ATD project - Static Types for Json APIs == [![CircleCI](]( ATD stands for Adaptable Type Definitions. It is a syntax for defining cross-language data types. It is used as input to generate efficient and type-safe serializers, deserializers and validators. Target programming languages currently supported: * DLang: [atdd](atdd) * Java: [atdj](atdj) * OCaml, Bucklescript: [atdgen](atdgen) * Python: [atdpy](atdpy) * Scala: [atds](atds) * TypeScript: [atdts](atdts) Export to other interface description languages (IDLs): * JSON Schema: [`atdcat -jsonschema`](atdcat) Tools to work with ATD files: * [atdcat](atdcat): check syntax, reformat, expand inherited definitions, export to JSON Schema, ... * [atddiff](atddiff): compare two revisions of a given ATD interface and report incompatibilities. All can installed with opam e.g. ``` $ opam install atdgen ``` Documentation -- [here]( Contributing -- The ATD suite of tools is developed and maintained by volunteers—users like you. [Various issues]( are in need of attention. If you'd like to contribute, please leave a comment on the issue you're interested in, or create a new issue. Experienced contributors will guide you as needed. There are many simple ways of making a positive impact. For example, you can... * Use the software in your project. * Give a demo to your colleagues. * Share the passion on your blog. * Tweet about what you're doing with atd. * Report difficulties by creating new issues. We'll triage them. * Ask questions on StackOverflow. * Answer questions on [StackOverflow]( * Discuss usage on the [OCaml forums]( * Pick a [task]( that's easy for you. Check out in particular [good first time issues]( and other issues with which [we could use some help]( For guidelines on how to contribute code, consult []( Authors -- The ATD project started in 2010. Contributors include: * Martin Jambon * Rudi Grinberg * Alexandre Bourquelot * Ivan Jager * oleksiy * Gregoire Lionnet * David Sheets * Rytis Jonynas * Jeff Meister * Carmelo Piccione * Louis * Louis Roché * Raman Varabets * Daniel Weil * Egor Chemokhonenko * Gabriel Scherer * Louis Roché (Ahrefs) * Matthew McQuaid * koonwen * tzm * Mathieu Baudet * Oleksiy Golovko * Rauan Mayemir * Hyeseong Kim * John Billings * Marek Kubica * Zach Yannes * Antonin Décimo * Brendan Long * Caio Wakamatsu * Chris Yocum * Pierre Boutillier * Shon Feder * metanivek * sebastiantoh * Anurag Soni * Arjun Ravi Narayan * Asya-kawai * Christophe Troestler * Damien Doligez * Daniel M * Enrico Tassi * François Pottier * Javier Chavarri * Jonas Bergler * Kate * Stephane Legrand * Vincent Bernardoff * Zach * haoyang * pmundkur * ygrek We distribute the source code under the terms of a [BSD license](