path: root/nitime/fmri/
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Diffstat (limited to 'nitime/fmri/')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nitime/fmri/ b/nitime/fmri/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d4e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nitime/fmri/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+""" Input and output for fmri data files"""
+from __future__ import print_function
+ from nibabel import load
+except ImportError:
+ e_s = "nibabel required for fmri I/O. See"
+ raise ImportError(e_s)
+import nitime.timeseries as ts
+import nitime.analysis as tsa
+import numpy as np
+def time_series_from_file(nifti_files, coords=None, TR=None, normalize=None,
+ average=False, filter=None, verbose=False):
+ """ Make a time series from a Analyze file, provided coordinates into the
+ file
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ nifti_files: a string or a list/tuple of strings.
+ The full path(s) to the file(s) from which the time-series is (are)
+ extracted
+ coords: ndarray or list/tuple of ndarray, optional.
+ x,y,z (inplane,inplane,slice) coordinates of the ROI(s) from which the
+ time-series is (are) derived. If coordinates are provided, the
+ resulting time-series object will have 2 dimentsions. The first is the
+ coordinate dimension, in order of the provided coordinates and the
+ second is time. If set to None, all the coords in the volume will be
+ used and the coordinate system will be preserved - the output will be 4
+ dimensional, with time as the last dimension.
+ TR: float or TimeArray, optional
+ The TR of the fmri measurement. The units are seconds, if provided as a float
+ argument. Otherwise, in the units of the TimeArray object
+ provided. Default: 1 second.
+ normalize: bool, optional
+ Whether to normalize the activity in each voxel, defaults to
+ None, in which case the original fMRI signal is used. Other options
+ are: 'percent': the activity in each voxel is converted to percent
+ change, relative to this scan. 'zscore': the activity is converted to a
+ zscore relative to the mean and std in this voxel in this scan.
+ average: bool, optional whether to average the time-series across the
+ voxels in the ROI (assumed to be the first dimension). In which
+ case, will be 1-d
+ filter: dict, optional
+ If provided with a dict of the form:
+ {'lb':float or 0, 'ub':float or None, 'method':'fourier','boxcar' 'fir'
+ or 'iir' }
+ each voxel's data will be filtered into the frequency range [lb,ub] with
+ nitime.analysis.FilterAnalyzer, using the method chosen here (defaults
+ to 'fir')
+ verbose: Whether to report on ROI and file being read.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ time-series object
+ Note
+ ----
+ Normalization occurs before averaging on a voxel-by-voxel basis, followed
+ by the averaging.
+ """
+ # The default behavior is to assume that the TR is one second:
+ if TR is None:
+ TR = 1.0
+ if normalize is not None:
+ if normalize not in ('percent', 'zscore'):
+ e_s = "Normalization of fMRI time-series can only be done"
+ e_s += " using 'percent' or 'zscore' as input"
+ raise ValueError(e_s)
+ #If just one string was provided:
+ if isinstance(nifti_files, str):
+ if verbose:
+ print("Reading %s" % nifti_files)
+ im = load(nifti_files)
+ data = im.get_data()
+ # If coordinates are provided as input, read data only from these coordinates:
+ if coords is not None:
+ #If the input is the coords of several ROIs
+ if isinstance(coords, tuple) or isinstance(coords, list):
+ n_roi = len(coords)
+ tseries = [[]] * n_roi
+ for i in range(n_roi):
+ tseries[i] = _tseries_from_nifti_helper(
+ np.array(coords[i]).astype(int),
+ data,
+ TR,
+ filter,
+ normalize,
+ average)
+ else:
+ tseries = _tseries_from_nifti_helper(coords.astype(int), data, TR,
+ filter, normalize, average)
+ # The default behavior reads in all the coordinates in the volume:
+ else:
+ tseries = _tseries_from_nifti_helper(coords, data, TR,
+ filter, normalize, average)
+ #Otherwise loop over the files and concatenate:
+ elif isinstance(nifti_files, tuple) or isinstance(nifti_files, list):
+ tseries_list = []
+ for f in nifti_files:
+ if verbose:
+ print("Reading %s" % f)
+ im = load(f)
+ data = im.get_data()
+ if coords is not None:
+ #If the input is the coords of several ROIs
+ if isinstance(coords, tuple) or isinstance(coords, list):
+ n_roi = len(coords)
+ tseries_list.append([[]] * n_roi)
+ for i in range(n_roi):
+ tseries_list[-1][i] = _tseries_from_nifti_helper(
+ np.array(coords[i]).astype(int),
+ data,
+ TR,
+ filter,
+ normalize,
+ average)
+ else:
+ tseries_list.append(_tseries_from_nifti_helper(
+ np.array(coords).astype(int),
+ data,
+ TR,
+ filter,
+ normalize,
+ average))
+ # The default behavior reads in all the coordinates in the volume:
+ else:
+ tseries_list.append(_tseries_from_nifti_helper(coords, data, TR,
+ filter, normalize, average))
+ #Concatenate the time-series from the different scans:
+ if isinstance(coords, tuple) or isinstance(coords, list):
+ tseries = [[]] * n_roi
+ #Do this per ROI
+ for i in range(n_roi):
+ tseries[i] = ts.concatenate_time_series(
+ [tseries_list[k][i] for k in range(len(tseries_list))])
+ else:
+ tseries = ts.concatenate_time_series(tseries_list)
+ return tseries
+def _tseries_from_nifti_helper(coords, data, TR, filter, normalize, average):
+ """
+ Helper function for the function time_series_from_nifti, which does the
+ core operations of pulling out data from a data array given coords and then
+ normalizing and averaging if needed
+ """
+ if coords is not None:
+ out_data = np.asarray(data[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]])
+ else:
+ out_data = data
+ tseries = ts.TimeSeries(out_data, sampling_interval=TR)
+ if filter is not None:
+ if filter['method'] not in ('boxcar', 'fourier', 'fir', 'iir'):
+ e_s = "Filter method %s is not recognized" % filter['method']
+ raise ValueError(e_s)
+ else:
+ #Construct the key-word arguments to FilterAnalyzer:
+ kwargs = dict(lb=filter.get('lb', 0),
+ ub=filter.get('ub', None),
+ boxcar_iterations=filter.get('boxcar_iterations', 2),
+ filt_order=filter.get('filt_order', 64),
+ gpass=filter.get('gpass', 1),
+ gstop=filter.get('gstop', 60),
+ iir_ftype=filter.get('iir_ftype', 'ellip'),
+ fir_win=filter.get('fir_win', 'hamming'))
+ F = tsa.FilterAnalyzer(tseries, **kwargs)
+ if filter['method'] == 'boxcar':
+ tseries = F.filtered_boxcar
+ elif filter['method'] == 'fourier':
+ tseries = F.filtered_fourier
+ elif filter['method'] == 'fir':
+ tseries = F.fir
+ elif filter['method'] == 'iir':
+ tseries = F.iir
+ if normalize == 'percent':
+ tseries = tsa.NormalizationAnalyzer(tseries).percent_change
+ elif normalize == 'zscore':
+ tseries = tsa.NormalizationAnalyzer(tseries).z_score
+ if average:
+ if coords is None:
+ = np.mean(np.reshape(,
+ (np.array(tseries.shape[:-1]).prod(),
+ tseries.shape[-1])),0)
+ else:
+ = np.mean(, 0)
+ return tseries
+def nifti_from_time_series(volume, coords, time_series, nifti_path):
+ """Makes a Nifti file out of a time_series object
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ volume: list (3-d, or 4-d)
+ The total size of the nifti image to be created
+ coords: 3*n_coords array
+ The coords into which the time_series will be inserted. These need to
+ be given in the order in which the time_series is organized
+ time_series: a time-series object
+ The time-series to be inserted into the file
+ nifti_path: the full path to the file name which will be created
+ """
+ # XXX Implement!
+ raise NotImplementedError