path: root/lib/dist-test.lsp
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1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dist-test.lsp b/lib/dist-test.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8a0c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dist-test.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+;; Examples of how to use distributions.lsp
+;;1. Altered granulate methods based on distribution
+(load "gran")
+;;The deviatons in pitch and grainlength of the standard granular synthesis
+;;functions in are based on the uniform random distribution. With simple
+;;modifications, these can be made to take in a distribution generator
+;;function as a variable.
+;; filename -- name of the file
+;; grain-dur -- the duration of a grain
+;; grain-dev -- grain dur is actually grain-dur + random(0, grain-dev)
+;; ioi -- the basic inter-onset-interval for grains
+;; ioi-dev -- ioi is actually: ioi + random(0, ioi-dev)
+;; pitch-dist -- the distribution of the alteration in pitch to the grains
+;; the distribution values should be > 1.
+;; file-start -- when to start reading the file (an offset from start)
+;; file-end -- when to stop reading the file (an offset from end)
+(defun pitch-dist-granulate (filename grain-dur grain-dev ioi ioi-dev
+ pitch-dist &optional (file-start 0) (file-end 0))
+(let (orig n env actual-grain-dur step-size
+ (avg-ioi (+ ioi (/ ioi-dev 2.0)))
+ (file-dur (sf-dur filename))
+ (dur (get-duration 1)))
+ (setf n (truncate (/ dur avg-ioi)))
+ (cond ((< file-dur file-start)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start is after end of file!"))
+ ((< file-dur file-end)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-end (offset) exceeds file duration!"))
+ ((< file-dur (+ file-start file-end))
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start + file-end > file duration!")))
+ (setf file-dur (- file-dur file-start file-end))
+ (setf step-size (/ file-dur n))
+ (stretch-abs 1.0 (let ()
+ (seqrep (i n) (let ()
+ (setf actual-grain-dur (real-random grain-dur (+ grain-dur grain-dev)))
+ (setf env (stretch actual-grain-dur (one-minus-cosine)))
+ (force-srate *sound-srate*
+ (stretch (funcall pitch-dist)
+ (sound2
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (mult (cue env)
+ (s-read filename
+ :time-offset (+ file-start (* step-size i))
+ :dur actual-grain-dur))
+ (real-random ioi (+ ioi ioi-dev))))))))))))
+;; filename -- name of the file
+;; dist -- the distribution function that the grain sizes should follow
+;; ioi -- the basic inter-onset-interval for grains
+;; ioi-dev -- ioi is actually: ioi + random(0, ioi-dev)
+;; pitch-dev -- grains are resampled at rate between 1 and pitch-dev
+;; file-start -- when to start reading the file (an offset from start)
+;; file-end -- when to stop reading the file (an offset from end)
+(defun len-dist-granulate (filename dist ioi ioi-dev pitch-dev
+ &optional (file-start 0) (file-end 0))
+ (let (orig n env actual-grain-dur step-size
+ (avg-ioi (+ ioi (/ ioi-dev 2.0)))
+ (file-dur (sf-dur filename))
+ (dur (get-duration 1)))
+ (setf n (truncate (/ dur avg-ioi)))
+ (cond ((< file-dur file-start)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start is after end of file!"))
+ ((< file-dur file-end)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-end (offset) exceeds file duration!"))
+ ((< file-dur (+ file-start file-end))
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start + file-end > file duration!")))
+ (setf file-dur (- file-dur file-start file-end))
+ (setf step-size (/ file-dur n))
+ (stretch-abs 1.0 (let ()
+ (seqrep (i n) (let ()
+ (setf actual-grain-dur (funcall dist))
+ (setf env (stretch actual-grain-dur (one-minus-cosine)))
+ (force-srate *sound-srate*
+ (stretch (real-random 1.0 pitch-dev)
+ (sound2
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (mult (cue env)
+ (s-read filename
+ :time-offset (+ file-start (* step-size i))
+ :dur actual-grain-dur))
+ (real-random ioi (+ ioi ioi-dev))))))))))))
+;; How to use these granular-synthesis functions
+;; First, make a continuation out of the distribution functions
+(defun make-gauss (xmu sigma low high)
+ (lambda () (gauss-dist xmu sigma low high)))
+;; Second, Plug in that continuation as a variable to the granular-synthesis function
+(defun try-len-dist ()
+ (play (stretch 4
+ (simrep (i 2)
+ (len-dist-granulate "samples.wav"
+ (make-gauss 0.0 1.0 0.1 .5) 0.02 0.001 2.0 0 0)))))
+;; Here's an example of changing the pitch distribution
+(defun make-gamma (nu high)
+ (lambda () (gamma-dist nu high)))
+(defun try-pitch-dist ()
+ (play (stretch 4
+ (simrep (i 4)
+ (pitch-dist-granulate "samples.wav" 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.001
+ (make-gamma 2.0 5.0) 0 0)))))
+;; 2. Simple methods of usuing probability distribution generators
+;; In general, a probability distribution generator can substitue for a
+;; uniform ranom generator which is (real-random min max)
+;; Use a continuous distribution generator to alter the time between sounds
+(defun try-exponential ()
+ (play (seqrep (i 20)
+ (pluck c4 (* 0.5 (exponential-dist .25 2.0))))))
+;; Use a discrete generator to alter the pitch by a whole number.
+(defun try-binomial ()
+ (play (seqrep (i 20)
+ (pluck (+ (binomial-dist 6 .5) c4) 0.1))))
+(defun dist-hist (fn n nbins low high &rest params)
+ (let ((bins (make-array nbins))
+ (step (/ (- high low) (float (- nbins 2)))))
+ (dotimes (i nbins)
+ (setf (aref bins i) 0.0))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (let ((x (apply fn params)) i)
+ (cond ((< x low) (incf (aref bins 0)))
+ ((>= x high) (incf (aref bins (1- nbins))))
+ (t
+ (setf i (truncate (1+ (/ (- x low) step))))
+ (if (or (< i 1) (>= i (1- nbins)))
+ (error "unexpected bin number"))
+ (incf (aref bins i))))))
+ bins))
+;(setf hist (dist-hist #'linear-dist 10000 100 0 4 4))
+;(s-plot (scale 0.001 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'exponential-dist 10000 100 0 3 1 3))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; test GAMMA-DIST
+;(setf hist (dist-hist #'gamma-dist 10000 100 0 10 3 4))
+;(s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'bilateral-exponential-dist 10000 100 0 10 4.0 1.1 0 10))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'cauchy-dist 100000 100 -10 10 1.0 -9 6))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'hyperbolic-cosine-dist 1000000 500 -10 10))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'logistic-dist 10000 100 -10 10 0.5 2 -5 1))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'gaussian-dist 100000 100 0 10 5 1 2 8))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; test BETA-DIST
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'beta-dist 100000 100 -0.1 1.1 0.5 0.25))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'bernoulli-dist 10000 100 -0.1 1.1 0.75 0.1 0.9))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'geometric-dist 100000 100 0 10 0.7))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'poisson-dist 10000 100 0 20 4))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))