path: root/doc/examples/
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+.. _et-fmri:
+Event-related fMRI
+Extracting the average time-series from one signal, time-locked to the
+occurence of some type of event in another signal is a very typical operation
+in the analysis of time-series from neuroscience experiments. Therefore, we
+have an additional example of this kind of analysis in :ref:`grasshopper`
+The following example is taken from an fMRI experiment in which a subject was
+viewing a motion stimulus, while fMRI BOLD was recorded. The time-series in
+this data set were extracted from motion-sensitive voxels near area MT (a
+region containing motion-sensitive cells) in this subject's brain. 6 different
+kinds of trials could occur in this experiment (designating different
+directions and locations of motion). The following example shows the extraction
+of the time-dependent responses of the voxels in this region to the different
+We start by importing modules/functions used and define some variables we will
+use in the analysis:
+import os
+from matplotlib.mlab import csv2rec
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import nitime
+import nitime.timeseries as ts
+import nitime.analysis as nta
+import nitime.viz as viz
+TR = 2.
+len_et = 15 # This is given in number of samples, not time!
+Next, we load the data into a recarray from the csv file, using csv2rec
+data_path = os.path.join(nitime.__path__[0], 'data')
+data = csv2rec(os.path.join(data_path, 'event_related_fmri.csv'))
+We initialize TimeSeries objects with the data and the TR:
+One TimeSeries is initialized for the BOLD data:
+t1 = ts.TimeSeries(data.bold, sampling_interval=TR)
+And another one for the events (the different stimuli):
+t2 = ts.TimeSeries(, sampling_interval=TR)
+Note that this example uses the EventRelated analyzer (also used in the
+:ref:`grasshopper` example), but here, instead of providing an :class:`Events`
+object as input, another :class:`TimeSeries` object is provided, containing an
+equivalent time-series with the same dimensions as the time-series on which the
+analysis is done, with '0' wherever no event of interest occured and an integer
+wherever an even of interest occured (sequential different integers for the
+different kinds of events).
+E = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(t1, t2, len_et)
+Two different methods of the EventRelatedAnalyzer are used: :attr:`E.eta`
+refers to the event-triggered average of the activity and :attr:`E.ets` refers
+to the event-triggered standard error of the mean (where the degrees of freedom
+are set by the number of trials). Note that you can also extract the
+event-triggered data itself as a list, by referring instead to
+We pass the eta and ets calculations straight into the visualization function,
+which plots the result:
+fig01 = viz.plot_tseries(E.eta, ylabel='BOLD (% signal change)', yerror=E.ets)
+.. image:: fig/event_related_fmri_01.png
+In the following example an alternative approach is taken to calculating
+the event-related activity, based on the finite impulse-response
+model (see [Burock2000]_ for details)
+fig02 = viz.plot_tseries(E.FIR, ylabel='BOLD (% signal change)')
+.. image:: fig/event_related_fmri_02.png
+Yet another method is based on a cross-correlation performed in the frequency
+domain (thanks to Lavi Secundo for providing a previous implementation of this
+idea). This method can speed up calculation substantially for long time-series,
+because the calculation is done using a vector multiplication in the frequency
+domain representation of the time-series, instead of a more computationally
+expensive convolution-like operation
+fig03 = viz.plot_tseries(E.xcorr_eta, ylabel='BOLD (% signal change)')
+.. image:: fig/event_related_fmri_03.png
+We call in order to display all the figures:
+.. [Burock2000] M.A. Burock and A.M.Dale (2000). Estimation and Detection of
+ Event-Related fMRI Signals with Temporally Correlated Noise: A
+ Statistically Efficient and Unbiased Approach. Human Brain Mapping,
+ 11:249-260