var tape = require("tape"), d3 = require("../"); require("./inDelta"); tape("geoInterpolate(a, a) returns a", function(test) { test.deepEqual(d3.geoInterpolate([140.63289, -29.95101], [140.63289, -29.95101])(0.5), [140.63289, -29.95101]); test.end(); }); tape("geoInterpolate(a, b) returns the expected values when a and b lie on the equator", function(test) { test.inDelta(d3.geoInterpolate([10, 0], [20, 0])(0.5), [15, 0], 1e-6); test.end(); }); tape("geoInterpolate(a, b) returns the expected values when a and b lie on a meridian", function(test) { test.inDelta(d3.geoInterpolate([10, -20], [10, 40])(0.5), [10, 10], 1e-6); test.end(); });