path: root/src/protocol
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/protocol')
47 files changed, 9642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/protocol/dune b/src/protocol/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7a9ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ (name obus)
+ (public_name obus)
+ (wrapped false)
+ (synopsis "Pure Ocaml implementation of the D-Bus protocol")
+ (libraries lwt.unix lwt_log lwt_react xmlm obus.internals)
+ (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx ppx_obus)))
+(ocamllex oBus_address_lexer oBus_match_rule_lexer)
+ (targets oBus_interfaces.mli)
+ (deps oBus_interfaces.obus)
+ (action
+ (run obus-gen-interface -keep-common -o oBus_interfaces %{deps})))
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9f526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ *
+ * ---------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(address)"
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Types |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type guid = OBus_uuid.t
+type t = {
+ name : string;
+ args : (string * string) list;
+let name a =
+let args a = a.args
+let make ~name ~args = { name = name; args = args }
+let arg arg address =
+ OBus_util.assoc arg address.args
+let guid address =
+ match OBus_util.assoc "guid" address.args with
+ | Some guid -> Some(OBus_uuid.of_string guid)
+ | None -> None
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Parsing/marshaling |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+exception Parse_failure of string * int * string
+let () =
+ Printexc.register_printer
+ (function
+ | Parse_failure(str, pos, msg) ->
+ Some(Printf.sprintf "failed to parse D-Bus addresses %S, at position %d: %s" str pos msg)
+ | _ ->
+ None)
+let of_string str =
+ try
+ (fun (name, args) -> { name = name; args = args })
+ (OBus_address_lexer.addresses (Lexing.from_string str))
+ with OBus_address_lexer.Fail(pos, msg) ->
+ raise (Parse_failure(str, pos, msg))
+let to_string l =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
+ let escape = String.iter begin fun ch -> match ch with
+ | '0'..'9' | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z'
+ | '_' | '-' | '/' | '.' | '\\' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf ch
+ | _ ->
+ Printf.bprintf buf "%%%02x" (Char.code ch)
+ end in
+ let concat ch f = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | x :: l -> f x; List.iter (fun x -> Buffer.add_char buf ch; f x) l
+ in
+ concat ';' begin fun { name = name; args = args } ->
+ Buffer.add_string buf name;
+ Buffer.add_char buf ':';
+ concat ','
+ (fun (k, v) ->
+ Buffer.add_string buf k;
+ Buffer.add_char buf '=';
+ escape v)
+ args
+ end l;
+ Buffer.contents buf
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Well known addresses |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let system_bus_variable = "DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS"
+let session_bus_variable = "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"
+let xdg_runtime_dir_variable = "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"
+let default_system = [{ name = "unix"; args = [("path", "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket")] }]
+let default_session = [{ name = "autolaunch"; args = [] }]
+let system = lazy(
+ match try Some (Sys.getenv system_bus_variable) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some str ->
+ Lwt.return (of_string str)
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.info_f ~section "environment variable %s not found, using internal default" system_bus_variable in
+ Lwt.return default_system
+let xdg_fallback_session () =
+ match try Some (Sys.getenv xdg_runtime_dir_variable) with | Not_found -> None with
+ | None ->
+ Lwt.return_none
+ | Some path ->
+ Lwt.catch (fun () ->
+ let sock_path = Filename.concat path "bus" in
+ let%lwt stat = Lwt_unix.stat sock_path in
+ let uid = Unix.getuid () in
+ if stat.st_uid = uid && stat.st_kind = Lwt_unix.S_SOCK
+ then Lwt.return_some [{ name = "unix"; args = [("path", sock_path)] }]
+ else Lwt.return_none)
+ (fun _ -> Lwt.return_none)
+let session = lazy(
+ match try Some(Sys.getenv session_bus_variable) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some line ->
+ Lwt.return (of_string line)
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.info_f ~section "environment variable %s not found, trying XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus" session_bus_variable in
+ let%lwt xdg_session = xdg_fallback_session () in
+ match xdg_session with
+ | Some session ->
+ Lwt.return session
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.info_f ~section "failed to connect to %s/bus, trying to get session bus address from launchd" xdg_runtime_dir_variable in
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt path = Lwt_process.pread_line ("launchctl", [|"launchctl"; "getenv"; "DBUS_LAUNCHD_SESSION_BUS_SOCKET"|]) in
+ Lwt.return [{ name = "unix"; args = [("path", path)] }]
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.info_f ~exn ~section "failed to get session bus address from launchd, using internal default" in
+ Lwt.return default_session
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_address.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_address.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9062b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_address.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * oBus_address.mli
+ * ----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Manipulation of D-Bus addresses *)
+(** {6 Types} *)
+type guid = OBus_uuid.t
+ (** A unique address identifier. Each server's listening address
+ has a unique one. *)
+(** Type of an address *)
+type t = {
+ name : string;
+ (** The transport name *)
+ args : (string * string) list;
+ (** Arguments of the address *)
+val name : t -> string
+ (** [name] projection *)
+val args : t -> (string * string) list
+ (** [args] Projection *)
+val make : name : string -> args : (string * string) list -> t
+ (** Creates an address *)
+val arg : string -> t -> string option
+ (** [arg key address] returns the value of argument [key], if any *)
+val guid : t -> guid option
+ (** Returns the address guid, if any *)
+(** {6 To/from string conversion} *)
+exception Parse_failure of string * int * string
+ (** [Parse_failure(string, position, reason)] exception raised when
+ parsing a string failed. *)
+val of_string : string -> t list
+ (** [of_string str] parse [str] and return the list of addresses
+ defined in it.
+ @raise Parse_failure if the string contains an invalid address
+ *)
+val to_string : t list -> string
+ (** [to_string addresses] return a string representation of a list
+ of addresses *)
+(** {6 Well-known addresses} *)
+val system : t list Lwt.t Lazy.t
+ (** The list of addresses for system bus *)
+val session : t list Lwt.t Lazy.t
+ (** The list of addresses for session bus *)
+val default_system : t list
+ (** The default addresses for the system bus *)
+val default_session : t list
+ (** The default addresses for the session bus *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_address_lexer.mll b/src/protocol/oBus_address_lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db0a666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_address_lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * oBus_address_lexer.mll
+ * ----------------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2009, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+ exception Fail of int * string
+ let pos lexbuf = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p.Lexing.pos_cnum
+ let fail lexbuf fmt =
+ Printf.ksprintf
+ (fun msg -> raise (Fail(pos lexbuf, msg)))
+ fmt
+let name = [^ ':' ',' ';' '=']+
+rule addresses = parse
+ | eof { [] }
+ | "" { address_plus lexbuf }
+and address_plus = parse
+ | name as name {
+ check_colon lexbuf;
+ let parameters = parameters lexbuf in
+ if semi_colon lexbuf then
+ (name, parameters) :: address_plus lexbuf
+ else begin
+ check_eof lexbuf;
+ [(name, parameters)]
+ end
+ }
+ | ":" {
+ fail lexbuf "empty transport name"
+ }
+ | eof {
+ fail lexbuf "address expected"
+ }
+and semi_colon = parse
+ | ";" { true }
+ | "" { false }
+and check_eof = parse
+ | eof { () }
+ | _ as ch { fail lexbuf "invalid character %C" ch }
+and check_colon = parse
+ | ":" { () }
+ | "" { fail lexbuf "colon expected after transport name" }
+and parameters = parse
+ | name as key {
+ check_equal lexbuf;
+ let value = value (Buffer.create 42) lexbuf in
+ if coma lexbuf then
+ (key, value) :: parameters_plus lexbuf
+ else
+ [(key, value)]
+ }
+ | "=" { fail lexbuf "empty key" }
+ | "" { [] }
+and parameters_plus = parse
+ | name as key {
+ check_equal lexbuf;
+ let value = value (Buffer.create 42) lexbuf in
+ if coma lexbuf then
+ (key, value) :: parameters_plus lexbuf
+ else
+ [(key, value)]
+ }
+ | "=" { fail lexbuf "empty key" }
+ | "" { fail lexbuf "parameter expected" }
+and coma = parse
+ | "," { true }
+ | "" { false }
+and check_equal = parse
+ | "=" { () }
+ | "" { fail lexbuf "equal expected after key" }
+and value buf = parse
+ | [ '0'-'9' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '-' '/' '.' '\\' ] as ch {
+ Buffer.add_char buf ch;
+ value buf lexbuf
+ }
+ | "%" {
+ Buffer.add_string buf (unescape lexbuf);
+ value buf lexbuf
+ }
+ | "" {
+ Buffer.contents buf
+ }
+and unescape = parse
+ | [ '0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F' ] [ '0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F' ] as str
+ { OBus_util.hex_decode str }
+ | ""
+ { failwith "two hexdigits expected after '%'" }
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bce780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+ *
+ * ------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(auth)"
+open Printf
+open Lwt.Infix
+type capability = [ `Unix_fd ]
+let capabilities = [`Unix_fd]
+(* Maximum line length, if line greated are received, authentication
+ will fail *)
+let max_line_length = 42 * 1024
+(* Maximum number of reject, if a client is rejected more than that,
+ authentication will fail *)
+let max_reject = 42
+exception Auth_failure of string
+let auth_failure fmt = ksprintf (fun msg -> (Auth_failure msg)) fmt
+let () =
+ Printexc.register_printer
+ (function
+ | Auth_failure msg ->
+ Some(Printf.sprintf "D-Bus authentication failed: %s" msg)
+ | _ ->
+ None)
+let hex_encode = OBus_util.hex_encode
+let hex_decode str =
+ try
+ OBus_util.hex_decode str
+ with
+ | Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "invalid hex-encoded data"
+type data = string
+type client_command =
+ | Client_auth of (string * data option) option
+ | Client_cancel
+ | Client_begin
+ | Client_data of data
+ | Client_error of string
+ | Client_negotiate_unix_fd
+type server_command =
+ | Server_rejected of string list
+ | Server_ok of OBus_address.guid
+ | Server_data of data
+ | Server_error of string
+ | Server_agree_unix_fd
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Keyring for the SHA-1 method |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module Cookie =
+ type t = {
+ id : int32;
+ time : int64;
+ cookie : string;
+ }
+ let id c =
+ let time c = c.time
+ let cookie c = c.cookie
+module Keyring : sig
+ type context = string
+ (** A context for the SHA-1 method *)
+ val load : context -> Cookie.t list Lwt.t
+ (** [load context] load all cookies for context [context] *)
+ val save : context -> Cookie.t list -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [save context cookies] save all cookies with context
+ [context] *)
+end = struct
+ type context = string
+ let keyring_directory = lazy(
+ let%lwt homedir = Lazy.force OBus_util.homedir in
+ Lwt.return (Filename.concat homedir ".dbus-keyrings")
+ )
+ let keyring_file_name context =
+ let%lwt dir = Lazy.force keyring_directory in
+ Lwt.return (Filename.concat dir context)
+ let parse_line line =
+ Scanf.sscanf line "%ld %Ld %[a-fA-F0-9]"
+ (fun id time cookie -> { = id;
+ Cookie.time = time;
+ Cookie.cookie = cookie })
+ let print_line cookie =
+ sprintf "%ld %Ld %s" ( cookie) (Cookie.time cookie) (Cookie.cookie cookie)
+ let load context =
+ let%lwt fname = keyring_file_name context in
+ if Sys.file_exists fname then
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_stream.get_while (fun _ -> true) ( parse_line (Lwt_io.lines_of_file fname))
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt fname = keyring_file_name context in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~exn ~section "failed to load cookie file %s" fname in
+ exn
+ else
+ Lwt.return []
+ let lock_file fname =
+ let really_lock () =
+ Lwt_unix.openfile fname
+ [Unix.O_WRONLY;
+ Unix.O_EXCL;
+ Unix.O_CREAT] 0o600
+ >>= Lwt_unix.close
+ in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | 0 ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.unlink fname in
+ Lwt_log.info_f ~section "stale lock file %s removed" fname
+ with Unix.Unix_error(error, _, _) as exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~section "failed to remove stale lock file %s: %s" fname (Unix.error_message error) in
+ exn
+ in
+ (try%lwt
+ really_lock ()
+ with Unix.Unix_error(error, _, _) as exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~section "failed to lock file %s after removing it: %s" fname (Unix.error_message error) in
+ exn)
+ | n ->
+ try%lwt
+ really_lock ()
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.info_f ~section "waiting for lock file (%d) %s" n fname in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.250 in
+ aux (n - 1)
+ in
+ aux 32
+ let unlock_file fname =
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_unix.unlink fname
+ with Unix.Unix_error(error, _, _) as exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~section "failed to unlink file %s: %s" fname (Unix.error_message error) in
+ exn
+ let save context cookies =
+ let%lwt fname = keyring_file_name context in
+ let tmp_fname = fname ^ "." ^ hex_encode (OBus_util.random_string 8) in
+ let lock_fname = fname ^ ".lock" in
+ let%lwt dir = Lazy.force keyring_directory in
+ let%lwt () =
+ (* Check that the keyring directory exists, or create it *)
+ if not (Sys.file_exists dir) then begin
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_unix.mkdir dir 0o700
+ with Unix.Unix_error(error, _, _) as exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~section "failed to create directory %s with permissions 0600: %s" dir (Unix.error_message error) in
+ exn
+ end else
+ Lwt.return ()
+ in
+ let%lwt () = lock_file lock_fname in begin
+ let%lwt () =
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_io.lines_to_file tmp_fname ( print_line (Lwt_stream.of_list cookies))
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~exn ~section "unable to write temporary keyring file %s" tmp_fname in
+ exn
+ in
+ try
+ Lwt_unix.rename tmp_fname fname
+ with Unix.Unix_error(error, _, _) as exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~section "unable to rename file %s to %s: %s" tmp_fname fname (Unix.error_message error) in
+ exn
+ end
+ [%lwt.finally
+ unlock_file lock_fname]
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Communication |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type stream = {
+ recv : unit -> string Lwt.t;
+ send : string -> unit Lwt.t;
+let make_stream ~recv ~send = {
+ recv = (fun () ->
+ try%lwt
+ recv ()
+ with
+ | Auth_failure _ as exn ->
+ exn
+ | End_of_file ->
+ (Auth_failure("input: premature end of input"))
+ | exn ->
+ (Auth_failure("input: " ^ Printexc.to_string exn)));
+ send = (fun line ->
+ try%lwt
+ send line
+ with
+ | Auth_failure _ as exn ->
+ exn
+ | exn ->
+ (Auth_failure("output: " ^ Printexc.to_string exn)));
+let stream_of_channels (ic, oc) =
+ make_stream
+ ~recv:(fun () ->
+ let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
+ let rec loop last =
+ if Buffer.length buf > max_line_length then
+ (Auth_failure "input: line too long")
+ else
+ Lwt_io.read_char_opt ic >>= function
+ | None ->
+ (Auth_failure "input: premature end of input")
+ | Some ch ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf ch;
+ if last = '\r' && ch = '\n' then
+ Lwt.return (Buffer.contents buf)
+ else
+ loop ch
+ in
+ loop '\x00')
+ ~send:(fun line ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.write oc line in
+ Lwt_io.flush oc)
+let stream_of_fd fd =
+ make_stream
+ ~recv:(fun () ->
+ let buf = Buffer.create 42 and tmp = Bytes.create 1 in
+ let rec loop last =
+ if Buffer.length buf > max_line_length then
+ (Auth_failure "input: line too long")
+ else
+ fd tmp 0 1 >>= function
+ | 0 ->
+ (Auth_failure "input: premature end of input")
+ | 1 ->
+ let ch = Bytes.get tmp 0 in
+ Buffer.add_char buf ch;
+ if last = '\r' && ch = '\n' then
+ Lwt.return (Buffer.contents buf)
+ else
+ loop ch
+ | n ->
+ assert false
+ in
+ loop '\x00')
+ ~send:(fun line ->
+ let rec loop ofs len =
+ if len = 0 then
+ Lwt.return ()
+ else
+ Lwt_unix.write_string fd line ofs len >>= function
+ | 0 ->
+ (Auth_failure "output: zero byte written")
+ | n ->
+ assert (n > 0 && n <= len);
+ loop (ofs + n) (len - n)
+ in
+ loop 0 (String.length line))
+let send_line mode stream line =
+ ignore (Lwt_log.debug_f ~section "%s: sending: %S" mode line);
+ stream.send (line ^ "\r\n")
+let rec recv_line stream =
+ let%lwt line = stream.recv () in
+ let len = String.length line in
+ if len < 2 || not (line.[len - 2] = '\r' && line.[len - 1] = '\n') then
+ (Auth_failure("input: invalid line received"))
+ else
+ Lwt.return (String.sub line 0 (len - 2))
+let rec first f str pos =
+ if pos = String.length str then
+ pos
+ else match f str.[pos] with
+ | true -> pos
+ | false -> first f str (pos + 1)
+let rec last f str pos =
+ if pos = 0 then
+ pos
+ else match f str.[pos - 1] with
+ | true -> pos
+ | false -> first f str (pos - 1)
+let blank ch = ch = ' ' || ch = '\t'
+let not_blank ch = not (blank ch)
+let sub_strip str i j =
+ let i = first not_blank str i in
+ let j = last not_blank str j in
+ if i < j then String.sub str i (j - i) else ""
+let split str =
+ let rec aux i =
+ let i = first not_blank str i in
+ if i = String.length str then
+ []
+ else
+ let j = first blank str i in
+ String.sub str i (j - i) :: aux j
+ in
+ aux 0
+let preprocess_line line =
+ (* Check for ascii-only *)
+ String.iter (function
+ | '\x01'..'\x7f' -> ()
+ | _ -> failwith "non-ascii characters in command") line;
+ (* Extract the command *)
+ let i = first blank line 0 in
+ if i = 0 then failwith "empty command";
+ (String.sub line 0 i, sub_strip line i (String.length line))
+let rec recv mode command_parser stream =
+ let%lwt line = recv_line stream in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.debug_f ~section "%s: received: %S" mode line in
+ (* If a parse failure occur, return an error and try again *)
+ match
+ try
+ let command, args = preprocess_line line in
+ `Success(command_parser command args)
+ with exn ->
+ `Failure(exn)
+ with
+ | `Success x -> Lwt.return x
+ | `Failure(Failure msg) ->
+ let%lwt () = send_line mode stream ("ERROR \"" ^ msg ^ "\"") in
+ recv mode command_parser stream
+ | `Failure exn -> exn
+let client_recv = recv "client"
+ (fun command args -> match command with
+ | "REJECTED" -> Server_rejected (split args)
+ | "OK" -> Server_ok(try OBus_uuid.of_string args with _ -> failwith "invalid hex-encoded guid")
+ | "DATA" -> Server_data(hex_decode args)
+ | "ERROR" -> Server_error args
+ | "AGREE_UNIX_FD" -> Server_agree_unix_fd
+ | _ -> failwith "invalid command")
+let server_recv = recv "server"
+ (fun command args -> match command with
+ | "AUTH" -> Client_auth(match split args with
+ | [] -> None
+ | [mech] -> Some(mech, None)
+ | [mech; data] -> Some(mech, Some(hex_decode data))
+ | _ -> failwith "too many arguments")
+ | "CANCEL" -> Client_cancel
+ | "BEGIN" -> Client_begin
+ | "DATA" -> Client_data(hex_decode args)
+ | "ERROR" -> Client_error args
+ | "NEGOTIATE_UNIX_FD" -> Client_negotiate_unix_fd
+ | _ -> failwith "invalid command")
+let client_send chans cmd = send_line "client" chans
+ (match cmd with
+ | Client_auth None -> "AUTH"
+ | Client_auth(Some(mechanism, None)) -> sprintf "AUTH %s" mechanism
+ | Client_auth(Some(mechanism, Some data)) -> sprintf "AUTH %s %s" mechanism (hex_encode data)
+ | Client_cancel -> "CANCEL"
+ | Client_begin -> "BEGIN"
+ | Client_data data -> sprintf "DATA %s" (hex_encode data)
+ | Client_error msg -> sprintf "ERROR \"%s\"" msg
+ | Client_negotiate_unix_fd -> "NEGOTIATE_UNIX_FD")
+let server_send chans cmd = send_line "server" chans
+ (match cmd with
+ | Server_rejected mechs -> String.concat " " ("REJECTED" :: mechs)
+ | Server_ok guid -> sprintf "OK %s" (OBus_uuid.to_string guid)
+ | Server_data data -> sprintf "DATA %s" (hex_encode data)
+ | Server_error msg -> sprintf "ERROR \"%s\"" msg
+ | Server_agree_unix_fd -> "AGREE_UNIX_FD")
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Client side authentication |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module Client =
+ type mechanism_return =
+ | Mech_continue of data
+ | Mech_ok of data
+ | Mech_error of string
+ class virtual mechanism_handler = object
+ method virtual init : mechanism_return Lwt.t
+ method data (chall : data) = Lwt.return (Mech_error("no data expected for this mechanism"))
+ method abort = ()
+ end
+ type mechanism = {
+ mech_name : string;
+ mech_exec : unit -> mechanism_handler;
+ }
+ let mech_name m = m.mech_name
+ let mech_exec m = m.mech_exec
+ (* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Predefined client mechanisms |
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+ class mech_external_handler = object
+ inherit mechanism_handler
+ method init = Lwt.return (Mech_ok(string_of_int (Unix.getuid ())))
+ end
+ class mech_anonymous_handler = object
+ inherit mechanism_handler
+ method init = Lwt.return (Mech_ok("obus " ^ OBus_info.version))
+ end
+ class mech_dbus_cookie_sha1_handler = object
+ method init = Lwt.return (Mech_continue(string_of_int (Unix.getuid ())))
+ method data chal =
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.debug_f ~section "client: dbus_cookie_sha1: chal: %s" chal in
+ let context, id, chal = Scanf.sscanf chal "%[^/\\ \n\r.] %ld %[a-fA-F0-9]%!" (fun context id chal -> (context, id, chal)) in
+ let%lwt keyring = Keyring.load context in
+ let cookie =
+ try
+ List.find (fun cookie -> = id) keyring
+ with Not_found ->
+ ksprintf failwith "cookie %ld not found in context %S" id context
+ in
+ let rand = hex_encode (OBus_util.random_string 16) in
+ let resp = sprintf "%s %s" rand (hex_encode (OBus_util.sha_1 (sprintf "%s:%s:%s" chal rand cookie.Cookie.cookie))) in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.debug_f ~section "client: dbus_cookie_sha1: resp: %s" resp in
+ Lwt.return (Mech_ok resp)
+ method abort = ()
+ end
+ let mech_external = {
+ mech_name = "EXTERNAL";
+ mech_exec = (fun () -> new mech_external_handler);
+ }
+ let mech_anonymous = {
+ mech_name = "ANONYMOUS";
+ mech_exec = (fun () -> new mech_anonymous_handler);
+ }
+ let mech_dbus_cookie_sha1 = {
+ mech_name = "DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1";
+ mech_exec = (fun () -> new mech_dbus_cookie_sha1_handler);
+ }
+ let default_mechanisms = [mech_external;
+ mech_dbus_cookie_sha1;
+ mech_anonymous]
+ (* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Client-side protocol |
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+ type state =
+ | Waiting_for_data of mechanism_handler
+ | Waiting_for_ok
+ | Waiting_for_reject
+ type transition =
+ | Transition of client_command * state * mechanism list
+ | Success of OBus_address.guid
+ | Failure
+ (* Try to find a mechanism that can be initialised *)
+ let find_working_mech implemented_mechanisms available_mechanisms =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] ->
+ Lwt.return Failure
+ | { mech_name = name; mech_exec = f } :: mechs ->
+ match available_mechanisms with
+ | Some l when not (List.mem name l) ->
+ aux mechs
+ | _ ->
+ let mech = f () in
+ try%lwt
+ mech#init >>= function
+ | Mech_continue resp ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_auth(Some (name, Some resp)),
+ Waiting_for_data mech,
+ mechs))
+ | Mech_ok resp ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_auth(Some (name, Some resp)),
+ Waiting_for_ok,
+ mechs))
+ | Mech_error msg ->
+ aux mechs
+ with exn ->
+ aux mechs
+ in
+ aux implemented_mechanisms
+ let initial mechs = find_working_mech mechs None
+ let next mechs available = find_working_mech mechs (Some available)
+ let transition mechs state cmd = match state with
+ | Waiting_for_data mech -> begin match cmd with
+ | Server_data chal ->
+ begin
+ try%lwt
+ mech#data chal >>= function
+ | Mech_continue resp ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_data resp,
+ Waiting_for_data mech,
+ mechs))
+ | Mech_ok resp ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_data resp,
+ Waiting_for_ok,
+ mechs))
+ | Mech_error msg ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_error msg,
+ Waiting_for_data mech,
+ mechs))
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_error(Printexc.to_string exn),
+ Waiting_for_data mech,
+ mechs))
+ end
+ | Server_rejected am ->
+ mech#abort;
+ next mechs am
+ | Server_error _ ->
+ mech#abort;
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_cancel,
+ Waiting_for_reject,
+ mechs))
+ | Server_ok guid ->
+ mech#abort;
+ Lwt.return (Success guid)
+ | Server_agree_unix_fd ->
+ mech#abort;
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_error "command not expected here",
+ Waiting_for_data mech,
+ mechs))
+ end
+ | Waiting_for_ok -> begin match cmd with
+ | Server_ok guid ->
+ Lwt.return (Success guid)
+ | Server_rejected am ->
+ next mechs am
+ | Server_data _
+ | Server_error _ ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_cancel,
+ Waiting_for_reject,
+ mechs))
+ | Server_agree_unix_fd ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Client_error "command not expected here",
+ Waiting_for_ok,
+ mechs))
+ end
+ | Waiting_for_reject -> begin match cmd with
+ | Server_rejected am -> next mechs am
+ | _ -> Lwt.return Failure
+ end
+ let authenticate ?(capabilities=[]) ?(mechanisms=default_mechanisms) ~stream () =
+ let rec loop = function
+ | Transition(cmd, state, mechs) ->
+ let%lwt () = client_send stream cmd in
+ let%lwt cmd = client_recv stream in
+ transition mechs state cmd >>= loop
+ | Success guid ->
+ let%lwt caps =
+ if List.mem `Unix_fd capabilities then
+ let%lwt () = client_send stream Client_negotiate_unix_fd in
+ client_recv stream >>= function
+ | Server_agree_unix_fd ->
+ Lwt.return [`Unix_fd]
+ | Server_error _ ->
+ Lwt.return []
+ | _ ->
+ (* This case is not covered by the
+ specification *)
+ Lwt.return []
+ else
+ Lwt.return []
+ in
+ let%lwt () = client_send stream Client_begin in
+ Lwt.return (guid, caps)
+ | Failure ->
+ auth_failure "authentication failure"
+ in
+ initial mechanisms >>= loop
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Server-side authentication |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module Server =
+ type mechanism_return =
+ | Mech_continue of data
+ | Mech_ok of int option
+ | Mech_reject
+ class virtual mechanism_handler = object
+ method init = Lwt.return (None : data option)
+ method virtual data : data -> mechanism_return Lwt.t
+ method abort = ()
+ end
+ type mechanism = {
+ mech_name : string;
+ mech_exec : int option -> mechanism_handler;
+ }
+ let mech_name m = m.mech_name
+ let mech_exec m = m.mech_exec
+ (* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Predefined server mechanisms |
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+ class mech_external_handler user_id = object
+ inherit mechanism_handler
+ method data data =
+ match user_id, try Some(int_of_string data) with _ -> None with
+ | Some user_id, Some user_id' when user_id = user_id' ->
+ Lwt.return (Mech_ok(Some user_id))
+ | _ ->
+ Lwt.return Mech_reject
+ end
+ class mech_anonymous_handler = object
+ inherit mechanism_handler
+ method data _ = Lwt.return (Mech_ok None)
+ end
+ class mech_dbus_cookie_sha1_handler = object
+ inherit mechanism_handler
+ val context = "org_freedesktop_general"
+ val mutable state = `State1
+ val mutable user_id = None
+ method data resp =
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.debug_f ~section "server: dbus_cookie_sha1: resp: %s" resp in
+ match state with
+ | `State1 ->
+ user_id <- (try Some(int_of_string resp) with _ -> None);
+ let%lwt keyring = Keyring.load context in
+ let cur_time = Int64.of_float (Unix.time ()) in
+ (* Filter old and future keys *)
+ let keyring = List.filter (fun { Cookie.time = time } -> time <= cur_time && Int64.sub cur_time time <= 300L) keyring in
+ (* Find a working cookie *)
+ let%lwt id, cookie = match keyring with
+ | { = id; Cookie.cookie = cookie } :: _ ->
+ (* There is still valid cookies, just choose one *)
+ Lwt.return (id, cookie)
+ | [] ->
+ (* No one left, generate a new one *)
+ let id = Int32.abs (OBus_util.random_int32 ()) in
+ let cookie = hex_encode (OBus_util.random_string 24) in
+ let%lwt () = context [{ = id; Cookie.time = cur_time; Cookie.cookie = cookie }] in
+ Lwt.return (id, cookie)
+ in
+ let rand = hex_encode (OBus_util.random_string 16) in
+ let chal = sprintf "%s %ld %s" context id rand in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.debug_f ~section "server: dbus_cookie_sha1: chal: %s" chal in
+ state <- `State2(cookie, rand);
+ Lwt.return (Mech_continue chal)
+ | `State2(cookie, my_rand) ->
+ Scanf.sscanf resp "%s %s"
+ (fun its_rand comp_sha1 ->
+ if OBus_util.sha_1 (sprintf "%s:%s:%s" my_rand its_rand cookie) = hex_decode comp_sha1 then
+ Lwt.return (Mech_ok user_id)
+ else
+ Lwt.return Mech_reject)
+ with _ ->
+ Lwt.return Mech_reject
+ method abort = ()
+ end
+ let mech_anonymous = {
+ mech_name = "ANONYMOUS";
+ mech_exec = (fun uid -> new mech_anonymous_handler);
+ }
+ let mech_external = {
+ mech_name = "EXTERNAL";
+ mech_exec = (fun uid -> new mech_external_handler uid);
+ }
+ let mech_dbus_cookie_sha1 = {
+ mech_name = "DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1";
+ mech_exec = (fun uid -> new mech_dbus_cookie_sha1_handler);
+ }
+ let default_mechanisms = [mech_external;
+ mech_dbus_cookie_sha1;
+ mech_anonymous]
+ (* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Server-side protocol |
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+ type state =
+ | Waiting_for_auth
+ | Waiting_for_data of mechanism_handler
+ | Waiting_for_begin of int option * capability list
+ type server_machine_transition =
+ | Transition of server_command * state
+ | Accept of int option * capability list
+ | Failure
+ let reject mechs =
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_rejected ( mech_name mechs),
+ Waiting_for_auth))
+ let error msg =
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_error msg,
+ Waiting_for_auth))
+ let transition user_id guid capabilities mechs state cmd = match state with
+ | Waiting_for_auth -> begin match cmd with
+ | Client_auth None ->
+ reject mechs
+ | Client_auth(Some(name, resp)) ->
+ begin match OBus_util.find_map (fun m -> if m.mech_name = name then Some m.mech_exec else None) mechs with
+ | None ->
+ reject mechs
+ | Some f ->
+ let mech = f user_id in
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt init = mech#init in
+ match init, resp with
+ | None, None ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_data "",
+ Waiting_for_data mech))
+ | Some chal, None ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_data chal,
+ Waiting_for_data mech))
+ | Some chal, Some rest ->
+ reject mechs
+ | None, Some resp ->
+ mech#data resp >>= function
+ | Mech_continue chal ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_data chal,
+ Waiting_for_data mech))
+ | Mech_ok uid ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_ok guid,
+ Waiting_for_begin(uid, [])))
+ | Mech_reject ->
+ reject mechs
+ with exn ->
+ reject mechs
+ end
+ | Client_begin -> Lwt.return Failure
+ | Client_error msg -> reject mechs
+ | _ -> error "AUTH command expected"
+ end
+ | Waiting_for_data mech -> begin match cmd with
+ | Client_data "" ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_data "",
+ Waiting_for_data mech))
+ | Client_data resp -> begin
+ try%lwt
+ mech#data resp >>= function
+ | Mech_continue chal ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_data chal,
+ Waiting_for_data mech))
+ | Mech_ok uid ->
+ Lwt.return (Transition(Server_ok guid,
+ Waiting_for_begin(uid, [])))
+ | Mech_reject ->
+ reject mechs
+ with exn ->
+ reject mechs
+ end
+ | Client_begin -> mech#abort; Lwt.return Failure
+ | Client_cancel -> mech#abort; reject mechs
+ | Client_error _ -> mech#abort; reject mechs
+ | _ -> mech#abort; error "DATA command expected"
+ end
+ | Waiting_for_begin(uid, caps) -> begin match cmd with
+ | Client_begin ->
+ Lwt.return (Accept(uid, caps))
+ | Client_cancel ->
+ reject mechs
+ | Client_error _ ->
+ reject mechs
+ | Client_negotiate_unix_fd ->
+ if List.mem `Unix_fd capabilities then
+ Lwt.return(Transition(Server_agree_unix_fd,
+ Waiting_for_begin(uid,
+ if List.mem `Unix_fd caps then
+ caps
+ else
+ `Unix_fd :: caps)))
+ else
+ Lwt.return(Transition(Server_error "Unix fd passing is not supported by this server",
+ Waiting_for_begin(uid, caps)))
+ | _ ->
+ error "BEGIN command expected"
+ end
+ let authenticate ?(capabilities=[]) ?(mechanisms=default_mechanisms) ?user_id ~guid ~stream () =
+ let rec loop state count =
+ let%lwt cmd = server_recv stream in
+ transition user_id guid capabilities mechanisms state cmd >>= function
+ | Transition(cmd, state) ->
+ let count =
+ match cmd with
+ | Server_rejected _ -> count + 1
+ | _ -> count
+ in
+ (* Specification do not specify a limit for rejected, so
+ we choose one arbitrary *)
+ if count >= max_reject then
+ auth_failure "too many reject"
+ else
+ let%lwt () = server_send stream cmd in
+ loop state count
+ | Accept(uid, caps) ->
+ Lwt.return (uid, caps)
+ | Failure ->
+ auth_failure "authentication failure"
+ in
+ loop Waiting_for_auth 0
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_auth.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_auth.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa297c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_auth.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ * oBus_auth.mli
+ * -------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Handle authentication mechanisms *)
+type data = string
+ (** Data for an authentication mechanism *)
+exception Auth_failure of string
+ (** Exception raised when authentication fail *)
+(** List of capabilities clients/servers may support *)
+type capability =
+ [ `Unix_fd
+ (** The transport supports unix fd passing *) ]
+val capabilities : capability list
+ (** List of all capabilities *)
+(** {6 Communication} *)
+type stream
+ (** A stream is a way of communication for an authentication
+ procedure *)
+val make_stream : recv : (unit -> string Lwt.t) -> send : (string -> unit Lwt.t) -> stream
+ (** Creates a stream for authentication.
+ @param recv must read a complete line, ending with ["\r\n"],
+ @param send must send the given line. *)
+val stream_of_channels : Lwt_io.input_channel * Lwt_io.output_channel -> stream
+ (** Creates a stream from a pair of channels *)
+val stream_of_fd : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> stream
+ (** Creates a stream from a file descriptor. Note that the stream
+ created by this function is not really efficient because it has
+ to read characters one by one to ensure it does not consume too
+ much. *)
+val max_line_length : int
+ (** Maximum length accepted for lines of the authentication
+ protocol. Beyond this limit, authentication will fail. *)
+(** Client-side authentication *)
+module Client : sig
+ (** {6 Mechanisms} *)
+ type mechanism_return =
+ (** Value returned by the client side of an auth mechanism *)
+ | Mech_continue of data
+ (** Continue the authentication with this response *)
+ | Mech_ok of data
+ (** Authentification done *)
+ | Mech_error of string
+ (** Authentification failed *)
+ class virtual mechanism_handler : object
+ method virtual init : mechanism_return Lwt.t
+ (** Initial return value of the mechanism *)
+ method data : data -> mechanism_return Lwt.t
+ (** [mech_data] must continue the mechanism process with the given
+ data. Default implementation fail with an error message. *)
+ method abort : unit
+ (** Must abort the mechanism. *)
+ end
+ (** An client-side authentication mechanism *)
+ type mechanism = {
+ mech_name : string;
+ (** Name of the mechanism *)
+ mech_exec : unit -> mechanism_handler;
+ (** Mechanism creator *)
+ }
+ val mech_name : mechanism -> string
+ (** [mech_name] projection *)
+ val mech_exec : mechanism -> unit -> mechanism_handler
+ (** [mech_exec] projection *)
+ (** {8 Predefined mechanisms} *)
+ val mech_external : mechanism
+ val mech_anonymous : mechanism
+ val mech_dbus_cookie_sha1 : mechanism
+ val default_mechanisms : mechanism list
+ (** {6 Authentication} *)
+ val authenticate :
+ ?capabilities : capability list ->
+ ?mechanisms : mechanism list ->
+ stream : stream -> unit -> (OBus_address.guid * capability list) Lwt.t
+ (** Launch client-side authentication on the given stream. On
+ success it returns the unique identifier of the server address
+ and capabilities that were successfully negotiated with the
+ server.
+ Note: [authenticate] does not sends the initial null byte. You
+ have to handle it before calling [authenticate].
+ @param capabilities defaults to []
+ @param mechanisms defualts to {!default_mechanisms}
+ *)
+(** Server-side authentication *)
+module Server : sig
+ (** {6 Mechanisms} *)
+ type mechanism_return =
+ (** Value returned by the server-side of an auth mechanism *)
+ | Mech_continue of data
+ (** Continue the authentication with this challenge *)
+ | Mech_ok of int option
+ (** The client is authenticated. The argument is the user id
+ the client is authenticated with. *)
+ | Mech_reject
+ (** The client is rejected by the mechanism *)
+ class virtual mechanism_handler : object
+ method init : data option Lwt.t
+ (** Initial challenge *)
+ method virtual data : data -> mechanism_return Lwt.t
+ (** [mech_data] must continue the mechanism process with the given
+ response. *)
+ method abort : unit
+ (** Must abort the mechanism *)
+ end
+ (** A server-side authentication mechanism *)
+ type mechanism = {
+ mech_name : string;
+ (** The mechanism name *)
+ mech_exec : int option -> mechanism_handler;
+ (** The mechanism creator. It receive the user id of the client,
+ if available. *)
+ }
+ val mech_name : mechanism -> string
+ (** [mech_name projection] *)
+ val mech_exec : mechanism -> int option -> mechanism_handler
+ (** [mech_exec projection] *)
+ (** {8 Predefined mechanisms} *)
+ val mech_anonymous : mechanism
+ val mech_external : mechanism
+ val mech_dbus_cookie_sha1 : mechanism
+ val default_mechanisms : mechanism list
+ (** {6 Authentication} *)
+ val authenticate :
+ ?capabilities : capability list ->
+ ?mechanisms : mechanism list ->
+ ?user_id : int ->
+ guid : OBus_address.guid ->
+ stream : stream -> unit -> (int option * capability list) Lwt.t
+ (** Launch server-side authentication on the given stream. On
+ success it returns the client uid and the list of capabilities
+ that were successfully negotiated. A client uid of {!None}
+ means that the client used anonymous authentication, and may
+ be disconnected according to server policy.
+ Note: [authenticate] does not read the first zero byte. You
+ must read it by hand, and maybe use it to receive credentials.
+ @param user_id is the user id determined by external method
+ @param capabilities defaults to [[]]
+ @param mechanisms default to {!default_mechanisms}
+ *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69297c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ *
+ * -----------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(bus)"
+open Lwt_react
+open Lwt.Infix
+open OBus_interfaces.Org_freedesktop_DBus
+type t = OBus_connection.t
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Local properties |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module String_set = Set.Make(String)
+type info = {
+ names : String_set.t signal;
+ set_names : String_set.t -> unit;
+ connection : OBus_connection.t;
+let key = OBus_connection.new_key ()
+let name =
+let names connection =
+ match OBus_connection.get connection key with
+ | Some info -> info.names
+ | None -> invalid_arg "OBus_bus.names: not connected to a message bus"
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Message bus creation |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let proxy bus =
+ OBus_proxy.make (OBus_peer.make bus OBus_protocol.bus_name) OBus_protocol.bus_path
+let exit_on_disconnect = function
+ | OBus_wire.Protocol_error msg ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.error_f ~section "the D-Bus connection with the message bus has been closed due to a protocol error: %s" msg);
+ exit 1
+ | OBus_connection.Connection_lost ->
+ ignore ( ~section "disconnected from D-Bus message bus");
+ exit 0
+ | OBus_connection.Transport_error exn ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.error_f ~section "the D-Bus connection with the message bus has been closed due to a transport error: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn));
+ exit 1
+ | exn ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.error ~section ~exn "the D-Bus connection with the message bus has been closed due to this uncaught exception");
+ exit 1
+(* Handle name lost/acquired events *)
+let update_names info message =
+ let open OBus_message in
+ let name = info.connection in
+ if name <> "" && message.destination = name then
+ match message with
+ | { sender = "org.freedesktop.DBus";
+ typ = Signal(["org"; "freedesktop"; "DBus"], "org.freedesktop.DBus", "NameAcquired");
+ body = [OBus_value.V.Basic(OBus_value.V.String name)] } ->
+ info.set_names (String_set.add name (S.value info.names));
+ Some message
+ | { sender = "org.freedesktop.DBus";
+ typ = Signal(["org"; "freedesktop"; "DBus"], "org.freedesktop.DBus", "NameLost");
+ body = [OBus_value.V.Basic(OBus_value.V.String name)] } ->
+ info.set_names (String_set.remove name (S.value info.names));
+ Some message
+ | _ ->
+ Some message
+ else
+ Some message
+let register_connection connection =
+ match OBus_connection.get connection key with
+ | None ->
+ let names, set_names = S.create String_set.empty in
+ let info = { names; set_names; connection } in
+ OBus_connection.set connection key (Some info);
+ let _ = Lwt_sequence.add_l (update_names info) (OBus_connection.incoming_filters connection) in
+ let%lwt name = m_Hello (proxy connection) () in
+ OBus_connection.set_name connection name;
+ Lwt.return ()
+ | Some _ ->
+ Lwt.return ()
+let of_addresses ?switch addresses =
+ let%lwt bus = OBus_connection.of_addresses ?switch addresses ~shared:true in
+ let%lwt () = register_connection bus in
+ Lwt.return bus
+let session_bus = lazy(
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt bus = Lazy.force OBus_address.session >>= of_addresses in
+ OBus_connection.set_on_disconnect bus exit_on_disconnect;
+ Lwt.return bus
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.warning ~exn ~section "Failed to open a connection to the session bus" in
+ exn
+let session ?switch () =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ let%lwt bus = Lazy.force session_bus in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_switch.add_hook_or_exec switch (fun () -> OBus_connection.close bus) in
+ Lwt.return bus
+let system_bus_state = ref None
+let system_bus_mutex = Lwt_mutex.create ()
+let system ?switch () =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ let%lwt bus =
+ Lwt_mutex.with_lock system_bus_mutex
+ (fun () ->
+ match !system_bus_state with
+ | Some bus when S.value ( bus) ->
+ Lwt.return bus
+ | _ ->
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt bus = Lazy.force OBus_address.system >>= of_addresses in
+ system_bus_state := Some bus;
+ Lwt.return bus
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.warning ~exn ~section "Failed to open a connection to the system bus" in
+ exn)
+ in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_switch.add_hook_or_exec switch (fun () -> OBus_connection.close bus) in
+ Lwt.return bus
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Bindings to functions of the message bus |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+exception Access_denied of string
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied"]
+exception Service_unknown of string
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown"]
+exception Match_rule_not_found of string
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.MatchRuleNotFound"]
+exception Match_rule_invalid of string
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.MatchRuleInvalid"]
+exception Name_has_no_owner of string
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner"]
+exception Adt_audit_data_unknown of string
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AdtAuditDataUnknown"]
+exception Selinux_security_context_unknown of string
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.SELinuxSecurityContextUnknown"]
+let hello bus =
+ m_Hello (proxy bus) ()
+type request_name_result = type_request_name_result
+let request_name bus ?(allow_replacement=false) ?(replace_existing=false) ?(do_not_queue=false) name =
+ let flags = [] in
+ let flags = if allow_replacement then `Allow_replacement :: flags else flags in
+ let flags = if replace_existing then `Replace_existing :: flags else flags in
+ let flags = if do_not_queue then `Do_not_queue :: flags else flags in
+ m_RequestName (proxy bus) (name, cast_request_name_flags flags) >|= make_request_name_result
+type release_name_result = type_release_name_result
+let release_name bus name =
+ m_ReleaseName (proxy bus) name >|= make_release_name_result
+type start_service_by_name_result = type_start_service_by_name_result
+let start_service_by_name bus name =
+ m_StartServiceByName (proxy bus) (name, 0l) >|= make_start_service_by_name_result
+let name_has_owner bus name =
+ m_NameHasOwner (proxy bus) name
+let list_names bus =
+ m_ListNames (proxy bus) ()
+let list_activatable_names bus =
+ m_ListActivatableNames (proxy bus) ()
+let get_name_owner bus name =
+ m_GetNameOwner (proxy bus) name
+let list_queued_owners bus name =
+ m_ListQueuedOwners (proxy bus) name
+let add_match bus rule =
+ m_AddMatch (proxy bus) (OBus_match.string_of_rule rule)
+let remove_match bus rule =
+ m_RemoveMatch (proxy bus) (OBus_match.string_of_rule rule)
+let update_activation_environment bus data =
+ m_UpdateActivationEnvironment (proxy bus) data
+let get_connection_unix_user bus name =
+ m_GetConnectionUnixUser (proxy bus) name >|= Int32.to_int
+let get_connection_unix_process_id bus name =
+ m_GetConnectionUnixProcessID (proxy bus) name >|= Int32.to_int
+let get_adt_audit_session_data bus name =
+ m_GetAdtAuditSessionData (proxy bus) name
+let get_connection_selinux_security_context bus name =
+ m_GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext (proxy bus) name
+let reload_config bus =
+ m_ReloadConfig (proxy bus) ()
+let get_id bus =
+ m_GetId (proxy bus) () >|= OBus_uuid.of_string
+let name_owner_changed bus =
+ OBus_signal.make s_NameOwnerChanged (proxy bus)
+let name_lost bus =
+ OBus_signal.make s_NameLost (proxy bus)
+let name_acquired bus =
+ OBus_signal.make s_NameAcquired (proxy bus)
+let get_peer bus name =
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt unique_name = get_name_owner bus name in
+ Lwt.return (OBus_peer.make bus unique_name)
+ with Name_has_no_owner msg ->
+ let%lwt _ = start_service_by_name bus name in
+ let%lwt unique_name = get_name_owner bus name in
+ Lwt.return (OBus_peer.make bus unique_name)
+let get_proxy bus name path =
+ let%lwt peer = get_peer bus name in
+ Lwt.return (OBus_proxy.make peer path)
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_bus.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_bus.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5586d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_bus.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ * oBus_bus.mli
+ * ------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Message buses management *)
+type t = OBus_connection.t
+(** {6 Well-known instances} *)
+val session : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> unit -> t Lwt.t
+ (** [session ?switch ()] returns a connection to the user session
+ message bus. Subsequent calls to {!session} will return the same
+ bus. OBus will automatically exit the program when an error
+ happens on the session bus. You can change this behavior by
+ calling {!OBus_connection.set_on_disconnect}. *)
+val system : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> unit -> t Lwt.t
+ (** [system ?switch ()] returns a connection to the system message
+ bus. As for {!session}, subsequent calls to {!system} will
+ return the same bus. However, if the connection is closed or
+ crashes, {!system} will try to reopen it. *)
+(** {6 Creation} *)
+val of_addresses : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> OBus_address.t list -> t Lwt.t
+ (** Establish a connection with a message bus. The bus must be
+ accessible with at least one of the given addresses *)
+val register_connection : OBus_connection.t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Register the given connection to a message bus. It has the side
+ effect of requesting a name to the message bus if not already
+ done.
+ If the connection is a connection to a message bus, created with
+ one of the function of {!OBus_connection} then
+ {!register_connection} must be called on it before any other
+ functions. *)
+val exit_on_disconnect : exn -> 'a
+ (** Function which exit the program as follow:
+ - if [exn] is {!OBus_connection.Connection_lost}, it exits the
+ program with a return code of 0
+ - if [exn] is a fatal error, it prints a message on stderr and
+ exits the program with an exit code of 1
+ *)
+(** {6 Peer/proxy helpers} *)
+val get_peer : t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_peer.t Lwt.t
+ (** [get_peer bus name] returns the peer owning the bus name
+ [name]. If the service is not activated and is activable, then
+ it is started *)
+val get_proxy : t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_path.t -> OBus_proxy.t Lwt.t
+ (** [get_proxy bus name path] resolves [name] with {!get_peer} and
+ returns a proxy for the object with path [path] on this
+ service *)
+(** {6 Bus names} *)
+val name : t -> OBus_name.bus
+ (** Same as {!}. *)
+val names : t -> Set.Make(String).t React.signal
+ (** [names bus] is the signal holding the set of all names we
+ currently own. It raises [Invalid_argument] if the connection is
+ not a connection to a message bus. *)
+val hello : t -> OBus_name.bus Lwt.t
+ (** [hello connection] sends an hello message to the message bus,
+ which returns the unique connection name of the connection. Note
+ that if the hello message has already been sent, it will
+ fail. *)
+exception Access_denied of string
+ (** Exception raised when a name cannot be owned due to security
+ policies *)
+type request_name_result =
+ [ `Primary_owner
+ (** You are now the primary owner of the connection *)
+ | `In_queue
+ (** You will get the name when it will be available *)
+ | `Exists
+ (** Somebody else already have the name and nobody specified
+ what to do in this case *)
+ | `Already_owner
+ (** You already have the name *) ]
+val request_name : t ->
+ ?allow_replacement:bool ->
+ ?replace_existing:bool ->
+ ?do_not_queue:bool ->
+ OBus_name.bus -> request_name_result Lwt.t
+ (** Request a name to the bus. This is the way to acquire a
+ well-know name.
+ All optional parameters default to [false], their meaning are:
+ - [allow_replacement]: allow other application to steal this name from you
+ - [replace_existing]: replace any existing owner of the name
+ - [do_not_queue]: do not queue if not available
+ *)
+type release_name_result =
+ [ `Released
+ | `Non_existent
+ | `Not_owner ]
+val release_name : t -> OBus_name.bus -> release_name_result Lwt.t
+(** {6 Service starting/discovering} *)
+exception Service_unknown of string
+ (** Exception raised when a service is not present on a message bus
+ and can not be started automatically *)
+type start_service_by_name_result =
+ [ `Success
+ | `Already_running ]
+val start_service_by_name : t -> OBus_name.bus -> start_service_by_name_result Lwt.t
+ (** Start a service on the given bus by its name *)
+val name_has_owner : t -> OBus_name.bus -> bool Lwt.t
+ (** Returns [true] if the service is currently running, i.e. some
+ application offers it on the message bus *)
+val list_names : t -> OBus_name.bus list Lwt.t
+ (** List names currently running on the message bus *)
+val list_activatable_names : t -> OBus_name.bus list Lwt.t
+ (** List services that can be activated. A service is automatically
+ activated when you call one of its method or when you use
+ [start_service_by_name] *)
+exception Name_has_no_owner of string
+val get_name_owner : t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_name.bus Lwt.t
+ (** Return the connection unique name of the given service. Raise a
+ [Name_has_no_owner] if the given name does not have an owner. *)
+val list_queued_owners : t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_name.bus list Lwt.t
+ (** Return the connection unique names of the applications waiting for a
+ name *)
+(** {6 Messages routing} *)
+(** Note that you should prefer using {!OBus_match.export} and
+ {!OBus_match.remove} since they do not add duplicated rules
+ several times. *)
+exception Match_rule_invalid of string
+ (** Exception raised when the program tries to send an invalid match
+ rule. This should never happen since values of type
+ {!OBus_match.rule} are always valid. *)
+val add_match : t -> OBus_match.rule -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Add a matching rule on a message bus. This means that every
+ message routed on the message bus matching this rule will be
+ sent to us.
+ It can raise {!OBus_error.No_memory}.
+ *)
+exception Match_rule_not_found of string
+val remove_match : t -> OBus_match.rule -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Remove a match rule from the message bus. It raises
+ {!Match_rule_not_found} if the rule does not exists *)
+(** {6 Other} *)
+(** These functions are also offered by the message bus *)
+exception Adt_audit_data_unknown of string
+exception Selinux_security_context_unknown of string
+val update_activation_environment : t -> (string * string) list -> unit Lwt.t
+val get_connection_unix_user : t -> OBus_name.bus -> int Lwt.t
+val get_connection_unix_process_id : t -> OBus_name.bus -> int Lwt.t
+val get_adt_audit_session_data : t -> OBus_name.bus -> string Lwt.t
+val get_connection_selinux_security_context : t -> OBus_name.bus -> string Lwt.t
+val reload_config : t -> unit Lwt.t
+val get_id : t -> OBus_uuid.t Lwt.t
+(** {6 Signals} *)
+val name_owner_changed : t -> (OBus_name.bus * OBus_name.bus * OBus_name.bus) OBus_signal.t
+ (** This signal is emitted each time the owner of a name (unique
+ connection name or service name) changes. *)
+val name_lost : t -> OBus_name.bus OBus_signal.t
+val name_acquired : t -> OBus_name.bus OBus_signal.t
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4ff3b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(* -*- tuareg -*-
+ *
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2009, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(* Localtion of the machine id file: *)
+let machine_uuid_file = "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id"
+(* Version of obus: *)
+let version = "1.2.0"
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5256c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+ *
+ * ------------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(connection)"
+open Lwt_react
+open Lwt.Infix
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Exceptions |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+exception Connection_closed
+exception Connection_lost
+exception Transport_error of exn
+let () =
+ Printexc.register_printer
+ (function
+ | Connection_closed ->
+ Some "D-Bus connection closed"
+ | Connection_lost ->
+ Some "D-Bus connection lost"
+ | Transport_error exn ->
+ Some(Printf.sprintf "D-Bus transport failure: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn))
+ | _ ->
+ None)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Types |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module Serial_map = Map.Make
+ (struct
+ type t = OBus_message.serial
+ let compare : int32 -> int32 -> int = compare
+ end)
+module Int_map = Map.Make
+ (struct
+ type t = int
+ let compare : int -> int -> int = compare
+ end)
+type filter = OBus_message.t -> OBus_message.t option
+ (* Type of message filters *)
+(* Connection are wrapped into object in order to make them
+ comparable. In the code, wrapped connection are simply referred has
+ "connection" and internal connection details are referred as
+ "active". *)
+(* Type of active connections *)
+type active_connection = {
+ mutable name : OBus_name.bus;
+ (* The name of the connection in case the endpoint is a message bus,
+ or [""] if not. *)
+ transport : OBus_transport.t;
+ (* The transport used for messages *)
+ mutable on_disconnect : exn -> unit Lwt.t;
+ (* [on_disconnect] is called the connection is closed
+ prematurely. This happen on transport errors. *)
+ guid : OBus_address.guid option;
+ (* Guid of the connection. It may is [Some guid] if this is the
+ client-side part of a peer-to-peer connection and the connection
+ is shared. *)
+ down : (unit Lwt.t * unit Lwt.u) option signal;
+ set_down : (unit Lwt.t * unit Lwt.u) option -> unit;
+ (* Waiting thread used to make the connection to stop dispatching
+ messages. *)
+ state : [ `Up | `Down ] signal;
+ abort_recv_wakener : OBus_message.t Lwt.u;
+ abort_send_wakener : unit Lwt.u;
+ abort_recv_waiter : OBus_message.t Lwt.t;
+ abort_send_waiter : unit Lwt.t;
+ (* Waiting threads wakeup when the connection is closed or
+ aborted. It is used to make the dispatcher/writer to exit. *)
+ mutable next_serial : OBus_message.serial;
+ (* The first available serial, incremented for each message *)
+ mutable outgoing_mutex : Lwt_mutex.t;
+ (* Mutex used to serialise message sending *)
+ incoming_filters : filter Lwt_sequence.t;
+ outgoing_filters : filter Lwt_sequence.t;
+ mutable reply_waiters : OBus_message.t Lwt.u Serial_map.t;
+ (* Mapping serial -> thread waiting for a reply *)
+ mutable data : exn Int_map.t;
+ (* Set of locally stored values *)
+ wrapper : t;
+ (* The wrapper containing the connection *)
+(* State of a connection *)
+and connection_state =
+ | Active of active_connection
+ (* The connection is currently active *)
+ | Closed
+ (* The connection has been closed gracefully *)
+ | Killed
+ (* The connection has been killed after an error happened *)
+(* Connections are packed into objects to make them comparable *)
+and t = <
+ state : connection_state;
+ (* Get the connection state *)
+ set_state : connection_state -> unit;
+ (* Sets the state of the connection *)
+ get : active_connection;
+ (* Returns the connection if it is active, and fail otherwise *)
+ active : bool signal;
+ (* Signal holding the current connection state. *)
+let compare : t -> t -> int =
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Guids |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Mapping from server guid to connection. *)
+module Guid_map = Map.Make(struct
+ type t = OBus_address.guid
+ let compare =
+ end)
+let guid_connection_map = ref Guid_map.empty
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Filters |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Apply a list of filter on a message, logging failure *)
+let apply_filters typ message filters =
+ try
+ Lwt_sequence.fold_l
+ (fun filter message -> match message with
+ | Some message -> filter message
+ | None -> None)
+ filters (Some message)
+ with exn ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.error_f ~section ~exn "an %s filter failed with" typ);
+ None
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Connection closing |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let cleanup active ~is_crash =
+ begin
+ match active.guid with
+ | Some guid ->
+ guid_connection_map := Guid_map.remove guid !guid_connection_map
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ end;
+ (* This make the dispatcher to exit if it is waiting on
+ [get_message] *)
+ Lwt.wakeup_exn active.abort_recv_wakener Connection_closed;
+ begin
+ match S.value active.down with
+ | Some(waiter, wakener) ->
+ Lwt.wakeup_exn wakener Connection_closed
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ end;
+ (* Wakeup all reply handlers so they will not wait forever *)
+ Serial_map.iter (fun _ wakener -> Lwt.wakeup_exn wakener Connection_closed) active.reply_waiters;
+ (* If the connection is closed normally, flush it *)
+ let%lwt () =
+ if not is_crash then
+ Lwt_mutex.with_lock active.outgoing_mutex Lwt.return
+ else begin
+ Lwt.wakeup_exn active.abort_send_wakener Connection_closed;
+ Lwt.return ()
+ end
+ in
+ (* Shutdown the transport *)
+ try%lwt
+ OBus_transport.shutdown active.transport
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt_log.error ~section ~exn "failed to abort/shutdown the transport"
+let close connection =
+ match connection#state with
+ | Killed | Closed ->
+ Lwt.return ()
+ | Active active ->
+ connection#set_state Closed;
+ cleanup active ~is_crash:false
+let kill connection exn =
+ match connection#state with
+ | Killed | Closed ->
+ Lwt.return ()
+ | Active active ->
+ connection#set_state Killed;
+ let%lwt () = cleanup active ~is_crash:true in
+ try%lwt
+ active.on_disconnect exn
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt_log.error ~section ~exn "the error handler failed with"
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Sending messages |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Send a message, maybe adding a reply waiter and return
+ [return_thread] *)
+let send_message_backend connection gen_serial reply_waiter_opt message =
+ let active = connection#get in
+ Lwt_mutex.with_lock active.outgoing_mutex
+ (fun () ->
+ let send_it, closed = match connection#state with
+ | Active _ ->
+ (true, false)
+ | Closed ->
+ (* Flush the connection if closed gracefully *)
+ (true, true)
+ | Killed ->
+ (false, true)
+ in
+ if send_it then begin
+ let message = if gen_serial then { message with OBus_message.serial = active.next_serial } else message in
+ match apply_filters "outgoing" message active.outgoing_filters with
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.debug ~section "outgoing message dropped by filters" in
+ (Failure "message dropped by filters")
+ | Some message ->
+ if not closed then begin
+ match reply_waiter_opt with
+ | Some(waiter, wakener) ->
+ active.reply_waiters <- Serial_map.add (OBus_message.serial message) wakener active.reply_waiters;
+ Lwt.on_cancel waiter (fun () ->
+ match connection#state with
+ | Killed | Closed ->
+ ()
+ | Active active ->
+ active.reply_waiters <- Serial_map.remove (OBus_message.serial message) active.reply_waiters)
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ end;
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt () = Lwt.choose [active.abort_send_waiter;
+ (* Do not cancel a thread while it is marshaling message: *)
+ Lwt.protected (OBus_transport.send active.transport message)] in
+ (* Everything went OK, continue with a new serial *)
+ if gen_serial then active.next_serial <- Int32.succ active.next_serial;
+ Lwt.return ()
+ with
+ | OBus_wire.Data_error _ as exn ->
+ (* The message can not be marshaled for some
+ reason. This is not a fatal error. *)
+ exn
+ | Lwt.Canceled ->
+ (* Message sending have been canceled by the
+ user. This is not a fatal error either. *)
+ Lwt.Canceled
+ | exn ->
+ (* All other errors are considered as fatal. They
+ are fatal because it is possible that a
+ message has been partially sent on the
+ connection, so the message stream is broken *)
+ let%lwt () = kill connection exn in
+ exn
+ end else
+ match connection#state with
+ | Killed | Closed ->
+ Connection_closed
+ | Active _ ->
+ Lwt.return ())
+let send_message connection message =
+ send_message_backend connection true None message
+let send_message_with_reply connection message =
+ let (waiter, wakener) as v = Lwt.task () in
+ let%lwt () = send_message_backend connection true (Some v) message in
+ waiter
+let send_message_keep_serial connection message =
+ send_message_backend connection false None message
+let send_message_keep_serial_with_reply connection message =
+ let (waiter, wakener) as v = Lwt.task () in
+ let%lwt () = send_message_backend connection false (Some v) message in
+ waiter
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Helpers for calling methods |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let method_call_with_message ~connection ?destination ~path ?interface ~member ~i_args ~o_args args =
+ let i_msg =
+ OBus_message.method_call
+ ?destination
+ ~path
+ ?interface
+ ~member
+ (OBus_value.C.make_sequence i_args args)
+ in
+ let%lwt o_msg = send_message_with_reply connection i_msg in
+ match o_msg with
+ | { OBus_message.typ = OBus_message.Method_return _; body } -> begin
+ try
+ Lwt.return (o_msg, OBus_value.C.cast_sequence o_args body)
+ with OBus_value.C.Signature_mismatch ->
+ (OBus_message.invalid_reply i_msg (OBus_value.C.type_sequence o_args) o_msg)
+ end
+ | { OBus_message.typ = OBus_message.Error(_, error_name);
+ OBus_message.body = OBus_value.V.Basic(OBus_value.V.String message) :: _ } ->
+ (OBus_error.make error_name message)
+ | { OBus_message.typ = OBus_message.Error(_, error_name) } ->
+ (OBus_error.make error_name "")
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+let method_call ~connection ?destination ~path ?interface ~member ~i_args ~o_args args =
+ method_call_with_message ~connection ?destination ~path ?interface ~member ~i_args ~o_args args >|= snd
+let method_call_no_reply ~connection ?destination ~path ?interface ~member ~i_args args =
+ send_message connection
+ (OBus_message.method_call
+ ~flags:{ OBus_message.default_flags with OBus_message.no_reply_expected = true }
+ ?destination
+ ~path
+ ?interface
+ ~member
+ (OBus_value.C.make_sequence i_args args))
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Reading/dispatching |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let dispatch_message active message =
+ let open OBus_message in
+ match message with
+ (* For method return and errors, we lookup at the reply waiters. If
+ one is find then it get the reply, if none, then the reply is
+ dropped. *)
+ | { typ = Method_return(reply_serial) }
+ | { typ = Error(reply_serial, _) } -> begin
+ match try Some(Serial_map.find reply_serial active.reply_waiters) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some w ->
+ active.reply_waiters <- Serial_map.remove reply_serial active.reply_waiters;
+ Lwt.wakeup w message;
+ Lwt.return ()
+ | None ->
+ Lwt_log.debug_f ~section "reply to message with serial %ld dropped%s"
+ reply_serial
+ (match message with
+ | { typ = Error(_, error_name) } ->
+ Printf.sprintf ", the reply is the error: %S: %S"
+ error_name
+ (match message.body with
+ | OBus_value.V.Basic(OBus_value.V.String x) :: _ -> x
+ | _ -> "")
+ | _ ->
+ "")
+ end
+ (* Handling of the special "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer" interface *)
+ | { typ = Method_call(_, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer", member); body; sender; serial } -> begin
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt body =
+ match member, body with
+ | "Ping", [] ->
+ Lwt.return []
+ | "GetMachineId", [] -> begin
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt uuid = Lazy.force OBus_info.machine_uuid in
+ Lwt.return [OBus_value.V.basic_string (OBus_uuid.to_string uuid)]
+ with exn ->
+ if exn = OBus_error.ocaml then
+ (OBus_error.Failed
+ (Printf.sprintf
+ "Cannot read the machine uuid file (%s)"
+ OBus_config.machine_uuid_file))
+ else
+ exn
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ (OBus_error.Unknown_method
+ (Printf.sprintf
+ "Method %S with signature %S on interface \"org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer\" does not exist"
+ member
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature (OBus_value.V.type_of_sequence body))))
+ in
+ send_message active.wrapper {
+ flags = { no_reply_expected = true; no_auto_start = true };
+ serial = 0l;
+ typ = Method_return serial;
+ destination = sender;
+ sender = "";
+ body = body;
+ }
+ with exn ->
+ let name, msg = OBus_error.cast exn in
+ send_message active.wrapper {
+ flags = { no_reply_expected = true; no_auto_start = true };
+ serial = 0l;
+ typ = Error(serial, name);
+ destination = sender;
+ sender = "";
+ body = [OBus_value.V.basic_string msg];
+ }
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ (* Other messages are handled by specifics modules *)
+ Lwt.return ()
+let rec dispatch_forever active =
+ let%lwt () =
+ (* Wait for the connection to become up *)
+ match S.value active.down with
+ | Some(waiter, wakener) ->
+ waiter
+ | None ->
+ Lwt.return ()
+ in
+ let%lwt message =
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt.choose [OBus_transport.recv active.transport; active.abort_recv_waiter]
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = kill active.wrapper (Transport_error exn) in
+ exn
+ in
+ match apply_filters "incoming" message active.incoming_filters with
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.debug ~section "incoming message dropped by filters" in
+ dispatch_forever active
+ | Some message ->
+ (* The internal dispatcher accepts only messages destined to
+ the current connection: *)
+ if = "" || OBus_message.destination message = then ignore (
+ (try%lwt
+ dispatch_message active message
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt_log.error ~section ~exn "message dispatching failed with")
+ [%lwt.finally
+ OBus_value.V.sequence_close (OBus_message.body message)]
+ );
+ dispatch_forever active
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Connection creation |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+class connection () =
+ let active, set_active = S.create false in
+ method active = active
+ val mutable state = Closed
+ method state = state
+ method set_state new_state =
+ state <- new_state;
+ match state with
+ | Closed | Killed ->
+ set_active false
+ | Active _ ->
+ set_active true
+ method get =
+ match state with
+ | Closed | Killed -> raise Connection_closed
+ | Active active -> active
+let of_transport ?switch ?guid ?(up=true) transport =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ let make () =
+ let abort_recv_waiter, abort_recv_wakener = Lwt.wait ()
+ and abort_send_waiter, abort_send_wakener = Lwt.wait ()
+ and connection = new connection ()
+ and down, set_down = S.create (if up then None else Some(Lwt.wait ())) in
+ let state = (function None -> `Up | Some _ -> `Down) down in
+ let active = {
+ name = "";
+ transport;
+ on_disconnect = (fun exn -> Lwt.return ());
+ guid;
+ down;
+ set_down;
+ state;
+ abort_recv_waiter;
+ abort_send_waiter;
+ abort_recv_wakener = abort_recv_wakener;
+ abort_send_wakener = abort_send_wakener;
+ outgoing_mutex = Lwt_mutex.create ();
+ next_serial = 1l;
+ incoming_filters = Lwt_sequence.create ();
+ outgoing_filters = Lwt_sequence.create ();
+ reply_waiters = Serial_map.empty;
+ data = Int_map.empty;
+ wrapper = connection;
+ } in
+ connection#set_state (Active active);
+ (* Start the dispatcher *)
+ ignore (dispatch_forever active);
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook switch (fun () -> close connection);
+ connection
+ in
+ match guid with
+ | None ->
+ make ()
+ | Some guid ->
+ match try Some(Guid_map.find guid !guid_connection_map) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some connection ->
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook switch (fun () -> close connection);
+ connection
+ | None ->
+ let connection = make () in
+ guid_connection_map := Guid_map.add guid connection !guid_connection_map;
+ connection
+(* Capabilities turned on by default: *)
+let capabilities = [`Unix_fd]
+let of_addresses ?switch ?(shared=true) addresses =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ match shared with
+ | false ->
+ let%lwt guid, transport = OBus_transport.of_addresses ~capabilities addresses in
+ Lwt.return (of_transport ?switch transport)
+ | true ->
+ (* Try to find a guid that we already have *)
+ let guids = OBus_util.filter_map OBus_address.guid addresses in
+ match OBus_util.find_map (fun guid -> try Some(Guid_map.find guid !guid_connection_map) with Not_found -> None) guids with
+ | Some connection ->
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook switch (fun () -> close connection);
+ Lwt.return connection
+ | None ->
+ (* We ask again a shared connection even if we know that
+ there is no other connection to a server with the same
+ guid, because during the authentication another
+ thread can add a new connection. *)
+ let%lwt guid, transport = OBus_transport.of_addresses ~capabilities addresses in
+ Lwt.return (of_transport ?switch ~guid transport)
+let loopback () = of_transport (OBus_transport.loopback ())
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Local storage |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type 'a key = {
+ key_id : int;
+ key_make : 'a -> exn;
+ key_cast : exn -> 'a;
+let next_key_id = ref 0
+let new_key (type t) () =
+ let key_id = !next_key_id in
+ next_key_id := key_id + 1;
+ let module M = struct exception E of t end in
+ {
+ key_id = key_id;
+ key_make = (fun x -> M.E x);
+ key_cast = (function M.E x -> x | _ -> assert false);
+ }
+let get connection key =
+ let active = connection#get in
+ try
+ let cell = Int_map.find key.key_id in
+ Some(key.key_cast cell)
+ with Not_found ->
+ None
+let set connection key value =
+ let active = connection#get in
+ match value with
+ | Some x ->
+ <- Int_map.add key.key_id (key.key_make x)
+ | None ->
+ <- Int_map.remove key.key_id
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Other |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let name connection =
+let set_name connection name = <- name
+let active connection = connection#active
+let guid connection = connection#get.guid
+let transport connection = connection#get.transport
+let can_send_basic_type connection = function
+ | OBus_value.T.Unix_fd -> List.mem `Unix_fd (OBus_transport.capabilities connection#get.transport)
+ | _ -> true
+let rec can_send_single_type connection = function
+ | OBus_value.T.Basic t -> can_send_basic_type connection t
+ | OBus_value.T.Array t -> can_send_single_type connection t
+ | OBus_value.T.Dict(tk, tv) -> can_send_basic_type connection tk && can_send_single_type connection tv
+ | OBus_value.T.Structure tl -> List.for_all (can_send_single_type connection) tl
+ | OBus_value.T.Variant -> true
+let can_send_sequence_type connection tl = List.for_all (can_send_single_type connection) tl
+let set_on_disconnect connection f =
+ match connection#state with
+ | Closed | Killed ->
+ ()
+ | Active active ->
+ active.on_disconnect <- f
+let state connection = connection#get.state
+let set_up connection =
+ let active = connection#get in
+ match S.value active.down with
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ | Some(waiter, wakener) ->
+ active.set_down None;
+ Lwt.wakeup wakener ()
+let set_down connection =
+ let active = connection#get in
+ match S.value active.down with
+ | Some _ ->
+ ()
+ | None ->
+ active.set_down (Some(Lwt.wait ()))
+let incoming_filters connection = connection#get.incoming_filters
+let outgoing_filters connection = connection#get.outgoing_filters
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_connection.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_connection.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae34376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_connection.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ * oBus_connection.mli
+ * -------------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus connections *)
+(** This module implements manipulation of a D-Bus connection. A D-Bus
+ connection is a channel opened with another application which also
+ implement the D-Bus protocol. It is used to exchange D-Bus
+ messages. *)
+type t
+ (** Type of D-Bus connections *)
+val compare : t -> t -> int
+ (** Same as []. It allows this module to be used
+ as argument to the functors [Set.Make] and [Map.Make]. *)
+(** {6 Creation} *)
+(** The following functions will return a connection which is ready to
+ send and receive messages. You should use them only for direct
+ connection to another application without passing through a
+ message bus.
+ Otherwise you should use [OBus_bus] or immediately call
+ [OBus_bus.register_connection] after the creation. *)
+val of_addresses : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> ?shared : bool -> OBus_address.t list -> t Lwt.t
+ (** [of_addresses ?switch ?shared addresses] try to get a working
+ D-Bus connection from a list of addresses. The server must be
+ accessible from at least one of these addresses.
+ If [shared] is true and a connection to the same server is
+ already open, then it is used instead of [transport]. This is
+ the default behaviour. *)
+val loopback : unit -> t
+ (** Create a connection with a loopback transport *)
+val close : t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Close a connection.
+ All thread waiting for a reply will fail with the exception
+ {!Connection_closed}.
+ Notes:
+ - when a connection is closed, the transport it use is
+ closed too
+ - if the connection is already closed, it does nothing
+ *)
+val active : t -> bool React.signal
+ (** Returns whether a connection is active. *)
+exception Connection_closed
+ (** Raised when trying to use a closed connection *)
+exception Connection_lost
+ (** Raised when a connection has been lost *)
+exception Transport_error of exn
+ (** Raised when something wrong happens on the backend transport of
+ the connection *)
+(** {6 Informations} *)
+val name : t -> OBus_name.bus
+ (** Returns the unique name of the connection. This is only
+ meaningful is the other endpoint of the connection is a
+ message bus. If it is not the case it returns [""]. *)
+val set_name : t -> OBus_name.bus -> unit
+val transport : t -> OBus_transport.t
+ (** [transport connection] get the transport associated with a
+ connection *)
+val can_send_basic_type : t -> OBus_value.T.basic -> bool
+val can_send_single_type : t -> OBus_value.T.single -> bool
+val can_send_sequence_type : t -> OBus_value.T.sequence -> bool
+ (** [can_send_*_type connection typ] returns whether values of the
+ given type can be sent through the given connection. *)
+(** {6 Sending messages} *)
+(** These functions are the low-level functions for sending
+ messages. They take and return a complete message description *)
+val send_message : t -> OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [send_message connection message] send a message without
+ expecting a reply. *)
+val send_message_with_reply : t -> OBus_message.t -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t
+ (** [send_message_with_reply connection message] Send a message and
+ return a thread which waits for the reply (which is a method
+ return or an error) *)
+val send_message_keep_serial : t -> OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Same as {!send_message} but does not generate a serial for the
+ message.
+ Warning: this is for implementing a D-Bus daemon only, not for
+ casual use. *)
+val send_message_keep_serial_with_reply : t -> OBus_message.t -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t
+ (** Same as {!send_message_with_reply} but does not generate a serial
+ for the message.
+ Warning: this is for implementing a D-Bus daemon only, not for
+ casual use. *)
+(** {6 Helpers for calling methods} *)
+val method_call :
+ connection : t ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ path : OBus_path.t ->
+ ?interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.C.sequence ->
+ o_args : 'b OBus_value.C.sequence ->
+ 'a -> 'b Lwt.t
+ (** Calls a method using the given parameters, and waits for its
+ reply. *)
+val method_call_with_message :
+ connection : t ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ path : OBus_path.t ->
+ ?interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.C.sequence ->
+ o_args : 'b OBus_value.C.sequence ->
+ 'a -> (OBus_message.t * 'b) Lwt.t
+ (** Same as {!method_call}, but also returns the reply message so
+ you can extract informations from it. *)
+val method_call_no_reply :
+ connection : t ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ path : OBus_path.t ->
+ ?interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.C.sequence ->
+ 'a -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Same as {!method_call} but does not expect a reply *)
+(** {6 General purpose filters} *)
+(** Filters are functions that are applied on all incoming and
+ outgoing messages.
+ For incoming messages they are called before dispatching, for
+ outgoing ones, they are called just before being sent.
+type filter = OBus_message.t -> OBus_message.t option
+ (** The result of a filter must be:
+ - [Some msg] where [msg] is the message given to the filter
+ modified or not, which means that the message is replaced by
+ this one
+ - [None] which means that the message will be dropped, i.e. not
+ dispatched or not sent *)
+val incoming_filters : t -> filter Lwt_sequence.t
+ (** Filters applied on incoming messages *)
+val outgoing_filters : t -> filter Lwt_sequence.t
+ (** Filters appllied on outgoing messages *)
+(** {6 Connection local Storage} *)
+(** Connection local storage allows to attach values to a
+ connection. It is internally used by modules of obus. *)
+type 'a key
+ (** Type of keys. Keys are used to identify a resource attached to a
+ connection. *)
+val new_key : unit -> 'a key
+ (** [new_key ()] generates a new key. *)
+val get : t -> 'a key -> 'a option
+ (** [get connection key] returns the data associated to [key] in
+ connection, if any. *)
+val set : t -> 'a key -> 'a option -> unit
+ (** [set connection key value] attach [value] to [connection] under
+ the key [key]. [set connection key None] will remove any
+ occurence of [key] from [connection]. *)
+(** {6 Errors handling} *)
+(** Note: when a filter/signal handler/method_call handler raise an
+ exception, it is just dropped. If {!OBus_info.debug} is set then a
+ message is printed on [stderr] *)
+val set_on_disconnect : t -> (exn -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit
+ (** Sets the function called when a fatal error happen or when the
+ conection is lost.
+ Notes:
+ - the default function does nothing
+ - it is not called when the connection is closed using {!close}
+ - if the connection is closed, it does nothing
+ *)
+(** {6 Low-level} *)
+val of_transport : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> ?guid : OBus_address.guid -> ?up : bool -> OBus_transport.t -> t
+ (** Create a D-Bus connection on the given transport. If [guid] is
+ provided the connection will be shared.
+ [up] tell whether the connection is initially up or down,
+ default is [true]. *)
+(** A connection can be up or down. Except for connections created with
+ [of_transport], newly created connections are always up.
+ When a connection is down, messages will not be dispatched *)
+val state : t -> [ `Up | `Down ] React.signal
+ (** Signal holding the current state of the connection *)
+val set_up : t -> unit
+ (** Sets up the connection if it is not already up *)
+val set_down : t -> unit
+ (** Sets down the connection if it is not already down *)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f9de6
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+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ *
+ * ---------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+type t = {
+ connection : OBus_connection.t;
+ flags : OBus_message.flags;
+ sender : OBus_peer.t;
+ destination : OBus_peer.t;
+ serial : OBus_message.serial;
+let key = Lwt.new_key ()
+let get () =
+ match Lwt.get key with
+ | Some ctx -> ctx
+ | None -> failwith "OBus_context.get: not in a method call handler"
+let make ~connection ~message = {
+ connection = connection;
+ flags = OBus_message.flags message;
+ sender = OBus_peer.make connection (OBus_message.sender message);
+ destination = OBus_peer.make connection (OBus_message.destination message);
+ serial = OBus_message.serial message;
+let connection ctx = ctx.connection
+let flags ctx = ctx.flags
+let serial ctx = ctx.serial
+let sender ctx = ctx.sender
+let destination ctx = ctx.destination
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_context.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_context.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5917d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_context.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * oBus_context.mli
+ * ----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Message contexts *)
+(** {6 Types} *)
+(** A context contains information about the reception of a
+ message. *)
+type t
+ (** Type of a context. *)
+(** {6 Creation} *)
+val make : connection : OBus_connection.t -> message : OBus_message.t -> t
+ (** Creates a context from the given connection and message *)
+(** {6 Retreival} *)
+val get : unit -> t
+ (** In a method call handler, this returns the context of the method
+ call. *)
+val key : t Lwt.key
+ (** The key used for storing the context. *)
+(** {6 Projections} *)
+val connection : t -> OBus_connection.t
+ (** Returns the connection part of a context *)
+val sender : t -> OBus_peer.t
+ (** [sender context] returns the peer who sends the message *)
+val destination : t -> OBus_peer.t
+ (** [destinatino context] returns the peer to which the message was
+ sent *)
+val flags : t -> OBus_message.flags
+ (** [flags context] returns the flags of the message that was
+ received *)
+val serial : t -> OBus_message.serial
+ (** Returns the serial of the message *)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a70ef0
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+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ *
+ * -------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+type name = string
+type message = string
+type error = {
+ name : name;
+ make : message -> exn;
+ cast : exn -> message option;
+exception DBus of name * message
+let ocaml = "org.ocamlcore.forge.obus.OCamlException"
+let () =
+ Printexc.register_printer
+ (function
+ | DBus(name, message) -> Some(Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" name message)
+ | _ -> None)
+(* List of all registered D-Bus errors *)
+let errors = ref []
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Creation/casting |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let make name message =
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] ->
+ DBus(name, message)
+ | error :: errors ->
+ if = name then
+ error.make message
+ else
+ loop errors
+ in
+ loop !errors
+let cast exn =
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] ->
+ (ocaml, Printexc.to_string exn)
+ | error :: errors ->
+ match error.cast exn with
+ | Some message -> (, message)
+ | None -> loop errors
+ in
+ match exn with
+ | DBus(name, message) -> (name, message)
+ | _ -> loop !errors
+let name exn =
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] ->
+ ocaml
+ | error :: errors ->
+ match error.cast exn with
+ | Some message ->
+ | None -> loop errors
+ in
+ match exn with
+ | DBus(name, message) -> name
+ | _ -> loop !errors
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Registration |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module type Error = sig
+ exception E of string
+ val name : name
+module Register(Error : Error) =
+ let () =
+ errors := {
+ name =;
+ make = (fun message -> Error.E message);
+ cast = (function
+ | Error.E message -> Some message
+ | _ -> None);
+ } :: !errors
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Well-known exceptions |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+exception Failed of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"]
+exception Invalid_args of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs"]
+exception Unknown_method of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod"]
+exception Unknown_object of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject"]
+exception Unknown_interface of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface"]
+exception Unknown_property of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty"]
+exception Property_read_only of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.PropertyReadOnly"]
+exception No_memory of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoMemory"]
+exception No_reply of message
+ [@@obus "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply"]
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_error.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_error.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8af22bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_error.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * oBus_error.mli
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus errors management *)
+(** This module integrates D-Bus errors into OCaml exceptions, and
+ OCaml exceptions into D-Bus errors.
+ To do this, an OCaml exception that maps a D-Bus error should be
+ registered with {!Register}. *)
+type name = OBus_name.error
+ (** An error name. For example: [""] *)
+type message = string
+ (** An error message *)
+exception DBus of name * message
+ (** General exception for D-Bus errors. When the reply to a method
+ call is a D-Bus error that have not been registered, this
+ exception is raised.
+ Arguments are:
+ - the D-Bus error name
+ - the error message
+ *)
+val ocaml : name
+ (** The name of the D-Bus error which is generated for uncaught
+ ocaml exceptions that have not been registered *)
+(** {6 D-Bus errors creating/casting} *)
+val name : exn -> name
+ (** [name exn] returns the D-Bus error name under which this
+ exception is registered. If the exception is not registered,
+ then [ocaml] is returned. *)
+val make : name -> message -> exn
+ (** [make exn message] creates an exception from an error name and
+ an error message. If the name is not registered, then
+ [DBus(name, message)] is returned. *)
+val cast : exn -> name * message
+ (** [cast exn] returns the D-Bus name and message of the given
+ exception. If the exception is not registered, [(ocaml,
+ Printexc.to_string exn)] is returned. *)
+(** {6 Errors registration} *)
+(** Signature for D-Bus error *)
+module type Error = sig
+ exception E of string
+ (** The OCaml exception for this error *)
+ val name : name
+ (** The D-Bus name if this error *)
+module Register(Error : Error) : sig end
+ (** Register an error. The typical use of the functor is:
+ {[
+ exception My_exception of string
+ let module M =
+ OBus_error.Register(struct
+ exception E = My_exception
+ let name = ""
+ end)
+ in ()
+ ]}
+ But you can also write this with the syntax extension:
+ {[
+ exception My_exception of string
+ [@@obus ""]
+ ]}
+ *)
+(** {6 Well-known dbus exception} *)
+(** The following errors can be raised by any service. You can also
+ raise them in a method your service implement.
+ Note that the error message will normally be shown to the user so
+ they must be explicative. *)
+exception Failed of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed] error *)
+exception Invalid_args of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs] error *)
+exception Unknown_method of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod] error *)
+exception Unknown_object of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject] error *)
+exception Unknown_interface of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface] error *)
+exception Unknown_property of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty] error *)
+exception Property_read_only of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.PropertyReadOnly] error *)
+exception No_memory of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoMemory] error *)
+exception No_reply of message
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply] error *)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d156910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ *
+ * ------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(info)"
+let version = OBus_config.version
+let protocol_version = 1
+let max_name_length = OBus_protocol.max_name_length
+let max_message_size = OBus_protocol.max_message_size
+let read_uuid_file file =
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt line = Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.input file Lwt_io.read_line in
+ Lwt.return (OBus_uuid.of_string line)
+ with exn ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.error_f ~section ~exn "failed to read the local machine uuid from file %S" file);
+ exn
+let machine_uuid = lazy(
+ try%lwt
+ read_uuid_file OBus_config.machine_uuid_file
+ with exn ->
+ try%lwt
+ read_uuid_file "/etc/machine-id"
+ with _ ->
+ exn
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_info.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_info.mli
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index 0000000..1456696
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+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_info.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * oBus_info.mli
+ * -------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Various informations *)
+val version : string
+ (** version of obus *)
+val machine_uuid : OBus_uuid.t Lwt.t Lazy.t
+ (** UUID of the machine we are running on *)
+val protocol_version : int
+ (** The version of the D-Bus protocol implemented by the library *)
+val max_name_length : int
+ (** Maximum length of a name (=255). This limit applies to bus
+ names, interfaces, and members *)
+val max_message_size : int
+ (** Maximum size of a message. In this version of the protocol this
+ is 2^27 bytes (128MB). *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_interfaces.obus b/src/protocol/oBus_interfaces.obus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da5f8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_interfaces.obus
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * oBus_interfaces.obus
+ * --------------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer {
+ method Ping : () -> ()
+ method GetMachineId : () -> (machine_id : string)
+interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
+ method Introspect : () -> (result : string)
+interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties {
+ method Get : (interface_name : string, member : string) -> (value : variant)
+ method Set : (interface_name : string, member : string, value : variant) -> ()
+ method GetAll : (interface_name : string) -> (values : (string, variant) dict)
+ signal PropertiesChanged : (interface_name : string, updates : (string, variant) dict, invalidates : string array)
+interface org.freedesktop.DBus {
+ method Hello : () -> (name : string)
+ flag request_name_flags : uint32 {
+ 0b001: allow_replacement
+ 0b010: replace_existing
+ 0b100: do_not_queue
+ }
+ enum request_name_result : uint32 {
+ 1: primary_owner
+ 2: in_queue
+ 3: exists
+ 4: already_owner
+ }
+ method RequestName : (name : string, flags : request_name_flags) -> (result : request_name_result)
+ enum release_name_result : uint32 {
+ 1: released
+ 2: non_existent
+ 3: not_owner
+ }
+ method ReleaseName : (name : string) -> (result : release_name_result)
+ enum start_service_by_name_result : uint32 {
+ 1: success
+ 2: already_running
+ }
+ method StartServiceByName : (name : string, flags : uint32) -> (result : start_service_by_name_result)
+ method UpdateActivationEnvironment : (x1 : (string, string) dict) -> ()
+ method NameHasOwner : (x1 : string) -> (x1 : boolean)
+ method ListNames : () -> (x1 : string array)
+ method ListActivatableNames : () -> (x1 : string array)
+ method AddMatch : (x1 : string) -> ()
+ method RemoveMatch : (x1 : string) -> ()
+ method GetNameOwner : (x1 : string) -> (x1 : string)
+ method ListQueuedOwners : (x1 : string) -> (x1 : string array)
+ method GetConnectionUnixUser : (x1 : string) -> (x1 : uint32)
+ method GetConnectionUnixProcessID : (x1 : string) -> (x1 : uint32)
+ method GetAdtAuditSessionData : (x1 : string) -> (x1 : byte array)
+ method GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext : (x1 : string) -> (x1 : byte array)
+ method ReloadConfig : () -> ()
+ method GetId : () -> (x1 : string)
+ signal NameOwnerChanged : (x1 : string, x2 : string, x3 : string)
+ signal NameLost : (x1 : string)
+ signal NameAcquired : (x1 : string)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d002460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+ *
+ * -------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2009, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(match)"
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Types |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type argument_filter =
+ | AF_string of string
+ | AF_string_path of string
+ | AF_namespace of string
+type arguments = (int * argument_filter) list
+type rule = {
+ typ : [ `Signal | `Error | `Method_call | `Method_return ] option;
+ sender : OBus_name.bus;
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ path : OBus_path.t option;
+ destination : OBus_name.bus;
+ arguments : arguments;
+ eavesdrop : bool option;
+let typ e = e.typ
+let sender e = e.sender
+let interface e = e.interface
+let member e = e.member
+let path e = e.path
+let destination e = e.destination
+let arguments e = e.arguments
+let eavesdrop e = e.eavesdrop
+let rule ?typ ?(sender="") ?(interface="") ?(member="") ?path ?(destination="") ?(arguments=[]) ?eavesdrop () = {
+ typ = typ;
+ sender = sender;
+ interface = interface;
+ member = member;
+ path = path;
+ destination = destination;
+ arguments = arguments;
+ eavesdrop = eavesdrop;
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Arguments lists |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let rec insert_sorted num filter = function
+ | [] -> [(num, filter)]
+ | (num', _) as pair :: rest when num' < num ->
+ pair :: insert_sorted num filter rest
+ | (num', _) :: rest when num' = num ->
+ (num, filter) :: rest
+ | ((num', _) :: rest) as l ->
+ (num, filter) :: l
+let make_arguments list =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l (num, filter) ->
+ if num < 0 || num > 63 then
+ Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg "OBus_match.arguments_of_list: invalid argument number '%d': it must be in the rane [1..63]" num
+ else
+ insert_sorted num filter l)
+ [] list
+external cast_arguments : arguments -> (int * argument_filter) list = "%identity"
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | string <-> rule |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let string_of_rule mr =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
+ let rec coma = ref (fun _ -> coma := fun _ -> Buffer.add_char buf ',') in
+ let add key value =
+ !coma ();
+ Buffer.add_string buf key;
+ Buffer.add_string buf "='";
+ Buffer.add_string buf value;
+ Buffer.add_char buf '\''
+ in
+ let add_string key test = function
+ | "" -> ()
+ | str ->
+ match test str with
+ | Some error -> raise (OBus_string.Invalid_string error)
+ | None -> add key str
+ in
+ begin
+ match mr.typ with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some t ->
+ add "type"
+ (match t with
+ | `Method_call -> "method_call"
+ | `Method_return -> "method_return"
+ | `Error -> "error"
+ | `Signal -> "signal")
+ end;
+ add_string "sender" OBus_name.validate_bus mr.sender;
+ add_string "interface" OBus_name.validate_interface mr.interface;
+ add_string "member" OBus_name.validate_member mr.member;
+ begin match mr.path with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some [] ->
+ !coma ();
+ Buffer.add_string buf "path='/'"
+ | Some p ->
+ !coma ();
+ Buffer.add_string buf "path='";
+ List.iter
+ (fun elt ->
+ match OBus_path.validate_element elt with
+ | Some error ->
+ raise (OBus_string.Invalid_string error)
+ | None ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf '/';
+ Buffer.add_string buf elt)
+ p;
+ Buffer.add_char buf '\''
+ end;
+ add_string "destination" OBus_name.validate_bus mr.destination;
+ List.iter (fun (n, filter) ->
+ !coma ();
+ match filter with
+ | AF_string str ->
+ Printf.bprintf buf "arg%d='%s'" n str
+ | AF_string_path str ->
+ Printf.bprintf buf "arg%dpath='%s'" n str
+ | AF_namespace str ->
+ Printf.bprintf buf "arg%dnamespace='%s'" n str) mr.arguments;
+ begin match mr.eavesdrop with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some true -> add "eavesdrop" "true"
+ | Some false -> add "eavesdrop" "false"
+ end;
+ Buffer.contents buf
+exception Parse_failure of string * int * string
+let () =
+ Printexc.register_printer
+ (function
+ | Parse_failure(str, pos, reason) ->
+ Some(Printf.sprintf "failed to parse D-Bus matching rule %S, at position %d: %s" str pos reason)
+ | _ ->
+ None)
+exception Fail = OBus_match_rule_lexer.Fail
+let rule_of_string str =
+ try
+ let l = match str with
+ | "" -> []
+ | _ -> OBus_match_rule_lexer.match_rules (Lexing.from_string str)
+ in
+ let check pos validate value =
+ match validate value with
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ | Some err ->
+ raise (Fail(pos, OBus_string.error_message err))
+ in
+ let mr = {
+ typ = None;
+ sender = "";
+ interface = "";
+ member = "";
+ path = None;
+ destination = "";
+ arguments = [];
+ eavesdrop = None;
+ } in
+ List.fold_left begin fun mr (pos, key, value) ->
+ match key with
+ | "type" ->
+ { mr with typ = Some(match value with
+ | "method_call" -> `Method_call
+ | "method_return" -> `Method_return
+ | "signal" -> `Signal
+ | "error" -> `Error
+ | _ -> raise (Fail(pos, Printf.sprintf "invalid message type (%s)" value))) }
+ | "sender" ->
+ check pos OBus_name.validate_bus value;
+ { mr with sender = value }
+ | "destination" ->
+ check pos OBus_name.validate_bus value;
+ { mr with destination = value }
+ | "interface" ->
+ check pos OBus_name.validate_interface value;
+ { mr with interface = value }
+ | "member" ->
+ check pos OBus_name.validate_member value;
+ { mr with member = value }
+ | "path" -> begin
+ try
+ { mr with path = Some(OBus_path.of_string value) }
+ with OBus_string.Invalid_string err ->
+ raise (Fail(pos, OBus_string.error_message err))
+ end
+ | "eavesdrop" -> begin
+ match value with
+ | "true" -> { mr with eavesdrop = Some true }
+ | "false" -> { mr with eavesdrop = Some false }
+ | _ -> raise (Fail(pos, Printf.sprintf "invalid value for eavesdrop (%s)" value))
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ match OBus_match_rule_lexer.arg (Lexing.from_string key) with
+ | Some(n, kind) ->
+ { mr with arguments =
+ insert_sorted n
+ (match kind with
+ | `String -> AF_string value
+ | `Path -> AF_string_path value
+ | `Namespace -> AF_namespace value)
+ mr.arguments }
+ | None ->
+ raise (Fail(pos, Printf.sprintf "invalid key (%s)" key))
+ end mr l
+ with Fail(pos, msg) ->
+ raise (Parse_failure(str, pos, msg))
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Matching |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let match_key matcher value = match matcher with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some value' -> value = value'
+let match_string matcher value = match matcher with
+ | "" -> true
+ | value' -> value = value'
+let starts_with str prefix =
+ let str_len = String.length str and prefix_len = String.length prefix in
+ let rec loop i =
+ (i = prefix_len) || (i < str_len && str.[i] = prefix.[i] && loop (i + 1))
+ in
+ loop 0
+let ends_with_slash str = str <> "" && str.[String.length str - 1] = '/'
+let rec match_arguments num matcher arguments = match matcher with
+ | [] ->
+ true
+ | (num', filter) :: rest ->
+ match_arguments_aux num num' filter rest arguments
+and match_arguments_aux num num' filter matcher arguments = match arguments with
+ | [] ->
+ false
+ | value :: rest when num < num' ->
+ match_arguments_aux (num + 1) num' filter matcher rest
+ | OBus_value.V.Basic(OBus_value.V.String value) :: rest ->
+ (match filter with
+ | AF_string str ->
+ str = value
+ | AF_string_path str ->
+ (str = value)
+ || (ends_with_slash str && starts_with value str)
+ || (ends_with_slash value && starts_with str value)
+ | AF_namespace str ->
+ starts_with value str &&
+ (String.length value = String.length str ||
+ value.[String.length str] = '.'))
+ && match_arguments (num + 1) matcher rest
+ | OBus_value.V.Basic(OBus_value.V.Object_path value) :: rest ->
+ (match filter with
+ | AF_string str ->
+ false
+ | AF_string_path str ->
+ let value = OBus_path.to_string value in
+ (str = value)
+ || (ends_with_slash str && starts_with value str)
+ || (ends_with_slash value && starts_with str value)
+ | AF_namespace _ ->
+ false)
+ && match_arguments (num + 1) matcher rest
+ | _ ->
+ false
+let match_values filters values =
+ match_arguments 0 filters values
+let match_message mr msg =
+ (match OBus_message.typ msg, mr.typ with
+ | OBus_message.Method_call(path, interface, member), (Some `Method_call | None) ->
+ (match_key mr.path path) &&
+ (match_string mr.interface interface) &&
+ (match_string mr.member member)
+ | OBus_message.Method_return serial, (Some `Method_return | None)->
+ true
+ | OBus_message.Signal(path, interface, member), (Some `Signal | None) ->
+ (match_key mr.path path) &&
+ (match_string mr.interface interface) &&
+ (match_string mr.member member)
+ | OBus_message.Error(serial, name), (Some `Error | None) ->
+ true
+ | _ ->
+ false) &&
+ (match_string mr.sender (OBus_message.sender msg)) &&
+ (match_string mr.destination (OBus_message.destination msg)) &&
+ (match_arguments 0 mr.arguments (OBus_message.body msg))
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Comparison |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type comparison_result =
+ | More_general
+ | Less_general
+ | Equal
+ | Incomparable
+let rec compare_arguments acc l1 l2 =
+ match acc, l1, l2 with
+ | acc, [], [] ->
+ acc
+ | (Less_general | Equal), _ :: _, [] ->
+ Less_general
+ | (More_general | Equal), [], _ :: _ ->
+ More_general
+ | acc, (pos1, filter1) :: rest1, (pos2, filter2) :: rest2 ->
+ if pos1 = pos2 && filter1 = filter2 then
+ compare_arguments acc rest1 rest2
+ else if pos1 < pos2 && (acc = Less_general || acc = Equal) then
+ compare_arguments Less_general rest1 l2
+ else if pos1 > pos2 && (acc = More_general || acc = Equal) then
+ compare_arguments More_general l1 rest2
+ else
+ raise Exit
+ | _ ->
+ raise Exit
+let compare_option acc x1 x2 =
+ if x1 = x2 then
+ acc
+ else
+ match acc, x1, x2 with
+ | (Less_general | Equal), Some _, None ->
+ Less_general
+ | (More_general | Equal), None, Some _ ->
+ More_general
+ | _ ->
+ raise Exit
+let compare_string acc x1 x2 =
+ if x1 = x2 then
+ acc
+ else
+ match acc, x1, x2 with
+ | (Less_general | Equal), x, "" when x <> "" ->
+ Less_general
+ | (More_general | Equal), "", x when x <> "" ->
+ More_general
+ | _ ->
+ raise Exit
+let compare_rules r1 r2 =
+ try
+ if r1.typ = r2.typ then begin
+ let acc = Equal in
+ let acc = compare_string acc r1.sender r2.sender in
+ let acc = compare_string acc r1.destination r2.destination in
+ let acc = compare_option acc r1.path r2.path in
+ let acc = compare_string acc r1.interface r2.interface in
+ let acc = compare_string acc r1.member r2.member in
+ let acc = compare_arguments acc r1.arguments r2.arguments in
+ if r1.eavesdrop = r2.eavesdrop then
+ acc
+ else
+ match acc, r1.eavesdrop, r2.eavesdrop with
+ | _, None, Some false ->
+ acc
+ | _, Some false, None ->
+ acc
+ | (Less_general | Equal), (None | Some false), Some true ->
+ Less_general
+ | (More_general | Equal), Some true, (None | Some false) ->
+ More_general
+ | _ ->
+ Incomparable
+ end else
+ Incomparable
+ with Exit ->
+ Incomparable
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Exporting rules on message buses |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module String_set = Set.Make(String)
+(* Informations stored in connections *)
+type info = {
+ mutable exported : String_set.t;
+ (* Rules that are currently exported on the message bus (as strings) *)
+ mutable rules : rule list;
+ (* The list of all rules we want to export *)
+ connection : OBus_connection.t;
+ (* The connection on which the rules are exported *)
+ mutex : Lwt_mutex.t;
+ (* Mutex to prevent concurrent modifications of rules *)
+(* Add a matching rule to a list of incomparable most general rules *)
+let rec insert_rule rule rules =
+ match rules with
+ | [] ->
+ [rule]
+ | rule' :: rest ->
+ match compare_rules rule rule' with
+ | Incomparable ->
+ rule' :: insert_rule rule rest
+ | Equal | Less_general ->
+ rules
+ | More_general ->
+ rule :: rest
+let do_export info rule_string =
+ let%lwt () =
+ OBus_connection.method_call
+ ~connection:info.connection
+ ~destination:OBus_protocol.bus_name
+ ~path:OBus_protocol.bus_path
+ ~interface:OBus_protocol.bus_interface
+ ~member:"AddMatch"
+ ~i_args:(OBus_value.C.seq1 OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ ~o_args:OBus_value.C.seq0
+ rule_string
+ in
+ info.exported <- String_set.add rule_string info.exported;
+ Lwt.return ()
+let do_remove info rule_string =
+ info.exported <- String_set.remove rule_string info.exported;
+ try%lwt
+ OBus_connection.method_call
+ ~connection:info.connection
+ ~destination:OBus_protocol.bus_name
+ ~path:OBus_protocol.bus_path
+ ~interface:OBus_protocol.bus_interface
+ ~member:"RemoveMatch"
+ ~i_args:(OBus_value.C.seq1 OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ ~o_args:OBus_value.C.seq0
+ rule_string
+ with exn ->
+ match exn with
+ | "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.MatchRuleNotFound" ->
+ Lwt_log.info_f ~section "rule %S does not exists on the message bus" rule_string
+ | _ ->
+ exn
+(* Commits rules changes on the message bus: *)
+let commit info =
+ Lwt_mutex.with_lock info.mutex
+ (fun () ->
+ (* Computes the set of most general rules: *)
+ let rules = List.fold_left (fun acc rule -> insert_rule rule acc) [] info.rules in
+ (* Turns them into a set of strings: *)
+ let rules = List.fold_left (fun acc rule -> String_set.add (string_of_rule rule) acc) String_set.empty rules in
+ (* Computes the minimal set of operations to update the rules: *)
+ let new_rules = String_set.diff rules info.exported
+ and old_rules = String_set.diff info.exported rules in
+ (* Does the update of rules on the message bus: *)
+ let threads = [] in
+ let threads = String_set.fold (fun rule acc -> do_export info rule :: acc) new_rules threads in
+ let threads = String_set.fold (fun rule acc -> do_remove info rule :: acc) old_rules threads in
+ Lwt.join threads)
+let key = OBus_connection.new_key ()
+let rec remove_first x l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | x' :: l when x = x' -> l
+ | x' :: l -> x' :: remove_first x l
+let export ?switch connection rule =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ let info =
+ match OBus_connection.get connection key with
+ | Some info ->
+ info
+ | None ->
+ let info = {
+ exported = String_set.empty;
+ connection = connection;
+ rules = [];
+ mutex = Lwt_mutex.create ();
+ } in
+ OBus_connection.set connection key (Some info);
+ info
+ in
+ info.rules <- rule :: info.rules;
+ let%lwt () = commit info in
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook_or_exec switch
+ (fun () ->
+ info.rules <- remove_first rule info.rules;
+ commit info)
+ in
+ Lwt.return ()
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_match.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_match.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6884d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_match.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ * oBus_match.mli
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2009, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Matching rules *)
+(** {6 Rules} *)
+(** Type of an argument filter. Argument filters are used in match
+ rules to match message arguments. *)
+type argument_filter =
+ | AF_string of string
+ (** [AF_string str] matches any string argument which is equal
+ to [str] *)
+ | AF_string_path of string
+ (** [AF_string_path path] matches any string or object-path
+ argument [arg] such that one of the following conditions
+ hold:
+ - [arg] is equal to [path]
+ - [path] ends with ['/'] and is a prefix of [arg]
+ - [arg] ends with ['/'] and is a prefix of [path] *)
+ | AF_namespace of string
+ (** [AF_namespace namespace] matches any string argument [arg]
+ such that [arg] is a bus or interface name in the namespace of
+ [namespace]. For example [AF_namespace "a.b.c"] matches any
+ string of the form ["a.b.c"], [""],
+ [""], ... *)
+type arguments = private (int * argument_filter) list
+ (** Type of lists of argument filters. The private type ensures
+ that such lists are always sorted by argument number, do not
+ contain duplicates and indexes are in the range [0..63].. *)
+val make_arguments : (int * argument_filter) list -> arguments
+ (** Creates an arguments filter from a list of filters. It raises
+ [Invalid_argument] if one of the argument filters use a number
+ outside of the range [1..63] *)
+external cast_arguments : arguments -> (int * argument_filter) list = "%identity"
+ (** Returns the list of filters for the given arguments filter. *)
+(** Type of a rule used to match a message *)
+type rule = {
+ typ : [ `Signal | `Error | `Method_call | `Method_return ] option;
+ sender : OBus_name.bus;
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ path : OBus_path.t option;
+ destination : OBus_name.bus;
+ arguments : arguments;
+ eavesdrop : bool option;
+(** {8 Rule projections} *)
+val typ : rule -> [ `Signal | `Error | `Method_call | `Method_return ] option
+val sender : rule -> OBus_name.bus
+val interface : rule -> OBus_name.interface
+val member : rule -> OBus_name.member
+val path : rule -> OBus_path.t option
+val destination : rule -> OBus_name.bus
+val arguments : rule -> arguments
+val eavesdrop : rule -> bool option
+(** {8 Rule construction} *)
+val rule :
+ ?typ : [ `Signal | `Error | `Method_call | `Method_return ] ->
+ ?sender : OBus_name.bus ->
+ ?interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ ?member : OBus_name.member ->
+ ?path : OBus_path.t ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ ?arguments : arguments ->
+ ?eavesdrop : bool ->
+ unit -> rule
+ (** Create a matching rule. *)
+(** {6 Matching} *)
+val match_message : rule -> OBus_message.t -> bool
+ (** [match_message rule message] returns wether [message] is matched
+ by [rule] *)
+val match_values : arguments -> OBus_value.V.sequence -> bool
+ (** [match_values filters values] returns whether [values] are
+ matched by the given list of argument filters. *)
+(** {6 Comparison} *)
+(** Result of the comparisong of two rules [r1] and [r2]: *)
+type comparison_result =
+ | More_general
+ (** [r1] is more general than [r2], i.e. any message matched by
+ [r2] is also matched by [r1] *)
+ | Less_general
+ (** [r1] is less general than [r2], i.e. any message matched by
+ [r1] is also matched by [r2] *)
+ | Equal
+ (** [r1] and [r2] are equal *)
+ | Incomparable
+ (** [r1] and [r2] are incomparable, i.e. there exists two
+ message [m1] and [m2] such that:
+ - [m1] is matched by [r1] but not by [r2]
+ - [m2] is matched by [r2] but not by [r1]
+ *)
+val compare_rules : rule -> rule -> comparison_result
+ (** [compare_rules r1 r2] compares the two matching rules [r1] and
+ [r2] *)
+(** {6 Parsing/printing} *)
+exception Parse_failure of string * int * string
+ (** [Parse_failure(string, position, reason)] is raised when parsing
+ a rule failed *)
+val string_of_rule : rule -> string
+ (** Returns a string representation of a matching rule. *)
+val rule_of_string : string -> rule
+ (** Parse a string representation of a matching rule.
+ @raise Failure if the given string does not contain a valid
+ matching rule. *)
+(** {6 Rules and message buses} *)
+val export : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> OBus_connection.t -> rule -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [export ?switch connection rule] registers [rule] on the message
+ bus. If another rule more general than [rule] is already
+ exported, then it does nothihng.
+ You can provide a switch to manually disable the export. *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_match_rule_lexer.mll b/src/protocol/oBus_match_rule_lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f5ae2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_match_rule_lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * oBus_match_rule_lexer.mll
+ * -------------------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2009, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+ exception Fail of int * string
+ let pos lexbuf = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p.Lexing.pos_cnum
+ let fail lexbuf fmt =
+ Printf.ksprintf
+ (fun msg -> raise (Fail(pos lexbuf, msg)))
+ fmt
+rule match_rules = parse
+ | (['a'-'z' '_' '0'-'9']+ as key) "='" ([^ '\'']* as value) '\''
+ { if comma lexbuf then
+ (pos lexbuf, key, value) :: match_rules lexbuf
+ else begin
+ check_eof lexbuf;
+ [(pos lexbuf, key, value)]
+ end }
+ | "=" {
+ fail lexbuf "empty key"
+ }
+ | eof {
+ fail lexbuf "match rule expected"
+ }
+ | _ as ch {
+ fail lexbuf "invalid character %C" ch
+ }
+and comma = parse
+ | ',' { true }
+ | "" { false }
+and check_eof = parse
+ | eof { () }
+ | _ as ch { fail lexbuf "invalid character %C" ch }
+and arg = parse
+ | "arg" (['0'-'9']+ as n) (("" | "path" | "namespace") as kind) eof {
+ let n = int_of_string n in
+ if n >= 0 && n <= 63 then
+ Some(n,
+ match kind with
+ | "" -> `String
+ | "path" -> `Path
+ | "namespace" -> `Namespace
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else
+ fail lexbuf "invalid argument number '%d': it must be between 0 and 63" n
+ }
+ | "" { None }
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c7e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ *
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+open OBus_introspect
+let introspect_arguments args =
+ List.map2
+ (fun name typ -> (name, typ))
+ (OBus_value.arg_names args)
+ (OBus_value.C.type_sequence (OBus_value.arg_types args))
+module Method =
+ type ('a, 'b) t = {
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.arguments;
+ o_args : 'b OBus_value.arguments;
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list;
+ }
+ let make ~interface ~member ~i_args ~o_args ~annotations = {
+ interface = interface;
+ member = member;
+ i_args = i_args;
+ o_args = o_args;
+ annotations = annotations;
+ }
+ let interface m = m.interface
+ let member m = m.member
+ let i_args m = m.i_args
+ let o_args m = m.o_args
+ let annotations m = m.annotations
+ let introspect m =
+ Method(m.member, introspect_arguments m.i_args, introspect_arguments m.o_args, m.annotations)
+module Signal =
+ type 'a t = {
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ args : 'a OBus_value.arguments;
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list;
+ }
+ let make ~interface ~member ~args ~annotations = {
+ interface = interface;
+ member = member;
+ args = args;
+ annotations = annotations;
+ }
+ let interface s = s.interface
+ let member s = s.member
+ let args s = s.args
+ let annotations s = s.annotations
+ let introspect s =
+ Signal(s.member, introspect_arguments s.args, s.annotations)
+module Property =
+ type 'a access =
+ | Readable
+ | Writable
+ | Readable_writable
+ let readable = Readable
+ let writable = Writable
+ let readable_writable = Readable_writable
+ type ('a, 'access) t = {
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ typ : 'a OBus_value.C.single;
+ access : 'access access;
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list;
+ }
+ let make ~interface ~member ~typ ~access ~annotations = {
+ interface = interface;
+ member = member;
+ typ = typ;
+ access = access;
+ annotations = annotations;
+ }
+ let interface p = p.interface
+ let member p = p.member
+ let typ p = p.typ
+ let access p = p.access
+ let annotations p = p.annotations
+ let introspect p =
+ Property(p.member, OBus_value.C.type_single p.typ,
+ (match p.access with
+ | Readable -> Read
+ | Writable -> Write
+ | Readable_writable -> Read_write),
+ p.annotations)
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_member.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_member.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f901d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_member.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * oBus_member.mli
+ * ---------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus members description *)
+(** D-Bus Methods *)
+module Method : sig
+ (** D-Bus method description *)
+ (** Type of a method description *)
+ type ('a, 'b) t = {
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.arguments;
+ (** Input arguments *)
+ o_args : 'b OBus_value.arguments;
+ (** Output arguments *)
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list;
+ }
+ (** {6 Creation} *)
+ val make :
+ interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.arguments ->
+ o_args : 'b OBus_value.arguments ->
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list -> ('a, 'b) t
+ (** {6 Projections} *)
+ val interface : ('a, 'b) t -> OBus_name.interface
+ val member : ('a, 'b) t -> OBus_name.member
+ val i_args : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a OBus_value.arguments
+ val o_args : ('a, 'b) t -> 'b OBus_value.arguments
+ val annotations : ('a, 'b) t -> OBus_introspect.annotation list
+ (** {6 Introspection} *)
+ val introspect : ('a, 'b) t -> OBus_introspect.member
+(** D-Bus signals *)
+module Signal : sig
+ (** D-Bus signal description *)
+ (** Type of a signal description *)
+ type 'a t = {
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ args : 'a OBus_value.arguments;
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list;
+ }
+ (** {6 Creation} *)
+ val make :
+ interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ args : 'a OBus_value.arguments ->
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list -> 'a t
+ (** {6 Projections} *)
+ val interface : 'a t -> OBus_name.interface
+ val member : 'a t -> OBus_name.member
+ val args : 'a t -> 'a OBus_value.arguments
+ val annotations : 'a t -> OBus_introspect.annotation list
+ (** {6 Introspection} *)
+ val introspect : 'a t -> OBus_introspect.member
+(** D-Bus properties *)
+module Property : sig
+ (** D-Bus property description *)
+ (** Type of access modes *)
+ type 'a access =
+ private
+ | Readable
+ | Writable
+ | Readable_writable
+ val readable : [ `readable ] access
+ (** Access mode for readable properties *)
+ val writable : [ `writable ] access
+ (** Access mode for writable properties *)
+ val readable_writable : [ `readable | `writable ] access
+ (** Access mode for readable and writable properties *)
+ (** Type of a property description *)
+ type ('a, 'access) t = {
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ typ : 'a OBus_value.C.single;
+ access : 'access access;
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list;
+ }
+ (** {6 Creation} *)
+ val make :
+ interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ typ : 'a OBus_value.C.single ->
+ access : 'access access ->
+ annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list -> ('a, 'access) t
+ (** {6 Projections} *)
+ val interface : ('a, 'access) t -> OBus_name.interface
+ val member : ('a, 'access) t -> OBus_name.member
+ val typ : ('a, 'access) t -> 'a OBus_value.C.single
+ val access : ('a, 'access) t -> 'access access
+ val annotations : ('a, 'access) t -> OBus_introspect.annotation list
+ (** {6 Introspection} *)
+ val introspect : ('a, 'access) t -> OBus_introspect.member
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a33ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ *
+ * ---------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+type serial = int32
+type body = OBus_value.V.sequence
+type flags = {
+ no_reply_expected : bool;
+ no_auto_start : bool;
+let no_reply_expected flags = flags.no_reply_expected
+let no_auto_start flags = flags.no_auto_start
+let default_flags = {
+ no_reply_expected = false;
+ no_auto_start = false;
+let make_flags ?(no_reply_expected=false) ?(no_auto_start=false) () = {
+ no_reply_expected = no_reply_expected;
+ no_auto_start = no_auto_start;
+type typ =
+ | Method_call of OBus_path.t * OBus_name.interface * OBus_name.member
+ | Method_return of serial
+ | Error of serial * OBus_name.error
+ | Signal of OBus_path.t * OBus_name.interface * OBus_name.member
+type t = {
+ flags : flags;
+ serial : serial;
+ typ : typ;
+ destination : OBus_name.bus;
+ sender : OBus_name.bus;
+ body : body;
+let flags m = m.flags
+let serial m = m.serial
+let typ m = m.typ
+let destination m = m.destination
+let sender m = m.sender
+let body m = m.body
+let make ?(flags=default_flags) ?(serial=0l) ?(sender="") ?(destination="") ~typ body =
+ { flags = flags;
+ serial = serial;
+ typ = typ;
+ destination = destination;
+ sender = sender;
+ body = body }
+let method_call ?flags ?serial ?sender ?destination ~path ?(interface="") ~member body =
+ make ?flags ?serial ?sender ?destination ~typ:(Method_call(path, interface, member)) body
+let method_return ?flags ?serial ?sender ?destination ~reply_serial body =
+ make ?flags ?serial ?sender ?destination ~typ:(Method_return(reply_serial)) body
+let error ?flags ?serial ?sender ?destination ~reply_serial ~error_name body =
+ make ?flags ?serial ?sender ?destination ~typ:(Error(reply_serial, error_name)) body
+let signal ?flags ?serial ?sender ?destination ~path ~interface ~member body =
+ make ?flags ?serial ?sender ?destination ~typ:(Signal(path, interface, member)) body
+exception Invalid_reply of string
+let invalid_reply ~method_call ~expected_signature ~method_return =
+ match method_call, method_return with
+ | { typ = Method_call(path, interface, member) }, { typ = Method_return _; body } ->
+ Invalid_reply
+ (Printf.sprintf
+ "unexpected signature for the reply to the method %S on interface %S, expected: %S, got: %S"
+ member
+ interface
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature expected_signature)
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature (OBus_value.V.type_of_sequence body)))
+ | _ ->
+ invalid_arg "OBus_message.invalid_reply"
+open Format
+open OBus_value
+let print pp message =
+ fprintf pp
+ "no_reply_expected = %B@\n\
+ no_auto_start = %B@\n\
+ serial = %ld@\n\
+ message_type = %a@\n\
+ sender = %S@\n\
+ destination = %S@\n\
+ signature = %S@\n\
+ body_type = %a@\n\
+ body = %a@\n"
+ message.flags.no_reply_expected
+ message.flags.no_auto_start
+ message.serial
+ (fun pp -> function
+ | Method_call(path, interface, member) ->
+ fprintf pp
+ "method_call@\n\
+ path = %S@\n\
+ interface = %S@\n\
+ member = %S"
+ (OBus_path.to_string path) interface member
+ | Method_return reply_serial ->
+ fprintf pp
+ "method_return@\n\
+ reply_serial = %ld"
+ reply_serial
+ | Error(reply_serial, error_name) ->
+ fprintf pp
+ "error@\n\
+ reply_serial = %ld@\n\
+ error_name = %S"
+ reply_serial error_name
+ | Signal(path, interface, member) ->
+ fprintf pp
+ "signal@\n\
+ path = %S@\n\
+ interface = %S@\n\
+ member = %S"
+ (OBus_path.to_string path) interface member)
+ message.typ
+ message.sender
+ message.destination
+ (string_of_signature (V.type_of_sequence message.body))
+ T.print_sequence (V.type_of_sequence message.body)
+ V.print_sequence message.body
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_message.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_message.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56dae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_message.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * oBus_message.mli
+ * ----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Message description *)
+type serial = int32
+(** {6 Message structure} *)
+type body = OBus_value.V.sequence
+ (** The body is a sequence of dynamically typed values *)
+type typ =
+ | Method_call of OBus_path.t * OBus_name.interface * OBus_name.member
+ | Method_return of serial
+ | Error of serial * OBus_name.error
+ | Signal of OBus_path.t * OBus_name.interface * OBus_name.member
+(** flags *)
+type flags = {
+ no_reply_expected : bool;
+ no_auto_start : bool;
+val no_reply_expected : flags -> bool
+ (** [no_reply_expected] projection *)
+val no_auto_start : flags -> bool
+ (** [no_auto_start] projection *)
+val make_flags : ?no_reply_expected:bool -> ?no_auto_start:bool -> unit -> flags
+ (** Creates message flags. All optional arguments default to
+ [false] *)
+val default_flags : flags
+ (** All false *)
+type t = {
+ flags : flags;
+ serial : serial;
+ typ : typ;
+ destination : OBus_name.bus;
+ sender : OBus_name.bus;
+ body : body;
+(** {8 Projections} *)
+val flags : t -> flags
+val serial : t -> serial
+val typ : t -> typ
+val destination : t -> OBus_name.bus
+val sender : t -> OBus_name.bus
+val body : t -> body
+(** {6 Helpers for creating messages} *)
+(** Note that when creating a message the serial field is not
+ relevant, it is overridden by {!OBus_connection} at
+ sending-time *)
+val make :
+ ?flags : flags ->
+ ?serial : serial ->
+ ?sender : OBus_name.bus ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ typ : typ ->
+ body -> t
+val method_call :
+ ?flags : flags ->
+ ?serial : serial ->
+ ?sender : OBus_name.bus ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ path : OBus_path.t ->
+ ?interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ body -> t
+val method_return :
+ ?flags : flags ->
+ ?serial : serial ->
+ ?sender : OBus_name.bus ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ reply_serial : serial ->
+ body -> t
+val error :
+ ?flags : flags ->
+ ?serial : serial ->
+ ?sender : OBus_name.bus ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ reply_serial : serial ->
+ error_name : OBus_name.error ->
+ body -> t
+val signal :
+ ?flags : flags ->
+ ?serial : serial ->
+ ?sender : OBus_name.bus ->
+ ?destination : OBus_name.bus ->
+ path : OBus_path.t ->
+ interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ body -> t
+(** {6 Errors} *)
+exception Invalid_reply of string
+ (** Exception raised when the signature of the reply to a method
+ call does not match the expected signature. The argument is an
+ error message. *)
+val invalid_reply : method_call : t -> expected_signature : OBus_value.signature -> method_return : t -> exn
+ (** [invalid_reply ~method_call ~expected_signature ~method_return]
+ @return an {!Invalid_reply} exception with a informative
+ description of the error.
+ @raise Invalid_argument if [method_call] is not a method
+ call message or [method_return] is not a method return
+ message *)
+(** {6 Pretty-printing} *)
+val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+ (** Print a message on a formatter *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2133cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ *
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(method)"
+let call info proxy args =
+ OBus_connection.method_call
+ ~connection:(OBus_proxy.connection proxy)
+ ~destination:( proxy)
+ ~path:(OBus_proxy.path proxy)
+ ~interface:(OBus_member.Method.interface info)
+ ~member:(OBus_member.Method.member info)
+ ~i_args:(OBus_value.arg_types (OBus_member.Method.i_args info))
+ ~o_args:(OBus_value.arg_types (OBus_member.Method.o_args info))
+ args
+let call_with_context info proxy args =
+ let%lwt msg, result =
+ OBus_connection.method_call_with_message
+ ~connection:(OBus_proxy.connection proxy)
+ ~destination:( proxy)
+ ~path:(OBus_proxy.path proxy)
+ ~interface:(OBus_member.Method.interface info)
+ ~member:(OBus_member.Method.member info)
+ ~i_args:(OBus_value.arg_types (OBus_member.Method.i_args info))
+ ~o_args:(OBus_value.arg_types (OBus_member.Method.o_args info))
+ args
+ in
+ Lwt.return (OBus_context.make (OBus_proxy.connection proxy) msg, result)
+let call_no_reply info proxy args =
+ OBus_connection.method_call_no_reply
+ ~connection:(OBus_proxy.connection proxy)
+ ~destination:( proxy)
+ ~path:(OBus_proxy.path proxy)
+ ~interface:(OBus_member.Method.interface info)
+ ~member:(OBus_member.Method.member info)
+ ~i_args:(OBus_value.arg_types (OBus_member.Method.i_args info))
+ args
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_method.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_method.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e568411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_method.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * oBus_method.mli
+ * ---------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus methods *)
+val call : ('a, 'b) OBus_member.Method.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> 'a -> 'b Lwt.t
+ (** [call meth proxy args] calls the method [meth] on the object
+ pointed by [proxy], and wait for the reply. *)
+val call_with_context : ('a, 'b) OBus_member.Method.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> 'a -> (OBus_context.t * 'b) Lwt.t
+ (** [call_with_context meth proxy args] is like {!call} except that
+ it also returns the context of the method return *)
+val call_no_reply : ('a, 'b) OBus_member.Method.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [call_no_reply meth proxy args] is the same as {!call} except
+ that it does not wait for a reply *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0863a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+ *
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+open Lwt_react
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(object)"
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Types |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module Connection_set = Set.Make(OBus_connection)
+module String_set = Set.Make(String)
+module String_map = Map.Make(String)
+module Path_map = Map.Make(OBus_path)
+module type Method_info = sig
+ type obj
+ type i_type
+ type o_type
+ val info : (i_type, o_type) OBus_member.Method.t
+ val handler : obj -> i_type -> o_type Lwt.t
+module type Signal_info = sig
+ type obj
+ type typ
+ val info : typ OBus_member.Signal.t
+module type Property_info = sig
+ type obj
+ type typ
+ type access
+ val info : (typ, access) OBus_member.Property.t
+ val set : (obj -> typ -> unit Lwt.t) option
+ val signal : (obj -> typ signal) option
+module type Property_instance = sig
+ type typ
+ type access
+ val info : (typ, access) OBus_member.Property.t
+ val signal : typ signal
+ (* The signal holding the current value of the property *)
+ val monitor : unit event
+ (* Event which send notifications when the contents of the
+ property changes *)
+type property_instance = (module Property_instance)
+(* An interface descriptor *)
+type 'a interface = {
+ i_name : OBus_name.interface;
+ (* The name of the interface *)
+ i_methods : 'a method_info array;
+ (* Array of methods, for dispatching method calls and introspection *)
+ i_signals : 'a signal_info array;
+ (* Array of signals, for introspection *)
+ i_properties : 'a property_info array;
+ (* Array of for properties, for reading/writing properties and introspection *)
+ i_annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list;
+ (* List of annotations of the interfaces. They are used for
+ introspection *)
+(* D-Bus object informations *)
+and 'a t = {
+ path : OBus_path.t;
+ (* The path of the object *)
+ mutable data : 'a option;
+ (* Data attached to the object *)
+ exports : Connection_set.t signal;
+ set_exports : Connection_set.t -> unit;
+ (* Set of connection on which the object is exported *)
+ owner : OBus_peer.t option;
+ (* The optionnal owner of the object *)
+ mutable interfaces : 'a interface array;
+ (* Interfaces implemented by this object *)
+ mutable properties : property_instance option array array;
+ (* All property instances of the object *)
+ mutable changed : OBus_value.V.single option String_map.t array;
+ (* Properties that changed since the last upadte, organised by
+ interface *)
+ properties_changed : (OBus_name.interface -> (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single option) list -> unit Lwt.t) ref;
+ (* Function called when proeprties change. It may emit a
+ notification signal. The default one use
+ [org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged] *)
+and 'a method_info = (module Method_info with type obj = 'a t)
+and 'a signal_info = (module Signal_info with type obj = 'a t)
+and 'a property_info = (module Property_info with type obj = 'a t)
+(* Signature for static objects *)
+module type Static = sig
+ type data
+ (* Type of data attached to the obejct *)
+ val obj : data t
+ (* The object itself *)
+type static = (module Static)
+(* Signature for dynamic object *)
+module type Dynamic = sig
+ type data
+ (* Type of data attached to obejcts *)
+ val get : OBus_context.t -> OBus_path.t -> data t Lwt.t
+type dynamic = (module Dynamic)
+(* Informations stored in connections *)
+type info = {
+ mutable statics : static Path_map.t;
+ (* Static objects exported on the connection *)
+ mutable dynamics : dynamic Path_map.t;
+ (* Dynamic objects exported on the connection *)
+ mutable watcher : unit event;
+ (* Event which cleanup things when the connection goes down *)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Object parameters |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let path obj = obj.path
+let owner obj = obj.owner
+let exports obj = obj.exports
+let introspect_args args =
+ List.map2
+ (fun name_opt typ -> (name_opt, typ))
+ (OBus_value.arg_names args)
+ (OBus_value.C.type_sequence (OBus_value.arg_types args))
+let introspect_method (type d) info =
+ let module M = (val info : Method_info with type obj = d t) in
+ OBus_member.Method.introspect
+let introspect_signal (type d) info =
+ let module S = (val info : Signal_info with type obj = d t) in
+ OBus_member.Signal.introspect
+let introspect_property (type d) info =
+ let module P = (val info : Property_info with type obj = d t) in
+ OBus_member.Property.introspect
+let introspect obj =
+ Array.fold_right
+ (fun interface acc ->
+ let members = [] in
+ let members = Array.fold_right (fun member acc -> introspect_property member :: acc) interface.i_properties members in
+ let members = Array.fold_right (fun member acc -> introspect_signal member :: acc) interface.i_signals members in
+ let members = Array.fold_right (fun member acc -> introspect_method member :: acc) interface.i_methods members in
+ (interface.i_name, members, interface.i_annotations) :: acc)
+ obj.interfaces []
+let on_properties_changed obj = obj.properties_changed
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Binary search |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let binary_search compare key array =
+ let rec loop a b =
+ if a = b then
+ -1
+ else begin
+ let middle = (a + b) / 2 in
+ let cmp = compare key (Array.unsafe_get array middle) in
+ if cmp = 0 then
+ middle
+ else if cmp < 0 then
+ loop a middle
+ else
+ loop (middle + 1) b
+ end
+ in
+ loop 0 (Array.length array)
+let compare_interface name interface =
+ name interface.i_name
+let compare_property (type d) name property =
+ let module P = (val property : Property_info with type obj = d t) in
+ name
+let compare_method (type d) name method_ =
+ let module M = (val method_ : Method_info with type obj = d t) in
+ name
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Dispatching |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let unknown_method interface member arguments =
+ (OBus_error.Unknown_method
+ (Printf.sprintf
+ "Method %S with signature %S on interface %S does not exist"
+ member
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature (OBus_value.V.type_of_sequence arguments))
+ interface))
+(* Executes a method *)
+let execute (type d) method_info context obj arguments =
+ let module M = (val method_info : Method_info with type obj = d t) in
+ let arguments =
+ try
+ OBus_value.C.cast_sequence
+ (OBus_value.arg_types (OBus_member.Method.i_args
+ arguments
+ with OBus_value.C.Signature_mismatch ->
+ raise
+ (OBus_error.Failed
+ (Printf.sprintf
+ "invalid signature(%S) for method %S on interface %S, must be %S"
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature
+ (OBus_value.V.type_of_sequence arguments))
+ (OBus_member.Method.member
+ (OBus_member.Method.interface
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature
+ (OBus_value.C.type_sequence
+ (OBus_value.arg_types
+ (OBus_member.Method.i_args
+ in
+ Lwt.with_value OBus_context.key (Some context)
+ (fun () ->
+ let%lwt reply = M.handler obj arguments in
+ Lwt.return (OBus_value.C.make_sequence (OBus_value.arg_types (OBus_member.Method.o_args reply))
+(* Dispatch a method call to the implementation of the method *)
+let dispatch context obj interface member arguments =
+ if interface = "" then
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = Array.length obj.interfaces then
+ unknown_method interface member arguments
+ else
+ match binary_search compare_method member obj.interfaces.(i).i_methods with
+ | -1 ->
+ loop (i + 1)
+ | index ->
+ execute obj.interfaces.(i).i_methods.(index) context obj arguments
+ in
+ loop 0
+ else
+ match binary_search compare_interface interface obj.interfaces with
+ | -1 ->
+ unknown_method interface member arguments
+ | index ->
+ let interface = obj.interfaces.(index) in
+ match binary_search compare_method member interface.i_methods with
+ | -1 ->
+ unknown_method interface.i_name member arguments
+ | index ->
+ execute interface.i_methods.(index) context obj arguments
+(* Search a dynamic node prefix of [path] in [map]: *)
+let search_dynamic path map =
+ Path_map.fold
+ (fun prefix dynamic acc ->
+ match acc with
+ | Some _ ->
+ acc
+ | None ->
+ match OBus_path.after prefix path with
+ | Some path ->
+ Some(path, dynamic)
+ | None ->
+ None)
+ map None
+let send_reply context value =
+ try%lwt
+ let open OBus_message in
+ OBus_connection.send_message (OBus_context.connection context) {
+ flags = { no_reply_expected = true; no_auto_start = true };
+ serial = 0l;
+ typ = Method_return(OBus_context.serial context);
+ destination = (OBus_context.sender context);
+ sender = "";
+ body = value;
+ }
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt_log.warning ~section ~exn "failed to send reply to method call"
+let send_error context exn =
+ let name, message = OBus_error.cast exn in
+ try%lwt
+ let open OBus_message in
+ OBus_connection.send_message (OBus_context.connection context) {
+ flags = { no_reply_expected = true; no_auto_start = true };
+ serial = 0l;
+ typ = Error(OBus_context.serial context, name);
+ destination = (OBus_context.sender context);
+ sender = "";
+ body = [OBus_value.V.basic_string message];
+ }
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt_log.warning ~section ~exn "failed to send error in reply to method call"
+(* Returns the list of children of a node *)
+let children info prefix =
+ String_set.elements
+ (Path_map.fold
+ (fun path obj acc -> match OBus_path.after prefix path with
+ | Some(element :: _) -> String_set.add element acc
+ | _ -> acc)
+ info.statics
+ String_set.empty)
+exception No_such_object
+(* Handle method call messages *)
+let handle_message connection info message =
+ match message with
+ | { OBus_message.typ = OBus_message.Method_call(path, interface, member) } ->
+ ignore begin
+ let context = OBus_context.make connection message in
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt reply =
+ (* First, we search the object in static objects *)
+ match try Some(Path_map.find path info.statics) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some static ->
+ let module M = (val static : Static) in
+ dispatch context M.obj interface member (OBus_message.body message)
+ | None ->
+ (* Then we search in dynamic objects *)
+ match search_dynamic path info.dynamics with
+ | None ->
+ No_such_object
+ | Some(path, dynamic) ->
+ let module M = (val dynamic : Dynamic) in
+ let%lwt result =
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt obj = M.get context path in
+ Lwt.return (`Success obj)
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt.return (`Failure exn)
+ in
+ match result with
+ | `Success obj ->
+ dispatch context obj interface member (OBus_message.body message)
+ | `Failure Not_found ->
+ No_such_object
+ | `Failure exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error ~section ~exn "dynamic object handler failed with" in
+ No_such_object
+ in
+ send_reply context reply
+ with
+ | No_such_object -> begin
+ (* Handle introspection for missing intermediate object:
+ for example if we have only one exported object
+ with path "/a/b/c", we need to add introspection
+ support for virtual objects with path "/", "/a",
+ "/a/b", "/a/b/c". *)
+ match interface, member, OBus_message.body message with
+ | ("" | "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"), "Introspect", [] ->
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 1024 in
+ OBus_introspect.output
+ (Xmlm.make_output ~nl:true ~indent:(Some 2) (`Buffer buffer))
+ ([], children info path);
+ send_reply context [OBus_value.V.basic_string (Buffer.contents buffer)]
+ | _ ->
+ send_error context (OBus_error.Unknown_object (Printf.sprintf "Object %S does not exists" (OBus_path.to_string path)))
+ end
+ | exn ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ if exn = OBus_error.ocaml then
+ (* It is a bad thing to raise an error that is not
+ mapped to a D-Bus error, so we alert the
+ user: *)
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section ~exn
+ "method call handler for method %S on interface %S failed with"
+ member interface
+ else
+ Lwt.return ()
+ in
+ send_error context exn
+ end;
+ Some message
+ | _ ->
+ Some message
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Exportation |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let key = OBus_connection.new_key ()
+let cleanup connection info =
+ E.stop info.watcher;
+ Path_map.iter
+ (fun path static ->
+ let module M = (val static : Static) in
+ M.obj.set_exports (Connection_set.remove connection (S.value M.obj.exports)))
+ info.statics
+let get_info connection =
+ match OBus_connection.get connection key with
+ | Some info ->
+ info
+ | None ->
+ let info = {
+ statics = Path_map.empty;
+ dynamics = Path_map.empty;
+ watcher = E.never;
+ } in
+ OBus_connection.set connection key (Some info);
+ let _ = Lwt_sequence.add_r (handle_message connection info) (OBus_connection.incoming_filters connection) in
+ info.watcher <- (
+ (fun state -> cleanup connection info)
+ (E.once
+ (S.changes
+ ( connection)))
+ );
+ info
+let remove connection obj =
+ let exports = S.value obj.exports in
+ if Connection_set.mem connection exports then begin
+ if S.value ( connection) then begin
+ match OBus_connection.get connection key with
+ | Some info ->
+ info.statics <- Path_map.remove obj.path info.statics
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ end;
+ obj.set_exports (Connection_set.remove connection exports);
+ end
+let remove_by_path connection path =
+ if S.value ( connection) then
+ match OBus_connection.get connection key with
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ | Some info ->
+ info.dynamics <- Path_map.remove path info.dynamics;
+ match try Some(Path_map.find path info.statics) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some static ->
+ let module M = (val static : Static) in
+ remove connection M.obj
+ | None ->
+ ()
+let export (type d) connection obj =
+ if = None then
+ failwith "OBus_object.export: cannot export an object without data attached"
+ else
+ let exports = S.value obj.exports in
+ if not (Connection_set.mem connection exports) then begin
+ let info = get_info connection in
+ let () =
+ (* Remove any object registered under the same path: *)
+ match try Some(Path_map.find obj.path info.statics) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some static ->
+ let module M = (val static : Static) in
+ remove connection M.obj
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ in
+ let module M = struct
+ type data = d
+ let obj = obj
+ end in
+ info.statics <- Path_map.add obj.path (module M : Static) info.statics;
+ obj.set_exports (Connection_set.add connection exports)
+ end
+let destroy obj =
+ Connection_set.iter (fun connection -> remove connection obj) (S.value obj.exports)
+let dynamic (type d) ~connection ~prefix ~handler =
+ let info = get_info connection in
+ let module M = struct
+ type data = d
+ let get = handler
+ end in
+ info.dynamics <- Path_map.add prefix (module M : Dynamic) info.dynamics
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Signals |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let emit obj ~interface ~member ?peer typ x =
+ let module M = OBus_message in
+ let body = OBus_value.C.make_sequence typ x in
+ match peer, obj.owner with
+ | Some { OBus_peer.connection; }, _
+ | _, Some { OBus_peer.connection; } ->
+ OBus_connection.send_message connection {
+ M.flags = { M.no_reply_expected = true; M.no_auto_start = true };
+ M.serial = 0l;
+ M.typ = OBus_message.Signal(obj.path, interface, member);
+ M.destination = name;
+ M.sender = "";
+ M.body = body;
+ }
+ | None, None ->
+ let signal = {
+ M.flags = { M.no_reply_expected = true; M.no_auto_start = true };
+ M.serial = 0l;
+ M.typ = OBus_message.Signal(obj.path, interface, member);
+ M.destination = "";
+ M.sender = "";
+ M.body = body;
+ } in
+ Lwt.join (Connection_set.fold
+ (fun connection l -> OBus_connection.send_message connection signal :: l)
+ (S.value obj.exports) [])
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Property change notifications |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let notify_properties_change (type d) obj interface_name changed index =
+ (* Sleep a bit, so multiple changes are sent only one time. *)
+ let%lwt () = Lwt.pause () in
+ let members = changed.(index) in
+ changed.(index) <- String_map.empty;
+ try%lwt
+ !(obj.properties_changed)
+ interface_name
+ (String_map.fold (fun name value_opt acc -> (name, value_opt) :: acc) members [])
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt_log.error ~exn ~section "properties_changed callback failed with"
+let handle_property_change obj index info value_opt =
+ let empty = String_map.is_empty obj.changed.(index) in
+ obj.changed.(index) <- String_map.add (OBus_member.Property.member info) value_opt obj.changed.(index);
+ if empty then ignore (notify_properties_change obj (OBus_member.Property.interface info) obj.changed index)
+let handle_property_change_true (type d) (type v) obj interface_index prop value =
+ let module P = (val prop : Property_info with type obj = d t and type typ = v) in
+ let value = OBus_value.C.make_single (OBus_member.Property.typ value in
+ handle_property_change obj interface_index (Some value)
+let handle_property_change_invalidates (type d) (type v) obj interface_index prop value =
+ let module P = (val prop : Property_info with type obj = d t and type typ = v) in
+ handle_property_change obj interface_index None
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Property maps genrations |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Notification mode for a property *)
+type emits_signal_changed =
+ | Esc_default
+ (* Use the default value, which may be defined in the
+ interface *)
+ | Esc_false
+ (* Do not notify property changes *)
+ | Esc_true
+ (* Notify property changes, and send the new contents in the
+ notification *)
+ | Esc_invalidates
+ (* Only send the property name in changes' notifications *)
+let get_emits_changed_signal annotations =
+ try
+ match List.assoc OBus_introspect.emits_changed_signal annotations with
+ | "true" -> Esc_true
+ | "false" -> Esc_false
+ | "invalidates" -> Esc_invalidates
+ | value ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.warning_f "invalid value(%S) for annotation %S. Using default(\"true\")" value OBus_introspect.emits_changed_signal);
+ Esc_true
+ with Not_found ->
+ Esc_default
+(* Generate the [properties] field from the [interfaces] field: *)
+let generate (type d) obj =
+ (* Stop monitoring of previous properties *)
+ Array.iter
+ (fun instances ->
+ Array.iter
+ (function
+ | Some instance ->
+ let module M = (val instance : Property_instance) in
+ S.stop M.signal;
+ E.stop M.monitor
+ | None -> ())
+ instances)
+ let count = Array.length obj.interfaces in
+ <- Array.make count [||];
+ obj.changed <- Array.make count String_map.empty;
+ for i = 0 to count - 1 do
+ let properties = obj.interfaces.(i).i_properties in
+ let count' = Array.length properties in
+ let instances = Array.make count' None in
+ <- instances;
+ for j = 0 to count' - 1 do
+ let module P = (val properties.(j) : Property_info with type obj = d t) in
+ match P.signal with
+ | Some make ->
+ let module I = struct
+ type typ = P.typ
+ type access = P.access
+ let info =
+ let signal = make obj
+ let monitor =
+ let esc_prop = get_emits_changed_signal (OBus_member.Property.annotations
+ and esc_intf = get_emits_changed_signal obj.interfaces.(i).i_annotations in
+ let info = (module P : Property_info with type obj = d t and type typ = P.typ) in
+ match esc_prop, esc_intf with
+ | Esc_false, _ | Esc_default, Esc_false ->
+ E.never
+ | Esc_true, _ | Esc_default, (Esc_default | Esc_true) ->
+ (handle_property_change_true obj i info) (S.changes signal)
+ | Esc_invalidates, _ | Esc_default, Esc_invalidates ->
+ (handle_property_change_invalidates obj i info) (S.changes signal)
+ end in
+ instances.(j) <- (Some(module I : Property_instance))
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ done
+ done
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Member informations |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let method_info (type d) (type i) (type o) info f =
+ let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type i_type = i
+ type o_type = o
+ let info = info
+ let handler = f
+ end in
+ (module M : Method_info with type obj = d t)
+let signal_info (type d) (type i) info =
+ let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type typ = i
+ let info = info
+ end in
+ (module M : Signal_info with type obj = d t)
+let property_r_info (type d) (type i) (type a) info signal =
+ let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type typ = i
+ type access = a
+ let info = info
+ let set = None
+ let signal = Some signal
+ end in
+ (module M : Property_info with type obj = d t)
+let property_w_info (type d) (type i) (type a) info set =
+ let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type typ = i
+ type access = a
+ let info = info
+ let set = Some set
+ let signal = None
+ end in
+ (module M : Property_info with type obj = d t)
+let property_rw_info (type d) (type i) (type a) info signal set =
+ let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type typ = i
+ type access = a
+ let info = info
+ let set = Some set
+ let signal = Some signal
+ end in
+ (module M : Property_info with type obj = d t)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Interfaces creation |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let make_interface_unsafe name annotations methods signals properties = {
+ i_name = name;
+ i_methods = methods;
+ i_signals = signals;
+ i_properties = properties;
+ i_annotations = annotations;
+let compare_methods (type d) m1 m2 =
+ let module M1 = (val m1 : Method_info with type obj = d t) in
+ let module M2 = (val m2 : Method_info with type obj = d t) in
+ (OBus_member.Method.member (OBus_member.Method.member
+let compare_signals (type d) s1 s2 =
+ let module S1 = (val s1 : Signal_info with type obj = d t) in
+ let module S2 = (val s2 : Signal_info with type obj = d t) in
+ (OBus_member.Signal.member (OBus_member.Signal.member
+let compare_properties (type d) p1 p2 =
+ let module P1 = (val p1 : Property_info with type obj = d t) in
+ let module P2 = (val p2 : Property_info with type obj = d t) in
+ (OBus_member.Property.member (OBus_member.Property.member
+let make_interface ~name ?(annotations=[]) ?(methods=[]) ?(signals=[]) ?(properties=[]) () =
+ let methods = Array.of_list methods
+ and signals = Array.of_list signals
+ and properties = Array.of_list properties in
+ Array.sort compare_methods methods;
+ Array.sort compare_signals signals;
+ Array.sort compare_properties properties;
+ make_interface_unsafe name annotations methods signals properties
+let process_interfaces interfaces =
+ let rec uniq = function
+ | iface :: iface' :: rest when iface.i_name = iface'.i_name ->
+ uniq (iface :: rest)
+ | iface :: rest ->
+ iface :: uniq rest
+ | [] ->
+ []
+ and compare i1 i2 =
+ i1.i_name i2.i_name
+ in
+ Array.of_list (uniq (List.stable_sort compare interfaces))
+let add_interfaces obj interfaces =
+ obj.interfaces <- process_interfaces (interfaces @ Array.to_list obj.interfaces);
+ generate obj
+let remove_interfaces_by_names obj names =
+ obj.interfaces <- Array.of_list (List.filter (fun iface -> not (List.mem iface.i_name names)) (Array.to_list obj.interfaces));
+ generate obj
+let remove_interfaces obj interfaces =
+ remove_interfaces_by_names obj ( (fun iface -> iface.i_name) interfaces)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Common interfaces |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+open OBus_member
+let introspectable (type d) () =
+ let interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" in
+ make_interface_unsafe interface []
+ [|
+ (let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type i_type = unit
+ type o_type = string
+ let info = {
+ Method.interface = interface;
+ Method.member = "Introspect";
+ Method.i_args = OBus_value.arg0;
+ Method.o_args = OBus_value.arg1 (Some "result", OBus_value.C.basic_string);
+ Method.annotations = [];
+ }
+ let handler obj () =
+ let context = OBus_context.get () in
+ let info = get_info (OBus_context.connection context) in
+ let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
+ OBus_introspect.output
+ (Xmlm.make_output ~nl:true ~indent:(Some 2) (`Buffer buf))
+ (introspect obj, children info obj.path);
+ Lwt.return (Buffer.contents buf)
+ end in
+ (module M : Method_info with type obj = d t));
+ |]
+ [||]
+ [||]
+let properties (type d) () =
+ let interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" in
+ make_interface_unsafe interface []
+ [|
+ (let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type i_type = string * string
+ type o_type = OBus_value.V.single
+ let info = {
+ Method.interface = interface;
+ Method.member = "Get";
+ Method.i_args =
+ OBus_value.arg2
+ (Some "interface", OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ (Some "member", OBus_value.C.basic_string);
+ Method.o_args =
+ OBus_value.arg1
+ (Some "value", OBus_value.C.variant);
+ Method.annotations = [];
+ }
+ let handler obj (interface, member) =
+ match binary_search compare_interface interface obj.interfaces with
+ | -1 ->
+ (OBus_error.Unknown_interface(Printf.sprintf "Interface %S does not exists" interface))
+ | i ->
+ match binary_search compare_property member obj.interfaces.(i).i_properties with
+ | -1 ->
+ (OBus_error.Unknown_property(Printf.sprintf "Property %S on interface %S does not exists" member interface))
+ | j ->
+ match with
+ | Some instance ->
+ let module I = (val instance : Property_instance) in
+ Lwt.return (OBus_value.C.make_single (Property.typ (S.value I.signal))
+ | None ->
+ (OBus_error.Failed(Printf.sprintf "Property %S on interface %S is not readable" member interface))
+ end in
+ (module M : Method_info with type obj = d t));
+ (let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type i_type = string
+ type o_type = (string * OBus_value.V.single) list
+ let info = {
+ Method.interface = interface;
+ Method.member = "GetAll";
+ Method.i_args =
+ OBus_value.arg1
+ (Some "interface", OBus_value.C.basic_string);
+ Method.o_args =
+ OBus_value.arg1
+ (Some "values", OBus_value.C.dict OBus_value.C.string OBus_value.C.variant);
+ Method.annotations = [];
+ }
+ let handler obj interface =
+ match binary_search compare_interface interface obj.interfaces with
+ | -1 ->
+ (OBus_error.Unknown_interface(Printf.sprintf "Interface %S does not exists" interface))
+ | i ->
+ let count = Array.length in
+ let rec loop j acc =
+ if j = count then
+ acc
+ else
+ match with
+ | Some instance ->
+ let module I = (val instance : Property_instance) in
+ loop (j + 1)
+ ((Property.member,
+ OBus_value.C.make_single (Property.typ (S.value I.signal)) :: acc)
+ | None ->
+ loop (j + 1) acc
+ in
+ Lwt.return (loop 0 [])
+ end in
+ (module M : Method_info with type obj = d t));
+ (let module M = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type i_type = string * string * OBus_value.V.single
+ type o_type = unit
+ let info = {
+ Method.interface = interface;
+ Method.member = "Set";
+ Method.i_args =
+ OBus_value.arg3
+ (Some "interface", OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ (Some "member", OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ (Some "value", OBus_value.C.variant);
+ Method.o_args =
+ OBus_value.arg0;
+ Method.annotations = [];
+ }
+ let handler obj (interface, member, value) =
+ match binary_search compare_interface interface obj.interfaces with
+ | -1 ->
+ (OBus_error.Unknown_interface(Printf.sprintf "Interface %S does not exists" interface))
+ | i ->
+ match binary_search compare_property member obj.interfaces.(i).i_properties with
+ | -1 ->
+ (OBus_error.Unknown_property(Printf.sprintf "Property %S on interface %S does not exists" member interface))
+ | j ->
+ let module P = (val obj.interfaces.(i).i_properties.(j) : Property_info with type obj = d t) in
+ match P.set with
+ | Some f -> begin
+ match try `Success(OBus_value.C.cast_single (Property.typ value) with exn -> `Failure exn with
+ | `Success value ->
+ f obj value
+ | `Failure OBus_value.C.Signature_mismatch ->
+ (OBus_error.Failed
+ (Printf.sprintf
+ "invalid type(%S) for property %S on interface %S, should be %S"
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature
+ [OBus_value.V.type_of_single value])
+ member
+ interface
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature
+ [OBus_value.C.type_single
+ (Property.typ])))
+ | `Failure exn ->
+ exn
+ end
+ | None ->
+ (OBus_error.Property_read_only(Printf.sprintf "property %S on interface %S is not writable" member interface))
+ end in
+ (module M : Method_info with type obj = d t));
+ |]
+ [|
+ (let module S = struct
+ type obj = d t
+ type typ = string * (string * OBus_value.V.single) list * string list
+ let info = {
+ Signal.interface = interface;
+ Signal.member = "PropertiesChanged";
+ Signal.args =
+ OBus_value.arg3
+ (Some "interface", OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ (Some "updates", OBus_value.C.dict OBus_value.C.string OBus_value.C.variant)
+ (Some "invalidates", OBus_value.C.array OBus_value.C.basic_string);
+ Signal.annotations = [];
+ }
+ end in
+ (module S : Signal_info with type obj = d t));
+ |]
+ [||]
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Constructors |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let properties_changed obj interface values =
+ emit obj
+ ~interface:"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+ ~member:"PropertiesChanged"
+ (OBus_value.C.seq3
+ OBus_value.C.basic_string
+ (OBus_value.C.dict OBus_value.C.string OBus_value.C.variant)
+ (OBus_value.C.array OBus_value.C.basic_string))
+ (interface,
+ OBus_util.filter_map
+ (function
+ | (name, Some value) -> Some(name, value)
+ | (name, None) -> None)
+ values,
+ OBus_util.filter_map
+ (function
+ | (name, Some value) -> None
+ | (name, None) -> Some name)
+ values)
+let make ?owner ?(common=true) ?(interfaces=[]) path =
+ let interfaces = if common then introspectable () :: properties () :: interfaces else interfaces in
+ let exports, set_exports = S.create ~eq:Connection_set.equal Connection_set.empty in
+ let obj = {
+ path = path;
+ exports = exports;
+ set_exports = set_exports;
+ owner = owner;
+ data = None;
+ properties = [||];
+ interfaces = process_interfaces interfaces;
+ changed = [||];
+ properties_changed = ref (fun name values -> assert false);
+ } in
+ obj.properties_changed := (fun name values -> properties_changed obj name values);
+ obj
+let attach obj data =
+ match with
+ | Some _ ->
+ failwith "OBus_object.attach: object already contains attached"
+ | None ->
+ <- Some data;
+ generate obj;
+ match obj.owner with
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ | Some peer ->
+ export (OBus_peer.connection peer) obj;
+ ignore (let%lwt () = OBus_peer.wait_for_exit peer in
+ destroy obj;
+ Lwt.return ())
+let get obj =
+ match with
+ | Some data -> data
+ | None -> failwith "OBus_object.get: no data attached"
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index 0000000..db55a70
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+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_object.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ * oBus_object.mli
+ * ---------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Local D-Bus objects *)
+(** This module allows you to create D-Bus objects and export them on a
+ connection, allowing other programs to acccess them. *)
+(** {6 Types} *)
+type 'a t
+ (** Type of local D-Bus objects. It contains informations needed by
+ obus to export it on a connection and dispatch incoming method
+ calls.
+ ['a] is the type of value that may be attached to this
+ object. *)
+type 'a interface
+ (** An interface description *)
+type 'a method_info
+ (** Informations about a method *)
+type 'a signal_info
+ (** Informations about a signal *)
+type 'a property_info
+ (** Informations about a property *)
+(** {6 Objects creation} *)
+val attach : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
+ (** [attach obus_object custom_obejct] attaches [custom_object] to
+ [obus_object]. [custom_object] will be the value received by
+ method call handlers. Note that you need to attach the object
+ before you can export it on a coneection and you can not attach
+ an object multiple times. *)
+val get : 'a t -> 'a
+ (** [get obj] returns the data attached to the given object *)
+val make : ?owner : OBus_peer.t -> ?common : bool -> ?interfaces : 'a interface list -> OBus_path.t -> 'a t
+ (** [make ?owner ?common ?interfaces path] creates a new D-Bus
+ object with path [path].
+ If [owner] is specified, then:
+ - all signals will be sent to it by default,
+ - the object will be removed from all its exports when the owner exits,
+ - it will automatically be exported on the connection of the owner when
+ [attach] is invoked.
+ [interfaces] is the list of interfaces implemented by the
+ object. New interfaces can be added latter with
+ {!add_interfaces}. If [common] is [true] (the default) then
+ {!introspectable} and {!properties} are automatically added. *)
+(** {6 Properties} *)
+val path : 'a t -> OBus_path.t
+ (** [path obj] returns the path of the object *)
+val owner : 'a t -> OBus_peer.t option
+ (** [owner obj] returns the owner of the object, if any *)
+val exports : 'a t -> Set.Make(OBus_connection).t React.signal
+ (** [exports obj] is a signal holding the list of connnections on
+ which the object is exported. *)
+val introspect : 'a t -> OBus_introspect.interface list
+ (** [introspect obj] returns the introspection of all interfaces
+ implemented by [obj] *)
+val on_properties_changed : 'a t -> (OBus_name.interface -> (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single option) list -> unit Lwt.t) ref
+ (** Function called when one or more properties of the given object
+ change. The new contents of the property is given along with the
+ property name according to the
+ [org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal].
+ The default function uses the standard
+ [org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged] signal. *)
+(** {6 Exports} *)
+val export : OBus_connection.t -> 'a t -> unit
+ (** [export connection obj] exports [obj] on [connection]. It raises
+ {!OBus_connection.Connection_closed} if the connection is closed. *)
+val remove : OBus_connection.t -> 'a t -> unit
+ (** [remove connection obj] removes [obj] from [connection]. It does
+ nothing if the connection is closed. *)
+val remove_by_path : OBus_connection.t -> OBus_path.t -> unit
+ (** [remove_by_path connection path] removes the object with path
+ [path] on [connection]. It works for normal objects and dynamic
+ nodes. It does nothing if the connection is closed. *)
+val destroy : 'a t -> unit
+ (** [destroy obj] removes [obj] from all connection it is exported
+ on *)
+val dynamic :
+ connection : OBus_connection.t ->
+ prefix : OBus_path.t ->
+ handler : (OBus_context.t -> OBus_path.t -> 'a t Lwt.t) -> unit
+ (** [dynamic ~connection ~prefix ~handler] defines a dynamic node in
+ the tree of object. This means that objects with a path prefixed
+ by [prefix], will be created on the fly by [handler] when a
+ process try to access them.
+ [handler] receive the context and rest of path after the
+ prefix. It may raises [Not_found] to indicates that there is no
+ object under the given path.
+ Note: if you manually export an object with a path prefixed by
+ [prefix], it will have precedence over the one created by
+ [handler]. *)
+(** {6 Interfaces} *)
+val make_interface : name : OBus_name.interface ->
+ ?annotations : OBus_introspect.annotation list ->
+ ?methods : 'a method_info list ->
+ ?signals : 'a signal_info list ->
+ ?properties : 'a property_info list -> unit -> 'a interface
+ (** [make_interface ~name ?annotations ?methods ?signals ?properties ()]
+ creates a new interface *)
+val make_interface_unsafe : OBus_name.interface ->
+ OBus_introspect.annotation list ->
+ 'a method_info array ->
+ 'a signal_info array ->
+ 'a property_info array -> 'a interface
+val add_interfaces : 'a t -> 'a interface list -> unit
+ (** [add_interfaces obj ifaces] adds suport for the interfaces
+ described by [ifaces] to the given object. If an interface with
+ the same name is already attached to the object, then it is
+ replaced by the new one. *)
+val remove_interfaces : 'a t -> 'a interface list -> unit
+ (** [remove_interaces obj ifaces] removes informations about the
+ given interfaces from [obj]. If [obj] does not implement some of
+ the interfaces, it does nothing. *)
+val remove_interfaces_by_names : 'a t -> OBus_name.interface list -> unit
+ (** Same as {!remove_interfaces} but takes only the interface names
+ as argument. *)
+(** {8 Well-known interfaces} *)
+val introspectable : unit -> 'a interface
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable] interface *)
+val properties : unit -> 'a interface
+ (** The [org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties] interface *)
+(** {6 Members} *)
+val method_info : ('a, 'b) OBus_member.Method.t -> ('c t -> 'a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'c method_info
+ (** [method_info desc handler] creates a method-call
+ member. [handler] receive the destination object of the method
+ call and the arguments of the method call. The context of the
+ call is also available to [handler] by using
+ {!OBus_context.get}. *)
+val signal_info : 'a OBus_member.Signal.t -> 'b signal_info
+ (** Defines a signal. It is only used for introspection *)
+val property_r_info : ('a, [ `readable ]) OBus_member.Property.t -> ('b t -> 'a React.signal) -> 'b property_info
+ (** [property_r_info desc get] defines a read-only property. [get]
+ is called once when data is attached to an object with
+ {!attach}. It must return a signal holding the current value of
+ the property. *)
+val property_w_info : ('a, [ `writable ]) OBus_member.Property.t -> ('b t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t) -> 'b property_info
+ (** [property_w_info desc set] defines a write-only property. [set]
+ is used to set the propertry contents. *)
+val property_rw_info : ('a, [ `readable | `writable ]) OBus_member.Property.t -> ('b t -> 'a React.signal) -> ('b t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t) -> 'b property_info
+ (** [property_rw_info desc get set] defines a readable and writable
+ property. [get] and [set] have the same semantic as for
+ {!property_r_info} and {!property_w_info}. *)
+(** {6 Signals} *)
+val emit : 'a t ->
+ interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ ?peer : OBus_peer.t ->
+ 'b OBus_value.C.sequence -> 'b -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [emit obj ~interface ~member ?peer typ args] emits a signal. it
+ uses the same rules as {!OBus_signal.emit} for choosing the
+ destinations of the signal. *)
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index 0000000..bdb1fc8
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+++ b/src/protocol/
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+ *
+ * ------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+open Lwt_react
+type t = {
+ connection : OBus_connection.t;
+ name : OBus_name.bus;
+let compare =
+let connection p = p.connection
+let name p =
+let make ~connection ~name = { connection = connection; name = name }
+let anonymous c = { connection = c; name = "" }
+let ping peer =
+ let%lwt reply, () =
+ OBus_connection.method_call_with_message
+ ~connection:peer.connection
+ ~destination:OBus_protocol.bus_name
+ ~path:[]
+ ~interface:"org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer"
+ ~member:"Peer"
+ ~i_args:OBus_value.C.seq0
+ ~o_args:OBus_value.C.seq0
+ ()
+ in
+ Lwt.return { peer with name = OBus_message.sender reply }
+let get_machine_id peer =
+ let%lwt mid =
+ OBus_connection.method_call
+ ~connection:peer.connection
+ ~destination:OBus_protocol.bus_name
+ ~path:[]
+ ~interface:"org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer"
+ ~member:"GetMachineId"
+ ~i_args:OBus_value.C.seq0
+ ~o_args:(OBus_value.C.seq1 OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ ()
+ in
+ try
+ Lwt.return (OBus_uuid.of_string mid)
+ with exn ->
+ exn
+let wait_for_exit peer =
+ match with
+ | "" ->
+ (Invalid_argument "OBus_peer.wait_for_exit: peer has no name")
+ | name ->
+ let switch = Lwt_switch.create () in
+ let%lwt owner = OBus_resolver.make ~switch peer.connection name in
+ if S.value owner = "" then
+ Lwt_switch.turn_off switch
+ else
+ (let%lwt _ = (E.filter ((=) "") (S.changes owner)) in
+ Lwt.return ())
+ [%lwt.finally
+ Lwt_switch.turn_off switch]
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Private peers |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type peer = t
+module type Private = sig
+ type t = private peer
+ external of_peer : peer -> t = "%identity"
+ external to_peer : t -> peer = "%identity"
+module Private =
+ type t = peer
+ external of_peer : peer -> t = "%identity"
+ external to_peer : t -> peer = "%identity"
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_peer.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_peer.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03524ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_peer.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * oBus_peer.mli
+ * -------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus peers *)
+(** A D-Bus peer represent an application which can be reach though a
+ D-Bus connection. It is the application at the end-point of the
+ connection or, if the end-point is a message bus, any application
+ connected to it. *)
+type t = {
+ connection : OBus_connection.t;
+ (** Connection used to reach the peer. *)
+ name : OBus_name.bus;
+ (** Name of the peer. This only make sense if the connection is a
+ connection to a message bus. *)
+val compare : t -> t -> int
+ (** Same as []. It allows this module to be used
+ as argument to the functors [Set.Make] and [Map.Make]. *)
+val connection : t -> OBus_connection.t
+ (** [connection] projection *)
+val name : t -> OBus_name.bus
+ (** [name] projection *)
+(** Note that it is possible to use either a unique connection name or
+ a bus name as peer name.
+ Both possibility have advantages and drawbacks:
+ - using bus names such as "org.freedesktop.DBus.Hal" avoid the
+ need to resolve the name. When doing the first method call the bus
+ will automatically start the service if available. Also if the
+ service restarts the peer will still be valid.
+ One drawback is that the owner may change over the time, and
+ method calls may not be made on the same peer.
+ - using a unique name, which can be retreived with bus functions
+ (see {!OBus_bus}), ensures that the peer won't change over time.
+ By the way if the service exits, or another application replaces it
+ and we want to always use the default one, we have to write the
+ code to handle owner change.
+ So, one good strategy is to use bus names when calls do not involve
+ side-effect on the service such as object creation, and use unique
+ names for object created on our demand. Basically you can stick to
+ this rule:
+ Always use bus name for a well-known objects, such as
+ "/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager" on "org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager"
+ and use unique name for objects for which the path is retrieved
+ from a method call.
+val make : connection : OBus_connection.t -> name : OBus_name.bus -> t
+ (** [make connection name] make a named peer *)
+val anonymous : OBus_connection.t -> t
+ (** [anonymous connection] make an anonymous peer *)
+val ping : t -> t Lwt.t
+ (** Ping a peer, and return the peer which really respond to the
+ ping.
+ For example, the fastest way to get the the peer owning a bus
+ name, and start it if not running is:
+ [ping (OBus_peer.make bus "")] *)
+val get_machine_id : t -> OBus_uuid.t Lwt.t
+ (** @return the id of the machine the peer is running on *)
+val wait_for_exit : t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [wait_for_exit peer] wait until [peer] exit. If [peer] is not
+ running then it returns immediatly. Raises [Invalid_argument] if
+ the peer has no name. *)
+(** {6 Private peers} *)
+type peer = t
+(** Minimal interface of private peers *)
+module type Private = sig
+ type t = private peer
+ external of_peer : peer -> t = "%identity"
+ external to_peer : t -> peer = "%identity"
+(** Minimal implementation of private peers *)
+module Private : sig
+ type t = peer
+ external of_peer : peer -> t = "%identity"
+ external to_peer : t -> peer = "%identity"
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78baaf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ *
+ * ----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(property)"
+open Lwt.Infix
+open Lwt_react
+open OBus_interfaces.Org_freedesktop_DBus_Properties
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Types |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module String_map = Map.Make(String)
+type map = (OBus_context.t * OBus_value.V.single) String_map.t
+type monitor = OBus_proxy.t -> OBus_name.interface -> Lwt_switch.t -> map signal Lwt.t
+type ('a, 'access) t = {
+ p_interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ (* The interface of the property. *)
+ p_member : OBus_name.member;
+ (* The name of the property. *)
+ p_proxy : OBus_proxy.t;
+ (* The object owning the property. *)
+ p_monitor : monitor;
+ (* Monitor for this property. *)
+ p_cast : OBus_context.t -> OBus_value.V.single -> 'a;
+ p_make : 'a -> OBus_value.V.single;
+type 'a r = ('a, [ `readable ]) t
+type 'a w = ('a, [ `writable ]) t
+type 'a rw = ('a, [ `readable | `writable ]) t
+type group = {
+ g_interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ (* The interface of the group *)
+ g_proxy : OBus_proxy.t;
+ (* The object owning the group of properties *)
+ g_monitor : monitor;
+ (* Monitor for this group. *)
+module Group_map = Map.Make
+ (struct
+ type t = OBus_name.bus * OBus_path.t * OBus_name.interface
+ (* Groups are indexed by:
+ - name of the owner of the property
+ - path of the object owning the property
+ - interfaec of the property *)
+ let compare =
+ end)
+(* Type of a cache for a group *)
+type cache = {
+ mutable c_count : int;
+ (* Numbers of monitored properties using this group. *)
+ c_map : map signal;
+ (* The signal holding the current state of properties. *)
+ c_switch : Lwt_switch.t;
+ (* Switch for the signal used to monitor the group. *)
+type info = {
+ mutable cache : cache Lwt.t Group_map.t;
+ (* Cache of all monitored properties. *)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Default monitor |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let update_map context dict map =
+ List.fold_left (fun map (name, value) -> String_map.add name (context, value) map) map dict
+let map_of_list context dict =
+ update_map context dict String_map.empty
+let get_all_no_cache proxy interface =
+ OBus_method.call_with_context m_GetAll proxy interface
+let default_monitor proxy interface switch =
+ let%lwt event =
+ OBus_signal.connect ~switch
+ (OBus_signal.with_filters
+ (OBus_match.make_arguments [(0, OBus_match.AF_string interface)])
+ (OBus_signal.with_context
+ (OBus_signal.make s_PropertiesChanged proxy)))
+ and context, dict = get_all_no_cache proxy interface in
+ Lwt.return ( snd
+ (S.fold_s ~eq:(fun (_, a) (_, b) -> String_map.equal (=) a b)
+ (fun (_, map) (sig_context, (interface, updates, invalidates)) ->
+ if invalidates = [] then
+ Lwt.return (sig_context, update_map sig_context updates map)
+ else
+ let%lwt context, dict = get_all_no_cache proxy interface in
+ Lwt.return (sig_context, map_of_list context dict))
+ (context, map_of_list context dict)
+ event))
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Property creation |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let make ?(monitor=default_monitor) desc proxy = {
+ p_interface = OBus_member.Property.interface desc;
+ p_member = OBus_member.Property.member desc;
+ p_proxy = proxy;
+ p_monitor = monitor;
+ p_cast = (fun context value -> OBus_value.C.cast_single (OBus_member.Property.typ desc) value);
+ p_make = (OBus_value.C.make_single (OBus_member.Property.typ desc));
+let group ?(monitor=default_monitor) proxy interface = {
+ g_proxy = proxy;
+ g_interface = interface;
+ g_monitor = monitor;
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Transformations |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let map_rw f g property = {
+ property with
+ p_cast = (fun context x -> f (property.p_cast context x));
+ p_make = (fun x -> property.p_make (g x));
+let map_rw_with_context f g property = {
+ property with
+ p_cast = (fun context x -> f context (property.p_cast context x));
+ p_make = (fun x -> property.p_make (g x));
+let map_r f property = {
+ property with
+ p_cast = (fun context x -> f (property.p_cast context x));
+ p_make = (fun x -> assert false);
+let map_r_with_context f property = {
+ property with
+ p_cast = (fun context x -> f context (property.p_cast context x));
+ p_make = (fun x -> assert false);
+let map_w g property = {
+ property with
+ p_cast = (fun context x -> assert false);
+ p_make = (fun x -> property.p_make (g x));
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Operations on maps |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let find property map =
+ let context, value = String_map.find property.p_member map in
+ property.p_cast context value
+let find_with_context property map =
+ let context, value = String_map.find property.p_member map in
+ (context, property.p_cast context value)
+let find_value name map =
+ let context, value = String_map.find name map in
+ value
+let find_value_with_context name map =
+ String_map.find name map
+let print_map pp map =
+ let open Format in
+ pp_open_box pp 2;
+ pp_print_string pp "{";
+ pp_print_cut pp ();
+ pp_open_hvbox pp 0;
+ String_map.iter
+ (fun name (context, value) ->
+ pp_open_box pp 0;
+ pp_print_string pp name;
+ pp_print_space pp ();
+ pp_print_string pp "=";
+ pp_print_space pp ();
+ OBus_value.V.print_single pp value;
+ pp_print_string pp ";";
+ pp_close_box pp ();
+ pp_print_cut pp ())
+ map;
+ pp_close_box pp ();
+ pp_print_cut pp ();
+ pp_print_string pp "}";
+ pp_close_box pp ()
+let string_of_map map =
+ let open Format in
+ let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
+ let pp = formatter_of_buffer buf in
+ pp_set_margin pp max_int;
+ print_map pp map;
+ pp_print_flush pp ();
+ Buffer.contents buf
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Properties reading/writing |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let key = OBus_connection.new_key ()
+let get_with_context prop =
+ match OBus_connection.get (OBus_proxy.connection prop.p_proxy) key with
+ | Some info -> begin
+ match
+ try
+ Some(Group_map.find ( prop.p_proxy,
+ OBus_proxy.path prop.p_proxy,
+ prop.p_interface) info.cache)
+ with Not_found ->
+ None
+ with
+ | Some cache_thread ->
+ let%lwt cache = cache_thread in
+ Lwt.return (find_with_context prop (S.value cache.c_map))
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt context, value = OBus_method.call_with_context m_Get prop.p_proxy (prop.p_interface, prop.p_member) in
+ Lwt.return (context, prop.p_cast context value)
+ end
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt context, value = OBus_method.call_with_context m_Get prop.p_proxy (prop.p_interface, prop.p_member) in
+ Lwt.return (context, prop.p_cast context value)
+let get prop =
+ get_with_context prop >|= snd
+let set prop value =
+ m_Set prop.p_proxy (prop.p_interface, prop.p_member, prop.p_make value)
+let get_group group =
+ match OBus_connection.get (OBus_proxy.connection group.g_proxy) key with
+ | Some info -> begin
+ match
+ try
+ Some(Group_map.find ( group.g_proxy,
+ OBus_proxy.path group.g_proxy,
+ group.g_interface) info.cache)
+ with Not_found ->
+ None
+ with
+ | Some cache_thread ->
+ let%lwt cache = cache_thread in
+ Lwt.return (S.value cache.c_map)
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt context, dict = get_all_no_cache group.g_proxy group.g_interface in
+ Lwt.return (map_of_list context dict)
+ end
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt context, dict = get_all_no_cache group.g_proxy group.g_interface in
+ Lwt.return (map_of_list context dict)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Monitoring |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let finalise disable _ =
+ ignore (Lazy.force disable)
+let monitor_group ?switch group =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ let cache_key = ( group.g_proxy, OBus_proxy.path group.g_proxy, group.g_interface) in
+ let info =
+ match OBus_connection.get (OBus_proxy.connection group.g_proxy) key with
+ | Some info ->
+ info
+ | None ->
+ let info = { cache = Group_map.empty } in
+ OBus_connection.set (OBus_proxy.connection group.g_proxy) key (Some info);
+ info
+ in
+ let%lwt cache =
+ match
+ try
+ Some(Group_map.find cache_key info.cache)
+ with Not_found ->
+ None
+ with
+ | Some cache_thread ->
+ cache_thread
+ | None ->
+ let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
+ info.cache <- Group_map.add cache_key waiter info.cache;
+ let switch = Lwt_switch.create () in
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt signal = group.g_monitor group.g_proxy group.g_interface switch in
+ let cache = {
+ c_count = 0;
+ c_map = signal;
+ c_switch = switch;
+ } in
+ Lwt.wakeup wakener cache;
+ Lwt.return cache
+ with exn ->
+ info.cache <- Group_map.remove cache_key info.cache;
+ Lwt.wakeup_exn wakener exn;
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_switch.turn_off switch in
+ exn
+ in
+ cache.c_count <- cache.c_count + 1;
+ let disable = lazy(
+ try%lwt
+ cache.c_count <- cache.c_count - 1;
+ if cache.c_count = 0 then begin
+ info.cache <- Group_map.remove cache_key info.cache;
+ Lwt_switch.turn_off cache.c_switch
+ end else
+ Lwt.return ()
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_log.warning_f
+ ~section
+ ~exn
+ "failed to disable monitoring of properties for interface %S on object %S from %S"
+ group.g_interface
+ (OBus_path.to_string (OBus_proxy.path group.g_proxy))
+ ( group.g_proxy)
+ in
+ exn
+ ) in
+ let signal = S.with_finaliser (finalise disable) cache.c_map in
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook_or_exec
+ switch
+ (fun () ->
+ S.stop signal;
+ Lazy.force disable)
+ in
+ Lwt.return signal
+let monitor ?switch prop =
+ let%lwt signal = monitor_group ?switch { g_interface = prop.p_interface;
+ g_proxy = prop.p_proxy;
+ g_monitor = prop.p_monitor } in
+ Lwt.return ( (find prop) signal)
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_property.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_property.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6b905a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_property.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ * oBus_property.mli
+ * -----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus properties *)
+(** {6 Types} *)
+type ('a, 'access) t
+ (** Type of a property holding a value of type ['a]. ['access] is
+ the access mode of the property. *)
+type 'a r = ('a, [ `readable ]) t
+ (** Type of read-only properties *)
+type 'a w = ('a, [ `writable ]) t
+ (** Type of write-only properties *)
+type 'a rw = ('a, [ `readable | `writable ]) t
+ (** Type of read and write properties *)
+type map = (OBus_context.t * OBus_value.V.single) Map.Make(String).t
+ (** Type of all properties of an interface. *)
+type group
+ (** Type of a group of properties. Property groups are used to
+ read/monitor all the properties of an interface. *)
+type monitor = OBus_proxy.t -> OBus_name.interface -> Lwt_switch.t -> map React.signal Lwt.t
+ (** Type of a function creating a signal holding the contents of all
+ the properties of an interface. The default monitor uses the
+ [org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged] signal. *)
+(** {6 Properties creation} *)
+val make : ?monitor : monitor -> ('a, 'access) OBus_member.Property.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> ('a, 'access) t
+ (** [make ?monitor property proxy] returns the property object for
+ this proxy. *)
+val group : ?monitor : monitor -> OBus_proxy.t -> OBus_name.interface -> group
+ (** [group ?monitor proxy interface] creates a group for all
+ readable properties of the given interface. Note that it is
+ faster to read a group of properties rather than reading each
+ property individually. *)
+(** {6 Properties transformation} *)
+val map_rw : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'a rw -> 'b rw
+ (** [map property f g] maps [property] with [f] and [g] *)
+val map_rw_with_context : (OBus_context.t -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'a rw -> 'b rw
+ (** Same as {!map} except that the context is also passed to mapping
+ functions. *)
+val map_r : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'b r
+ (** Maps a read-only property. *)
+val map_r_with_context : (OBus_context.t -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'b r
+ (** Maps a read-only property, passing the context to the mapping
+ function *)
+val map_w : ('b -> 'a) -> ('a, [> `writable ]) t -> 'b w
+ (** Maps a write-only property. *)
+(** {6 Operations on properties} *)
+val get : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'a Lwt.t
+ (** Read the contents of a property. *)
+val get_with_context : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> (OBus_context.t * 'a) Lwt.t
+ (** Same as {!get} but also returns the context *)
+val set : ('a, [> `writable ]) t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Write the contents of a property *)
+val get_group : group -> map Lwt.t
+ (** Returns the set of all properties that belong to the given
+ group. *)
+(** {6 Operations on property maps} *)
+val find_value : OBus_name.member -> map -> OBus_value.V.single
+ (** [find_value name map] returns the value associated to [name] in
+ [set]. It raises [Not_found] if [name] is not in [map]. *)
+val find_value_with_context : OBus_name.member -> map -> OBus_context.t * OBus_value.V.single
+ (** Same as {!find_value} but also returns the context in which the
+ property was received. *)
+val find : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> map -> 'a
+ (** [find property map] looks up for the given property in [set] and
+ maps it to a value of type ['a]. It raises [Not_found] if
+ [property] does not belong to [map]. *)
+val find_with_context : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> map -> OBus_context.t * 'a
+ (** Same as {!find} but also returns the context in which the
+ property was received. *)
+val print_map : Format.formatter -> map -> unit
+ (** [print_set pp map] prints all the properties of [map]. *)
+val string_of_map : map -> string
+ (** [string_of_set set] prints [set] into a string and returns it. *)
+(** {6 Monitoring} *)
+(** Lots of D-Bus services notify other applications with a D-Bus
+ signal when one or more properties of an object change. In this
+ case it is possible to monitor the contents of a property.
+ Note that when at least one property of an interface is monitored,
+ obus will keep a local state of all the properties of the
+ interface.
+val monitor : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'a React.signal Lwt.t
+ (** [monitor ?switch property] returns the signal holding the
+ current contents of [property]. Raises [Failure] if the property
+ is not monitorable.
+ Resources allocated to monitor the property are automatically
+ freed when the signal is garbage collected *)
+val monitor_group : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> group -> map React.signal Lwt.t
+ (** [monitor_group ?switch group] monitors all properties of the
+ given group. *)
+(** {6 Helpers for custom monitors} *)
+val get_all_no_cache : OBus_proxy.t -> OBus_name.interface -> (OBus_context.t * (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list) Lwt.t
+ (** [get_all_no_cache proxy interface] reads the value of all
+ properties without using the cache. *)
+val update_map : OBus_context.t -> (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list -> map -> map
+ (** [update_map context values map] add all properties with their
+ context and value to [map]. *)
+val map_of_list : OBus_context.t -> (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list -> map
+ (** [map_of_list context values] returns the map corresponding to
+ the given values and context. *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4d186b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ *
+ * -------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(proxy)"
+open OBus_peer
+open OBus_message
+type t = {
+ peer : OBus_peer.t;
+ path : OBus_path.t;
+let compare =
+let make ~peer ~path = { peer = peer; path = path }
+let peer proxy = proxy.peer
+let path proxy = proxy.path
+let connection proxy = proxy.peer.connection
+let name proxy =
+type proxy = t
+module type Private = sig
+ type t = private proxy
+ external of_proxy : proxy -> t = "%identity"
+ external to_proxy : t -> proxy = "%identity"
+module Private =
+ type t = proxy
+ external of_proxy : proxy -> t = "%identity"
+ external to_proxy : t -> proxy = "%identity"
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Method calls |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let call proxy ~interface ~member ~i_args ~o_args args =
+ OBus_connection.method_call
+ ~connection:proxy.peer.connection
+ ~path:proxy.path
+ ~interface
+ ~member
+ ~i_args
+ ~o_args
+ args
+let call_with_context proxy ~interface ~member ~i_args ~o_args args =
+ let%lwt msg, result =
+ OBus_connection.method_call_with_message
+ ~connection:proxy.peer.connection
+ ~path:proxy.path
+ ~interface
+ ~member
+ ~i_args
+ ~o_args
+ args
+ in
+ Lwt.return (OBus_context.make proxy.peer.connection msg, result)
+let call_no_reply proxy ~interface ~member ~i_args args =
+ OBus_connection.method_call_no_reply
+ ~connection:proxy.peer.connection
+ ~path:proxy.path
+ ~interface
+ ~member
+ ~i_args
+ args
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Introspection |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let introspect proxy =
+ let%lwt str =
+ call proxy ~interface:"org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" ~member:"Introspect"
+ ~i_args:OBus_value.C.seq0
+ ~o_args:(OBus_value.C.seq1 OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ ()
+ in
+ try
+ Lwt.return (OBus_introspect.input (Xmlm.make_input ~strip:true (`String(0, str))))
+ with Xmlm.Error((line, column), err) ->
+ (Failure(Printf.sprintf "OBus_proxy.introspect: invalid document, at line %d: %s" line (Xmlm.error_message err)))
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_proxy.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_proxy.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8aafdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_proxy.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * oBus_proxy.mli
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Remote D-Bus objects *)
+(** A proxy is an object on which live on a different processus, but
+ behave as a native ocaml value. *)
+(** The default type for proxies *)
+type t = {
+ peer : OBus_peer.t;
+ (** Peer owning the object *)
+ path : OBus_path.t;
+ (** Path of the object on the peer *)
+val compare : t -> t -> int
+ (** Same as []. It allows this module to be used
+ as argument to the functors [Set.Make] and [Map.Make]. *)
+val make : peer : OBus_peer.t -> path : OBus_path.t -> t
+ (** Creates a proxy from the given peer and path *)
+(** {6 Informations} *)
+val peer : t -> OBus_peer.t
+ (** Returns the peer pointed by a proxy *)
+val path : t -> OBus_path.t
+ (** Returns the path of a proxy *)
+val connection : t -> OBus_connection.t
+ (** [connection proxy = OBus_peer.connection (peer proxy)] *)
+val name : t -> OBus_name.bus
+ (** [connection proxy = (peer proxy)] *)
+val introspect : t -> OBus_introspect.document Lwt.t
+ (** [introspect proxy] introspects the given proxy *)
+(** {6 Method calls} *)
+val call : t ->
+ interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.C.sequence ->
+ o_args : 'b OBus_value.C.sequence -> 'a -> 'b Lwt.t
+ (** [call proxy ~interface ~member ~i_args ~o_args args] calls the
+ given method on the given proxy and wait for the reply. *)
+val call_with_context : t ->
+ interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.C.sequence ->
+ o_args : 'b OBus_value.C.sequence -> 'a -> (OBus_context.t * 'b) Lwt.t
+ (** [call_with_context] is like {!call} except that is also returns
+ the context of the method return *)
+val call_no_reply : t ->
+ interface : OBus_name.interface ->
+ member : OBus_name.member ->
+ i_args : 'a OBus_value.C.sequence -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [call_no_reply] is the same as {!call} except that it does not
+ wait for a reply *)
+(** {6 Private proxies} *)
+(** The two following module interface and implementations are helpers
+ for using private proxies. A private proxy is just a normal proxy
+ but defined as a private type, to avoid incorrect use. *)
+type proxy = t
+(** Minimal interface of private proxies *)
+module type Private = sig
+ type t = private proxy
+ external of_proxy : proxy -> t = "%identity"
+ external to_proxy : t -> proxy = "%identity"
+(** Minimal implementation of private proxies *)
+module Private : sig
+ type t = proxy
+ external of_proxy : proxy -> t = "%identity"
+ external to_proxy : t -> proxy = "%identity"
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f892d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ *
+ * ----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(resolver)"
+open Lwt_react
+module String_map = Map.Make(String)
+(* We keep track on each connection of the last [cache_size] peers
+ that have already exited: *)
+let cache_size = 100
+type resolver = {
+ mutable count : int;
+ (* Number of instances of this resolver. The resolver is
+ automatically disabled when this number reach 0. *)
+ owner : OBus_name.bus signal;
+ (* The owner of the name that is being monitored. *)
+ set_owner : OBus_name.bus -> unit;
+ (* Sets the owner. *)
+(* Informations stored in connections *)
+and info = {
+ mutable resolvers : (resolver * Lwt_switch.t) Lwt.t String_map.t;
+ (* Mapping from names to active resolvers. The maps hold thread
+ instead of resolver directly to avoid the following problem:
+ 1 - a resolver for a certain name is being created,
+ 2 - the creation yields,
+ 3 - another resolver for the same name is requested before the
+ creation of the previous one terminates,
+ 4 - the second to register in this map wwill erase the first one.
+ *)
+ mutable exited : OBus_name.bus array;
+ (* Array holding the last [cache_size] peers that have already
+ exited *)
+ mutable exited_index : int;
+ (* Position where to store the next exited peers in [exited]. *)
+let finalise remove _ =
+ ignore (Lazy.force remove)
+let has_exited peer_name info =
+ let rec loop index =
+ if index = cache_size then
+ false
+ else if info.exited.(index) = peer_name then
+ true
+ else
+ loop (index + 1)
+ in
+ loop 0
+let key = OBus_connection.new_key ()
+let get_name_owner connection name =
+ try%lwt
+ OBus_connection.method_call
+ ~connection
+ ~destination:OBus_protocol.bus_name
+ ~path:OBus_protocol.bus_path
+ ~interface:OBus_protocol.bus_interface
+ ~member:"GetNameOwner"
+ ~i_args:(OBus_value.C.seq1 OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ ~o_args:(OBus_value.C.seq1 OBus_value.C.basic_string)
+ name
+ with exn when exn = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner" ->
+ Lwt.return ""
+(* Handle NameOwnerChanged events *)
+let update_mapping info message =
+ let open OBus_message in
+ let open OBus_value in
+ match message with
+ | { sender = "org.freedesktop.DBus";
+ typ = Signal(["org"; "freedesktop"; "DBus"], "org.freedesktop.DBus", "NameOwnerChanged");
+ body = [V.Basic(V.String name); V.Basic(V.String old_owner); V.Basic(V.String new_owner)] } ->
+ if OBus_name.is_unique name && new_owner = "" && not (has_exited name info) then begin
+ (* Remember that the peer has exited: *)
+ info.exited.(info.exited_index) <- name;
+ info.exited_index <- (info.exited_index + 1) mod cache_size
+ end;
+ begin
+ match try Lwt.state (String_map.find name info.resolvers) with Not_found -> Sleep with
+ | Return(resolver, switch) ->
+ resolver.set_owner new_owner
+ | Fail _ | Sleep ->
+ (* Discards events arriving before GetNameOwner has returned *)
+ ()
+ end;
+ Some message
+ | _ ->
+ Some message
+let make ?switch connection name =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ OBus_string.assert_validate OBus_name.validate_bus name;
+ let info =
+ match OBus_connection.get connection key with
+ | Some info ->
+ info
+ | None ->
+ let info = {
+ resolvers = String_map.empty;
+ exited = Array.make cache_size "";
+ exited_index = 0;
+ } in
+ OBus_connection.set connection key (Some info);
+ let _ = Lwt_sequence.add_l (update_mapping info) (OBus_connection.incoming_filters connection) in
+ info
+ in
+ (* If [name] is a unique name and the peer has already exited, then
+ there is nothing to do: *)
+ if OBus_name.is_unique name && has_exited name info then
+ Lwt.return (S.const "")
+ else begin
+ let%lwt resolver, export_switch =
+ match try Some(String_map.find name info.resolvers) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some thread ->
+ thread
+ | None ->
+ let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
+ info.resolvers <- String_map.add name waiter info.resolvers;
+ let export_switch = Lwt_switch.create () in
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt () =
+ OBus_match.export
+ ~switch:export_switch
+ connection
+ (OBus_match.rule
+ ~typ:`Signal
+ ~sender:OBus_protocol.bus_name
+ ~interface:OBus_protocol.bus_interface
+ ~member:"NameOwnerChanged"
+ ~path:OBus_protocol.bus_path
+ ~arguments:(OBus_match.make_arguments [(0, OBus_match.AF_string name)]) ())
+ in
+ let%lwt current_owner = get_name_owner connection name in
+ let owner, set_owner = S.create current_owner in
+ let resolver = { count = 0; owner; set_owner } in
+ Lwt.wakeup wakener (resolver, export_switch);
+ Lwt.return (resolver, export_switch)
+ with exn ->
+ info.resolvers <- String_map.remove name info.resolvers;
+ Lwt.wakeup_exn wakener exn;
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_switch.turn_off export_switch in
+ exn
+ in
+ resolver.count <- resolver.count + 1;
+ let remove = lazy(
+ try%lwt
+ resolver.count <- resolver.count - 1;
+ if resolver.count = 0 then begin
+ (* The resolver is no more used, so we disable it: *)
+ info.resolvers <- String_map.remove name info.resolvers;
+ Lwt_switch.turn_off export_switch
+ end else
+ Lwt.return ()
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.warning_f ~section ~exn "failed to disable resolver for name %S" name in
+ exn
+ ) in
+ let owner = S.with_finaliser (finalise remove) resolver.owner in
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook_or_exec
+ switch
+ (fun () ->
+ S.stop owner;
+ Lazy.force remove)
+ in
+ Lwt.return owner
+ end
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_resolver.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_resolver.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16040ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_resolver.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * oBus_resolver.mli
+ * -----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Bus name resolving *)
+(** This module implements bus name resolving and monitoring.
+ - for a unique connection name, it means being notified when the
+ peer owning this name exits
+ - for a well-known name such as "org.domain.Serivce" it means
+ knowing at each time who is the current owner and being notified
+ when the service owner changes (i.e. the process implementing the
+ service change).
+ It is basically an abstraction for {!OBus_bus.get_owner} and
+ {!OBus_bus.name_owner_changed}. You should prefer using it instead
+ of implementing your own name monitoring because resolver are
+ shared and obus internally uses them, so this avoids extra messages.
+ Note that with a peer-to-peer connection, resolver will always act
+ as if there is no owner. *)
+val make : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> OBus_connection.t -> OBus_name.bus -> OBus_name.bus React.signal Lwt.t
+ (** [make ?switch bus name] creates a resolver which will monitor
+ the name [name] on [bus]. It returns a signal holding the
+ current owner of the name. It holds [""] when there is no
+ owner. *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd17ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+ *
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(server)"
+open Unix
+open Lwt.Infix
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Types |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Type of a listener. A server have one or more listeners. Each
+ listener listen for new clients on a givne address *)
+type listener = {
+ lst_fd : Lwt_unix.file_descr;
+ lst_address : OBus_address.t;
+ lst_guid : OBus_address.guid;
+ lst_capabilities : OBus_auth.capability list;
+(* Type of events received by a listener *)
+type event =
+ | Event_shutdown
+ (* Event fired when the user shutdown the server, or when a
+ listener fails. *)
+ | Event_connection of Lwt_unix.file_descr * Unix.sockaddr
+ (* A new client connects to the server *)
+(* Type of a server *)
+type t = {
+ mutable srv_up : bool;
+ (* The server state *)
+ srv_addresses : OBus_address.t list;
+ (* List of connecting addresses of the server *)
+ srv_callback : (t -> OBus_transport.t -> unit);
+ (* The callback function *)
+ srv_abort_waiter : event Lwt.t;
+ srv_abort_wakener : event Lwt.u;
+ (* Sleeping thread which is wakeup with the value [Event_shutdown]
+ when the server is shutdown *)
+ srv_mechanisms : OBus_auth.Server.mechanism list option;
+ (* List of mechanisms supported by this server *)
+ srv_allow_anonymous : bool;
+ (* Does the server allow anonymous clients ? *)
+ srv_nonce : string;
+ (* The server nonce, for the "tcp-nonce" transport *)
+ srv_nonce_file : string;
+ (* The file in which the nonce is stored *)
+ mutable srv_loops : unit Lwt.t;
+ (* [srv_loops] is the join of all listener's loops *)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Accepting new connecctions |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Reads the nonce sent by the client before authentication. The nonce
+ is composed of the first 16 bytes sent by the client. *)
+let read_nonce fd =
+ let nonce = Bytes.create 16 in
+ let rec loop ofs len =
+ fd nonce ofs len >>= function
+ | 0 ->
+ End_of_file
+ | n ->
+ if n = len then
+ Lwt.return (Bytes.unsafe_to_string nonce)
+ else
+ loop (ofs + n) (len - n)
+ in
+ loop 0 16
+(* Wait for a client to connects *)
+let rec accept server listener =
+ begin
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt result = Lwt_unix.accept listener.lst_fd in
+ Lwt.return (`Accept result)
+ with Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ if server.srv_up then
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "uncaught error: %s" (error_message err)
+ else
+ (* Ignore errors that happens after a shutdown *)
+ Lwt.return ()
+ in
+ Lwt.return `Shutdown
+ end >>= function
+ | `Accept(fd, address) ->
+ if listener.lst_address = "nonce-tcp" then begin
+ begin
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt nonce = read_nonce fd in
+ if nonce <> server.srv_nonce then begin
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.notice_f ~section "client rejected because of invalid nonce" in
+ Lwt.return `Drop
+ end else
+ Lwt.return `OK
+ with
+ | End_of_file ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.warning ~section "cannot read nonce from socket" in
+ Lwt.return `Drop
+ | Unix.Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.warning_f ~section "cannot read nonce from socket: %s" (Unix.error_message err) in
+ Lwt.return `Drop
+ end >>= function
+ | `OK ->
+ Lwt.return (Event_connection(fd, address))
+ | `Drop ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ try
+ Lwt_unix.shutdown fd SHUTDOWN_ALL;
+ Lwt_unix.close fd
+ with Unix.Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "cannot shutdown socket: %s" (Unix.error_message err)
+ in
+ accept server listener
+ end else
+ Lwt.return (Event_connection(fd, address))
+ | `Shutdown ->
+ Lwt.return Event_shutdown
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Listeners |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Cleans up resources allocated for the given listenning address *)
+let cleanup address =
+ match address with
+ | "unix" -> begin
+ match OBus_address.arg "path" address with
+ | Some path -> begin
+ (* Sockets in the file system must be removed manually *)
+ try
+ Lwt_unix.unlink path
+ with Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "cannot unlink '%s': %s" path (Unix.error_message err)
+ end
+ | None ->
+ Lwt.return ()
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ Lwt.return ()
+let string_of_address = function
+ | ADDR_UNIX path ->
+ let len = String.length path in
+ if len > 0 && path.[0] = '\x00' then
+ Printf.sprintf "unix abstract path %S" (String.sub path 1 (len - 1))
+ else
+ Printf.sprintf "unix path %S" path
+ | ADDR_INET(ia, port) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "internet address %s:%d" (string_of_inet_addr ia) port
+(* Handle new clients. This function never fails. *)
+let handle_client server listener fd address =
+ let shutdown = lazy(
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_unix.shutdown fd SHUTDOWN_ALL;
+ Lwt_unix.close fd
+ with Unix.Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "cannot shutdown socket: %s" (Unix.error_message err)
+ ) in
+ try%lwt
+ let buf = Bytes.create 1 in
+ fd buf 0 1 >>= function
+ | 0 ->
+ (OBus_auth.Auth_failure "did not receive the initial null byte")
+ | 1 ->
+ let user_id =
+ try
+ Some((Lwt_unix.get_credentials fd).Lwt_unix.cred_uid)
+ with Unix.Unix_error(error, _, _) ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.info_f ~section "cannot read credential: %s" (Unix.error_message error));
+ None
+ in
+ let%lwt user_id, capabilities =
+ OBus_auth.Server.authenticate
+ ~capabilities:listener.lst_capabilities
+ ?mechanisms:server.srv_mechanisms
+ ?user_id
+ ~guid:listener.lst_guid
+ ~stream:(OBus_auth.stream_of_fd fd)
+ ()
+ in
+ if user_id = None && not server.srv_allow_anonymous then begin
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.notice_f ~section "client from %s rejected because anonymous connections are not allowed" (string_of_address address) in
+ Lazy.force shutdown
+ end else begin
+ try
+ server.srv_callback server (OBus_transport.socket ~capabilities fd);
+ Lwt.return ()
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error ~section ~exn "server callback failed failed with" in
+ Lazy.force shutdown
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ match exn with
+ | OBus_auth.Auth_failure msg ->
+ Lwt_log.notice_f ~section "authentication failure for client from %s: %s" (string_of_address address) msg
+ | exn ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section ~exn "authentication for client from %s failed with" (string_of_address address)
+ in
+ Lazy.force shutdown
+(* Accept clients until the server is shutdown, or an accept fails: *)
+let rec lst_loop server listener =
+ Lwt.pick [server.srv_abort_waiter; accept server listener] >>= function
+ | Event_shutdown ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ try
+ Lwt_unix.close listener.lst_fd
+ with Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "cannot close listenning socket: %s" (Unix.error_message err)
+ in
+ cleanup listener.lst_address
+ | Event_connection(fd, address) ->
+ (* Launch authentication and dispatching in parallel: *)
+ ignore (handle_client server listener fd address);
+ lst_loop server listener
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Address -> transport |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Tries to create a socket using the given parameters *)
+let make_socket domain typ address =
+ let fd = Lwt_unix.socket domain typ 0 in
+ (try Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec fd with _ -> ());
+ try
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.bind fd address in
+ Lwt_unix.listen fd 10;
+ Lwt.return fd
+ with Unix_error(err, _, _) as exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~section "failed to create listenning socket with %s: %s" (string_of_address address) (Unix.error_message err) in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.close fd in
+ exn
+let make_path path =
+ make_socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM (ADDR_UNIX(path))
+let make_abstract path =
+ make_socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM (ADDR_UNIX("\x00" ^ path))
+(* Takes a D-Bus listenning address and returns the list of [(fd,
+ client-address)] it denotes *)
+let fd_addr_list_of_address address = match address with
+ | "unix" -> begin
+ match (OBus_address.arg "path" address,
+ OBus_address.arg "abstract" address,
+ OBus_address.arg "tmpdir" address) with
+ | Some path, None, None ->
+ let%lwt fd = make_path path in
+ Lwt.return [(fd, address)]
+ | None, Some abst, None ->
+ let%lwt fd = make_abstract abst in
+ Lwt.return [(fd, address)]
+ | None, None, Some tmpd -> begin
+ let path = Filename.concat tmpd ("obus-" ^ OBus_util.hex_encode (OBus_util.random_string 10)) in
+ (* Try with abstract name first *)
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt fd = make_abstract path in
+ Lwt.return [(fd, OBus_address.make ~name:"unix" ~args:[("abstract", path)])]
+ with exn ->
+ (* And fallback to path in the filesystem *)
+ let%lwt fd = make_path path in
+ Lwt.return [(fd, OBus_address.make ~name:"unix" ~args:[("path", path)])]
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ (Invalid_argument "OBus_transport.connect: invalid unix address, must supply exactly one of 'path', 'abstract', 'tmpdir'")
+ end
+ | ("tcp" | "nonce-tcp") as name -> begin
+ let port = match OBus_address.arg "port" address with
+ | Some port -> port
+ | None -> "0"
+ and bind = match OBus_address.arg "bind" address with
+ | Some bind -> bind
+ | None -> match OBus_address.arg "host" address with
+ | Some host -> host
+ | None -> "*"
+ in
+ let opts = match OBus_address.arg "family" address with
+ | Some "ipv4" -> AI_FAMILY PF_INET :: opts
+ | Some "ipv6" -> AI_FAMILY PF_INET6 :: opts
+ | Some family -> Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg "OBus_server.make_server: unknown address family '%s'" family
+ | None -> opts
+ in
+ let ais = getaddrinfo bind port opts in
+ (* Remove duplicate address info: *)
+ let module AI_set = Set.Make(struct type t = addr_info let compare = compare end) in
+ let ais = AI_set.elements (List.fold_left (fun set ai -> AI_set.add ai set) AI_set.empty ais) in
+ match ais with
+ | [] ->
+ Printf.ksprintf
+ failwith
+ "OBus_transport.make_server: no address info for bind=%s port=%s%s"
+ bind port
+ (match OBus_address.arg "family" address with
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some f -> " family=" ^ f)
+ | ais ->
+ let%lwt results = Lwt_list.map_p
+ (fun ai ->
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt fd = make_socket ai.ai_family ai.ai_socktype ai.ai_addr in
+ match getsockname (Lwt_unix.unix_file_descr fd) with
+ | ADDR_UNIX path ->
+ assert false
+ | ADDR_INET(host, port) ->
+ Lwt.return (`Success(fd, OBus_address.make ~name ~args:[("host", string_of_inet_addr host);
+ ("port", string_of_int port);
+ ("family",
+ match ai.ai_family with
+ | PF_UNIX -> assert false
+ | PF_INET -> "ipv4"
+ | PF_INET6 -> "ipv6")]))
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt.return (`Failure exn))
+ ais
+ in
+ let fd_addr_list =
+ OBus_util.filter_map
+ (function
+ | `Success x -> Some x
+ | `Failure _ -> None)
+ results
+ in
+ if fd_addr_list = [] then
+ (* If no fds have been created, raises the first failure: *)
+ match OBus_util.find_map (function `Failure e -> Some e | `Success _ -> None) results with
+ | Some exn -> exn
+ | None -> assert false
+ else
+ Lwt.return fd_addr_list
+ end
+ | "autolaunch" ->
+ (Failure "OBus_server.make_server: autolaunch can not be used as a listenning address")
+ | name ->
+ (Failure ("OBus_server.make_server: unknown transport type: " ^ name))
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Servers |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let addresses server = server.srv_addresses
+let shutdown server =
+ if server.srv_up then begin
+ server.srv_up <- false;
+ Lwt.wakeup server.srv_abort_wakener Event_shutdown;
+ let%lwt () =
+ if server.srv_nonce_file <> "" then begin
+ try
+ Lwt_unix.unlink server.srv_nonce_file
+ with Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "cannot unlink '%s': %s" server.srv_nonce_file (Unix.error_message err)
+ end else
+ Lwt.return ()
+ in
+ (* Wait for all listenners to exit: *)
+ server.srv_loops
+ end else
+ server.srv_loops
+let default_address = OBus_address.make ~name:"unix" ~args:[("tmpdir", Filename.get_temp_dir_name ())]
+let make_lowlevel ?switch ?(capabilities=OBus_auth.capabilities) ?mechanisms ?(addresses=[default_address]) ?(allow_anonymous=false) callback =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ match addresses with
+ | [] ->
+ (Invalid_argument "OBus_server.make: no addresses given")
+ | addresses ->
+ (* Construct the list of all listening fds for each
+ address: *)
+ let%lwt result_by_address =
+ Lwt_list.map_p
+ (fun address ->
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt x = fd_addr_list_of_address address in
+ Lwt.return (`Success x)
+ with e ->
+ Lwt.return (`Failure e))
+ addresses
+ in
+ (* Close all listening file descriptors and fail: *)
+ let abort exn =
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_list.iter_p
+ (function
+ | `Success fd_addr_list ->
+ Lwt_list.iter_p
+ (fun (fd, address) ->
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.close fd in
+ cleanup address
+ with Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "failed to close listenning file descriptor: %s" (Unix.error_message err))
+ fd_addr_list
+ | `Failure e ->
+ Lwt.return ())
+ result_by_address
+ in
+ exn
+ in
+ match OBus_util.find_map (function `Success _ -> None | `Failure e -> Some e) result_by_address with
+ | Some exn ->
+ abort exn
+ | None ->
+ let%lwt nonce, nonce_file =
+ if List.exists (fun addr -> addr = "nonce-tcp") addresses then begin
+ let nonce = OBus_util.random_string 16 in
+ let file_name = Filename.concat (Filename.get_temp_dir_name ()) ("obus-" ^ OBus_util.hex_encode (OBus_util.random_string 10)) in
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.output file_name (fun oc -> Lwt_io.write oc nonce) in
+ Lwt.return (nonce, file_name)
+ with Unix.Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ abort (Failure(Printf.sprintf "cannot create nonce file '%s': %s" file_name (Unix.error_message err)))
+ end else
+ Lwt.return ("", "")
+ in
+ let successes =
+ (function
+ | `Failure _ -> assert false
+ | `Success x -> x)
+ result_by_address
+ in
+ let guids = (fun _ -> OBus_uuid.generate ()) successes in
+ let successes =
+ List.map2
+ (fun fd_addr_list guid ->
+ (fun (fd, addr) ->
+ let args = ("guid", OBus_uuid.to_string guid) :: OBus_address.args addr in
+ let args =
+ if addr = "nonce-tcp" then
+ ("noncefile", nonce_file) :: args
+ else
+ args
+ in
+ (fd, { addr with OBus_address.args = args }))
+ fd_addr_list)
+ successes guids
+ in
+ let listeners = List.flatten
+ (List.map2
+ (fun fd_addr_list guid ->
+ (fun (fd, address) -> {
+ lst_fd = fd;
+ lst_address = address;
+ lst_capabilities = (List.filter
+ (fun `Unix_fd ->
+ match (OBus_address.arg "path" address,
+ OBus_address.arg "abstract" address) with
+ | None, None -> false
+ | _ -> true)
+ capabilities);
+ lst_guid = guid;
+ })
+ fd_addr_list)
+ successes guids)
+ in
+ let abort_waiter, abort_wakener = Lwt.wait () in
+ let server = {
+ srv_up = true;
+ srv_addresses = snd (List.flatten successes);
+ srv_callback = callback;
+ srv_abort_waiter = abort_waiter;
+ srv_abort_wakener = abort_wakener;
+ srv_mechanisms = mechanisms;
+ srv_allow_anonymous = allow_anonymous;
+ srv_nonce = nonce;
+ srv_nonce_file = nonce_file;
+ srv_loops = Lwt.return ();
+ } in
+ server.srv_loops <- Lwt.join ( (fun listener -> lst_loop server listener) listeners);
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_switch.add_hook_or_exec switch (fun () -> shutdown server) in
+ Lwt.return server
+let make ?switch ?capabilities ?mechanisms ?addresses ?allow_anonymous callback =
+ make_lowlevel ?switch ?capabilities ?mechanisms ?addresses ?allow_anonymous
+ (fun server transport -> callback server (OBus_connection.of_transport ~up:false transport))
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_server.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_server.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14ae219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_server.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * oBus_server.mli
+ * ---------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Servers for one-to-one communication *)
+type t
+ (** Type of a server *)
+val addresses : t -> OBus_address.t list
+ (** [addresses server] returns all the addresses the server is
+ listenning on. These addresses must be passed to clients so they
+ can connect to [server]. *)
+val shutdown : t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [shutdown server] shutdowns the given server. It terminates when
+ all listeners (a server may listen on several addresses) have
+ exited. If the server has already been shut down, it does
+ nothing. *)
+val make :
+ ?switch : Lwt_switch.t ->
+ ?capabilities : OBus_auth.capability list ->
+ ?mechanisms : OBus_auth.Server.mechanism list ->
+ ?addresses : OBus_address.t list ->
+ ?allow_anonymous : bool ->
+ (t -> OBus_connection.t -> unit) -> t Lwt.t
+ (** [make ?switch ?capabilities ?mechanisms ?addresses ?allow_anonymous f]
+ Creates a server which will listen on all of the given addresses.
+ @param capabilites is the set of the server's capabilities,
+ @param mechanisms is the list of authentication mechanisms
+ supported by the server,
+ @param addresses default to
+ [{ name = "unix"; args = [("tmpdir", "/tmp")]],
+ @param allow_anonymous tell whether clients using anonymous
+ authentication will be accepted. It defaults to [false],
+ @param capabilities is the list of supported capabilities, it
+ defaults to {!OBus_auth.capabilities}
+ @param f is the callback which receive new clients. It takes
+ as arguments the server and the connection for the client.
+ About errors:
+ - if no addresses are provided, it raises [Invalid_argument],
+ - if an address is invalid, it raises [Invalid_argument]
+ - if listening fails for one of the addresses, it fails with the
+ exception reported for that address
+ It succeeds if it can listen on at least one address.
+ When a new client connects, the server handles authentication of
+ this client, then it creates a transport and the connection on
+ top of this transport.
+ Note that connections passed to [f] are initially down. It is up
+ to the user to set them up with {!OBus_connection.set_up}. *)
+val make_lowlevel :
+ ?switch : Lwt_switch.t ->
+ ?capabilities : OBus_auth.capability list ->
+ ?mechanisms : OBus_auth.Server.mechanism list ->
+ ?addresses : OBus_address.t list ->
+ ?allow_anonymous : bool ->
+ (t -> OBus_transport.t -> unit) -> t Lwt.t
+ (** [make_lowlevel] is the same as {!make} except that [f] receives
+ only the transport, and no connection is created for this
+ transport. *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9a3542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ *
+ * --------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(signal)"
+open Lwt_react
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Signal descriptors |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type 'a t = {
+ interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ (* The interface of the signal. *)
+ member : OBus_name.member;
+ (* The name of the signal. *)
+ peer : OBus_peer.t;
+ (* The peer emitting the signal. *)
+ path : OBus_path.t option;
+ (* The path of the object emitting the signa or [None] if we want to
+ match signals comming from any objects. *)
+ map : (OBus_context.t * OBus_path.t * OBus_value.V.sequence) event -> (OBus_context.t * 'a) event;
+ (* The function which maps the event into an event holding values of
+ type ['a]. *)
+ filters : OBus_match.arguments;
+ (* Argument filters. *)
+ match_rule : bool;
+ (* Whether the managed mode for the match rule is enabled *)
+let empty_filters = OBus_match.make_arguments []
+(* Cast a message body into an ocaml value: *)
+let cast signal (context, path, body) =
+ try
+ Some(context,
+ OBus_value.C.cast_sequence
+ (OBus_value.arg_types
+ (OBus_member.Signal.args signal))
+ body)
+ with OBus_value.C.Signature_mismatch ->
+ ignore (
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "failed to cast signal from %S, interface %S, member %S with signature %S to %S"
+ ( (OBus_context.sender context))
+ (OBus_member.Signal.interface signal)
+ (OBus_member.Signal.member signal)
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature
+ (OBus_value.V.type_of_sequence body))
+ (OBus_value.string_of_signature
+ (OBus_value.C.type_sequence
+ (OBus_value.arg_types
+ (OBus_member.Signal.args signal))))
+ );
+ None
+let cast_any signal (context, path, body) =
+ match cast signal (context, path, body) with
+ | Some(context, v) -> Some(context, (OBus_proxy.make (OBus_context.sender context) path, v))
+ | None -> None
+let make signal proxy = {
+ interface = OBus_member.Signal.interface signal;
+ member = OBus_member.Signal.member signal;
+ peer = OBus_proxy.peer proxy;
+ path = Some(OBus_proxy.path proxy);
+ map = E.fmap (cast signal);
+ filters = empty_filters;
+ match_rule = (OBus_proxy.connection proxy) <> "";
+let make_any signal peer = {
+ interface = OBus_member.Signal.interface signal;
+ member = OBus_member.Signal.member signal;
+ peer = peer;
+ path = None;
+ map = E.fmap (cast_any signal);
+ filters = empty_filters;
+ match_rule = (OBus_peer.connection peer) <> "";
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Signals transformations and parameters |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let map_event f sd =
+ { sd with map = fun event -> f ( event) }
+let map f sd =
+ { sd with map = fun event -> (fun (context, value) -> (context, f value)) ( event) }
+let map_with_context f sd =
+ { sd with map = fun event -> (fun (context, value) -> (context, f context value)) ( event) }
+let with_context sd =
+ { sd with map = fun event -> (fun (context, value) -> (context, (context, value))) ( event) }
+let with_filters filters sd =
+ { sd with filters }
+let with_match_rule match_rule sd =
+ { sd with match_rule }
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Signals dispatching |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module Signal_map = Map.Make
+ (struct
+ type t = OBus_path.t option * OBus_name.interface * OBus_name.member
+ let compare =
+ end)
+type info = {
+ mutable senders : (OBus_context.t * OBus_path.t * OBus_value.V.sequence -> unit) Lwt_sequence.t Signal_map.t;
+let dispatch connection info message =
+ match OBus_message.typ message with
+ | OBus_message.Signal(path, interface, member) ->
+ begin
+ match try Some(Signal_map.find (Some path, interface, member) info.senders) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some senders ->
+ Lwt_sequence.iter_l
+ (fun send ->
+ try
+ send (OBus_context.make connection message, path, OBus_message.body message)
+ with exn ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.error ~section ~exn "signal event failed with"))
+ senders
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ end;
+ begin
+ match try Some(Signal_map.find (None, interface, member) info.senders) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some senders ->
+ Lwt_sequence.iter_l
+ (fun send ->
+ try
+ send (OBus_context.make connection message, path, OBus_message.body message)
+ with exn ->
+ ignore (Lwt_log.error ~section ~exn "signal event failed with"))
+ senders
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ end;
+ Some message
+ | _ ->
+ Some message
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Signals connection |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let finalise disconnect _ =
+ ignore (Lazy.force disconnect)
+let key = OBus_connection.new_key ()
+let connect ?switch sd =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ let connection = OBus_peer.connection sd.peer and name = sd.peer in
+ (* Switch freeing resources allocated for this signal: *)
+ let resources_switch = Lwt_switch.create () in
+ try%lwt
+ (* Add the match rule if requested: *)
+ let%lwt () =
+ if sd.match_rule then
+ OBus_match.export
+ ~switch:resources_switch
+ connection
+ (OBus_match.rule
+ ~typ:`Signal
+ ~sender:name
+ ?path:sd.path
+ ~interface:sd.interface
+ ~member:sd.member
+ ())
+ else
+ Lwt.return ()
+ (* Plus the resolver if needed: *)
+ and owner_option =
+ if connection <> "" && name <> "" then
+ if OBus_name.is_unique name then
+ Lwt.return (Some (S.const name))
+ else
+ let%lwt owner = OBus_resolver.make ~switch:resources_switch connection name in
+ Lwt.return (Some owner)
+ else
+ Lwt.return None
+ in
+ let info =
+ match OBus_connection.get connection key with
+ | Some info ->
+ info
+ | None ->
+ let info = {
+ senders = Signal_map.empty;
+ } in
+ OBus_connection.set connection key (Some info);
+ let _ = Lwt_sequence.add_l (dispatch connection info) (OBus_connection.incoming_filters connection) in
+ info
+ in
+ let senders =
+ match try Some(Signal_map.find (sd.path, sd.interface, sd.member) info.senders) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some senders ->
+ senders
+ | None ->
+ let senders = Lwt_sequence.create () in
+ info.senders <- Signal_map.add (sd.path, sd.interface, sd.member) senders info.senders;
+ senders
+ in
+ let event, send = E.create () in
+ let send v = send v in
+ let node = Lwt_sequence.add_r send senders in
+ let event =
+ E.filter
+ (fun (context, path, body) ->
+ match owner_option with
+ | Some owner when S.value owner <> (OBus_context.sender context) ->
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ OBus_match.match_values sd.filters body)
+ event
+ in
+ let disconnect = lazy(
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_sequence.remove node;
+ if Lwt_sequence.is_empty senders then
+ info.senders <- Signal_map.remove (sd.path, sd.interface, sd.member) info.senders;
+ Lwt_switch.turn_off resources_switch
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_log.warning_f
+ ~section
+ ~exn
+ "failed to disconnect signal \"%s.%s\" of object \"%s\" from \"%s\""
+ sd.interface
+ sd.member
+ (match sd.path with
+ | Some path -> OBus_path.to_string path
+ | None -> "<any>")
+ ( sd.peer)
+ in
+ exn
+ ) in
+ let event = E.with_finaliser (finalise disconnect) ( snd ( event)) in
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook_or_exec
+ switch
+ (fun () ->
+ E.stop event;
+ Lazy.force disconnect)
+ in
+ Lwt.return event
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_switch.turn_off resources_switch in
+ exn
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Emitting signals |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let emit info obj ?peer args =
+ OBus_object.emit obj
+ ~interface:(OBus_member.Signal.interface info)
+ ~member:(OBus_member.Signal.member info)
+ ?peer
+ (OBus_value.arg_types (OBus_member.Signal.args info))
+ args
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_signal.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_signal.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4107fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_signal.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * oBus_signal.mli
+ * ---------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2010, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus signals *)
+(** {6 Emitting signals} *)
+val emit : 'a OBus_member.Signal.t -> 'b OBus_object.t -> ?peer : OBus_peer.t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [emit signal obj ?peer args] emits [signal] from [obj]. The
+ destinations of the signal are selected as follow:
+ - if [peer] is provided, then the message is sent only to it
+ - otherwise, if the the object has an owner, it is sent to the owner,
+ - otherwise, the message is broadcasted on all the connections [obj]
+ is exported on.
+ *)
+(** {6 Receving signals} *)
+type 'a t
+ (** Type of a signal descriptor. A signal descriptor represent the
+ source of a signal and describes how the value should be
+ transformed. *)
+val make : 'a OBus_member.Signal.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> 'a t
+ (** [make signal proxy] creates a signal descriptor. *)
+val make_any : 'a OBus_member.Signal.t -> OBus_peer.t -> (OBus_proxy.t * 'a) t
+ (** [make_any signal peer] creates a signal descriptor for receiving
+ signals from any object of [peer]. *)
+val connect : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> 'a t -> 'a React.event Lwt.t
+ (** [connect ?switch sd] connects the signal descriptor [sd] and
+ returns the event which occurs when the given D-Bus signal is
+ received. *)
+(** {6 Signals transformations and parameters} *)
+val map_event : ((OBus_context.t * 'a) React.event -> (OBus_context.t * 'b) React.event) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+ (** [map_event f sd] transforms with [f] the event that is created
+ when [sd] is connected. *)
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+ (** Simplified version of {!map_event}. *)
+val map_with_context : (OBus_context.t -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+ (** Same as {!map} but the mapping function also receive the
+ context. *)
+val with_context : 'a t -> (OBus_context.t * 'a) t
+ (** @return a signal descriptor that returns contexts in which
+ signals are received. *)
+val with_filters : OBus_match.arguments -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ (** [with_filters filters sd] is the signal descriptor [sd] with the
+ given list of argument filters. When connected, obus will add
+ this filters to the matching rule send to the message bus, so
+ the bus can use them to drop messages that do not match these
+ filters.
+ The goal of argument filters is to reduce the number of messages
+ received, and so to reduce the number of wakeup of the
+ program.
+ Note that match rule management must be activated for filters to
+ take effect (see {!with_match_rule}). *)
+val with_match_rule : bool -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ (** [with_match_rule state sd] enables or disables the automatic
+ management of matching rules. If the endpoint of the underlying
+ connection is a message bus it defaults to [true], otherwise it
+ default to [false]. *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de6ca9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ *
+ * -----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2009, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(transport)"
+open Unix
+open Printf
+open OBus_address
+open Lwt.Infix
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Types and constructors |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type t = {
+ recv : unit -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t;
+ send : OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t;
+ capabilities : OBus_auth.capability list;
+ shutdown : unit -> unit Lwt.t;
+let make ?switch ~recv ~send ?(capabilities=[]) ~shutdown () =
+ let transport = {
+ recv = recv;
+ send = send;
+ capabilities = capabilities;
+ shutdown = shutdown;
+ } in
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook switch transport.shutdown;
+ transport
+let recv t = t.recv ()
+let send t message = t.send message
+let capabilities t = t.capabilities
+let shutdown t = t.shutdown ()
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Socket transport |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let socket ?switch ?(capabilities=[]) fd =
+ let transport =
+ if List.mem `Unix_fd capabilities then
+ let reader = OBus_wire.reader fd
+ and writer = OBus_wire.writer fd in
+ { recv = (fun _ -> OBus_wire.read_message_with_fds reader);
+ send = (fun msg -> OBus_wire.write_message_with_fds writer msg);
+ capabilities = capabilities;
+ shutdown = (fun _ ->
+ let%lwt () = OBus_wire.close_reader reader <&> OBus_wire.close_writer writer in
+ Lwt_unix.shutdown fd SHUTDOWN_ALL;
+ Lwt_unix.close fd) }
+ else
+ let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.input ~close:Lwt.return fd
+ and oc = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.output ~close:Lwt.return fd in
+ { recv = (fun _ -> OBus_wire.read_message ic);
+ send = (fun msg -> OBus_wire.write_message oc msg);
+ capabilities = capabilities;
+ shutdown = (fun _ ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.close ic <&> Lwt_io.close oc in
+ Lwt_unix.shutdown fd SHUTDOWN_ALL;
+ Lwt_unix.close fd) }
+ in
+ Lwt_switch.add_hook switch transport.shutdown;
+ transport
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Loopback transport |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let loopback () =
+ let mvar = Lwt_mvar.create_empty () in
+ { recv = (fun _ -> Lwt_mvar.take mvar);
+ send = (fun m -> Lwt_mvar.put mvar { m with OBus_message.body = OBus_value.V.sequence_dup (OBus_message.body m) });
+ capabilities = [`Unix_fd];
+ shutdown = Lwt.return }
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Addresses -> transport |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let make_socket domain typ addr =
+ let fd = Lwt_unix.socket domain typ 0 in
+ (try Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec fd with _ -> ());
+ try%lwt
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.connect fd addr in
+ Lwt.return (fd, domain)
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.close fd in
+ exn
+let rec write_nonce fd nonce pos len =
+ Lwt_unix.write_string fd nonce 0 16 >>= function
+ | 0 ->
+ (Failure "OBus_transport.connect: failed to send the nonce to the server")
+ | n ->
+ if n = len then
+ Lwt.return ()
+ else
+ write_nonce fd nonce (pos + n) (len - n)
+let make_socket_nonce nonce_file domain typ addr =
+ match nonce_file with
+ | None ->
+ (Invalid_argument "OBus_transport.connect: missing 'noncefile' parameter")
+ | Some file_name ->
+ let%lwt nonce =
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.input file_name ( ~count:16)
+ with
+ | Unix.Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ (Failure(Printf.sprintf "failed to read the nonce file '%s': %s" file_name (Unix.error_message err)))
+ | End_of_file ->
+ (Failure(Printf.sprintf "OBus_transport.connect: '%s' is an invalid nonce-file" file_name))
+ in
+ if String.length nonce <> 16 then
+ (Failure(Printf.sprintf "OBus_transport.connect: '%s' is an invalid nonce-file" file_name))
+ else begin
+ let%lwt fd, domain = make_socket domain typ addr in
+ let%lwt () = write_nonce fd nonce 0 16 in
+ Lwt.return (fd, domain)
+ end
+let rec connect address =
+ match address with
+ | "unix" -> begin
+ match (OBus_address.arg "path" address,
+ OBus_address.arg "abstract" address,
+ OBus_address.arg "tmpdir" address) with
+ | Some path, None, None ->
+ make_socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM (ADDR_UNIX path)
+ | None, Some abst, None ->
+ make_socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM (ADDR_UNIX("\x00" ^ abst))
+ | None, None, Some tmpd ->
+ (Invalid_argument "OBus_transport.connect: unix tmpdir can only be used as a listening address")
+ | _ ->
+ (Invalid_argument "OBus_transport.connect: invalid unix address, must supply exactly one of 'path', 'abstract', 'tmpdir'")
+ end
+ | ("tcp" | "nonce-tcp") as name -> begin
+ let host = match OBus_address.arg "host" address with
+ | Some host -> host
+ | None -> ""
+ and port = match OBus_address.arg "port" address with
+ | Some port -> port
+ | None -> "0"
+ in
+ let opts = [AI_SOCKTYPE SOCK_STREAM] in
+ let opts = match OBus_address.arg "family" address with
+ | Some "ipv4" -> AI_FAMILY PF_INET :: opts
+ | Some "ipv6" -> AI_FAMILY PF_INET6 :: opts
+ | Some family -> Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg "OBus_transport.connect: unknown address family '%s'" family
+ | None -> opts
+ in
+ Lwt_unix.getaddrinfo host port opts >>= function
+ | [] ->
+ (Failure
+ (Printf.sprintf
+ "OBus_transport.connect: no address info for host=%s port=%s%s"
+ host port
+ (match OBus_address.arg "family" address with
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some f -> " family=" ^ f)))
+ | ai :: ais ->
+ let make_socket =
+ if name = "nonce-tcp" then
+ make_socket_nonce (OBus_address.arg "noncefile" address)
+ else
+ make_socket
+ in
+ try%lwt
+ make_socket ai.ai_family ai.ai_socktype ai.ai_addr
+ with exn ->
+ (* If the first connection failed, try with all the
+ other ones: *)
+ let rec find = function
+ | [] ->
+ (* If all connection failed, raise the error for
+ the first address: *)
+ exn
+ | ai :: ais ->
+ try%lwt
+ make_socket ai.ai_family ai.ai_socktype ai.ai_addr
+ with exn ->
+ find ais
+ in
+ find ais
+ end
+ | "launchd" -> begin
+ match OBus_address.arg "env" address with
+ | Some env ->
+ let%lwt path =
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_process.pread_line ("launchctl", [|"launchctl"; "getenv"; env|])
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~exn ~section "launchctl failed" in
+ exn
+ in
+ make_socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM (ADDR_UNIX path)
+ | None ->
+ (Invalid_argument "OBus_transport.connect: missing 'env' in launchd address")
+ end
+ | "autolaunch" -> begin
+ let%lwt addresses =
+ let%lwt uuid = Lazy.force OBus_info.machine_uuid in
+ let%lwt line =
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_process.pread_line ("dbus-launch", [|"dbus-launch"; "--autolaunch"; OBus_uuid.to_string uuid; "--binary-syntax"|])
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~exn ~section "autolaunch failed" in
+ exn
+ in
+ let line = try String.sub line 0 (String.index line '\000') with _ -> line in
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt.return (OBus_address.of_string line)
+ with OBus_address.Parse_failure(addr, pos, reason) as exn ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~section "autolaunch returned an invalid address %S, at position %d: %s" addr pos reason in
+ exn
+ in
+ match addresses with
+ | [] ->
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error_f ~section "'autolaunch' returned no addresses" in
+ (Failure "'autolaunch' returned no addresses")
+ | address :: rest ->
+ try%lwt
+ connect address
+ with exn ->
+ let rec find = function
+ | [] ->
+ exn
+ | address :: rest ->
+ try%lwt
+ connect address
+ with exn ->
+ find rest
+ in
+ find rest
+ end
+ | name ->
+ (Failure ("unknown transport type: " ^ name))
+let of_addresses ?switch ?(capabilities=OBus_auth.capabilities) ?mechanisms addresses =
+ Lwt_switch.check switch;
+ match addresses with
+ | [] ->
+ (Invalid_argument "OBus_transport.of_addresses: no address given")
+ | addr :: rest ->
+ (* Search an address for which connection succeed: *)
+ let%lwt fd, domain =
+ try%lwt
+ connect addr
+ with exn ->
+ (* If the first try fails, try with the others: *)
+ let rec find = function
+ | [] ->
+ (* If they all fail, raise the first exception: *)
+ exn
+ | addr :: rest ->
+ try%lwt
+ connect addr
+ with exn ->
+ find rest
+ in
+ find rest
+ in
+ (* Do authentication only once: *)
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_unix.write_string fd "\x00" 0 1 >>= function
+ | 0 ->
+ (OBus_auth.Auth_failure "failed to send the initial null byte")
+ | 1 ->
+ let%lwt guid, capabilities =
+ OBus_auth.Client.authenticate
+ ~capabilities:(List.filter (function `Unix_fd -> domain = PF_UNIX) capabilities)
+ ?mechanisms
+ ~stream:(OBus_auth.stream_of_fd fd)
+ ()
+ in
+ Lwt.return (guid, socket ?switch ~capabilities fd)
+ | n ->
+ assert false
+ with exn ->
+ Lwt_unix.shutdown fd SHUTDOWN_ALL;
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.close fd in
+ exn
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_transport.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_transport.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a360b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_transport.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * oBus_transport.mli
+ * ------------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2009, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Low-level transporting of messages *)
+type t
+ (** Type of message transport *)
+val recv : t -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t
+ (** [recv tr] receives one message from the given transport *)
+val send : t -> OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [send tr msg] sends [msg] over the transport [tr]. *)
+val capabilities : t -> OBus_auth.capability list
+ (** Returns the capabilities of the transport *)
+val shutdown : t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [shutdown tr] frees resources allocated by the given transport *)
+val make :
+ ?switch : Lwt_switch.t ->
+ recv : (unit -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t) ->
+ send : (OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t) ->
+ ?capabilities : OBus_auth.capability list ->
+ shutdown : (unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit -> t
+ (** [make ?switch ~recv ~send ~support_unxi_fd ~shutdown ()] creates
+ a new transport from the given functions. @param capabilities
+ defaults to [[]].
+ Notes:
+ - message reading/writing are serialized by obus, so there is no
+ need to handle concurrent access to transport
+ *)
+val loopback : unit -> t
+ (** Loopback transport, each message sent is received on the same
+ transport *)
+val socket : ?switch : Lwt_switch.t -> ?capabilities : OBus_auth.capability list -> Lwt_unix.file_descr -> t
+ (** [socket ?switch ?capabilities socket] creates a socket
+ transport.
+ @param capabilities defaults to [[]]. For unix sockets, the
+ [`Unix_fd] capability is accepted. *)
+val of_addresses :
+ ?switch : Lwt_switch.t ->
+ ?capabilities : OBus_auth.capability list ->
+ ?mechanisms : OBus_auth.Client.mechanism list ->
+ OBus_address.t list ->
+ (OBus_address.guid * t) Lwt.t
+ (** [of_addresses ?switch ?capabilities ?mechanisms addresses] tries to:
+ - connect to the server using one of the given given addresses,
+ - authenticate itself to the server using [mechanisms], which
+ defaults to {!OBus_auth.Client.default_mechanisms},
+ - negotiates [capabilities], which defaults to
+ {!OBus_auth.capabilities}
+ If all succeeded, it returns the server address guid and the
+ newly created transport, which is ready to send and receive
+ messages.
+ Note about errors:
+ - if one of the addresses is not valid, or [addresses = []],
+ it raises [Invalid_argument],
+ - if all connections failed, it raises the exception raised
+ by the try on first address, which is either a [Failure] or
+ a [Unix.Unix_error]
+ - if the authentication failed, a {!OBus_auth.Auth_error} is
+ raised
+ *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ab26a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ *
+ * ------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+type t = string
+let of_string str =
+ let fail _ = raise (Invalid_argument (Printf.sprintf "OBus_uuid.of_string(%S)" str)) in
+ if String.length str <> 32 then fail ();
+ try OBus_util.hex_decode str
+ with _ -> fail ()
+let to_string = OBus_util.hex_encode
+let generate () =
+ let uuid = Bytes.create 16 in
+ OBus_util.fill_random uuid 0 12;
+ let v = Int32.of_float (Unix.time ()) in
+ Bytes.set uuid 12 (Char.unsafe_chr (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 24)));
+ Bytes.set uuid 13 (Char.unsafe_chr (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 16)));
+ Bytes.set uuid 14 (Char.unsafe_chr (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 8)));
+ Bytes.set uuid 15 (Char.unsafe_chr (Int32.to_int v));
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string uuid
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_uuid.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_uuid.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9888e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_uuid.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * oBus_uuid.mli
+ * -------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** D-Bus universally-unique IDs *)
+(** D-Bus uuid are used to distinguish message buses, addresses, and
+ machines.
+ Note that they are not compatible with RFC4122. *)
+type t
+val generate : unit -> t
+ (** Generate a new uuid *)
+val of_string : string -> t
+ (** Create a uuid from a string. The string must contain an
+ hex-encoded uuid, i.e. be of length 32 and only contain
+ hexadecimal characters. It raise a failure otherwise.
+ @raise Invalid_argument if the string does not contain a valid
+ uuid. *)
+val to_string : t -> string
+ (** Return a hex-encoded string representation of an uuid. *)
diff --git a/src/protocol/ b/src/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a8cba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,1333 @@
+ *
+ * ----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "obus(wire)"
+open Printf
+open OBus_value
+open OBus_message
+open OBus_protocol
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Errors |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+exception Data_error of string
+exception Protocol_error of string
+let () =
+ Printexc.register_printer
+ (function
+ | Data_error msg ->
+ Some(sprintf "failed to marshal D-Bus message: %s" msg)
+ | Protocol_error msg ->
+ Some(sprintf "D-Bus protocol error: %s" msg)
+ | _ ->
+ None)
+(* Common error message *)
+let array_too_big len = sprintf "array size exceed the limit: %d" len
+let message_too_big len = sprintf "message size exceed the limit: %d" len
+let signature_too_long s len = sprintf "too long signature: '%s', with len %d" (string_of_signature s) len
+let invalid_protocol_version ver = sprintf "invalid protocol version: %d (obus implement protocol version %d)" ver OBus_info.protocol_version
+let invalid_byte_order ch = sprintf "invalid byte order(%C)" ch
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Padding |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let padding2 i = i land 1
+let padding4 i = (4 - i) land 3
+let padding8 i = (8 - i) land 7
+let pad2 i = i + padding2 i
+let pad4 i = i + padding4 i
+let pad8 i = i + padding8 i
+let pad8_p = function
+ | T.Structure _
+ | T.Basic T.Int64
+ | T.Basic T.Uint64
+ | T.Basic T.Double -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Raw description of header fields |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+type raw_fields = {
+ mutable rf_path : OBus_path.t option;
+ mutable rf_member : OBus_name.member;
+ mutable rf_interface : OBus_name.interface;
+ mutable rf_error_name : OBus_name.error;
+ mutable rf_reply_serial : serial option;
+ mutable rf_destination : OBus_name.bus;
+ mutable rf_sender : OBus_name.bus;
+ mutable rf_signature : signature;
+ mutable rf_unix_fds : int;
+let missing_field message_type_name field_name =
+ raise (Protocol_error(sprintf "invalid header, field '%s' is required for '%s'"
+ field_name message_type_name))
+let get_required_string message_type_name field_name = function
+ | "" ->
+ missing_field message_type_name field_name
+ | string ->
+ string
+let get_required_option message_type_name field_name = function
+ | None ->
+ missing_field message_type_name field_name
+ | Some value ->
+ value
+let method_call_of_raw fields =
+ Method_call(get_required_option "method-call" "path" fields.rf_path,
+ fields.rf_interface,
+ get_required_string "method-call" "member" fields.rf_member)
+let method_return_of_raw fields =
+ Method_return(get_required_option "method-return" "reply-serial" fields.rf_reply_serial)
+let error_of_raw fields =
+ Error(get_required_option "error" "reply-serial" fields.rf_reply_serial,
+ get_required_string "error" "error-name" fields.rf_error_name)
+let signal_of_raw fields =
+ Signal(get_required_option "signal" "path" fields.rf_path,
+ get_required_string "signal" "interface" fields.rf_interface,
+ get_required_string "signal" "member" fields.rf_member)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Error mapping |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* Maps error returned by [OBus_*.*] to [Data_error] or
+ [Protocol_error]: *)
+let map_exn f = function
+ | OBus_string.Invalid_string err ->
+ raise (f (OBus_string.error_message err))
+ | OBus_value.Invalid_signature(str, msg) ->
+ raise (f (Printf.sprintf "invalid signature (%S): %s" str msg))
+ | exn ->
+ raise exn
+let data_error msg = Data_error msg
+let protocol_error msg = Protocol_error msg
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Message size calculation |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module FD_set = Set.Make(struct type t = Unix.file_descr let compare = compare end)
+module Count =
+ (* The goal of this module is to compute the marshaled size of a
+ message, and the number of different file descriptors it
+ contains. *)
+ type counter = {
+ mutable ofs : int;
+ (* Simulate an offset *)
+ mutable fds : FD_set.t;
+ (* Set used to collect all file descriptors *)
+ }
+ let path_length = function
+ | [] -> 1
+ | l -> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> 1 + String.length x + acc) 0 l
+ let rec iter f c = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | x :: l -> f c x; iter f c l
+ let rec tsingle c = function
+ | T.Basic _ ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 1
+ | T.Array t ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 1;
+ tsingle c t
+ | T.Dict(tk, tv) ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 4;
+ tsingle c tv
+ | T.Structure l ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 2;
+ iter tsingle c l
+ | T.Variant ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 1
+ let tsequence c l =
+ iter tsingle c l
+ let rec tsingle_of_single c = function
+ | V.Basic x ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 1
+ | V.Array(t, x) ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 1;
+ tsingle c t
+ | V.Byte_array _ ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 2
+ | V.Dict(tk, tv, x) ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 4;
+ tsingle c tv
+ | V.Structure l ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 2;
+ iter tsingle_of_single c l
+ | V.Variant x ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 1
+ let tsequence_of_sequence c l =
+ iter tsingle_of_single c l
+ let rec basic c = function
+ | V.Byte _ ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 1
+ | V.Int16 _
+ | V.Uint16 _ ->
+ c.ofs <- pad2 c.ofs + 2
+ | V.Boolean _
+ | V.Int32 _
+ | V.Uint32 _ ->
+ c.ofs <- pad4 c.ofs + 4
+ | V.Int64 _
+ | V.Uint64 _
+ | V.Double _ ->
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 8
+ | V.String s ->
+ c.ofs <- pad4 c.ofs + String.length s + 5
+ | V.Signature s ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 2;
+ tsequence c s
+ | V.Object_path p ->
+ c.ofs <- pad4 c.ofs + path_length p + 5
+ | V.Unix_fd fd ->
+ c.ofs <- pad4 c.ofs + 4;
+ c.fds <- FD_set.add fd c.fds
+ let rec single c = function
+ | V.Basic x ->
+ basic c x
+ | V.Array(t, l) ->
+ c.ofs <- pad4 c.ofs + 4;
+ if pad8_p t then c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs;
+ iter single c l
+ | V.Byte_array bytes ->
+ c.ofs <- pad4 c.ofs + 4 + String.length bytes
+ | V.Dict(tk, tv, l) ->
+ c.ofs <- pad8 (pad4 c.ofs + 4);
+ iter dict_entry c l
+ | V.Structure l ->
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs;
+ iter single c l
+ | V.Variant x ->
+ c.ofs <- c.ofs + 2;
+ tsingle_of_single c x;
+ single c x
+ and dict_entry c (k, v) =
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs;
+ basic c k;
+ single c v
+ let sequence c l =
+ iter single c l
+ let message msg =
+ let c = { ofs = 16; fds = FD_set.empty } in
+ begin match msg.typ with
+ | Method_call(path, "", member) ->
+ (* +9 for:
+ - the code (1)
+ - the signature of one basic type code (3)
+ - the string length (4)
+ - the null byte (1) *)
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 9 + path_length path;
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 9 + String.length member
+ | Method_call(path, interface, member)
+ | Signal(path, interface, member) ->
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 9 + path_length path;
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 9 + String.length interface;
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 9 + String.length member
+ | Method_return serial ->
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 8
+ | Error(serial, name) ->
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 9 + String.length name;
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 8
+ end;
+ if msg.destination <> "" then
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 9 + String.length msg.destination;
+ if msg.sender <> "" then
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 9 + String.length msg.sender;
+ (* The signature *)
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 6;
+ tsequence_of_sequence c msg.body;
+ (* The number of fds: *)
+ c.ofs <- pad8 c.ofs + 8;
+ (* The message body: *)
+ sequence c msg.body;
+ c
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Unsafe writing of integers |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let put_char = Bytes.unsafe_set
+let put_uint8 buf ofs x = put_char buf ofs (Char.unsafe_chr x)
+module type Integer_writers = sig
+ val put_int16 : bytes -> int -> int -> unit
+ val put_int32 : bytes -> int -> int32 -> unit
+ val put_int64 : bytes -> int -> int64 -> unit
+ val put_uint16 : bytes -> int -> int -> unit
+ val put_uint32 : bytes -> int -> int32 -> unit
+ val put_uint64 : bytes -> int -> int64 -> unit
+ val put_uint : bytes -> int -> int -> unit
+module LE_integer_writers : Integer_writers =
+ let put_int16 buf ofs v =
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 0) v;
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) (v lsr 8)
+ let put_uint16 = put_int16
+ let put_int32 buf ofs v =
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 0) (Int32.to_int v);
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 8));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 2) (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 16));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 24))
+ let put_uint32 = put_int32
+ let put_int64 buf ofs v =
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 0) (Int64.to_int v);
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 8));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 2) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 16));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 24));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 4) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 32));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 5) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 40));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 6) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 48));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 7) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 56))
+ let put_uint64 = put_int64
+ let put_uint buf ofs v =
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 0) v;
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) (v lsr 8);
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 2) (v lsr 16);
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) (v asr 24)
+module BE_integer_writers : Integer_writers =
+ let put_int16 buf ofs v =
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 0) (v lsr 8);
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) v
+ let put_uint16 = put_int16
+ let put_int32 buf ofs v =
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 0) (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 24));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 16));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 2) (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right v 8));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) (Int32.to_int v)
+ let put_uint32 = put_int32
+ let put_int64 buf ofs v =
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 0) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 56));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 48));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 2) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 40));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 32));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 4) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 24));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 5) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 16));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 6) (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right v 8));
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 7) (Int64.to_int v)
+ let put_uint64 = put_int64
+ let put_uint buf ofs v =
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 0) (v asr 24);
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) (v lsr 16);
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 2) (v lsr 8);
+ put_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) v
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Unsafe reading of integers |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let get_char = String.unsafe_get
+let get_uint8 buf ofs = Char.code (get_char buf ofs)
+module type Integer_readers = sig
+ val get_int16 : string -> int -> int
+ val get_int32 : string -> int -> int32
+ val get_int64 : string -> int -> int64
+ val get_uint16 : string -> int -> int
+ val get_uint32 : string -> int -> int32
+ val get_uint64 : string -> int -> int64
+ val get_uint : string -> int -> int
+module LE_integer_readers : Integer_readers =
+ let get_int16 buf ofs =
+ let v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) in
+ let v = v0 lor (v1 lsl 8) in
+ if v land (1 lsl 15) = 0 then
+ v
+ else
+ ((-1 land (lnot 0x7fff)) lor v)
+ let get_uint16 buf ofs =
+ let v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) in
+ (v0 lor (v1 lsl 8))
+ let get_int32 buf ofs =
+ let v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1)
+ and v2 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 2)
+ and v3 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) in
+ (Int32.logor
+ (Int32.logor
+ (Int32.of_int v0)
+ (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int v1) 8))
+ (Int32.logor
+ (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int v2) 16)
+ (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int v3) 24)))
+ let get_uint32 = get_int32
+ let get_int64 buf ofs =
+ let v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1)
+ and v2 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 2)
+ and v3 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 3)
+ and v4 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 4)
+ and v5 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 5)
+ and v6 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 6)
+ and v7 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 7) in
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.of_int v0)
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v1) 8))
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v2) 16)
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v3) 24)))
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v4) 32)
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v5) 40))
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v6) 48)
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v7) 56))))
+ let get_uint64 = get_int64
+ let get_uint buf ofs =
+ let v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1)
+ and v2 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 2)
+ and v3 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) in
+ (v0 lor (v1 lsl 8) lor (v2 lsl 16) lor (v3 lsl 24))
+module BE_integer_readers : Integer_readers =
+ let get_int16 buf ofs =
+ let v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) in
+ let v = v0 lor (v1 lsl 8) in
+ if v land (1 lsl 15) = 0 then
+ v
+ else
+ ((-1 land (lnot 0x7fff)) lor v)
+ let get_uint16 buf ofs =
+ let v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1) in
+ (v0 lor (v1 lsl 8))
+ let get_int32 buf ofs =
+ let v3 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v2 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1)
+ and v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 2)
+ and v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) in
+ (Int32.logor
+ (Int32.logor
+ (Int32.of_int v0)
+ (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int v1) 8))
+ (Int32.logor
+ (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int v2) 16)
+ (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int v3) 24)))
+ let get_uint32 = get_int32
+ let get_int64 buf ofs =
+ let v7 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v6 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1)
+ and v5 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 2)
+ and v4 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 3)
+ and v3 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 4)
+ and v2 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 5)
+ and v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 6)
+ and v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 7) in
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.of_int v0)
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v1) 8))
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v2) 16)
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v3) 24)))
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v4) 32)
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v5) 40))
+ (Int64.logor
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v6) 48)
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int v7) 56))))
+ let get_uint64 = get_int64
+ let get_uint buf ofs =
+ let v3 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 0)
+ and v2 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 1)
+ and v1 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 2)
+ and v0 = get_uint8 buf (ofs + 3) in
+ (v0 lor (v1 lsl 8) lor (v2 lsl 16) lor (v3 lsl 24))
+(* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Common writing functions |
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module FD_map = Map.Make(struct type t = Unix.file_descr let compare = end)
+(* A pointer for serializing data *)
+type wpointer = {
+ buf : bytes;
+ mutable ofs : int;
+ max : int;
+ fds : int FD_map.t;
+ (* Maps file descriptros to their index in the resulting fds
+ array *)
+let write_padding2 ptr =
+ if ptr.ofs land 1 = 1 then begin
+ put_uint8 ptr.buf ptr.ofs 0;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 1
+ end
+let write_padding4 ptr =
+ for k = 1 to padding4 ptr.ofs do
+ put_uint8 ptr.buf ptr.ofs 0;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 1
+ done
+let write_padding8 ptr =
+ for k = 1 to padding8 ptr.ofs do
+ put_uint8 ptr.buf ptr.ofs 0;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 1
+ done
+let write1 writer ptr value =
+ writer ptr.buf ptr.ofs value;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 1
+let write2 writer ptr value =
+ write_padding2 ptr;
+ writer ptr.buf ptr.ofs value;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 2
+let write4 writer ptr value =
+ write_padding4 ptr;
+ writer ptr.buf ptr.ofs value;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 4
+let write8 writer ptr value =
+ write_padding8 ptr;
+ writer ptr.buf ptr.ofs value;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 8
+let write_bytes ptr value =
+ let len = String.length value in
+ String.unsafe_blit value 0 ptr.buf ptr.ofs len;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + len
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Message writing |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module Make_writer(Integer_writers : Integer_writers) =
+ open Integer_writers
+ let write_uint8 ptr value = write1 put_uint8 ptr value
+ let write_uint ptr value = write4 put_uint ptr value
+ (* Serialize one string, without verifying it *)
+ let write_string_no_check ptr string =
+ write_uint ptr (String.length string);
+ write_bytes ptr string;
+ write_uint8 ptr 0
+ (* Serialize a signature. *)
+ let write_signature ptr signature =
+ let string = OBus_value.string_of_signature signature in
+ write_uint8 ptr (String.length string);
+ write_bytes ptr string;
+ write_uint8 ptr 0
+ let write_object_path ptr path =
+ write_string_no_check ptr (OBus_path.to_string path)
+ let write_basic ptr = function
+ | V.Byte x -> write1 put_char ptr x
+ | V.Boolean x -> write4 put_uint ptr (match x with true -> 1 | false -> 0)
+ | V.Int16 x -> write2 put_int16 ptr x
+ | V.Int32 x -> write4 put_int32 ptr x
+ | V.Int64 x -> write8 put_int64 ptr x
+ | V.Uint16 x -> write2 put_uint16 ptr x
+ | V.Uint32 x -> write4 put_uint32 ptr x
+ | V.Uint64 x -> write8 put_uint64 ptr x
+ | V.Double x -> write8 put_uint64 ptr (Int64.bits_of_float x)
+ | V.String x -> begin match OBus_string.validate x with
+ | Some error ->
+ raise (Data_error(OBus_string.error_message error))
+ | None ->
+ write_string_no_check ptr x
+ end
+ | V.Signature x -> write_signature ptr x
+ | V.Object_path x -> write_object_path ptr x
+ | V.Unix_fd fd -> write4 put_uint ptr (FD_map.find fd ptr.fds)
+ let rec write_array ptr padded_on_8 write_element values =
+ (* Array are serialized as follow:
+ (1) padding to a 4-block alignement (for array size)
+ (2) array size
+ (3) alignement to array elements padding (even if the array is empty)
+ (4) serialized elements
+ The array size (2) is the size of serialized elements (4) *)
+ (* Write the padding *)
+ write_padding4 ptr;
+ (* Save the position where to write the length of the array: *)
+ let length_ofs = ptr.ofs in
+ (* Allocate 4 bytes for the length: *)
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 4;
+ (* After the size we are always padded on 4, so we only need to
+ add padding if elements padding is 8: *)
+ if padded_on_8 then write_padding8 ptr;
+ (* Save the position of the beginning of the elements of the
+ array: *)
+ let start_ofs = ptr.ofs in
+ List.iter (fun x -> write_element ptr x) values;
+ let length = ptr.ofs - start_ofs in
+ if length < 0 || length > max_array_size then raise (Data_error(array_too_big length));
+ (* Write the array length: *)
+ put_uint ptr.buf length_ofs length
+ let rec write_dict_entry ptr (k, v) =
+ (* Dict-entries are serialized as follow:
+ (1) alignement on a 8-block
+ (2) serialized key
+ (3) serialized value *)
+ write_padding8 ptr;
+ write_basic ptr k;
+ write_single ptr v
+ and write_single ptr = function
+ | V.Basic x ->
+ write_basic ptr x
+ | V.Array(t, x) ->
+ write_array ptr (pad8_p t) write_single x
+ | V.Byte_array s ->
+ write_uint ptr (String.length s);
+ write_bytes ptr s
+ | V.Dict(tk, tv, x) ->
+ write_array ptr true write_dict_entry x
+ | V.Structure x ->
+ (* Structure are serialized as follow:
+ (1) alignement to an 8-block
+ (2) serialized contents *)
+ write_padding8 ptr;
+ write_sequence ptr x
+ | V.Variant x ->
+ (* Variant are serialized as follow:
+ (1) marshaled variant signature
+ (2) serialized contents *)
+ write_signature ptr [OBus_value.V.type_of_single x];
+ write_single ptr x
+ and write_sequence ptr = function
+ | [] ->
+ ()
+ | x :: l ->
+ write_single ptr x;
+ write_sequence ptr l
+ (* Header field ptr *)
+ let write_field_real ptr code typ writer value =
+ (* Each header field is a structure, so we need to be aligned on 8 *)
+ write_padding8 ptr;
+ write_uint8 ptr code;
+ write_signature ptr [T.Basic typ];
+ writer ptr value
+ (* Write a field if defined *)
+ let write_field ptr code typ writer = function
+ | None ->
+ ()
+ | Some value ->
+ write_field_real ptr code typ writer value
+ (* Validate and write a field if defined *)
+ let write_name_field ptr code test = function
+ | "" ->
+ ()
+ | string ->
+ match test string with
+ | Some error ->
+ raise (Data_error(OBus_string.error_message error))
+ | None ->
+ write_field_real ptr code T.String write_string_no_check string
+ (* Serialize one complete message *)
+ let write_message byte_order_char msg =
+ let { Count.ofs = size; Count.fds = fds } = Count.message msg in
+ if size > max_message_size then raise (Data_error(message_too_big size));
+ let buffer = Bytes.create size in
+ let ptr = {
+ buf = buffer;
+ ofs = 16;
+ max = size;
+ fds = snd (FD_set.fold (fun fd (n, map) -> (n + 1, FD_map.add fd n map)) fds (0, FD_map.empty));
+ } in
+ let fd_count = FD_set.cardinal fds in
+ (* Compute ``raw'' headers *)
+ let code, fields = match msg.typ with
+ | Method_call(path, interface, member) ->
+ if member = "" then raise (Data_error "invalid method-call message: field 'member' is empty");
+ (1,
+ { rf_path = Some path;
+ rf_interface = interface;
+ rf_member = member;
+ rf_error_name = "";
+ rf_reply_serial = None;
+ rf_destination = msg.destination;
+ rf_sender = msg.sender;
+ rf_signature = V.type_of_sequence msg.body;
+ rf_unix_fds = fd_count })
+ | Method_return reply_serial ->
+ (2,
+ { rf_path = None;
+ rf_interface = "";
+ rf_member = "";
+ rf_error_name = "";
+ rf_reply_serial = Some reply_serial;
+ rf_destination = msg.destination;
+ rf_sender = msg.sender;
+ rf_signature = V.type_of_sequence msg.body;
+ rf_unix_fds = fd_count })
+ | Error(reply_serial, error_name) ->
+ if error_name = "" then raise (Data_error "invalid error message: field 'error-name' is empty");
+ (3,
+ { rf_path = None;
+ rf_interface = "";
+ rf_member = "";
+ rf_error_name = error_name;
+ rf_reply_serial = Some reply_serial;
+ rf_destination = msg.destination;
+ rf_sender = msg.sender;
+ rf_signature = V.type_of_sequence msg.body;
+ rf_unix_fds = fd_count })
+ | Signal(path, interface, member) ->
+ if interface = "" then raise (Data_error "invalid signal message, field 'interface' is empty");
+ if member = "" then raise (Data_error "invalid signal message, field 'member' is empty");
+ (4,
+ { rf_path = Some path;
+ rf_interface = interface;
+ rf_member = member;
+ rf_error_name = "";
+ rf_reply_serial = None;
+ rf_destination = msg.destination;
+ rf_sender = msg.sender;
+ rf_signature = V.type_of_sequence msg.body;
+ rf_unix_fds = fd_count })
+ in
+ write_field ptr 1 T.Object_path write_object_path fields.rf_path;
+ write_name_field ptr 2 OBus_name.validate_interface fields.rf_interface;
+ write_name_field ptr 3 OBus_name.validate_member fields.rf_member;
+ write_name_field ptr 4 OBus_name.validate_error fields.rf_error_name;
+ write_field ptr 5 T.Uint32 (write4 put_uint32) fields.rf_reply_serial;
+ write_name_field ptr 6 OBus_name.validate_bus fields.rf_destination;
+ write_name_field ptr 7 OBus_name.validate_bus fields.rf_sender;
+ write_field_real ptr 8 T.Signature write_signature fields.rf_signature;
+ write_field_real ptr 9 T.Uint32 (write4 put_uint) fields.rf_unix_fds;
+ let fields_length = ptr.ofs - 16 in
+ if fields_length < 0 || fields_length > max_array_size then
+ raise (Data_error(array_too_big fields_length));
+ (* The message body start aligned on an 8-boundary after the
+ header: *)
+ write_padding8 ptr;
+ let start_ofs = ptr.ofs in
+ (* Write the message body *)
+ write_sequence ptr msg.body;
+ let body_length = ptr.ofs - start_ofs in
+ (* byte #0 : byte-order *)
+ put_char buffer 0 byte_order_char;
+ (* byte #1 : message type code *)
+ put_uint8 buffer 1 code;
+ (* byte #2 : message flags *)
+ put_uint8 buffer 2
+ ((if msg.flags.no_reply_expected then 1 else 0) lor
+ (if msg.flags.no_auto_start then 2 else 0));
+ (* byte #3 : protocol version *)
+ put_uint8 buffer 3 OBus_info.protocol_version;
+ (* byte #4-7 : body length *)
+ put_uint buffer 4 body_length;
+ (* byte #8-11 : serial *)
+ put_uint32 buffer 8 msg.serial;
+ (* byte #12-15 : fields length *)
+ put_uint buffer 12 fields_length;
+ (* Create the array of file descriptors *)
+ let fds = Array.make fd_count Unix.stdin in
+ FD_map.iter (fun fd index -> Array.unsafe_set fds index fd) ptr.fds;
+ (Bytes.unsafe_to_string ptr.buf, fds)
+module LE_writer = Make_writer(LE_integer_writers)
+module BE_writer = Make_writer(BE_integer_writers)
+let string_of_message ?(byte_order=Lwt_io.system_byte_order) msg =
+ try
+ match byte_order with
+ | Lwt_io.Little_endian ->
+ LE_writer.write_message 'l' msg
+ | Lwt_io.Big_endian ->
+ BE_writer.write_message 'B' msg
+ with exn ->
+ raise (map_exn data_error exn)
+let write_message oc ?byte_order msg =
+ match string_of_message ?byte_order msg with
+ | str, [||] ->
+ Lwt_io.write oc str
+ | _ ->
+ (Data_error "Cannot send a message with file descriptors on a channel")
+type writer = {
+ w_channel : Lwt_io.output_channel;
+ w_file_descr : Lwt_unix.file_descr;
+let close_writer writer = Lwt_io.close writer.w_channel
+let writer fd = {
+ w_channel = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.output ~close:Lwt.return fd;
+ w_file_descr = fd;
+let write_message_with_fds writer ?byte_order msg =
+ match string_of_message ?byte_order msg with
+ | buf, [||] ->
+ (* No file descriptor to send, simply use the channel *)
+ Lwt_io.write writer.w_channel buf
+ | buf, fds ->
+ Lwt_io.atomic begin fun oc ->
+ (* Ensures there is nothing left to send: *)
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.flush oc in
+ let len = String.length buf in
+ let vec = Lwt_unix.IO_vectors.create () in
+ Lwt_unix.IO_vectors.append_bytes vec (Bytes.unsafe_of_string buf) 0 len;
+ (* Send the file descriptors and the message: *)
+ let%lwt n = Lwt_unix.Versioned.send_msg_2 writer.w_file_descr vec (Array.to_list fds) in
+ assert (n >= 0 && n <= len);
+ (* Write what is remaining: *)
+ Lwt_io.write_from_string_exactly oc buf n (len - n)
+ end writer.w_channel
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Common reading operations |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+(* A pointer for unserializing data *)
+type rpointer = {
+ buf : string;
+ mutable ofs : int;
+ max : int;
+ mutable fds : Unix.file_descr array;
+ (* The array of file descriptors received with the message *)
+let out_of_bounds () = raise (Protocol_error "out of bounds")
+let unitialized_padding () = raise (Protocol_error "unitialized padding")
+let read_padding ptr count =
+ for i = 1 to count do
+ if get_uint8 ptr.buf ptr.ofs <> 0 then unitialized_padding ();
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 1
+ done
+let read_padding2 ptr =
+ if padding2 ptr.ofs = 1 then begin
+ if ptr.ofs + 1 > ptr.max then out_of_bounds ();
+ if get_uint8 ptr.buf ptr.ofs <> 0 then unitialized_padding ()
+ end
+let read_padding4 ptr =
+ let padding = padding4 ptr.ofs in
+ if ptr.ofs + padding > ptr.max then out_of_bounds ();
+ read_padding ptr padding
+let read_padding8 ptr =
+ let padding = padding8 ptr.ofs in
+ if ptr.ofs + padding > ptr.max then out_of_bounds ();
+ read_padding ptr padding
+let read1 reader ptr =
+ if ptr.ofs + 1 > ptr.max then out_of_bounds ();
+ let x = reader ptr.buf ptr.ofs in
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 1;
+ x
+let read2 reader ptr =
+ let padding = padding2 ptr.ofs in
+ if ptr.ofs + padding + 2 > ptr.max then out_of_bounds ();
+ read_padding ptr padding;
+ let x = reader ptr.buf ptr.ofs in
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 2;
+ x
+let read4 reader ptr =
+ let padding = padding4 ptr.ofs in
+ if ptr.ofs + padding + 4 > ptr.max then out_of_bounds ();
+ read_padding ptr padding;
+ let x = reader ptr.buf ptr.ofs in
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 4;
+ x
+let read8 reader ptr =
+ let padding = padding8 ptr.ofs in
+ if ptr.ofs + padding + 8 > ptr.max then out_of_bounds ();
+ read_padding ptr padding;
+ let x = reader ptr.buf ptr.ofs in
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + 8;
+ x
+let read_bytes ptr len =
+ if len < 0 || ptr.ofs + len > ptr.max then out_of_bounds ();
+ let s = Bytes.create len in
+ String.unsafe_blit ptr.buf ptr.ofs s 0 len;
+ ptr.ofs <- ptr.ofs + len;
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Message reading |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+module Make_reader(Integer_readers : Integer_readers) =
+ open Integer_readers
+ let read_uint ptr = read4 get_uint ptr
+ let read_uint8 ptr = read1 get_uint8 ptr
+ let read_string_no_check ptr =
+ let len = read_uint ptr in
+ let x = read_bytes ptr len in
+ if read_uint8 ptr <> 0 then raise (Protocol_error "missing string terminal null byte");
+ x
+ let read_signature ptr =
+ let len = read_uint8 ptr in
+ let x = read_bytes ptr len in
+ if read_uint8 ptr <> 0 then raise (Protocol_error "missing signature terminating null byte");
+ OBus_value.signature_of_string x
+ let read_object_path ptr =
+ let str = read_string_no_check ptr in
+ OBus_path.of_string str
+ let read_vbyte ptr = V.Byte(read1 get_char ptr)
+ let read_vboolean ptr = match read_uint ptr with
+ | 0 -> V.Boolean false
+ | 1 -> V.Boolean true
+ | n -> raise (Protocol_error(sprintf "invalid boolean value: %d" n))
+ let read_vint16 ptr = V.Int16(read2 get_int16 ptr)
+ let read_vint32 ptr = V.Int32(read4 get_int32 ptr)
+ let read_vint64 ptr = V.Int64(read8 get_int64 ptr)
+ let read_vuint16 ptr = V.Uint16(read2 get_uint16 ptr)
+ let read_vuint32 ptr = V.Uint32(read4 get_uint32 ptr)
+ let read_vuint64 ptr = V.Uint64(read8 get_uint64 ptr)
+ let read_vdouble ptr = V.Double(Int64.float_of_bits (read8 get_uint64 ptr))
+ let read_vstring ptr =
+ let str = read_string_no_check ptr in
+ match OBus_string.validate str with
+ | None -> V.String str
+ | Some error -> raise (Protocol_error(OBus_string.error_message error))
+ let read_vsignature ptr = V.Signature(read_signature ptr)
+ let read_vobject_path ptr = V.Object_path(read_object_path ptr)
+ let read_unix_fd ptr =
+ let index = read4 get_uint ptr in
+ if index < 0 || index >= Array.length ptr.fds then
+ raise (Protocol_error "fd index out of bounds")
+ else
+ V.Unix_fd(Array.unsafe_get ptr.fds index)
+ let basic_reader = function
+ | T.Byte -> read_vbyte
+ | T.Boolean -> read_vboolean
+ | T.Int16 -> read_vint16
+ | T.Int32 -> read_vint32
+ | T.Int64 -> read_vint64
+ | T.Uint16 -> read_vuint16
+ | T.Uint32 -> read_vuint32
+ | T.Uint64 -> read_vuint64
+ | T.Double -> read_vdouble
+ | T.String -> read_vstring
+ | T.Signature -> read_vsignature
+ | T.Object_path -> read_vobject_path
+ | T.Unix_fd -> read_unix_fd
+ let read_array padded_on_8 read_element ptr =
+ let len = read_uint ptr in
+ if len < 0 || len > max_array_size then raise (Protocol_error(array_too_big len));
+ if padded_on_8 then read_padding8 ptr;
+ let limit = ptr.ofs + len in
+ let rec aux () =
+ if ptr.ofs >= limit then
+ []
+ else
+ let x = read_element ptr in
+ let l = aux () in
+ x :: l
+ in
+ aux ()
+ let rec single_reader = function
+ | T.Basic t ->
+ let reader = basic_reader t in
+ (fun ptr -> V.basic(reader ptr))
+ | T.Array(T.Basic T.Byte)->
+ (fun ptr ->
+ let len = read_uint ptr in
+ if len < 0 || len > max_array_size then raise (Protocol_error(array_too_big len));
+ V.byte_array (read_bytes ptr len))
+ | T.Array t ->
+ let reader = single_reader t and padded_on_8 = pad8_p t in
+ (fun ptr -> V.unsafe_array t (read_array padded_on_8 reader ptr))
+ | T.Dict(tk, tv) ->
+ let kreader = basic_reader tk and vreader = single_reader tv in
+ let reader ptr =
+ read_padding8 ptr;
+ let k = kreader ptr in
+ let v = vreader ptr in
+ (k, v)
+ in
+ (fun ptr -> V.unsafe_dict tk tv (read_array true reader ptr))
+ | T.Structure tl ->
+ let reader = sequence_reader tl in
+ (fun ptr ->
+ read_padding8 ptr;
+ V.structure (reader ptr))
+ | T.Variant ->
+ read_variant
+ and read_variant ptr =
+ match read_signature ptr with
+ | [t] ->
+ V.variant (single_reader t ptr)
+ | s ->
+ raise (Protocol_error(Printf.sprintf "variant signature does not contain one single type: %S" (OBus_value.string_of_signature s)))
+ and sequence_reader = function
+ | [] ->
+ (fun ptr -> [])
+ | t :: l ->
+ let head_reader = single_reader t and tail_reader = sequence_reader l in
+ (fun ptr ->
+ let x = head_reader ptr in
+ let l = tail_reader ptr in
+ x :: l)
+ let read_field code typ reader ptr =
+ match read_signature ptr with
+ | [T.Basic t] when t = typ ->
+ reader ptr
+ | s ->
+ raise (Protocol_error(sprintf "invalid header field signature for code %d: %S, should be %S"
+ code (string_of_signature s) (string_of_signature [T.Basic typ])))
+ let read_name_field code test ptr =
+ let str = read_field code T.String read_string_no_check ptr in
+ match test str with
+ | None ->
+ str
+ | Some error ->
+ raise (Protocol_error(OBus_string.error_message error))
+ let read_message buffer get_message =
+ (* Check the protocol version first, since we can not do anything
+ if it is not the same as our *)
+ let protocol_version = get_uint8 buffer 3 in
+ if protocol_version <> OBus_info.protocol_version then
+ raise (Protocol_error(invalid_protocol_version protocol_version));
+ let message_maker = match get_uint8 buffer 1 with
+ | 1 -> method_call_of_raw
+ | 2 -> method_return_of_raw
+ | 3 -> error_of_raw
+ | 4 -> signal_of_raw
+ | n -> raise (Protocol_error(sprintf "unknown message type: %d" n)) in
+ let n = get_uint8 buffer 2 in
+ let flags = { no_reply_expected = n land 1 = 1; no_auto_start = n land 2 = 2 } in
+ let body_length = get_uint buffer 4
+ and serial = get_uint32 buffer 8
+ and fields_length = get_uint buffer 12 in
+ (* Header fields array start on byte #16 and message start aligned
+ on a 8-boundary after it, so we have: *)
+ let total_length = 16 + pad8 fields_length + body_length in
+ (* Safety checkings *)
+ if fields_length < 0 || fields_length > max_array_size then
+ raise (Protocol_error(array_too_big fields_length));
+ if body_length < 0 || total_length > max_message_size then
+ raise (Protocol_error(message_too_big total_length));
+ get_message total_length begin fun ptr pending_fds cont ->
+ let fields = {
+ rf_path = None;
+ rf_member = "";
+ rf_interface = "";
+ rf_error_name = "";
+ rf_reply_serial = None;
+ rf_destination = "";
+ rf_sender = "";
+ rf_signature = [];
+ rf_unix_fds = 0;
+ } in
+ let limit = ptr.ofs + fields_length in
+ (* Reading of fields *)
+ while ptr.ofs < limit do
+ read_padding8 ptr;
+ match read_uint8 ptr with
+ | 1 -> fields.rf_path <- Some(read_field 1 T.Object_path read_object_path ptr)
+ | 2 -> fields.rf_interface <- read_name_field 2 OBus_name.validate_interface ptr
+ | 3 -> fields.rf_member <- read_name_field 3 OBus_name.validate_member ptr
+ | 4 -> fields.rf_error_name <- read_name_field 4 OBus_name.validate_error ptr
+ | 5 -> fields.rf_reply_serial <- Some(read_field 5 T.Uint32 (read4 get_uint32) ptr)
+ | 6 -> fields.rf_destination <- read_name_field 6 OBus_name.validate_bus ptr
+ | 7 -> fields.rf_sender <- read_name_field 7 OBus_name.validate_bus ptr
+ | 8 -> fields.rf_signature <- read_field 8 T.Signature read_signature ptr
+ | 9 -> fields.rf_unix_fds <- read_field 9 T.Uint32 (read4 get_uint) ptr
+ | _ -> ignore (read_variant ptr) (* Unsupported header field *)
+ done;
+ begin
+ match pending_fds with
+ | None ->
+ if fields.rf_unix_fds <> Array.length ptr.fds then
+ raise (Protocol_error(sprintf
+ "invalid number of file descriptor, %d expected, %d received"
+ fields.rf_unix_fds
+ (Array.length ptr.fds)));
+ | Some(consumed, queue) ->
+ ptr.fds <- Array.init fields.rf_unix_fds
+ (fun i ->
+ if Queue.is_empty queue then
+ raise (Protocol_error "file descriptor missing")
+ else begin
+ let fd = Queue.take queue in
+ consumed := fd :: !consumed;
+ fd
+ end)
+ end;
+ read_padding8 ptr;
+ let body = sequence_reader fields.rf_signature ptr in
+ if ptr.ofs < ptr.max then raise (Protocol_error "junk bytes after message");
+ cont { flags = flags;
+ sender = fields.rf_sender;
+ destination = fields.rf_destination;
+ serial = serial;
+ typ = message_maker fields;
+ body = body }
+ end
+module LE_reader = Make_reader(LE_integer_readers)
+module BE_reader = Make_reader(BE_integer_readers)
+let read_message ic =
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_io.atomic begin fun ic ->
+ let buffer = Bytes.create 16 in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic buffer 0 16 in
+ let buffer = Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer in
+ (match get_char buffer 0 with
+ | 'l' -> LE_reader.read_message
+ | 'B' -> BE_reader.read_message
+ | ch -> raise (Protocol_error(invalid_byte_order ch)))
+ buffer
+ (fun length f ->
+ let length = length - 16 in
+ let buffer = Bytes.create length in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic buffer 0 length in
+ let buffer = Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer in
+ f { buf = buffer; ofs = 0; max = length; fds = [||] } None Lwt.return)
+ end ic
+ with exn ->
+ raise (map_exn protocol_error exn)
+let message_of_string buffer fds =
+ if String.length buffer < 16 then invalid_arg "OBus_wire.message_of_string: buffer too small";
+ try
+ (match get_char buffer 0 with
+ | 'l' -> LE_reader.read_message
+ | 'B' -> BE_reader.read_message
+ | ch -> raise (Protocol_error(invalid_byte_order ch)))
+ buffer
+ (fun length f ->
+ if length <> String.length buffer then raise (Protocol_error "invalid message size");
+ f { buf = buffer; ofs = 16; max = length; fds = fds } None (fun x -> x))
+ with exn ->
+ raise (map_exn protocol_error exn)
+type reader = {
+ r_channel : Lwt_io.input_channel;
+ r_pending_fds : Unix.file_descr Queue.t;
+ (* File descriptors received and not yet taken *)
+let close_reader reader =
+ let fds = Queue.fold (fun fds fd -> fd :: fds) [] reader.r_pending_fds in
+ Queue.clear reader.r_pending_fds;
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_list.iter_p
+ (fun fd ->
+ try
+ Lwt_unix.close (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr ~set_flags:false fd)
+ with Unix.Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "cannot close file descriptor: %s" (Unix.error_message err))
+ fds
+ in
+ Lwt_io.close reader.r_channel
+let reader fd =
+ let pending_fds = Queue.create () in
+ {
+ r_channel = Lwt_io.make ~mode:Lwt_io.input
+ (fun buf ofs len ->
+ let%lwt n, fds = Lwt_bytes.recv_msg fd [Lwt_bytes.io_vector buf ofs len] in
+ List.iter (fun fd ->
+ (try Unix.set_close_on_exec fd with _ -> ());
+ Queue.push fd pending_fds) fds;
+ Lwt.return n);
+ r_pending_fds = pending_fds;
+ }
+let read_message_with_fds reader =
+ let consumed_fds = ref [] in
+ try%lwt
+ Lwt_io.atomic begin fun ic ->
+ let buffer = Bytes.create 16 in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic buffer 0 16 in
+ let buffer = Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer in
+ (match get_char buffer 0 with
+ | 'l' -> LE_reader.read_message
+ | 'B' -> BE_reader.read_message
+ | ch -> raise (Protocol_error(invalid_byte_order ch)))
+ buffer
+ (fun length f ->
+ let length = length - 16 in
+ let buffer = Bytes.create length in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic buffer 0 length in
+ let buffer = Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer in
+ f { buf = buffer; ofs = 0; max = length; fds = [||] } (Some(consumed_fds, reader.r_pending_fds)) Lwt.return)
+ end reader.r_channel
+ with exn ->
+ let%lwt () =
+ Lwt_list.iter_p
+ (fun fd ->
+ try
+ Lwt_unix.close (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr ~set_flags:false fd)
+ with Unix.Unix_error(err, _, _) ->
+ Lwt_log.error_f ~section "cannot close file descriptor: %s" (Unix.error_message err))
+ !consumed_fds
+ in
+ (map_exn protocol_error exn)
+(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Size computation |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+let get_message_size buf ofs =
+ let unsafe_get_uint map_ofs i =
+ let v0 = String.unsafe_get buf (map_ofs (i + 0))
+ and v1 = String.unsafe_get buf (map_ofs (i + 1))
+ and v2 = String.unsafe_get buf (map_ofs (i + 2))
+ and v3 = String.unsafe_get buf (map_ofs (i + 3)) in
+ Char.code v0 lor (Char.code v1 lsl 8) lor (Char.code v2 lsl 16) lor (Char.code v3 lsl 24)
+ in
+ if ofs < 0 || ofs + 16 >= String.length buf then
+ raise (Invalid_argument "OBus_wire.get_message_size")
+ else
+ (* Byte-order *)
+ let map_ofs = match String.unsafe_get buf ofs with
+ | 'l' -> (fun i -> i)
+ | 'B' -> (fun i -> 3 - i)
+ | ch -> raise (Protocol_error(invalid_byte_order ch))
+ in
+ let ver = Char.code (String.unsafe_get buf (ofs + 3)) in
+ if ver <> OBus_info.protocol_version then
+ raise (Protocol_error(invalid_protocol_version ver));
+ let body_length = unsafe_get_uint map_ofs (ofs + 8)
+ and fields_length = unsafe_get_uint map_ofs (ofs + 12) in
+ let total_length = 16 + fields_length + pad8 fields_length + body_length in
+ if fields_length < 0 || fields_length > max_array_size then
+ raise (Protocol_error(array_too_big fields_length));
+ if body_length < 0 || total_length > max_message_size then
+ raise (Protocol_error(message_too_big total_length));
+ total_length
diff --git a/src/protocol/oBus_wire.mli b/src/protocol/oBus_wire.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f217a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/oBus_wire.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * oBus_lowlevel.mli
+ * -----------------
+ * Copyright : (c) 2008, Jeremie Dimino <>
+ * Licence : BSD3
+ *
+ * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus.
+ *)
+(** Message serialization/deserialization *)
+exception Data_error of string
+ (** Exception raised when a message can not be sent. The parameter is an
+ error message.
+ Possible reasons are: the message is too big or contains arrays
+ that are too big. *)
+exception Protocol_error of string
+ (** Exception raised when a received message is not valid.
+ Possible reasons are:
+ - a size limit is exceeded
+ - a name/string/object-path is not valid
+ - a boolean value is other than 0 or 1
+ - ... *)
+val read_message : Lwt_io.input_channel -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t
+ (** [read_message ic] deserializes a message from a channel. It
+ fails if the message contains file descriptors. *)
+val write_message : Lwt_io.output_channel -> ?byte_order : Lwt_io.byte_order -> OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [write_message oc ?byte_order message] serializes a message to a
+ channel. It fails if the message contains file descriptors. *)
+val message_of_string : string -> Unix.file_descr array -> OBus_message.t
+ (** [message_of_string buf fds] returns a message from a
+ string. [fds] is used to resolv file descriptors the message may
+ contains. *)
+val string_of_message : ?byte_order : Lwt_io.byte_order -> OBus_message.t -> string * Unix.file_descr array
+ (** Marshal a message into a string. Returns also the list of file
+ descriptors that must be sent with the message. *)
+type reader
+ (** A reader which support unix fd passing *)
+val reader : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> reader
+ (** [reader unix_socket] creates a reader from a unix socket *)
+val read_message_with_fds : reader -> OBus_message.t Lwt.t
+ (** Read a message with its file descriptors from the given
+ reader *)
+val close_reader : reader -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [close_reader reader] closes the given reader.
+ Note: this does not close the underlying file descriptor. *)
+type writer
+ (** A writer which support unix fd passing *)
+val writer : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> writer
+ (** [writer unix_socket] creates a writer from a unix socket *)
+val write_message_with_fds : writer -> ?byte_order : Lwt_io.byte_order -> OBus_message.t -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** Write a message with its file descriptors on the given writer *)
+val close_writer : writer -> unit Lwt.t
+ (** [close_writer writer] closes the given writer.
+ Note: this does not close the underlying file descriptor. *)