/* Handle required apple events -EAD */ #include #include #include #include "macstuff.h" #include "MacCommandWin.h" #include "MacFileUtils.h" //#include "MiscellaneousUtilities.h" #define TEXTREC (*hTERec) // the command extern TEHandle hTERec; // window text record //========================================================================= // Handle quit apple event //========================================================================= pascal OSErr AEQuit (AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *theReply, long Refcon) { osfinish(); } //========================================================================= // Handle Open Document apple event by trying to load it. //========================================================================= extern xlload (char *, int, int); extern xlabort(char *); pascal OSErr AEOpenFiles(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *theReply, long Refcon) { AEDescList docList; AEKeyword keywd; DescType returnedType; Size actualSize; long itemsInList; FSSpec theSpec; CInfoPBRec pb; Str255 name; short i; if (AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList) != noErr) return; if (AECountItems (&docList, &itemsInList) != noErr) return; SetSelection (TEXTREC->teLength, TEXTREC->teLength); for (i = 1; i <= itemsInList; i++) { AEGetNthPtr (&docList, i, typeFSS, &keywd, &returnedType, (Ptr) &theSpec, sizeof(theSpec), &actualSize); GetFullPath(&theSpec, name); P2CStr(name); // was: pstrterm(name); if (xlload ((char *)name + 1, 1, 0) == 0) xlabort ("load error"); } macputs ("> "); PrepareForInput (); }