; primes.nsi ; ; This is an example of the possibities of the NSIS Script language. ; It calculates prime numbers. ;-------------------------------- Name "primes" AllowRootDirInstall true OutFile "primes.exe" Caption "Prime number generator" ShowInstDetails show AllowRootDirInstall true InstallDir "$EXEDIR" DirText "Select a directory to write primes.txt. $_CLICK" ;-------------------------------- ;Pages Page directory Page instfiles ;-------------------------------- Section "" SetOutPath $INSTDIR Call DoPrimes SectionEnd ;-------------------------------- Function DoPrimes ; we put this in here so it doesn't update the progress bar (faster) !define PPOS $0 ; position in prime searching !define PDIV $1 ; divisor !define PMOD $2 ; the result of the modulus !define PCNT $3 ; count of how many we've printed FileOpen $9 $INSTDIR\primes.txt w DetailPrint "2 is prime!" FileWrite $9 "2 is prime!$\r$\n" DetailPrint "3 is prime!" FileWrite $9 "3 is prime!$\r$\n" Strcpy ${PPOS} 3 Strcpy ${PCNT} 2 outerloop: StrCpy ${PDIV} 3 innerloop: IntOp ${PMOD} ${PPOS} % ${PDIV} IntCmp ${PMOD} 0 notprime IntOp ${PDIV} ${PDIV} + 2 IntCmp ${PDIV} ${PPOS} 0 innerloop 0 DetailPrint "${PPOS} is prime!" FileWrite $9 "${PPOS} is prime!$\r$\n" IntOp ${PCNT} ${PCNT} + 1 IntCmp ${PCNT} 100 0 innerloop StrCpy ${PCNT} 0 MessageBox MB_YESNO "Process more?" IDNO stop notprime: IntOp ${PPOS} ${PPOS} + 2 Goto outerloop stop: FileClose $9 FunctionEnd