#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { unshift @INC, ($::ENV{'BUILD_DIR'} || '/usr/lib/build'); } use strict; use Build; my ($dist, $archs, $configdir, $debug, $type, $argument); while (@ARGV) { if ($ARGV[0] eq '--dist') { shift @ARGV; $dist = shift @ARGV; next; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--archpath') { shift @ARGV; $archs = shift @ARGV; next; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--configdir') { shift @ARGV; $configdir = shift @ARGV; next; } elsif (defined($type)) { $argument = shift @ARGV; } else { $type = shift @ARGV; } } my $cf = Build::read_config_dist($dist, $archs, $configdir); die("Unable to read config\n") unless $cf; if ($type eq 'buildflags') { die("Specify which buildflag to query\n") unless $argument; my $result = $cf->{"buildflags:$argument"}; print "$result\n" if defined $result; } elsif ($type eq 'target' || $type eq 'binarytype' || $type eq 'rawmacros') { my $cf = Build::read_config_dist($dist, $archs, $configdir); print "$cf->{$type}\n" if $cf->{$type}; } else { die("unsupported query type: $type\n"); } exit(0);