path: root/inst/private/clipplg.m
diff options
authorRafael Laboissière <>2020-02-15 14:49:54 -0300
committerRafael Laboissière <>2020-02-15 14:49:54 -0300
commit420a8c19a845bd03f076419617c167cd4f298258 (patch)
treefb4741a69b5377d898a69196eb487b1bcd2ea105 /inst/private/clipplg.m
parentd3acb582c331f816caef85031a8f544e7fdaf0b2 (diff)
parent73a0fc85dc1845d5a438ed5c7cae817e1acffe7e (diff)
Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.0'
Upstream version 1.4.0
Diffstat (limited to 'inst/private/clipplg.m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/inst/private/clipplg.m b/inst/private/clipplg.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c523aa..0000000
--- a/inst/private/clipplg.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2014 Philip Nienhuis
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program. If not, see <>.
-## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} [@var{val}, @var{npts}, @var{pptr}] = clipplg (@var{val}, @var{npts}, @var{pptr}, @var{sbox}[, @var{styp]})
-## Undocumented internal function for clipping polygons & interpolating Z & M
-## values.
-## @seealso{}
-## @end deftypefn
-## Author: Philip Nienhuis <>
-## Created: 2014-11-18
-## Updates:
-## 2014-11-22 Create stanza for finding back vertices and interpolating Z & M
-## 2014-11-25 Fix interpolating M & Z values, properly treat new corner points
-## of clipped polygons
-## 2014-11-26 Update tnpt and tnpr arrays
-## 2015-07-10 Provision for segments crossed twice by clipping polygon
-function [val, tnpt, tnpr] = clipplg (val, tnpt, tnpr, sbox, styp=5)
- ## Indices to start of each subfeature, plus end+1
- tnprt = [(tnpr + 1) tnpt+1];
- ## Initialize total number of clipped vertices
- tnptclp = 0;
- tnprclp = cell (numel (tnpr, 1));
- for kk=1:numel (tnpr)
- ## Work from end back to start of subfeatures to avoid mixing up index arrays
- jj = numel (tnpr) - kk + 1;
- ## Select rows belonging to this partial feature. First save non-selected rows
- b_val = e_val = [];
- if (jj > 1)
- ## There's one or more subfeatures lower down
- b_val = val(1:tnprt(jj)-1, :);
- endif
- if (jj < numel (tnpr))
- ## There's one or more subfeatures higher up
- e_val = val(tnprt(jj+1):end, :);
- endif
- tval = val(tnprt(jj):tnprt(jj+1)-1, :);
- ## oc_polybool is in OF geometry package
- [X, Y, npol, b, c] = oc_polybool (tval(:, 1:2), sbox, 'AND');
- ## Initialize new number of points & new part pointers in clipped polygon(s)
- nptclp = 0;
- nprclp = 0;
- valn = [];
- if (npol)
- ## Make an XY matrix, remove NaNs on upper and lower row
- valc = [X Y](2:end-1, :);
- ## Augment NaNs for Z and M, and augment type + shape record index columns
- ncl = size (valc, 1);
- valc = [ valc NaN(ncl, 2) tval(1, 5)*ones(ncl, 1) tval(1, 6)*ones(ncl, 1) ];
- ## Pointers to subpolygons resulting from clipping
- ipt = find (isnan (valc(:, 1)))';
- ipt = [ 0 ipt (size (valc, 1) + 1) ];
- ## For each new polygon...
- for ipol=1:npol
- valn = valc(ipt(ipol)+1:ipt(ipol+1)-1, :);
- ## Update total number of points in clipped polygon(s)
- nptclp += size (valn, 1);
- tnptclp += size (valn, 1);
- ## Add a new 0-based pointer to next part
- nprclp = [ nprclp nptclp ];
- ## Compute all interdistances. distancePoints is in OF geometry package
- ## Avoid polygon end point ( = start point)
- dsts = distancePoints (valn(1:end-1, 1:2), tval(1:end-1, 1:2));
- ## Find matching points in sub and out polygon (row, col)
- [rw, cl] = ind2sub (size (dsts), find (abs (dsts) < eps));
- ## Transfer known Z and M-values
- valn(rw, 3:4) = tval(cl, 3:4);
- ## cl indices refer to original shape, rw indices to clipped shape
- if (numel (cl) >= 1)
- ## Separate polygon segments clipped, or vertex on bounding box side
- ## For each valn row coords not in tval, interpolate Z and M values
- im = setdiff ([1:size(valn, 1)-1], rw);
- ## mi equals cl filled with zeros for non-matches, to easen indexing
- mi = zeros (1, size (valn, 1) - 1);
- mi(rw) = cl;
- ## Find direction of polyline
- pdir = find (abs (diff (rw)) - 1 < eps);
- if (isempty (pdir))
- ## Single point within bounding box. Direction doesn't matter then
- drctn = 1;
- else
- drctn = sign (diff (rw([pdir pdir+1])))(1);
- endif
- for ii=1:numel (im)
- ## Get matching outer vertex. Below IF-ELSEIF order = critical to
- ## avoid index out-of-range errors
- if (im(ii) == 1)
- ## Clipped off outer vertex = previous in tval. diff(cl) = direction
- intpl = true;
- idx = mi(im(ii)+1) - drctn;
- ovtx = tval(idx, :);
- cvtx = tval(mi(im(ii)+1), :);
- elseif ((! ismember (im(ii)-1, rw)) && (! ismember (im(ii)+1, rw)))
- ## Probably a corner point. Just retain NaN values
- intpl = false;
- elseif (! ismember (im(ii)-1, rw))
- ## Clipped off outer vertex = previous in tval. diff(cl) = direction
- intpl = true;
- idx = mi(im(ii)+1) - drctn;
- ovtx = tval(idx, :);
- cvtx = tval(mi(im(ii)+1), :);
- elseif (! ismember (im(ii)+1, rw))
- ## Clipped off outer vertex = next in tval. diff(cl) = direction
- intpl = true;
- idx = mi(im(ii)-1) + drctn;
- ovtx = tval(idx, :);
- cvtx = tval(mi(im(ii)-1), :);
- endif
- ## Parent points found, now interpolate M and Z (if appropriate)
- if (intpl && styp > 5)
- ## Compute missing M and Z values. Invoke largest diff of X/Y coordinates
- difx = abs (cvtx(1) - ovtx(1));
- dify = abs (cvtx(2) - ovtx(2));
- if (difx > dify)
- ## X distance is greater
- fac = (valn(im(ii), 1) - cvtx(1)) / difx;
- else
- ## Y distance is greater
- fac = (valn(im(ii), 2) - cvtx(2)) / dify;
- endif
- fac = abs(fac);
- ## FIXME a debug stmt to detect wrong interpolation => wrong vertices
- if (fac > 1.0)
- printf ("Oops - fac > 1..\n");
- % keyboard
- endif
- if (isfinite (ovtx(3)))
- valn(im(ii), 3) = fac * (ovtx(3) - cvtx(3)) + cvtx(3); ## Z-value
- endif
- if (isfinite (ovtx(4)))
- valn(im(ii), 4) = fac * (ovtx(4) - cvtx(4)) + cvtx(4); ## M-value
- endif
- endif
- endfor
- ## Remove last nprclp entry and temporarily store it in a cell arr
- tnprclp(jj) = nprclp;
- elseif (numel (cl) == 0)
- ## One polygon segment clipped twice. Simply assign nearest Z & M values
- ## FIXME proper interpolation required
- ## Find points interpolated on segment(s); they're not in sbox
- [im, ix] = min (distancePoints (sbox(1:end-1, :), valn(1:end-1, 1:2)));
- im = find (im > 0);
- ix = ix(im);
- ## Find nearest polygon points (could be on another polygon segment !)
- [~, ix] = min (distancePoints (tval(1:end-1, 1:2), valn(im, 1:2)));
- ## Assign Z and M values
- valn(im, 3:4) = tval(ix, 3:4);
- ## Remove last nprclp entry and temporarily store it in a cell arr
- tnprclp(jj) = nprclp;
- endif
- ## Last row of polygon equals first
- valn(end, :) = valn(1, :);
- ## Augment new polygon after (yet untouched) previous polygons
- b_val = [ b_val; valn ];
- endfor ## clipped subpolygons
- else
- ## No intersection at all. Just drop tval
- % tnprclp = {};
- endif
- val = [b_val ; e_val];
- tnprt(jj+1:end) -= tnprt(jj+1) - tnprt(jj) - size (valn, 1);
- if (isempty (valn))
- ## This subfeature has no points in boundingbox +> drop from list
- tnprt(jj+1) = [];
- endif
- endfor
- ## Adapt & clean up npt
- tnpt = tnptclp;
- ## Adapt & clean up npr. Concatenate all pointers created by oc_polybool
- tnpr = [ tnprclp{1} ];
- for ii=2:numel (tnprclp)
- ## Skip empty entries
- if (! isempty (tnprclp{ii}))
- tnpr = [tnpr(1:end-1) (tnprclp{ii} + tnpr(end)) ];
- endif
- endfor
- if (! isempty (tnpr))
- tnpr(end) = [];
- endif