/*--------------------------------*-C-*---------------------------------* * File: * fftn.h * ---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Re[]: real value array * Im[]: imaginary value array * nTotal: total number of complex values * nPass: number of elements involved in this pass of transform * nSpan: nspan/nPass = number of bytes to increment pointer * in Re[] and Im[] * isign: exponent: +1 = forward -1 = reverse * scaling: normalizing constant by which the final result is *divided* * scaling == -1, normalize by total dimension of the transform * scaling < -1, normalize by the square-root of the total dimension * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * See the comments in the code for correct usage! */ #ifndef _FFTN_H #define _FFTN_H extern void fft_free (void); /* double precision routine */ extern int fftn (int ndim, const int dims[], double Re[], double Im[], int isign, double scaling); /* float precision routine */ extern int fftnf (int ndim, const int dims[], float Re[], float Im[], int isign, double scaling); #endif /* _FFTN_H */