path: root/tran/alpassvc.alg
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Diffstat (limited to 'tran/alpassvc.alg')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tran/alpassvc.alg b/tran/alpassvc.alg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3c13db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tran/alpassvc.alg
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+;; delay is variable -- but we don't want to reallocate the delay buffer, so
+;; use an additional parameter for the maximum allowable delay. The sound will
+;; be written into the buffer every sample, but read using linear
+;; interpolation. As in tapv, duplicate the sample at the first and last
+;; locations in the buffer.
+(NAME "alpassvc")
+(ARGUMENTS ("sound_type" "input") ("sound_type" "delaysnd") ("double" "feedback")
+ ("double" "maxdelay"))
+(START (MAX input delaysnd))
+(STATE ("float" "delay_scale_factor" "(float) (input->sr * delaysnd->scale)")
+ ("double" "feedback" "feedback")
+ ("long" "buflen" "max(2, (long) (input->sr * maxdelay + 2.5))")
+ ("sample_type *" "delaybuf"
+ "(sample_type *) calloc (susp->buflen + 1, sizeof(sample_type))")
+ ("sample_type *" "delayptr" "susp->delaybuf")
+;; since we allocate one extra sample, endptr points to the last sample
+ ("sample_type *" "endptr" "susp->delaybuf + susp->buflen"))
+(CONSTANT "feedback" "delaylen" "endptr" "delay_scale_factor")
+(NOT-REGISTER delaybuf)
+(LINEAR input)
+(TERMINATE (MIN input))
+(INNER-LOOP-LOCALS " register sample_type y, z, delaysamp;
+ register int delayi;
+ register sample_type *yptr;\n")
+ /* compute where to read y, we want y to be delay_snd samples
+ * after delay_ptr, where we write the new sample. First,
+ * conver from seconds to samples. Note: don't use actual sound_type
+ * names in comments! The translator isn't smart enough.
+ */
+ delaysamp = delaysnd * delay_scale_factor;
+ delayi = (int) delaysamp; /* get integer part */
+ delaysamp = delaysamp - delayi; /* get phase */
+ yptr = delayptr + buflen - (delayi + 1);
+ if (yptr >= endptr) yptr -= buflen;
+ /* now get y, the out-put of the delay, using interpolation */
+ /* note that as phase increases, we use more of yptr[0] because
+ positive phase means longer buffer means read earlier sample */
+ y = (float) ((yptr[0] * delaysamp) + (yptr[1] * (1.0 - delaysamp)));
+ /* WARNING: no check to keep delaysamp in range, so do this in LISP */
+ *delayptr++ = z = (sample_type) (feedback * y + input);
+ /* Time out to update the buffer:
+ * this is a tricky buffer: buffer[0] == buffer[bufflen]
+ * the logical length is bufflen, but the actual length
+ * is bufflen + 1 to allow for a repeated sample at the
+ * end. This allows for efficient interpolation.
+ */
+ if (delayptr > endptr) {
+ delayptr = susp->delaybuf;
+ *delayptr++ = *endptr;
+ }
+ output = (sample_type) (y - feedback * z);")
+(FINALIZATION "free(susp->delaybuf);")