-- C libs -- -- -- Properties -- property pRootFolderName : "ncbi" -- name of the toolkit directory property pRootFolderPath : "" -- full path of the parent of the toolkit directory. Optional property pProjectFileExt : ".mcp" property pSaveContinueOnErrors : false -- true if we want to save compilation errors in a file and continue. -- false if we want to stop on an error. -- Whether to recreate existing project files. property pAlwaysCreateProjects : false -- Which targets to build. -- All of the targets are populated all the time. These affect what is compiled & built. property pCreateMachOTargets : true property pCreateCarbonTargets : false property pCreateWinTargets : false property pCreateOptimizedTargets : true property pCreateDebugTargets : false property pCreateProfiledTargets : false -- Whether to have the projects use CVS or not. property pProjectsCVSEnabled : true -- Whether to compile anything. property pShouldBuild : true property pStationeryName : "LibraryStationery" -- the handler GetTargetSpecs should change if these do. property pTargetKeyWords : "Mach-O Carbon Win32 Debug Final Profile" global gStartupDisk global gHomeDir global gDistribRoot global gProjectsDir global gSourceDir global gIncludeDir global gRsrcsDir global gMakeDir global gProjectData on ProjectData(projName, features, aFileData) if (count characters of projName) > 25 then set projName to characters 1 through 25 of projName as string end if if features does not contain "C" and features does not contain "C++" then copy "C" to end of features end if set myFeatures to features return {name:projName, features:myFeatures, rsrcs:{}, settings: {prefixFile:"", ppcProject:{}}, projLibs:{}, sysPaths:{}, fileData: aFileData} end ProjectData on AddProject(projData) copy projData to end of gProjectData end AddProject on AddSimpleProject(projName, features, section) AddProject(ProjectData(projName, features, {mkFileData(section)})) end AddSimpleProject on AddSimpleProjectListFiles(projName, features, section, fileList) AddProject(ProjectData(projName, features, {mkFileDataListFiles(section, fileList)})) end AddSimpleProjectListFiles on AddSimpleProjectExceptFiles(projName, features, section, fileNotList) AddProject(ProjectData(projName, features, {mkFileDataExceptFiles(section, fileNotList)})) end AddSimpleProjectExceptFiles on mkFileData(section) if (section does not end with ":") then set section to section & ":" return {projPath:section, fileList:GetFileNames(section), fileNotList:{}} end mkFileData on mkFileDataListFiles(section, fileList) if (section does not end with ":") then set section to section & ":" set newFileList to {} repeat with i in fileList if i does not contain "." then set i to i & ".c" copy (contents of i) to end of newFileList end repeat return {projPath:section, fileList:newFileList, fileNotList:{}} end mkFileDataListFiles on mkFileDataExceptFiles(section, fileNotList) if (section does not end with ":") then set section to section & ":" set theFileList to GetFileNames(section) set theRealFileList to {} repeat with f in theFileList if fileNotList does not contain f then copy f to the end of theRealFileList end if end repeat return {projPath:section, fileList:theRealFileList, fileNotList:fileNotList} end mkFileDataExceptFiles on DataPlusPrefixFile(dataRec, prefix) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" set the prefixFile of dataRec's settings to prefix return dataRec end tell end DataPlusPrefixFile on GetFileNames(relPath) set theFiles to list folder (gSourceDir & relPath) without invisibles set theFiles to EndsWith(theFiles, ".c") -- Assume C projects not C++ return theFiles end GetFileNames on EndsWith(aList, suffix) set newList to {} repeat with f in aList if (f ends with suffix) then copy (f as string) to end of newList end if end repeat return newList end EndsWith on SetProjectData() -- Only needed for Carbon AddSimpleProject("mitsock", {}, "connect:mitsock") AddProject(ProjectData("ncbi", {"winprefix"}, { mkFileDataExceptFiles("corelib:", {"drwnflpt.c", "drwnfspc.c", "drwnmfls.c", "ncbiargs.c", "ncbimain.c"}),  mkFileData("corelib:morefile:"),  mkFileDataListFiles("connect:", {"ncbibuf", "ncbisock", "urlquery"}),  mkFileData("ctools:"),  mkFileDataListFiles("util:tables:", {"raw_scoremat"}),  mkFileDataExceptFiles("asnlib:", {"asncode.c", "asntool.c"})})) AddProject(ProjectData("ncbiobj", {}, { mkFileDataExceptFiles("object:", {"objmime.c"}),  mkFileDataExceptFiles("access:", {"strucapi.c"}),  mkFileData("api:"),  mkFileData("util:creaders:"),  mkFileDataExceptFiles("ddv:", {"ddvmain.c"})})) AddSimpleProject("vibrant", {"winprefix"}, "vibrant") AddSimpleProjectExceptFiles("ncbicdr", {}, "cdromlib", {"acccn3ds.c", "accentr.c", "accmmdbs.c", "accutils.c"}) AddSimpleProjectExceptFiles("ncbidesk", {}, "desktop", {"sdisplay.c"}) AddSimpleProject("ddvlib", {}, "ddv") AddProject(DataPlusPrefixFile(ProjectData("ncbimmdb", {}, { mkFileDataListFiles("biostruc:", { "corematx", "dvncode", "objmmdb1", "objmmdb2", "objmmdb3", "mmdbapi",  "mmdbapi1", "mmdbapi2", "mmdbapi3", "mmdbapi4", "mmdbentr", "vastsubs",  "prunebsc"}),  mkFileDataListFiles("object:", { "objmime"}),  mkFileDataListFiles("access:", { "strucapi"}),  mkFileDataListFiles("biostruc:cn3d:", { "objcn3d"}),  mkFileDataListFiles("biostruc:cdd:", { "objcdd", "cddutil", "cddposutil",  "thrdalgs", "thrdatd", "thrdbwfi", "thrdcpal",  "thrdcpll", "thrdcprl", "thrdcxei", "thrddgri", "thrdrsmp",  "thrdsal0", "thrdsalr", "thrdsalu", "thrdsgoi", "thrdslo0",  "thrdslor", "thrdslou", "thrdspci", "thrdspea", "thrdspel",  "thrdspni", "thrdttb0", "thrdttbi", "thrdzsc"})}), "gif.pfx")) AddSimpleProject("ncbiNacc", {}, "cdromlib") AddSimpleProject("vibnet", {}, "network:vibnet") AddSimpleProject("ncbitool", {}, "tools") AddSimpleProject("netentr", {}, "network:entrez:client") AddSimpleProjectExceptFiles("ncbibls3", {}, "network:blast3:client", {"blastcl3.c"}) AddSimpleProjectExceptFiles("ncbiid1", {}, "network:id1arch", {"idfetch.c"}) AddSimpleProject("ncbiid2", {}, "network:id2arch") AddSimpleProjectExceptFiles("ncbimla", {}, "network:medarch:client", {"sybmed.c"}) AddProject(DataPlusPrefixFile(ProjectData("ncbitxc2", {}, { mkFileDataExceptFiles("network:taxon1:taxon2:", {"txcproc.c"}),  mkFileDataExceptFiles("network:taxon1:common:", {"checkid.c"})}), "tax2.pfx")) AddSimpleProjectListFiles("ncbiconn", {"winprefix"}, "connect",  {"ncbi_buffer", "ncbi_socket", "ncbi_core", "ncbi_core_c", "ncbi_util", "ncbi_priv",  "ncbi_ansi_ext", "ncbi_connection", "ncbi_connector", "ncbi_connutil",  "ncbi_file_connector", "ncbi_host_info.c", "ncbi_http_connector",  "ncbi_memory_connector", "ncbi_server_info", "ncbi_service",  "ncbi_service_connector", "ncbi_dispd", "ncbi_lbsmd_stub",  "ncbi_socket_connector", "ncbi_sendmail"}) AddSimpleProjectExceptFiles("netcli", {}, "network:nsclilib", {"ni_encr.c", "ni_list.c", "ni_lib.c"}) AddSimpleProject("ncbispell", {}, "network:spell:client") AddSimpleProject("ncbiblast", {}, "algo:blast:core") AddSimpleProject("ncbiblastapi", {}, "algo:blast:api") end SetProjectData -- -- Set Global variables -- on IsOSX() tell application "Finder" set vers to the version as text if second character of vers is equal to "." then set vers to "0" & vers end if return vers > 10 or vers = 10 end tell end IsOSX on ResolveAlias(pathname) tell application "Finder" if exists folder pathname then -- if pathname does not end with ":" then set pathname to pathname & ":" return folder pathname as string end if if exists alias file pathname then return the original item of alias file pathname as string end tell return "" end ResolveAlias on stripVolName(macPath) set saveTID to get text item delimiters of AppleScript set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ":" set strippedPath to (rest of text items of macPath) as string set text item delimiters of AppleScript to saveTID return strippedPath end stripVolName on HomeDir() tell application "Finder" if my IsOSX() then return the home as string else return gStartupDisk end if end tell end HomeDir on ModuleRoot() set modRoot to "" try set modRoot to ResolveAlias(pRootFolderPath & pRootFolderName) end try if modRoot is "" then set modRoot to ResolveAlias(gHomeDir & pRootFolderName) end if return modRoot end ModuleRoot on GetMyPath() set myPath to path to me as string if myPath contains "Script Editor" or  myPath contains "osascript" or  myPath contains "Smile.app" then -- Oops! running under script editor. 'me' is Script Editor not this script. -- use the location this script is supposed to be in. return gDistribRoot & "make:" else tell application "Finder" return container of myPath as string end tell end if end GetMyPath on SetGlobals() tell application "Finder" set gProjectData to {} set gStartupDisk to startup disk as string set gHomeDir to my HomeDir() set gDistribRoot to my ModuleRoot() set gIncludeDir to gDistribRoot & "include:" set gSourceDir to gDistribRoot set gProjectsDir to gDistribRoot & "lib:" set gRsrcsDir to gDistribRoot & "link:macmet:" set gMakeDir to my GetMyPath() end tell end SetGlobals on HeaderExists(header, headerDir) tell application "Finder" if headerDir is "" then set headerDir to folder gIncludeDir return exists file header of headerDir end tell end HeaderExists on IsOlderThan(fileA, fileB) tell application "Finder" return (the modification date of fileA < the modification date of fileB) end tell end IsOlderThan on UpdateRenameHeader(canonicalName, canonicalDir, dotHName, dotHDir) tell application "Finder" set needRename to (dotHName is not "") if not needRename then set dotHName to canonicalName if dotHDir is "" then set dotHDir to folder gIncludeDir -- This file is only present if the script was interrupted. if needRename and my HeaderExists(canonicalName, dotHDir) then delete file canonicalName of dotHDir end if -- The native config file. -- If it's missing, assume this is a prepared distribution and the header is already up-to-date. if not my HeaderExists(canonicalName, canonicalDir) then return set canonicalFile to file canonicalName of canonicalDir set needCopy to true if my HeaderExists(dotHName, dotHDir) then set dotHFile to file dotHName of dotHDir if my IsOlderThan(dotHFile, canonicalFile) then delete dotHFile else set needCopy to false end if end if if needCopy then duplicate canonicalFile to dotHDir if needRename then set name of file canonicalName of dotHDir to dotHName end if end tell end UpdateRenameHeader on CopyHeaders() CreateFolder(gIncludeDir) tell application "Finder" set corelibFolder to folder (gDistribRoot & "corelib") my UpdateRenameHeader("ncbilcl.met", corelibFolder, "ncbilcl.h", "") end tell end CopyHeaders on AppendAccessPath(aPath, isRecursive, isUserPath) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" if (aPath does not end with ":") then set aPath to aPath & ":" set aPath to POSIX path of aPath set pathsToAdd to {{name:aPath, recursive:isRecursive, origin:absolute, format:Unix Path}} if isUserPath then Set Preferences of panel "Access Paths" to {User Paths:pathsToAdd} else Set Preferences of panel "Access Paths" to {System Paths:pathsToAdd} end if end tell end AppendAccessPath on AppendPrefixFile(filename) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" try -- CW ver. 8 Set Preferences of panel "C/C++ Compiler" to {Prefix File:prefixFile} end try try -- CW ver. 9 set oldtext to Get Preferences of {Prefix Text} from panel "C/C++ Preprocessor" set oldtext to (Prefix Text of oldtext) set prefixFileInclude to (oldtext & return & "#include \"" & filename & "\"") Set Preferences of panel "C/C++ Preprocessor" to {Prefix Text:prefixFileInclude} end try end tell end AppendPrefixFile on SetupTarget(proj, targetIndex) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" set targetName to name of target targetIndex of project document 1 if targetName contains "Carbon" then set targetAPI to "Carbon" else if targetName contains "Mach-O" then if not my IsOSX() then return -- do not try to populate Mach-O targets on pre-OS X systems. set targetAPI to "Mach-O" else if targetName contains "Win32" then set targetAPI to "Win32" end if if targetName contains "Debug" then set targetDebug to true set targetProfile to false else if targetName contains "Profile" then set targetDebug to false set targetProfile to true else -- if targeName contains "Final" then set targetDebug to false set targetProfile to false end if -- NOTE: no Profile targets. if pCreateProfiledTargets, we make the debug targets also profile-able. set the current target of project document 1 to target targetIndex of project document 1 -- initialize variables set projRsrcs to {} set projFeatures to {} set sysPaths to {} -- Grab the fields of our project record and store them in local variables. set projName to proj's name set projSettings to proj's settings try set projFeatures to proj's features end try try set sysPaths to proj's sysPaths end try try set projRsrcs to proj's rsrcs end try set projLibs to proj's projLibs set projFileData to proj's fileData -- mitsock library isn't needed (and won't compile) as Mach-O if projName is "mitsock" and targetAPI is not "Carbon" then return end if -- Figure out what our output file and input libraries will be named. set targetFilename to projName if targetAPI is "Carbon" then set targetFilename to targetFilename & "_C" else if targetAPI is "Mach-O" then set targetFilename to targetFilename & "_M" else if targetAPI is "Win32" then set targetFilename to targetFilename & "_W" end if -- Debug or not. if targetDebug then set targetFilename to targetFilename & "_D" else if targetProfile then set targetFilename to targetFilename & "_P" else set targetFilename to targetFilename & "_O" -- for Optimized. end if set targetFilename to targetFilename & ".lib" -- Get Preference Panel names. if targetAPI is "Mach-O" then set targetPanelName to "PPC Mac OS X Project" set codeGenPanelName to "PPC CodeGen Mach-O" else if targetAPI is "Win32" then set targetPanelName to "x86 Project" set codeGenPanelName to "x86 CodeGen" else set targetPanelName to "PPC Project" set codeGenPanelName to "PPC CodeGen" end if -- Set the name of the output file (the application) Set Preferences of panel targetPanelName to {File Name:targetFilename} -- If we have any per-project override settings, set them. if (count ppcProject of projSettings) > 0 then Set Preferences of panel targetPanelName to ppcProject of projSettings end if if targetAPI is "Mach-O" then my AppendAccessPath(gDistribRoot, true, false) -- end of system paths. else my AppendAccessPath(gDistribRoot, true, true) -- end of user paths. end if -- Add per-project system paths. set pathsToAdd to {} repeat with i in sysPaths copy {name:i, recursive:false, origin:absolute} to end of pathsToAdd end repeat if (count pathsToAdd) > 0 then  Set Preferences of panel "Access Paths" to {System Paths:pathsToAdd} -- Set the appropriate prefix file. set prefixFile to prefixFile of projSettings if targetAPI is "Win32" and projFeatures contains "winprefix" then set prefixFile to "Win32Headers.pch" else if prefixFile is "" then set prefixFile to "CarbonPrefix.h" else set prefixFile to "Carbon-" & prefixFile end if end if if prefixFile is not "" then my AppendPrefixFile(prefixFile) end if end tell -- Add source files. repeat with group in projFileData set projPath to projPath of group set fileList to group's fileList set filesToAdd to {} repeat with i in fileList try -- ignore it if the file doesn't exist. -- NOTE: if the following line is within a tell "Codewarrior" block then -- the following Add Files command will fail. copy alias (gSourceDir & projPath & i) to end of filesToAdd end try end repeat tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" Add Files filesToAdd -- Take out source files that do not belong. --set fileNotList to group's fileNotList --Remove Files fileNotList end tell end repeat tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" -- take care of debugging and profiling settings if targetDebug or targetProfile then set the debug of every target file of target targetIndex  of project document 1 to true end if if targetAPI is "Carbon" then if targetProfile then (* ===== Panel PPC Processor ===== *) Set Preferences of panel codeGenPanelName to  {Use Profiler:true} else (* ===== Panel PPC Processor ===== *) Set Preferences of panel codeGenPanelName to  {Use Profiler:false} end if end if -- Add resources. set filesToAdd to {} if targetAPI is not "Win32" then repeat with i in projRsrcs copy gRsrcsDir & i to end of filesToAdd end repeat Add Files filesToAdd end if end tell end SetupTarget on GetTargetFiles(i) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" -- get the target if (i > (count of targets of project document 1)) then return {} end if -- get references to all the targets files set atarget to get target i of project document 1 set trefs to (target files of atarget whose linked is true) end tell set tfiles to {} if ((count of trefs) ­ 0) then repeat with tf in trefs -- get locations of the targets files (as file objects) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" set f to (location of tf) end tell tell application "Finder" -- convert the file's to strings (colon style paths) try copy f as string to end of tfiles on error errmsg number errnum -- file in target but does not exist. if errnum ­ -2753 then -- variable not defined. error errmsg number errnum end if end try end tell end repeat end if return tfiles end GetTargetFiles on UpdateTarget(proj, targetIndex) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" set targetName to name of target targetIndex of project document 1 if targetName contains "Carbon" then set targetAPI to "Carbon" else if targetName contains "Mach-O" then if not my IsOSX() then return -- do not try to populate Mach-O targets on pre-OS X systems. set targetAPI to "Mach-O" else if targetName contains "Win32" then set targetAPI to "Win32" end if -- Grab the fields of our project record and store them in local variables. set projName to proj's name -- mitsock library isn't needed (and won't compile) except under Carbon. if projName is "mitsock" and targetAPI is not "Carbon" then return end if set targetName to name of target targetIndex of project document 1 set the current target of project document 1 to target targetIndex of project document 1 -- initialize variables set projFeatures to {} -- Grab the fields of our project record and store them in local variables. try set projFeatures to proj's features end try set projFileData to proj's fileData end tell -- Update source files set targetFileList to my GetTargetFiles(targetIndex) repeat with group in projFileData set projPath to projPath of group -- projPath is relative. set fileList to group's fileList set filesToAdd to {} repeat with i in fileList set fileFullPath to gSourceDir & projPath & i set found to targetFileList contains fileFullPath if (not found) then try -- ignore it if the file doesn't exist. -- NOTE: if the following line is within a tell "Codewarrior" block then -- the following Add Files command will fail. copy alias (fileFullPath) to end of filesToAdd end try end if end repeat tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" if ((count of filesToAdd) is not 0) then Add Files filesToAdd set targetFileList to my GetTargetFiles(targetIndex) end if -- Take out source files that do not belong. --set fileNotList to group's fileNotList --Remove Files fileNotList end tell end repeat end UpdateTarget on CreateFolder(folderPath) set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ":" -- strip off disk name. tell application "Finder" set pathSoFar to "" if (exists disk (first text item of folderPath)) then set pathSoFar to first text item of folderPath set folderPath to (rest of text items of folderPath) as string end if repeat with f in (text items of folderPath) set longerPath to pathSoFar & ":" & f if not (exists folder (longerPath)) then make new folder at folder (pathSoFar) with properties {name:f} end if set pathSoFar to longerPath end repeat end tell set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "" end CreateFolder on GetStationeryName(proj) set stationeryDir to gProjectsDir & pStationeryName & ":" set stationeryName to pStationeryName & pProjectFileExt CreateFolder(stationeryDir) tell application "Finder" -- does the Library Stationery already exist? if not (exists file (stationeryDir & stationeryName)) then -- copy it. duplicate file (stationeryName) of folder gRsrcsDir to folder stationeryDir end if end tell return (stationeryDir & stationeryName) end GetStationeryName on CreateProject(proj) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" try get proj's name on error return end try set projFilename to proj's name & pProjectFileExt set projPathname to gProjectsDir & projFilename if pAlwaysCreateProjects or not (exists file projPathname of application "Finder") then try close (the first project document whose name is projFilename) end try set stationeryName to my GetStationeryName(proj) Create Project projPathname from stationery alias stationeryName if the name of window 1 is "Project Messages" then close first window -- "close window 1" becomes "Close Window 1" (different event) end if repeat with i from 1 to (count targets of project document 1) my SetupTarget(proj, i) end repeat else -- project already exists. Make sure it has all right files. open (projPathname) if the name of window 1 is "Project Messages" then close first window -- "close window 1" becomes "Close Window 1" (different event) end if repeat with i from 1 to (count targets of project document 1) my UpdateTarget(proj, i) end repeat end if if pProjectsCVSEnabled then --try Set Preferences of panel "VCS Setup" to {VCS Active:true, Connection Method:"mwCVS"} --end try end if set the current target of project document 1 to target 1 of project document 1 Close Project end tell end CreateProject on CreateAllProjects() CreateFolder(gProjectsDir) CleanupFiles(gProjectsDir) repeat with proj in gProjectData CreateProject(proj) end repeat end CreateAllProjects (* a target spec is a string of words "MSL Debug", all of which appear on our list of keywords. Convert a Build file name to a target spec by filtering out non-keywords. Each Build file creates another target spec. A project target must match one of the target specs to compile. To match, a target's name must contain each of the words in the target spec. An empty target spec matches everything. An empty list of target specs (no Build files) matches nothing, But if there are no Build files we make target specs based on the script parameters. *) on GetTargetSpecs() set theFiles to (list folder gMakeDir without invisibles) set targetSpecs to {} repeat with f in theFiles if (f begins with "Build ") then set targetSpecs to targetSpecs & MakeTargetSpec(f) end if end repeat -- no Build files? match what the script parameters say to match. -- NOTE: This is dependent on pTargetKeyWords and the target names in the stationery. if (count items of targetSpecs) is 0 then set debugspec to "" if pCreateDebugTargets then if pCreateMachOTargets then copy ("Mach-O Debug") to end of targetSpecs if pCreateCarbonTargets then copy ("Carbon Debug") to end of targetSpecs if pCreateWinTargets then copy ("Win32 Debug") to end of targetSpecs end if if pCreateProfiledTargets then if pCreateMachOTargets then copy ("Mach-O Profile") to end of targetSpecs if pCreateCarbonTargets then copy ("Carbon Profile") to end of targetSpecs if pCreateWinTargets then copy ("Win32 Profile") to end of targetSpecs end if if pCreateOptimizedTargets then if pCreateMachOTargets then copy ("Mach-O Final") to end of targetSpecs if pCreateCarbonTargets then copy ("Carbon Final") to end of targetSpecs if pCreateWinTargets then copy ("Win32 Final") to end of targetSpecs end if end if return targetSpecs end GetTargetSpecs on MakeTargetSpec(f) set tspec to "" repeat with w in (words of f) if pTargetKeyWords contains w then set tspec to tspec & w & " " end if end repeat return tspec end MakeTargetSpec on OkaytoBuild(targetName, targetSpecs) --This target name must match at least one of the target specs. repeat with ts in targetSpecs if MatchSpec2Target(ts, targetName) then return true end repeat return false end OkaytoBuild on MatchSpec2Target(targSpec, targName) -- the targetname must contain all of the words in the target spec. repeat with w in (words of targSpec) if w is not in targName then return false end repeat return true end MatchSpec2Target on BuildProject(projName, targetSpecs) tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" open (gProjectsDir & projName & pProjectFileExt) if the name of window 1 is "Project Messages" then close first window -- "close window 1" becomes "Close Window 1" (different event) end if repeat with i from 1 to (count targets of project document 1) -- do we want to build this target? set thisTarget to name of target i of project document 1 if my OkaytoBuild(thisTarget, targetSpecs) then set the current target of project document 1 to target i of project document 1 if pSaveContinueOnErrors then try Make Project on error errmsg number errnum if (errnum = 5) then set errFileName to (gProjectsDir & projName & "-" & i & ".errs") Save Error Window As (file errFileName) close first window else error errmsg number errnum end if end try else -- stop on any error. Make Project end if -- If there were compiler warnings, then a compiler window will be in front. -- For whatever reason, this causes the next "set the current target..." to fail. -- So check for the window and close it. if the name of window 1 is "Errors & Warnings" then close first window -- "close window 1" becomes "Close Window 1" (different event) end if end if end repeat set the current target of project document 1 to target 1 of project document 1 Close Project end tell end BuildProject on BuildAllProjects() set targetSpecs to GetTargetSpecs() repeat with proj in gProjectData try set projName to proj's name on error set projName to "" end try if projName is not "" then BuildProject(projName, targetSpecs) end if end repeat end BuildAllProjects on CleanupFiles(thePath) -- get rid of all the files and folders starting with xxxx in thePath repeat with f in list folder (thePath) without invisibles if ((f as string) begins with "xxxx") then try tell application "Finder" to delete folder (thePath & f) end try try tell application "Finder" to delete file (thePath & f) end try end if end repeat -- delete the stationery folder. try tell application "Finder" to delete folder (thePath & pStationeryName) end try end CleanupFiles on SignalCompletion() beep end SignalCompletion with timeout of 60000 seconds SetGlobals() SetProjectData() CopyHeaders() tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" to activate CreateAllProjects() if pShouldBuild then BuildAllProjects() end if CleanupFiles(gProjectsDir) SignalCompletion() end timeout