## Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Philip Nienhuis ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see ## . ## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deftypefn {} {@var{kml} =} kmlread (@var{fname}) ## (EXPERIMENTAL) Read a Google kml file and return its contents in a struct. ## ## @var{name} is the name of a .kml file. ## Currently kmlread can read Point, LineString, Polygon, Track nd Multitrack ## entries. ## ## @var{kml} is a struct with fields Type, Lat, Lon, Ele, Time and Name. ## ## @seealso{kmzread} ## @end deftypefn ## Author: Philip Nienhuis ## Created: 2018-05-03 function outp = kmlread (fname) fid = fopen (fname, "r"); if (fid > 0) xml = fread (fid, Inf, "*char")'; fclose (fid); else error ("kmlread: couldn't read %s", fname); endif outp = repmat (struct ("Type", "-", ... "Lat", [], ... "Lon", [], ... "Ele", [], ... "Time", [], ... "Name", "-"), 0, 1); ## Points is = 1; ipt = 1; while (is > 0) [pnt, il, is] = getxmlnode (xml, "Point", is, 1); if (is > 0) outp(end+1).Type = "Point"; ++ipt; pnam = cell2mat (regexp (xml(max (1, il - 1000):il+7), ... '.*?(.+?).*?', "tokens")){end}; if (! isempty (pnam)) outp(end).Name = pnam; else outp(end).Name = ["Point #" num2str(ipt)]; endif coords = strrep (getxmlnode (pnt, "coordinates", 1, 1), ",", " "); xyz = sscanf (coords, "%f", Inf); outp(end).Lon = xyz(1); outp(end).Lat = xyz(2); outp(end).Ele = xyz(3); endif endwhile ## Linestrings / Polylines is = 1; iln = 1; while (is > 0) [lin, il, is] = getxmlnode (xml, "LineString", is, 1); if (is > 0) outp(end+1).Type = "Line"; ++iln; lnam = cell2mat (regexp (xml(max (1, il - 1000):il+12), ... '.*?(.+?).*?', "tokens")){end}; if (! isempty (lnam)) outp(end).Name = lnam; else outp(end).Name = ["Line #" num2str(iln)]; endif coords = getxmlnode (lin, "coordinates", 1, 1); ## Check if we have Ele (Z). Coordinate tuples are separated by spaces lines = strsplit (strtrim (coords), " "); nd = numel (strfind (lines{1}, ",")) + 1; xyz = reshape (sscanf (strrep (coords, ",", " "), "%f", Inf)', nd, [])'; outp(end).Lon = xyz(:, 1); outp(end).Lat = xyz(:, 2); outp(end).BoundingBox = [min(outp(end).Lon), max(outp(end).Lon); ... min(outp(end).Lat), max(outp(end).Lat)]; if (nd > 2) outp(end).Ele = xyz(:, 3); outp(end).BoundingBox = [outp(end).BoundingBox; min(outp(end).Ele), max(outp(end).Ele)]; else outp(end).BoundingBox = [outp(end).BoundingBox; Nan, NaN]; endif endif endwhile ## Polygons is = 1; ip = 1; while (is > 0) [pol, il, is] = getxmlnode (xml, "Polygon", is, 1); if (is > 0) outp(end+1).Type = "Polygon"; ++ip; pnam = cell2mat (regexp (xml(max (1, il - 1000):il+12), ... '.*?(.+?).*?', "tokens")){end}; if (! isempty (pnam)) outp(end).Name = pnam; else outp(end).Name = ["Polygon #" num2str (ip)]; endif ir = 1; ## First get outer ring [ring, ~, ir] = getxmlnode (pol, "outerBoundaryIs", ir); coords = strrep (getxmlnode (ring, "coordinates", 1, 1), ",", " "); xyz = reshape (sscanf (coords, "%f", Inf)', 3, [])'; ## FIXME check on CCW outp(end).Lon = xyz(:, 1); outp(end).Lat = xyz(:, 2); outp(end).Ele = xyz(:, 3); ## Next, any inner rings while (ir > 0) [ring, ~, ir] = getxmlnode (pol, "innerBoundaryIs", ir); if (ir > 0) coords = strrep (getxmlnode (ring, "coordinates", 1, 1), ",", " "); xyz = reshape (sscanf (coords, "%f", Inf)', 3, [])'; ## FIXME check on CW outp(end).Lon = [outp(end).Lon; NaN; xyz(:, 1)]; outp(end).Lat = [outp(end).Lat; NaN; xyz(:, 2)]; outp(end).Ele = [outp(end).Ele; NaN; xyz(:, 3)]; endif endwhile outp(end).BoundingBox = [min(outp(end).Lon), max(outp(end).Lon); ... min(outp(end).Lat), max(outp(end).Lat); ... min(outp(end).Ele), max(outp(end).Ele)]; endif endwhile ## Tracks and MultiTracks ptrnT = '(.*?)'; is = em = 1; it = 0; while (is > 0) if (em <= is) ## Try to get extent of multiTrack node [mtrk, ~, em] = getxmlnode (xml, "gx:MultiTrack", is, 1); if (em > 0) ## Get specific attributes for this Multitrack mtid = getxmlattv (mtrk, "id"); intpm = str2double (getxmlnode (mtrk, "gx:interpolate", 10, 1)); ## MultiTrack; start new struct item for next tracks outp(end+1).Type = "Track"; ++it; if (isempty (mtid)) outp(end).Name = ["Track #" num2str(it)]; else outp(end).Name = mtid; endif endif endif [trk, ~, is] = getxmlnode (xml, "gx:Track", is, 1); if (is > 0) if (! em) ## Separate track; start new struct item outp(end+1).Type = "Track"; ++it; tnam = getxmlattv (trk, "id"); if (isempty (tnam)) outp(end).Name = ["Track #" num2str(it)]; else outp(end) = tnam; endif outp(end).BoundingBox = [min(outp(end).Lon), max(outp(end).Lon); ... min(outp(end).Lat), max(outp(end).Lat); ... min(outp(end).Ele), max(outp(end).Ele)]; endif times = cell2mat (regexp (trk, ptrnT, "tokens")); times = datenum (times, "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ"); ptrnP = '(.+?) (.+?) (.+?)'; xyz = reshape (str2double (cell2mat (regexp (trk, ptrnP, "tokens"))), 3, [])'; if (isempty (outp(end).Lat)) outp(end).Lon = xyz(:, 1); outp(end).Lat = xyz(:, 2); outp(end).Ele = xyz(:, 3); if (! isempty (times)) outp(end).Time = times; endif elseif (intpm) outp(end).Lon = [outp(end).Lon; xyz(:, 1)]; outp(end).Lat = [outp(end).Lat; xyz(:, 2)]; outp(end).Ele = [outp(end).Ele; xyz(:, 3)]; if (! isempty (times)) outp(end).Time = [outp(end).Time; times]; endif else outp(end).Lon = [outp(end).Lon; NaN; xyz(:, 1)]; outp(end).Lat = [outp(end).Lat; NaN; xyz(:, 2)]; outp(end).Ele = [outp(end).Ele; NaN; xyz(:, 3)]; if (! isempty (times)) outp(end).Time = [outp(end).Time; NaN; times]; endif endif outp(end).BoundingBox = [min(outp(end).Lon), max(outp(end).Lon); ... min(outp(end).Lat), max(outp(end).Lat); ... min(outp(end).Ele), max(outp(end).Ele)]; endif endwhile endfunction