path: root/inst/geodeticfwd.m
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1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inst/geodeticfwd.m b/inst/geodeticfwd.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2e98cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/geodeticfwd.m
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Philip Nienhuis <prnienhuis at>
+## Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Alfredo Foltran <alfoltran at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
+## <>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{lato}, @var{lono}, @var{azo}] = } {geodeticfwd(@var{lat}, @var{lon}, @var{range}, @var{azi})}
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{lato}, @var{lono}, @var{azo}] = } {geodeticfwd(@var{lat}, @var{lon}, @var{range}, @var{azi}, @var{dim})}
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{lato}, @var{lono}, @var{azo}] = } {geodeticfwd(@var{lat}, @var{lon}, @var{range}, @var{azi}, @var{angleUnit})}
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{lato}, @var{lono}, @var{azo}] = } {geodeticfwd(@var{lat}, @var{lon}, @var{range}, @var{azi}, @var{ellipsoid})}
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{lato}, @var{lono}, @var{azo}] = } {geodeticfwd(@var{lat}, @var{lon}, @var{range}, @var{azi}, @var{dim}, @var{angleUnit}, @var{ellipsoid})}
+## Compute the coordinates of the end-point of a displacement along a geodesic.
+## Inputs:
+## @itemize
+## @item
+## @var{lat}, @var{lon}: coordinates (latitude, longitude) of the starting point.
+## @item
+## @var{range}: displacement along a specified geodesic (angle or length).
+## @item
+## @var{azi}: direction of the displacement relative (clockwise) to the North.
+## @indent
+## All these inputs can be scalars, vectors or 2D/ND arrays. If any input is
+## a vector or 2D or ND array, all other inputs MUST be either scalars, OR
+## vectors or arrays of the exact same size, OR scalars. Scalars will be
+## automatically expanded to the size of the input vectors/arrays.
+## The following optional arguments can be specified in any desired order:
+## @end indent
+## @item
+## @var{dim}: (char, case-insensitive, can be shortened to just the first
+## letter) unit of @var{range}: either "length" or "angle" (default). The
+## "length" unit is supposed to be "meters" but in case of a length input,
+## one can also specify any length unit accepted by validateLengthUnit.
+## @item
+## @var{angleUnit}: angle unit for all input angles: "degrees" (default) or
+## "radians" (case-insensitive, can be shortened to just the first letter).
+## @item
+## @var{ellipsoid}: reference ellipsoid. Can be either an ellipsoid name,
+## an ellipsoid code (entered as numerical or character string), of a vector
+## of SemimajorAxis and Flattening.
+## @end itemize
+## Output arguments:
+## @itemize
+## @item
+## @var{lato}, @var{lono}: computed latitude and longitude after displacement.
+## For displacement inputs speciied as lengths, geodeticfwd needs to iterate
+## to get a satisfactory solution. If the maximum number number of iterations
+## is exceeded a suitable warning is emitted and the related output(s) is/are
+## set to NaN.
+## @item
+## @var{azo}: computed azimuth at (@var{lato}, @var{lono}).
+## @end itemize
+## geodeticfwd is based on vincentyDirect.m by Alfredo Foltran, in turn based
+## on Vicenty.T (1975) "Direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the
+## ellipsoid with application of nested equations".
+## @seealso{geodeticarc, meridianfwd, reckon, referenceEllipsoid,
+## validateLengthUnit, vincentyDirect}
+## @end deftypefn
+function [lato, lono, azo] = geodeticfwd (varargin)
+ ## Basic input checks
+ if (nargin < 4)
+ error ("geodeticfwd: too few arguments");
+ elseif (nargin > 7)
+ error ("geodeticfwd: too many arguments");
+ elseif (! (all (cellfun ("isnumeric", varargin(1:4))) && ...
+ cellfun ("isreal", varargin(1:4))))
+ error ("geodeticfwd: all first 4 arguments should be real numeric");
+ endif
+ ## Check & process numeric input data sizes
+ isv = ! cellfun ("isscalar", varargin(1:4));
+ if (any (isv))
+ ## Check dimensions
+ cdim = cellfun (@(x) numel (size (x)), varargin(isv));
+ if (any (diff (cdim)))
+ error ("geodeticfwd: input arrays of different dimensions");
+ endif
+ for ii=1:cdim(1)
+ if (any (diff (cellfun (@(x) size (x, ii), varargin(isv)))))
+ error ("geodeticfwd: input arrays of different dimensions");
+ endif
+ endfor
+ ## Expand any scalar args, if required
+ jsv = find (! isv);
+ for ii=1:numel (jsv)
+ varargin{jsv(ii)} = varargin{jsv(ii)} * ones (size (varargin{find (isv)(1)}));
+ endfor
+ endif
+ lat = varargin{1};
+ lon = varargin{2};
+ rng = varargin{3};
+ azi = varargin{4};
+ varargin(1:4) = [];
+ ## Check & process optional inputs.
+ ## First set provisional defaults
+ dim = "angle";
+ angleUnit = "degrees";
+ ## Default ellipsoid = WGS84
+ ellipsoid = referenceEllipsoid (7030);
+ ## Keep track of presence of extra inputs
+ i_length = i_angle = i_ell = false;
+ for ii=1:numel (varargin)
+ ## Only accept first mention of one extra input
+ if (iscellstr (varargin(ii)))
+ ## Check for angle units
+ if (! i_angle)
+ if (strncmpi (varargin{ii}, "degrees", numel (varargin{ii})))
+ angleUnit = "degrees";
+ i_angle = true;
+ continue;
+ elseif (strncmpi (varargin{ii}, "radians", numel (varargin{ii})))
+ angleUnit = "radians";
+ i_angle = true;
+ continue;
+ endif
+ endif
+ ## Check for length units (or angle)
+ if (! i_length)
+ if (strncmpi (varargin{ii}, "length", numel (varargin{ii})))
+ dim = lengthUnit = "length";
+ i_length = true;
+ continue;
+ elseif (strncmpi (varargin{ii}, "angle", numel (varargin{ii})))
+ dim = "angle";
+ i_length = true;
+ continue;
+ else
+ try
+ ## Try to convert rng to meters
+ rng = rng * unitsratio ("m", varargin{ii});
+ ## If control gets here, the length argument was a valid length unit
+ dim = lengthUnit = "length";
+ i_length = true;
+ continue;
+ catch
+ end_try_catch
+ endif
+ endif
+ ## Check reference ellipsoid
+ if (! i_ell)
+ try
+ ellipsoid = referenceEllipsoid (varargin{ii});
+ i_ell = true;
+ continue;
+ catch
+ end_try_catch
+ endif
+ error ("geodeticfwd: input argument #%d not recognized", ii+4);
+ elseif (cellfun ("isnumeric", varargin(ii)) && ! i_ell)
+ if (isscalar (varargin{ii}))
+ ## Assume it's a reference ellipsoid code
+ ellipsoid = referenceEllipsoid (varargin{ii});
+ elseif (isvector (varargin{ii}) && numel (varargin{ii}) == 2)
+ ## Semimajoraxis and Flattening; compute Semiminoraxis
+ ellipsoid.SemimajorAxis = a = varargin{ii}(1);
+ ellipsoid.Flattening = b = varargin{ii}(2);
+ ecc = flat2ecc (b);
+ ellipsoid.SemiminorAxis = minaxis (a, ecc);
+ else
+ error ("geodeticfwd: invalid ellipsoid input (arg. #%d)", ii+4);
+ endif
+ i_ell = true;
+ continue;
+ elseif (isstruct (varargin{ii}) && ! i_ell)
+ ## FIXME - check on proper ellipsoid struct
+ ellipsoid = varargin{ii};
+ if (! all (isfield (ellipsoid, {"SemimajorAxis", "SemiminorAxis", "Flattening"})))
+ error ("geodeticfwd: invalid ellipsoid struct");
+ endif
+ continue;
+ else
+ ## Couldn't be recognized
+ error ("geodeticfwd: input argument #%d not recognized", ii+4);
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if (strcmpi (angleUnit, "degrees"))
+ ## Rest of function based on radians
+ lat = deg2rad (lat);
+ lon = deg2rad (lon);
+ azi = deg2rad (azi);
+ ## If range was given as angle, convert it as well
+ if (strcmpi (dim, "angle"))
+ rng = deg2rad (rng);
+ endif
+ endif
+ ## Do the actual work. Based on Alfredo Foltran's vincentyDirect.m
+ ##
+ ## (In turn based on Vicenty.T (1975) Direct and inverse solutions of
+ ## geodesics on the ellipsoid with application of nested equations)
+ major = ellipsoid.SemimajorAxis;
+ minor = ellipsoid.SemiminorAxis;
+ f = ellipsoid.Flattening;
+ iter_limit = 20;
+ tanU1 = (1 - f) * tan (lat);
+ U1 = atan (tanU1);
+ sigma1 = atan2 (tanU1, cos (azi));
+ cosU1 = cos (U1);
+ sinAlpha = cosU1 .* sin (azi);
+ cos2Alpha = (1 - sinAlpha) .* (1 + sinAlpha);
+ u2 = cos2Alpha * (major ^ 2 - minor ^ 2) / minor ^ 2;
+ A = 1 + u2 / 16384 .* (4096 + u2 .* (-768 + u2 .* (320 - 175 * u2)));
+ B = u2 / 1024 .* (256 + u2 .* (-128 + u2 .* (74 - 47 * u2)));
+ if (strcmpi (dim, "length"))
+ ## Be sure all lengths are in meters
+ if (isfield (ellipsoid, "LengthUnit") && ! isempty (ellipsoid.LengthUnit))
+ rng *= unitsratio ("meter", ellipsoid.LengthUnit);
+ major *= unitsratio ("meter", ellipsoid.LengthUnit);
+ minor *= unitsratio ("meter", ellipsoid.LengthUnit);
+ else
+ ## Maybe dimensionless as in Unit Sphere, or not given. Assume "meters"
+ endif
+ sigma = rng ./ (minor * A);
+ lastSigma = sigma + 1;
+ i = 0;
+ ## Keep track of which sigmas have converged
+ sgmit = true (size (sigma));
+ ## Preallocate to avoid dimension changes
+ lastSigma = doubleSigmaM = deltaSigma = zeros (size (sigma));
+ do
+ i++;
+ lastSigma(sgmit) = sigma(sgmit);
+ doubleSigmaM(sgmit) = 2 * sigma1(sgmit) + sigma(sgmit);
+ deltaSigma(sgmit) = ...
+ B(sgmit) .* sin (sigma(sgmit)) .* (cos (doubleSigmaM(sgmit)) + ...
+ 0.25 * B(sgmit) .* (cos (sigma(sgmit)) .* (-1 + 2 * cos (doubleSigmaM(sgmit)) .^ 2) ...
+ - 1/6 .* B(sgmit) .* cos (doubleSigmaM(sgmit)) .* (-3 + 4 * sin (sigma(sgmit)) .^ 2) ...
+ .* (-3 * 4 * cos (doubleSigmaM(sgmit)) .^ 2)));
+ sigma(sgmit) = rng(sgmit) ./ (minor * A(sgmit)) + deltaSigma(sgmit);
+ ## Which inputs haven't converged yet
+ sgmit = abs (lastSigma - sigma) > 10e-12;
+ ## printf ("%2d ", i, sgmit); printf ("\n"); ## Debug, remove when tested
+ until (all (! sgmit) || i > iter_limit)
+ if (i > iter_limit)
+ warning ("Direct Vincenty's formulae failed to converge for some inputs!");
+ sigma(sgmit) = NaN;
+ endif
+ elseif (strcmpi (dim, "angle"))
+ sigma = rng;
+ else
+ error ("Parameter \"dim\" must be \"angle\", \"length\" or a valid length unit!");
+ endif
+ doubleSigmaM = 2 * sigma1 + sigma;
+ sinU1 = sin (U1);
+ lato = atan2 (sinU1 .* cos (sigma) + cosU1 .* sin (sigma) .* cos (azi), ...
+ (1 - f) * sqrt (sinAlpha .^ 2 + (sinU1 .* sin (sigma) - ...
+ cosU1 .* cos (sigma) .* cos (azi)) .^ 2));
+ lambda = atan2 (sin (sigma) .* sin (azi), ...
+ cosU1 .* cos (sigma) - sinU1 .* sin (sigma) .* cos(azi));
+ C = f/16 * cos2Alpha .* (4 + f * (4 - 3 * cos2Alpha));
+ L = lambda - (1 - C) * f .* sinAlpha .* (sigma + C .* sin (sigma) .* ...
+ (cos (doubleSigmaM) + C .* cos (sigma) .* (-1 + 2 * cos (doubleSigmaM) .^ 2)));
+ lono = L + lon;
+ lono = wrapToPi (lono);
+ if (nargout () > 2)
+ azo = atan2 (sinAlpha, -sinU1 .* sin (sigma) + cosU1 .* cos (sigma) .* cos (azi));
+ else
+ azo = [];
+ endif
+ if (strcmpi (angleUnit, "degrees"))
+ lato = rad2deg (lato);
+ lono = rad2deg (lono);
+ azo = rad2deg (azo);
+ endif
+%!error <too few arguments> geodeticfwd (1, 1, 1);
+%!error <should be real numeric> geodeticfwd (1, 2, 'a', 4);
+%!error <should be real numeric> geodeticfwd ({2}, 2, 'a', 4);
+%!error <should be real numeric> geodeticfwd (1+2i, 2, 3, 4);
+%!error <arrays of different dimensions> geodeticfwd ([1 2], [2; 1], 0, 0);
+%!error <not recognized> geodeticfwd (1, 2, 3, 4, 'b');
+%!error <not recognized> geodeticfwd (1, 2, 3, 4, 'm', 'b');
+%!error <not recognized> geodeticfwd (1, 2, 3, 4, 'd', 'wgs84', 'f');
+%!error <not recognized> geodeticfwd (1, 2, 3, 4, 'd', 'wgs84', {5});
+%!error <invalid ellipsoid input> geodeticfwd (1, 2, 3, 4, [1, 2, 3]);
+%!error <invalid ellipsoid struct> geodeticfwd (1, 2, 3, 4, struct ("a", "b"));
+%!error <invalid ellipsoid> geodeticfwd (pi/4, -pi/4, pi/2, 10, 'nm', 'r', struct ("a", []));
+%! [lato, lono, azo] = geodeticfwd (0, 0, pi, pi/4, 'a', 'Unit Sphere', 'r');
+%! assert (rad2deg ([lato lono azo]), [0, 180, 135], 1e-10);
+%! [lato, lono, azo] = geodeticfwd (0, 0, pi/2, pi/4, 'angle', 'Unit Sphere', 'radians');
+%! assert (rad2deg ([lato lono azo]), [45, 90, 90], 1e-10);
+%! [lato, lono, azo] = geodeticfwd (0, pi/4, pi/2, 3*pi/4, 'a', 'Unit Sphere', 'r');
+%! assert (rad2deg ([lato lono azo]), [ -45, 135, 90], 1e-10);
+%! [lato, lono, azo] = geodeticfwd (45, -45, 180, 90, 'Unit Sphere', 'd');
+%! assert ([lato lono azo], [-45, 135, 90], 1e-10);