path: root/nitime/algorithms/
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+++ b/nitime/algorithms/
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+Spectral transforms are used in order to estimate the frequency-domain
+representation of time-series. Several methods can be used and this module
+contains implementations of several algorithms for the calculation of spectral
+import numpy as np
+from nitime.lazy import matplotlib_mlab as mlab
+from nitime.lazy import scipy_linalg as linalg
+from nitime.lazy import scipy_signal as sig
+from nitime.lazy import scipy_interpolate as interpolate
+from nitime.lazy import scipy_fftpack as fftpack
+import nitime.utils as utils
+# To support older versions of numpy that don't have tril_indices:
+from nitime.index_utils import tril_indices, triu_indices
+# Set global variables for the default NFFT to be used in spectral analysis and
+# the overlap:
+default_nfft = 64
+default_n_overlap = int(np.ceil(default_nfft / 2.0))
+def get_spectra(time_series, method=None):
+ r"""
+ Compute the spectra of an n-tuple of time series and all of
+ the pairwise cross-spectra.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ time_series : float array
+ The time-series, where time is the last dimension
+ method : dict, optional
+ contains: this_method:'welch'
+ indicates that :func:`mlab.psd` will be used in
+ order to calculate the psd/csd, in which case, additional optional
+ inputs (and default values) are:
+ NFFT=64
+ Fs=2pi
+ detrend=mlab.detrend_none
+ window=mlab.window_hanning
+ n_overlap=0
+ this_method:'periodogram_csd'
+ indicates that :func:`periodogram` will
+ be used in order to calculate the psd/csd, in which case, additional
+ optional inputs (and default values) are:
+ Skx=None
+ Sky=None
+ N=None
+ sides='onesided'
+ normalize=True
+ Fs=2pi
+ this_method:'multi_taper_csd'
+ indicates that :func:`multi_taper_psd` used in order to calculate
+ psd/csd, in which case additional optional inputs (and default
+ values) are:
+ BW=0.01
+ Fs=2pi
+ sides = 'onesided'
+ Returns
+ -------
+ f : float array
+ The central frequencies for the frequency bands for which the spectra
+ are estimated
+ fxy : float array
+ A semi-filled matrix with the cross-spectra of the signals. The csd of
+ signal i and signal j is in f[j][i], but not in f[i][j] (which will be
+ filled with zeros). For i=j fxy[i][j] is the psd of signal i.
+ """
+ if method is None:
+ method = {'this_method': 'welch'} # The default
+ # If no choice of method was explicitly set, but other parameters were
+ # passed, assume that the method is mlab:
+ this_method = method.get('this_method', 'welch')
+ if this_method == 'welch':
+ NFFT = method.get('NFFT', default_nfft)
+ Fs = method.get('Fs', 2 * np.pi)
+ detrend = method.get('detrend', mlab.detrend_none)
+ window = method.get('window', mlab.window_hanning)
+ n_overlap = method.get('n_overlap', int(np.ceil(NFFT / 2.0)))
+ # The length of the spectrum depends on how many sides are taken, which
+ # depends on whether or not this is a complex object:
+ if np.iscomplexobj(time_series):
+ fxy_len = NFFT
+ else:
+ fxy_len = NFFT / 2.0 + 1
+ # If there is only 1 channel in the time-series:
+ if len(time_series.shape) == 1 or time_series.shape[0] == 1:
+ temp, f = mlab.csd(time_series, time_series,
+ NFFT, Fs, detrend, window, n_overlap,
+ scale_by_freq=True)
+ fxy = temp.squeeze() # the output of mlab.csd has a weird
+ # shape
+ else:
+ fxy = np.zeros((time_series.shape[0],
+ time_series.shape[0],
+ fxy_len), dtype=complex) # Make sure it's complex
+ for i in range(time_series.shape[0]):
+ for j in range(i, time_series.shape[0]):
+ #Notice funny indexing, in order to conform to the
+ #conventions of the other methods:
+ temp, f = mlab.csd(time_series[j], time_series[i],
+ NFFT, Fs, detrend, window, n_overlap,
+ scale_by_freq=True)
+ fxy[i][j] = temp.squeeze() # the output of mlab.csd has a
+ # weird shape
+ elif this_method in ('multi_taper_csd', 'periodogram_csd'):
+ # these methods should work with similar signatures
+ mdict = method.copy()
+ func = eval(mdict.pop('this_method'))
+ freqs, fxy = func(time_series, **mdict)
+ f = utils.circle_to_hz(freqs, mdict.get('Fs', 2 * np.pi))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown method provided")
+ return f, fxy.squeeze()
+def get_spectra_bi(x, y, method=None):
+ r"""
+ Computes the spectra of two timeseries and the cross-spectrum between them
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ x,y : float arrays
+ Time-series data
+ method : dict, optional
+ See :func:`get_spectra` documentation for details
+ Returns
+ -------
+ f : float array
+ The central frequencies for the frequency
+ bands for which the spectra are estimated
+ fxx : float array
+ The psd of the first signal
+ fyy : float array
+ The psd of the second signal
+ fxy : float array
+ The cross-spectral density of the two signals
+ """
+ f, fij = get_spectra(np.vstack((x, y)), method=method)
+ fxx = fij[0, 0].real
+ fyy = fij[1, 1].real
+ fxy = fij[0, 1]
+ return f, fxx, fyy, fxy
+# The following spectrum estimates are normalized to the convention
+# adopted by MATLAB (or at least spectrum.psd)
+# By definition, Sxx(f) = DTFT{Rxx(n)}, where Rxx(n) is the autocovariance
+# function of x(n). Therefore the integral from
+# [-Fs/2, Fs/2] of Sxx(f)*df is Rxx(0).
+# And from the definition of Rxx(n),
+# Rxx(0) = Expected-Value{x(n)x*(n)} = Expected-Value{ |x|^2 },
+# which is estimated as (x*x.conj()).mean()
+# In other words, sum(Sxx) * Fs / NFFT ~ var(x)
+def periodogram(s, Fs=2 * np.pi, Sk=None, N=None,
+ sides='default', normalize=True):
+ """Takes an N-point periodogram estimate of the PSD function. The
+ number of points N, or a precomputed FFT Sk may be provided. By default,
+ the PSD function returned is normalized so that the integral of the PSD
+ is equal to the mean squared amplitude (mean energy) of s (see Notes).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ s : ndarray
+ Signal(s) for which to estimate the PSD, time dimension in the last
+ axis
+ Fs : float (optional)
+ The sampling rate. Defaults to 2*pi
+ Sk : ndarray (optional)
+ Precomputed FFT of s
+ N : int (optional)
+ Indicates an N-point FFT where N != s.shape[-1]
+ sides : str (optional) [ 'default' | 'onesided' | 'twosided' ]
+ This determines which sides of the spectrum to return.
+ For complex-valued inputs, the default is two-sided, for real-valued
+ inputs, default is one-sided Indicates whether to return a one-sided
+ or two-sided
+ PSD normalize : boolean (optional, default=True) Normalizes the PSD
+ Returns
+ -------
+ (f, psd) : tuple
+ f: The central frequencies for the frequency bands
+ PSD estimate for each row of s
+ """
+ if Sk is not None:
+ N = Sk.shape[-1]
+ else:
+ N = s.shape[-1] if not N else N
+ Sk = fftpack.fft(s, n=N)
+ pshape = list(Sk.shape)
+ # if the time series is a complex vector, a one sided PSD is invalid:
+ if (sides == 'default' and np.iscomplexobj(s)) or sides == 'twosided':
+ sides = 'twosided'
+ elif sides in ('default', 'onesided'):
+ sides = 'onesided'
+ if sides == 'onesided':
+ # putative Nyquist freq
+ Fn = N / 2 + 1
+ # last duplicate freq
+ Fl = (N + 1) / 2
+ pshape[-1] = Fn
+ P = np.zeros(pshape, 'd')
+ freqs = np.linspace(0, Fs / 2, Fn)
+ P[..., 0] = (Sk[..., 0] * Sk[..., 0].conj()).real
+ P[..., 1:Fl] = 2 * (Sk[..., 1:Fl] * Sk[..., 1:Fl].conj()).real
+ if Fn > Fl:
+ P[..., Fn - 1] = (Sk[..., Fn - 1] * Sk[..., Fn - 1].conj()).real
+ else:
+ P = (Sk * Sk.conj()).real
+ freqs = np.linspace(0, Fs, N, endpoint=False)
+ if normalize:
+ P /= (Fs * s.shape[-1])
+ return freqs, P
+def periodogram_csd(s, Fs=2 * np.pi, Sk=None, NFFT=None, sides='default',
+ normalize=True):
+ """Takes an N-point periodogram estimate of all the cross spectral
+ density functions between rows of s.
+ The number of points N, or a precomputed FFT Sk may be provided. By
+ default, the CSD function returned is normalized so that the integral of
+ the PSD is equal to the mean squared amplitude (mean energy) of s (see
+ Notes).
+ Parameters
+ ---------
+ s : ndarray
+ Signals for which to estimate the CSD, time dimension in the last axis
+ Fs : float (optional)
+ The sampling rate. Defaults to 2*pi
+ Sk : ndarray (optional)
+ Precomputed FFT of rows of s
+ NFFT : int (optional)
+ Indicates an N-point FFT where N != s.shape[-1]
+ sides : str (optional) [ 'default' | 'onesided' | 'twosided' ]
+ This determines which sides of the spectrum to return.
+ For complex-valued inputs, the default is two-sided, for real-valued
+ inputs, default is one-sided Indicates whether to return a one-sided
+ or two-sided
+ normalize : boolean (optional)
+ Normalizes the PSD
+ Returns
+ -------
+ freqs, csd_est : ndarrays
+ The estimated CSD and the frequency points vector.
+ The CSD{i,j}(f) are returned in a square "matrix" of vectors
+ holding Sij(f). For an input array that is reshaped to (M,N),
+ the output is (M,M,N)
+ """
+ s_shape = s.shape
+ s.shape = ([:-1]), s_shape[-1])
+ # defining an Sk_loc is a little opaque, but it avoids having to
+ # reset the shape of any user-given Sk later on
+ if Sk is not None:
+ Sk_shape = Sk.shape
+ N = Sk.shape[-1]
+ Sk_loc = Sk.reshape([:-1]), N)
+ else:
+ if NFFT is not None:
+ N = NFFT
+ else:
+ N = s.shape[-1]
+ Sk_loc = fftpack.fft(s, n=N)
+ # reset s.shape
+ s.shape = s_shape
+ M = Sk_loc.shape[0]
+ # if the time series is a complex vector, a one sided PSD is invalid:
+ if (sides == 'default' and np.iscomplexobj(s)) or sides == 'twosided':
+ sides = 'twosided'
+ elif sides in ('default', 'onesided'):
+ sides = 'onesided'
+ if sides == 'onesided':
+ # putative Nyquist freq
+ Fn = N / 2 + 1
+ # last duplicate freq
+ Fl = (N + 1) / 2
+ csd_pairs = np.zeros((M, M, Fn), 'D')
+ freqs = np.linspace(0, Fs / 2, Fn)
+ for i in range(M):
+ for j in range(i + 1):
+ csd_pairs[i, j, 0] = Sk_loc[i, 0] * Sk_loc[j, 0].conj()
+ csd_pairs[i, j, 1:Fl] = 2 * (Sk_loc[i, 1:Fl] *
+ Sk_loc[j, 1:Fl].conj())
+ if Fn > Fl:
+ csd_pairs[i, j, Fn - 1] = (Sk_loc[i, Fn - 1] *
+ Sk_loc[j, Fn - 1].conj())
+ else:
+ csd_pairs = np.zeros((M, M, N), 'D')
+ freqs = np.linspace(0, Fs / 2, N, endpoint=False)
+ for i in range(M):
+ for j in range(i + 1):
+ csd_pairs[i, j] = Sk_loc[i] * Sk_loc[j].conj()
+ if normalize:
+ csd_pairs /= (Fs*N)
+ csd_mat = csd_pairs.transpose(1,0,2).conj()
+ csd_mat += csd_pairs
+ diag_idc = (np.arange(M), np.arange(M))
+ csd_mat[diag_idc] /= 2
+ return freqs, csd_mat
+def dpss_windows(N, NW, Kmax, interp_from=None, interp_kind='linear'):
+ """
+ Returns the Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences of orders [0,Kmax-1]
+ for a given frequency-spacing multiple NW and sequence length N.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ N : int
+ sequence length
+ NW : float, unitless
+ standardized half bandwidth corresponding to 2NW = BW/f0 = BW*N*dt
+ but with dt taken as 1
+ Kmax : int
+ number of DPSS windows to return is Kmax (orders 0 through Kmax-1)
+ interp_from : int (optional)
+ The dpss can be calculated using interpolation from a set of dpss
+ with the same NW and Kmax, but shorter N. This is the length of this
+ shorter set of dpss windows.
+ interp_kind : str (optional)
+ This input variable is passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d and
+ specifies the kind of interpolation as a string ('linear', 'nearest',
+ 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic, 'cubic') or as an integer specifying the
+ order of the spline interpolator to use.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ v, e : tuple,
+ v is an array of DPSS windows shaped (Kmax, N)
+ e are the eigenvalues
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Tridiagonal form of DPSS calculation from:
+ Slepian, D. Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Fourier analysis, and
+ uncertainty V: The discrete case. Bell System Technical Journal,
+ Volume 57 (1978), 1371430
+ """
+ Kmax = int(Kmax)
+ W = float(NW) / N
+ nidx = np.arange(N, dtype='d')
+ # In this case, we create the dpss windows of the smaller size
+ # (interp_from) and then interpolate to the larger size (N)
+ if interp_from is not None:
+ if interp_from > N:
+ e_s = 'In dpss_windows, interp_from is: %s ' % interp_from
+ e_s += 'and N is: %s. ' % N
+ e_s += 'Please enter interp_from smaller than N.'
+ raise ValueError(e_s)
+ dpss = []
+ d, e = dpss_windows(interp_from, NW, Kmax)
+ for this_d in d:
+ x = np.arange(this_d.shape[-1])
+ I = interpolate.interp1d(x, this_d, kind=interp_kind)
+ d_temp = I(np.arange(0, this_d.shape[-1] - 1,
+ float(this_d.shape[-1] - 1) / N))
+ # Rescale:
+ d_temp = d_temp / np.sqrt(np.sum(d_temp ** 2))
+ dpss.append(d_temp)
+ dpss = np.array(dpss)
+ else:
+ # here we want to set up an optimization problem to find a sequence
+ # whose energy is maximally concentrated within band [-W,W].
+ # Thus, the measure lambda(T,W) is the ratio between the energy within
+ # that band, and the total energy. This leads to the eigen-system
+ # (A - (l1)I)v = 0, where the eigenvector corresponding to the largest
+ # eigenvalue is the sequence with maximally concentrated energy. The
+ # collection of eigenvectors of this system are called Slepian
+ # sequences, or discrete prolate spheroidal sequences (DPSS). Only the
+ # first K, K = 2NW/dt orders of DPSS will exhibit good spectral
+ # concentration
+ # [see]
+ # Here I set up an alternative symmetric tri-diagonal eigenvalue
+ # problem such that
+ # (B - (l2)I)v = 0, and v are our DPSS (but eigenvalues l2 != l1)
+ # the main diagonal = ([N-1-2*t]/2)**2 cos(2PIW), t=[0,1,2,...,N-1]
+ # and the first off-diagonal = t(N-t)/2, t=[1,2,...,N-1]
+ # [see Percival and Walden, 1993]
+ diagonal = ((N - 1 - 2 * nidx) / 2.) ** 2 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * W)
+ off_diag = np.zeros_like(nidx)
+ off_diag[:-1] = nidx[1:] * (N - nidx[1:]) / 2.
+ # put the diagonals in LAPACK "packed" storage
+ ab = np.zeros((2, N), 'd')
+ ab[1] = diagonal
+ ab[0, 1:] = off_diag[:-1]
+ # only calculate the highest Kmax eigenvalues
+ w = linalg.eigvals_banded(ab, select='i',
+ select_range=(N - Kmax, N - 1))
+ w = w[::-1]
+ # find the corresponding eigenvectors via inverse iteration
+ t = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N)
+ dpss = np.zeros((Kmax, N), 'd')
+ for k in range(Kmax):
+ dpss[k] = utils.tridi_inverse_iteration(
+ diagonal, off_diag, w[k], x0=np.sin((k + 1) * t)
+ )
+ # By convention (Percival and Walden, 1993 pg 379)
+ # * symmetric tapers (k=0,2,4,...) should have a positive average.
+ # * antisymmetric tapers should begin with a positive lobe
+ fix_symmetric = (dpss[0::2].sum(axis=1) < 0)
+ for i, f in enumerate(fix_symmetric):
+ if f:
+ dpss[2 * i] *= -1
+ # rather than test the sign of one point, test the sign of the
+ # linear slope up to the first (largest) peak
+ pk = np.argmax( np.abs(dpss[1::2, :N/2]), axis=1 )
+ for i, p in enumerate(pk):
+ if np.sum(dpss[2 * i + 1, :p]) < 0:
+ dpss[2 * i + 1] *= -1
+ # Now find the eigenvalues of the original spectral concentration problem
+ # Use the autocorr sequence technique from Percival and Walden, 1993 pg 390
+ dpss_rxx = utils.autocorr(dpss) * N
+ r = 4 * W * np.sinc(2 * W * nidx)
+ r[0] = 2 * W
+ eigvals =, r)
+ return dpss, eigvals
+def tapered_spectra(s, tapers, NFFT=None, low_bias=True):
+ """
+ Compute the tapered spectra of the rows of s.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ s : ndarray, (n_arr, n_pts)
+ An array whose rows are timeseries.
+ tapers : ndarray or container
+ Either the precomputed DPSS tapers, or the pair of parameters
+ (NW, K) needed to compute K tapers of length n_pts.
+ NFFT : int
+ Number of FFT bins to compute
+ low_bias : Boolean
+ If compute DPSS, automatically select tapers corresponding to
+ > 90% energy concentration.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ t_spectra : ndarray, shaped (n_arr, K, NFFT)
+ The FFT of the tapered sequences in s. First dimension is squeezed
+ out if n_arr is 1.
+ eigvals : ndarray
+ The eigenvalues are also returned if DPSS are calculated here.
+ """
+ N = s.shape[-1]
+ # XXX: don't allow NFFT < N -- not every implementation is so restrictive!
+ if NFFT is None or NFFT < N:
+ NFFT = N
+ rest_of_dims = s.shape[:-1]
+ M = int(np.product(rest_of_dims))
+ s = s.reshape(int(np.product(rest_of_dims)), N)
+ # de-mean this sucker
+ s = utils.remove_bias(s, axis=-1)
+ if not isinstance(tapers, np.ndarray):
+ # then tapers is (NW, K)
+ args = (N,) + tuple(tapers)
+ dpss, eigvals = dpss_windows(*args)
+ if low_bias:
+ keepers = (eigvals > 0.9)
+ dpss = dpss[keepers]
+ eigvals = eigvals[keepers]
+ tapers = dpss
+ else:
+ eigvals = None
+ K = tapers.shape[0]
+ sig_sl = [slice(None)] * len(s.shape)
+ sig_sl.insert(len(s.shape) - 1, np.newaxis)
+ # tapered.shape is (M, Kmax, N)
+ tapered = s[sig_sl] * tapers
+ # compute the y_{i,k}(f) -- full FFT takes ~1.5x longer, but unpacking
+ # results of real-valued FFT eats up memory
+ t_spectra = fftpack.fft(tapered, n=NFFT, axis=-1)
+ t_spectra.shape = rest_of_dims + (K, NFFT)
+ if eigvals is None:
+ return t_spectra
+ return t_spectra, eigvals
+def mtm_cross_spectrum(tx, ty, weights, sides='twosided'):
+ r"""
+ The cross-spectrum between two tapered time-series, derived from a
+ multi-taper spectral estimation.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tx, ty : ndarray (K, ..., N)
+ The complex DFTs of the tapered sequence
+ weights : ndarray, or 2-tuple or list
+ Weights can be specified as a length-2 list of weights for spectra tx
+ and ty respectively. Alternatively, if tx is ty and this function is
+ computing the spectral density function of a single sequence, the
+ weights can be given as an ndarray of weights for the spectrum.
+ Weights may be
+ * scalars, if the shape of the array is (K, ..., 1)
+ * vectors, with the shape of the array being the same as tx or ty
+ sides : str in {'onesided', 'twosided'}
+ For the symmetric spectra of a real sequence, optionally combine half
+ of the frequencies and scale the duplicate frequencies in the range
+ (0, F_nyquist).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ spectral densities are always computed as
+ :math:`S_{xy}^{mt}(f) = \frac{\sum_k
+ [d_k^x(f)s_k^x(f)][d_k^y(f)(s_k^y(f))^{*}]}{[\sum_k
+ d_k^x(f)^2]^{\frac{1}{2}}[\sum_k d_k^y(f)^2]^{\frac{1}{2}}}`
+ """
+ N = tx.shape[-1]
+ if ty.shape != tx.shape:
+ raise ValueError('shape mismatch between tx, ty')
+ # pshape = list(tx.shape)
+ if isinstance(weights, (list, tuple)):
+ autospectrum = False
+ weights_x = weights[0]
+ weights_y = weights[1]
+ denom = (np.abs(weights_x) ** 2).sum(axis=0) ** 0.5
+ denom *= (np.abs(weights_y) ** 2).sum(axis=0) ** 0.5
+ else:
+ autospectrum = True
+ weights_x = weights
+ weights_y = weights
+ denom = (np.abs(weights) ** 2).sum(axis=0)
+ if sides == 'onesided':
+ # where the nyq freq should be
+ Fn = N / 2 + 1
+ truncated_slice = [slice(None)] * len(tx.shape)
+ truncated_slice[-1] = slice(0, Fn)
+ tsl = tuple(truncated_slice)
+ tx = tx[tsl]
+ ty = ty[tsl]
+ # if weights.shape[-1] > 1 then make sure weights are truncated too
+ if weights_x.shape[-1] > 1:
+ weights_x = weights_x[tsl]
+ weights_y = weights_y[tsl]
+ denom = denom[tsl[1:]]
+ sf = weights_x * tx
+ sf *= (weights_y * ty).conj()
+ sf = sf.sum(axis=0)
+ sf /= denom
+ if sides == 'onesided':
+ # dbl power at duplicated freqs
+ Fl = (N + 1) / 2
+ sub_slice = [slice(None)] * len(sf.shape)
+ sub_slice[-1] = slice(1, Fl)
+ sf[tuple(sub_slice)] *= 2
+ if autospectrum:
+ return sf.real
+ return sf
+def multi_taper_psd(
+ s, Fs=2 * np.pi, NW=None, BW=None, adaptive=False,
+ jackknife=True, low_bias=True, sides='default', NFFT=None
+ ):
+ """Returns an estimate of the PSD function of s using the multitaper
+ method. If the NW product, or the BW and Fs in Hz are not specified
+ by the user, a bandwidth of 4 times the fundamental frequency,
+ corresponding to NW = 4 will be used.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ s : ndarray
+ An array of sampled random processes, where the time axis is assumed to
+ be on the last axis
+ Fs : float
+ Sampling rate of the signal
+ NW : float
+ The normalized half-bandwidth of the data tapers, indicating a
+ multiple of the fundamental frequency of the DFT (Fs/N).
+ Common choices are n/2, for n >= 4. This parameter is unitless
+ and more MATLAB compatible. As an alternative, set the BW
+ parameter in Hz. See Notes on bandwidth.
+ BW : float
+ The sampling-relative bandwidth of the data tapers, in Hz.
+ adaptive : {True/False}
+ Use an adaptive weighting routine to combine the PSD estimates of
+ different tapers.
+ jackknife : {True/False}
+ Use the jackknife method to make an estimate of the PSD variance
+ at each point.
+ low_bias : {True/False}
+ Rather than use 2NW tapers, only use the tapers that have better than
+ 90% spectral concentration within the bandwidth (still using
+ a maximum of 2NW tapers)
+ sides : str (optional) [ 'default' | 'onesided' | 'twosided' ]
+ This determines which sides of the spectrum to return.
+ For complex-valued inputs, the default is two-sided, for real-valued
+ inputs, default is one-sided Indicates whether to return a one-sided
+ or two-sided
+ Returns
+ -------
+ (freqs, psd_est, var_or_nu) : ndarrays
+ The first two arrays are the frequency points vector and the
+ estimated PSD. The last returned array differs depending on whether
+ the jackknife was used. It is either
+ * The jackknife estimated variance of the log-psd, OR
+ * The degrees of freedom in a chi2 model of how the estimated
+ PSD is distributed about the true log-PSD (this is either
+ 2*floor(2*NW), or calculated from adaptive weights)
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The bandwidth of the windowing function will determine the number
+ tapers to use. This parameters represents trade-off between frequency
+ resolution (lower main lobe BW for the taper) and variance reduction
+ (higher BW and number of averaged estimates). Typically, the number of
+ tapers is calculated as 2x the bandwidth-to-fundamental-frequency
+ ratio, as these eigenfunctions have the best energy concentration.
+ """
+ # have last axis be time series for now
+ N = s.shape[-1]
+ M = int(np.product(s.shape[:-1]))
+ if BW is not None:
+ # BW wins in a contest (since it was the original implementation)
+ norm_BW = np.round(BW * N / Fs)
+ NW = norm_BW / 2.0
+ elif NW is None:
+ # default NW
+ NW = 4
+ # (else BW is None and NW is not None) ... all set
+ Kmax = int(2 * NW)
+ # if the time series is a complex vector, a one sided PSD is invalid:
+ if (sides == 'default' and np.iscomplexobj(s)) or sides == 'twosided':
+ sides = 'twosided'
+ elif sides in ('default', 'onesided'):
+ sides = 'onesided'
+ # Find the direct spectral estimators S_k(f) for k tapered signals..
+ # don't normalize the periodograms by 1/N as normal.. since the taper
+ # windows are orthonormal, they effectively scale the signal by 1/N
+ spectra, eigvals = tapered_spectra(
+ s, (NW, Kmax), NFFT=NFFT, low_bias=low_bias
+ )
+ NFFT = spectra.shape[-1]
+ K = len(eigvals)
+ # collapse spectra's shape back down to 3 dimensions
+ spectra.shape = (M, K, NFFT)
+ last_freq = NFFT / 2 + 1 if sides == 'onesided' else NFFT
+ # degrees of freedom at each timeseries, at each freq
+ nu = np.empty((M, last_freq))
+ if adaptive:
+ weights = np.empty((M, K, last_freq))
+ for i in range(M):
+ weights[i], nu[i] = utils.adaptive_weights(
+ spectra[i], eigvals, sides=sides
+ )
+ else:
+ # let the weights simply be the square-root of the eigenvalues.
+ # repeat these values across all n_chan channels of data
+ weights = np.tile(np.sqrt(eigvals), M).reshape(M, K, 1)
+ nu.fill(2 * K)
+ if jackknife:
+ jk_var = np.empty_like(nu)
+ for i in range(M):
+ jk_var[i] = utils.jackknifed_sdf_variance(
+ spectra[i], eigvals, sides=sides, adaptive=adaptive
+ )
+ # Compute the unbiased spectral estimator for S(f) as the sum of
+ # the S_k(f) weighted by the function w_k(f)**2, all divided by the
+ # sum of the w_k(f)**2 over k
+ # 1st, roll the tapers axis forward
+ spectra = np.rollaxis(spectra, 1, start=0)
+ weights = np.rollaxis(weights, 1, start=0)
+ sdf_est = mtm_cross_spectrum(
+ spectra, spectra, weights, sides=sides
+ )
+ sdf_est /= Fs
+ if sides == 'onesided':
+ freqs = np.linspace(0, Fs / 2, NFFT / 2 + 1)
+ else:
+ freqs = np.linspace(0, Fs, NFFT, endpoint=False)
+ out_shape = s.shape[:-1] + (len(freqs),)
+ sdf_est.shape = out_shape
+ if jackknife:
+ jk_var.shape = out_shape
+ return freqs, sdf_est, jk_var
+ else:
+ nu.shape = out_shape
+ return freqs, sdf_est, nu
+def multi_taper_csd(s, Fs=2 * np.pi, NW=None, BW=None, low_bias=True,
+ adaptive=False, sides='default', NFFT=None):
+ """Returns an estimate of the Cross Spectral Density (CSD) function
+ between all (N choose 2) pairs of timeseries in s, using the multitaper
+ method. If the NW product, or the BW and Fs in Hz are not specified by
+ the user, a bandwidth of 4 times the fundamental frequency, corresponding
+ to NW = 4 will be used.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ s : ndarray
+ An array of sampled random processes, where the time axis is
+ assumed to be on the last axis. If ndim > 2, the number of time
+ series to compare will still be taken as prod(s.shape[:-1])
+ Fs : float, Sampling rate of the signal
+ NW : float
+ The normalized half-bandwidth of the data tapers, indicating a
+ multiple of the fundamental frequency of the DFT (Fs/N).
+ Common choices are n/2, for n >= 4. This parameter is unitless
+ and more MATLAB compatible. As an alternative, set the BW
+ parameter in Hz. See Notes on bandwidth.
+ BW : float
+ The sampling-relative bandwidth of the data tapers, in Hz.
+ adaptive : {True, False}
+ Use adaptive weighting to combine spectra
+ low_bias : {True, False}
+ Rather than use 2NW tapers, only use the tapers that have better than
+ 90% spectral concentration within the bandwidth (still using
+ a maximum of 2NW tapers)
+ sides : str (optional) [ 'default' | 'onesided' | 'twosided' ]
+ This determines which sides of the spectrum to return. For
+ complex-valued inputs, the default is two-sided, for real-valued
+ inputs, default is one-sided Indicates whether to return a one-sided
+ or two-sided
+ Returns
+ -------
+ (freqs, csd_est) : ndarrays
+ The estimatated CSD and the frequency points vector.
+ The CSD{i,j}(f) are returned in a square "matrix" of vectors
+ holding Sij(f). For an input array of (M,N), the output is (M,M,N)
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The bandwidth of the windowing function will determine the number
+ tapers to use. This parameters represents trade-off between frequency
+ resolution (lower main lobe BW for the taper) and variance reduction
+ (higher BW and number of averaged estimates). Typically, the number of
+ tapers is calculated as 2x the bandwidth-to-fundamental-frequency
+ ratio, as these eigenfunctions have the best energy concentration.
+ """
+ # have last axis be time series for now
+ N = s.shape[-1]
+ M = int(np.product(s.shape[:-1]))
+ if BW is not None:
+ # BW wins in a contest (since it was the original implementation)
+ norm_BW = np.round(BW * N / Fs)
+ NW = norm_BW / 2.0
+ elif NW is None:
+ # default NW
+ NW = 4
+ # (else BW is None and NW is not None) ... all set
+ Kmax = int(2 * NW)
+ # if the time series is a complex vector, a one sided PSD is invalid:
+ if (sides == 'default' and np.iscomplexobj(s)) or sides == 'twosided':
+ sides = 'twosided'
+ elif sides in ('default', 'onesided'):
+ sides = 'onesided'
+ # Find the direct spectral estimators S_k(f) for k tapered signals..
+ # don't normalize the periodograms by 1/N as normal.. since the taper
+ # windows are orthonormal, they effectively scale the signal by 1/N
+ spectra, eigvals = tapered_spectra(
+ s, (NW, Kmax), NFFT=NFFT, low_bias=low_bias
+ )
+ NFFT = spectra.shape[-1]
+ K = len(eigvals)
+ # collapse spectra's shape back down to 3 dimensions
+ spectra.shape = (M, K, NFFT)
+ # compute the cross-spectral density functions
+ last_freq = NFFT / 2 + 1 if sides == 'onesided' else NFFT
+ if adaptive:
+ w = np.empty((M, K, last_freq))
+ nu = np.empty((M, last_freq))
+ for i in range(M):
+ w[i], nu[i] = utils.adaptive_weights(
+ spectra[i], eigvals, sides=sides
+ )
+ else:
+ weights = np.sqrt(eigvals).reshape(K, 1)
+ csd_pairs = np.zeros((M, M, last_freq), 'D')
+ for i in range(M):
+ if adaptive:
+ wi = w[i]
+ else:
+ wi = weights
+ for j in range(i + 1):
+ if adaptive:
+ wj = w[j]
+ else:
+ wj = weights
+ ti = spectra[i]
+ tj = spectra[j]
+ csd_pairs[i, j] = mtm_cross_spectrum(ti, tj, (wi, wj), sides=sides)
+ csdfs = csd_pairs.transpose(1,0,2).conj()
+ csdfs += csd_pairs
+ diag_idc = (np.arange(M), np.arange(M))
+ csdfs[diag_idc] /= 2
+ csdfs /= Fs
+ if sides == 'onesided':
+ freqs = np.linspace(0, Fs / 2, NFFT / 2 + 1)
+ else:
+ freqs = np.linspace(0, Fs, NFFT, endpoint=False)
+ return freqs, csdfs
+def freq_response(b, a=1., n_freqs=1024, sides='onesided'):
+ """
+ Returns the frequency response of the IIR or FIR filter described
+ by beta and alpha coefficients.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ b : beta sequence (moving average component)
+ a : alpha sequence (autoregressive component)
+ n_freqs : size of frequency grid
+ sides : {'onesided', 'twosided'}
+ compute frequencies between [-PI,PI), or from [0, PI]
+ Returns
+ -------
+ fgrid, H(e^jw)
+ Notes
+ -----
+ For a description of the linear constant-coefficient difference equation,
+ see
+ """
+ # transitioning to scipy freqz
+ real_n = n_freqs // 2 + 1 if sides == 'onesided' else n_freqs
+ return sig.freqz(b, a=a, worN=real_n, whole=sides != 'onesided')