## Copyright (C) 2003-2017 David Legland ## All rights reserved. ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ## ## 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ## this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ## documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' ## AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ## IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ## ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ## ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ## DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ## SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER ## CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, ## OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ## OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ## ## The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are ## those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official ## policies, either expressed or implied, of the copyright holders. function varargout = mergeCoplanarFaces(nodes, varargin) %MERGECOPLANARFACES Merge coplanar faces of a polyhedral mesh % % [NODES FACES] = mergeCoplanarFaces(NODES, FACES) % [NODES EDGES FACES] = mergeCoplanarFaces(NODES, EDGES, FACES) % NODES is a set of 3D points (as a nNodes-by-3 array), % and FACES is one of: % - a nFaces-by-X array containing vertex indices of each face, with each % face having the same number of vertices, % - a nFaces-by-1 cell array, each cell containing indices of a face. % The function groups faces which are coplanar and contiguous, resulting % in a "lighter" mesh. This can be useful for visualizing binary 3D % images for example. % % FACES = mergeCoplanarFaces(..., PRECISION) % Adjust the threshold for deciding if two faces are coplanar or % parallel. Default value is 1e-5. % % Example % [v e iFace] = createCube; % figure; drawMesh(v, iFace); view(3); axis equal; % [v2 f2] = mergeCoplanarFaces(v, iFace); % figure; drawMesh(v, f2); % view(3); axis equal; view(3); % % See also % meshes3d, drawMesh, minConvexHull, triangulateFaces % % ------ % Author: David Legland % e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr % Created: 2006-07-05 % Copyright 2006 INRA - CEPIA Nantes - MIAJ (Jouy-en-Josas). % 20/07/2006 add tolerance for coplanarity test % 21/08/2006 fix small bug due to difference of methods to test % coplanaritity, sometimes resulting in 3 points of a face not coplanar ! % Also add control on precision % 14/08/2007 rename minConvexHull->meshReduce, and extend to non convex % shapes % 2011-01-14 code clean up % 2013-02-22 rename from meshReduce to mergeCoplanarFaces %% Process input arguments % set up precision acc = 1e-5; if ~isempty(varargin) var = varargin{end}; if length(var) == 1 acc = var; varargin(end) = []; end end % extract faces and edges if length(varargin) == 1 faces = varargin{1}; else faces = varargin{2}; end %% Initialisations % number of faces nNodes = size(nodes, 1); nFaces = size(faces, 1); % compute number of vertices of each face Fn = ones(nFaces, 1) * size(faces, 2); % compute normal of each faces normals = faceNormal(nodes, faces); % initialize empty faces and edges faces2 = cell(0, 1); edges2 = zeros(0, 2); % Processing flag for each face % 1: face to process, 0: already processed % in the beginning, every triangle face need to be processed flag = ones(nFaces, 1); %% Main iteration % iterate on each face for iFace = 1:nFaces % check if face was already performed if ~flag(iFace) continue; end % indices of faces with same normal % ind = find(abs(vectorNorm3d(cross(repmat(normals(iFace, :), [nFaces 1]), normals))) planeEdges2 = reshape(J, size(planeEdges)); % The set of coplanar faces may not necessarily form a single connected % component. The following computes label of each connected component. component = grLabel(nodes(planeNodes, :), planeEdges2); % compute degree (number of adjacent faces) of each edge. Npe = size(planeEdges, 1); edgeDegrees = zeros(Npe, 1); for i = 1:length(ind2) face = faces(ind2(i), :); faceEdges = sort([face' face([2:end 1])'], 2); for j = 1:size(faceEdges, 1) indEdge = find(sum(ismember(planeEdges, faceEdges(j,:)),2)==2); edgeDegrees(indEdge) = edgeDegrees(indEdge)+1; end end % extract unique edges and nodes of the plane planeEdges = planeEdges(edgeDegrees==1, :); planeEdges2 = planeEdges2(edgeDegrees==1, :); % find connected component of each edge planeEdgesComp = zeros(size(planeEdges, 1), 1); for iEdge = 1:size(planeEdges, 1) planeEdgesComp(iEdge) = component(planeEdges2(iEdge, 1)); end % iterate on connected faces for c = 1:max(component) % convert to chains of nodes loops = graph2Contours(nodes, planeEdges(planeEdgesComp==c, :)); % add a simple Polygon for each loop facePolygon = loops{1}; for l = 2:length(loops) facePolygon = [facePolygon, NaN, loops{l}]; %#ok end faces2{length(faces2)+1, 1} = facePolygon; % also add news edges edges2 = unique([edges2; planeEdges], 'rows'); end % mark processed faces flag(ind2) = 0; end %% Additional processing on nodes % select only nodes which appear in at least one edge indNodes = unique(edges2(:)); % for each node, compute index of corresponding new node (or 0 if dropped) refNodes = zeros(nNodes, 1); for i = 1:length(indNodes) refNodes(indNodes(i)) = i; end % changes indices of nodes in edges2 array for i = 1:length(edges2(:)) edges2(i) = refNodes(edges2(i)); end % changes indices of nodes in faces2 array for iFace = 1:length(faces2) face = faces2{iFace}; for i = 1:length(face) if ~isnan(face(i)) face(i) = refNodes(face(i)); end end faces2{iFace} = face; end % keep only boundary nodes nodes2 = nodes(indNodes, :); %% Process output arguments if nargout == 1 varargout{1} = faces2; elseif nargout == 2 varargout{1} = nodes2; varargout{2} = faces2; elseif nargout == 3 varargout{1} = nodes2; varargout{2} = edges2; varargout{3} = faces2; end function labels = grLabel(nodes, edges) %GRLABEL associate a label to each connected component of the graph % LABELS = grLabel(NODES, EDGES) % Returns an array with as many rows as the array NODES, containing index % number of each connected component of the graph. If the graph is % totally connected, returns an array of 1. % % Example % nodes = rand(6, 2); % edges = [1 2;1 3;4 6]; % labels = grLabel(nodes, edges); % labels = % 1 % 1 % 1 % 2 % 3 % 2 % % See also % getNeighbourNodes % % % ------ % Author: David Legland % e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr % Created: 2007-08-14, using Matlab (R2007a) % Copyright 2007 INRA - BIA PV Nantes - MIAJ Jouy-en-Josas. % init nNodes = size(nodes, 1); labels = (1:nNodes)'; % iteration modif = true; while modif modif = false; for i=1:nNodes neigh = getNeighbourNodes(i, edges); neighLabels = labels([i;neigh]); % check for a modification if length(unique(neighLabels))>1 modif = true; end % put new labels labels(ismember(labels, neighLabels)) = min(neighLabels); end end % change to have fewer labels labels2 = unique(labels); for i = 1:length(labels2) labels(labels==labels2(i)) = i; end function nodes2 = getNeighbourNodes(node, edges) %GETNEIGHBOURNODES find nodes adjacent to a given node % % NEIGHS = getNeighbourNodes(NODE, EDGES) % NODE: index of the node % EDGES: the complete edges list % NEIGHS: the nodes adjacent to the given node. % % NODE can also be a vector of node indices, in this case the result is % the set of neighbors of any input node. % % % ----- % % author : David Legland % INRA - TPV URPOI - BIA IMASTE % created the 16/08/2004. % % HISTORY % 10/02/2004 documentation % 13/07/2004 faster algorithm % 03/10/2007 can specify several input nodes [i, j] = find(ismember(edges, node)); %#ok nodes2 = edges(i,1:2); nodes2 = unique(nodes2(:)); nodes2 = sort(nodes2(~ismember(nodes2, node))); function curves = graph2Contours(nodes, edges) %#ok %GRAPH2CONTOURS convert a graph to a set of contour curves % % CONTOURS = GRAPH2CONTOURS(NODES, EDGES) % NODES, EDGES is a graph representation (type "help graph" for details) % The algorithm assume every node has degree 2, and the set of edges % forms only closed loops. The result is a list of indices arrays, each % array containing consecutive point indices of a contour. % % To transform contours into drawable curves, please use : % CURVES{i} = NODES(CONTOURS{i}, :); % % % NOTE : contours are not oriented. To manage contour orientation, edges % also need to be oriented. So we must precise generation of edges. % % ----- % % author : David Legland % INRA - TPV URPOI - BIA IMASTE % created the 05/08/2004. % curves = {}; c = 0; while size(edges,1)>0 % find first point of the curve n0 = edges(1,1); curve = n0; % second point of the curve n = edges(1,2); e = 1; while true % add current point to the curve curve = [curve n]; %#ok % remove current edge from the list edges = edges((1:size(edges,1))~=e,:); % find index of edge containing reference to current node e = find(edges(:,1)==n | edges(:,2)==n); e = e(1); % get index of next current node % (this is the other node of the current edge) if edges(e,1)==n n = edges(e,2); else n = edges(e,1); end % if node is same as start node, loop is closed, and we stop % node iteration. if n==n0 break; end end % remove the last edge of the curve from edge list. edges = edges((1:size(edges,1))~=e,:); % add the current curve to the list, and start a new curve c = c+1; curves{c} = curve; %#ok end