## Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Philip Nienhuis ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see . ## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deftypefn {Function File} @var{H} = mapshow (@var{data}) ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{H} = mapshow (@var{data}, @var{clr}) ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{H} = mapshow (@var{data}, @var{clr}, ...) ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{H} = mapshow (@var{data}, ...) ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{H} = mapshow (@var{X}, @var{Y}) ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{H} = mapshow (@var{X}, @var{Y}, @var{clr}) ## Draw a map based on raster or shapefile data. ## ## @var{data} can be: ## ## @itemize ## @item The filename of a GIS raster file (any file supported by the GDAL ## library) or of an ArcGIS shapefile. mapshow will invoke rasterread.m ## and rasterdraw.m. ## ## @item A raster band struct created by rasterread.m; in that case the ## corresponding raster info struct (also made by rasterread.m) is required ## as second input argument. ## ## @item A struct created by shaperead.m. @var{data} can be a mapstruct or ## an Octave-style shape struct. ## ## @item The base name or full file name of an ArcGis shape file. mapshow ## will invoke shaperead.m and shapedraw.m ## @end itemize ## ## If the first two arguments to mapshow.m contain numeric vectors, mapshow ## will simply draw the vectors as XY lines. The vectors can contain NaNs (in ## identical positions) to separate parts. ## ## For raster maps currently no further input arguments are recognized. ## For shapefile data, optional argument @var{clr} can be a predefined color ## ("k", "c", etc.), and RGB triplet, or a 2 X 1 column vector of predefined ## colors or RGB triplets (each row containing a predefined color or triplet). ## The upper row will be used for points and lines, the lower row for solid ## shape features. For XY data, only the first row is used. One-character ## color codes can be preceded by one-character linestyle indicators ## (":", "-", "--", "-.") to modify the linestyle for polylines, or marker ## styles ("o", "*", ".", "+", "@", ">", "<", "s", "d", "h", "v", "^") for ## points. ## ## Any other arguments are considered graphics properties for (multi-)points, ## polylines and polygons and will be conveyed as-is to the actual plotting ## routines. ## ## Additionally, if the first argument is a shape struct, mapshow accepts a ## property-value pair "symbolspec" (minimum abbreviation "symb") with a value ## comprising a cell array containing instructions on how to display the ## shape contents. Multiple sympolspec property/value pairs can be specified. ## ## Return argument @var{h} is a handle to the plot figure. ## ## ## Examples: ## ## @example ## H = mapshow ("/full/path/to/map") ## (draws a raster map and returns the figure handle in H) ## @end example ## ## @example ## H = mapshow ("shape.shp", ":g") ## H = mapshow ("shape.shp", "color", "g", "linestyle", ":") ## (draws a polygon shapefile "shape.shp" with green ## dotted lines and return figure handle in H) ## @end example ## ## @example ## mapshow (X, Y, "k") ## (plot vectors X and Y in black color) ## @end example ## ## @example ## mapshow (X, Y, "-.r", "linewidth", 5) ## (plot vectors X and Y as a dashdotted thick red line) ## @end example ## ## @example ## mapshow (data, "symbolspec", symsp1, "symb", symsp2) ## (draw contents of shapestruct (or mapstruct) data ## according to the symbolspecs symsp1 and symsp2) ## @end example ## ## @seealso{geoshow, shapedraw, shapeinfo, shaperead, shapewrite, makesymbolspec, rasterread, rasterdraw, rasterinfo} ## @end deftypefn ## Author: Philip Nienhuis ## Created: 2014-11-17 after a suggestion by Carnë Draug ## Updates: ## 2014-2015 many many fixes ## 2015-02-04 Relax check for mapstructs; don't test BoundingBox (Point shapes) ## 2015-02-11 Fix minor syntax error in do_symspecs rule check function h = mapshow (varargin) ## Check "hold" state; creates a new figure if none was present if (ishold()) old_holdstate = "on"; else old_holdstate = "off"; endif hold on; if ischar (varargin{1}) [~, ~, ext] = fileparts (varargin{1}); if (strncmpi (ext, ".shp", 4)) ## Directly plot shapefile. Strip away symbolspecs isym = find (strncmpi ("symbolspec", varargin(2:end), 4)); if (! isempty (isym)) warning ("mapshow.m: ignoring symbolspecs when drawing .shp directly"); endif varargin(isym:isym+1) = []; h = shapedraw (varargin{:}); else ## Assume any raster file h = rasterdraw (varargin{1}); endif elseif (nargin > 1 && israster (varargin{1}) && isstruct (varargin{2})) ## Assume raster structs h = rasterdraw (varargin{:}); elseif (isshape (varargin{1})) ## Assume a shape struct or a shape file name. Get optional symbolspec isym = find (strncmpi("symbolspec", varargin(2:end), 4)); if (! isempty (isym)) ## FIXME move this stanze into a separate subfunction ## Found symbolspec. Check if it can be invoked if (ischar (varargin{1})) ## Symbolspec not applicable to shape file argument error ("mapshow: symbolspec not supported when plotting shape files directly\n"); endif ## First get & check geometry symspecs = {varargin{isym+2}}; h = do_symspecs (varargin{1}, symspecs, old_holdstate); else ## No symbolspec to process; plot shape(file) directly endif elseif (nargin >= 2 && isvector (varargin{1}) && isvector (varargin{2})) ## Assume args #1 & #2 are lines. Find optional color argument. if (nargin >= 3) if (ischar (varargin{3})) ## Assume arg #3 is a valid color name or character like 'b' h = plot (varargin{1}, varargin{2}, varargin{3}); elseif (isnumeric (varargin{3} && size (varargin{3}, 2) == 3)) ## Assume arg#3 is a valid color triplet h = plot (varargin{1}, varargin{2}, "color", varargin{3}); else error ("mapshow.m: color argment expected for arg. #3\n"); endif axis equal; else ## Plot args #1 & #2 without further ado h = plot (varargin{1}, varargin{2}, "color", [0.6 0.6 0.6]); endif else error ("mapshow: only plotting of shapes or vector data is implemented\n"); endif ## Reset hold state hold (old_holdstate); axis equal; if (! nargout) h = 0; endif endfunction ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Philip Nienhuis function retval = isshape (s) retval = false; ## Check if s is a recognized shape file struct; just a brief check if (isstruct (s)) ## Yep. Find out what type fldn = fieldnames (s); if (all (ismember ({"vals", "shpbox"}, fldn))) ## Assume it is an Octave-style struct read by shaperead retval = 2; elseif (all (ismember ({"Geometry", "X"}, fldn))) ## Assume it is a Matlab-style mapstruct retval = 1; endif endif endfunction ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Copyright (C) 2015 Philip Nienhuis function retval = israster (s) retval = 0; ## Check if s is a recognized raster struct; just a brief check if (isstruct (s)) ## Yep. Find out what type fldn = fieldnames (s); if (ismember ("data", fldn) && ismatrix (s.data)) ## Assume it is an Octave-style struct read by shaperead retval = 1; endif endif endfunction ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Copyright (C) 2015 Philip Nienhuis ## ## Process symbolspecs one by one function h = do_symspecs (shp, symspecs) for jj=1:numel (symspecs); symspec = symspecs{jj}; geom = lower (symspec {1}); if (! ischar (geom)) error ("mapshow: char argument expected for Geometry field in symbolspec\n"); elseif (! ismember (lower (geom), {"point", "multipoint", "line", ... "polyline", "polygon", "patch"})) error ("mapshow: unknown Geometry: %s in symbolspec\n", geom); endif for ii=2:numel (symspec) rule = symspec{ii}; if (! ischar (rule{1})) warning ("mapshow: char string expected for attribute of rule %d in symbolspec\n", ii-1); endif ## Get property or attribute if (strcmpi (rule{1}, "default")) ## Rule applies to all shape features with geom. Plot shape features if (isshape (shp) == 1) ## mapstruct shapes are allowed to be heterogeneous gdx = find (strcmpi (geom, {shp.Geometry})); h = shapedraw (shp(gdx), rule(3:end){:}); elseif (isshape (shp) == 2) h = shapedraw (shp, rule(3:end){:}); else error ("mapshow: improper shape struct type\n"); end elseif (isshape (shp) == 1) ## ML mapstruct type shape struct. Apply to proper geometry features gdx = find (strcmpi (geom, {shp.Geometry})); ## Rule applies to one specific attribute. Check if it exists if (ismember (rule{1}, fieldnames (shp))) ## Try to apply rule. We need try-catch to catch non-matching classes if (islogical (rule{2})) ## Find attributes that are true. FIXME catches zero attributes too try idx = find ([shp(gdx).(rule{1})]); catch warning ("mapshow: rule %d not applicable to atribute %s\n", ... ii-1, rule{1}); end_try_catch elseif (isnumeric (rule{2})) ## Check which shape features have attribute values in the range minr = min (rule{2}); maxr = max (rule{2}); try idx = find ([shp(gdx).(rule{1})] >= minr & ... [shp(gdx).(rule{1})] <= maxr); catch warning ("mapshow: rule %d not applicable to atribute %s\n", ... ii-1, rule{1}); end_try_catch elseif (ischar (rule{2})) ## Match strings try idx = find (strcmp (rule{2}, {shp(gdx).(rule{1})})); catch warning ("mapshow: rule %d not applicable to atribute %s\n", ... ii-1, rule{1}); end_try_catch endif ## Plot shape features h = shapedraw (shp(gdx(idx)), rule(3:end){:}); else ## Attribute not found warning ("mapshow: attribute '%s' in rule #%d not found\n", rule(ii){1}); endif elseif (isshape (shp) == 2) ## Oct-style shp struct. Prepare indexing into coords shp.idx = [ shp.idx; (size(shp.vals, 1) + 2) ]; ## Some fields are not explicitly in the shape switch rule{1} ## Coordinates case "X" shp_field = shp.vals(:, 1); case "Y" shp_field = shp.vals(:, 2); case "Z" shp_field = shp.vals(:, 3); case "M" ## Measure shp_field = shp.vals(:, 4); case "npt" ## Nr. or points/vertices shp_field = shp.npt; case "npr" ## Nr. of parts try shp_field = cellfun (@numel, shp.npr); catch warning ("mapshow: rule %d attribute 'npr' not found\n", ii-1); shp_field = NaN; end_try_catch #case "bbox" # shp_field = shp.bbox; otherwise ## "Regular" attributes if (ismember (rule{1}, fieldnames(shp))) shp_field = shp.(rule{1}); else warning ("mapshow: rule %d attribute '%s' not found\n", ... ii-1, rule{1}); endif endswitch ## Try to apply rule. We need try-catch to catch non-matching classes if (islogical (rule{2})) ## Find attributes that are true. FIXME catches zero attributes too try idx = find (shp_field); catch warning ("mapshow: rule %d not applicable to atribute %s\n", ... ii-1, rule{1}); end_try_catch elseif (isnumeric (shp_field)) ## Check which shape features have attribute values in the range minr = min (rule{2}); maxr = max (rule{2}); if (ismember (rule{1}, {"X", "Y", "Z", "M"})) ## Multiple attribute values per shape feature (polylines, ...) idx = []; try for jj=1:numel (shp.idx) ## Include all polylines/-gons/multipatches with at least ## one value in the range idx = [idx; (any ( ... shp_field(shp.idx(jj:shp.idx(jj+1)-2)) >= minr & ... shp_field(shp.idx(jj:shp.idx(jj+1)-2)) <= maxr)) ]; endfor catch warning ("mapshow: rule %d not applicable to atribute %s\n", ... ii-1, rule{1}); end_try_catch else ## Single attribute values per shape feature try idx = find (shp_field >= minr & ... shp_field <= maxr); catch warning ("mapshow: rule %d not applicable to atribute %s\n", ... ii-1, rule{1}); end_try_catch endif elseif (iscellstr (shp_field)) ## Match strings try idx = find (strcmp (rule{2}, shp_field)); catch warning ("mapshow: rule %d not applicable to atribute %s\n", ... ii-1, rule{1}); end_try_catch endif ## Plot shape features; but first set up struct vals = zeros(0, 6); jdx = []; for jj=1:numel (idx) jdx = [ jdx ; (size (vals, 1) + 1) ]; vals = [ vals; ... shp.vals(shp.idx(idx(jj)):shp.idx(idx(jj)+1)-2, :); ... NaN(1, 6) ]; endfor vals(end, :) = []; sct.shpbox = shp.shpbox; sct.vals = vals; sct.bbox = shp.bbox(idx, :); sct.npt = shp.npt(idx); sct.npr = shp.npr(idx); sct.idx = jdx; sct.(rule{1}) = shp.(rule{1})(idx); ## Draw results h = shapedraw (sct, rule(3:end){:}); else ## Unrecognized shape type error ("mapshow: improper shape struct type\n"); endif endfor endfor endfunction