/* objprt.c * =========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== * * File Name: objprt.c * * Author: James Ostell * * Version Creation Date: 4/1/94 * * $Revision: 6.3 $ * * File Description: Object manager for print templates * * Modifications: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Date Name Description of modification * ------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- * * * $Log: objprt.c,v $ * Revision 6.3 2015/10/23 00:04:24 kans * NOIJRA Clear av DataVal variable on AsnWrite, needed for supporting Int8 integers in ASN.1 * * Revision 6.2 1998/08/26 17:43:18 kans * fixed -v -fd warnings in label functions * * Revision 6.1 1998/08/24 18:28:07 kans * removed solaris -v -fd warnings * * Revision 6.0 1997/08/25 18:50:22 madden * Revision changed to 6.0 * * Revision 4.2 1997/06/19 18:41:42 vakatov * [WIN32,MSVC++] Adopted for the "NCBIOBJ.LIB" DLL'ization * * Revision 4.1 1995/10/30 18:38:13 kans * changed true and false fields to truepfb and falsepfb (CodeWarrior error) * * Revision 4.0 1995/07/26 13:48:06 ostell * force revision to 4.0 * * Revision 3.1 1995/05/15 21:22:00 ostell * added Log line * * * * ========================================================================== */ /** for ErrPostEx() ****/ static char *this_module = "ncbiobj"; #define THIS_MODULE this_module static char *this_file = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE this_file /**********************/ #include #include static Boolean loaded = FALSE; static PrintTemplatePtr PNTR PTlist = NULL; /* loaded Templates */ static Int2 PTnum = 0; /* sizeof PTlist */ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL ObjPrtAsnLoad(void) { if ( ! loaded) { if ( ! AsnLoad ()) return FALSE; loaded = TRUE; } return TRUE; } /************************************************** * * PrintTemplateNew() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintTemplatePtr LIBCALL PrintTemplateNew(void) { PrintTemplatePtr ptp; PrintTemplatePtr PNTR tmp; Int2 i; ptp = (PrintTemplatePtr) MemNew(sizeof(PrintTemplate)); if (ptp == NULL) return ptp; for (i = 0; i < PTnum; i++) /* add to Template list */ { if (PTlist[i] == NULL) { PTlist[i] = ptp; return ptp; } } tmp = PTlist; /* expand list as necessary */ PTlist = MemNew((sizeof(PrintTemplatePtr) * (PTnum + 20))); if (PTlist == NULL) { PTlist = tmp; return (PrintTemplatePtr)MemFree(ptp); } MemCopy(PTlist, tmp, (size_t)(sizeof(PrintTemplatePtr) * PTnum)); MemFree(tmp); PTlist[PTnum] = ptp; PTnum += 20; return ptp; } /************************************************** * * PrintTemplateFree() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintTemplatePtr LIBCALL PrintTemplateFree ( PrintTemplatePtr ptr) { Int2 i; if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; MemFree( ptr -> name); MemFree(ptr -> labelfrom); PrintFormatFree( ptr -> format); for (i = 0; i < PTnum; i++) { if (PTlist[i] == ptr) { PTlist[i] = NULL; return MemFree(ptr); } } ErrPost(CTX_NCBIOBJ, 1, "PrintTemplateFree: pointer not in PTlist"); return MemFree(ptr); } /***************************************************************************** * * PrintTemplateFreeAll() * frees all PrintTemplates in memory * *****************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL PrintTemplateFreeAll(void) { Int2 i; for (i = 0; i < PTnum; i++) { PrintTemplateFree(PTlist[i]); } } /***************************************************************************** * * PrintTemplateInMem(&ptnum) * *****************************************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintTemplatePtr PNTR LIBCALL PrintTemplateInMem (Int2Ptr numptr) { *numptr = PTnum; if (! PTnum) return NULL; else return PTlist; } /************************************************** * * PrintTemplateAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintTemplatePtr LIBCALL PrintTemplateAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; PrintTemplatePtr ptr; if (aip == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } if (orig == NULL) atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, PRINTTEMPLATE); else atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTTEMPLATE); if(atp == NULL) return NULL; ptr = PrintTemplateNew(); if (ptr == NULL) goto erret; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); if (atp == PRINTTEMPLATE_name){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->name = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == PRINTTEMPLATE_labelfrom){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->labelfrom = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == PRINTTEMPLATE_format){ ptr -> format =PrintFormatAsnRead(aip, atp); if (ptr -> format == NULL) goto erret; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ret: AsnUnlinkType(orig); return ptr; erret: ptr=PrintTemplateFree(ptr); goto ret; } /************************************************** * * PrintTemplateAsnWrite() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PrintTemplateAsnWrite (PrintTemplatePtr ptr, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { Boolean retval = FALSE; DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if (! ObjPrtAsnLoad()) goto erret; } atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTTEMPLATE); if(atp == NULL) {AsnNullValueMsg(aip,atp); goto erret;} MemSet ((Pointer) (&av), 0, sizeof (DataVal)); if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; if (ptr -> name != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> name; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTTEMPLATE_name, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> labelfrom != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> labelfrom; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTTEMPLATE_labelfrom, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> format != NULL){ if ( ! PrintFormatAsnWrite(ptr -> format, aip, PRINTTEMPLATE_format)) goto erret; } if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; retval = TRUE; erret:AsnUnlinkType(orig); return retval; } /************************************************** * * PrintTemplateSetAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PrintTemplateSetAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip ) { DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp, oldatp; PrintTemplatePtr ptr; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, PRINTTEMPLATESET); if(atp == NULL) return FALSE; oldatp = atp; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; while ((atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp)) != oldatp) { ptr = PrintTemplateAsnRead(aip, atp); if (ptr == NULL) goto erret; } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; return TRUE; erret: return FALSE; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormatNew() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormatPtr LIBCALL PrintFormatNew(void) { return (PrintFormatPtr) MemNew(sizeof(PrintFormat)); } /************************************************** * * PrintFormatFree() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormatPtr LIBCALL PrintFormatFree ( PrintFormatPtr head_ptr) { PrintFormatPtr ptr, hold_ptr; if (head_ptr == NULL) return NULL; for (ptr = head_ptr; ptr; ptr = hold_ptr){ hold_ptr = ptr -> next; MemFree(ptr -> asn1); MemFree(ptr -> label); MemFree(ptr -> prefix); MemFree(ptr -> suffix); PrintFormFree( ptr -> form); MemFree(ptr); } return NULL; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormatAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormatPtr LIBCALL PrintFormatAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; PrintFormatPtr ptr; if (aip == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } if (orig == NULL) atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, PRINTFORMAT); else atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMAT); if(atp == NULL) return NULL; ptr = PrintFormatNew(); if (ptr == NULL) goto erret; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); if (atp == PRINTFORMAT_asn1){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->asn1 = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == PRINTFORMAT_label){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->label = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == PRINTFORMAT_prefix){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->prefix = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == PRINTFORMAT_suffix){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->suffix = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == PRINTFORMAT_form){ ptr -> form =PrintFormAsnRead(aip, atp); if (ptr -> form == NULL) goto erret; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ret: AsnUnlinkType(orig); return ptr; erret: ptr=PrintFormatFree(ptr); goto ret; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormatAsnWrite() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PrintFormatAsnWrite (PrintFormatPtr ptr, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { Boolean retval = FALSE; DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if (! ObjPrtAsnLoad()) goto erret; } atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMAT); if(atp == NULL) {AsnNullValueMsg(aip,atp); goto erret;} MemSet ((Pointer) (&av), 0, sizeof (DataVal)); if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; if (ptr -> asn1 != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> asn1; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTFORMAT_asn1, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> label != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> label; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTFORMAT_label, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> prefix != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> prefix; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTFORMAT_prefix, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> suffix != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> suffix; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTFORMAT_suffix, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> form != NULL){ if ( ! PrintFormAsnWrite(ptr -> form, aip, PRINTFORMAT_form)) goto erret; } if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; retval = TRUE; erret:AsnUnlinkType(orig); return retval; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormFree() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormPtr LIBCALL PrintFormFree ( PrintFormPtr ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; {Pointer pt = ptr -> data.ptrvalue; switch (ptr -> choice){ case PrintForm_block : PrintFormBlockFree(pt); break; case PrintForm_boolean : PrintFormBooleanFree(pt); break; case PrintForm_enum : PrintFormEnumFree(pt); break; case PrintForm_text : PrintFormTextFree(pt); break; case PrintForm_use_template : MemFree(pt); break; case PrintForm_user : UserFormatFree(pt); break; }} MemFree(ptr); return NULL; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormPtr LIBCALL PrintFormAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; ValNodePtr vnp; Uint1 choice ; AsnReadFunc func; if (aip == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } if (orig == NULL) atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, PRINTFORM); else atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORM); if(atp == NULL) return NULL; vnp = ValNodeNew(NULL); if (vnp == NULL) goto erret; if ( AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; if ( (atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, atp)) == NULL) goto erret; func = NULL; if (atp == PRINTFORM_block){ choice = PrintForm_block; func = (AsnReadFunc) PrintFormBlockAsnRead; } else if (atp == PRINTFORM_boolean){ choice = PrintForm_boolean; func = (AsnReadFunc) PrintFormBooleanAsnRead; } else if (atp == PRINTFORM_enum){ choice = PrintForm_enum; func = (AsnReadFunc) PrintFormEnumAsnRead; } else if (atp == PRINTFORM_text){ choice = PrintForm_text; func = (AsnReadFunc) PrintFormTextAsnRead; } else if (atp == PRINTFORM_use_template){ choice = PrintForm_use_template; AsnReadVal(aip,atp,&av); vnp -> data.ptrvalue = av.ptrvalue; } else if (atp == PRINTFORM_user){ choice = PrintForm_user; func = (AsnReadFunc) UserFormatAsnRead; } else if (atp == PRINTFORM_null){ choice = PrintForm_null; AsnReadVal(aip,atp,&av); } else goto erret; vnp -> choice = choice; if (func != NULL) vnp -> data.ptrvalue = (*func) (aip,atp); ret: AsnUnlinkType(orig); return vnp; erret: vnp = PrintFormFree(vnp); goto ret; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormAsnWrite() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PrintFormAsnWrite (PrintFormPtr ptr, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { Boolean retval = FALSE; DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; AsnWriteFunc func; AsnTypePtr writetype = NULL; Pointer pnt; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if (! ObjPrtAsnLoad()) goto erret; } atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORM); if(atp == NULL) {AsnNullValueMsg(aip,atp); goto erret;} MemSet ((Pointer) (&av), 0, sizeof (DataVal)); av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr; if (! AsnWriteChoice(aip, atp, ptr -> choice, & av)) goto erret; pnt = ptr -> data.ptrvalue; av.intvalue = ptr -> data.intvalue; switch (ptr -> choice) { case PrintForm_block : writetype = PRINTFORM_block; func = (AsnWriteFunc) PrintFormBlockAsnWrite; break; case PrintForm_boolean : writetype = PRINTFORM_boolean; func = (AsnWriteFunc) PrintFormBooleanAsnWrite; break; case PrintForm_enum : writetype = PRINTFORM_enum; func = (AsnWriteFunc) PrintFormEnumAsnWrite; break; case PrintForm_text : writetype = PRINTFORM_text; func = (AsnWriteFunc) PrintFormTextAsnWrite; break; case PrintForm_use_template : av.ptrvalue = ptr->data.ptrvalue; retval = AsnWrite(aip, PRINTFORM_use_template, &av); break; case PrintForm_user : writetype = PRINTFORM_user; func = (AsnWriteFunc) UserFormatAsnWrite; break; case PrintForm_null : retval = AsnWrite(aip, PRINTFORM_null, &av); break; } if (writetype != NULL) retval = (*func) (pnt, aip,writetype); ret:AsnUnlinkType(orig); return retval; erret: retval = FALSE; goto ret; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormBlockNew() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormBlockPtr LIBCALL PrintFormBlockNew(void) { return (PrintFormBlockPtr) MemNew(sizeof(PrintFormBlock)); } /************************************************** * * PrintFormBlockFree() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormBlockPtr LIBCALL PrintFormBlockFree ( PrintFormBlockPtr ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; MemFree(ptr -> separator); PrintFormatFree( ptr -> components); MemFree(ptr); return NULL; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormBlockAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormBlockPtr LIBCALL PrintFormBlockAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; PrintFormBlockPtr ptr; if (aip == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } if (orig == NULL) atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, PRINTFORMBLOCK); else atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMBLOCK); if(atp == NULL) return NULL; ptr = PrintFormBlockNew(); if (ptr == NULL) goto erret; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); if (atp == PRINTFORMBLOCK_separator){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->separator = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == PRINTFORMBLOCK_components) { AsnTypePtr now_atp; PrintFormatPtr current; PrintFormatPtr head = NULL; PrintFormatPtr prev = NULL; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) /* START_STUCT */ goto erret; now_atp = atp; while ((now_atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, now_atp)) != atp){ if (now_atp == NULL) goto erret; current= PrintFormatAsnRead(aip, now_atp); if (current == NULL) goto erret; if (head == NULL) head = current; else prev -> next = current; prev=current; } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <=0) /* END_STRUCT */ goto erret; ptr -> components = head; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ret: AsnUnlinkType(orig); return ptr; erret: ptr=PrintFormBlockFree(ptr); goto ret; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormBlockAsnWrite() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PrintFormBlockAsnWrite (PrintFormBlockPtr ptr, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { Boolean retval = FALSE; DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if (! ObjPrtAsnLoad()) goto erret; } atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMBLOCK); if(atp == NULL) {AsnNullValueMsg(aip,atp); goto erret;} MemSet ((Pointer) (&av), 0, sizeof (DataVal)); if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; if (ptr -> separator != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> separator; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTFORMBLOCK_separator, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> components != NULL){ if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, PRINTFORMBLOCK_components, (Pointer) ptr -> components)) goto erret; {PrintFormatPtr current; for(current=ptr -> components; current; current = current -> next){ if ( ! PrintFormatAsnWrite(current,aip,PRINTFORMBLOCK_components_E)) goto erret; }} if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, PRINTFORMBLOCK_components, (Pointer) ptr -> components)) goto erret; } if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; retval = TRUE; erret:AsnUnlinkType(orig); return retval; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormBooleanNew() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormBooleanPtr LIBCALL PrintFormBooleanNew(void) { return (PrintFormBooleanPtr) MemNew(sizeof(PrintFormBoolean)); } /************************************************** * * PrintFormBooleanFree() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormBooleanPtr LIBCALL PrintFormBooleanFree ( PrintFormBooleanPtr ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; MemFree(ptr -> truepfb); MemFree(ptr -> falsepfb); MemFree(ptr); return NULL; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormBooleanAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormBooleanPtr LIBCALL PrintFormBooleanAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; PrintFormBooleanPtr ptr; if (aip == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } if (orig == NULL) atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, PRINTFORMBOOLEAN); else atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMBOOLEAN); if(atp == NULL) return NULL; ptr = PrintFormBooleanNew(); if (ptr == NULL) goto erret; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); if (atp == PRINTFORMBOOLEAN_true){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->truepfb = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == PRINTFORMBOOLEAN_false){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->falsepfb = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ret: AsnUnlinkType(orig); return ptr; erret: ptr=PrintFormBooleanFree(ptr); goto ret; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormBooleanAsnWrite() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PrintFormBooleanAsnWrite (PrintFormBooleanPtr ptr, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { Boolean retval = FALSE; DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if (! ObjPrtAsnLoad()) goto erret; } atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMBOOLEAN); if(atp == NULL) {AsnNullValueMsg(aip,atp); goto erret;} MemSet ((Pointer) (&av), 0, sizeof (DataVal)); if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; if (ptr -> truepfb != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> truepfb; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTFORMBOOLEAN_true, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> falsepfb != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> falsepfb; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTFORMBOOLEAN_false, &av)) goto erret; } if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; retval = TRUE; erret:AsnUnlinkType(orig); return retval; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormEnumNew() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormEnumPtr LIBCALL PrintFormEnumNew(void) { return (PrintFormEnumPtr) MemNew(sizeof(PrintFormEnum)); } /************************************************** * * PrintFormEnumFree() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormEnumPtr LIBCALL PrintFormEnumFree ( PrintFormEnumPtr ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; ValNodeFreeData(ptr -> values); MemFree(ptr); return NULL; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormEnumAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormEnumPtr LIBCALL PrintFormEnumAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { ValNodePtr current; DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp, oldatp; PrintFormEnumPtr ptr; if (aip == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } if (orig == NULL) atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, PRINTFORMENUM); else atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMENUM); if(atp == NULL) return NULL; oldatp = atp; ptr = PrintFormEnumNew(); if (ptr == NULL) goto erret; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; while ((atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp)) != oldatp) { if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) /* the value */ goto erret; if (atp == PRINTFORMENUM_values_E) { current = ValNodeNew(ptr->values); if (current == NULL) goto erret; current->data.ptrvalue = av.ptrvalue; if (ptr->values == NULL) ptr->values = current; } } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ret: AsnUnlinkType(orig); return ptr; erret: ptr=PrintFormEnumFree(ptr); goto ret; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormEnumAsnWrite() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PrintFormEnumAsnWrite (PrintFormEnumPtr ptr, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { Boolean retval = FALSE; AsnTypePtr atp; ValNodePtr curr; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if (! ObjPrtAsnLoad()) goto erret; } atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMENUM); if(atp == NULL) {AsnNullValueMsg(aip,atp); goto erret;} if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; if (ptr -> values != NULL){ if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, PRINTFORMENUM_values, (Pointer) ptr -> values)) goto erret; for (curr = ptr->values; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next) { if ( ! AsnWrite(aip, PRINTFORMENUM_values_E, &(curr->data))) goto erret; } if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, PRINTFORMENUM_values, (Pointer) ptr -> values)) goto erret; } if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; retval = TRUE; erret:AsnUnlinkType(orig); return retval; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormTextNew() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormTextPtr LIBCALL PrintFormTextNew(void) { return (PrintFormTextPtr) MemNew(sizeof(PrintFormText)); } /************************************************** * * PrintFormTextFree() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormTextPtr LIBCALL PrintFormTextFree ( PrintFormTextPtr ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; MemFree(ptr -> textfunc); MemFree(ptr); return NULL; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormTextAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN PrintFormTextPtr LIBCALL PrintFormTextAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; PrintFormTextPtr ptr; if (aip == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } if (orig == NULL) atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, PRINTFORMTEXT); else atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMTEXT); if(atp == NULL) return NULL; ptr = PrintFormTextNew(); if (ptr == NULL) goto erret; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); if (atp == PRINTFORMTEXT_textfunc){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->textfunc = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ret: AsnUnlinkType(orig); return ptr; erret: ptr=PrintFormTextFree(ptr); goto ret; } /************************************************** * * PrintFormTextAsnWrite() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PrintFormTextAsnWrite (PrintFormTextPtr ptr, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { Boolean retval = FALSE; DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if (! ObjPrtAsnLoad()) goto erret; } atp = AsnLinkType(orig, PRINTFORMTEXT); if(atp == NULL) {AsnNullValueMsg(aip,atp); goto erret;} MemSet ((Pointer) (&av), 0, sizeof (DataVal)); if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; if (ptr -> textfunc != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> textfunc; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,PRINTFORMTEXT_textfunc, &av)) goto erret; } if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; retval = TRUE; erret:AsnUnlinkType(orig); return retval; } /************************************************** * * UserFormatNew() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN UserFormatPtr LIBCALL UserFormatNew(void) { return (UserFormatPtr) MemNew(sizeof(UserFormat)); } /************************************************** * * UserFormatFree() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN UserFormatPtr LIBCALL UserFormatFree ( UserFormatPtr ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; MemFree(ptr -> printfunc); MemFree(ptr -> defaultfunc); MemFree(ptr); return NULL; } /************************************************** * * UserFormatAsnRead() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN UserFormatPtr LIBCALL UserFormatAsnRead ( AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; UserFormatPtr ptr; if (aip == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! loaded){ if ( ! ObjPrtAsnLoad ()) goto erret; } if (orig == NULL) atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, USERFORMAT); else atp = AsnLinkType(orig, USERFORMAT); if(atp == NULL) return NULL; ptr = UserFormatNew(); if (ptr == NULL) goto erret; if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); if (atp == USERFORMAT_printfunc){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->printfunc = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (atp == USERFORMAT_defaultfunc){ if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ptr->defaultfunc = (CharPtr)av.ptrvalue; atp = AsnReadId(aip,amp, atp); } if (AsnReadVal(aip, atp, &av) <= 0) goto erret; ret: AsnUnlinkType(orig); return ptr; erret: ptr=UserFormatFree(ptr); goto ret; } /************************************************** * * UserFormatAsnWrite() * **************************************************/ NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL UserFormatAsnWrite (UserFormatPtr ptr, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr orig) { Boolean retval = FALSE; DataVal av; AsnTypePtr atp; if (aip == NULL) return FALSE; if ( ! loaded){ if (! ObjPrtAsnLoad()) goto erret; } atp = AsnLinkType(orig, USERFORMAT); if(atp == NULL) {AsnNullValueMsg(aip,atp); goto erret;} MemSet ((Pointer) (&av), 0, sizeof (DataVal)); if (! AsnOpenStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; if (ptr -> printfunc != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> printfunc; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,USERFORMAT_printfunc, &av)) goto erret; } if (ptr -> defaultfunc != NULL){ av.ptrvalue = (Pointer) ptr -> defaultfunc; if ( ! AsnWrite(aip,USERFORMAT_defaultfunc, &av)) goto erret; } if (! AsnCloseStruct (aip, atp, (Pointer) ptr)) goto erret; retval = TRUE; erret:AsnUnlinkType(orig); return retval; }