/* * lang.cpp * * This file is a part of NSIS. * * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Nullsoft and Contributors * * Licensed under the zlib/libpng license (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. */ #include "Platform.h" #include #include #include "build.h" #include "util.h" #include "DialogTemplate.h" #include "exehead/resource.h" #include "version.h" using namespace std; // Default English strings. Should match NSIS_DEFAULT_LANG // Do not change the first string in every item, it's the LangString // name for usage in scripts. typedef enum { NONE_STATIC = 0, INSTALL_STATIC = 1, UNINSTALL_STATIC = 2, BOTH_STATIC = 3 } STATICID; struct NLFString { char *szLangStringName; char *szDefault; STATICID eStaticID; }; NLFString NLFStrings[NLF_STRINGS] = { {"^Branding", "Nullsoft Install System %s", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^SetupCaption", "$(^Name) Setup", INSTALL_STATIC}, {"^UninstallCaption", "$(^Name) Uninstall", UNINSTALL_STATIC}, {"^LicenseSubCaption", ": License Agreement", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ComponentsSubCaption", ": Installation Options", NONE_STATIC}, {"^DirSubCaption", ": Installation Folder", NONE_STATIC}, {"^InstallingSubCaption", ": Installing", NONE_STATIC}, {"^CompletedSubCaption", ": Completed", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnComponentsSubCaption", ": Uninstallation Options", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnDirSubCaption", ": Uninstallation Folder", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ConfirmSubCaption", ": Confirmation", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UninstallingSubCaption", ": Uninstalling", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnCompletedSubCaption", ": Completed", NONE_STATIC}, {"^BackBtn", "< &Back", NONE_STATIC}, {"^NextBtn", "&Next >", NONE_STATIC}, {"^AgreeBtn", "I &Agree", NONE_STATIC}, {"^AcceptBtn", "I &accept the terms in the License Agreement", NONE_STATIC}, {"^DontAcceptBtn", "I &do not accept the terms in the License Agreement", NONE_STATIC}, {"^InstallBtn", "&Install", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UninstallBtn", "&Uninstall", NONE_STATIC}, {"^CancelBtn", "Cancel", NONE_STATIC}, {"^CloseBtn", "&Close", NONE_STATIC}, {"^BrowseBtn", "B&rowse...", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ShowDetailsBtn", "Show &details", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ClickNext", "Click Next to continue.", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ClickInstall", "Click Install to start the installation.", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ClickUninstall", "Click Uninstall to start the uninstallation.", NONE_STATIC}, {"^Name", "Name", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^NameDA", 0, NONE_STATIC}, // virtual {"^Completed", "Completed", NONE_STATIC}, {"^LicenseText", "Please review the license agreement before installing $(^NameDA). If you accept all terms of the agreement, click I Agree.", NONE_STATIC}, {"^LicenseTextCB", "Please review the license agreement before installing $(^NameDA). If you accept all terms of the agreement, click the check box below. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^LicenseTextRB", "Please review the license agreement before installing $(^NameDA). If you accept all terms of the agreement, select the first option below. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnLicenseText", "Please review the license agreement before uninstalling $(^NameDA). If you accept all terms of the agreement, click I Agree.", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnLicenseTextCB", "Please review the license agreement before uninstalling $(^NameDA). If you accept all terms of the agreement, click the check box below. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnLicenseTextRB", "Please review the license agreement before uninstalling $(^NameDA). If you accept all terms of the agreement, select the first option below. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^LicenseData", 0, NONE_STATIC}, // virtual - not processed {"^Custom", "Custom", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ComponentsText", "Check the components you want to install and uncheck the components you don't want to install. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ComponentsSubText1", "Select the type of install:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ComponentsSubText2_NoInstTypes", "Select components to install:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^ComponentsSubText2", "Or, select the optional components you wish to install:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnComponentsText", "Check the components you want to uninstall and uncheck the components you don't want to uninstall. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnComponentsSubText1", "Select the type of uninstall:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnComponentsSubText2_NoInstTypes", "Select components to uninstall:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnComponentsSubText2", "Or, select the optional components you wish to uninstall:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^DirText", "Setup will install $(^NameDA) in the following folder. To install in a different folder, click Browse and select another folder. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^DirSubText", "Destination Folder", NONE_STATIC}, {"^DirBrowseText", "Select the folder to install $(^NameDA) in:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnDirText", "Setup will uninstall $(^NameDA) from the following folder. To uninstall from a different folder, click Browse and select another folder. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnDirSubText", "", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UnDirBrowseText", "Select the folder to uninstall $(^NameDA) from:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^SpaceAvailable", "Space available: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^SpaceRequired", "Space required: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^UninstallingText", "This wizard will uninstall $(^NameDA) from your computer. $_CLICK", NONE_STATIC}, {"^UninstallingSubText", "Uninstalling from:", NONE_STATIC}, {"^FileError", "Error opening file for writing: \r\n\r\n$0\r\n\r\nClick Abort to stop the installation,\r\nRetry to try again, or\r\nIgnore to skip this file.", NONE_STATIC}, {"^FileError_NoIgnore", "Error opening file for writing: \r\n\r\n$0\r\n\r\nClick Retry to try again, or\r\nCancel to stop the installation.", NONE_STATIC}, {"^CantWrite", "Can't write: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^CopyFailed", "Copy failed", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^CopyTo", "Copy to ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Registering", "Registering: ", NONE_STATIC}, {"^Unregistering", "Unregistering: ", NONE_STATIC}, {"^SymbolNotFound", "Could not find symbol: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^CouldNotLoad", "Could not load: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^CreateFolder", "Create folder: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^CreateShortcut", "Create shortcut: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^CreatedUninstaller", "Created uninstaller: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Delete", "Delete file: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^DeleteOnReboot", "Delete on reboot: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^ErrorCreatingShortcut", "Error creating shortcut: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^ErrorCreating", "Error creating: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^ErrorDecompressing", "Error decompressing data! Corrupted installer?", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^ErrorRegistering", "Error registering DLL", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^ExecShell", "ExecShell: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Exec", "Execute: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Extract", "Extract: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^ErrorWriting", "Extract: error writing to file ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^InvalidOpcode", "Installer corrupted: invalid opcode", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^NoOLE", "No OLE for: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^OutputFolder", "Output folder: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^RemoveFolder", "Remove folder: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^RenameOnReboot", "Rename on reboot: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Rename", "Rename: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Skipped", "Skipped: ", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^CopyDetails", "Copy Details To Clipboard", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^LogInstall", "Log install process", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Byte", "B", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Kilo", "K", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Mega", "M", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Giga", "G", BOTH_STATIC}, {"^Font", "MS Shell Dlg", NONE_STATIC}, {"^FontSize", "8", NONE_STATIC}, {"^RTL", "0", NONE_STATIC}, {"^Language", "English", NONE_STATIC} }; // ============== // LangStringList // ============== LangStringList::LangStringList() { count = 0; } int LangStringList::add(const char *name, int *sn/*=0*/) { int pos = SortedStringListND::add(name); if (pos == -1) return -1; ((struct langstring*)gr.get())[pos].sn = count; if (sn) *sn = count; count++; ((struct langstring*)gr.get())[pos].index = -1; ((struct langstring*)gr.get())[pos].uindex = -1; ((struct langstring*)gr.get())[pos].process = 1; return pos; } int LangStringList::get(char *name, int *sn/*=0*/, int *index/*=0*/, int *uindex/*=0*/, int *process/*=0*/) { if (index) *index = -1; if (uindex) *uindex = -1; if (sn) *sn = -1; int v=find(name); if (v==-1) return -1; if (index) *index = ((struct langstring*)gr.get())[v].index; if (uindex) *uindex = ((struct langstring*)gr.get())[v].uindex; if (sn) *sn = ((struct langstring*)gr.get())[v].sn; if (process) *process = ((struct langstring*)gr.get())[v].process; return v; } void LangStringList::set(int pos, int index/*=-1*/, int uindex/*=-1*/, int process/*=-1*/) { if ((unsigned int)pos > (gr.getlen() / sizeof(struct langstring))) return; struct langstring *data=(struct langstring *)gr.get(); if (index >= 0) data[pos].index = index; if (uindex >= 0) data[pos].uindex = uindex; if (process >= 0) data[pos].process = process; } void LangStringList::set(char *name, int index, int uindex/*=-1*/, int process/*=-1*/) { set(get(name), index, uindex, process); } const char* LangStringList::pos2name(int pos) { struct langstring *data=(struct langstring *)gr.get(); if ((unsigned int)pos > (gr.getlen() / sizeof(struct langstring))) return 0; return ((const char*)strings.get() + data[pos].name); } const char* LangStringList::offset2name(int name) { if ((unsigned int)name > (unsigned int)strings.getlen()) return 0; return (const char*)strings.get() + name; } int LangStringList::getnum() { return gr.getlen() / sizeof(struct langstring); } int LangStringList::compare_index(const void *item1, const void *item2) { struct langstring *ls1 = (struct langstring *)item1; struct langstring *ls2 = (struct langstring *)item2; return ls1->index - ls2->index; } langstring* LangStringList::sort_index(int *num) { if (!num) return 0; sortbuf.resize(0); sortbuf.add(gr.get(), gr.getlen()); *num = sortbuf.getlen() / sizeof(struct langstring); qsort(sortbuf.get(), *num, sizeof(struct langstring), compare_index); return (struct langstring*) sortbuf.get(); } int LangStringList::compare_uindex(const void *item1, const void *item2) { struct langstring *ls1 = (struct langstring *)item1; struct langstring *ls2 = (struct langstring *)item2; return ls1->uindex - ls2->uindex; } langstring* LangStringList::sort_uindex(int *num) { if (!num) return 0; sortbuf.resize(0); sortbuf.add(gr.get(), gr.getlen()); *num = sortbuf.getlen() / sizeof(struct langstring); qsort(sortbuf.get(), *num, sizeof(struct langstring), compare_uindex); return (struct langstring*) sortbuf.get(); } // ============ // StringsArray // ============ StringsArray::StringsArray() { offsets.set_zeroing(1); strings.add("", sizeof("")); } void StringsArray::resize(int num) { offsets.resize(num * sizeof(int)); } int StringsArray::set(int idx, char *str) { if (idx < 0) return 0; if (idx >= (int)(offsets.getlen() / sizeof(int))) resize(idx+1); int old = ((int*)offsets.get())[idx]; ((int*)offsets.get())[idx] = strings.add(str, strlen(str) + 1); return old; } const char* StringsArray::get(int idx) { if ((unsigned int)idx >= (offsets.getlen() / sizeof(int))) return 0; return (const char *)strings.get() + ((int*)offsets.get())[idx]; } // ========= // CEXEBuild // ========= void CEXEBuild::InitLangTables() { keep_ref = false; for (int i = 0; i < NLF_STRINGS; i++) { NLFRefs[i].iRef = 0; NLFRefs[i].iUnRef = 0; #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_LOG if (i == NLF_NAME) { NLFRefs[i].iRef++; NLFRefs[i].iUnRef++; } #endif if (NLFStrings[i].eStaticID & INSTALL_STATIC) { set_uninstall_mode(0); DefineLangString(NLFStrings[i].szLangStringName); } #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT if (NLFStrings[i].eStaticID & UNINSTALL_STATIC) { set_uninstall_mode(1); DefineLangString(NLFStrings[i].szLangStringName); } #endif } set_uninstall_mode(0); keep_ref = true; } LanguageTable* CEXEBuild::GetLangTable(LANGID &lang, bool create/*=true*/) { int nlt = lang_tables.getlen() / sizeof(LanguageTable); LanguageTable *nla = (LanguageTable*)lang_tables.get(); lang = lang ? lang : last_used_lang; LanguageTable *table = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nlt; i++) { if (lang == nla[i].lang_id) { table = &nla[i]; break; } } if (!table && create) { LanguageTable newtable; newtable.lang_id = lang; newtable.dlg_offset = 0; memset(&newtable.nlf, 0, sizeof(NLF)); newtable.lang_strings = new StringsArray; lang_tables.add(&newtable, sizeof(LanguageTable)); table = (LanguageTable*)lang_tables.get() + nlt; } if (table) // update last used language if a table was loaded last_used_lang = lang; return table; } char *CEXEBuild::GetLangNameAndCP(LANGID lang, unsigned int *codepage/*=NULL*/) { LanguageTable *table = GetLangTable(lang, false); if (table && table->nlf.m_bLoaded) { if (codepage) *codepage = table->nlf.m_uCodePage; return table->nlf.m_szName; } else { if (codepage) *codepage = 1252; // English US if (lang == 1033) return "English"; else return "???"; } } int CEXEBuild::DefineLangString(char *name, int process/*=-1*/) { int index, uindex, pos, ret, sn; pos = build_langstrings.get(name, &sn, &index, &uindex); if (pos < 0) { pos = build_langstrings.add(name); } #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT if (!uninstall_mode) { #endif if (index < 0) { index = build_langstring_num++; } ret = -index - 1; #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT } else { if (uindex < 0) { uindex = ubuild_langstring_num++; } ret = -uindex - 1; } #endif build_langstrings.set(pos, index, uindex, process); // set reference count for NLF strings if (keep_ref && name[0] == '^') { for (int i = 0; i < NLF_STRINGS; i++) { if (!strcmp(name, NLFStrings[i].szLangStringName)) { #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT if (uninstall_mode) NLFRefs[i].iUnRef++; else #endif NLFRefs[i].iRef++; break; } } } return ret; } int CEXEBuild::DefineInnerLangString(int id, int process/*=-1*/) { bool old_keep_ref = keep_ref; // set reference count for NLF strings if (keep_ref) { #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT if (uninstall_mode) NLFRefs[id].iUnRef++; else #endif NLFRefs[id].iRef++; keep_ref = false; } int ret = DefineLangString(NLFStrings[id].szLangStringName, process); keep_ref = old_keep_ref; return ret; } int CEXEBuild::SetLangString(char *name, LANGID lang, char *string) { if (!string || !name) return PS_ERROR; LanguageTable *table = GetLangTable(lang); if (!table) return PS_ERROR; int sn; int pos = build_langstrings.get(name, &sn); if (pos < 0) pos = build_langstrings.add(name, &sn); if (table->lang_strings->set(sn, string)) return PS_WARNING; return PS_OK; } int CEXEBuild::SetInnerString(int id, char *string) { if ((unsigned int)id >= NLF_STRINGS || !string) return PS_ERROR; int ret = PS_OK; const char *ps = UserInnerStrings.get(id); if (ps && *ps) ret = PS_WARNING; UserInnerStrings.set(id, string); return ret; } int CEXEBuild::GenerateLangTable(LanguageTable *lt, int num_lang_tables) { // Add all installer language strings int i, j, l, tabsset; struct langstring* lang_strings = NULL; TinyGrowBuf *string_ptrs = new TinyGrowBuf[num_lang_tables]; tabsset = 1; while (tabsset) { tabsset = 0; for (i = num_lang_tables; i--; ) { // Fill in default values for all used language strings that we can FillLanguageTable(<[i]); // Make sure the string lists are large enough string_ptrs[i].set_zeroing(1); if (!uninstall_mode) string_ptrs[i].resize(build_langstring_num * sizeof(int)); else string_ptrs[i].resize(ubuild_langstring_num * sizeof(int)); } // For all current language strings if (!uninstall_mode) lang_strings = build_langstrings.sort_index(&l); else lang_strings = build_langstrings.sort_uindex(&l); for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { int lang_string_index; if (!uninstall_mode) lang_string_index = lang_strings[j].index; else lang_string_index = lang_strings[j].uindex; // Is this language string used (in the installer)? if (lang_string_index >= 0) { // For each language for (i = num_lang_tables; i--; ) { // Get the current string pointer int *ptr = (int *)string_ptrs[i].get() + lang_string_index; // Not already set? if (!*ptr) { // Get the language string and its name const char *str = lt[i].lang_strings->get(lang_strings[j].sn); const char *lsn = build_langstrings.offset2name(lang_strings[j].name); if (!str || !*str) { // No string is defined; give a warning (for user strings only) if (lsn[0] != '^') { if (lt[i].nlf.m_bLoaded) warning("LangString \"%s\" is not set in language table of language %s", lsn, lt[i].nlf.m_szName); else warning("LangString \"%s\" is not set in language table of language %d", lsn, lt[i].lang_id); } } else { // Add the language string to the string data block char fn[1024]; sprintf(fn, "LangString %s", lsn); curfilename = fn; linecnt = lt[i].lang_id; *ptr = add_string(str, lang_strings[j].process, (WORD) lt[i].nlf.m_uCodePage); curfilename = 0; // Indicate that we should check again for any newly referenced language strings tabsset++; } } } } } } // Optimize langstrings and check for recursion for (i = num_lang_tables; i--; ) { TinyGrowBuf rec; int *lst = (int *)string_ptrs[i].get(); int langstring_num; if (!uninstall_mode) langstring_num = build_langstring_num; else langstring_num = ubuild_langstring_num; for (j = 0; j < langstring_num; j++) { // Does this string reference another language string directly? while (lst[j] < 0) { // Search through list of language string references for (l = 0; (unsigned int)l < rec.getlen() / sizeof(int); l++) { if (((int*)rec.get())[l] == lst[j]) { // We have the index of a recursive language string; now find the name const char *name = "(unnamed)"; for (l = 0; l < langstring_num; l++) { int index; if (!uninstall_mode) index = lang_strings[l].index; else index = lang_strings[l].uindex; if (lang_strings[l].index == j) { name = build_langstrings.offset2name(lang_strings[l].name); } } ERROR_MSG("Error: LangString %s is recursive!\n", name); delete [] string_ptrs; return PS_ERROR; } } // Add this reference to the list rec.add(&lst[j], sizeof(int)); // and dereference it lst[j] = lst[-lst[j] - 1]; } rec.resize(0); } } // Add language tables into their datablock for (i = num_lang_tables; i--; ) { cur_langtables->add(<[i].lang_id, sizeof(LANGID)); cur_langtables->add(<[i].dlg_offset, sizeof(int)); int rtl = lt[i].nlf.m_bRTL ? 1 : 0; cur_langtables->add(&rtl, sizeof(int)); cur_langtables->add(string_ptrs[i].get(), string_ptrs[i].getlen()); string_ptrs[i].resize(0); } cur_header->blocks[NB_LANGTABLES].num = num_lang_tables; cur_header->langtable_size = cur_langtables->getlen() / num_lang_tables; delete [] string_ptrs; return PS_OK; } int CEXEBuild::GenerateLangTables() { int i; LanguageTable *lt = (LanguageTable*)lang_tables.get(); SCRIPT_MSG("Generating language tables... "); if ( #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT ubuild_langstring_num > MAX_CODED || #endif build_langstring_num > MAX_CODED ) { ERROR_MSG("\nError: too many LangStrings. Maximum allowed is %u.\n", MAX_CODED); return PS_ERROR; } // If we have no tables (user didn't set any string and didn't load any NLF) create the default one if (!lang_tables.getlen()) { LANGID lang = NSIS_DEFAULT_LANG; LanguageTable *table = GetLangTable(lang); if (!table) return PS_ERROR; lt = (LanguageTable*)lang_tables.get(); } // Apply default font if (*build_font) { try { init_res_editor(); #define ADD_FONT(id) { \ BYTE* dlg = res_editor->GetResourceA(RT_DIALOG, MAKEINTRESOURCE(id), NSIS_DEFAULT_LANG); \ if (dlg) { \ CDialogTemplate td(dlg); \ res_editor->FreeResource(dlg); \ td.SetFont(build_font, (WORD) build_font_size); \ DWORD dwSize; \ dlg = td.Save(dwSize); \ res_editor->UpdateResourceA(RT_DIALOG, MAKEINTRESOURCE(id), NSIS_DEFAULT_LANG, dlg, dwSize); \ delete [] dlg; \ } \ } #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_LICENSEPAGE ADD_FONT(IDD_LICENSE); ADD_FONT(IDD_LICENSE_FSRB); ADD_FONT(IDD_LICENSE_FSCB); #endif ADD_FONT(IDD_DIR); #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_COMPONENTPAGE ADD_FONT(IDD_SELCOM); #endif ADD_FONT(IDD_INST); ADD_FONT(IDD_INSTFILES); #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT ADD_FONT(IDD_UNINST); #endif #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_CRC_SUPPORT ADD_FONT(IDD_VERIFY); #endif #undef ADD_FONT } catch (exception& err) { ERROR_MSG("\nError while applying font: %s\n", err.what()); return PS_ERROR; } } // Fill tables with defaults (if needed) and with instruction strings // Create language specific resources (currently only dialogs with different fonts) int num_lang_tables = lang_tables.getlen() / sizeof(LanguageTable); // if there is one string table then there is no need for two sets of dialogs int cur_offset = num_lang_tables == 1 ? 0 : 100; for (i = 0; i < num_lang_tables; i++) { if ((lt[i].nlf.m_szFont && !*build_font) || lt[i].nlf.m_bRTL) { lt[i].dlg_offset = cur_offset; char *font = lt[i].nlf.m_szFont; if (*build_font) font = 0; try { init_res_editor(); #define ADD_FONT(id) { \ BYTE* dlg = res_editor->GetResourceA(RT_DIALOG, MAKEINTRESOURCE(id), NSIS_DEFAULT_LANG); \ if (dlg) { \ CDialogTemplate td(dlg,lt[i].nlf.m_uCodePage); \ res_editor->FreeResource(dlg); \ if (font) td.SetFont(font, (WORD) lt[i].nlf.m_iFontSize); \ if (lt[i].nlf.m_bRTL) { \ td.ConvertToRTL(); \ DialogItemTemplate* dir = td.GetItem(IDC_DIR); \ if (id == IDD_DIR && dir) { \ if ((dir->dwStyle & ES_CENTER) == 0) dir->dwStyle ^= ES_RIGHT; \ dir->dwExtStyle &= ~(WS_EX_RTLREADING | WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR); \ } \ } \ DWORD dwSize; \ dlg = td.Save(dwSize); \ res_editor->UpdateResourceA(RT_DIALOG, MAKEINTRESOURCE(id+cur_offset), NSIS_DEFAULT_LANG, dlg, dwSize); \ delete [] dlg; \ } \ } #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_LICENSEPAGE ADD_FONT(IDD_LICENSE); ADD_FONT(IDD_LICENSE_FSRB); ADD_FONT(IDD_LICENSE_FSCB); #endif ADD_FONT(IDD_DIR); #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_COMPONENTPAGE ADD_FONT(IDD_SELCOM); #endif ADD_FONT(IDD_INST); ADD_FONT(IDD_INSTFILES); #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT ADD_FONT(IDD_UNINST); #endif #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_CRC_SUPPORT ADD_FONT(IDD_VERIFY); #endif #undef ADD_FONT } catch (exception& err) { ERROR_MSG("\nError while applying NLF font/RTL: %s\n", err.what()); return PS_ERROR; } cur_offset += 100; } } int orig_uninstall_mode = uninstall_mode; set_uninstall_mode(0); if (GenerateLangTable(lt, num_lang_tables) != PS_OK) return PS_ERROR; #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT set_uninstall_mode(1); if (GenerateLangTable(lt, num_lang_tables) != PS_OK) return PS_ERROR; #endif set_uninstall_mode(orig_uninstall_mode); SCRIPT_MSG("Done!\n"); return PS_OK; } void CEXEBuild::FillLanguageTable(LanguageTable *table) { for (int i = 0; i < NLF_STRINGS; i++) { #ifdef NSIS_CONFIG_UNINSTALL_SUPPORT if (!NLFRefs[i].iUnRef && !NLFRefs[i].iRef) continue; #else if (!NLFRefs[i].iRef) continue; #endif else if (i == NLF_SPACE_REQ || i == NLF_SPACE_AVAIL) { if (no_space_texts) { continue; } } int sn, index; int pos = build_langstrings.get(NLFStrings[i].szLangStringName, &sn, &index); if (pos >= 0) { const char *str = table->lang_strings->get(sn); if (!str || !*str) { const char *us = UserInnerStrings.get(i); if (i == NLF_NAME_DA && (!us || !*us)) { // if the user didn't set NLF_NAME_DA we set it to $(^Name) table->lang_strings->set(sn, "$(^Name)"); } if (us && *us) { table->lang_strings->set(sn, (char *) us); } else { char *dstr = table->nlf.m_szStrings[i] ? table->nlf.m_szStrings[i] : NLFStrings[i].szDefault; if (!dstr) continue; if (i == NLF_BRANDING) { char temp[NSIS_MAX_STRLEN + sizeof(NSIS_VERSION)]; sprintf(temp, dstr, NSIS_VERSION); table->lang_strings->set(sn, temp); continue; } else if (i == NLF_FONT) { char *font = *build_font ? build_font : table->nlf.m_szFont; if (font) table->lang_strings->set(sn, font); else table->lang_strings->set(sn, dstr); continue; } else if (i == NLF_FONTSIZE) { WORD font_size = *build_font ? (WORD) build_font_size : (WORD) table->nlf.m_iFontSize; if (font_size) { char temp[64]; sprintf(temp, "%d", font_size); table->lang_strings->set(sn, temp); } else table->lang_strings->set(sn, dstr); continue; } table->lang_strings->set(sn, dstr); } } } } } char SkipComments(FILE *f) { int c; while ((c = fgetc(f))) { while (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { c = fgetc(f); // Skip empty lines } if (c == '#' || c == ';') { while ((c = fgetc(f))) { if (c == '\n') break; } } else break; } return (char) c; } #ifndef _WIN32 BOOL IsValidCodePage(UINT CodePage) { // FIXME make a real check return TRUE; } #endif // NSIS Language File parser LanguageTable * CEXEBuild::LoadLangFile(char *filename) { FILE *f = FOPEN(filename, "r"); if (!f) { ERROR_MSG("Error: Can't open language file - \"%s\"!\n",filename); return 0; } // Check header char buf[NSIS_MAX_STRLEN]; buf[0] = SkipComments(f); fgets(buf+1, NSIS_MAX_STRLEN, f); if (strncmp(buf, "NLF v", 5)) { ERROR_MSG("Error: Invalid language file.\n"); return 0; } int nlf_version = atoi(buf+5); if (nlf_version != NLF_VERSION) { if (nlf_version != 2 && nlf_version != 3 && nlf_version != 4 && nlf_version != 5) { ERROR_MSG("Error: Language file version doesn't match NSIS version.\n"); return 0; } } // Get language ID buf[0] = SkipComments(f); fgets(buf+1, NSIS_MAX_STRLEN, f); LANGID lang_id = atoi(buf); // Get appropriate table LanguageTable *table = GetLangTable(lang_id); if (!table) return 0; NLF *nlf = &table->nlf; if (nlf->m_bLoaded) { ERROR_MSG("Error: can't load same language file twice.\n"); return 0; } // Generate language name char *p, *p2, t = 0; p = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (p) { t = *p; *p = 0; } p2 = strrchr(filename, '\\'); if (p2) { p2++; nlf->m_szName = (char*)malloc(strlen(p2)+1); strcpy(nlf->m_szName, p2); } else { nlf->m_szName = (char*)malloc(strlen(filename)+1); strcpy(nlf->m_szName, filename); } if (p) *p = t; if (nlf_version != NLF_VERSION) { warning_fl("%s language file version doesn't match. Using default English texts for missing strings.", nlf->m_szName); } // set ^Language nlf->m_szStrings[NLF_LANGUAGE] = strdup(nlf->m_szName); int temp; // Get font buf[0] = SkipComments(f); fgets(buf+1, NSIS_MAX_STRLEN, f); if (!nlf->m_szFont) { temp=strlen(buf); while (buf[temp-1] == '\n' || buf[temp-1] == '\r') { buf[temp-1] = 0; temp--; } if (buf[0] != '-' || buf[1] != 0) { nlf->m_szFont = (char*)malloc(strlen(buf)+1); strcpy(nlf->m_szFont, buf); } } buf[0] = SkipComments(f); fgets(buf+1, NSIS_MAX_STRLEN, f); if (!nlf->m_iFontSize) { if (buf[0] != '-' || buf[1] != 0) { nlf->m_iFontSize = atoi(buf); } } // Get code page nlf->m_uCodePage = CP_ACP; buf[0] = SkipComments(f); fgets(buf+1, NSIS_MAX_STRLEN, f); if (buf[0] != '-' || buf[1] != 0) { nlf->m_uCodePage = atoi(buf); if (!IsValidCodePage(nlf->m_uCodePage)) nlf->m_uCodePage = CP_ACP; } // Get RTL setting nlf->m_szStrings[NLF_RTL] = (char *)malloc(2); nlf->m_bRTL = false; buf[0] = SkipComments(f); fgets(buf+1, NSIS_MAX_STRLEN, f); if (buf[0] == 'R' && buf[1] == 'T' && buf[2] == 'L' && (!buf[3] || buf[3] == '\r' || buf[3] == '\n')) { nlf->m_bRTL = true; strcpy(nlf->m_szStrings[NLF_RTL], "1"); } else { strcpy(nlf->m_szStrings[NLF_RTL], "0"); } // Read strings for (int i = 0; i < NLF_STRINGS_NO_SPECIAL; i++) { // skip virtual strings if (!NLFStrings[i].szDefault) continue; // Fill in for missing strings // 0 will mean default will be used from NLFStrings switch (i) { case NLF_BTN_LICENSE_AGREE: case NLF_BTN_LICENSE_DISAGREE: if (nlf_version >= 3) break; case NLF_LOG_INSTALL_PROCESS: case NLF_BYTE: case NLF_KILO: case NLF_MEGA: case NLF_GIGA: case NLF_REGISTERING: case NLF_UNREGISTERING: if (nlf_version >= 4) break; case NLF_FILE_ERROR_NOIGNORE: if (nlf_version >= 5) break; case NLF_USUBCAPTION_OPTIONS: case NLF_USUBCAPTION_DIR: case NLF_CLICK_NEXT: case NLF_CLICK_INSTALL: case NLF_CLICK_UNINSTALL: case NLF_LICENSE_TEXT: case NLF_LICENSE_TEXT_FSCB: case NLF_LICENSE_TEXT_FSRB: case NLF_ULICENSE_TEXT: case NLF_ULICENSE_TEXT_FSCB: case NLF_ULICENSE_TEXT_FSRB: case NLF_COMP_TEXT: case NLF_UCOMP_TEXT: case NLF_UCOMP_SUBTEXT1: case NLF_UCOMP_SUBTEXT1_NO_INST_TYPES: case NLF_UCOMP_SUBTEXT2: case NLF_DIR_TEXT: case NLF_DIR_BROWSETEXT: case NLF_UDIR_TEXT: case NLF_UDIR_SUBTEXT: case NLF_UDIR_BROWSETEXT: case NLF_UNINST_TEXT: if (nlf_version >= 6) break; nlf->m_szStrings[i] = 0; continue; } buf[0] = SkipComments(f); fgets(buf+1, NSIS_MAX_STRLEN, f); if (strlen(buf) == NSIS_MAX_STRLEN-1) { ERROR_MSG("Error: String too long (string #%d - \"%s\")", i, NLFStrings[i].szLangStringName); return 0; } temp=strlen(buf); while (buf[temp-1] == '\n' || buf[temp-1] == '\r') { buf[--temp] = 0; } char *in = buf; // trim quotes if (buf[0] == '"' && buf[temp-1] == '"') { in++; buf[--temp] = 0; } nlf->m_szStrings[i] = (char*)malloc(temp+1); char *out; for (out = nlf->m_szStrings[i]; *in; in++, out++) { if (*in == '\\') { in++; switch (*in) { case 'n': *out = '\n'; break; case 'r': *out = '\r'; break; case 't': *out = '\t'; break; default: *out++ = '\\'; *out = *in; } } else *out = *in; } *out = 0; } fclose(f); nlf->m_bLoaded = true; return table; } void CEXEBuild::DeleteLangTable(LanguageTable *table) { if (table->nlf.m_szName) free(table->nlf.m_szName); if (table->nlf.m_szFont) free(table->nlf.m_szFont); delete table->lang_strings; for (int i = 0; i < NLF_STRINGS; i++) { if (table->nlf.m_szStrings[i]) free(table->nlf.m_szStrings[i]); } }