TBL2ASN AUTOMATED BULK SUBMISSION PROGRAM tbl2asn is a program that automates the submission of sequence records to GenBank. It uses many of the same functions as Sequin, but is driven entirely by data files, and records need no additional manual editing before submission. Entire genomes, consisting of many chromosomes with feature annotation, can be processed in seconds using this method. For a submission, tbl2asn expects a template file containing a text ASN.1 Submit-block object. These can be easily generated in Sequin and saved for use by tbl2asn. The Submit-block contains contact information (to whom questions on the submission can be addressed) and a submission citation (which lists the authors who get scientific credit for the sequencing). The template file can also contain one or more text ASN.1 Seq-descr objects (such as Title or BioSource) appended after the Submit-block. These can also be generated in Sequin and saved to a file, and then appended to the template with a text editor. They will become descriptors packaged at the top of each submission file. tbl2asn reads five other kinds of data files. Nucleotide sequence data is expected in FASTA format, and these files are identified by having a .fsa suffix. Feature table files, in the five-column format described later, have a .tbl suffix. These can be easily generated by most genome centers that maintain feature locations in a spreadsheet or database. The protein translations of CDS features can also be supplied as FASTA sequences in files with a .pep suffix. These will replace the tbl2asn-generated conceptual translations, and can be used to verify correct CDS intervals. The nucleotide sequence products of mRNA features can be provided as FASTA files with a .rna suffix. Sequence quality scores can be supplied in files with a .qvl suffix. tbl2asn generates a .sqn file for submission to the database from these input files. COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS To process a set of chromosomes, sets of .fsa and .tbl files (along with optional .pep, .rna, and .qvl files) are placed into a source directory. The path to this directory is specified in the -p command-line argument. The path for the resulting .sqn submission files is given in the -r argument. If the -r argument is not given, the .sqn files are saved in the source directory. For example, if an organism has fifteen chromosomes, one would expect at least the following files in the source directory: chr01.fsa chr01.tbl chr02.fsa ... chr14.tbl chr15.fsa chr15.tbl The exact names of the files are not important, but when a file with a suffix of .fsa is found, tbl2asn will look for a file with the same prefix that has a .tbl suffix, and then generate a .sqn file. The -t command-line argument specifies the template file. Normally a single FASTA sequence per .fsa file is expected. If there are multiple sequences, only the first is processed, unless one of two other flags is given. These are discussed below. The -s flag tells tbl2asn to package the multiple FASTA components as a set of unrelated sequences. This accommodates users who create a single file instead of one file per sequence. The -d flag tells the program to make a delta sequence out of the multiple components.This can be used for HTGS submissions where the sequence of the BAC/PAC clone has not been completely determined. Gaps of 100 base pairs should be inserted in between the actual sequence segments with lines containing an angle bracket '>', a question mark '?', and the length of the gap. >?100 The -g flag causes tbl2asn to generate a genomic product set. Within the set, the products of each related mRNA and CDS are packaged together in an internal nuc-prot set. The feature table must provide reciprocal protein_id and transcript_id qualifiers in order to correctly identify each mRNA/CDS pair. From the resulting .sqn file, the genomic sequence, all transcripts, and all proteins will be entered into the database and given accessions. Note, however, that -g cannot be used for records submitted to GenBank. It is only suitable for records going into RefSeq. If a feature table is not given, the -c flag tells tbl2asn to annotate the longest Open Reading Frame (ORF) on each record. The -m flag allows alternative start codons to be used when finding the ORF. The protein will be named 'unknown' unless the name is present in the .fsa file definition line, e.g., [protein=helicase]. Data records will be validated when the -v flag is indicated. Output is saved to files with a .val suffix. The validator checks for many things, including internal stops in CDS features and mismatches between the CDS translation and the supplied protein sequence. Errors need to be corrected before submitting files to GenBank. GenBank format output is generated when the -b flag is used. Resulting files have a .gbf suffix. NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE FORMAT tbl2asn can read nucleotide sequences of any size in FASTA format. A FASTA record consists of a single definition line, beginning with a '>' and followed by optional text, and subsequent lines of sequence. At minimum, all definition lines must contain an identifier for the sequence, called the SeqID. The SeqID cannot begin with "contig", as this is reserved for entry of accession lists in Sequin. Other optional information about the biological source of the organism can also be encoded in brackets on the definition line. A sample definition line is >Sc_16 [organism=Saccharomyces cerevisiae] [strain=S288C] [chromosome=XVI] Other elements include [topology=circular] and [location=mitochondrion]. Rna viruses would be indicated by [molecule=rna] and [moltype=genomic]. The sequencing technique can be supplied as [tech=fli cDNA]. Many other source qualifiers, such as map, clone, isolate, cell-line, and cultivar, can be used. For organisms that are not commonly submitted with tbl2asn, the nuclear and mitochondrial genetic codes can be indicated by [gcode=1] and [mgcode=3], respectively. This will ensure proper translation of CDS features. Primary accessions of TPA (third party annotation) records are given by [primary=xxx,xxx,...]. Finally, a general note can be added with [note=xxx]. Note that the definition line must be a single line, with no return or newline characters. Some word-processors will word-wrap text, either during display or when saving to a file, and care must be taken to avoid unwanted newlines introduced by the editor. >slpy [organism=Zea mays] [chromosome=9] Sleepy transposon TGTAAGATCACTGCTGGGTTGTTGATGAGTTGAGCACCGCTCCCGGCACCCGTCTCCTCTCACGAAGATC TTTAGGGTATGAAAAGTATCTGGAGTTCTTACACGACGGCGAGCCGCCTCTTCTCCGGACGCAGCCGGCC AGCCTTCTTCTCCAAGTCACCTTTTACCGACTCCAAACCCCACCTCAAATACTCCACTCAATCCAGATCA ... Multiple SeqIDs can be indicated in FASTA parsable strings. >gnl|ZGP|chr1|gb|U28041 >gi|54465|emb|X16935|MMTCRAC FEATURE TABLE FORMAT tbl2asn reads features from a simple five-column tab-delimited table. This is described in more detail at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Sequin/table.html The feature table specifies the location and type of each feature, and tbl2asn processes the feature intervals and translates any CDSs into proteins. The first line of the table contains the following basic information. >Features SeqId table_name The SeqId must be the same as that used on the sequence. The table name is optional. Subsequent lines of the table list the features. Columns are separated by tabs. The first and second columns are the start and stop locations of the feature, respectively, the third column is the type of feature (the feature key, e.g., gene, mRNA, CDS), the fourth column is a qualifier name (e.g., "product", and the fifth is a qualifier value (e.g., the name of the protein or gene). A simple feature table is >Feature sde3g 240 4084 gene gene SDE3 240 1361 mRNA 1450 1641 1730 3184 3275 4084 product RNA helicase SDE3 579 1361 CDS 1450 1641 1730 3184 3275 3880 product RNA helicase SDE3 If a feature contains multiple intervals, each interval is listed on a separate line by its start and stop position. Features that are on the complementary strand are indicated by reversing the interval locations. Locations of partial (incomplete) features are indicated with a '>' or '<' next to the number. Gene features are always a single interval, and their location should cover the intervals of all the relevant features. If the gene feature spans the intervals of the CDS or mRNA features for that gene, there is no need to include gene qualifiers on those features in the table, since they will be picked up by overlap. Use of the overlapping gene can be suppressed by adding a gene qualifier with the value "-". This is important when, for example, a tRNA is encoded within an intron of a housekeeping gene. Translation exception qualifiers are parsed from the same style used in the GenBank flatfile. transl_except (pos:591..593,aa:Sec) The codon recognized and anticodon position of tRNAs can also be given. codon_recognized TGG anticodon (pos:7591..7593,aa:Trp) In addition to the standard qualifiers seen in GenBank format, several other tokens are used to direct values to specific fields in the ASN.1 data. These include gene_syn, gene_desc, locus_tag, prot_desc, prot_note, region_name, bond_type, and site_type. Genomic product sets require protein_id and transcript_id qualifiers on each mRNA and CDS feature. These are used to associate the correct pair of features for packaging. protein_id lcl|sde3p transcript_id lcl|sde3m Exceptional biological situations can be annotated by use of the exception qualifier. For example exception ribosomal slippage The following are legal exception qualifier values RNA editing reasons given in citation ribosomal slippage trans-splicing alternative processing artificial frameshift nonconsensus splice site rearrangement required for product modified codon recognition alternative start codon Since the International Nucleotide Sequence Database collaboration only allows "RNA editing" and "reasons given in citation" to appear in release mode, other exceptions are mapped to the /note qualifier in the flatfile. However, each exception text string turns off specific validator tests that would otherwise produce warning messages, so they should be entered as exception qualifiers. Gene Ontology (GO) terms can be indicated with the following qualifiers go_component endoplasmic reticulum|0005783 go_process glycolysis and gluconeogenesis|57|89197757|ACT,TEM go_function excision repair|93||IPD The value field is separated by vertical bars '|' into a descriptive string, the GO identifier (leading zeroes are retained), and optionally a PubMed ID and one or more evidence codes. PROTEIN SEQUENCE FORMAT Protein sequences are FASTA files with a .pep extension that can substitute for the translated product of a CDS feature. Supplying these files acts as a reality check that the CDS intervals do in fact translate to the expected protein sequence. The FASTA defline with a '>' and sequence identifier are required, but the [gene] and [protein] data (which are used by Sequin) are not used by tbl2asn. >sde3p [gene=SDE3] [protein=RNA helicase SDE3] MSVSUYKSDDEYSVIADKGEIGFIDYQNDGSSGCYNPFDEGPVVVSVPFPFKKEKPQSVTVGETSFDSFT VKNTMDEPVDLWTKIYASNPEDSFTLSILKPPSKDSDLKERQCFYETFTLEDRMLEPGDTLTIWVSCKPK ... The SeqID must match that a protein_id in the .tbl file. In the example above, the protein_id and transcript_id needed to explicitly use a 'lcl|' prefix before the SeqID string to indicate a local identifier. A local sequence identifier is assumed when reading FASTA, but a database accession is assumed in the feature table. Sequin's Suggest Interval functionality, which can derive CDS intervals from nucleotide and protein sequences plus the genetic code, is not used in tbl2asn. Instead, the CDS is required, and the supplied protein sequence is just used to confirm proper translation. MESSENGER RNA SEQUENCE FORMAT mRNA sequences are FASTA files with a .rna extension that can substitute for the transcribed product of an mRNA feature. Like the .pep files, they act as a reality check that the supplied intervals do in fact encode the expected mRNA sequence. >sde3m [product=RNA helicase SDE3] TTTTCATGTTTCTTCTCCTTTGAAGCCTGCCTGCGTTAGTCTGGCTTCATTGCTTCTCCATTTCTTGGTG TGATCGAATCAAAGAGTGTAACCCATTTTGCTACTGATTCAGTACGTATGATCAATTCTCTCAATTTCAG ... The SeqID must match the transcript_id from an mRNA feature. QUALITY SCORES FORMAT Phrap/Consed quality scores can be supplied in .qvl files. These generate Seq-graph data that will be attached to the nucleotide sequence from the .fsa file. Programs such as Sequin can display these in a graphical view. >chr1 51 63 70 82 82 82 90 90 90 90 86 86 86 86 90 90 90 90 90 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 90 90 90 90 90 90 86 86 78 78 90 90 86 ... These values can be extracted from the output files of the Phrap and Consed programs used to process raw data from automated sequencing machines. SUBMISSION TEMPLATE FORMAT The submission template is an ASN.1 Submit-block that can be generated by Sequin. A simple example is shown below. Submit-block ::= { contact { contact { name name { last "Darwin" , first "Charles" , initials "C.R." , suffix "" } , affil std { affil "Oxbridge University" , div "Evolutionary Biology Department" , city "Camford" , country "United Kingdom" , street "1859 Tennis Court Lane" , email "darwin@beagle.edu.uk" , phone "01 44 171-007-1212" , postal-code "OX1 2BH" } } } , cit { authors { names std { { name name { last "Darwin" , first "Charles" , initials "C.R." } } } , affil std { affil "Oxbridge University" , div "Evolutionary Biology Department" , city "Camford" , country "United Kingdom" , street "1859 Tennis Court Lane" , postal-code "OX1 2BH" } } , date std { year 2003 , month 2 , day 28 } } , subtype new } This can be exported from the Desktop view of a template file in Sequin. In addition, unpublished reference or comments can also be generated in Sequin and saved from the Desktop. The two files can be catenated to make a .sbt template with the publication or comment descriptor after the submit block.