static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: formatrpsdb.c,v 1.28 2008/11/04 16:26:59 boratyng Exp $"; /***************************************************************************** PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE National Center for Biotechnology Information This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. *************************************************************************** File Name: formatrpsdb.c Author: Jason Papadopoulos File Description: convert a collection of files, each containing a sequence and position-specific scoring matrix encoded in an ASN.1 Score-matrix-parameters format, into a protein database. Auxiliary files are also generated that make the generated database suitable for use with RPS blast. *************************************************************************** $Log: formatrpsdb.c,v $ Revision 1.28 2008/11/04 16:26:59 boratyng Synchronized with the new BlastAaLookupTable implementation Revision 1.27 2008/08/13 13:33:21 ucko Correct previous revision to build even with strict compilers (MSVC, MIPSpro): - In FileWriteInChunks, cast ptr to char* to allow adding to it. - In RPS_DbClose, drop unused mid-block declaration of chunk. Revision 1.26 2008/08/12 16:53:12 boratyng Added function that calls FileWrite for chunks of data in order to aviod FileWrite warning: size > SIZE_MAX Revision 1.25 2007/05/07 13:29:11 kans added casts for (SeqDataPtr, SeqGapPtr, ByteStorePtr) Revision 1.24 2007/03/13 17:34:14 papadopo make neighboring threshold a floating point value at all times Revision 1.23 2006/11/21 17:25:25 papadopo rearrange headers, change lookup table names and function names Revision 1.22 2006/08/01 17:39:37 papadopo 1. Read in scoremats using 26- or 28-letter alphabets 2. Always produce an rpsblast database using a 28-letter alphabet Revision 1.21 2006/07/05 16:23:55 papadopo disallow creation of RPS databases that do not have a 26-letter protein alphabet Revision 1.20 2006/01/25 16:22:18 camacho Calculate kbp_ideal values rather than loading them from pre-computed values Revision 1.19 2005/12/22 14:22:19 papadopo change signature of BLAST_FillLookupTableOptions Revision 1.18 2005/06/20 19:43:03 papadopo explicitly specify use of PSSMs during lookup table construction Revision 1.17 2005/06/08 19:25:53 camacho New feature to allow formatdb to add taxonomy ids to BLAST databases generated from FASTA input BugzID: 6 Revision 1.16 2005/05/20 18:57:51 camacho Update to use new signature to BLAST_FillLookupTableOptions Revision 1.15 2005/02/22 14:17:31 camacho Fix bioseq data type Revision 1.14 2005/02/08 17:03:12 papadopo performance optimization: do not build the PSSM linked list incrementally Revision 1.13 2005/01/10 13:48:20 madden Change to BLAST_FillInitialWordOptions prototype Revision 1.12 2004/11/23 13:56:19 camacho Add quotations to matrix names in error message Revision 1.11 2004/11/23 13:52:31 camacho Add matrix names to error message when there is a mismatch Revision 1.10 2004/11/04 20:52:31 papadopo prepend 'Blast' to RPSInfo and related structures Revision 1.9 2004/10/12 15:12:35 papadopo 1. Modify scoremat IO to comply with new scoremat spec 2. Remove check that residue frequencies read from scoremat are <= 1.0 3. Add input argument to specify the underlying score matrix, or to use the score matrix specified in the scoremat if present Revision 1.8 2004/09/15 18:06:13 papadopo 1. Verify that the scale factor is the same for all input scoremats 2. Do not use the scoremat 'identifier' field to determine the underlying score matrix; hardwire to BLOSUM62 temporarily 3. Use BlastSeqLoc's instead of ListNodes Revision 1.7 2004/08/25 14:47:50 camacho Removed duplicate code Revision 1.6 2004/07/29 14:15:00 papadopo remove (obsolete) call to MakeAllWordSequence Revision 1.5 2004/07/19 17:17:47 papadopo if an input scoremat only contains residue frequencies, perform impala-specific scaling and create a PSSM Revision 1.4 2004/07/12 16:30:44 papadopo LookupTable->BlastLookupTable Revision 1.3 2004/06/30 19:52:00 camacho Added #include Revision 1.2 2004/06/29 16:00:44 papadopo add explicit prototype for BlastGetVersionNumber(), use enum value instead of explicit 0 Revision 1.1 2004/06/28 14:02:52 papadopo Initial revision **************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* compile-time check */ #if (AA_HITS_PER_CELL != RPS_HITS_PER_CELL) #error "Blastp lookup table incompatible with RPS lookup table" #endif /* binary compatibility with RPS blast *requires* the following */ #define RPS_NUM_LOOKUP_CELLS 32768 #if BLASTAA_SIZE == 28 #define RPS_DATABASE_VERSION RPS_MAGIC_NUM_28 #else #define RPS_DATABASE_VERSION RPS_MAGIC_NUM #endif /* RPS-related data */ typedef struct RPS_DbInfo { Int4 num_seqs; char lookup_file[PATH_MAX]; char pssm_file[PATH_MAX]; char aux_file[PATH_MAX]; char matrix_file[PATH_MAX]; FILE * lookup_fd; FILE * pssm_fd; FILE * aux_fd; Int4 **posMatrix; Int4 gap_open; Int4 gap_extend; Int4 scale_factor; Int4 curr_seq_offset; QuerySetUpOptions *query_options; LookupTableOptions *lookup_options; BlastAaLookupTable *lookup; } RPS_DbInfo; /* program's arguments */ Args dump_args[] = { { "Title for database file", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 't', ARG_STRING, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"Input file containing list of ASN.1 Scoremat filenames", NULL, NULL,NULL,FALSE,'i',ARG_FILE_IN, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Logfile name", "formatrpsdb.log", NULL,NULL,TRUE,'l',ARG_FILE_OUT, 0.0,0,NULL}, {"Create index files for database", "F", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'o', ARG_BOOLEAN, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"Database volume size in millions of letters", "0", "0", NULL, TRUE, 'v', ARG_INT, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"Scoremat files are binary", "F", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'b', ARG_BOOLEAN, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"Threshold for extending hits for RPS database", "11.0", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'f', ARG_FLOAT, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"Base name of output database (same as input file if not specified)", NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'n', ARG_STRING, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"For scoremats that contain only residue frequencies, the scaling " "factor to apply when creating PSSMs", "100.0", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'S', ARG_FLOAT, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"The gap opening penalty (if not present in the scoremat)", "11", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'G', ARG_INT, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"The gap extension penalty (if not present in the scoremat)", "1", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'E', ARG_INT, 0.0, 0, NULL}, {"Underlying score matrix (if not present in the scoremat)", "BLOSUM62", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'U', ARG_STRING, 0.0, 0, NULL}, }; enum { title_arg = 0, input_arg, logfile_arg, index_arg, dbsize_arg, binary_arg, threshold_arg, output_arg, scale_arg, gap_open_arg, gap_extend_arg, underlying_matrix_arg, NUMARG /* must be last */ }; /* Initialize the structures that will become the RPS auxiliary files */ void RPS_DbInfoInit(RPS_DbInfo *info, Int4 num_files, char *db_name) { Int4 i; memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); sprintf(info->pssm_file, "%s.rps", db_name); info->pssm_fd = FileOpen(info->pssm_file, "wb"); if (info->pssm_fd == NULL) ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "Could not open %s\n", info->pssm_file); sprintf(info->lookup_file, "%s.loo", db_name); info->lookup_fd = FileOpen(info->lookup_file, "wb"); if (info->lookup_fd == NULL) ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "Could not open %s\n", info->lookup_fd); sprintf(info->aux_file, "%s.aux", db_name); info->aux_fd = FileOpen(info->aux_file, "w"); if (info->aux_fd == NULL) ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "Could not open %s\n", info->aux_file); /* Write the magic numbers to the PSSM file */ i = RPS_DATABASE_VERSION; FileWrite(&i, sizeof(Int4), 1, info->pssm_fd); /* Fill in space for the sequence offsets. The PSSM data gets written after this list of integers. Also write the number of sequences to the PSSM file */ FileWrite(&num_files, sizeof(Int4), 1, info->pssm_fd); info->num_seqs = num_files; for (i = 0; i < num_files + 1; i++) FileWrite(&i, sizeof(Int4), 1, info->pssm_fd); } /* Update the input scoremat with a new PSSM and modified statistics. Scoremat must contain only residue frequencies. Note that upon completion the new PSSM will always have columns of length BLASTAA_SIZE seq is the sequence and set of score frequencies read in from the next data file seq_size is the number of letters in this sequence alphabet_size refers to the number of PSSM rows ScalingFactor is the multiplier for all PSSM scores */ Int2 RPSUpdateStatistics(PssmWithParameters *seq, Int4 seq_size, Int4 alphabet_size, Nlm_FloatHi ScalingFactor) { compactSearchItems *compactSearch; posSearchItems *posSearch; BLAST_ResFreqPtr stdrfp; Int4 i, j; Uint1 *query; Bioseq *bsp; BLAST_ScoreBlk *sbp; PssmPtr pssm = seq->pssm; PssmParametersPtr params = seq->params; ValNodePtr freq_list; ValNodePtr score_list; CharPtr matrix_name; /* pick out the underlying score matrix */ matrix_name = params->rpsdbparams->matrixName; /* allocate query array and PSSM row array */ posSearch = (posSearchItems *) MemNew (sizeof(posSearchItems)); compactSearch = (compactSearchItems *)MemNew(sizeof(compactSearchItems)); query = (Uint1 *)MemNew(seq_size * sizeof(Uint1)); /* Read in the sequence residues from the scoremat structure. */ bsp = pssm->query->data.ptrvalue; if (!bsp->seq_data || !ISA_aa(bsp->mol) || bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_ncbistdaa) { return -1; } BSSeek((ByteStorePtr) bsp->seq_data, 0, SEEK_SET); BSRead((ByteStorePtr) bsp->seq_data, query, seq_size); compactSearch->query = query; compactSearch->qlength = seq_size; /* set up a score block */ sbp = BLAST_ScoreBlkNew(Seq_code_ncbistdaa, 1); if (sbp == NULL) return -2; sbp->read_in_matrix = TRUE; sbp->protein_alphabet = TRUE; sbp->posMatrix = NULL; sbp->number_of_contexts = 1; BlastScoreBlkMatFill(sbp, matrix_name); compactSearch->matrix = sbp->matrix; compactSearch->alphabetSize = BLASTAA_SIZE; compactSearch->gapped_calculation = TRUE; compactSearch->pseudoCountConst = 10; compactSearch->ethresh = 0.001; BlastScoreBlkFill(sbp, (CharPtr) query, seq_size, 0); /* manually set up all the different Karlin blocks */ sbp->kbp_gap_std[0] = BlastKarlinBlkCreate(); BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc(sbp->kbp_gap_std[0], params->rpsdbparams->gapOpen, params->rpsdbparams->gapExtend, sbp->name, NULL); sbp->kbp_gap_psi[0] = BlastKarlinBlkCreate(); BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc(sbp->kbp_gap_psi[0], params->rpsdbparams->gapOpen, params->rpsdbparams->gapExtend, sbp->name, NULL); if (sbp->kbp_gap_std[0] == NULL || sbp->kbp_gap_psi[0] == NULL) return -3; if (sbp->kbp_ideal == NULL) sbp->kbp_ideal = BlastKarlinBlkStandardCalcEx(sbp); /* point to all the Karlin blocks just generated */ compactSearch->lambda = sbp->kbp_gap_std[0]->Lambda; compactSearch->kbp_std = sbp->kbp_std; compactSearch->kbp_psi = sbp->kbp_psi; compactSearch->kbp_gap_psi = sbp->kbp_gap_psi; compactSearch->kbp_gap_std = sbp->kbp_gap_std; compactSearch->lambda_ideal = sbp->kbp_ideal->Lambda; compactSearch->K_ideal = sbp->kbp_ideal->K; /* compute the ideal residue frequencies */ stdrfp = BlastResFreqNew(sbp); BlastResFreqStdComp(sbp,stdrfp); compactSearch->standardProb = MemNew(BLASTAA_SIZE * sizeof(double)); for(i = 0; i < BLASTAA_SIZE; i++) compactSearch->standardProb[i] = stdrfp->prob[i]; stdrfp = BlastResFreqDestruct(stdrfp); /* allocate space for a PSSM and for the position frequencies */ posSearch->posMatrix = (Int4 **)MemNew((seq_size + 1) * sizeof(Int4 *)); posSearch->posPrivateMatrix = (Int4 **)MemNew((seq_size + 1) * sizeof(Int4 *)); posSearch->posFreqs = (Nlm_FloatHi **)MemNew((seq_size + 1) * sizeof(Nlm_FloatHi *)); for (i = 0; i < seq_size + 1; i++) { posSearch->posMatrix[i] = (Int4 *)MemNew(BLASTAA_SIZE * sizeof(Int4)); posSearch->posPrivateMatrix[i] = (Int4 *)MemNew(BLASTAA_SIZE * sizeof(Int4)); posSearch->posFreqs[i] = (Nlm_FloatHi *)MemNew(BLASTAA_SIZE * sizeof(Nlm_FloatHi)); } /* read in the list of position frequencies. If alphabet_size is less than BLASTAA_SIZE then the extra entries are zero */ freq_list = pssm->intermediateData->freqRatios; if (pssm->byRow == FALSE) { for (i = 0; i < seq_size; i++) { for (j = 0; j < alphabet_size; j++) { if (freq_list == NULL) break; posSearch->posFreqs[i][j] = freq_list->data.realvalue; if (posSearch->posFreqs[i][j] < 0.0) return -4; freq_list = freq_list->next; } if (j < alphabet_size) break; } } else { for (j = 0; j < alphabet_size; j++) { for (i = 0; i < seq_size; i++) { if (freq_list == NULL) break; posSearch->posFreqs[i][j] = freq_list->data.realvalue; if (posSearch->posFreqs[i][j] < 0.0) return -5; freq_list = freq_list->next; } if (i < seq_size) break; } } if (freq_list != NULL || i < seq_size || j < alphabet_size) return -6; /* finally, build the PSSM and scale it */ posSearch->stdFreqRatios = PSIMatrixFrequencyRatiosNew(matrix_name); posFreqsToMatrix(posSearch, compactSearch); impalaScaling(posSearch, compactSearch, ScalingFactor, TRUE); posSearch->stdFreqRatios = PSIMatrixFrequencyRatiosFree( posSearch->stdFreqRatios); /* turn the computed PSSM into a linked list. Do *not* rely on ValNodeAddInt() to append new entries; build the whole list first */ pssm->finalData->scalingFactor = Nlm_Nint(ScalingFactor); score_list = NULL; for (i = 0; i < seq_size * BLASTAA_SIZE; i++) { ValNodePtr score_list_tmp = ValNodeNew(NULL); score_list_tmp->next = score_list; score_list = score_list_tmp; } pssm->finalData->scores = score_list; if (pssm->byRow == FALSE) { for (i = 0; i < seq_size; i++) { for (j = 0; j < alphabet_size; j++) { score_list->data.intvalue = posSearch->posPrivateMatrix[i][j]; score_list = score_list->next; } for (; j < BLASTAA_SIZE; j++) { score_list->data.intvalue = INT2_MIN; score_list = score_list->next; } } } else { for (j = 0; j < alphabet_size; j++) { for (i = 0; i < seq_size; i++) { score_list->data.intvalue = posSearch->posPrivateMatrix[i][j]; score_list = score_list->next; } } while (score_list != NULL) { score_list->data.intvalue = INT2_MIN; score_list = score_list->next; } } /* update the scoremat Karlin values with the ones just computed. RPS blast only needs the kappa field below */ pssm->finalData->kappa = sbp->kbp_gap_psi[0]->K; /* clean up */ MemFree(query); sbp = BLAST_ScoreBlkDestruct(sbp); compactSearch->standardProb = MemFree(compactSearch->standardProb); compactSearchDestruct(compactSearch); posCheckpointFreeMemory(posSearch, seq_size); MemFree(posSearch); return 0; } /* Incrementally update the RPS PSSM file with the PSSM for the next input sequence info contains all the information on data files and parameters from previously added sequences seq is the sequence and PSSM read in from the next data file seq_index refers to the (0-based) position of this sequence in the complete list of seqences seq_size is the number of letters in this sequence alphabet_size refers to the number of PSSM rows */ Int2 RPSUpdatePSSM(RPS_DbInfo *info, PssmWithParameters *seq, Int4 seq_index, Int4 seq_size, Int4 alphabet_size) { Int4 i, j; ValNodePtr score_list; PssmPtr pssm = seq->pssm; /* point to the end of the PSSM file and dump the PSSM for this sequence, column by column. Since the scoremat stores the PSSM scores in a linked list, also verify that the list is exactly as long as expected. Note that RPS blast requires an extra column at the end of the PSSM */ fseek(info->pssm_fd, 0, SEEK_END); score_list = pssm->finalData->scores; info->posMatrix = (Int4 **)MemNew((seq_size + 1) * sizeof(Int4 *)); for (i = 0; i < seq_size + 1; i++) info->posMatrix[i] = (Int4 *)MemNew(BLASTAA_SIZE * sizeof(Int4)); if (pssm->byRow == FALSE) { for (i = 0; i < seq_size; i++) { for (j = 0; j < alphabet_size; j++) { if (score_list == NULL) break; info->posMatrix[i][j] = score_list->data.intvalue; score_list = score_list->next; } if (j < alphabet_size) break; for (; j < BLASTAA_SIZE; j++) { info->posMatrix[i][j] = INT2_MIN; } } } else { for (j = 0; j < alphabet_size; j++) { for (i = 0; i < seq_size; i++) { if (score_list == NULL) break; info->posMatrix[i][j] = score_list->data.intvalue; score_list = score_list->next; } if (i < seq_size) break; } if (j == alphabet_size) { for (; j < BLASTAA_SIZE; j++) { for (i = 0; i < seq_size; i++) { info->posMatrix[i][j] = INT2_MIN; } } } } if (i < seq_size || j < alphabet_size) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "PSSM was truncated early"); return 1; } if (score_list != NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "PSSM is too large for this sequence"); return 1; } /* manually fill in the extra (last) column of the PSSM. Note that the value to use should more appropriately be BLAST_SCORE_MIN, but we instead follow the convention used in copymat */ for (i = 0; i < BLASTAA_SIZE; i++) info->posMatrix[seq_size][i] = -BLAST_SCORE_MAX; /* Dump the score matrix, column by column */ for (i = 0; i < seq_size + 1; i++) { FileWrite(info->posMatrix[i], sizeof(Int4), BLASTAA_SIZE, info->pssm_fd); } /* Write the next context offset. Note that the RPSProfileHeader structure is one int too large for our purposes, so that the index of this sequence must be decremented to get the right byte offset into the file */ fseek(info->pssm_fd, sizeof(BlastRPSProfileHeader) + (seq_index - 1) * sizeof(Int4), SEEK_SET); FileWrite(&info->curr_seq_offset, sizeof(Int4), 1, info->pssm_fd); return 0; } /* Incrementally update the BLAST lookup table with words derived from the present sequence info contains all the information on data files and parameters from previously added sequences seq is the sequence and PSSM read in from the next data file seq_size is the number of letters in this sequence */ Int2 RPSUpdateLookup(RPS_DbInfo *info, PssmWithParameters *seq, Int4 seq_size) { BlastSeqLoc *lookup_segment = NULL; /* Tell the blast engine to index the entire input sequence. Since only the PSSM matters for lookup table creation, the process does not require actually extracting the sequence data from 'seq'*/ BlastSeqLocNew(&lookup_segment, 0, seq_size - 1); /* add this sequence to the lookup table. NULL is passed in place of the query */ BlastAaLookupIndexQuery(info->lookup, info->posMatrix, NULL, lookup_segment, info->curr_seq_offset); BlastSeqLocFree(lookup_segment); return 0; } /* The first sequence in the list determines several parameters that all other sequences in the list must have. In this case, extra initialization is required info contains all the information on data files and parameters from previously added sequences seq is the sequence and PSSM read in from the next data file seq_index refers to the (0-based) position of this sequence in the complete list of seqences seq_size is the number of letters in this sequence alphabet_size refers to the number of PSSM rows */ Int2 RPSAddFirstSequence(RPS_DbInfo *info, PssmWithParameters *seq, Int4 seq_size, Int4 alphabet_size) { PssmPtr pssm = seq->pssm; PssmParametersPtr params = seq->params; double threshold; info->gap_open = params->rpsdbparams->gapOpen; info->gap_extend = params->rpsdbparams->gapExtend; info->scale_factor = pssm->finalData->scalingFactor; if (alphabet_size > BLASTAA_SIZE) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Alphabet is too large"); return 1; } /* scale up the threshold value and convert to integer */ threshold = info->scale_factor * dump_args[threshold_arg].floatvalue; /* create BLAST lookup table */ info->lookup_options = NULL; info->lookup = NULL; if (LookupTableOptionsNew(eBlastTypeBlastp, &info->lookup_options) != 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Cannot create lookup options"); return 1; } if (BLAST_FillLookupTableOptions(info->lookup_options, eBlastTypePsiBlast, FALSE, /* no megablast */ threshold, /* neighboring threshold */ BLAST_WORDSIZE_PROT ) != 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Cannot set lookup table options"); return 1; } if (BlastAaLookupTableNew(info->lookup_options, &info->lookup) != 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Cannot allocate lookup table"); return 1; } info->lookup->use_pssm = TRUE; /* manually turn on use of PSSMs */ /* Perform generic query setup */ if (BlastQuerySetUpOptionsNew(&info->query_options) != 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Generic query setup failed"); return 1; } if (BLAST_FillQuerySetUpOptions(info->query_options, eBlastTypeBlastp, NULL, /* no filtering */ 0 /* strand not applicable */ ) != 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Cannot fill query options"); return 1; } /* Write the header of the RPS .aux file */ fprintf(info->aux_fd, "BLOSUM62\n"); fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%d\n", info->gap_open); fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%d\n", info->gap_extend); fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%le\n", 0.0); /* ungapped K not used by RPS blast */ fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%le\n", 0.0); /* ungapped H not used by RPS blast */ fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%d\n", 0); /* max seq size not used by RPS blast */ fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%d\n", 0); /* DB size not used by RPS blast */ fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%lf\n", (double)info->scale_factor); return 0; } /* Perform basic checking on the next input sequence, and update the RPS data files info contains all the information on data files and parameters from previously added sequences seq is the sequence and PSSM read in from the next data file seq_index refers to the (0-based) position of this sequence in the complete list of seqences */ Int2 RPSAddSequence(RPS_DbInfo *info, PssmWithParameters *seq, Int4 seq_index) { Int4 alphabet_size, seq_size; Int4 i; Int2 status; BioseqPtr bsp; PssmPtr pssm; PssmParametersPtr params; FormatRpsDbParametersPtr rps_params; pssm = seq->pssm; if (pssm == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "No PSSM data present"); return 1; } /* Get the dimensions of the PSSM. It's expected that these numbers are *not* switched within the scoremat if the 'byrow' field is TRUE */ seq_size = pssm->numColumns; alphabet_size = pssm->numRows; bsp = (BioseqPtr)pssm->query->data.ptrvalue; if (seq_size != bsp->length) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Number of PSSM rows does not match " "size of sequence (%d vs %d)", seq_size, bsp->length); return 1; } if (alphabet_size <= 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Invalid alphabet size"); return 1; } /* Add RPS parameters if not present */ params = seq->params; if (params == NULL) { params = seq->params = PssmParametersNew(); if (params == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Cannot manually create PSSM parameters"); return 1; } } rps_params = params->rpsdbparams; if (rps_params == NULL) { rps_params = params->rpsdbparams = FormatRpsDbParametersNew(); if (rps_params == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Cannot manually create RPS DB parameters"); return 1; } } /* Fill in PSSM creation parameters if they are not present already */ if (rps_params->gapOpen == 0) rps_params->gapOpen = dump_args[gap_open_arg].intvalue; if (rps_params->gapExtend == 0) rps_params->gapExtend = dump_args[gap_extend_arg].intvalue; if (rps_params->matrixName == NULL) rps_params->matrixName = strdup(dump_args[underlying_matrix_arg].strvalue); if (pssm->finalData == NULL) { if (pssm->intermediateData == NULL || pssm->intermediateData->freqRatios == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "No residue frequency data available"); return 1; } /* Residue frequencies are available but a PSSM is not; construct the PSSM and its associated Karlin values. In the process, scale the PSSM scores. The scoremat is updated with the new PSSM and Karlin values */ pssm->finalData = PssmFinalDataNew(); if (pssm->finalData == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "PSSM score structure not allocated"); return 1; } status = RPSUpdateStatistics(seq, seq_size, alphabet_size, dump_args[scale_arg].floatvalue); if (status != 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "PSSM creation failed with error %d", status); return 1; } /* The generated PSSM has a fixed alphabet size */ alphabet_size = pssm->numRows = BLASTAA_SIZE; } /* Beyond this point, pssm->finalData and pssm->rpsdbparams must both be valid. If this is the first sequence processed, fill in the info structure with scoremat data. All of these parameters must be exactly the same for all sequences in the DB, or else RPS blast will not work */ if (info->curr_seq_offset == 0) { if (RPSAddFirstSequence(info, seq, seq_size, alphabet_size) != 0) return 1; } /* Do sanity checking on the input sequence. Note that a mixture of alphabet sizes is acceptable, as long as an alphabet does not exceed BLASTAA_SIZE */ if (alphabet_size > BLASTAA_SIZE) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Alphabet is too large"); return 1; } if (rps_params->gapOpen != info->gap_open) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Gap open penalties do not match"); return 1; } if (rps_params->gapExtend != info->gap_extend) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Gap extend penalties do not match"); return 1; } if (pssm->finalData->scalingFactor != info->scale_factor) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Scaling factor does not match"); return 1; } if (StringICmp(rps_params->matrixName, dump_args[underlying_matrix_arg].strvalue)) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Score matrix does not match: " "input=\"%s\" vs command-line=\"%s\"", rps_params->matrixName, dump_args[underlying_matrix_arg].strvalue); return 1; } /* Add this sequence' PSSM to the PSSM file. Also keep the PSSM in memory for use with indexing */ if (RPSUpdatePSSM(info, seq, seq_index, seq_size, alphabet_size) != 0) return 1; /* index this sequence, add it to the lookup table */ if (RPSUpdateLookup(info, seq, seq_size) != 0) return 1; /* Write the sequence size and the Karlin k value to the .aux file */ fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%d\n", seq_size); fprintf(info->aux_fd, "%le\n", pssm->finalData->kappa); /* Update the current total length, and free the PSSM that was previously allocated. The sequence length must include the trailing sentinel */ info->curr_seq_offset += (seq_size + 1); if (info->posMatrix != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < seq_size + 1; i++) MemFree(info->posMatrix[i]); info->posMatrix = MemFree(info->posMatrix); } return 0; } /* Writes data to file in chunks in order to avoid allocations larger than SIZE_MAX in FileWrite */ size_t FileWriteInChunks(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t n, FILE* stream) { size_t chunk = SIZE_MAX / size; size_t i; size_t count = 0; for (i=0;i < n;i+=chunk) { count += FileWrite((char*)ptr + i*size, size, (n-i < chunk ? n-i : chunk), stream); } return count; } /* Once all sequences have been processed, perform final setup on the BLAST lookup table and finish up the RPS files */ void RPS_DbClose(RPS_DbInfo *info) { /* Write the last context offset to the PSSM file. This is the total number of letters for all RPS DB sequences combined */ fseek(info->pssm_fd, sizeof(BlastRPSProfileHeader) + (info->num_seqs - 1) * sizeof(Int4), SEEK_SET); FileWrite(&info->curr_seq_offset, sizeof(Int4), 1, info->pssm_fd); /* Pack the lookup table into its compressed form */ if (BlastAaLookupFinalize(info->lookup, eBackbone) != 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING, 0, 0, "Failed to compress lookup table"); } else { /* Change the lookup table format to match that of the legacy BLAST lookup table */ BlastRPSLookupFileHeader header; BlastAaLookupTable *lut = info->lookup; Int4 i, index; Int4 cursor, old_cursor; AaLookupBackboneCell *cell; RPSBackboneCell empty_cell; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.magic_number = RPS_DATABASE_VERSION; /* for each lookup table cell */ for (index = cursor = 0; index < lut->backbone_size; index++) { cell = (AaLookupBackboneCell*)lut->thick_backbone + index; if (cell->num_used == 0) continue; /* The cell contains hits */ if (cell->num_used <= RPS_HITS_PER_CELL) { /* if 3 hits or less, just update each hit offset to point to the end of the word rather than the beginning */ for (i = 0; i < cell->num_used; i++) cell->payload.entries[i] += BLAST_WORDSIZE_PROT - 1; } else { /* if more than 3 hits, pack the first hit into the lookup table cell, pack the overflow array byte offset into the cell, and compress the resulting 'hole' in the overflow array. Update the hit offsets as well */ old_cursor = cell->payload.overflow_cursor; cell->payload.entries[0] = ((Int4*)lut->overflow)[old_cursor] + BLAST_WORDSIZE_PROT - 1; cell->payload.entries[1] = cursor * sizeof(Int4); for (i = 1; i < cell->num_used; i++, cursor++) { ((Int4*)lut->overflow)[cursor] = ((Int4*)lut->overflow)[old_cursor + i] + BLAST_WORDSIZE_PROT - 1; } } } header.start_of_backbone = sizeof(header); header.end_of_overflow = header.start_of_backbone + (RPS_NUM_LOOKUP_CELLS + 1) * sizeof(RPSBackboneCell) + cursor * sizeof(Int4); /* write the lookup file header */ FileWrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, info->lookup_fd); /* write the thick backbone */ FileWriteInChunks(lut->thick_backbone, sizeof(RPSBackboneCell), lut->backbone_size, info->lookup_fd); /* write extra backbone cells */ memset(&empty_cell, 0, sizeof(empty_cell)); for (i = lut->backbone_size; i < RPS_NUM_LOOKUP_CELLS + 1; i++) { FileWrite(&empty_cell, sizeof(empty_cell), 1, info->lookup_fd); } /* write the new overflow array */ FileWriteInChunks(lut->overflow, sizeof(Int4), cursor, info->lookup_fd); } /* Free data, close files */ info->lookup = BlastAaLookupTableDestruct(info->lookup); BlastQuerySetUpOptionsFree(info->query_options); FileClose(info->lookup_fd); FileClose(info->pssm_fd); FileClose(info->aux_fd); } Int2 Main(void) { FormatDBPtr fdbp; FDB_optionsPtr options; FILE *fd; char filename[PATH_MAX]; char buf[256]; char *open_args; char *output_dbname; AsnIoPtr ioptr = NULL; PssmWithParametersPtr sequence = NULL; PssmPtr pssm = NULL; SeqEntryPtr sep; BioseqPtr bsp; BlastDefLinePtr bdp; ValNodePtr file_list; ValNodePtr tmp_file; Int4 num_files; Int4 index; RPS_DbInfo rps_info; /* get arguments */ StringCpy(buf, "formatrpsdb "); StringNCat(buf, BlastGetVersionNumber(), sizeof(buf)-StringLen(buf)); if (!GetArgs(buf, NUMARG, dump_args)) return 1; if (!SeqEntryLoad()) return 0; if (!ErrSetLog(dump_args[logfile_arg].strvalue)) ErrShow(); else ErrSetOpts(ERR_CONTINUE, ERR_LOG_ON); UseLocalAsnloadDataAndErrMsg(); ErrSetMessageLevel(SEV_WARNING); if (dump_args[output_arg].strvalue) output_dbname = dump_args[output_arg].strvalue; else output_dbname = dump_args[input_arg].strvalue; options = FDBOptionsNew(output_dbname, TRUE, dump_args[title_arg].strvalue, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, dump_args[index_arg].intvalue, NULL, NULL, ((Int8)dump_args[dbsize_arg].intvalue)*1000000, 0, FORMATDB_VER, FALSE, eCleanNever); if (options == NULL) return 1; /* Initialize formatdb structure */ if ((fdbp = FormatDBInit(options)) == NULL) return 2; if (dump_args[binary_arg].intvalue == TRUE) open_args = "rb"; else open_args = "r"; if((fd = FileOpen(dump_args[input_arg].strvalue, "r")) == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "Could not open %s\n", dump_args[input_arg].strvalue); return 3; } /* read in all the file names, and count the number of sequences the DB will have */ file_list = NULL; num_files = 0; while (fgets(filename, PATH_MAX, fd) != 0) { char *tmp = strchr(filename, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = 0; ValNodeAddPointer(&file_list, 0, StringSave(filename)); num_files++; } FileClose(fd); /* Initialize the RPS structure */ RPS_DbInfoInit(&rps_info, num_files, output_dbname); /* Walk through each file in the list, recover the scoremat from it, add the enclosed Bioseq to the database (formatdb style), then send the rest of the scoremat to update the RPS data files. Be sure to only work with one scoremat at a time, since these structures can be quite large */ index = 0; for (tmp_file = file_list; tmp_file; tmp_file = tmp_file->next) { char *tmp = (char *)tmp_file->data.ptrvalue; ioptr = AsnIoOpen(tmp, open_args); if (ioptr == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "file '%s' not found", tmp); break; } sequence = PssmWithParametersAsnRead(ioptr, NULL); if (sequence == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "no data found in file '%s'", tmp); break; } pssm = sequence->pssm; if (pssm == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "no score matrix in file '%s'", tmp); break; } sep = pssm->query; if (sep == NULL || !IS_Bioseq(sep)) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "no Bioseq data in file '%s'", tmp); break; } bsp = (BioseqPtr)(sep->data.ptrvalue); bdp = FDBGetDefAsnFromBioseq(bsp, NULL); if (FDBAddBioseq(fdbp, bsp, bdp)) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "DB update failed for file '%s'", tmp); break; } if (RPSAddSequence(&rps_info, sequence, index)) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "RPS update failed for file '%s'", tmp); break; } sequence = PssmWithParametersFree(sequence); ioptr = AsnIoClose(ioptr); index++; } /* clean up scoremat data, if applicable */ if (sequence) sequence = PssmWithParametersFree(sequence); if (ioptr) ioptr = AsnIoClose(ioptr); /* Dump indexes, deallocate structure, arrays, etc. */ ValNodeFreeData(file_list); RPS_DbClose(&rps_info); if(FormatDBClose(fdbp)) return 4; FDBOptionsFree(options); return 0; }