The Computer Music Project Software


Information about PortMusic


Aura is not available for general distribution, but you can read about Aura here. Send mail to Roger Dannenberg to get a copy of work in progress.


Nyquist is a sound synthesis and composition language based on a Lisp syntax. Nyquist is an elegant and powerful system based on functional programming.


Executables (v2.27)


Version 2.14 (older, but more tested than the latest release)

If you have problems getting Nyquist, please contact Roger Dannenberg ( 

CMU MIDI Toolkit

The CMU Midi Toolkit (CMT) is a collection of software for writing interactive MIDI software in C. CMT includes a number of handy utilities allong with an application "shell" that provides timing, scheduling, and MIDI interfaces that are portable across DOS, Mac, SGI, and Amiga platforms.

CMT is distributed by the CMU School of Computer Science. For $30 to cover our costs, we will send you 3.5" DS/DD disks (including executables and source code) and an 100 page manual. Please indicate your machine type. Checks should be payable to Carnegie Mellon University, and correspondence should be addressed to Roger Dannenberg, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA.

CMT runs on the following systems:

using the following compilers: Think C v5, Borland C++ v3, Turbo C++ for DOS v3, Microsoft C v7, Quick C v2.5, Lattice C v5 (Amiga), and Aztec C v5 (Amiga). (Amiga code is retained in the release but is no longer supported.)




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