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Type:   -   message selector
Source:   -   xlobj.c


(send object :class)
object - an existing object
returns the class object


The ':class' message selector will cause a method to run that will return the object which is the class of the specified 'object'. Note that the returned value is an object which will look like:

#<Object: #18d8c>

The 'object' must exist or an error will be generated:

error: bad argument type


(send object :class)                     ; returns the CLASS object
(send class :class)                      ; returns the CLASS object
(setq new-cls (send class :new '(var)))  ; create NEW-CLS
(setq new-obj (send new-cls :new))       ; create NEW-OBJ of NEW-CLS
(send new-obj :class)                    ; returns the NEW-CLS object
(send new-cls :class)                    ; returns the CLASS object

See the :class message selector in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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