################################################################# # # Fissile specific functions. # # Author: Tim Hardeck (thardeck@suse.de), Dimitris Karakasilis (dkarakasilis@suse.com) # ################################################################ # # Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE Linux Products GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # ################################################################ DOCKERD_STARTED= recipe_setup_fissile() { TOPDIR="/usr/src/packages" mkdir -p "$BUILD_ROOT$TOPDIR/SOURCES" cp -R * $BUILD_ROOT$TOPDIR/SOURCES/ } recipe_prepare_fissile() { : } # Variables: # $BUILD_ROOT is the chroot # $TOPDIR/SOURCES includes the fissile sources # $TOPDIR/$DOCKERIMAGE_ROOT where docker will be called # $RECIPEFILE equals fissile.yml recipe_build_fissile() { touch $BUILD_ROOT/etc/resolv.conf docker_image_path=$(find containers -regextype egrep -regex ".*\.(tgz|tar|tar\.xz|tar\.gz)$" -print -quit) test -f "$docker_image_path" || cleanup_and_exit 1 "docker image not found" if ! $BUILD_DIR/startdockerd --root "$BUILD_ROOT"; then cleanup_and_exit 1 fi DOCKERD_STARTED=true echo "Loading docker image" if test -L "$docker_image_path" ; then # copy into build root cp -L "$docker_image_path" "$docker_image_path.lnk" mv "$docker_image_path.lnk" "$docker_image_path" fi # Inspect the content of the image to decide if this is a layered image # or a filesystem one. We need to know if we will "docker load" it or # "docker import" it. if tar -tf $docker_image_path | grep "^manifest.json" -q; then echo "Layered image found" chroot $BUILD_ROOT docker load --input $TOPDIR/SOURCES/$docker_image_path else # We allow more than one docker image dependencies so we can't map # the tarballs to image names (in fissile.yml). Let it break if the # images are not layered but consider some solution based on the tarball # names (TODO) cleanup_and_exit 1 "Docker images are not layered. No way to map to image name/tags." fi cd $BUILD_ROOT/$TOPDIR/SOURCES # Extract the release directory. if [ -f release.tar.xz ]; then tar -xf release.tar.xz else cleanup_and_exit 1 "Couldn't find the release source tarball. Check your _service file if you use one." fi # Move cached bosh tarballs to the directory where fissile will look export FISSILE_CACHE_DIR=/root/.bosh/cache/ mkdir -p $BUILD_ROOT$FISSILE_CACHE_DIR find . -maxdepth 1 -regextype posix-egrep -regex '.{40,}' -exec cp -t $BUILD_ROOT$FISSILE_CACHE_DIR {} + cd release # Extract cached release ymls to their locations. if [ -f ../yml-cache.tar.gz ]; then tar -xf ../yml-cache.tar.gz fi # TODO: Remove this hackery when we use a later runc package (that already provides this symlink) ln -fs /usr/sbin/runc $BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/docker-runc echo "Building packages with fissile" if ! chroot $BUILD_ROOT /bin/bash -c "cd $TOPDIR/SOURCES/release && . .envrc && fissile build packages --docker-network-mode host"; then cleanup_and_exit 1 "fissile build packages failed" fi echo "Building images with fissile" if ! chroot $BUILD_ROOT /bin/bash -c "cd $TOPDIR/SOURCES/release && . .envrc && fissile build images"; then cleanup_and_exit 1 "fissile build images failed" fi # Save the resulting images to tarballs. mkdir -p $BUILD_ROOT$TOPDIR/FISSILE non_built_images=$(perl -MYAML::XS -e "print join('|', @{YAML::XS::LoadFile('$BUILD_ROOT$TOPDIR/SOURCES/fissile.yml')->{'DockerImageDeps'}})") for image in $(chroot $BUILD_ROOT docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | grep -v $non_built_images); do echo "Saving image $image" filename=$(echo $image | sed 's/\//_/g') if ! chroot $BUILD_ROOT docker save --output "$TOPDIR/FISSILE/$filename.tar" "$image" ; then cleanup_and_exit 1 "Docker save command failed" fi # Create containerinfo args=() test -n "$DISTURL" && args=("${args[@]}" --disturl "$DISTURL") test -n "$RELEASE" && args=("${args[@]}" --release "$RELEASE") perl -I$BUILD_DIR -MBuild::Docker -e Build::Docker::showcontainerinfo -- "${args[@]}" '' "$filename.tar" "$image" containers/annotation > "$BUILD_ROOT$TOPDIR/FISSILE/$filename.containerinfo" done recipe_cleanup_fissile BUILD_SUCCEEDED=true } recipe_resultdirs_fissile() { echo FISSILE } recipe_cleanup_fissile() { if test -n "$DOCKERD_STARTED" ; then DOCKERD_STARTED= $BUILD_DIR/startdockerd --root "$BUILD_ROOT" --kill fi } # Local Variables: # mode: Shell-script # End: