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Type:   -   special form (fsubr)
Source:   -   xlcont.c


(function expr)
expr - an expression that evaluates to a function
returns - the functional interpretation


The 'function' special form returns the function definition of the 'expr'. Execution of the 'expr' form does not occur. 'function' will operate on functions, special forms, lambda-expressions and macros.


(function car)              ; returns #<Subr-CAR: #23ac4>
(function quote)            ; returns #<FSubr-QUOTE: #23d1c>
#'quote                     ; returns #<FSubr-QUOTE: #23d1c>
(function 'cdr)             ; error: not a function

(defun foo (x) (+ x x))     ; define FOO function
(function foo)              ; returns #<Closure-FOO: #2cfb6>

(defmacro bar (x) (+ x x))  ; define FOOMAC macro
(function bar)              ; returns #<Closure-BAR: #2ceee>

(setq my 99)                ; define a variable MY
(function my)               ; error: unbound function

(defun my (x) (print x))    ; define a function MY
(function my)               ; returns #<Closure-MY: #2cdd6>

Read macro: XLISP supports the normal Lisp read macro of a hash and quote [#'] as a short-hand method of writing the 'function' special form.

See the function special form in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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Nyquist / XLISP 2.0  -  Contents | Tutorials | Examples | Reference