path: root/doc/examples/
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+.. _filter-fmri:
+Filtering and normalizing fMRI data
+Filtering fMRI data is very important. The time-series usually collected in
+fMRI contain a broad-band signal. However, physilogically relevant signals are
+thought to be present in only particular parts of the spectrum. For this
+reason, filtering operations, such as detrending, are a common pre-processing
+step in analysis of fMRI data analysis. In addition, for many fMRI analyses, it
+is important to normalize the data in each voxel. This is because data may
+differ between different voxels for 'uninteresting' reasons, such as local
+blood-flow differences and signal amplitude differences due to the distance
+from the receive coil. In the following, we will demonstrate usage of nitimes
+analyzer objects for spectral estimation, filtering and normalization on fMRI
+We start by importing the needed modules. First modules from the standard lib
+and from 3rd parties:
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib.mlab import csv2rec
+Next, the particular nitime classes we will be using in this example:
+import nitime
+# Import the time-series objects:
+from nitime.timeseries import TimeSeries
+# Import the analysis objects:
+from nitime.analysis import SpectralAnalyzer, FilterAnalyzer, NormalizationAnalyzer
+For starters, let's analyze data that has been preprocessed and is extracted
+into indivudal ROIs. This is the same data used in :ref:`multi-taper-coh` and
+in :ref:`resting-state` (see these examples for details).
+We start by setting the TR and reading the data from the CSV table into which
+the data was saved:
+TR = 1.89
+data_path = os.path.join(nitime.__path__[0], 'data')
+data_rec = csv2rec(os.path.join(data_path, 'fmri_timeseries.csv'))
+# Extract ROI information from the csv file headers:
+roi_names = np.array(data_rec.dtype.names)
+# This is the number of samples in each ROI:
+n_samples = data_rec.shape[0]
+# Make an empty container for the data
+data = np.zeros((len(roi_names), n_samples))
+# Insert the data from each ROI into a row in the data:
+for n_idx, roi in enumerate(roi_names):
+ data[n_idx] = data_rec[roi]
+# Initialize TimeSeries object:
+T = TimeSeries(data, sampling_interval=TR)
+T.metadata['roi'] = roi_names
+We will start, by examining the spectrum of the original data, before
+filtering. We do this by initializing a SpectralAnalyzer for the original data:
+S_original = SpectralAnalyzer(T)
+# Initialize a figure to put the results into:
+fig01 = plt.figure()
+ax01 = fig01.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+The spectral analyzer has several different methods of spectral analysis,
+however the all have a common API. This means that for all of them the output
+is a tuple. The first item in the tuple are the central frequencies of the
+frequency bins in the spectrum and the second item in the tuple are the
+magnitude of the spectrum in that frequency bin. For the purpose of this
+example, we will only plot the data from the 10th ROI (by indexing into the
+spectra). We compare all the methods of spectral estimation by plotting them
+ S_original.psd[1][9],
+ label='Welch PSD')
+ np.abs(S_original.spectrum_fourier[1][9]),
+ label='FFT')
+ S_original.periodogram[1][9],
+ label='Periodogram')
+ S_original.spectrum_multi_taper[1][9],
+ label='Multi-taper')
+ax01.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
+.. image:: fig/filtering_fmri_01.png
+Notice that, for this data, simply extracting a FFT is hardly informative (the
+reasons for that are explained in :ref:`multi-taper-psd`). On the other hand,
+the other methods provide different granularity of information, traded-off with
+the robustness of the estimation. The cadillac of spectral estimates is the
+multi-taper estimation, which provides both robustness and granularity, but
+notice that this estimate requires more computation than other estimates
+(certainly more estimates than the FFT).
+We note that a lot of the power in the fMRI data seems to be concentrated in
+frequencies below 0.02 Hz. These extremely low fluctuations in signal are often
+considered to be 'noise', rather than reflecting neural processing. In
+addition, there is a broad distribution of power up to the Nyquist
+frequency. However, some estimates of the hemodynamic response suggest that
+information above 0.15 could not reflect the slow filtering of neural response
+to the BOLD response measured in fMRI. Thus, it would be advantageous to remove
+fluctuations below 0.02 and above 0.15 Hz from the data. Next, we proceed to
+filter the data into this range, using different methods.
+We start by initializing a FilterAnalyzer. This is initialized with the
+time-series containing the data and with the upper and lower bounds of the
+range into which we wish to filter (in Hz):
+F = FilterAnalyzer(T, ub=0.15, lb=0.02)
+# Initialize a figure to display the results:
+fig02 = plt.figure()
+ax02 = fig02.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+# Plot the original, unfiltered data:
+ax02.plot([0], label='unfiltered')
+As with the SpectralAnalyzer, there is a common API for the different methods
+used for filtering. We use the following methods:
+- Boxcar filter: The time-series is convolved with a box-car function of the
+ right length to smooth the data to such an extent that the frequencies higher
+ than represented by the length of this box-car function are no longer present
+ in the smoothed version of the time-series. This functions as a low-pass filter. The
+ data can then be high-pass filtered by subtracting this version of the data
+ from the original. For a band-pass filter, both of these operations are done.
+ax02.plot([0], label='Boxcar filter')
+- FIR filter: A digital filter with a finite impulse response. These filters
+ have an order of 64 per default, but that can be adjusted by setting the key
+ word argument 'filt_order', passed to initialize the FilterAnalyzer. For
+ FIR filtering, :mod:`nitime` uses a Hamming window filter, but this can also
+ be changed by setting the key word argument 'fir_win'.
+ As with the boxcar filter, if band-pass filtering is required, a low-pass
+ filter is applied and then a high-pass filter is applied to the resulting
+ time-series.
+ax02.plot([0], label='FIR')
+- IIR filter: A digital filter with an infinite impulse response function. Per
+ default an elliptic filter is used here, but this can be changed, by setting
+ the 'iir_type' key word argument used when initializing the FilterAnalyzer.
+For both FIR filters and IIR filters, :func:`scipy.signal.filtfilt` is used in
+order to achieve zero phase delay filtering.
+ax02.plot([0], label='IIR')
+- Fourier filter: this is a quick and dirty filter. The data is FFT-ed into the
+ frequency domain. The power in the unwanted frequency bins is removed (by
+ replacing the power in these bins with zero) and the data is IFFT-ed back
+ into the time-domain.
+ax02.plot([0], label='Fourier')
+ax02.set_xlabel('Time (TR)')
+ax02.set_ylabel('Signal amplitude (a.u.)')
+.. image:: fig/filtering_fmri_02.png
+Examining the resulting time-series closely reveals that large fluctuations in
+very slow frequencies have been removed, but also small fluctuations in high
+frequencies have been attenuated through filtering.
+Comparing the resulting spectra of these different filters shows the various
+trade-offs of each filtering method, including the fidelity with which the
+original spectrum is replicated within the pass-band and the amount of
+attenuation within the stop-bands.
+We can do that by initializng a SpectralAnalyzer for each one of the filtered
+time-series resulting from the above operation and plotting their spectra. For
+ease of compariso, we only plot the spectra using the multi-taper spectral
+estimation. At the level of granularity provided by this method, the diferences
+between the methods are emphasized:
+S_fourier = SpectralAnalyzer(F.filtered_fourier)
+S_boxcar = SpectralAnalyzer(F.filtered_boxcar)
+S_fir = SpectralAnalyzer(F.fir)
+S_iir = SpectralAnalyzer(F.iir)
+fig03 = plt.figure()
+ax03 = fig03.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+ S_original.spectrum_multi_taper[1][9],
+ label='Original')
+ S_fourier.spectrum_multi_taper[1][9],
+ label='Fourier')
+ S_boxcar.spectrum_multi_taper[1][9],
+ label='Boxcar')
+ S_fir.spectrum_multi_taper[1][9],
+ label='FIR')
+ S_iir.spectrum_multi_taper[1][9],
+ label='IIR')
+.. image:: fig/filtering_fmri_03.png
+Next, we turn to normalize the filtered data. This can be done in one of two
+- Percent change: the data in each voxel is normalized as percent signal
+ change, relative to the mean BOLD signal in the voxel
+- Z score: The data in each voxel is normalized to have 0 mean and a standard
+ deviation of 1.
+We will use the filtered data, in order to demonstrate how the output of one
+analyzer can be used as the input to the other:
+fig04 = plt.figure()
+ax04 = fig04.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+ax04.plot(NormalizationAnalyzer(F.fir)[0], label='% change')
+ax04.plot(NormalizationAnalyzer(F.fir)[0], label='Z score')
+ax04.set_xlabel('Time (TR)')
+ax04.set_ylabel('Amplitude (% change or Z-score)')
+.. image:: fig/filtering_fmri_04.png
+Notice that the same methods of filtering and normalization can be applied to
+fMRI data, upon reading it from a nifti file, using :mod:``.
+We demonstrate that in what follows.[Notice that nibabel
+( is required in order to run the following
+examples. An error will be thrown if nibabel is not installed]
+ from nibabel import load
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError('You need nibabel (http:/ in order to run this example')
+import as io
+We define the TR of the analysis and the frequency band of interest:
+TR = 1.35
+f_lb = 0.02
+f_ub = 0.15
+An fMRI data file with some fMRI data is shipped as part of the distribution,
+the following line will find the path to this data on the specific computer:
+data_file_path = test_dir_path = os.path.join(nitime.__path__[0],
+ 'data')
+fmri_file = os.path.join(data_file_path, 'fmri1.nii.gz')
+Read in the dimensions of the data, using nibabel:
+fmri_data = load(fmri_file)
+volume_shape = fmri_data.shape[:-1]
+coords = list(np.ndindex(volume_shape))
+coords = np.array(coords).T
+We use :mod:`` in order to generate a TimeSeries object from spatial
+coordinates in the data file. Notice that normalization method is provided as a
+string input to the keyword argument 'normalize' and the filter and its
+properties are provided as a dict to the keyword argument 'filter':
+T_unfiltered = io.time_series_from_file(fmri_file,
+ coords,
+ TR=TR,
+ normalize='percent')
+T_fir = io.time_series_from_file(fmri_file,
+ coords,
+ TR=TR,
+ normalize='percent',
+ filter=dict(lb=f_lb,
+ ub=f_ub,
+ method='fir',
+ filt_order=10))
+T_iir = io.time_series_from_file(fmri_file,
+ coords,
+ TR=TR,
+ normalize='percent',
+ filter=dict(lb=f_lb,
+ ub=f_ub,
+ method='iir',
+ filt_order=10))
+T_boxcar = io.time_series_from_file(fmri_file,
+ coords,
+ TR=TR,
+ normalize='percent',
+ filter=dict(lb=f_lb,
+ ub=f_ub,
+ method='boxcar',
+ filt_order=10))
+fig05 = plt.figure()
+ax05 = fig05.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+S_unfiltered = SpectralAnalyzer(T_unfiltered).spectrum_multi_taper
+S_fir = SpectralAnalyzer(T_fir).spectrum_multi_taper
+S_iir = SpectralAnalyzer(T_iir).spectrum_multi_taper
+S_boxcar = SpectralAnalyzer(T_boxcar).spectrum_multi_taper
+random_voxel = np.random.randint(0,
+ax05.plot(S_unfiltered[0], S_unfiltered[1][random_voxel], label='Unfiltered')
+ax05.plot(S_fir[0], S_fir[1][random_voxel], label='FIR filtered')
+ax05.plot(S_iir[0], S_iir[1][random_voxel], label='IIR filtered')
+ax05.plot(S_boxcar[0], S_boxcar[1][random_voxel], label='Boxcar filtered')
+.. image:: fig/filtering_fmri_05.png
+Notice that though the boxcar filter doesn't usually do an amazing job with
+long time-series and IIR/FIR filters seem to be superior in those cases, in
+this example, where the time-series is much shorter, it sometimes does a
+relatively decent job.
+We call in order to display the figure: