path: root/inst/gpxread.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'inst/gpxread.m')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inst/gpxread.m b/inst/gpxread.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eec30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/gpxread.m
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Philip Nienhuis
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program. If not, see <>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn {} {@var{out} =} gpxread (@var{fname})
+## @deftypefnx {} {@var{out} =} gpxread (@var{fname}, @dots{})
+## Read data from a gpx file.
+## Input argument @var{fname} (a character string) can be a valid file
+## name or a valid URL.
+## If no other input arguments are given gpxread will read all data in
+## @var{fname} into one output struct @var{out}. The data to be read can
+## be selected and/or limited by specifying one or more of the following
+## optional property/value pairs (all case-insensitive):
+## @itemize
+## @item "FeatureType'
+## This option (a mere "f" suffices) can be one of:
+## @table @asis
+## @item
+## "WayPoint or simply "w": Read waypoints.
+## @end item
+## @item
+## "Track" or "t": read tracks.
+## @end item
+## @item
+## "Route" or "t": read routes.
+## @end item
+## @item
+## "Auto" or "a" (default value): read all data.
+## @end item
+## @end table
+## Multiple FeatureType property/value pairs can be specified.
+## @end item
+## @item "Index"
+## The ensuing Index value should be a numeric value, or numeric vector,
+## of indices of the features to be read.
+## @end item
+## @end itemize
+## Output argument @var{out} is a struct array with field names Name,
+## Lat, Lon, Ele, Time, and -in case of routes- Names. "Name" refers
+## to the name of the waypoints, tracks or routes that have been read.
+## "Lat", "Lon" and "Ele" refer to the latitude, longitude and elevation
+## of the various features, in case of tracks field "Time" refers to
+## the time of the trackpoint. In case of tracks and routes these are
+## vectors, each element corresponding to one track point. For each
+## individual track multiple track segments are separated by NaNs. For
+## routes the field "Names" contains a cell array holding the names of
+## the individual route points.
+## Examples:
+## @example
+## A = gpxread ("trip2.gpx", "feature", "track", "index", 2);
+## (which returns data from the second track in file "trip1.gpx")
+## @end example
+## @example
+## B = gpxread ("trip2.gpx", "f", "t", "f", "r");
+## (which returns track and route data from file "trip2.gpx")
+## @end example
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Philip Nienhuis <>
+## Created: 2017-02-05
+function [outp] = gpxread (fname, varargin)
+ ## Input validation
+ if (nargin < 1)
+ print_usage ();
+ elseif (! ischar (fname))
+ error ("gpread: file name expected for arg 1\n");
+ elseif (! isempty (cell2mat (cell2mat ...
+ (regexp (fname, '(ftp://|http://|file://)', "tokens")))))
+ url = true;
+ else
+ [pth, fnm, ext] = fileparts (fname);
+ if (isempty (ext))
+ fname = [fname ".gpx"];
+ endif
+ url = false;
+ endif
+ if (nargin < 2)
+ gtr = grt = gpt = 1;
+ else
+ gtr = grt = gpt = 0;
+ endif
+ if (mod (nargin, 2) != 1)
+ error ("gpxread: insufficient nr. of input arguments\n");
+ endif
+ idx = [];
+ for ii=1:2:numel (varargin)
+ if (ischar (varargin{ii}) && numel (varargin{ii}) > 0)
+ switch lower (varargin{ii})(1)
+ case "f"
+ switch lower (varargin{ii+1})(1)
+ case "t"
+ gtr = 1;
+ case "r"
+ grt = 1;
+ case "w"
+ gpt = 1;
+ case "a"
+ gtr = grt = gpt = 1;
+ otherwise
+ error ("gpxread: unknown FeatureType '%s'", varargin{ii+1});
+ endswitch
+ case "i"
+ idx = varargin{ii+1};
+ if (! isnumeric (idx))
+ error ("gpxread: numeric value or vector expected for arg.# %d\n", ii+1);
+ else
+ idx = uint32 (idx);
+ endif
+ otherwise
+ warning ("gpxread: unknown option '%s' - ignored\n", varargin{ii});
+ endswitch
+ else
+ error ("gpxread: wrong argument type for arg. %d - 'FeatureType' or \
+'Index' expected", ii+1);
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if (url)
+ ## Untested
+ xml = urlread (fname);
+ else
+ fid = fopen (fname, "r");
+ if (fid < 0)
+ error ("gpxread: couldn't open file %s\n", fname);
+ endif
+ xml = fread (fid, Inf, "char=>char")';
+ fclose (fid);
+ endif
+ outp = repmat (struct ("Type", "-", ...
+ "Lat", [], ...
+ "Lon", [], ...
+ "Ele", [], ...
+ "Time", [], ...
+ "Name", "-"), 0, 1);
+ if (gpt)
+ ## (Try to) Read waypoints
+ ptrnp = 'wpt lat="(.*?)" lon="(.*?)">.*?ele>(.*?)</ele.*?name>(.*?)</name';
+ wpts = reshape (cell2mat ( regexp (xml, ptrnp, "tokens")'), [], 4);
+ if (! isempty (wpts))
+ wpts(:, 1:3) = num2cell (str2double (wpts(:, 1:3)));
+ if (isempty (idx))
+ idx = [1:size(wpts, 1)]';
+ else
+ idx(idx < 1) = [];
+ idx(idx > size (wpts, 1)) = [];
+ endif
+ [outp(1:numel (idx)).Name] = deal (wpts(idx, 4){:});
+ [outp(1:numel (idx)).Type] = deal ("WayPoint");
+ [outp(1:numel (idx)).Lat] = deal (wpts(idx, 1){:});
+ [outp(1:numel (idx)).Lon] = deal (wpts(idx, 2){:});
+ [outp(1:numel (idx)).Ele] = deal (wpts(idx, 3){:});
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (gtr)
+ ## Read tracks
+ ptrnt1A = '<trkpt lat="(.*?)" lon="(.*?)".*?ele>(.*?)</ele>.*?<time>(.*?)</time';
+ ptrnt1B = '<trkpt lat="(.*?)" lon="(.*?)".*?time>(.*?)</time.*?ele>(.*?)</ele>';
+ ptrnt2 = '<trkpt lat="(.*?)" lon="(.*?)".*?ele>(.*?)</ele';
+ [trk, ~, is] = getxmlnode (xml, "trk", 1, 1);
+ itr = 0;
+ if (is != 0)
+ do
+ if (isempty (idx) || ismember (++itr, idx))
+ [trkseg, ~, ist] = getxmlnode (trk, "trkseg", 1, 1);
+ if (ist != 0)
+ outp(end+1).Type = "Track";
+ outp(end).Name = getxmlnode (trk, "name", 1, 1);
+ ## Check if tracks have time node
+ it = index (trkseg, "</time>", "first");
+ ## Check ele/time node order
+ if (it)
+ if (index (trkseg, "</ele>", "first") < it)
+ ptrnt = ptrnt1A;
+ dcol = 4;
+ else
+ ptrnt = ptrnt1B;
+ dcol = 3;
+ endif
+ ncols = 4;
+ else
+ ptrnt = ptrnt2;
+ ncols = 3;
+ endif
+ out = NaN (0, ncols);
+ do
+ arr = reshape (cell2mat (regexp (trkseg, ptrnt, "tokens")), ncols, [])';
+ if (ncols == 4)
+ arr = [ (str2double (arr(:, [1:2 7-dcol]))) (datenum (arr(:, dcol), "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ")) ];
+ else
+ arr = str2double (arr);
+ endif
+ out = [out; arr; NaN(1, ncols)];
+ [trkseg, ~, ist] = getxmlnode (trk, "trkseg", ist, 1);
+ until (ist == 0);
+ out(end, :) = [];
+ outp(end).Lat = out(:, 1);
+ outp(end).Lon = out(:, 2);
+ outp(end).Ele = out(:, 3);
+ if (ncols == 4)
+ outp(end).Time = out(:, 4);
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ [trk, ~, is] = getxmlnode (xml, "trk", is, 1);
+ until (is == 0);
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (grt)
+ ## Read routes
+ ptrnr = 'rtept lat="(.*?)" lon="(.*?)".*?ele>(.*?)</ele.*?name>(.*?)</name';
+ [rte, ~, is] = getxmlnode (xml, "rte", 1, 1);
+ irt = 0;
+ if (is != 0)
+ do
+ if (isempty (idx) || ismember (++irt, idx))
+ outp(end+1).Type = "Route";
+ outp(end).Name = getxmlnode (rte, "name", 1, 1);
+ [rteseg, ~, isr] = getxmlnode (rte, "rtept", 1, 1);
+ rtp = reshape (cell2mat ( regexp (rte, ptrnr, "tokens")'), [], 4);
+ [outp(end).Lat] = str2double (rtp(:, 1));
+ [outp(end).Lon] = str2double (rtp(:, 2));
+ [outp(end).Ele] = str2double (rtp(:, 3));
+ [outp(end).Names] = rtp(:, 4);
+ endif
+ [rte, ~, is] = getxmlnode (xml, "rte", is, 1);
+ until (is == 0);
+ endif
+ endif