path: root/src/protocol/oBus_property.mli
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1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_property.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_property.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6b905a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_property.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ * oBus_property.mli
+ * -----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus properties *)
+(** {6 Types} *)
+type ('a, 'access) t
+ (** Type of a property holding a value of type ['a]. ['access] is
+ the access mode of the property. *)
+type 'a r = ('a, [ `readable ]) t
+ (** Type of read-only properties *)
+type 'a w = ('a, [ `writable ]) t
+ (** Type of write-only properties *)
+type 'a rw = ('a, [ `readable | `writable ]) t
+ (** Type of read and write properties *)
+type map = (OBus_context.t * OBus_value.V.single) Map.Make(String).t
+ (** Type of all properties of an interface. *)
+type group
+ (** Type of a group of properties. Property groups are used to
+ read/monitor all the properties of an interface. *)
+type monitor = OBus_proxy.t -> OBus_name.interface -> Lwt_switch.t -> map React.signal Lwt.t
+ (** Type of a function creating a signal holding the contents of all
+ the properties of an interface. The default monitor uses the
+ [org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged] signal. *)
+(** {6 Properties creation} *)
+val make : ?monitor : monitor -> ('a, 'access) OBus_member.Property.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> ('a, 'access) t
+ (** [make ?monitor property proxy] returns the property object for
+ this proxy. *)
+val group : ?monitor : monitor -> OBus_proxy.t -> OBus_name.interface -> group
+ (** [group ?monitor proxy interface] creates a group for all
+ readable properties of the given interface. Note that it is
+ faster to read a group of properties rather than reading each
+ property individually. *)
+(** {6 Properties transformation} *)
+val map_rw : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'a rw -> 'b rw
+ (** [map property f g] maps [property] with [f] and [g] *)
+val map_rw_with_context : (OBus_context.t -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'a rw -> 'b rw
+ (** Same as {!map} except that the context is also passed to mapping
+ functions. *)
+val map_r : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'b r
+ (** Maps a read-only property. *)
+val map_r_with_context : (OBus_context.t -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'b r
+ (** Maps a read-only property, passing the context to the mapping
+ function *)
+val map_w : ('b -> 'a) -> ('a, [> `writable ]) t -> 'b w
+ (** Maps a write-only property. *)
+(** {6 Operations on properties} *)
+val get : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'a Lwt.t
+ (** Read the contents of a property. *)
+val get_with_context : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> (OBus_context.t * 'a) Lwt.t
+ (** Same as {!get} but also returns the context *)
+val set : ('a, [> `writable ]) t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Write the contents of a property *)
+val get_group : group -> map Lwt.t
+ (** Returns the set of all properties that belong to the given
+ group. *)
+(** {6 Operations on property maps} *)
+val find_value : OBus_name.member -> map -> OBus_value.V.single
+ (** [find_value name map] returns the value associated to [name] in
+ [set]. It raises [Not_found] if [name] is not in [map]. *)
+val find_value_with_context : OBus_name.member -> map -> OBus_context.t * OBus_value.V.single
+ (** Same as {!find_value} but also returns the context in which the
+ property was received. *)
+val find : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> map -> 'a
+ (** [find property map] looks up for the given property in [set] and
+ maps it to a value of type ['a]. It raises [Not_found] if
+ [property] does not belong to [map]. *)
+val find_with_context : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> map -> OBus_context.t * 'a
+ (** Same as {!find} but also returns the context in which the
+ property was received. *)
+val print_map : Format.formatter -> map -> unit
+ (** [print_set pp map] prints all the properties of [map]. *)
+val string_of_map : map -> string
+ (** [string_of_set set] prints [set] into a string and returns it. *)
+(** {6 Monitoring} *)
+(** Lots of D-Bus services notify other applications with a D-Bus
+ signal when one or more properties of an object change. In this
+ case it is possible to monitor the contents of a property.
+ Note that when at least one property of an interface is monitored,
+ obus will keep a local state of all the properties of the
+ interface.
+val monitor : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'a React.signal Lwt.t
+ (** [monitor ?switch property] returns the signal holding the
+ current contents of [property]. Raises [Failure] if the property
+ is not monitorable.
+ Resources allocated to monitor the property are automatically
+ freed when the signal is garbage collected *)
+val monitor_group : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> group -> map React.signal Lwt.t
+ (** [monitor_group ?switch group] monitors all properties of the
+ given group. *)
+(** {6 Helpers for custom monitors} *)
+val get_all_no_cache : OBus_proxy.t -> OBus_name.interface -> (OBus_context.t * (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list) Lwt.t
+ (** [get_all_no_cache proxy interface] reads the value of all
+ properties without using the cache. *)
+val update_map : OBus_context.t -> (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list -> map -> map
+ (** [update_map context values map] add all properties with their
+ context and value to [map]. *)
+val map_of_list : OBus_context.t -> (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list -> map
+ (** [map_of_list context values] returns the map corresponding to
+ the given values and context. *)