# # z/VM specific functions # # (C) 2014 SUSE, Inc # # z/VM: use default kernel image from local machine # lets go with the default parameters. However zvm_initrd will be a required parameter #zvm_kernel=/boot/image #zvm_initrd=/boot/initrd_worker zvm_param="root=/dev/disk/by-path/ccw-0.0.0150-part1 hvc_iucv=8 console=hvc0" zvm_mult_pass="THR4ME" zvm_init_script="/.build/build" ####################################################################################### # this once was in zvm_functions zvm_fatal() { echo "$1" test -n "$ZVM_CLEANUP" && exit 1 cleanup_and_exit 1 } prevent_detach() { if test "$1" = "150" -o "$1" = "0150"; then zvm_fatal "don't detach local root" fi } zvm_memset() { # defining the worker also resets the operating system. Be careful # $1: user name # $2: amount in MB # Note, that this is also limited by the worker definition in the user directory if test -n "$2"; then if ! vmcp send $1 define storage ${2}M ; then zvm_fatal "Could not redefine storage of $1 to ${2}M" fi fi } zvm_logon() { # kill machine if it already runs # autolog machine # Needs machine name as $1 if test -n "$1" ; then if $(vmcp q "$1" >& /dev/null) ; then vmcp force $1 sleep 1 fi if ! $(vmcp q "$1" >& /dev/null) ; then if ! $(vmcp xautolog $1 >& /dev/null) ; then zvm_fatal "Could not start machine $1. Is $1 defined in the user directory?" else # give the worker a moment to initialize sleep 2 zvm_memset $1 $VM_MEMSIZE sleep 2 fi fi fi } zvm_ipl() { # IPL worker. Needs user as $1 and ipl device as $2. if test -n "$1" -a -n "$2" ; then if ! $(vmcp q "$1" >& /dev/null); then zvm_fatal "User $1 not logged on." else if ! $(vmcp send $1 ipl $2); then zvm_fatal "Could not send command to $1" fi fi else zvm_fatal "Not enough arguments for ipl. Need user and device number." fi } zvm_destroy() { # Destroy build. Done by killing the worker machine. # needs user as $1 if test -n "$1"; then if ! $(vmcp force $1 ) ; then zvm_fatal "Could not force $1" fi fi } zvm_get_local_devnr() { # $1 is base address, either 150 or 250 # $2 is worker number # there is room for up to 100 workers for this controlling guest, however in our setup I expect only up to 10 workers. #echo "Debug: zvm_get_local_devnr: arg1: $1 arg2: $2" if test "$2" -ge 100 ; then zvm_fatal "Not more than 100 workers supported by one controlling guest." fi if test "$1" = "0150" -o "$1" = "150" ; then DEVNR=$((300+$2)) else if test "$1" = "0250" -o "$1" = "250" ; then DEVNR=$((400+$2)) else zvm_fatal "The disk devices for root and swap must be 150 and 250 respectively." fi fi echo $DEVNR } zvm_volume_link_local() { # attach worker disk to local system as preparation for # a) prepare worker for build # b) get rpms of the swap disk after build finished # disk must be detached from worker first # The following arguments are needed: # 1. Worker user name # 2. Worker disk device number # 3. Mult password for the disk # 4. Worker number to generate a uniq local device number if test -n "$4"; then DEVNR=$(zvm_get_local_devnr $2 $4) if ! vmcp link $1 $2 $DEVNR MW pass=THR4ME >& /dev/null ; then zvm_fatal "Could not link disk $2 from user $1 to local device $DEVNR." fi dasd_configure 0.0.0$DEVNR 1 0 >& /dev/null udevadm settle DEVICE=$(ls /sys/bus/ccw/devices/0.0.0$DEVNR/block/) if ! test -b /dev/${DEVICE}1 ; then zvm_fatal "The device /sys/bus/ccw/devices/0.0.0$DEVNR has not been setup correctly." fi echo "${DEVICE}1" else zvm_fatal "Not enough arguments given to volume_link_local." fi } zvm_volume_detach_local() { # we need # 1. worker device number # 2. worker number DEVNR=$(zvm_get_local_devnr $1 $2) prevent_detach $DEVNR dasd_configure 0.0.0$DEVNR 0 0 if ! vmcp detach $DEVNR >& /dev/null ; then zvm_fatal "Could not locally detach disk number $1 from worker $2" fi } zvm_volume_attach() { # link the local disk of the worker # $1: user name # $2: disk device number # send link * nr nr if ! vmcp send $1 link \* $2 $2 ; then zvm_fatal "Could not link remote worker disk number $2 from user $1" fi } zvm_volume_detach() { # send machine detach nr # $1: user name # $2: disk if ! vmcp send $1 detach $2 ; then zvm_fatal "Could not detach disk $2 on worker $1" fi } zvm_worker_init() { # 1. Worker user name # 2. Worker root device number # 3. Worker swap device number # 4. Worker number to generate a uniq local device number # Check for: # - still mounted dasd # - configured dasd # - linked dasd # - reset worker with force and autolog DEVNR_ROOT=$(zvm_get_local_devnr $2 $4) DEVNR_SWAP=$(zvm_get_local_devnr $3 $4) # First, check for mounts: for DEVNR in $DEVNR_ROOT $DEVNR_SWAP ; do if test -d /sys/bus/ccw/devices/0.0.0$DEVNR/block ; then DEV=$(ls /sys/bus/ccw/devices/0.0.0$DEVNR/block/) echo "Found device of worker $1 available at $DEVNR, device is /dev/$DEV." grep "/dev/$DEV" /proc/mounts >& /dev/null && umount /dev/${DEV}1 fi done # Second, check if devices are online for DEVNR in $DEVNR_ROOT $DEVNR_SWAP ; do lsdasd $DEVNR | grep $DEVNR && dasd_configure 0.0.0$DEVNR 0 0 done # Third, remove stale links for DEVNR in $DEVNR_ROOT $DEVNR_SWAP ; do prevent_detach $DEVNR if vmcp q v $DEVNR 2> /dev/null ; then vmcp detach $DEVNR fi done # Fourth, reset worker zvm_logon $1 } zvm_cp() { modprobe vmcp || zvm_fatal "Cannod load vmcp module" if test -n "$1" ; then case "$1" in start) shift ; zvm_logon "$@" ;; ipl) shift ; zvm_ipl "$@" ;; destroy) shift ; zvm_destroy "$@" ;; volume_attach) shift ; zvm_volume_attach "$@" ;; volume_detach) shift ; zvm_volume_detach "$@" ;; volume_link_local) shift ; zvm_volume_link_local "$@" ;; volume_detach_local) shift ; zvm_volume_detach_local "$@" ;; memset) shift ; zvm_memset "$@" ;; worker_init) shift ; zvm_worker_init "$@" ;; esac fi } ####################################################################################### vm_verify_options_zvm() { VM_IMAGE=/dev/dasda1 VM_SWAP=/dev/dasdb1 VM_SWAPDEV=/dev/dasdb1 # in the vm if test -z "$VM_VOLUME_ROOT" ; then if test -n "$BUILD_ROOT" -a ${#BUILD_ROOT} -le 4 ; then VM_VOLUME_ROOT="$BUILD_ROOT" else VM_VOLUME_ROOT="0150" fi fi # In z/VM, this is a 4 digit hex number instead of a linux device. # This is the swap disk defined in user direct # This number can be given with the parameter --swap NR. if test -z "$VM_VOLUME_SWAP" ; then if test -n "$VM_SWAP" -a ${#VM_SWAP} -le 4 ; then VM_VOLUME_SWAP="$VM_SWAP" else VM_VOLUME_SWAP="0250" fi fi # z/VM guest name that is already defined in z/VM if test -z "$VM_WORKER" ; then echo "ERROR: No z/VM worker id specified" cleanup_and_exit 3 fi if test -z "$VM_WORKER_NR" ; then echo "ERROR: No z/VM worker number specified" cleanup_and_exit 3 fi # need the name for a kernel in zvm if test -n "$VM_KERNEL" ; then vm_kernel="$VM_KERNEL" elif test -e "/boot/vmlinux.gz" ; then vm_kernel="/boot/vmlinux.gz" else echo "ERROR: No z/VM kernel specified" cleanup_and_exit 3 fi # need the name for an initrd in zvm # this normally will not be the local initrd if test -n "$VM_INITRD" ; then vm_initrd="$VM_INITRD" else echo "ERROR: No z/VM initrd specified" cleanup_and_exit 3 fi zvm_cp worker_init $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_ROOT $VM_VOLUME_SWAP $VM_WORKER_NR zvm_cp volume_detach $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_ROOT zvm_cp volume_detach $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_SWAP } vm_startup_zvm() { # link root/swap to the worker zvm_cp volume_attach $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_ROOT zvm_cp volume_attach $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_SWAP zvm_cp ipl $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_ROOT # start IUCV Console # IPL needs some time until IPL really starts... sleep 2 # start iucv console. This blocks until build process is finished. iucvconn $VM_WORKER lnxhvc0 # sleep some time before taking root and swap devices from worker # This might be critical regarding timing (IUCV_CONSOLE down, but machine still running) sleep 5 zvm_cp volume_detach $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_ROOT zvm_cp volume_detach $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_SWAP } vm_kill_zvm() { if vmcp q "$VM_WORKER" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if ! zvm_cp destroy $VM_WORKER ; then echo "could not kill zvm worker $VM_WORKER" cleanup_and_exit 1 fi fi } vm_fixup_zvm() { # initrd is created in obsstoragesetup. # If it is desired to use a project dependent kernel, use make_guestinitrd from zvm_functions. # have to copy kernel/initrd and run zipl to be able to IPL # have to set init_script before unmounting, thus doing it statically for now. zvm_init_script="/.build/build" mkdir -p $BUILD_ROOT/boot cp $vm_kernel $vm_initrd $BUILD_ROOT/boot mkdir -p $BUILD_ROOT/boot/zipl # finally, install bootloader to the worker disk zipl -t $BUILD_ROOT/boot/zipl -i ${BUILD_ROOT}${vm_kernel} -r ${BUILD_ROOT}${vm_initrd} \ --parameters "${zvm_param} init=$zvm_init_script rootfsopts=noatime" } vm_attach_root_zvm() { VM_IMAGE=$(ZVM_CLEANUP=1 zvm_cp volume_link_local $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_ROOT $zvm_mult_pass $VM_WORKER_NR ) if test "${VM_IMAGE}" = "${VM_IMAGE#dasd}" ; then echo "did not get a real device for VM_IMAGE: $VM_IMAGE" cleanup_and_exit 3 fi VM_IMAGE="/dev/$VM_IMAGE" } vm_attach_swap_zvm() { VM_SWAP=$(ZVM_CLEANUP=1 zvm_cp volume_link_local $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_SWAP $zvm_mult_pass $VM_WORKER_NR ) if test "${VM_SWAP}" = "${VM_SWAP#dasd}" ; then echo "did not get a real device for VM_SWAP: $VM_SWAP" cleanup_and_exit 3 fi VM_SWAP="/dev/$VM_SWAP" } vm_detach_root_zvm () { zvm_cp volume_detach_local $VM_VOLUME_ROOT $VM_WORKER_NR } vm_detach_swap_zvm() { zvm_cp volume_detach_local $VM_VOLUME_SWAP $VM_WORKER_NR } vm_cleanup_zvm() { if test -n "$VM_WORKER" -a -n "$VM_WORKER_NR" -a -n "$VM_VOLUME_ROOT" -a -n "$VM_VOLUME_SWAP" ; then ZVM_CLEANUP=1 (zvm_cp volume_detach $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_ROOT >/dev/null 2>&1) (zvm_cp volume_detach $VM_WORKER $VM_VOLUME_SWAP >/dev/null 2>&1) (zvm_cp volume_detach_local $VM_VOLUME_ROOT $VM_WORKER_NR >/dev/null 2>&1) (zvm_cp volume_detach_local $VM_VOLUME_SWAP $VM_WORKER_NR >/dev/null 2>&1) fi }