path: root/tran/translate.lsp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tran/translate.lsp')
1 files changed, 1013 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tran/translate.lsp b/tran/translate.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fc81b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tran/translate.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+; Change Log
+; Date | Change
+; 18-Dec-91 | [1.2] <jmn> Created
+; 18-Dec-91 | [1.2] <jmn> added *ANSI* tests
+; 13-Jan-92 | [1.2] <jmn> ANSI header includes stdlib.h, excludes decl of
+; | malloc
+; 13-Jan-92 | [1.2] <jmn> upgraded to support new sound block structure
+; 15-Jan-92 | [1.2] <jmn> added declarations for UNKNOWN, isunknown()
+; 15-Jan-92 | [1.2] <jmn> commented out boolean, true, false now declared
+; | in sound.h
+;; translate.lsp -- build signal processing code from high level descr.
+(setf *ANSI* t)
+(setf *debug* t)
+;; combinations - generate all combinations
+;; Inputs:
+;; n - number of combinations to generate
+;; Result:
+;; list of the form
+;; ( (a1 b1) (a2 b2) (a3 b3) ... (an bn) )
+(defun combinations (n)
+ (let (comb)
+ (cond ((eq n 0) '(nil))
+ (t
+ (setf comb (combinations (1- n)))
+ (append (insert 'ramp comb)
+ (insert 'interp comb)
+ (insert 'scale comb)
+ (insert 'none comb))))))
+(print 'comb)
+(defun lt () (load "translate"))
+(defun ls () (load "writesusp"))
+(defun lm () (load "writemake"))
+(defun lo () (load "writetoss"))
+(defun li () (load "innerloop"))
+(defun ma () (translate "partial"))
+(defun mb () (translate "buzz"))
+(defun mal () (translate "alpass"))
+(defun macv () (translate "alpasscv"))
+(defun mavv () (translate "alpassvv"))
+(defun mf () (translate "follow"))
+(defun mfas () (translate "fromarraystream"))
+(defun mfo () (translate "fromobject"))
+(defun mp () (translate "prod"))
+(defun mc () (translate "const"))
+(defun mct () (translate "coterm"))
+(defun mcl () (translate "clip"))
+(defun meqb () (translate "eqbandvvv"))
+(defun me () (translate "exp"))
+(defun mg () (translate "gate"))
+;(defun mr () (translate "ramp"))
+(defun ms () (translate "sine"))
+(defun msh () (translate "shape"))
+(defun mpw () (translate "pwl"))
+;(defun msfr () (translate "sfread"))
+(defun mde () (translate "delaycc"))
+(defun mdcv () (translate "delaycv"))
+; note: downproto is hand retouched to make downsample
+;(defun md () (translate "downproto"))
+(defun mu () (translate "upsample"))
+(defun ml () (translate "scale"))
+(defun mlo () (translate "log"))
+(defun mm () (translate "maxv"))
+(defun mo () (translate "osc"))
+(defun mof () (translate "offset"))
+(defun mam () (translate "amosc"))
+(defun mfm () (translate "fmosc"))
+(defun mi () (translate "integrate"))
+(defun msl () (translate "slope"))
+(defun mw () (translate "white"))
+(defun mt () (translate "tone"))
+(defun mta () (translate "tapv"))
+(defun mtf () (translate "tapf"))
+(defun mat () (translate "atone"))
+(defun mre () (translate "reson"))
+(defun mrec () (translate "recip"))
+(defun mar () (translate "areson"))
+(defun mtv () (translate "tonev"))
+(defun matv () (translate "atonev"))
+(defun mrvc () (translate "resonvc"))
+(defun mrcv () (translate "resoncv"))
+(defun marvc () (translate "aresonvc"))
+(defun marcv () (translate "aresoncv"))
+(defun mrvv () (translate "resonvv"))
+(defun marvv () (translate "aresonvv"))
+(defun msa () (translate "sampler"))
+(defun msio () (translate "siosc"))
+(defun mq () (translate "quantize"))
+(defun mbq () (translate "biquadfilt"))
+(defun mabs () (translate "abs"))
+(defun msqrt () (translate "sqrt"))
+(defun mifft () (translate "ifft"))
+(defun mcg () (translate "congen"))
+(defun mcv () (translate "convolve")) ;; this does not generate the final version
+ ;; see the hand-modified version of convolve.c in nyqsrc directory
+(defun mos () (translate "oneshot"))
+(defun mch () (translate "chase"))
+(defun mpl () (translate "pluck"))
+(defun icl () (translate "instrclar"))
+(defun isx () (translate "instrsax"))
+(defun icla () (translate "instrclarall"))
+(defun isxa () (translate "instrsaxall"))
+(defun iclf () (translate "instrclarfreq"))
+(defun isxf () (translate "instrsaxfreq"))
+(defun mla () (translate "allpoles"))
+(defun mlr () (translate "lpreson"))
+(defun mstk () (icl) (isx) (icla) (isxa) (iclf) (isxf))
+(defun mfmfb () (translate "fmfb") (translate "fmfbv"))
+(defun m () (mf) (mp) (mc) (mcl) (mg)
+;;;;;; (mr) (msfr) (md)
+ (mm) (ms) (msh) (mpw) (ma) (mb) (mde) (mdcv)
+ (mi) (mu) (ml) (mlo)
+ (mo) (mof) (mam) (mfm) (mw) (msl) (mt) (mat) (mre) (mrec)
+ (mar) (mtv) (mta) (mtf) (matv) (mrvc) (mrcv) (marvc) (marcv)
+ (mrvv) (marvv) (me) (msa) (msio) (mq) (mcg) (mifft)
+ (mfas) (mfo) (mct) (mal) (mos) (mch) (mbq) (mpl)
+ (mabs) (msqrt) (macv) (mavv) ; (mcv) must be managed by hand
+ (mstk) (mla) (mlr) (load "translate-stk") (mfmfb))
+; call this when you change writesusp.lsp: "N"ew "S"usp
+(defun ns () (ls) (m))
+; call this when you change writemake.lsp:
+(defun nm () (lm) (m))
+; call this when you change innerloop.lsp:
+(defun ni () (li) (m))
+;; any-ramp-in -- see if interpolation-list has 'ramp
+;; note: lis is a list of lists of atoms
+(defun any-ramp-in (lis)
+ (dolist (spec lis)
+ (cond ((member 'RAMP spec)
+ (return t)))))
+;; any-ramp-or-interp-in -- see if interpolation-list has 'ramp or 'interp
+(defun any-ramp-or-interp-in (lis)
+ (or (any-ramp-in lis)
+ (dolist (spec lis)
+ (cond ((member 'INTERP spec)
+ (return t))))))
+;; encode -- come up with ascii string for interp spec
+;; e.g. (none ramp) -> "nr"
+(defun encode (interpolation)
+ (let (first-letter
+ (result ""))
+ (dolist (interp interpolation)
+ (setf first-letter (string (char (symbol-name interp) 0)))
+ (setf result (strcat result first-letter)))
+ (string-downcase result)))
+;; ****************
+;; header-list
+;; Result:
+;; '( "s1" "s2" ... "sn" )
+;; where s1, s2, etc. are the strings for the header part of the
+;; resulting .c file
+;; Notes:
+;; Kludgy. Fix this up for easier maintenance
+;; ****************
+(if *ANSI*
+ ; ANSI
+ (setf header-list
+ '("#include \"stdio.h\"\n"
+ "#ifndef mips\n"
+ "#include \"stdlib.h\"\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "#include \"xlisp.h\"\n"
+ "#include \"sound.h\"\n\n"
+ "#include \"falloc.h\"\n"
+ "#include \"cext.h\"\n"
+ ))
+ ; non-ANSI
+ (setf header-list
+ '("#include \"stdio.h\"\n"
+ "#include \"xlisp.h\"\n"
+ "#include \"sound.h\"\n"
+ "#include \"falloc.h\"\n")))
+(setf h-boilerplate nil)
+;--------------obsolete boilerplate-------------
+;; Note that we use "-1" and "< 0". We rely upon C's semantics to
+;; make this work correctly if it is being assigned to a long, float, or
+;; double, and if a long, float, or double is being compared
+; '("\n#ifndef UNKNOWN\n"
+; "#define UNKNOWN -1\n"
+; "#define isunknown(x) ( (x) < 0)\n"
+; "#endif /* UNKNOWN */\n"))
+;; code-gen -- do the output
+;; Inputs:
+;; alg -
+;; stream -
+;; hstream -
+(defun code-gen (alg stream hstream)
+ (let (interpolation-list
+ (support-functions (get-slot alg 'support-functions))
+ (support-header (get-slot alg 'support-header))
+ (name (get-slot alg 'name)))
+ ;(display "code-gen: " alg stream hstream)
+ (print-strings header-list stream)
+ (format stream "#include \"~A\"~%" (get-slot alg 'hfile))
+ (display "code-gen: printed header")
+ (format stream "~%void ~A_free();~%" name)
+ (setf interpolation-list (make-interpolation-list alg))
+ (display "code-gen: " interpolation-list)
+ (put-slot alg interpolation-list 'interpolation-list)
+ (put-slot alg (make-interpolation-rationale alg)
+ 'interpolation-rationale)
+ (write-typedef alg stream)
+ (display "code-gen: wrote typedef")
+ (cond (support-functions
+ (format stream "~%~A" support-functions)))
+ (dolist (interpolation interpolation-list)
+ (put-slot alg interpolation 'interpolation)
+ (display "code-gen: going to write susp for " interpolation)
+ (write-susp alg stream)
+ (display "code-gen: wrote susp for" interpolation))
+ ;; this is a special case for no sound arguments
+ (cond ((null interpolation-list)
+ (write-susp alg stream)))
+ ;; write the function that is called to read and toss
+ ;; samples up to the start time (but only if there are sound arguments)
+ (cond ((get-slot alg 'sound-names)
+ (write-toss alg stream)))
+ ;; write the GC marking function
+ (cond ((needs-mark-routine alg)
+ (write-mark alg stream)))
+ (write-make alg stream)
+ (display "code-gen: wrote make")
+ (write-xlmake alg stream)
+ (display "code-gen: wrote xlmake")
+ (write-header alg hstream)
+ (cond ( support-header
+ (print-strings support-header hstream)))
+ (print-strings h-boilerplate hstream)
+ (display "code-gen: wrote header")))
+;; commute-check --
+;; Purpose:
+;; see if interpolation spec is redundant due to commutativity
+;; Algorithm:
+;; for each list of "commutable" sounds, make sure spec asks for
+;; cannonical ordering: NONE > SCALE > INTERP > RAMP
+(defun commute-check (alg spec)
+ (let ((sounds (get-slot alg 'sound-args))
+ (commute-list (get-slot alg 'commutative))
+ (result t)
+ s1 s2)
+ (dolist (commute commute-list)
+ (dotimes (n (1- (length commute))) ; look at all pairs
+ (setf s1 (nth n commute))
+ (setf s2 (nth (1+ n) commute))
+ (setf s1 (index s1 sounds))
+ (setf s2 (index s2 sounds))
+ (setf s1 (nth s1 spec))
+ (setf s2 (nth s2 spec))
+ (cond ((< (eval s1) (eval s2))
+ (setf result nil)
+ (return)))))
+ result))
+(setf NONE 4) (setf SCALE 3) (setf INTERP 2) (setf RAMP 1)
+(print 'ramp)
+;; concatenate -- string concatenation
+;; Inputs:
+;; "s1" - string
+;; "s2" - string
+;; Result:
+;; "s1s2"
+(defun concatenate (type s1 s2)
+ (cond ((eq type 'string) (strcat s1 s2))
+ (t (error "concatenate type"))))
+;; get-slot -- access the algorithm description, return single value
+(setfn get-slot get)
+;; index -- find location of list element
+;; Inputs:
+;; atom - atom to be found in list
+;; lis - list searched for
+;; Result:
+;; integer - index of atom in lis
+;; NIL - atom not member of lis
+(defun index (atom lis)
+ (let ((i 0))
+ (dolist (elt lis)
+ (cond ((eq elt atom)
+ (return i)))
+ (setf i (1+ i)))))
+;; insert -- insert an atom at the front of each element of a list
+;; Inputs:
+;; atom -
+;; list-of-lists - lists of the form ( (L1) (L2) ... (Ln))
+;; Result:
+;; ( (atom L1) (atom L2) ... (atom Ln) )
+(defun insert (atom list-of-lists)
+ (mapcar '(lambda (lis) (cons atom lis)) list-of-lists))
+(print 'insert)
+;; interp-check -- check to see that no interpolation is being done
+;; (unless the algorithm is the up-sample algorithm, a special case
+(defun interp-check (alg spec)
+ (get alg 'inline-interpolation)
+ (and (not (member 'INTERP spec))
+ (not (member 'RAMP spec)))))
+(print 'interp-check)
+;; make-interpolation-list -- figure out the possible interpolation forms
+;; Inputs:
+;; alg - algorithm description
+;; Output:
+;; List of interpolation styles, e.g.
+;; ((NONE NONE) (NONE INTERP) (NONE RAMP)), where the styles
+;; are in the same order as the sound arguments (sound-args)
+(defun make-interpolation-list (alg)
+ (let (sound-args specs real-specs sound-names sound-to-name
+ (sr (get-slot alg 'sample-rate))
+ (not-in-inner-loop (get-slot alg 'not-in-inner-loop)))
+ ; derive some lists:
+ ; sound-args are atom names of sound-type arguments
+ ; sound-names are the corresponding string names
+ ; sound-to-name is an assoc list mapping atom to case-sensitive string
+; (display "make-interpolation-list")
+ (dolist (arg (get-slot alg 'arguments))
+ (cond ((and (equal (car arg) "sound_type")
+ (not (member (cadr arg) not-in-inner-loop :test #'equal)))
+ (setf sound-names (cons (cadr arg) sound-names))
+ (setf sound-args (cons (name-to-symbol (cadr arg))
+ sound-args))
+ (setf sound-to-name (cons (cons (car sound-args)
+ (car sound-names))
+ sound-to-name))
+; (display "in make-interpolation-list" sound-to-name)
+ )))
+; (display "make-interpolation-list: " (reverse sound-args))
+ (put-slot alg (reverse sound-args) 'sound-args)
+; (display "make-interpolation-list: " (reverse sound-names))
+ (put-slot alg (reverse sound-names) 'sound-names)
+ (put-slot alg sound-to-name 'sound-to-name)
+ ; make all combinations of interpolations
+ (setf specs (combinations (length sound-args)))
+ ;; don't print this or you'll die when the list is huge
+ ;; (display "make-interpolation-list: " specs)
+ ;; we really should have filtered with match-check inside combinations
+ ;; to avoid exponential explosion
+ ; reject combinations based on commutativity, linearity, and sample rate:
+ ; if sample-rate is not specified, then some interpolation must be 'NONE,
+ ; i.e. sample-rate is specified OR an interpolation is 'NONE:
+ ; if INLINE-INTERPOLATION is turned off, don't allow RAMP or INTERP
+ ; if INTERNAL-SCALING applies, then don't allow SCALE
+ (dolist (spec specs)
+ (cond ((and spec
+ (interp-check alg spec)
+ (commute-check alg spec)
+ (scale-check alg spec)
+ (match-check alg spec)
+ (sr-check alg spec))
+ (setf real-specs (cons spec real-specs)))))
+ (cond ((and (car specs) (null real-specs))
+ (error "no interpolation specs")))
+ (print real-specs)))
+; MAKE-INTERPOLATION-RATIONALE -- record the rationale for
+; interpolation combinations:
+; NIL means no special considerations
+; ALWAYS-SCALE means 'n' eliminated, use 's' instead
+; LINEAR means 's' eliminated and unnecessary
+; INTERNAL-SCALING means 's' eliminated, use 'n' instead
+(defun make-interpolation-rationale (alg)
+ (let (interpolation-rationale len snd
+ (sounds (get-slot alg 'sound-args))
+ (linear (get-slot alg 'linear))
+ (internal-scaling (get-slot alg 'internal-scaling))
+ (always-scale (get-slot alg 'always-scale)))
+ (setf interpolation-rationale (mapcar #'return-nil sounds))
+ (setf len (length interpolation-rationale))
+ (dotimes (n len)
+ (setf snd (nth n sounds))
+ (cond ((member snd always-scale)
+ (setf (nth n interpolation-rationale) 'ALWAYS-SCALE)))
+ (cond ((member snd linear)
+ (cond ((nth n interpolation-rationale)
+ (error "parameter is both linear and always-scale"
+ snd)))
+ (setf (nth n interpolation-rationale) 'LINEAR)))
+ (cond ((member snd internal-scaling)
+ (cond ((nth n interpolation-rationale)
+ (error
+ "parameter is both linear and always-scale or internal-scaling" snd)))
+ (setf (nth n interpolation-rationale) 'INTERNAL-SCALING))))
+ (display "make-interpolation-rationale" interpolation-rationale)
+ interpolation-rationale))
+(print 'hi)
+;; make-schema-from-slots -- take attr/value pairs and make property list
+;; Inputs:
+;; slots - a list of the form
+;; (name
+;; (attribute1 value1) (attribute2 value2)
+;; ... (attributen valuen) )
+;; Result:
+;; The atom 'name' with the attached property list
+;; Effect:
+;; Adds properties to the atom 'name' based on the attribute-value
+;; pairs.
+;; Notes:
+;; The property-list representation is chosen for time efficiency of
+;; access
+(defun make-schema-from-slots (slots)
+ (let ((name (car slots)))
+ (setf (symbol-plist name) nil)
+ (dolist (slot (cdr slots))
+ (putprop name (cdr slot) (car slot)))
+ name))
+;; name-to-symbol -- convert from case-sensitive C name to internal symbol
+(defun name-to-symbol (name) (intern (string-upcase name)))
+;; position -- find a pattern in a string
+;; Inputs:
+;; s -
+;; p -
+(defun position (s p)
+ (let (result (len (length p)))
+ (dotimes (n (+ 1 (length s) (- len)))
+ (cond ((equal (subseq s n (+ n len)) p)
+ (setf result n)
+ (return))))
+ result))
+;; print a list of strings to a stream
+;; Inputs:
+;; strings - a list of strings
+;; stream - stream on which to write the strings
+;; Effect:
+(defun print-strings (strings stream)
+ (dolist (s strings) (princ s stream)))
+;; put-slot:
+;; Inputs:
+;; schema - name of the schema
+;; value - value of the attribute to be added or modified
+;; property - name of the attribute to be modified
+(setfn put-slot putprop)
+(defun return-nil (ignore) nil)
+;; scale-check -- make sure scale method is not used on linear input or
+;; on input where scaling is factored into other computation;
+;; Also, don't use NONE scale method if sound appears on always-scale
+;; list (these sounds have low likelihood of ever using 'NONE method -
+;; see fmosc for an example). Note that if you say always-scale (removing
+;; NONE) and linear or internal-scaling (removing SCALE),
+;; then you'll be in big trouble.
+;; Inputs:
+;; alg - algorithm description
+;; spec -
+;; Notes:
+(defun scale-check (alg spec)
+ (let ((sounds (get-slot alg 'sound-args))
+ (linear (get-slot alg 'linear))
+ (internal-scaling (get-slot alg 'internal-scaling))
+ (always-scale (get-slot alg 'always-scale))
+ snd
+ (result t)
+ )
+ ; initially, the rationale list is nil for each sound:
+ (cond (always-scale
+ (dotimes (n (length spec)) ; look at each method in spec
+ (cond ((eq 'NONE (nth n spec))
+ (setf snd (nth n sounds))
+ (cond ((member snd always-scale)
+ (setf result nil)
+ (return))))))))
+ (cond ((member 'SCALE spec) ; quick test
+ (dotimes (n (length spec)) ; look at each method in spec
+ (cond ((eq 'SCALE (nth n spec))
+ (setf snd (nth n sounds))
+ (cond ((or (member snd linear)
+ (member snd internal-scaling))
+ (if (member snd internal-scaling)
+ (format t "WARNING internal scaling not fully debugged, check your results...\n"))
+ (setf result nil)
+ (return))))))))
+ result))
+;; match-check -- make sure spec is consistent with inputs whose sample-rates
+;; are matched. If a set of inputs appears on a MATCHED-SAMPLE-RATE clause,
+;; then the spec for each input must be the same. This is used to control
+;; combinatorial explosions.
+(defun match-check (alg spec)
+ (let ((sounds (get-slot alg 'sound-args))
+ (matched-sample-rate (get-slot alg 'matched-sample-rate))
+ kind ;; kind of access used by all matched sounds
+ snd ;; the current sound in list
+ (result t))
+ ;; algorithm: scan list for members of matched-sample-rate
+ ;; when first is found, set kind; after than, insist that
+ ;; other members have matching spec
+ (cond (matched-sample-rate
+ (dotimes (n (length spec))
+ (setf snd (nth n sounds))
+ (cond ((member snd matched-sample-rate)
+ (cond ((null kind)
+ (setf kind (nth n spec)))
+ ((eq (nth n spec) kind))
+ (t
+ (setf result nil))))))))
+ result))
+;; space-if-no-trailing-star -- returns "" if arg ends with "*", else space
+(defun space-if-no-trailing-star (str)
+ (if (equal #\* (char str (1- (length str))))
+ ""
+ #\Space))
+;; SPEC-IS-NONE-OR-SCALE -- see if spec is none or scale, called by sr-check
+;; sig is the search key
+;; sound-args is a list, one element matches sig
+;; spec is list of specs corresponding to elements in sound-args
+;; return t if (eq sig (nth n sound-args)) and (nth n spec) is
+;; either 'none or 'scale
+(defun spec-is-none-or-scale (sig sound-args spec)
+ (dolist (arg sound-args)
+ (cond ((eq sig arg)
+ (return (member (car spec) '(NONE SCALE)))))
+ (setf spec (cdr spec))))
+;; sr-check -- see if interpolation spec is ok wrt sample rate spec
+(defun sr-check (alg spec)
+ (let ((sample-rate (get-slot alg 'sample-rate))
+ (sound-args (get-slot alg 'sound-args))
+ (result t))
+ ;; if expression given, then anything is ok
+ (cond ((stringp sample-rate) t)
+ ;; if (MAX ...) expression given, then one of signals must be NONE or SCALE
+ ((and (listp sample-rate) (eq (car sample-rate) 'MAX))
+ (dolist (sig (cdr sample-rate)) ; for all sig in max list ...
+ (cond ((not (spec-is-none-or-scale sig sound-args spec))
+ (setf result nil))))
+ result)
+ ;; if no expression given, then one signal must be NONE or SCALE
+ ((or (member 'NONE spec) (member 'SCALE spec)) t)
+ ;; o.w. return false
+ (t nil))))
+;; symbol-to-name -- convert from internal symbol to case-sensitive C name
+(defun symbol-to-name (symbol) (get symbol 'string-name))
+;; translate -- main procedure
+;; Inputs:
+;; name - string which is name of file to translate
+;; Effect:
+;; Reads the algorithm specification as "name.alg"
+;; Generates output files "name.c" and "name.h"
+(defun translate (name)
+ (prog* ((infile (concatenate 'string name ".alg"))
+ (outfile (concatenate 'string name ".c"))
+ (hfile (concatenate 'string name ".h"))
+ (inf (open infile :direction :input))
+ (hf (open hfile :direction :output))
+ (outf (open outfile :direction :output)))
+ (if (null inf) (error "translate: couldn't open inf"))
+ (if (null hf) (error "translate: couldn't open hf"))
+ (if (null outf) (error "translate: couldn't open outf"))
+ (display "FILES" inf hf outf)
+ (if *WATCH*
+ (print "**** TRACING HOOKS ENABLED! ****")
+ (print "**** NO TRACING ****")
+ )
+ loop
+ ;; read the algorithm description
+ (setq alg (read inf))
+ ;; if the algorithm is NIL, we had some sort of failure
+ (cond ((null alg)
+ (close inf)
+ (close hf)
+ (close outf)
+ (return)))
+ ;; we have read in the high-level schema specification
+ ;; convert it to a schema
+ (display "translate: " infile alg)
+ (setf alg (make-schema-from-slots alg))
+ (display "translate: schema " alg)
+ ;; save the .h file name
+ (put-slot alg hfile 'hfile)
+ ;; perform the type-check on the schema parameters
+ (type-check-and-transform alg)
+ (display "translate: transformed schema" alg)
+ (code-gen alg outf hf)
+ (display "translate: finished code-gen")
+ (setf save-alg alg)
+ (go loop)
+ )
+(print 'translate)
+;; type-check-and-transform -- fix up slots in an algorithm schema
+;; Inputs:
+;; alg - the name of the algorithm; values are its property list
+;; Notes:
+;; Report an error if required slot values are absent
+;; Any slot which should be a single value and is a list is
+;; coerced to be the car of the list
+;; Put argument string names on argument symbols for conversion.
+(defun type-check-and-transform (alg)
+ ;; the quoted list that follows 'slot' is the list of required
+ ;; parameters. If any parameter is missing, this will cause an
+ ;; error
+ (dolist (slot '(name inner-loop)) ; other necessarily non-nil slots go here
+ (cond ((null (get-slot alg slot))
+ (error "missing slot"))))
+ ; fix single-value slots to not be stored as lists:
+ ; If the value is a list, the value is coerced to
+ ; be the car of the list
+ (dolist
+ (slot
+ '(name lispname inner-loop sample-rate support-functions inline-interpolation delay
+ ))
+ (put-slot alg (car (get-slot alg slot)) slot))
+ ; Make sure there are no strings, only symbols, in TERMINATE and
+ ; LOGICAL-STOP MIN lists: (TERMINATE (MIN "s1")) is wrong, it should be
+ ; (TERMINATE (MIN s1))
+ (dolist (field '(terminate logical-stop))
+ (setf spec (get-slot alg field))
+ (display "type-check" spec field)
+ (cond ((and spec
+ (listp (car spec))
+ (member (caar spec) '(MIN MAX)))
+ (dolist (entry (cdar spec))
+ (display "type-check" spec field entry)
+ (cond ((eq (type-of entry) 'STRING)
+ (error "MIN and MAX args are symbols, not strings"
+ spec)))))))
+ ; (ARGUMENTS ( "type1" "name1") ("type2" "name2") ... ("typen" "namen") )
+ ; if "sr" is the name of an argument, its type must be "rate_type"
+ ; i.e. ("rate_type" "sr")
+ (dolist (arg (get-slot alg 'arguments))
+ (cond ((and (equal (cadr arg) "sr")
+ (not (equal (car arg) "rate_type")))
+ (error "argument sr must be of type rate_type"))
+ ((equal (car arg) "sound_type")
+ (putprop (name-to-symbol (cadr arg)) (cadr arg) 'string-name)))))
+;; union-of-nth -- get the union of the nth element of each sublist
+(defun union-of-nth (lis n)
+ (let (result a)
+ (dolist (sublis lis)
+ (setf a (nth n sublis))
+ (cond ((not (member a result))
+ (setf result (cons a result)))))
+ result))
+(print 'union-of-nth)
+;; write-header -- write a header file for the suspension create routine
+;; Inputs:
+;; alg - algorithm name
+;; stream - output stream for .h file
+;; Effect:
+;; Writes to the stream
+;; sound_type snd_make_NAME();
+;; Notes:
+;; Uses NAME property of algorithm to emit the procedure header to
+;; the .h file
+(setf c-to-xlisp-type '(
+ ("double" . "ANYNUM")
+ ("float" . "ANYNUM")
+ ("time_type" . "ANYNUM")
+ ("rate_type" . "ANYNUM")
+ ("sample_type" . "ANYNUM")
+ ("sound_type" . "SOUND")
+ ("char *" . "STRING")
+ ("LVAL" . "ANY")
+ ("int" . "FIXNUM")
+ ("long" . "FIXNUM")
+ ("boolean" . "BOOLEAN")
+(defun write-header (alg stream)
+;; (format stream "sound_type snd_make_~A();~%" (get-slot alg 'name))
+ (let ((arguments (get-slot alg 'arguments))
+ (name (get-slot alg 'name))
+ (lisp-name (get-slot alg 'lispname)))
+ (cond ((null lisp-name) (setf lisp-name name)))
+ (format stream "sound_type snd_make_~A" name)
+ (write-ansi-prototype-list stream "" arguments)
+ (format stream ";~%")
+ ; write the xlisp interface routine
+ (format stream "sound_type snd_~A" name)
+ (write-ansi-prototype-list stream "" arguments)
+ (format stream ";~%")
+ ; write the type specification for intgen
+ (format stream " /* LISP: (snd-~A" lisp-name)
+ (dolist (arg arguments)
+ (let ((xltype (assoc (car arg) c-to-xlisp-type :test #'equal)))
+ (cond ((null xltype)
+ (error "couldn't translate c-type" (car arg))))
+ (format stream " ~A" (cdr xltype))))
+ (format stream ") */~%")))
+;; write-typedef -- compile the suspension type definition
+;; Inputs:
+;; alg - the algorithm specification
+;; stream - stream to which to write it
+;; Effect:
+;; typedef struct NAME_susp_struct {
+;; ...
+;; } NAME_susp_node, *NAME_susp_type;
+;; A side-effect of write-typedef is the initialization
+;; of slot xlisp-pointers in alg. This is used later by
+;; write-mark to generate the garbage collection mark routine.
+(defun write-typedef (alg stream)
+ (let (arg-type args interpolation-list sound-names arg
+ (alg-name (get-slot alg 'name))
+ name xlisp-pointers
+ (state-list (get-slot alg 'state))
+ (logical-stop (car (get-slot alg 'logical-stop)))
+ (terminate (car (get-slot alg 'terminate))))
+ ;----------------------------
+ ; typedef struct NAME_susp_strct {
+ ; snd_susp_node susp;
+ ;----------------------------
+ (format stream "~%~%typedef struct ~A_susp_struct {~%~A~%"
+ alg-name " snd_susp_node susp;")
+ ; go through interpolation list:
+ ; NONE means use each sample
+ ; INTERP means interpolate between samples
+ ; RAMP means do ramp generation between samples
+ ; NIL means this is not a signal
+ (setf interpolation-list (get-slot alg 'interpolation-list))
+ (setf sound-names (get-slot alg 'sound-names))
+ ; declare started flag if there is a ramp or interp signal anywhere
+ (cond ((any-ramp-or-interp-in interpolation-list)
+ ;---------------------
+ ; boolean started;
+ ;---------------------
+ (format stream " boolean started;~%")))
+ (display "in translate.lsp"
+ terminate alg (terminate-check-needed terminate alg))
+ (cond ((terminate-check-needed terminate alg)
+ ;----------------
+ ; long terminate_cnt;
+ ;----------------
+ (format stream " long terminate_cnt;~%")))
+ (cond ((logical-stop-check-needed logical-stop)
+ ;----------------
+ ; boolean logically_stopped;
+ ;----------------
+ (format stream
+ " boolean logically_stopped;~%")))
+ ; each sound argument has a variety of ways it might be
+ ; interpolated. These are stored on interpolation-list, and union-of-nth
+ ; is used to gather all the interpolation styles that must be supported
+ ; for a given signal - we then declare whatever state is necessary for
+ ; each possible interpolation
+ (dotimes (n (length (get alg 'sound-args)))
+ (let ((interpolation (union-of-nth interpolation-list n)))
+ (setf name (nth n sound-names)) ; get name of signal
+ ;------------------------
+ ; sound_type NAMEi;
+ ; long NAME_cnt;
+ ; sample_block_values_type NAME_ptr;
+ ;------------------------
+ (format stream " sound_type ~A;~%" name)
+ (format stream " long ~A_cnt;~%" name)
+ (format stream " sample_block_values_type ~A_ptr;~%" name)
+ (cond ((or (member 'INTERP interpolation)
+ (member 'RAMP interpolation))
+ ;-----------------
+ ; /* support for interpolation of NAMEi */
+ ;-----------------
+ (format stream
+ "~% /* support for interpolation of ~A */~%" name)
+ ;-----------------
+ ; sample_type NAME_x1_sample;
+ ;-----------------
+ (format stream " sample_type ~A_x1_sample;~%" name)
+ ;-----------------
+ ; double NAME_pHaSe;
+ ; double NAME_pHaSe_iNcR;
+ ;-----------------
+ (format stream " double ~A_pHaSe;~%" name)
+ (format stream " double ~A_pHaSe_iNcR;~%" name)))
+ (cond ((member 'RAMP interpolation)
+ ;-----------------
+ ; RAMP:
+ ; /* support for ramp between samples of NAME */
+ ; double output_per_NAME;
+ ; long NAME_n;
+ ;-----------------
+ (format stream
+ "~% /* support for ramp between samples of ~A */~%" name)
+ (format stream " double output_per_~A;~%" name)
+ (format stream " long ~A_n;~%" name) ))))
+ ;----------------------------
+ ;----------------------------
+ ;; now write state variables
+ ;; (STATE (s1) (s2)... (sn) )
+ ;; each (si) is of the form
+ ;; ("type" "varname" "?" [TEMP])
+ (cond (state-list (format stream "~%")))
+ (dolist (state state-list)
+ (cond ((equal "LVAL" (car state))
+ (push (cadr state) xlisp-pointers)))
+ (cond ((and (cdddr state)
+ (cadddr state)
+ (eq (cadddr state) 'TEMP))
+ ; no field allocated for local/temp variables
+ )
+ (t
+ (let ((sep (space-if-no-trailing-star (car state))))
+ (format stream " ~A~A~A;~%"
+ (car state) sep (cadr state))))))
+ (put-slot alg xlisp-pointers 'xlisp-pointers)
+ ;----------------------------
+ ; } ALG-NAME_susp_node, *ALG-NAME_susp_type;
+ ;----------------------------
+ (format stream "} ~A_susp_node, *~A_susp_type;~%" alg-name alg-name)))
+(print 'end)