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+ <title>Untitled Document</title>
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+Distortion Tutorial</h1>
+This page describes how to use the Nyquist <tt>shape</tt> function to achieve distortion.
+First, some terminology:
+<blockquote><i>Clipping</i> means that you limit the amplitude of samples,
+<p>sample_out = min(sample_in, 1.0),</blockquote>
+or, observing that you might want to limit negative excursions as well
+as positive ones:
+<blockquote>sample_out = max(min(sample_in, 1.0), -1.0).</blockquote>
+This type of clipping is called <i>hard clipping</i> because the transition
+from an undistorted one to a maximum or minimum value is instantaneous,
+as if the signal hit a brick wall and can go no more.
+<p>As you might guess, you can also have <i>soft clipping</i> where the
+transition is more gradual, and that's what this tutorial is about.
+<p>Before discussing soft clipping, let's introduce a few other terms.
+Since <i>clipping</i> seems to be a way of <i>limiting</i> the values of
+the signal or <i>compressing</i> the range of the signal, you might think
+that clipping is a form of compressing or limiting; however, these terms
+have special meanings in the audio processing world.
+<blockquote><i>Compression</i>, or <i>dynamics compression</i> (not to
+be confused with <i>data compression</i>) is a way of reducing the overall
+range of soft to loud.</blockquote>
+To do dynamics compression, you generally detect the intensity or peak
+level of a sound over a time scale of a few milliseconds, and then construct
+a relatively smooth amplitude control that you apply to the signal. For
+compression, the amplification goes down as the intensity of the input
+goes up, so loud passages get (relatively) softer and soft passages get
+(relatively) louder. (Dynamics expansion does just the opposite.) <i>Limiters</i>
+work like compressors, but are designed to eliminate peaks -- conceptually,
+there is no real difference, and products are often sold as "compressor/limiters".
+See nyquist/lib/compress.lsp for an implementation.
+<p>In some ways, soft clipping is like dynamics compression. Both reduce
+the gain at high levels, but dynamics compression operates relatively slowly,
+effectively turning the volume knob up and down, whereas clipping operates
+on a sample-by-sample basis. The effect of clipping is to distort the input.
+<p>In Nyquist, you use the <tt>shape</tt> function to implement clipping. <tt>shape</tt>
+applies a function to each sample, where the function is specified by a
+sound. The following is a typical function for soft clipping:
+<center><img SRC="softclip.jpg" ></center>
+Notice how the function is essentially y=x at small amplitudes, so there
+is no distortion for small signals, but at large input values, the function
+becomes very non-linear. Also, notice that this is similar to the behavior
+of real-life amplifiers, where small signals are undistorted, but at some
+point, the power limits of the amplifier clip the output signal.
+<p>The Nyquist <tt>shape</tt> function is allows you to specify any function you
+like using a sound. Therefore you can use any of the Nyquist primitives
+to construct the function. Since a sound is a function of time, where time
+must be non-negative, how do you specify a shape function over a range
+that includes negative values? The trick is that <tt>shape</tt> takes an <i>offset</i>
+parameter that shifts the whole function to the left (in the -y direction).
+Note also that whereas a Nyquist sound is generally regarded as a function
+of time, <tt>shape</tt> treats the sound as just a real-valued function.
+<p>The typical way to use shape is to create some increasing signal over
+the interval [0,2] that crosses zero at 1.0. Then you give 1.0 as the offset
+(3rd parameter). The result will look something like the graph above.
+In the figure above, I used a sine function to generate the smooth curve. Here is an implementation of distortion in Nyquist using the sine curve:
+<pre>(setf distortion
+ (osc (hz-to-step 0.25) 2.01 *SINE-TABLE* -90.0))
+(defun distort (snd)
+ (shape snd distortion 1.0))
+(play (distort (mult 15.0 (ramp 4) (osc c4 4))))
+<p>Even though I am an expert, and I have done this before, it still took
+me a few tries to get right. Here's a step-by-step explanation:
+<li>I used <tt>osc</tt> to generate a sinusoid so I could control the initial phase.
+<li>I set the osc duration to 2 because I want the table to go from
+0 to 2 (after which we'll shift it back to [-1, +1]), but 2 is not enough because the interval [0,2] is closed, which
+means I need one extra sample. I used 2.01 to be conservative.
+<li>I specified <tt>*SINE-TABLE*</tt>, the default value, because the table
+parameter comes before the phase parameter.
+<li>I specified the phase to get the sine curve to go through zero
+in the <i>middle</i> of the generated function.
+<li>I assigned this to the variable distortion so I could plot it; try:
+<pre>(s-plot (force-srate 100 distortion))</pre>
+<li>Finally, I put in a tone that ramps up from zero to 15 in amplitude
+to cause some serious clipping. The output amplitude is limited to 1.
+<p>Note that the input to <tt>shape</tt> is pre-clipped to the range
+[-1, +1] so you only need to specify the table from [0, 2] if the origin (third parameter to <tt>shape</tt>) is 1.0. If you specify a little extra, as
+in this example, it will be ignored.
+<h2>The Output</h2>
+at the generated waveform to observe the soft clipping effect. Here we see the beginning of the output, where the input amplitude is low and there is very little distortion:
+<img src="beginclip.jpg">
+But when the input amplitude becomes large, the clipping becomes substantial. This plot is at the same scale, but taken from a later portion of the generated output. Remember that the input at this point is a high-amplitude sinusoid:<p>
+<img src="largeclip.jpg">
+Also notice
+that the distortion is symetrical, so it generates even harmonics. If you
+put in an asymetric function, you'll get odd harmonics too. Note that at
+soft levels, I actually get some gain from this function.
+<p><i>Generated by Roger Dannenberg ( Feb,