path: root/inst/areaquad.m
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1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inst/areaquad.m b/inst/areaquad.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e90faae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/areaquad.m
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2022 The Octave Project Developers
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program. If not, see <>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn {} {@var{aq} =} areaquad (@var{lat1}, @var{lon1}, @var{lat2}, @var{lon2})
+## @deftypefnx {} {@var{aq} =} areaquad (@var{lat1}, @var{lon1}, @var{lat2}, @var{lon2}, @var{spheroid})
+## @deftypefnx {} {@var{aq} =} areaquad (@var{lat1}, @var{lon1}, @var{lat2}, @var{lon2}, @var{angleUnit})
+## @deftypefnx {} {@var{aq} =} areaquad (@var{lat1}, @var{lon1}, @var{lat2}, @var{lon2}, @var{spheroid}, @var{angleUnit})
+## Returns the area of a quadrilateral given two points.
+## If no ellipsoid is given the result will be a fraction of a unit sphere
+## with a radius of one meter. If an ellipsoid struct is supplied the result's
+## unit will be the squared unit of that ellipsoid; otherwise, if just an
+## ellipsoid name is given result will be in standard units squared (e.g., m^2).
+## Input
+## @itemize
+## @item
+## @var{lat1}, @var{lon1}: the first point of the quadrilateral.
+## @item
+## @var{lat2}, @var{lon2}: the second point of the quadrilateral.
+## @end itemize
+## @indentedblock
+## These coordinate inputs be scalars, vectors or 2D arrays. If any of these
+## is non-scalar, all other LAT/LON inputs must either have the same size or
+## be scalars.
+## @end indentedblock
+## @itemize
+## @item
+## (optional) @var{spheroid}: referenceEllipsoid parameter struct; default
+## is 'Unit Sphere'. A string value or EPSG code describing the
+## spheroid is also accepted. Alternatively, a numerical vector
+## @code{[semimajoraxis eccentricity]} can be supplied. If specified,
+## @var{spheroid} must be the 5th input argument.
+## @item
+## (optional) @var{angleUnit}: string for angular units ('degrees' or
+## 'radians', case-insensitive, just the first charachter will do). Default
+## is 'degrees'. If specified, @var{angleUnit} must be the last input argument.
+## @end itemize
+## Output:
+## @itemize
+## @item
+## @var{aq}: the area of the quadrilateral. If one or more of the inputs were
+## vectors or arrays, areaquad's output will have the same size.
+## @end itemize
+## Example
+## No ellipsoid (fraction of a sphere)
+## @example
+## aq = areaquad (0, 0, 90, 360)
+## aq = 0.50000
+## @end example
+## With radians
+## @example
+## aq = areaquad (0, 0, pi / 2 , 2 * pi, "radians")
+## aq = 0.50000
+## @end example
+## With ellipsoid in m^2
+## @example
+## aq = areaquad (0, 0, 90, 360, "wgs84")
+## aq = 2.5503e+14
+## @end example
+## With vector
+## @example
+## aq = areaquad(-90,0,90,360,[6000 0]);
+## aq = 4.5239e+08
+## @end example
+## @seealso{referenceEllipsoid,referenceSphere}
+## @end deftypefn
+function [aq] = areaquad (varargin)
+ spheroid = "";
+ angleUnit = "degrees";
+ insq = 0; # When a spheriod is given the area is in units squared
+ if (nargin < 4 || nargin > 6)
+ print_usage();
+ elseif (nargin == 5)
+ if (isnumeric (varargin{5}))
+ ## EPSG spheroid code
+ spheroid = varargin{5};
+ elseif (ischar (varargin{5}))
+ if (! isempty (varargin{5}) && ismember (lower (varargin{5}(1)), {"r", "d"}))
+ angleUnit = varargin{5};
+ else
+ spheroid = varargin{5};
+ endif
+ elseif (isstruct (varargin{5}))
+ spheroid = varargin{5};
+ else
+ error ("areaquad: spheroid or angleUnit expected for arg. #5");
+ endif
+ elseif (nargin == 6)
+ spheroid = varargin{5};
+ angleUnit = varargin{6};
+ endif
+ if (isnumeric (spheroid) && isscalar (spheroid))
+ spheroid = num2str (spheroid);
+ endif
+ if (! (all (cellfun ("isnumeric", varargin(1:4))) && ...
+ all (cellfun ("isreal", varargin(1:4)))))
+ error ("areaquad: numeric values expected for first four inputs");
+ endif
+ ism = ! cellfun ("isscalar", varargin(1:4));
+ if (! isempty (find (ism)))
+ ## Some of the location inputs are vector or matrix. Check those sizes
+ sz = reshape (cell2mat (cellfun (@(x) size (x), varargin(ism), "uni", 0)), 2, [])';
+ ## Check if matrix sizes are all identical
+ if (numel (find (ism)) > 1 && any (diff (sz)))
+ error ("areaquad: sizes of input location vectors/matrices must match.");
+ endif
+ ## Make sure all scalar inputs become matrices of same size
+ varargin(! ism) = cellfun (@(x) repmat (x, sz(ism(1), 1), sz(ism(1), 2)), ...
+ varargin(! ism), "uni", 0);
+ else
+ nv = 1;
+ endif
+ lat1 = varargin{1};
+ lon1 = varargin{2};
+ lat2 = varargin{3};
+ lon2 = varargin{4};
+ if (! ischar (angleUnit))
+ error ("areaquad: character value expected for 'angleUnit'");
+ elseif (strncmpi (angleUnit, "degrees", min (length (angleUnit), 7)))
+ ## Latitude must be within [-90 ... 90]
+ if (any (abs ([lat1 lat2]) > 90))
+ error ("areaquad: azimuth value(s) out of acceptable range [-90, 90]")
+ endif
+ lat1 = deg2rad (lat1);
+ lon1 = deg2rad (lon1);
+ lat2 = deg2rad (lat2);
+ lon2 = deg2rad (lon2);
+ elseif (strncmpi (angleUnit, "radians", min (length (angleUnit), 7)))
+ ## Latitude must be within [-pi/2 ... pi/2] as azimuth isn't defined outside
+ if (any (abs ([lat1 lat2]) > pi / 2))
+ error("areaquad: azimuth value(s) out of acceptable range (-pi/2, pi/2)")
+ endif
+ else
+ error ("areaquad: illegal input for 'angleUnit'");
+ endif
+ if (isempty (spheroid))
+ E = referenceSphere ();
+ insq = 1; # Returns the fraction of the surface area
+ else
+ E = sph_chk (spheroid);
+ endif
+ a = E.SemimajorAxis;
+ e = E.Eccentricity;
+ s1 = sin (lat1);
+ s2 = sin (lat2);
+ del = lon1 - lon2;
+ if (e < eps)
+ aq = abs ((del .* a .^ 2) .* (s2 - s1));
+ else
+ ## From Earl Burkholder: 3d Global Spatial Data Model 2nd Ed. pg 168.
+ ## Make the equation more readable
+ e2 = e .^ 2;
+ f = 1 ./ (2 .* e);
+ e2m1 = 1 - e2;
+ s21 = s1 .^ 2;
+ s22 = s2 .^ 2;
+ se1 = 1 - e2 .* s21;
+ se2 = 1 - e2 .* s22;
+ c = (del .* a .^2 .* e2m1) ./ 2;
+ t1 = 1 + e .* s1;
+ t2 = 1 + e .* s2;
+ b1 = 1 - e .* s1;
+ b2 = 1 - e .* s2;
+ g = f .* (log ( t2 ./ b2) - (log (t1 ./ b1)));
+ aq = abs (c .* ((s2 ./ (se2)) - (s1 ./ (se1)) + g));
+ endif
+ if (insq == 1)
+ aq = aq ./ E.SurfaceArea;
+ endif
+%! aq = areaquad (-90, 0, 90, 360);
+%! assert (aq, 1, 1e-8);
+%! aq = areaquad (-pi / 2, 0, pi / 2, 2 * pi,"r");
+%! assert (aq, 1, 1e-8);
+%! aq = areaquad (0, 0, 90, 360, "wgs84");
+%! assert (aq, 2.5503281086204421875e+14, 1e-8);
+%! aq = areaquad(-90,0,90,360,[0 6000]);
+%! assert (aq, 4 * pi * 6000 ^ 2, 1e-8)
+%! aq = areaquad(-90,0,90,360,[6000 0]);
+%! assert (aq, 4 * pi * 6000 ^ 2, 1e-8)
+%! aq = areaquad(-90,0,90,360,[1 0]);
+%! assert (aq, 4 * pi, 1e-8)
+%! aq = areaquad(-90,0,90,360,[0 1]);
+%! assert (aq, 4 * pi, 1e-8)
+%! assert (areaquad ([-60 -45; -30 0], 0, 45, 180), ...
+%! [0.393283046242, 0.353553390593; ...
+%! 0.301776695296, 0.176776695296], 1e-11);
+%!error <numeric> areaquad ("s", 0, 90, 360)
+%!error <numeric> areaquad (5i, 0, 90, 360)
+%!error <numeric> areaquad (0, "s", 90, 360)
+%!error <numeric> areaquad (0, 5i, 90, 360)
+%!error <numeric> areaquad (0, 0, "s", 360)
+%!error <numeric> areaquad (0, 0, 5i, 360)
+%!error <numeric> areaquad (0, 0, 90, "s")
+%!error <numeric> areaquad (0, 0, 90, 5i)
+%!error <ecc> areaquad (-90, 0, 90, 360, [2.9 6000])
+%!error <ellipsoid> areaquad (-90, 0, 90, 360, [2.9])
+%!error <element> areaquad (-90, 0, 90, 360, [2.9 6000 70])
+%!error <azimuth value> areaquad (-91, 0, 90, 360);
+%!error <azimuth value> areaquad (-90, 0, 91, 360);
+%!error <sizes of> areaquad ([1 2], 3, [4; 5], 6);