path: root/xlisp/xlbfun.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'xlisp/xlbfun.c')
1 files changed, 674 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xlisp/xlbfun.c b/xlisp/xlbfun.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45e5a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xlisp/xlbfun.c
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+/* xlbfun.c - xlisp basic built-in functions */
+/* Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
+ All Rights Reserved
+ Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "string.h"
+/* forward declarations */
+FORWARD LOCAL LVAL makesymbol(int iflag);
+/* xeval - the built-in function 'eval' */
+LVAL xeval(void)
+ LVAL expr;
+ /* get the expression to evaluate */
+ expr = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* evaluate the expression */
+ return (xleval(expr));
+/* xapply - the built-in function 'apply' */
+LVAL xapply(void)
+ LVAL fun,arglist;
+ /* get the function and argument list */
+ fun = xlgetarg();
+ arglist = xlgalist();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* apply the function to the arguments */
+ return (xlapply(pushargs(fun,arglist)));
+/* xfuncall - the built-in function 'funcall' */
+LVAL xfuncall(void)
+ LVAL *newfp;
+ int argc;
+ /* build a new argument stack frame */
+ newfp = xlsp;
+ pusharg(cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)(newfp - xlfp)));
+ pusharg(xlgetarg());
+ pusharg(NIL); /* will be argc */
+ /* push each argument */
+ for (argc = 0; moreargs(); ++argc)
+ pusharg(nextarg());
+ /* establish the new stack frame */
+ newfp[2] = cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)argc);
+ xlfp = newfp;
+ /* apply the function to the arguments */
+ return (xlapply(argc));
+/* xmacroexpand - expand a macro call repeatedly */
+LVAL xmacroexpand(void)
+ LVAL form;
+ form = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (xlexpandmacros(form));
+/* x1macroexpand - expand a macro call */
+LVAL x1macroexpand(void)
+ LVAL form,fun,args;
+ /* protect some pointers */
+ xlstkcheck(2);
+ xlsave(fun);
+ xlsave(args);
+ /* get the form */
+ form = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* expand until the form isn't a macro call */
+ if (consp(form)) {
+ fun = car(form); /* get the macro name */
+ args = cdr(form); /* get the arguments */
+ if (symbolp(fun) && fboundp(fun)) {
+ fun = xlgetfunction(fun); /* get the expansion function */
+ macroexpand(fun,args,&form);
+ }
+ }
+ /* restore the stack and return the expansion */
+ xlpopn(2);
+ return (form);
+/* xatom - is this an atom? */
+LVAL xatom(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (atomp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xsymbolp - is this an symbol? */
+LVAL xsymbolp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (arg == NIL || symbolp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xnumberp - is this a number? */
+LVAL xnumberp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (fixp(arg) || floatp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xintegerp - is this an integer? */
+LVAL xintegerp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (fixp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xfloatp - is this a float? */
+LVAL xfloatp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (floatp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xcharp - is this a character? */
+LVAL xcharp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (charp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xstringp - is this a string? */
+LVAL xstringp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (stringp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xarrayp - is this an array? */
+LVAL xarrayp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (vectorp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xstreamp - is this a stream? */
+LVAL xstreamp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (streamp(arg) || ustreamp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xobjectp - is this an object? */
+LVAL xobjectp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (objectp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xboundp - is this a value bound to this symbol? */
+LVAL xboundp(void)
+ LVAL sym;
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (boundp(sym) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xfboundp - is this a functional value bound to this symbol? */
+LVAL xfboundp(void)
+ LVAL sym;
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (fboundp(sym) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xnull - is this null? */
+LVAL xnull(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (null(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xlistp - is this a list? */
+LVAL xlistp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (listp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xendp - is this the end of a list? */
+LVAL xendp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgalist();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (null(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xconsp - is this a cons? */
+LVAL xconsp(void)
+ LVAL arg;
+ arg = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ return (consp(arg) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xeq - are these equal? */
+LVAL xeq(void)
+ LVAL arg1,arg2;
+ /* get the two arguments */
+ arg1 = xlgetarg();
+ arg2 = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* compare the arguments */
+ return (arg1 == arg2 ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xeql - are these equal? */
+LVAL xeql(void)
+ LVAL arg1,arg2;
+ /* get the two arguments */
+ arg1 = xlgetarg();
+ arg2 = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* compare the arguments */
+ return (eql(arg1,arg2) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xequal - are these equal? (recursive) */
+LVAL xequal(void)
+ LVAL arg1,arg2;
+ /* get the two arguments */
+ arg1 = xlgetarg();
+ arg2 = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* compare the arguments */
+ return (lval_equal(arg1,arg2) ? s_true : NIL);
+/* xset - built-in function set */
+LVAL xset(void)
+ LVAL sym,val;
+ /* get the symbol and new value */
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ val = xlgetarg();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* assign the symbol the value of argument 2 and the return value */
+ setvalue(sym,val);
+ /* return the result value */
+ return (val);
+/* xgensym - generate a symbol */
+LVAL xgensym(void)
+ char sym[STRMAX+11]; /* enough space for prefix and number */
+ LVAL x;
+ /* get the prefix or number */
+ if (moreargs()) {
+ x = xlgetarg();
+ switch (ntype(x)) {
+ case SYMBOL:
+ x = getpname(x);
+ case STRING:
+ strncpy(gsprefix, (char *) getstring(x),STRMAX);
+ gsprefix[STRMAX] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case FIXNUM:
+ gsnumber = getfixnum(x);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xlerror("bad argument type",x);
+ }
+ }
+ xllastarg();
+ /* create the pname of the new symbol */
+ sprintf(sym,"%s%d",gsprefix,gsnumber++);
+ /* make a symbol with this print name */
+ return (xlmakesym(sym));
+/* xmakesymbol - make a new uninterned symbol */
+LVAL xmakesymbol(void)
+ return (makesymbol(FALSE));
+/* xintern - make a new interned symbol */
+LVAL xintern(void)
+ return (makesymbol(TRUE));
+/* makesymbol - make a new symbol */
+LOCAL LVAL makesymbol(int iflag)
+ LVAL pname;
+ /* get the print name of the symbol to intern */
+ pname = xlgastring();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* make the symbol */
+ return (iflag ? xlenter((char *) getstring(pname))
+ : xlmakesym((char *) getstring(pname)));
+/* xsymname - get the print name of a symbol */
+LVAL xsymname(void)
+ LVAL sym;
+ /* get the symbol */
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* return the print name */
+ return (getpname(sym));
+/* xsymvalue - get the value of a symbol */
+LVAL xsymvalue(void)
+ LVAL sym,val;
+ /* get the symbol */
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* get the global value */
+ while ((val = getvalue(sym)) == s_unbound)
+ xlunbound(sym);
+ /* return its value */
+ return (val);
+/* xsymfunction - get the functional value of a symbol */
+LVAL xsymfunction(void)
+ LVAL sym,val;
+ /* get the symbol */
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* get the global value */
+ while ((val = getfunction(sym)) == s_unbound)
+ xlfunbound(sym);
+ /* return its value */
+ return (val);
+/* xsymplist - get the property list of a symbol */
+LVAL xsymplist(void)
+ LVAL sym;
+ /* get the symbol */
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* return the property list */
+ return (getplist(sym));
+/* xget - get the value of a property */
+LVAL xget(void)
+ LVAL sym,prp;
+ /* get the symbol and property */
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ prp = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* retrieve the property value */
+ return (xlgetprop(sym,prp));
+/* xputprop - set the value of a property */
+LVAL xputprop(void)
+ LVAL sym,val,prp;
+ /* get the symbol and property */
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ val = xlgetarg();
+ prp = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* set the property value */
+ xlputprop(sym,val,prp);
+ /* return the value */
+ return (val);
+/* xremprop - remove a property value from a property list */
+LVAL xremprop(void)
+ LVAL sym,prp;
+ /* get the symbol and property */
+ sym = xlgasymbol();
+ prp = xlgasymbol();
+ xllastarg();
+ /* remove the property */
+ xlremprop(sym,prp);
+ /* return nil */
+ return (NIL);
+/* xhash - compute the hash value of a string or symbol */
+LVAL xhash(void)
+ unsigned char *str;
+ LVAL len,val;
+ int n;
+ /* get the string and the table length */
+ val = xlgetarg();
+ len = xlgafixnum(); n = (int)getfixnum(len);
+ xllastarg();
+ /* get the string */
+ if (symbolp(val))
+ str = getstring(getpname(val));
+ else if (stringp(val))
+ str = getstring(val);
+ else {
+ xlerror("bad argument type",val);
+ str = NULL;
+ }
+ /* return the hash index */
+ return (cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)hash((char *) str, n)));
+/* xaref - array reference function */
+LVAL xaref(void)
+ LVAL array,index;
+ int i;
+ /* get the array and the index */
+ array = xlgavector();
+ index = xlgafixnum(); i = (int)getfixnum(index);
+ xllastarg();
+ /* range check the index */
+ if (i < 0 || i >= getsize(array))
+ xlerror("array index out of bounds",index);
+ /* return the array element */
+ return (getelement(array,i));
+/* xmkarray - make a new array */
+LVAL xmkarray(void)
+ LVAL size;
+ int n;
+ /* get the size of the array */
+ size = xlgafixnum() ; n = (int)getfixnum(size);
+ xllastarg();
+ /* create the array */
+ return (newvector(n));
+/* xvector - make a vector */
+LVAL xvector(void)
+ LVAL val;
+ int i;
+ /* make the vector */
+ val = newvector(xlargc);
+ /* store each argument */
+ for (i = 0; moreargs(); ++i)
+ setelement(val,i,nextarg());
+ xllastarg();
+ /* return the vector */
+ return (val);
+/* allow xerror, xcleanup, xtoplevel, and xcontinue to return nothing */
+/* #pragma warning(disable: 4035)*/
+/* xerror - special form 'error' */
+LVAL xerror(void)
+ LVAL emsg,arg;
+ /* get the error message and the argument */
+ emsg = xlgastring();
+ arg = (moreargs() ? xlgetarg() : s_unbound);
+ xllastarg();
+ /* signal the error */
+ xlerror((char *) getstring(emsg),arg);
+ return NIL; /* won't ever happen */
+/* xcerror - special form 'cerror' */
+LVAL xcerror(void)
+ LVAL cmsg,emsg,arg;
+ /* get the correction message, the error message, and the argument */
+ cmsg = xlgastring();
+ emsg = xlgastring();
+ arg = (moreargs() ? xlgetarg() : s_unbound);
+ xllastarg();
+ /* signal the error */
+ xlcerror((char *) getstring(cmsg), (char *) getstring(emsg),arg);
+ /* return nil */
+ return (NIL);
+/* xbreak - special form 'break' */
+LVAL xbreak(void)
+ LVAL emsg,arg;
+ /* get the error message */
+ emsg = (moreargs() ? xlgastring() : NIL);
+ arg = (moreargs() ? xlgetarg() : s_unbound);
+ xllastarg();
+ /* enter the break loop */
+ xlbreak((emsg ? (char *) getstring(emsg) : "**BREAK**"),arg);
+ /* return nil */
+ return (NIL);
+/* xcleanup - special form 'clean-up' */
+LVAL xcleanup(void)
+ xllastarg();
+ xlcleanup();
+/* xtoplevel - special form 'top-level' */
+LVAL xtoplevel(void)
+ xllastarg();
+ xltoplevel();
+ /* this point will never be reached because xltoplevel() does a
+ longjmp(). The return is added to avoid false positive
+ error messages from static analyzers and compilers */
+ return (NIL);
+/* xcontinue - special form 'continue' */
+LVAL xcontinue(void)
+ xllastarg();
+ xlcontinue();
+ return (NIL);
+/* xevalhook - eval hook function */
+LVAL xevalhook(void)
+ LVAL expr,newehook,newahook,newenv,oldenv,oldfenv,olddenv,val;
+ /* protect some pointers */
+ xlstkcheck(3);
+ xlsave(oldenv);
+ xlsave(oldfenv);
+ xlsave(newenv);
+ /* get the expression, the new hook functions and the environment */
+ expr = xlgetarg();
+ newehook = xlgetarg();
+ newahook = xlgetarg();
+ newenv = (moreargs() ? xlgalist() : NIL);
+ xllastarg();
+ /* bind *evalhook* and *applyhook* to the hook functions */
+ olddenv = xldenv;
+ xldbind(s_evalhook,newehook);
+ xldbind(s_applyhook,newahook);
+ /* establish the environment for the hook function */
+ if (newenv) {
+ oldenv = xlenv;
+ oldfenv = xlfenv;
+ xlenv = car(newenv);
+ xlfenv = cdr(newenv);
+ }
+ /* evaluate the expression (bypassing *evalhook*) */
+ val = xlxeval(expr);
+ /* restore the old environment */
+ xlunbind(olddenv);
+ if (newenv) {
+ xlenv = oldenv;
+ xlfenv = oldfenv;
+ }
+ /* restore the stack */
+ xlpopn(3);
+ /* return the result */
+ return (val);