path: root/share/sphinx/
diff options
authorMatteo F. Vescovi <>2013-08-20 09:53:19 +0100
committerMatteo F. Vescovi <>2013-08-20 09:53:19 +0100
commit66e5d9e2915733247bca47d077414ec2594aedad (patch)
treef4070a31bf015e159dadd34378cda703d8f6edea /share/sphinx/
opencolorio (1.0.8~dfsg0-2) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/rules: get-orig-source stuff added * debian/rules: useless dh addon removed * debian/rules: License.txt duplicate removed * debian/rules: SSE optimization disabled (Closes: #719174) * debian/libopencolorio1.symbols: file removed (Closes: #719175) # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'share/sphinx/')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/sphinx/ b/share/sphinx/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..54cc3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/sphinx/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+Small Script to extract reStructuredText from OCIO headers
+ -
+ -
+# TODO: extract void foo() { blah = 0 }; signatures correctly
+# TODO: handle typedef and enums better
+# TODO: handle OCIOEXPORT macro better
+# TODO: handle thow() funcs better
+RUNTEST = False
+import re, sys
+single_rst_comment = r"//(?P<single_comment>(!cpp:|!rst::).*\n)"
+block_rst_comment = r"/\*(?P<block_comment>(!cpp:|!rst::)([^*]*\*+)+?/)"
+rst_comment_regex = re.compile(r"(%s)|(%s)" % (single_rst_comment, block_rst_comment), re.MULTILINE)
+func_signature_regex = re.compile(r"(?P<sig_name>[^ ]*\(.*\))")
+rst_types = ["!rst::", "!cpp:class::", "!cpp:function::", "!cpp:member::",
+ "!cpp:type::"]
+def getRstType(string):
+ for rtype in rst_types:
+ if string[0 : len(rtype)] == rtype:
+ return rtype[1:]
+ return None
+def getNextCodeLine(string, rst_type, from_pos):
+ end = from_pos
+ signature = ""
+ if rst_type == "rst::":
+ return signature, end
+ if rst_type == "cpp:class::":
+ class_open = False
+ # first non-blank line that starts with 'class'
+ found_signature = False
+ # loop till the end of the class '};'
+ ## skip other open/close '{' '}'
+ skip_close = False
+ x = end
+ while x < len(string):
+ if string[x] != '\n' and not found_signature:
+ signature += string[x]
+ if string[x] == '\n' and not found_signature:
+ signature = signature.strip()
+ if signature != '':
+ found_signature = True
+ signature = signature.replace("class", "")
+ # TODO: this seem a bit dirty
+ signature = signature.replace("OCIOEXPORT ", "")
+ signature = signature.strip()
+ signature = signature.split(' ', 1)[0]
+ if string[x] == '{' and not class_open:
+ class_open = True
+ elif string[x] == '{' and class_open:
+ skip_close = True
+ elif string[x] == '}' and skip_close:
+ skip_close = False
+ elif string[x] == '}':
+ end = x
+ break
+ x += 1
+ return signature, end
+ # else
+ skip = False
+ while string[end] != ";":
+ if string[end] != ' ' and skip:
+ skip = False
+ signature += ' '
+ if string[end] == '\n':
+ skip = True
+ if not skip:
+ signature += string[end]
+ end += 1
+ signature += string[end]
+ # TODO: this seem a bit dirty
+ signature = signature.replace("OCIOEXPORT ", "")
+ signature = signature.replace(" throw()", "")
+ signature = signature.strip()
+ if signature[len(signature)-1] == ';':
+ signature = signature[:len(signature)-1]
+ # hack hack hack
+ if rst_type == "cpp:type::":
+ if signature[:7] == "typedef":
+ bits = signature.split()
+ signature = bits[len(bits)-1]
+ if signature[:4] == "enum":
+ bits = signature.split()
+ signature = bits[1]
+ return signature, end
+def getNextCommentLine(string, from_pos, buffer = ""):
+ end = from_pos
+ tmp = ""
+ while string[end] != "\n":
+ tmp += string[end]
+ end += 1
+ tmp += string[end]
+ if tmp.lstrip()[:2] == "//":
+ if tmp.lstrip()[2:][0] == " ":
+ buffer += tmp.lstrip()[3:]
+ else:
+ buffer += tmp.lstrip()[2:]
+ buffer, end = getNextCommentLine(string, end+1, buffer)
+ else:
+ end = from_pos
+ return buffer, end
+class Comment:
+ def __init__(self, comment, start, end):
+ self.comment = comment
+ self.start = start
+ self.end = end
+ def getRstType(self):
+ return getRstType(self.comment)
+ def __str__(self):
+ buffer = self.comment
+ for rtype in rst_types:
+ if buffer[0 : len(rtype)] == rtype:
+ buffer = buffer[len(rtype):]
+ buffer_lines = buffer.splitlines()
+ buffer_lines[0] = buffer_lines[0].strip()
+ if self.getRstType() == "rst::":
+ buffer_lines.append('')
+ buffer = '\n'.join(buffer_lines)
+ return buffer
+ if buffer_lines[0] != '':
+ buffer_lines.insert(0, '')
+ for x in xrange(0, len(buffer_lines)):
+ buffer_lines[x] = " %s" % buffer_lines[x]
+ buffer_lines.append('')
+ buffer = '\n'.join(buffer_lines)
+ return buffer
+def ExtractRst(string, fileh):
+ items = []
+ for item in rst_comment_regex.finditer(string):
+ start, end = item.span()
+ itemdict = item.groupdict()
+ if itemdict["single_comment"] != None:
+ ##
+ buf = itemdict["single_comment"]
+ comment, end = getNextCommentLine(string, end)
+ buf += comment
+ ##
+ items.append(Comment(buf, start, end))
+ elif itemdict["block_comment"] != None:
+ ##
+ itemdict["block_comment"] = \
+ itemdict["block_comment"][:len(itemdict["block_comment"])-2]
+ buf_lines = itemdict["block_comment"].splitlines()
+ indent = 0
+ if len(buf_lines) > 1:
+ for char in buf_lines[1]:
+ if char != ' ':
+ break
+ indent += 1
+ # remove indent
+ bufa = [buf_lines[0]]
+ for x in xrange(1, len(buf_lines)):
+ bufa.append(buf_lines[x][indent:])
+ buf = '\n'.join(bufa) + '\n'
+ ##
+ items.append(Comment(buf, start, end))
+ ##
+ fileh.write('\n')
+ namespaces = []
+ for thing in items:
+ rst_type = thing.getRstType()
+ # .. cpp:function:: SomeClass::func2(const char * filename, std::istream& foo)
+ # this is some of the documentation
+ # for this function
+ signature, end = getNextCodeLine(string, rst_type, thing.end)
+ # if we are a class work out the begining and end so we can
+ # give function signatures the correct namespace
+ if rst_type == "cpp:class::":
+ tmp = { 'name': signature, 'start': thing.end, 'end': end }
+ namespaces.append(tmp)
+ fileh.write(".. %s %s\n" % (rst_type, signature) )
+ elif rst_type != "rst::":
+ for namespace in namespaces:
+ if end > namespace['start'] and end < namespace['end']:
+ func =
+ funcpart = str(func.groupdict()["sig_name"])
+ signature = signature.replace(funcpart, "%s::%s" % (namespace['name'], funcpart))
+ break
+ fileh.write(".. %s %s\n" % (rst_type, signature) )
+ fileh.write(str(thing))
+ fileh.write('\n')
+ fileh.flush()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if not RUNTEST:
+ if len(sys.argv) <= 2:
+ sys.stderr.write("\nYou need to specify an input and output file\n\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ src = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
+ output = file(sys.argv[2], 'w')
+ ExtractRst(src, output)
+ output.close()
+ elif RUNTEST:
+ testdata = """
+//!rst:: -------------
+// this comment should be ignored
+//!rst:: foobar
+// this is apart of the same
+// comment
+// this is also ignored
+/* this is
+a block comment which is
+ignored */
+// this is a comment about the class
+class FooBar : public std::exception
+ ...
+this is also a comment about this class
+class FooBar2 : public std::exception
+ ...
+this is also a comment about this class with no new line */
+class FooBar3 : public std::exception
+ ...
+class SomeClass
+ //!cpp:function::
+ // this is some cool function for
+ // some purpose
+ // this line is indented
+ static fooPtr func1();
+ /*!cpp:function::
+ this is a much better func for some other
+ purpose
+ this is also indented */
+ static barPtr func2();
+ /*!cpp:function:: this func wraps over two
+ lines which needs
+ to be caught
+ */
+ static weePtr func2(const char * filename,
+ std::istream& foo);
+//!cpp:function:: the class namespace should still get set correctly
+void foobar1();
+//!cpp:class:: this is some super informative
+// docs
+class SomeClass
+ //!cpp:function:: the class namespace should still get set correctly
+ void foobar2();
+//!cpp:function:: the class namespace should still get set correctly
+void foobar3();
+/*!rst:: this is a rst block
+**comment which needs**
+to be supported
+ ExtractRst(testdata)