Nyquist / XLISP 2.0  -  Contents | Tutorials | Examples | Reference


Type:   -   system constant
Source:   -   xlinit.c




The T system constant is built into XLISP. T represents 'true', as oppossed to NIL , representing 'false'.


(setq myvar T)                     ; set MYVAR to True
(setq myvar 'T)                    ; T and 'T both evaluate to T
(if t (print "this will print")    ; if, then, else
      (print "this won't print"))

Note: Be careful with the T value. It is possible to do a setq on T and set it to other values like NIL. Some operations will still return proper T or NIL values, but the system will be in a bad state.

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Nyquist / XLISP 2.0  -  Contents | Tutorials | Examples | Reference