find the last nucleotide bioseq in the bioseqset */ static void FindANuc(SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data, Int4 index, Int2 indent) { BioseqPtr PNTR bp; BioseqPtr local_bsp; bp = (BioseqPtr PNTR) data; if (IS_Bioseq(sep)) { local_bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue; if (ISA_na(local_bsp->mol)) *bp = local_bsp; } } /* find the last protein bioseq in the bioseqset */ static void FindAProt(SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data, Int4 index, Int2 indent) { BioseqPtr PNTR bp; BioseqPtr local_bsp; bp = (BioseqPtr PNTR) data; if (IS_Bioseq(sep)) { local_bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue; if (ISA_aa(local_bsp->mol)) *bp = local_bsp; } } static Boolean IsGenBank (SeqEntryPtr sep) { BioseqPtr bsp; Uint1 repr; Boolean rsult; rsult = FALSE; if (sep->choice == 1) { bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue; repr = Bioseq_repr (bsp); if (repr == Seq_repr_raw || repr == Seq_repr_const) { if (ISA_na (bsp->mol)) { rsult = TRUE; } else { Message (MSG_ERROR, "Protein record cannot be viewed in GenBank form."); } } else { Message (MSG_ERROR, "Bad sequence repr %d", (int) repr); } } else { rsult = TRUE; } return rsult; } static void PrintGenbank(SeqEntryPtr sep, Boolean isprot) { SeqEntryToFlat(sep, master_fp, isprot ? GENPEPT_FMT : GENBANK_FMT, RELEASE_MODE); FilePuts ("\n\n", master_fp); } static Boolean PrintDSP(DocSumPtr dsp, DocUid uid) { Int2 titleLen; Int2 size; CharPtr pEnd; CharPtr pStart; if (dsp == NULL) return TRUE; pStart = dsp->title; titleLen = StrLen(pStart); if ( titleLen <= 55 ) { size = titleLen; } else { pEnd = pStart + 55; while (IS_WHITESP(*pEnd) == FALSE) pEnd -=1; size = pEnd - pStart; } fprintf (master_fp, "%-20.20s %-*.*s\n",dsp->caption,size,size,pStart); fprintf (master_fp, "%c",(dsp->no_abstract ? ' ' : '*')); fprintf (master_fp, " "); pStart = pStart + size; while ((titleLen = StrLen(pStart)) > 0 ) { if ( titleLen <= 55 ) { size = titleLen; } else { pEnd = pStart + 55; while (IS_WHITESP(*pEnd) == FALSE) pEnd -=1; size = pEnd - pStart; } fprintf (master_fp, "%-*.*s\n",size,size,pStart+1); fprintf (master_fp, "%-21.21s",""); pStart = pStart + size; } fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); DocSumFree(dsp); return TRUE; } static Boolean PrintDSPMwww(DocSumPtr dsp, DocUid uid) { CharPtr p; Boolean noNeighbors = FALSE; LocalLinkSetPtr lsp; Int2 medNeighbors; Int2 protNeighbors; Int2 nucNeighbors; if (dsp == NULL) return TRUE; fprintf (master_fp, "
\n"); if (useForms) { fprintf (master_fp, "\n", uid, checkForms ? " CHECKED" : ""); } if (TRUE /* used to be non-FORMS only */ ) { LinkSetPtr lsp; lsp = NULL; EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_ML, TYP_ML, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { medNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { medNeighbors = 0; } EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_ML, TYP_AA, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { protNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { protNeighbors = 0; } EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_ML, TYP_NT, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { nucNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { nucNeighbors = 0; } noNeighbors = !medNeighbors && !protNeighbors && !nucNeighbors; } fprintf (master_fp, "%s\n
\n", dsp->caption); for (p = dsp->title; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { case '&': fprintf (master_fp, "&"); break; case '<': fprintf (master_fp, "<"); break; case '>': fprintf (master_fp, ">"); break; default: fprintf (master_fp, "%c", *p); } } fprintf (master_fp, ""); if (dsp->no_abstract) { fprintf (master_fp, " (no abstract available)"); } fprintf (master_fp, " (View "); fprintf (master_fp, "Report format,\n", wwwPrefix, uid); fprintf (master_fp, "MEDLARS format,\n", wwwPrefix, uid); if (noNeighbors) { fprintf (master_fp, "or "); } fprintf (master_fp, "ASN.1 format", wwwPrefix, uid); if (! noNeighbors) { if (medNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", %s%d MEDLINE neighbor%s\n", !protNeighbors && !nucNeighbors ? "or " : "", wwwPrefix, uid, medNeighbors, medNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (protNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", %s%d Protein link%s\n", !nucNeighbors ? "or " : "", wwwPrefix, uid, protNeighbors, protNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (nucNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", or %d Nucleotide link%s\n", wwwPrefix, uid, nucNeighbors, nucNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); } fprintf (master_fp, ")\n

\n"); DocSumFree(dsp); return TRUE; } static Boolean PrintDSPNwww(DocSumPtr dsp, DocUid uid) { CharPtr p; Boolean noNeighbors = FALSE; LocalLinkSetPtr lsp; Int2 medNeighbors; Int2 protNeighbors; Int2 nucNeighbors; Int4 weight; Int2 i; if (dsp == NULL) return TRUE; fprintf (master_fp, "
\n"); if (useForms) { fprintf (master_fp, "\n", uid, checkForms ? " CHECKED" : ""); } if (TRUE /* used to be non-FORMS only */ ) { LinkSetPtr lsp; lsp = NULL; EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_NT, TYP_ML, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { medNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { medNeighbors = 0; } EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_NT, TYP_AA, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { protNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { protNeighbors = 0; } EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_NT, TYP_NT, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { nucNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { nucNeighbors = 0; } noNeighbors = !medNeighbors && !protNeighbors && !nucNeighbors; } fprintf (master_fp, "%s\n
\n", dsp->caption); for (p = dsp->title; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { case '&': fprintf (master_fp, "&"); break; case '<': fprintf (master_fp, "<"); break; case '>': fprintf (master_fp, ">"); break; default: fprintf (master_fp, "%c", *p); } } fprintf (master_fp, ""); weight = -1; if (pubLsp != NULL && pubLsp->weights != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < pubLsp->num; i++) { if (pubLsp->uids[i] == uid) weight = pubLsp->weights[i]; } } if (weight > 1) { fprintf (master_fp, " (Similarity score %d)", weight); } fprintf (master_fp, " (View "); fprintf (master_fp, "Report format,\n", wwwPrefix, uid); fprintf (master_fp, "GenBank format,\n", wwwPrefix, uid); fprintf (master_fp, "FASTA format,\n", wwwPrefix, uid); if (noNeighbors) { fprintf (master_fp, "or "); } fprintf (master_fp, "ASN.1 format", wwwPrefix, uid); if (! noNeighbors) { if (medNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", %s%d MEDLINE link%s\n", !protNeighbors && !nucNeighbors ? "or " : "", wwwPrefix, uid, medNeighbors, medNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (protNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", %s%d Protein link%s\n", !nucNeighbors ? "or " : "", wwwPrefix, uid, protNeighbors, protNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (nucNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", or %d Nucleotide neighbor%s\n", wwwPrefix, uid, nucNeighbors, nucNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); } fprintf (master_fp, ")

\n"); DocSumFree(dsp); return TRUE; } static Boolean PrintDSPPwww(DocSumPtr dsp, DocUid uid) { CharPtr p; Boolean noNeighbors = FALSE; LocalLinkSetPtr lsp; Int2 medNeighbors; Int2 protNeighbors; Int2 nucNeighbors; Int4 weight; Int2 i; if (dsp == NULL) return TRUE; fprintf (master_fp, "
\n"); if (useForms) { fprintf (master_fp, "\n", uid, checkForms ? " CHECKED" : ""); } if (TRUE /* used to be non-FORMS only */ ) { LinkSetPtr lsp; lsp = NULL; EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_AA, TYP_ML, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { medNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { medNeighbors = 0; } EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_AA, TYP_AA, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { protNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { protNeighbors = 0; } EntrezLinkUidList(&lsp, TYP_AA, TYP_NT, 1, &uid, FALSE); if (lsp != NULL) { nucNeighbors = lsp->num; LinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = NULL; } else { nucNeighbors = 0; } noNeighbors = !medNeighbors && !protNeighbors && !nucNeighbors; } fprintf (master_fp, "%s\n
\n", dsp->caption); for (p = dsp->title; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { case '&': fprintf (master_fp, "&"); break; case '<': fprintf (master_fp, "<"); break; case '>': fprintf (master_fp, ">"); break; default: fprintf (master_fp, "%c", *p); } } fprintf (master_fp, ""); weight = -1; if (pubLsp != NULL && pubLsp->weights != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < pubLsp->num; i++) { if (pubLsp->uids[i] == uid) weight = pubLsp->weights[i]; } } if (weight > 1) { fprintf (master_fp, " (Similarity score %d)", weight); } fprintf (master_fp, " (View "); fprintf (master_fp, "Report format,\n", wwwPrefix, uid); fprintf (master_fp, "FASTA format,\n", wwwPrefix, uid); if (noNeighbors) { fprintf (master_fp, "or "); } fprintf (master_fp, "ASN.1 format", wwwPrefix, uid); if (! noNeighbors) { if (medNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", %s%d MEDLINE link%s\n", !protNeighbors && !nucNeighbors ? "or " : "", wwwPrefix, uid, medNeighbors, medNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (protNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", %s%d Protein neighbor%s\n", !nucNeighbors ? "or " : "", wwwPrefix, uid, protNeighbors, protNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (nucNeighbors != 0) fprintf (master_fp, ", or %d Nucleotide link%s\n", wwwPrefix, uid, nucNeighbors, nucNeighbors == 1 ? "" : "s"); } fprintf (master_fp, ")

\n"); DocSumFree(dsp); return TRUE; } static void ReportBadType (DocType db, CharPtr outputSpec) { Message(MSG_POST, "Invalid output format \"%s\" for database \"%s\"", outputSpec, db == TYP_ML ? "MEDLINE" : (db == TYP_NT ? "Nucleotide" : (db == TYP_AA ? "Protein" : (db == TYP_CH ? "Genome" : "unknown")))); } static Boolean ProcessOutput(LocalLinkSetPtr lsp, DocType db, CharPtr outputSpec, long processingCount, long totalCount, Boolean parseOnly) { long i; AsnIoPtr aip; MedlineEntryPtr mep; SeqEntryPtr sep; SeqIdPtr sip; Char seqIdBuf[256]; if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "") == 0 || StringCmp(outputSpec, "no") == 0) return TRUE; if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "mc") == 0) { if (db != TYP_ML) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly) { fprintf (master_fp, "%ld\n", totalCount); } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "mu") == 0) { if (db != TYP_ML) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { if (exportFilePtr != NULL) { CharPtr str = "garbage"; switch(db) { case TYP_ML: str = "MEDLINE"; break; case TYP_AA: str = "protein"; break; case TYP_NT: str = "nucleotide"; break; case TYP_CH: str = "genome"; break; } fprintf(exportFilePtr, ">%s\n", str); for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { fprintf(exportFilePtr, "%d\n", lsp->uids[i]); } FileClose(exportFilePtr); exportFilePtr = NULL; } else { fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { fprintf (master_fp, "%d\n", lsp->uids[i]); } fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fflush(master_fp); } } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "mz") == 0) { /* analyze */ if (db != TYP_ML) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { CharPtr terms[20]; Int4 termTotals[20]; Int4 count; count = EntrezClusterAnalysis(lsp->uids, lsp->num, FLD_WORD, 0, INT2_MAX, 20, terms, termTotals); fprintf (master_fp, "Analysis resulted in %d terms\n\n", (int) count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { fprintf (master_fp, "%s %ld\n", terms[i], (long) termTotals[i]); MemFree (terms[i]); } } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "md") == 0) { if (db != TYP_ML) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { if (wwwPrefix != NULL && processingCount < totalCount) { fprintf (master_fp, "Warning: only %ld document summaries are being displayed\n", processingCount); fprintf (master_fp, "out of %ld total entries.

\n", totalCount); } EntrezDocSumListGet((Int2) processingCount, db, lsp->uids, wwwPrefix == NULL ? PrintDSP : PrintDSPMwww); } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "mr") == 0) { if (db != TYP_ML) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { mep = EntrezMedlineEntryGet(lsp->uids[i]); if (mep != NULL) { MedlineEntryToDocFile(mep, master_fp); MedlineEntryFree(mep); fprintf (master_fp, "\n\n"); } } fflush(master_fp); } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "ma") == 0) { if (db != TYP_ML) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { aip = AsnIoNew(ASNIO_TEXT_OUT, master_fp, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { mep = EntrezMedlineEntryGet(lsp->uids[i]); if (mep != NULL) { MedlineEntryAsnWrite(mep, aip, NULL); AsnIoReset(aip); MedlineEntryFree(mep); } } AsnIoClose(aip); } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "ml") == 0) { if (db != TYP_ML) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { mep = EntrezMedlineEntryGet(lsp->uids[i]); if (mep != NULL) { MedlineEntryToDataFile(mep, master_fp); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); MedlineEntryFree(mep); } } } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "sc") == 0) { if (db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_AA && db != TYP_CH) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly) { fprintf (master_fp, "%ld\n", totalCount); } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "su") == 0) { if (db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_AA && db != TYP_CH) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { if (exportFilePtr != NULL) { CharPtr str = "garbage"; switch(db) { case TYP_ML: str = "MEDLINE"; break; case TYP_AA: str = "protein"; break; case TYP_NT: str = "nucleotide"; break; case TYP_CH: str = "genome"; break; } fprintf(exportFilePtr, ">%s\n", str); for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { fprintf(exportFilePtr, "%d\n", lsp->uids[i]); } FileClose(exportFilePtr); exportFilePtr = NULL; } else { fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { fprintf (master_fp, "%d\n", lsp->uids[i]); } fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fflush(master_fp); } } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "sd") == 0) { if (db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_AA) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { if (wwwPrefix != NULL && processingCount < totalCount) { fprintf (master_fp, "Warning: only %ld document summaries are being displayed\n", processingCount); fprintf (master_fp, "out of %ld total entries.

\n", totalCount); } pubLsp = lsp; EntrezDocSumListGet((Int2) processingCount, db, lsp->uids, wwwPrefix == NULL ? PrintDSP : (db == TYP_NT ? PrintDSPNwww : PrintDSPPwww)); pubLsp = NULL; } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "sa") == 0) { if (db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_AA && db != TYP_CH) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { aip = AsnIoNew(ASNIO_TEXT_OUT, master_fp, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { sep = EntrezSeqEntryGet(lsp->uids[i], db == TYP_CH ? -1 : seqEntryRetval); if (sep != NULL) { SeqEntryAsnWrite(sep, aip, NULL); AsnIoReset(aip); SeqEntryFree(sep); } } AsnIoClose(aip); } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "sg") == 0 || StringCmp(outputSpec, "sr") == 0) { if (db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_AA && db != TYP_CH) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { sep = EntrezSeqEntryGet(lsp->uids[i], db == TYP_CH ? -1 : seqEntryRetval); if (sep != NULL) { PrintGenbank(sep, db == TYP_AA); SeqEntryFree(sep); } } } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "sf") == 0) { if (db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_AA && db != TYP_CH) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { sep = EntrezSeqEntryGet(lsp->uids[i], db == TYP_CH ? -1 : seqEntryRetval); if (sep != NULL) { SeqEntryConvert (sep, Seq_code_iupacna); SeqEntryToFasta (sep, master_fp, db == TYP_NT); SeqEntryFree(sep); } fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); } } return TRUE; } if (StringCmp(outputSpec, "si") == 0) { if (db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_AA && db != TYP_CH) { ReportBadType(db, outputSpec); return FALSE; } if (! parseOnly && lsp != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < processingCount; i++) { sip = EntrezSeqIdForGI(lsp->uids[i]); if (sip != NULL) { SeqIdWrite(sip, seqIdBuf, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, sizeof seqIdBuf); fprintf (master_fp, "%s\n", seqIdBuf); } } } return TRUE; } Message(MSG_POST, "Unknown output format \"%s\"", outputSpec); return FALSE; } static Int2 RunProgram(CharPtr programStr, LocalLinkSetPtr lsp, DocType db, Boolean parseOnly) { Int1 wrongDelim = '.'; DocType newdb; Int2 len; CharPtr c; Char outputSpec[3]; long processingCount; Char numStr[12]; Int2 count; Int2 numToCopy; LinkSetPtr newlsp; if (programStr == NULL) { return -1; } if (lsp == NULL && !parseOnly) { return -1; } len = StrLen(programStr); outputSpec[2] = '\0'; c = programStr; for (c = programStr; c < programStr + len; c += count + 1) { count = StrCSpn(c, ",."); if (c[count] == wrongDelim) { Message(MSG_POST, "Invalid delimiter"); /* offset to offending delimeter */ return (count + 1 + c - programStr); } processingCount = INT4_MAX; if (wrongDelim == '.') { /* process output */ switch (count) { case 0: outputSpec[0] = '\0'; break; case 1: Message(MSG_POST, "Invalid output specification \"%c\"", c[1]); return ( 2 + c - programStr); case 2: outputSpec[0] = c[0]; outputSpec[1] = c[1]; break; default: outputSpec[0] = c[0]; outputSpec[1] = c[1]; numToCopy = MIN(count - 2, sizeof(numStr) - 1); StrNCpy(numStr, c + 2, numToCopy); numStr[numToCopy] = '\0'; if ((int) StrSpn(numStr, "0123456789") != (int) numToCopy) { Message(MSG_POST, "Non-numeric character detected"); return ( count + c - programStr); } sscanf(numStr, "%ld", &processingCount); break; } if (lsp != NULL && !parseOnly) { processingCount = MIN(processingCount, lsp->num); } if (! ProcessOutput(lsp, db, outputSpec, processingCount, lsp != NULL ? lsp->num : processingCount, parseOnly)) { /* note that error will be posted by ProcessOutput() */ return ( 3 + c - programStr); } } else { /* process neighboring */ if (count == 0) { Message(MSG_POST, "Null neighboring specification"); return ( 1 + c - programStr); } if (count > 1) { numToCopy = MIN(count - 1, sizeof(numStr) - 1); StrNCpy(numStr, c + 1, numToCopy); numStr[numToCopy] = '\0'; if ((int) StrSpn(numStr, "0123456789") != (int) numToCopy) { Message(MSG_POST, "Non-numeric character detected"); return ( count + c - programStr); } sscanf(numStr, "%ld", &processingCount); } switch (*c) { case 'p': newdb = TYP_AA; break; case 'm': newdb = TYP_ML; break; case 'n': newdb = TYP_NT; break; case 'g': newdb = TYP_CH; break; default: Message(MSG_POST, "Invalid neighboring specification <%s>", *c); return ( 1 + c - programStr); } if (lsp != NULL && !parseOnly) { processingCount = MIN(processingCount, lsp->num); newlsp = NULL; EntrezLinkUidList(&newlsp, db, newdb, (Int2) processingCount, lsp->uids, FALSE); LocalLinkSetFree(lsp); lsp = LinkSetToLocalLinkSet(newlsp); LinkSetFree(newlsp); } db = newdb; } wrongDelim = wrongDelim == '.' ? ',' : '.'; } if (lsp != NULL && !parseOnly) LocalLinkSetFree(lsp); return 0; } static void DumpTerm (CharPtr term, Int4 special, Int4 total) { switch (termDisplay) { case DISPLAY_SPECIAL_AND_TOTAL: fprintf (master_fp, "%s\t%ld\t%ld\n", term, (long) special, (long) total); break; case DISPLAY_TOTAL_ONLY: fprintf (master_fp, "%s\t%ld\n", term, (long) total); break; case DISPLAY_TERM_ONLY: fprintf (master_fp, "%s\n", term); break; } } static Boolean beginTermProc(CharPtr term, Int4 special, Int4 total) { if (term != NULL) { DumpTerm(term, special, total); MemFree (term); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } static Boolean findOneTermProc(CharPtr term, Int4 special, Int4 total) { if (term != NULL) { MemFree (term); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } static Boolean collectNumTermsProc(CharPtr term, Int4 special, Int4 total) { static Boolean inited = FALSE; static TermAndCounts PNTR arrayOfTerm = NULL; static Int2 head; static Boolean sawOurTerm; Int4 i; if (special == -1) { /* flag indicating reset */ for (i = 0; i < termsBefore; i++) { MemFree(arrayOfTerm[i].term); } MemFree(arrayOfTerm); arrayOfTerm = NULL; inited = FALSE; return TRUE; } if (term == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (! inited) { inited = TRUE; arrayOfTerm = MemNew(termsBefore * sizeof(TermAndCounts)); for (i = 0; i < termsBefore; i++) { arrayOfTerm[i].term = NULL; } head = 0; sawOurTerm = FALSE; } if (sawOurTerm) { DumpTerm (term, special, total); MemFree (term); if (--head <= 0) return FALSE; /* no more terms, please */ else return TRUE; } else { if (StringICmp(term, theTerm) >= 0) { sawOurTerm = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < termsBefore; i++) { if (arrayOfTerm[i].term == NULL) { head = 0; /* didn't wrap around */ break; } } /* print out the queue */ i = head; do { if (arrayOfTerm[i].term == NULL) break; DumpTerm(arrayOfTerm[i].term, arrayOfTerm[i].special, arrayOfTerm[i].total); MemFree (arrayOfTerm[i].term); arrayOfTerm[i].term = NULL; i = (i + 1) % termsBefore; } while (i != head); /* number of remaining records to be displayed after this one */ head = numTerms - (termsBefore + 1); DumpTerm (term, special, total); MemFree (term); return TRUE; } } if (arrayOfTerm[head].term != NULL) { MemFree(arrayOfTerm[head].term); } arrayOfTerm[head].term = term; arrayOfTerm[head].special = special; arrayOfTerm[head].total = total; head = (head + 1) % termsBefore; return TRUE; } static Boolean TermProcessing(CharPtr programStr, CharPtr termString, DocType db, Boolean parseOnly) { Boolean centerOnTerm = FALSE; Boolean beginWithTerm = FALSE; Boolean endWithTerm = FALSE; Boolean inclusive; Char fldStr[ENTREZ_FLD_MNEMONIC_LENGTH+1]; DocField fld; Int2 firstPage; CharPtr countIndex; Int2 ratio; CharPtr localTermString; theTerm = termString; if (programStr == NULL || termString == NULL || (int) StrLen(programStr) < (3 + ENTREZ_FLD_MNEMONIC_LENGTH)) return FALSE; switch (programStr[0]) { case 's': /* output with special+total, tab-delimeted */ termDisplay = DISPLAY_SPECIAL_AND_TOTAL; break; case 't': termDisplay = DISPLAY_TOTAL_ONLY; break; case 'o': termDisplay = DISPLAY_TERM_ONLY; break; default: return FALSE; } switch (programStr[1]) { case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': ratio = programStr[1] - '0'; centerOnTerm = TRUE; break; case 'c': /* center on the term */ ratio = 4; centerOnTerm = TRUE; break; case 'b': beginWithTerm = TRUE; break; case 'e': endWithTerm = TRUE; break; default: return FALSE; } switch (programStr[2]) { /* ignored for centerOnTerm cases, above */ case 'n': /* non-inclusive */ inclusive = FALSE; break; case 'i': /* inclusive */ inclusive = TRUE; break; default: return FALSE; } StrNCpy (fldStr, &programStr[3], ENTREZ_FLD_MNEMONIC_LENGTH); fldStr[ENTREZ_FLD_MNEMONIC_LENGTH] = '\0'; if ((fld = EntrezStringToField(db, fldStr)) < 0) return FALSE; countIndex = &programStr[3+ENTREZ_FLD_MNEMONIC_LENGTH]; numTerms = DEFAULT_TERMLIST_LEN; if (*countIndex != '\0' && StrSpn(countIndex, "0123456789") == StrLen(countIndex)) { numTerms = atoi(countIndex); } if (parseOnly) return TRUE; if (termString[0] == '"' && termString[StrLen(termString)-1] == '"') { localTermString = MemNew(StrLen(termString)); StrCpy (localTermString, &termString[1]); localTermString[StrLen(localTermString)-1] = '\0'; theTerm = localTermString; } else { localTermString = termString; } if (centerOnTerm) { EntrezTermListByTerm(db, fld, localTermString, 1, findOneTermProc, &firstPage); if (firstPage > 0) { firstPage--; } termsBefore = (Int2) (numTerms / ((float) ratio / 2)); EntrezTermListByPage(db, fld, firstPage, 4, collectNumTermsProc); collectNumTermsProc(NULL, -1, -1); /* reset */ } else { EntrezTermListByTerm(db, fld, localTermString, numTerms, beginTermProc, &firstPage); } if (localTermString != termString) { MemFree (localTermString); } return TRUE; } static Boolean TaxProcessing(CharPtr taxString, DocType db, CharPtr progString) { EntrezHierarchyPtr ehp; EntrezHierarchyPtr ehp2; EntrezHierarchyChildPtr ecp; Int2 i; DocField fld; int maxDepth; if (db != TYP_AA && db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_ML && db != TYP_CH) { fprintf (master_fp, "Invalid database type %d\n", db); return FALSE; } fld = db == TYP_ML ? FLD_MESH_HIER : FLD_ORGN_HIER; ehp = EntrezHierarchyGet(taxString, db, fld); if (ehp == NULL) { fprintf (master_fp, "Term %s not found\n", taxString); return FALSE; } if (StrNCmp(progString, "dump", 4) == 0) { sscanf(&progString[4], "%d", &maxDepth); if (maxDepth <= 0) maxDepth = INT2_MAX; PreOrderTaxTraversal(ehp, 0, db, fld, (Int2) maxDepth); EntrezHierarchyFree(ehp); } else { fprintf (master_fp, "term %s\nLineage:\n", ehp->term); for (i = 0; i < ehp->numInLineage; i++) fprintf (master_fp, " %s\n", ehp->lineage[i]); fprintf (master_fp, " %s\n", taxString); if (ehp->numInLineage > 0) { ehp2 = EntrezHierarchyGet(ehp->lineage[ehp->numInLineage - 1], db, fld); if (ehp2 != NULL && ehp2->numChildren > 1) { fprintf (master_fp, "Siblings:\n"); for (i = 0; i < ehp2->numChildren; i++) { ecp = &ehp2->children[i]; if (StrICmp(ecp->name, taxString) != 0) fprintf (master_fp, " %s\n", ecp->name); } EntrezHierarchyFree(ehp2); } } if (ehp->numChildren > 0) { fprintf (master_fp, "Children:\n"); for (i = 0; i < ehp->numChildren; i++) { ecp = &ehp->children[i]; fprintf (master_fp, " %s\n", ecp->name); } } EntrezHierarchyFree(ehp); } return TRUE; } static ValNodePtr ParseImportedFiles(CharPtr str) { CharPtr localStr; CharPtr token; FILE *fp; Char s[100]; DocType db; ValNodePtr head = NULL; ValNodePtr node; SavListPtr slp; Int2 linesread; Int4Ptr uids; CharPtr p; localStr = StringSave(str); token = StrTok(localStr, ", "); while (token != NULL) { if ((fp = FileOpen(token, "r")) == NULL) { Message(MSG_POST, "Error opening file %s", token); MemFree(localStr); return NULL; } linesread = 0; while (FileGets(s, (sizeof s) - 1, fp) != NULL) { Boolean nonNumeric = StrSpn(s, "0123456789 \n\r") != StrLen(s); linesread++; if (linesread == 1) { if(nonNumeric) { db = -1; if(StrICmp(s,">MEDLINE") == 0) db = TYP_ML; else if (StrICmp(s,">protein") == 0) db = TYP_AA; else if (StrICmp(s,">nucleotide") == 0) db = TYP_NT; else if (StrICmp(s,">genome") == 0) db = TYP_CH; } db = atoi(s); if (db != TYP_ML && db != TYP_AA && db != TYP_NT && db != TYP_CH) { Message(MSG_POST, "Invalid database type %d in file %s", db, token); FileClose(fp); MemFree(localStr); return NULL; } continue; } if (nonNumeric) { Message(MSG_POST, "Invalid character at line %d of file %s", linesread, token); FileClose(fp); MemFree(localStr); return NULL; } } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); /* rewind to beginning */ uids = (Int4Ptr) MemNew(sizeof(Int4) * linesread); linesread = -1; /* skip over db this time */ while (FileGets(s, (sizeof s) - 1, fp) != NULL) { if (linesread >= 0) { uids[linesread] = atoi(s); } linesread++; } FileClose(fp); slp = (SavListPtr) MemNew(sizeof(SavList)); slp->uids = uids; slp->db = db; slp->num = linesread; if ((p = StringRChr(token, DIRDELIMCHR)) == NULL) { slp->name = MemNew(StrLen(token) + 2); StrCpy(&slp->name[1], token); } else { slp->name = StringSave(p); } slp->name[0] = '*'; /* to make the name unique, like in Entrez */ if (head == NULL) { head = ValNodeNew(NULL); node = head; } else { node = ValNodeNew(head); } node->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer) slp; token = StrTok(NULL, ", "); } return head; } static LocalLinkSetPtr ParseUidList(CharPtr str) { CharPtr localStr; CharPtr token; long uid; int i; Int4 count = 0; Int4Ptr vector; LocalLinkSetPtr lsp; /* loop through twice ... the first time count, the second time, store values */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { localStr = StringSave(str); token = StrTok(localStr, ", "); count = 0; while (token != NULL) { if (StrSpn(token, "0123456789") != StrLen(token)) { Message(MSG_POST, "parsing error at position %d", ((long) token) - ((long) localStr)); MemFree(localStr); return NULL; } if (i == 1) { sscanf(token, "%ld", &uid); vector[count] = (Int4) uid; } count++; token = StrTok(NULL, ", "); } if (i == 0) { vector = MemNew(count * sizeof(Int4)); } MemFree(localStr); } if (count == 0) { return NULL; } lsp = LocalLinkSetNew(); lsp->num = count; lsp->uids = vector; return lsp; } static CharPtr FormatPositionalErr(Int2 beginErr, Int2 endErr, Int2 startLen) { int i; CharPtr str; /* prepare text describing where error occurred */ str = MemNew(endErr + startLen + 2); for (i = 0; i < endErr + startLen - 1; i++) { str[i] = ' '; } str[i++] = '^'; str[beginErr + startLen] = '^'; str[i] = '\0'; return str; } #define IS_HEX(x) (IS_DIGIT(x) || ((x) >= 'a' && ((x) <= 'f')) || \ ((x) >= 'A' && ((x) <= 'F'))) static CharPtr WWWStyleDecoding(CharPtr string, Boolean doEncoding) { /* decoding in-place, assuming that decoded string is always smaller than original */ CharPtr p, q, maxchar; Char str[3]; int newchar; if (! doEncoding) return string; maxchar = string + (int) StrLen(string); for (p = string; p < maxchar - 2; p++) { if (*p == '%' && IS_HEX(p[1]) && IS_HEX(p[2])) { str[0] = p[1]; str[1] = p[2]; str[2] = '\0'; sscanf(str, "%x", &newchar); *p = (Char) newchar; maxchar -= 2; for (q = p + 1; q <= maxchar; q++) *q = q[2]; } } return string; } static int LIBCALLBACK compUidsDescending(VoidPtr a, VoidPtr b) { Int4Ptr x = (Int4Ptr) a; Int4Ptr y = (Int4Ptr) b; return (*y - *x); /* note descending order */ } static void SortUidsDescending(LocalLinkSetPtr lsp) { Boolean sorted; int k; Int4 temp; if (lsp == NULL) return; /* try to sort uids in descending order */ for (sorted = TRUE, k = 1; k < lsp->num; k++) { if (lsp->uids[k-1] < lsp->uids[k]) { sorted = FALSE; break; } } if (! sorted) { /* assume that the existing order is reversed */ for (k = (lsp->num / 2) - 1; k >= 0; k--) { temp = lsp->uids[k]; lsp->uids[k] = lsp->uids[lsp->num - 1 - k]; lsp->uids[lsp->num - 1 - k] = temp; } /* now check that it's sorted */ for (sorted = TRUE, k = 1; k < lsp->num; k++) { if (lsp->uids[k-1] < lsp->uids[k]) { sorted = FALSE; break; } } if (! sorted) { /* as a last resort, sort them using heapsort */ HeapSort(lsp->uids, lsp->num, sizeof(Int4), compUidsDescending); } } } static void PrintHelp(void) { fprintf (master_fp, "Entrcmd is a non-interactive command-line interface which allows a user to\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "perform a series of neighboring and output operations, based upon an initial\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "set of UIDs or a boolean expression which describes a set of UIDs.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "Alternatively, it can be used to display an alphabetically sorted list of\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "terms near an initial term.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "Type 'entrcmd' with no arguments for a brief summary of command-line options.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " EXPRESSION SYNTAX (-e option)\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "The following grammar is based upon Backus-Naur form. Braces ({}) are used to\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "specify optional fields, and ellipses (...) represents an arbitrary number\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "of repititions. In most Backus-Naur forms, the vertical bar (|) and brackets\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "([]) are used as meta-symbols. However, in the following grammar, the\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "vertical bar and brackets are terminal symbols, and three stacked vertical\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "bars are used to represent alternation.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "expression ::= diff { - diff ... }\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "diff ::= term { | term ... }\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "term ::= factor { & factor ... }\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "factor ::= qualtoken | ( expression )\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "qualtoken ::= token { [ fld { ,S } ] }\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "token is a string of characters which either contains no special characters,\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "or which is delimited by double-quotes (\"). Double-quote marks and\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "backslashes (\\) which appear with a quoted token must be quoted by an\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "additional backslash.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "fld is an appropriate string describing a field. The possible values are\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "described in the following table. For all databases, an asterisk(*) is a\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "possible value for fld, signifying the union of all possible fields for that\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "database. '*' is also the default field, if no field qualifier is specified.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " | fld| Databases and descriptions\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " +----+--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |WORD| For MEDLINE, \"Abstract or Title\"; for Sequences, \"Text Terms\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |MESH| MEDLINE only, \"MeSH term\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |AUTH| For all databases, \"Author Name\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |JOUR| For all databases, \"Journal Title\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |GENE| For all databases, \"Gene Name\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |KYWD| For MEDLINE, \"Substance\", for Sequences \"Keyword\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |ECNO| For MEDLINE and protein, \"E.C. number\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |ORGN| For all databases, \"Organism\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |ACCN| For Sequence databases, \"Accession\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " |PROT| For protein, \"Protein Name\"\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "The presence of \",S\" after a field specifier implies the same semantics\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "as \"special\" in Entrez. Entrez \"total\" semantics are the default.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " PROGRAM OF COMMANDS (-p option)\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "For the \"-e\" and \"-u\" options, the program of commands consists of a sequence of\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "neighboring operations alternated with optional output commands. All output\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "commands, except the first, must be preceded by a period (.), and all\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "neighboring commands must be preceded by a comma (,).\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "The output commands are:\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " no None (default) sg Sequence GenBank/GenPept flat file format\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " ma MEDLINE ASN.1 format sa Sequence ASN.1 format\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " md MEDLINE docsums sd Sequence docsums\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " ml MEDLARS format sf Sequence FASTA format\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " mr MEDLINE report format sr Sequence report format\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " mu MEDLINE UIDs su Sequence UIDs\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " si Sequence IDs\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "Each output command may be followed by an optional count indicating how\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "many articles to display. The default is to display all the articles.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "If the \"-x\" command line option appears (\"export to a saved UID list\"), then\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "the first \"mu\" or \"su\" command results in those UIDs being written to that\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\"saved UID list\" file, rather than being written to the standard output.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "Neighboring commands indicate the database to neighbor \"to\", and\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "consists of the first letter of each of the possible databases:\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "(medline, protein, nucleotide) followed by an optional count of\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "how many of the current set of articles should be included in the\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "neighboring operation.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "Example:\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " Find the articles written by \"Kay LE\", but not by \"Forman-Kay JD\". Find\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " their MEDLINE neighbors. Print document summaries for all of these\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " neighbors. Of these neighbors, neighbor the first 5 entries to the protein\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " database. Print up to 10 of these sequences in Sequence Report format.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " entrcmd -e '\"Kay LE\" [AUTH] - \"Forman-Kay JD\" [AUTH]' -p ,m.md,p5.sr10\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "If the \"-t\" option is used, then the program of commands is different from\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "what is described above. Rather, it consists of a seven character string,\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "optionally followed by the number of terms which should be displayed.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "The default number of terms is 40.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "The string is of the form '123FLDD', where 1, 2, and 3 are as follows,\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "and FLDD is one of the field specifications described above (AUTH, etc.).\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "1 - one of 't', 's', or 'o', where 't' means that the total term counts\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " should be displayed after the term, 's' means that the special and\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " total term counts should be displayed after the term, and 'o' means\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " that only the term itself should be displayed\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "2 - one of 'b', 'c', 'e', or an integer from 3 to 9, where:\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " 'b' - display terms beginning with the specified term\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " 'c' - \"center\" terms; i.e., display half the terms before the specified\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " term, and half the terms after the specified term\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " 'e' - display terms ending with the specified term\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " k - an integer from 3 to 9, indicating that (2/k)ths of the terms\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " should be alphabetically before the specified term. Note that\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " '4' is the same as 'c'. The value '9' is recommended for\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " scrolled displays.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "3 - One of 'i' or 'n', indicating for the 'b' and 'e' options above whether\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " the specified term is to be included in the output, where 'i' means\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " inclusive, and 'n' means non-inclusive. This value is ignored for\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " other values of the previous character, but must be present as a\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " place-holder.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "[ WARNING: SOME OF THESE TERM SPECIFICATIONS OPTIONS (COMBINATIONS OF 1,\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "2, AND 3 ABOVE) ARE CURRENTLY UNIMPLEMENTED ]\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, " WORLD WIDE WEB STYLE OUTPUT (-w option)\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "The entrcmd program can also generate output which is appropriate for\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "display in an HTML document, to be \"served\" by a WWW server. In particular,\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "some output text contains HTML hypertext links to other data, as well as\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "HTML formatting information. The parameter to the -w option is the\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "directory prefix for the linked hypertext items; \"/htbin\" is recommended.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "If the \"-w\" option is selected, then the \"-f\" option may also be selected.\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "This indicates that the HTML output should be of a form which is\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "appropriate for a HTML \"FORM\". This output can only be processed by\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "advanced WWW clients, but potentially provides a nicer interface, where\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "each document summary has an associated checkbox, resulting in a display\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "which is similar to the Entrez CD-ROM application. The \"-c\" option, if used\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "in conjunction with \"-f\", indicates that these checkboxes should be\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "\"pre-checked\", i.e., selected. This potentially provides the equivalent\n"); fprintf (master_fp, "of the Entrez \"select all\" operation for neighboring.\n"); } static LocalLinkSetPtr BSPtoLSP(ByteStorePtr bsp) { LocalLinkSetPtr lsp; if (bsp == NULL) return NULL; lsp = LocalLinkSetNew(); lsp->num = BSLen(bsp) / sizeof(DocUid); if ((lsp->uids = MemNew(BSLen(bsp))) == NULL) { /* platforms which can't allocate this are out of luck */ lsp = LocalLinkSetFree(lsp); } else { BSSeek (bsp, 0L, 0); BSRead (bsp, lsp->uids, lsp->num * sizeof (DocUid)); } return lsp; } Int2 Main(void) { int Numarg = sizeof(myargs)/sizeof(Args); DocType db = TYP_ML; Boolean exprSpecified = FALSE; Boolean uidsSpecified = FALSE; Boolean termSpecified = FALSE; Boolean taxSpecified = FALSE; Boolean neighborSpecified = FALSE; CharPtr boolString; short erract; ErrDesc err; Int2 beginErr; Int2 endErr; CharPtr str; LocalLinkSetPtr lsp = NULL; LinkSetPtr oldstylelsp; ByteStorePtr bsp; CharPtr programStr; CharPtr termString; CharPtr taxString; CharPtr neighborString; CharPtr neighborFile; FILE *neighborFp; CharPtr exportFile; CharPtr importFileList; Int2 progErr; ValNodePtr savlist = NULL; ValNodePtr np; SavListPtr slp; Char param[6]; EntrezNeighborTextPtr entp; Boolean useWWWEncoding; if ( ! GetArgs("Entrez command-line $Revision: 6.5 $", Numarg, myargs)) return 1; if (myargs[14].strvalue) { if ((master_fp = FileOpen(myargs[14].strvalue, "w")) == NULL) { Message(MSG_POST, "Unable to open output file <%s>", myargs[14].strvalue); return 9; } } if (myargs[6].intvalue) { PrintHelp(); FileClose(master_fp); return 0; } if (myargs[0].strvalue != NULL) { switch(myargs[0].strvalue[0]) { case 'm': db = TYP_ML; break; case 'n': db = TYP_NT; break; case 'g': db = TYP_CH; break; case 'p': db = TYP_AA; break; default: Message(MSG_POST /* MSG_FATAL */, "Invalid database type <%s>", myargs[0].strvalue); FileClose(master_fp); return 1; } } useWWWEncoding = myargs[15].intvalue; if (myargs[16].intvalue) seqEntryRetval = -2; else seqEntryRetval = myargs[17].intvalue; if (myargs[1].strvalue != NULL && myargs[1].strvalue[0] != '\0') { exprSpecified = TRUE; boolString = WWWStyleDecoding(myargs[1].strvalue, useWWWEncoding); } if (myargs[2].strvalue != NULL && myargs[2].strvalue[0] != '\0') uidsSpecified = TRUE; if (myargs[11].strvalue != NULL && myargs[11].strvalue[0] != '\0') { termSpecified = TRUE; termString = WWWStyleDecoding(myargs[11].strvalue, useWWWEncoding); } if (myargs[12].strvalue != NULL && myargs[12].strvalue[0] != '\0') { taxSpecified = TRUE; taxString = WWWStyleDecoding(myargs[12].strvalue, useWWWEncoding); } if (myargs[13].strvalue != NULL && myargs[13].strvalue[0] != '\0') { neighborSpecified = TRUE; neighborFile = myargs[13].strvalue; if ((neighborFp = FileOpen(neighborFile, "r")) == NULL) { Message(MSG_POST /* MSG_FATAL */, "Unable to open neighboring-file %s", neighborFile); FileClose(master_fp); return 1; } FileClose(neighborFp); } if (((exprSpecified != 0) + (uidsSpecified != 0) + (termSpecified != 0) + (taxSpecified != 0) + (neighborSpecified != 0)) != 1) { Message(MSG_POST /* MSG_FATAL */, "Exactly one of the -e, -l, -n, -t and -u options must be specified"); FileClose(master_fp); return 1; } if (uidsSpecified) { lsp = ParseUidList(myargs[2].strvalue); if (lsp == NULL) { Message(MSG_POST /* MSG_FATAL */, "Syntax error on UID list"); FileClose(master_fp); return 1; } } if (exprSpecified) { ErrGetOpts(&erract, NULL); ErrSetOpts(ERR_CONTINUE, 0); ErrFetch(&err); if (! EntrezTLParseString(boolString, db, -1, &beginErr, &endErr)) { ErrShow(); Message(MSG_POST, "Syntax error: %s", boolString); if (endErr < 0) { endErr = 0; } str = FormatPositionalErr(beginErr, endErr, StrLen("Syntax error: ")); Message(MSG_POST, str); MemFree(str); FileClose(master_fp); return 2; } ErrSetOpts(erract, 0); } wwwPrefix = myargs[5].strvalue; programStr = myargs[3].strvalue; useForms = myargs[7].intvalue; checkForms = myargs[8].intvalue; exportFile = myargs[9].strvalue; importFileList = myargs[10].strvalue; if (exportFile != NULL && exportFile[0] != '\0') { GetAppParam("ENTREZ", "ENTRCMD", "EXPORT_OK", "FALSE", param, sizeof param); if (StrICmp(param, "TRUE") != 0) { Message(MSG_POST, "Export option is disabled"); FileClose(master_fp); return 6; } } if (termSpecified) { if (! TermProcessing(programStr, termString, db, TRUE)) { Message(MSG_POST, "Invalid term program specification %s", programStr); FileClose(master_fp); return 3; } } else if (taxSpecified) { /* no action */ } else { if ((progErr = RunProgram(programStr, NULL, db, TRUE)) != 0) { Message(MSG_POST, "Program error: %s", programStr); if (progErr > 0) str = FormatPositionalErr(progErr - 1, progErr - 1, StrLen("Program error: ")); else str = StringSave("Validation error"); Message(MSG_POST, str); MemFree(str); FileClose(master_fp); return 4; } if (exportFile != NULL) { exportFilePtr = FileOpen(exportFile, "w"); } if (importFileList != NULL) { if ((savlist = ParseImportedFiles(importFileList)) == NULL) { Message(MSG_POST, "Fatal error processing imported files"); } } } /* note that we defer EntrezInit() until we're sure that there are no */ /* parsing errors */ if (! EntrezInit("entrcmd", FALSE, NULL)) { Message(MSG_POST, "Unable to access Entrez dataset"); FileClose(master_fp); return 5; } EntrezBioseqFetchEnable("entrcmd", TRUE); if (myargs[4].intvalue) { str = EntrezDetailedInfo(); fprintf (master_fp, " STATUS REPORT\n\n\n%s\n\n", str); fflush(master_fp); } while (savlist != NULL) { /* create named UID lists, as needed */ slp = (SavListPtr) savlist->data.ptrvalue; EntrezCreateNamedUidList(slp->name, slp->db, 0, slp->num, slp->uids); MemFree(slp->name); MemFree(slp->uids); MemFree(slp); np = savlist->next; MemFree(savlist); savlist = np; } if (exprSpecified) { /* note that we deferred evaluation until after EntrezInit() */ if ((bsp = EntrezTLEvalXString(boolString, db, -1, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { lsp = BSPtoLSP(bsp); BSFree(bsp); } if (db == TYP_ML && lsp != NULL) { SortUidsDescending(lsp); } } if (neighborSpecified) { if (db == TYP_ML) { size_t neighborLen; int k; Int4 temp; if (! EntrezCanNeighborText()) { Message(MSG_POST, "Unable to perform on-the-fly neighboring\n"); FileClose(master_fp); return 5; } /* create text object here . */ neighborLen = FileLength(neighborFile); if ((neighborString = MemNew(neighborLen+1)) == NULL) { Message(MSG_POST, "Unable to allocate memory for on-the-fly neighboring\n"); FileClose(master_fp); return 5; } neighborFp = FileOpen(neighborFile, "r"); FileRead(neighborString, neighborLen, 1, neighborFp); FileClose (neighborFp); neighborString[neighborLen] = 0; entp = EntrezNeighborTextNew(); entp->percent_terms_to_use = 100; entp->max_neighbors = 0; entp->min_score = 0; entp->fld = FLD_WORD; entp->normalText = neighborString; entp->specialText = StringSave(""); oldstylelsp = EntrezDoNeighborText(entp); lsp = LinkSetToLocalLinkSet(oldstylelsp); LinkSetFree(oldstylelsp); EntrezNeighborTextFree(entp); /* reverse the order since they are received in backwards order */ if (lsp != NULL) { for (k = (lsp->num / 2) - 1; k >= 0; k--) { temp = lsp->uids[k]; lsp->uids[k] = lsp->uids[lsp->num - 1 - k]; lsp->uids[lsp->num - 1 - k] = temp; } } } else { Boolean isprot = db == TYP_AA; SeqEntryPtr sep; BioseqPtr bsp; if (! EntrezCanBlast()) { Message(MSG_POST, "Unable to perform on-the-fly BLAST\n"); FileClose(master_fp); return 5; } neighborFp = FileOpen(neighborFile, "r"); sep = FastaToSeqEntry(neighborFp, !isprot); FileClose (neighborFp); if (sep == NULL) { Message (MSG_OK, "Error encountered while parsing sequence data"); return 8; } bsp = NULL; SeqEntryExplore(sep, &bsp, isprot? FindAProt : FindANuc); if (bsp == NULL) { Message (MSG_OK, "Error encountered while parsing sequence data for Bioseq"); /* ? SeqEntryFree(sep); */ return 9; } oldstylelsp = EntrezBlastBioseq(bsp, db, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE); lsp = LinkSetToLocalLinkSet(oldstylelsp); LinkSetFree(oldstylelsp); } } if (termSpecified) { TermProcessing(programStr, termString, db, FALSE); } else if (taxSpecified) { TaxProcessing(taxString, db, programStr); } else { RunProgram(programStr, lsp, db, FALSE); } EntrezFini(); EntrezBioseqFetchDisable(); FileClose(master_fp); return 0; }