/* salparam.h * =========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction. * We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in * any work or product based on this material * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * =========================================================================== * * File Name: salparam.h * * Author: Colombe Chappey * * Version Creation Date: 1/27/96 * * $Revision: 6.10 $ * * File Description: * * Modifications: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Date Name Description of modification * ------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- * * * ========================================================================== */ #ifndef _SALPARAM_ #define _SALPARAM_ #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /********************************* *** SeqFontProc ***********************************/ extern void SeqFontProc (IteM i); /********************************* *** SelectColorProc ***********************************/ extern void setUpLetterColor ( Uint4 *colorRefs, Uint1 letter, Uint1 red, Uint1 green, Uint1 blue ); /************************************ *** Translation *************************************/ extern void rf1ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf2ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf3ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf4ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf5ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf6ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf7ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf8ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf9ItemProc (IteM i); extern void rf10ItemProc (IteM i); /************************************ *** Dialog Boxes *************************************/ extern void FileInProc (ButtoN b); extern void DefinePanelDialog (IteM i); /* typedef struct simpamdlg{ Boolean ok; }SimPamDlg, PNTR SimPamDlgPtr; extern Boolean Sim2PamDialog (SimPamPtr spp); */ /********************************************** *** *** AlignDataSet_Restore *** Inval Rect *** RestorePort *** **********************************************/ extern void inval_panel (PaneL pnl, Int2 x, Int2 y); extern void inval_window (WindoW w); extern void inval_rect (Int2 left, Int2 top, Int2 right, Int2 bottom); extern void inval_allines (EditAlignDataPtr adp, RecT *rp); extern void inval_selstruct (EditAlignDataPtr adp, Uint2 ei, Uint4 ii, Uint2 it, Uint2 itemsubtype, RecT *rp, Int2 left, Int2 toright); extern void inval_selstructpos (EditAlignDataPtr adp, Uint2 ei, Uint4 ii, Uint2 it, RecT *rp, Int4 pos); extern void inval_selstructpos_tobottom (EditAlignDataPtr adp, Uint2 ei, Uint4 ii, Uint2 it, RecT *rp, Int4 pos); extern void inval_selstructloc (EditAlignDataPtr adp, Uint2 ei, Uint4 ii, Uint2 it, Uint2 itemsubtype, RecT *rp, Int4 from, Int4 to); extern void inval_selstructloc_forfeat (EditAlignDataPtr adp, Uint2 ei, Uint4 ii, Uint2 it, Uint2 itemsubtype, RecT *rp, Int4 from, Int4 to); extern void inval_rectidselected (EditAlignDataPtr adp, RecT *rp); extern void inval_pep (EditAlignDataPtr adp, RecT *rp); extern void inval_all (EditAlignDataPtr adp, RecT *rp, Uint2 itemtype1, Uint2 itemtype2, Uint2 itemtype3, Int2 width); extern void FormulaDialog (IteM i); extern void FindPatternDialog (IteM i); extern void DotPlotDialog (IteM i); extern void DotPlotItem (IteM i); extern void ExportTextFunc (ButtoN b); extern void SalsaExportDialog (IteM i); extern void SelectSeqDialog (IteM i); extern void SelectRegionDialog (IteM i); extern void ColorIdentityDialog (WindoW w); extern void ColorIdentityDialogItem (IteM i); NLM_EXTERN void PropagateFeatDialog (IteM i); extern ValNodePtr JK_NTPattern (CharPtr pattern, ValNodePtr sqloc_list, Boolean flagInvert, Uint1 mol_type); extern ValNodePtr JK_NTPattern2 (CharPtr pattern, ValNodePtr sqloc_list, Boolean flagInvert, Uint2 entityID); extern ValNodePtr JK_NTPattern2Ex (CharPtr pattern, ValNodePtr sqloc_list, Boolean flagInvert, Uint2 entityID, Uint1 pick_frame); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif