#!/usr/bin/perl # dead-simple HTTP server # serves current directory on localhost:80 use Socket; use POSIX; use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); use strict; $| = 1; my ($build_root, $dir) = @ARGV; if (defined($build_root)) { chroot($build_root) || die("chroot $build_root: $!\n"); chdir('/') || die("chdir /: $!\n"); } if (defined($dir)) { chdir($dir) || die("chdir $dir: $!\n"); } my $tcpproto = getprotobyname('tcp'); my $acceptsock; socket($acceptsock , PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcpproto) || die "socket: $!\n"; setsockopt($acceptsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l",1)); bind($acceptsock, sockaddr_in(80, inet_aton(''))) || die "bind: $!\n"; listen($acceptsock , 512) || die "listen: $!\n"; my $sock; my $status; sub reply { my ($str, @hdrs) = @_; if (@hdrs && $hdrs[0] =~ /^status: ((\d+).*)/i) { $status = $2; $hdrs[0] = "HTTP/1.1 $1"; $hdrs[0] =~ s/:/ /g; } else { $status = 200; unshift @hdrs, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"; } push @hdrs, "Cache-Control: no-cache"; push @hdrs, "Connection: close"; push @hdrs, "Content-Length: ".length($str) if defined($str); my $data = join("\r\n", @hdrs)."\r\n\r\n"; $data .= $str if defined $str; fcntl($sock, F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK); my $dummy = ''; 1 while sysread($sock, $dummy, 1024, 0); fcntl($sock, F_SETFL,0); my $l; while (length($data)) { $l = syswrite($sock, $data, length($data)); die("write error: $!\n") unless $l; $data = substr($data, $l); } } sub reply_error { my ($errstr) = @_; my $code = 400; my $tag = 'Error'; if ($errstr =~ /^(\d+)\s+([^\r\n]*)/) { $code = $1; $tag = $2; } elsif ($errstr =~ /^([^\r\n]+)/) { $tag = $1; } reply("$errstr\n", "Status: $code $tag", 'Content-Type: text/plain'); } sub readrequest { my $qu = ''; my $request; while (1) { if ($qu =~ /^(.*?)\r?\n/s) { $request = $1; last; } die($qu eq '' ? "empty query\n" : "received truncated query\n") if !sysread($sock, $qu, 1024, length($qu)); } my ($act, $path, $vers, undef) = split(' ', $request, 4); die("400 No method name\n") if !$act; if ($vers) { die("501 Unsupported method: $act\n") if $act ne 'GET' && $act ne 'HEAD'; # read in all headers while ($qu !~ /^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)$/s) { die("501 received truncated query\n") if !sysread($sock, $qu, 1024, length($qu)); } $qu =~ /^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)$/s; # redo regexp to work around perl bug $qu = $2; } else { die("501 Bad method, must be GET\n") if $act ne 'GET'; $qu = ''; } my $query_string = ''; if ($path =~ /^(.*?)\?(.*)$/) { $path = $1; $query_string = $2; } $path =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; # unescape path die("501 invalid path\n") unless $path =~ /^\//s; # forbid relative paths die("501 invalid path\n") if $path =~ /\0/s; # do simple path substitutions while (1) { next if $path =~ s!//!/!; next if $path =~ s!/\.(?:/|$)!/!; next if $path =~ s!/[^/]+/..(?:/|$)!/!; next if $path =~ s!/..(?:/|$)!/!; last; } return ($path, $query_string, $qu); } sub escape { my ($d) = @_; $d =~ s/&/&/sg; $d =~ s//>/sg; $d =~ s/"/"/sg; return $d; } while (1) { my $peeraddr = accept($sock, $acceptsock); next unless $peeraddr; my $pid = fork(); last if defined($pid) && !$pid; close $sock; 1 while waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG) > 0; } close($acceptsock); my $path = '?'; eval { ($path) = readrequest(); my $lpath = ".$path"; if (-d $lpath) { if ($path !~ /\/$/) { my $rpath = "$path/"; $rpath =~ s/([\000-\040<>;\"#\?&\+=%[\177-\377])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/sge; ; reply('', 'Status: 301 Moved Permanently', "Location: $rpath"); } else { my %d; my $dir; if (opendir($dir, $lpath)) { %d = map {$_ => 1} readdir($dir); closedir($dir); } delete $d{'.'}; delete $d{'..'}; my $body = "\n"; $body .= "Directory listing for ".escape($path)."\n"; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "

Directory listing for ".escape($path)."

\n"; $body .= "
\n\n\n"; reply($body, 'Content-type: text/html'); } } elsif (-e _) { my $f; open($f, '<', $lpath) || die("500 $lpath: $!\n"); my @s = stat($f); die("stat: $!\n") unless @s; my $l = $s[7]; reply(undef, "Content-Length: $l", 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); my $data; while (1) { last unless $l; my $r = sysread($f, $data, 8192); $data = substr($data, 0, $l) if length($data) > $l; $l -= length($data); while (length($data)) { my $l2 = syswrite($sock, $data, length($data)); die("socket write: $!\n") unless $l2; $data = substr($data, $l2); } } close($f); } else { die("404 File not found\n"); } }; reply_error($@) if $@; close $sock; print "[$status $path]";