path: root/src/core/Config.cpp
diff options
authorMatteo F. Vescovi <>2013-08-20 09:53:19 +0100
committerMatteo F. Vescovi <>2013-08-20 09:53:19 +0100
commit66e5d9e2915733247bca47d077414ec2594aedad (patch)
treef4070a31bf015e159dadd34378cda703d8f6edea /src/core/Config.cpp
opencolorio (1.0.8~dfsg0-2) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/rules: get-orig-source stuff added * debian/rules: useless dh addon removed * debian/rules: License.txt duplicate removed * debian/rules: SSE optimization disabled (Closes: #719174) * debian/libopencolorio1.symbols: file removed (Closes: #719175) # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/Config.cpp')
1 files changed, 2223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/Config.cpp b/src/core/Config.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985990f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/Config.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2223 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc., et al.
+All Rights Reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of Sony Pictures Imageworks nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h>
+#include "HashUtils.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "LookParse.h"
+#include "MathUtils.h"
+#include "Mutex.h"
+#include "OpBuilders.h"
+#include "PathUtils.h"
+#include "ParseUtils.h"
+#include "Processor.h"
+#include "PrivateTypes.h"
+#include "pystring/pystring.h"
+#include "OCIOYaml.h"
+ namespace
+ {
+ const char * OCIO_CONFIG_ENVVAR = "OCIO";
+ enum Sanity
+ {
+ };
+ // These are the 709 primaries specified by the ASC.
+ const float DEFAULT_LUMA_COEFF_R = 0.2126f;
+ const float DEFAULT_LUMA_COEFF_G = 0.7152f;
+ const float DEFAULT_LUMA_COEFF_B = 0.0722f;
+ const char * INTERNAL_RAW_PROFILE =
+ "ocio_profile_version: 1\n"
+ "strictparsing: false\n"
+ "roles:\n"
+ " default: raw\n"
+ "displays:\n"
+ " sRGB:\n"
+ " - !<View> {name: Raw, colorspace: raw}\n"
+ "colorspaces:\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: raw\n"
+ " family: raw\n"
+ " equalitygroup:\n"
+ " bitdepth: 32f\n"
+ " isdata: true\n"
+ " allocation: uniform\n"
+ " description: 'A raw color space. Conversions to and from this space are no-ops.'\n";
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const char * GetVersion()
+ {
+ return OCIO_VERSION;
+ }
+ int GetVersionHex()
+ {
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ ConstConfigRcPtr g_currentConfig;
+ Mutex g_currentConfigLock;
+ }
+ ConstConfigRcPtr GetCurrentConfig()
+ {
+ AutoMutex lock(g_currentConfigLock);
+ if(!g_currentConfig)
+ {
+ g_currentConfig = Config::CreateFromEnv();
+ }
+ return g_currentConfig;
+ }
+ void SetCurrentConfig(const ConstConfigRcPtr & config)
+ {
+ AutoMutex lock(g_currentConfigLock);
+ g_currentConfig = config->createEditableCopy();
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ // Roles
+ // (lower case role name: colorspace name)
+ std::string LookupRole(const StringMap & roles, const std::string & rolename)
+ {
+ StringMap::const_iterator iter = roles.find(pystring::lower(rolename));
+ if(iter == roles.end()) return "";
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ void GetFileReferences(std::set<std::string> & files,
+ const ConstTransformRcPtr & transform)
+ {
+ if(!transform) return;
+ if(ConstGroupTransformRcPtr groupTransform = \
+ DynamicPtrCast<const GroupTransform>(transform))
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<groupTransform->size(); ++i)
+ {
+ GetFileReferences(files, groupTransform->getTransform(i));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ConstFileTransformRcPtr fileTransform = \
+ DynamicPtrCast<const FileTransform>(transform))
+ {
+ files.insert(fileTransform->getSrc());
+ }
+ }
+ void GetColorSpaceReferences(std::set<std::string> & colorSpaceNames,
+ const ConstTransformRcPtr & transform)
+ {
+ if(!transform) return;
+ if(ConstGroupTransformRcPtr groupTransform = \
+ DynamicPtrCast<const GroupTransform>(transform))
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<groupTransform->size(); ++i)
+ {
+ GetColorSpaceReferences(colorSpaceNames, groupTransform->getTransform(i));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ConstColorSpaceTransformRcPtr colorSpaceTransform = \
+ DynamicPtrCast<const ColorSpaceTransform>(transform))
+ {
+ colorSpaceNames.insert(colorSpaceTransform->getSrc());
+ colorSpaceNames.insert(colorSpaceTransform->getDst());
+ }
+ else if(ConstDisplayTransformRcPtr displayTransform = \
+ DynamicPtrCast<const DisplayTransform>(transform))
+ {
+ colorSpaceNames.insert(displayTransform->getInputColorSpaceName());
+ }
+ else if(ConstLookTransformRcPtr lookTransform = \
+ DynamicPtrCast<const LookTransform>(transform))
+ {
+ colorSpaceNames.insert(colorSpaceTransform->getSrc());
+ colorSpaceNames.insert(colorSpaceTransform->getDst());
+ }
+ }
+ bool FindColorSpaceIndex(int * index,
+ const ColorSpaceVec & colorspaces,
+ const std::string & csname)
+ {
+ if(csname.empty()) return false;
+ std::string csnamelower = pystring::lower(csname);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < colorspaces.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(csnamelower == pystring::lower(colorspaces[i]->getName()))
+ {
+ if(index) *index = i;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Displays
+ struct View
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ std::string colorspace;
+ std::string looks;
+ View() { }
+ View(const std::string & name_,
+ const std::string & colorspace_,
+ const std::string & looksList_) :
+ name(name_),
+ colorspace(colorspace_),
+ looks(looksList_)
+ { }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<View> ViewVec;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, ViewVec> DisplayMap; // (display name : ViewVec)
+ void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, View& v)
+ {
+ if(node.Tag() != "View")
+ return;
+ std::string key, stringval;
+ for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin();
+ iter != node.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ iter.first() >> key;
+ if(key == "name")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null &&
+ iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval))
+ = stringval;
+ }
+ else if(key == "colorspace")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null &&
+ iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval))
+ v.colorspace = stringval;
+ }
+ else if(key == "looks" || key == "look")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null &&
+ iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval))
+ v.looks = stringval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first());
+ }
+ }
+ if(
+ {
+ throw Exception("View does not specify 'name'.");
+ }
+ if(v.colorspace.empty())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "View '" << << "' ";
+ os << "does not specify colorspace.";
+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, View view)
+ {
+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("View");
+ out << YAML::Flow;
+ out << YAML::BeginMap;
+ out << YAML::Key << "name" << YAML::Value <<;
+ out << YAML::Key << "colorspace" << YAML::Value << view.colorspace;
+ if(!view.looks.empty()) out << YAML::Key << "looks" << YAML::Value << view.looks;
+ out << YAML::EndMap;
+ return out;
+ }
+ DisplayMap::iterator find_display(DisplayMap & displays, const std::string & display)
+ {
+ for(DisplayMap::iterator iter = displays.begin();
+ iter != displays.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(display, iter->first)) return iter;
+ }
+ return displays.end();
+ }
+ DisplayMap::const_iterator find_display_const(const DisplayMap & displays, const std::string & display)
+ {
+ for(DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = displays.begin();
+ iter != displays.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(display, iter->first)) return iter;
+ }
+ return displays.end();
+ }
+ int find_view(const ViewVec & vec, const std::string & name)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<vec.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(name, vec[i].name)) return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void AddDisplay(DisplayMap & displays,
+ const std::string & display,
+ const std::string & view,
+ const std::string & colorspace,
+ const std::string & looks)
+ {
+ DisplayMap::iterator iter = find_display(displays, display);
+ if(iter == displays.end())
+ {
+ ViewVec views;
+ views.push_back( View(view, colorspace, looks) );
+ displays[display] = views;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ViewVec & views = iter->second;
+ int index = find_view(views, view);
+ if(index<0)
+ {
+ views.push_back( View(view, colorspace, looks) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ views[index].colorspace = colorspace;
+ views[index].looks = looks;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ComputeDisplays(StringVec & displayCache,
+ const DisplayMap & displays,
+ const StringVec & activeDisplays,
+ const StringVec & activeDisplaysEnvOverride)
+ {
+ displayCache.clear();
+ StringVec displayMasterList;
+ for(DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = displays.begin();
+ iter != displays.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ displayMasterList.push_back(iter->first);
+ }
+ // Apply the env override if it's not empty.
+ if(!activeDisplaysEnvOverride.empty())
+ {
+ displayCache = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(displayMasterList, activeDisplaysEnvOverride);
+ if(!displayCache.empty()) return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, aApply the active displays if it's not empty.
+ else if(!activeDisplays.empty())
+ {
+ displayCache = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(displayMasterList, activeDisplays);
+ if(!displayCache.empty()) return;
+ }
+ displayCache = displayMasterList;
+ }
+ } // namespace
+ class Config::Impl
+ {
+ public:
+ ContextRcPtr context_;
+ std::string description_;
+ ColorSpaceVec colorspaces_;
+ StringMap roles_;
+ LookVec looksList_;
+ DisplayMap displays_;
+ StringVec activeDisplays_;
+ StringVec activeDisplaysEnvOverride_;
+ StringVec activeViews_;
+ StringVec activeViewsEnvOverride_;
+ mutable std::string activeDisplaysStr_;
+ mutable std::string activeViewsStr_;
+ mutable StringVec displayCache_;
+ // Misc
+ std::vector<float> defaultLumaCoefs_;
+ bool strictParsing_;
+ mutable Sanity sanity_;
+ mutable std::string sanitytext_;
+ mutable Mutex cacheidMutex_;
+ mutable StringMap cacheids_;
+ mutable std::string cacheidnocontext_;
+ Impl() :
+ context_(Context::Create()),
+ strictParsing_(true),
+ {
+ context_->loadEnvironment();
+ char* activeDisplays = std::getenv(OCIO_ACTIVE_DISPLAYS_ENVVAR);
+ SplitStringEnvStyle(activeDisplaysEnvOverride_, activeDisplays);
+ char * activeViews = std::getenv(OCIO_ACTIVE_VIEWS_ENVVAR);
+ SplitStringEnvStyle(activeViewsEnvOverride_, activeViews);
+ defaultLumaCoefs_.resize(3);
+ defaultLumaCoefs_[0] = DEFAULT_LUMA_COEFF_R;
+ defaultLumaCoefs_[1] = DEFAULT_LUMA_COEFF_G;
+ defaultLumaCoefs_[2] = DEFAULT_LUMA_COEFF_B;
+ }
+ ~Impl()
+ {
+ }
+ Impl& operator= (const Impl & rhs)
+ {
+ context_ = rhs.context_->createEditableCopy();
+ description_ = rhs.description_;
+ // Deep copy the colorspaces
+ colorspaces_.clear();
+ colorspaces_.reserve(rhs.colorspaces_.size());
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<rhs.colorspaces_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ colorspaces_.push_back(rhs.colorspaces_[i]->createEditableCopy());
+ }
+ // Deep copy the looks
+ looksList_.clear();
+ looksList_.reserve(rhs.looksList_.size());
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<rhs.looksList_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ looksList_.push_back(rhs.looksList_[i]->createEditableCopy());
+ }
+ // Assignment operator will suffice for these
+ roles_ = rhs.roles_;
+ displays_ = rhs.displays_;
+ activeDisplays_ = rhs.activeDisplays_;
+ activeViews_ = rhs.activeViews_;
+ activeViewsEnvOverride_ = rhs.activeViewsEnvOverride_;
+ activeDisplaysEnvOverride_ = rhs.activeDisplaysEnvOverride_;
+ activeDisplaysStr_ = rhs.activeDisplaysStr_;
+ displayCache_ = rhs.displayCache_;
+ defaultLumaCoefs_ = rhs.defaultLumaCoefs_;
+ strictParsing_ = rhs.strictParsing_;
+ sanity_ = rhs.sanity_;
+ sanitytext_ = rhs.sanitytext_;
+ cacheids_ = rhs.cacheids_;
+ cacheidnocontext_ = cacheidnocontext_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void load(std::istream & istream, const char * name);
+ // Any time you modify the state of the config, you must call this
+ // to reset internal cache states. You also should do this in a
+ // thread safe manner by acquiring the cacheidMutex_;
+ void resetCacheIDs();
+ // Get all internal transforms (to generate cacheIDs, validation, etc).
+ // This currently crawls colorspaces + looks
+ void getAllIntenalTransforms(ConstTransformVec & transformVec) const;
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ConfigRcPtr Config::Create()
+ {
+ return ConfigRcPtr(new Config(), &deleter);
+ }
+ void Config::deleter(Config* c)
+ {
+ delete c;
+ }
+ ConstConfigRcPtr Config::CreateFromEnv()
+ {
+ char* file = std::getenv(OCIO_CONFIG_ENVVAR);
+ if(file) return CreateFromFile(file);
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Color management disabled. ";
+ os << "(Specify the $OCIO environment variable to enable.)";
+ LogInfo(os.str());
+ std::istringstream istream;
+ istream.str(INTERNAL_RAW_PROFILE);
+ ConfigRcPtr config = Config::Create();
+ config->getImpl()->load(istream, "");
+ return config;
+ }
+ ConstConfigRcPtr Config::CreateFromFile(const char * filename)
+ {
+ std::ifstream istream(filename);
+ if( {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Error could not read '" << filename;
+ os << "' OCIO profile.";
+ throw Exception (os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ ConfigRcPtr config = Config::Create();
+ config->getImpl()->load(istream, filename);
+ return config;
+ }
+ ConstConfigRcPtr Config::CreateFromStream(std::istream & istream)
+ {
+ ConfigRcPtr config = Config::Create();
+ config->getImpl()->load(istream, "");
+ return config;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ Config::Config()
+ : m_impl(new Config::Impl)
+ {
+ }
+ Config::~Config()
+ {
+ delete m_impl;
+ m_impl = NULL;
+ }
+ ConfigRcPtr Config::createEditableCopy() const
+ {
+ ConfigRcPtr config = Config::Create();
+ *config->m_impl = *m_impl;
+ return config;
+ }
+ void Config::sanityCheck() const
+ {
+ if(getImpl()->sanity_ == SANITY_SANE) return;
+ if(getImpl()->sanity_ == SANITY_INSANE)
+ {
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ getImpl()->sanity_ = SANITY_INSANE;
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = "";
+ StringSet existingColorSpaces;
+ // Confirm all ColorSpaces are valid
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<getImpl()->colorspaces_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(!getImpl()->colorspaces_[i])
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The colorspace at index " << i << " is null.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ const char * name = getImpl()->colorspaces_[i]->getName();
+ if(!name || strlen(name) == 0)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The colorspace at index " << i << " is not named.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ std::string namelower = pystring::lower(name);
+ StringSet::const_iterator it = existingColorSpaces.find(namelower);
+ if(it != existingColorSpaces.end())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "Two colorspaces are defined with the same name, '";
+ os << namelower << "'.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ existingColorSpaces.insert(namelower);
+ }
+ // Confirm all roles are valid
+ {
+ for(StringMap::const_iterator iter = getImpl()->roles_.begin(),
+ end = getImpl()->roles_.end(); iter!=end; ++iter)
+ {
+ int csindex = -1;
+ if(!FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, iter->second))
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The role '" << iter->first << "' ";
+ os << "refers to a colorspace, '" << iter->second << "', ";
+ os << "which is not defined.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ // Confirm no name conflicts between colorspaces and roles
+ if(FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, iter->first))
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The role '" << iter->first << "' ";
+ os << " is in conflict with a colorspace of the same name.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///// DISPLAYS
+ int numviews = 0;
+ // Confirm all Displays transforms refer to colorspaces that exit
+ for(DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = getImpl()->displays_.begin();
+ iter != getImpl()->displays_.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ std::string display = iter->first;
+ const ViewVec & views = iter->second;
+ if(views.empty())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The display '" << display << "' ";
+ os << "does not define any views.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<views.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(views[i].name.empty() || views[i].colorspace.empty())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The display '" << display << "' ";
+ os << "defines a view with an empty name and/or colorspace.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ int csindex = -1;
+ if(!FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, views[i].colorspace))
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The display '" << display << "' ";
+ os << "refers to a colorspace, '" << views[i].colorspace << "', ";
+ os << "which is not defined.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ // Confirm looks references exist
+ LookParseResult looks;
+ const LookParseResult::Options & options = looks.parse(views[i].looks);
+ for(unsigned int optionindex=0;
+ optionindex<options.size();
+ ++optionindex)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int tokenindex=0;
+ tokenindex<options[optionindex].size();
+ ++tokenindex)
+ {
+ std::string look = options[optionindex][tokenindex].name;
+ if(!look.empty() && !getLook(look.c_str()))
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The display '" << display << "' ";
+ os << "refers to a look, '" << look << "', ";
+ os << "which is not defined.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++numviews;
+ }
+ }
+ // Confirm at least one display entry exists.
+ if(numviews == 0)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "No displays are specified.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ // Confirm for all Transforms that reference internal colorspaces,
+ // the named space exists
+ {
+ ConstTransformVec allTransforms;
+ getImpl()->getAllIntenalTransforms(allTransforms);
+ std::set<std::string> colorSpaceNames;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<colorSpaceNames.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ GetColorSpaceReferences(colorSpaceNames, allTransforms[i]);
+ }
+ for(std::set<std::string>::iterator iter = colorSpaceNames.begin();
+ iter != colorSpaceNames.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ int csindex = -1;
+ if(!FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, *iter))
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "This config references a ColorSpace, '" << *iter << "', ";
+ os << "which is not defined.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///// LOOKS
+ // For all looks, confirm the process space exists and the look is named
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<getImpl()->looksList_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ std::string name = getImpl()->looksList_[i]->getName();
+ if(name.empty())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The look at index '" << i << "' ";
+ os << "does not specify a name.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ std::string processSpace = getImpl()->looksList_[i]->getProcessSpace();
+ if(processSpace.empty())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The look '" << name << "' ";
+ os << "does not specify a process space.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ int csindex=0;
+ if(!FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, processSpace))
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Config failed sanitycheck. ";
+ os << "The look '" << name << "' ";
+ os << "specifies a process color space, '";
+ os << processSpace << "', which is not defined.";
+ getImpl()->sanitytext_ = os.str();
+ throw Exception(getImpl()->sanitytext_.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ // Everything is groovy.
+ getImpl()->sanity_ = SANITY_SANE;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const char * Config::getDescription() const
+ {
+ return getImpl()->description_.c_str();
+ }
+ void Config::setDescription(const char * description)
+ {
+ getImpl()->description_ = description;
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ // RESOURCES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ConstContextRcPtr Config::getCurrentContext() const
+ {
+ return getImpl()->context_;
+ }
+ const char * Config::getSearchPath() const
+ {
+ return getImpl()->context_->getSearchPath();
+ }
+ void Config::setSearchPath(const char * path)
+ {
+ getImpl()->context_->setSearchPath(path);
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ const char * Config::getWorkingDir() const
+ {
+ return getImpl()->context_->getWorkingDir();
+ }
+ void Config::setWorkingDir(const char * dirname)
+ {
+ getImpl()->context_->setWorkingDir(dirname);
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ int Config::getNumColorSpaces() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<int>(getImpl()->colorspaces_.size());
+ }
+ const char * Config::getColorSpaceNameByIndex(int index) const
+ {
+ if(index<0 || index >= (int)getImpl()->colorspaces_.size())
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return getImpl()->colorspaces_[index]->getName();
+ }
+ ConstColorSpaceRcPtr Config::getColorSpace(const char * name) const
+ {
+ int index = getIndexForColorSpace(name);
+ if(index<0 || index >= (int)getImpl()->colorspaces_.size())
+ {
+ return ColorSpaceRcPtr();
+ }
+ return getImpl()->colorspaces_[index];
+ }
+ int Config::getIndexForColorSpace(const char * name) const
+ {
+ int csindex = -1;
+ // Check to see if the name is a color space
+ if( FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, name) )
+ {
+ return csindex;
+ }
+ // Check to see if the name is a role
+ std::string csname = LookupRole(getImpl()->roles_, name);
+ if( FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, csname) )
+ {
+ return csindex;
+ }
+ // Is a default role defined?
+ // (And, are we allowed to use it)
+ if(!getImpl()->strictParsing_)
+ {
+ csname = LookupRole(getImpl()->roles_, ROLE_DEFAULT);
+ if( FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, csname) )
+ {
+ return csindex;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void Config::addColorSpace(const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr & original)
+ {
+ ColorSpaceRcPtr cs = original->createEditableCopy();
+ std::string name = cs->getName();
+ if(name.empty())
+ throw Exception("Cannot addColorSpace with an empty name.");
+ // Check to see if the colorspace already exists
+ int csindex = -1;
+ if( FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, name) )
+ {
+ getImpl()->colorspaces_[csindex] = cs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise, add it
+ getImpl()->colorspaces_.push_back( cs );
+ }
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ void Config::clearColorSpaces()
+ {
+ getImpl()->colorspaces_.clear();
+ }
+ const char * Config::parseColorSpaceFromString(const char * str) const
+ {
+ if(!str) return "";
+ // Search the entire filePath, including directory name (if provided)
+ // convert the filename to lowercase.
+ std::string fullstr = pystring::lower(std::string(str));
+ // See if it matches a lut name.
+ // This is the position of the RIGHT end of the colorspace substring, not the left
+ int rightMostColorPos=-1;
+ std::string rightMostColorspace = "";
+ int rightMostColorSpaceIndex = -1;
+ // Find the right-most occcurance within the string for each colorspace.
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<getImpl()->colorspaces_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ std::string csname = pystring::lower(getImpl()->colorspaces_[i]->getName());
+ // find right-most extension matched in filename
+ int colorspacePos = pystring::rfind(fullstr, csname);
+ if(colorspacePos < 0)
+ continue;
+ // If we have found a match, move the pointer over to the right end of the substring
+ // This will allow us to find the longest name that matches the rightmost colorspace
+ colorspacePos += (int)csname.size();
+ if ( (colorspacePos > rightMostColorPos) ||
+ ((colorspacePos == rightMostColorPos) && (csname.size() > rightMostColorspace.size()))
+ )
+ {
+ rightMostColorPos = colorspacePos;
+ rightMostColorspace = csname;
+ rightMostColorSpaceIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if(rightMostColorSpaceIndex>=0)
+ {
+ return getImpl()->colorspaces_[rightMostColorSpaceIndex]->getName();
+ }
+ if(!getImpl()->strictParsing_)
+ {
+ // Is a default role defined?
+ std::string csname = LookupRole(getImpl()->roles_, ROLE_DEFAULT);
+ if(!csname.empty())
+ {
+ int csindex = -1;
+ if( FindColorSpaceIndex(&csindex, getImpl()->colorspaces_, csname) )
+ {
+ // This is necessary to not return a reference to
+ // a local variable.
+ return getImpl()->colorspaces_[csindex]->getName();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ bool Config::isStrictParsingEnabled() const
+ {
+ return getImpl()->strictParsing_;
+ }
+ void Config::setStrictParsingEnabled(bool enabled)
+ {
+ getImpl()->strictParsing_ = enabled;
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ // Roles
+ void Config::setRole(const char * role, const char * colorSpaceName)
+ {
+ // Set the role
+ if(colorSpaceName)
+ {
+ getImpl()->roles_[pystring::lower(role)] = std::string(colorSpaceName);
+ }
+ // Unset the role
+ else
+ {
+ StringMap::iterator iter = getImpl()->roles_.find(pystring::lower(role));
+ if(iter != getImpl()->roles_.end())
+ {
+ getImpl()->roles_.erase(iter);
+ }
+ }
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ int Config::getNumRoles() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<int>(getImpl()->roles_.size());
+ }
+ bool Config::hasRole(const char * role) const
+ {
+ return LookupRole(getImpl()->roles_, role) == "" ? false : true;
+ }
+ const char * Config::getRoleName(int index) const
+ {
+ if(index < 0 || index >= (int)getImpl()->roles_.size()) return "";
+ StringMap::const_iterator iter = getImpl()->roles_.begin();
+ for(int i = 0; i < index; ++i) ++iter;
+ return iter->first.c_str();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Display/View Registration
+ const char * Config::getDefaultDisplay() const
+ {
+ if(getImpl()->displayCache_.empty())
+ {
+ ComputeDisplays(getImpl()->displayCache_,
+ getImpl()->displays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplaysEnvOverride_);
+ }
+ int index = -1;
+ if(!getImpl()->activeDisplaysEnvOverride_.empty())
+ {
+ StringVec orderedDisplays = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(getImpl()->activeDisplaysEnvOverride_,
+ getImpl()->displayCache_);
+ if(!orderedDisplays.empty())
+ {
+ index = FindInStringVecCaseIgnore(getImpl()->displayCache_, orderedDisplays[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!getImpl()->activeDisplays_.empty())
+ {
+ StringVec orderedDisplays = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(getImpl()->activeDisplays_,
+ getImpl()->displayCache_);
+ if(!orderedDisplays.empty())
+ {
+ index = FindInStringVecCaseIgnore(getImpl()->displayCache_, orderedDisplays[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(index >= 0)
+ {
+ return getImpl()->displayCache_[index].c_str();
+ }
+ if(!getImpl()->displayCache_.empty())
+ {
+ return getImpl()->displayCache_[0].c_str();
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ int Config::getNumDisplays() const
+ {
+ if(getImpl()->displayCache_.empty())
+ {
+ ComputeDisplays(getImpl()->displayCache_,
+ getImpl()->displays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplaysEnvOverride_);
+ }
+ return static_cast<int>(getImpl()->displayCache_.size());
+ }
+ const char * Config::getDisplay(int index) const
+ {
+ if(getImpl()->displayCache_.empty())
+ {
+ ComputeDisplays(getImpl()->displayCache_,
+ getImpl()->displays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplaysEnvOverride_);
+ }
+ if(index>=0 || index < static_cast<int>(getImpl()->displayCache_.size()))
+ {
+ return getImpl()->displayCache_[index].c_str();
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ const char * Config::getDefaultView(const char * display) const
+ {
+ if(getImpl()->displayCache_.empty())
+ {
+ ComputeDisplays(getImpl()->displayCache_,
+ getImpl()->displays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplaysEnvOverride_);
+ }
+ if(!display) return "";
+ DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = find_display_const(getImpl()->displays_, display);
+ if(iter == getImpl()->displays_.end()) return "";
+ const ViewVec & views = iter->second;
+ StringVec masterViews;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<views.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ masterViews.push_back(views[i].name);
+ }
+ int index = -1;
+ if(!getImpl()->activeViewsEnvOverride_.empty())
+ {
+ StringVec orderedViews = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(getImpl()->activeViewsEnvOverride_,
+ masterViews);
+ if(!orderedViews.empty())
+ {
+ index = FindInStringVecCaseIgnore(masterViews, orderedViews[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!getImpl()->activeViews_.empty())
+ {
+ StringVec orderedViews = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(getImpl()->activeViews_,
+ masterViews);
+ if(!orderedViews.empty())
+ {
+ index = FindInStringVecCaseIgnore(masterViews, orderedViews[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(index >= 0)
+ {
+ return views[index].name.c_str();
+ }
+ if(!views.empty())
+ {
+ return views[0].name.c_str();
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ int Config::getNumViews(const char * display) const
+ {
+ if(getImpl()->displayCache_.empty())
+ {
+ ComputeDisplays(getImpl()->displayCache_,
+ getImpl()->displays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplaysEnvOverride_);
+ }
+ if(!display) return 0;
+ DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = find_display_const(getImpl()->displays_, display);
+ if(iter == getImpl()->displays_.end()) return 0;
+ const ViewVec & views = iter->second;
+ return static_cast<int>(views.size());
+ }
+ const char * Config::getView(const char * display, int index) const
+ {
+ if(getImpl()->displayCache_.empty())
+ {
+ ComputeDisplays(getImpl()->displayCache_,
+ getImpl()->displays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplays_,
+ getImpl()->activeDisplaysEnvOverride_);
+ }
+ if(!display) return "";
+ DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = find_display_const(getImpl()->displays_, display);
+ if(iter == getImpl()->displays_.end()) return "";
+ const ViewVec & views = iter->second;
+ return views[index].name.c_str();
+ }
+ const char * Config::getDisplayColorSpaceName(const char * display, const char * view) const
+ {
+ if(!display || !view) return "";
+ DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = find_display_const(getImpl()->displays_, display);
+ if(iter == getImpl()->displays_.end()) return "";
+ const ViewVec & views = iter->second;
+ int index = find_view(views, view);
+ if(index<0) return "";
+ return views[index].colorspace.c_str();
+ }
+ const char * Config::getDisplayLooks(const char * display, const char * view) const
+ {
+ if(!display || !view) return "";
+ DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = find_display_const(getImpl()->displays_, display);
+ if(iter == getImpl()->displays_.end()) return "";
+ const ViewVec & views = iter->second;
+ int index = find_view(views, view);
+ if(index<0) return "";
+ return views[index].looks.c_str();
+ }
+ void Config::addDisplay(const char * display, const char * view,
+ const char * colorSpaceName, const char * lookName)
+ {
+ if(!display || !view || !colorSpaceName || !lookName) return;
+ AddDisplay(getImpl()->displays_,
+ display, view, colorSpaceName, lookName);
+ getImpl()->displayCache_.clear();
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ void Config::clearDisplays()
+ {
+ getImpl()->displays_.clear();
+ getImpl()->displayCache_.clear();
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ void Config::setActiveDisplays(const char * displays)
+ {
+ getImpl()->activeDisplays_.clear();
+ SplitStringEnvStyle(getImpl()->activeDisplays_, displays);
+ getImpl()->displayCache_.clear();
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ const char * Config::getActiveDisplays() const
+ {
+ getImpl()->activeDisplaysStr_ = JoinStringEnvStyle(getImpl()->activeDisplays_);
+ return getImpl()->activeDisplaysStr_.c_str();
+ }
+ void Config::setActiveViews(const char * views)
+ {
+ getImpl()->activeViews_.clear();
+ SplitStringEnvStyle(getImpl()->activeViews_, views);
+ getImpl()->displayCache_.clear();
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ const char * Config::getActiveViews() const
+ {
+ getImpl()->activeViewsStr_ = JoinStringEnvStyle(getImpl()->activeViews_);
+ return getImpl()->activeViewsStr_.c_str();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Config::getDefaultLumaCoefs(float * c3) const
+ {
+ memcpy(c3, &getImpl()->defaultLumaCoefs_[0], 3*sizeof(float));
+ }
+ void Config::setDefaultLumaCoefs(const float * c3)
+ {
+ memcpy(&getImpl()->defaultLumaCoefs_[0], c3, 3*sizeof(float));
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ConstLookRcPtr Config::getLook(const char * name) const
+ {
+ std::string namelower = pystring::lower(name);
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<getImpl()->looksList_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(pystring::lower(getImpl()->looksList_[i]->getName()) == namelower)
+ {
+ return getImpl()->looksList_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return ConstLookRcPtr();
+ }
+ int Config::getNumLooks() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<int>(getImpl()->looksList_.size());
+ }
+ const char * Config::getLookNameByIndex(int index) const
+ {
+ if(index<0 || index>=static_cast<int>(getImpl()->looksList_.size()))
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return getImpl()->looksList_[index]->getName();
+ }
+ void Config::addLook(const ConstLookRcPtr & look)
+ {
+ std::string name = look->getName();
+ if(name.empty())
+ throw Exception("Cannot addLook with an empty name.");
+ std::string namelower = pystring::lower(name);
+ // If the look exists, replace it
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<getImpl()->looksList_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(pystring::lower(getImpl()->looksList_[i]->getName()) == namelower)
+ {
+ getImpl()->looksList_[i] = look->createEditableCopy();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise, add it
+ getImpl()->looksList_.push_back(look->createEditableCopy());
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ void Config::clearLooks()
+ {
+ getImpl()->looksList_.clear();
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr & src,
+ const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr & dst) const
+ {
+ ConstContextRcPtr context = getCurrentContext();
+ return getProcessor(context, src, dst);
+ }
+ ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstContextRcPtr & context,
+ const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr & src,
+ const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr & dst) const
+ {
+ if(!src)
+ {
+ throw Exception("Config::GetProcessor failed. Source colorspace is null.");
+ }
+ if(!dst)
+ {
+ throw Exception("Config::GetProcessor failed. Destination colorspace is null.");
+ }
+ ProcessorRcPtr processor = Processor::Create();
+ processor->getImpl()->addColorSpaceConversion(*this, context, src, dst);
+ processor->getImpl()->finalize();
+ return processor;
+ }
+ ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const char * srcName,
+ const char * dstName) const
+ {
+ ConstContextRcPtr context = getCurrentContext();
+ return getProcessor(context, srcName, dstName);
+ }
+ //! Names can be colorspace name or role name
+ ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstContextRcPtr & context,
+ const char * srcName,
+ const char * dstName) const
+ {
+ ConstColorSpaceRcPtr src = getColorSpace(srcName);
+ if(!src)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Could not find colorspace '" << srcName << "'.";
+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ ConstColorSpaceRcPtr dst = getColorSpace(dstName);
+ if(!dst)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Could not find colorspace '" << dstName << "'.";
+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ return getProcessor(context, src, dst);
+ }
+ ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstTransformRcPtr& transform) const
+ {
+ return getProcessor(transform, TRANSFORM_DIR_FORWARD);
+ }
+ ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstTransformRcPtr& transform,
+ TransformDirection direction) const
+ {
+ ConstContextRcPtr context = getCurrentContext();
+ return getProcessor(context, transform, direction);
+ }
+ ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstContextRcPtr & context,
+ const ConstTransformRcPtr& transform,
+ TransformDirection direction) const
+ {
+ ProcessorRcPtr processor = Processor::Create();
+ processor->getImpl()->addTransform(*this, context, transform, direction);
+ processor->getImpl()->finalize();
+ return processor;
+ }
+ std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Config& config)
+ {
+ config.serialize(os);
+ return os;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // CacheID
+ const char * Config::getCacheID() const
+ {
+ return getCacheID(getCurrentContext());
+ }
+ const char * Config::getCacheID(const ConstContextRcPtr & context) const
+ {
+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_);
+ // A null context will use the empty cacheid
+ std::string contextcacheid = "";
+ if(context) contextcacheid = context->getCacheID();
+ StringMap::const_iterator cacheiditer = getImpl()->cacheids_.find(contextcacheid);
+ if(cacheiditer != getImpl()->cacheids_.end())
+ {
+ return cacheiditer->second.c_str();
+ }
+ // Include the hash of the yaml config serialization
+ if(getImpl()->cacheidnocontext_.empty())
+ {
+ std::stringstream cacheid;
+ serialize(cacheid);
+ std::string fullstr = cacheid.str();
+ getImpl()->cacheidnocontext_ = CacheIDHash(fullstr.c_str(), (int)fullstr.size());
+ }
+ // Also include all file references, using the context (if specified)
+ std::string fileReferencesFashHash = "";
+ if(context)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream filehash;
+ ConstTransformVec allTransforms;
+ getImpl()->getAllIntenalTransforms(allTransforms);
+ std::set<std::string> files;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<allTransforms.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ GetFileReferences(files, allTransforms[i]);
+ }
+ for(std::set<std::string>::iterator iter = files.begin();
+ iter != files.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ if(iter->empty()) continue;
+ filehash << *iter << "=";
+ try
+ {
+ std::string resolvedLocation = context->resolveFileLocation(iter->c_str());
+ filehash << GetFastFileHash(resolvedLocation) << " ";
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ filehash << "? ";
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string fullstr = filehash.str();
+ fileReferencesFashHash = CacheIDHash(fullstr.c_str(), (int)fullstr.size());
+ }
+ getImpl()->cacheids_[contextcacheid] = getImpl()->cacheidnocontext_ + ":" + fileReferencesFashHash;
+ return getImpl()->cacheids_[contextcacheid].c_str();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Serialization
+ void Config::serialize(std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ YAML::Emitter out;
+ out << YAML::Block;
+ out << YAML::BeginMap;
+ out << YAML::Key << "ocio_profile_version" << YAML::Value << 1;
+ out << YAML::Newline;
+ out << YAML::Key << "search_path" << YAML::Value << getImpl()->context_->getSearchPath();
+ out << YAML::Key << "strictparsing" << YAML::Value << getImpl()->strictParsing_;
+ out << YAML::Key << "luma" << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << getImpl()->defaultLumaCoefs_;
+ if(getImpl()->description_ != "")
+ {
+ out << YAML::Newline;
+ out << YAML::Key << "description";
+ out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->description_;
+ }
+ // Roles
+ out << YAML::Newline;
+ out << YAML::Key << "roles";
+ out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->roles_;
+ // Displays
+ out << YAML::Newline;
+ out << YAML::Key << "displays";
+ out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->displays_;
+ out << YAML::Newline;
+ out << YAML::Key << "active_displays";
+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << getImpl()->activeDisplays_;
+ out << YAML::Key << "active_views";
+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << getImpl()->activeViews_;
+ // Looks
+ if(!getImpl()->looksList_.empty())
+ {
+ out << YAML::Newline;
+ out << YAML::Key << "looks";
+ out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->looksList_;
+ }
+ // ColorSpaces
+ {
+ out << YAML::Newline;
+ out << YAML::Key << "colorspaces";
+ out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->colorspaces_;
+ }
+ out << YAML::EndMap;
+ os << out.c_str();
+ }
+ catch( const std::exception & e)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream error;
+ error << "Error building YAML: " << e.what();
+ throw Exception(error.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ void Config::Impl::load(std::istream & istream, const char * filename)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ YAML::Parser parser(istream);
+ YAML::Node node;
+ parser.GetNextDocument(node);
+ // check profile version
+ int profile_version = 0;
+ if(node.FindValue("ocio_profile_version") == NULL)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "The specified file ";
+ os << "does not appear to be an OCIO configuration.";
+ throw Exception (os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ node["ocio_profile_version"] >> profile_version;
+ if(profile_version > 1)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "This .ocio config ";
+ if(filename && *filename)
+ {
+ os << " '" << filename << "' ";
+ }
+ os << "is version " << profile_version << ". ";
+ os << "This version of the OpenColorIO library (" << OCIO_VERSION ") ";
+ os << "is not known to be able to load this profile. ";
+ os << "An attempt will be made, but there are no guarantees that the ";
+ os << "results will be accurate. Continue at your own risk.";
+ LogWarning(os.str());
+ }
+ std::string key, stringval;
+ bool boolval = false;
+ for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin();
+ iter != node.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ iter.first() >> key;
+ if(key == "ocio_profile_version") { } // Already handled above.
+ else if(key == "search_path" || key == "resource_path")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null &&
+ iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval))
+ context_->setSearchPath(stringval.c_str());
+ }
+ else if(key == "strictparsing")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null &&
+ iter.second().Read<bool>(boolval))
+ strictParsing_ = boolval;
+ }
+ else if(key == "description")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null &&
+ iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval))
+ description_ = stringval;
+ }
+ else if(key == "luma")
+ {
+ std::vector<float> val;
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null)
+ {
+ iter.second() >> val;
+ if(val.size() != 3)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "'luma' field must be 3 ";
+ os << "floats. Found '" << val.size() << "'.";
+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ defaultLumaCoefs_ = val;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(key == "roles")
+ {
+ const YAML::Node& roles = iter.second();
+ if(roles.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "'roles' field needs to be a (name: key) map.";
+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ for (YAML::Iterator it = roles.begin();
+ it != roles.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ std::string k, v;
+ it.first() >> k;
+ it.second() >> v;
+ roles_[pystring::lower(k)] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(key == "displays")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null)
+ {
+ iter.second() >> displays_;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(key == "active_displays")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null)
+ {
+ iter.second() >> activeDisplays_;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(key == "active_views")
+ {
+ if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null)
+ {
+ iter.second() >> activeViews_;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(key == "colorspaces")
+ {
+ const YAML::Node& colorspaces = iter.second();
+ if(colorspaces.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "'colorspaces' field needs to be a (- !<ColorSpace>) list.";
+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < colorspaces.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(colorspaces[i].Tag() == "ColorSpace")
+ {
+ ColorSpaceRcPtr cs = ColorSpace::Create();
+ colorspaces[i] >> cs;
+ colorspaces_.push_back( cs );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Unknown element found in colorspaces:";
+ os << colorspaces[i].Tag() << ". Only ColorSpace(s)";
+ os << " currently handled.";
+ LogWarning(os.str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(key == "looks")
+ {
+ const YAML::Node& looks = iter.second();
+ if(looks.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "'looks' field needs to be a (- !<Look>) list.";
+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < looks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(looks[i].Tag() == "Look")
+ {
+ LookRcPtr look = Look::Create();
+ looks[i] >> look;
+ looksList_.push_back( look );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Unknown element found in looks:";
+ os << looks[i].Tag() << ". Only Look(s)";
+ os << " currently handled.";
+ LogWarning(os.str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogUnknownKeyWarning("profile", iter.first());
+ }
+ }
+ if(filename)
+ {
+ std::string realfilename = pystring::os::path::abspath(filename);
+ std::string configrootdir = pystring::os::path::dirname(realfilename);
+ context_->setWorkingDir(configrootdir.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ catch( const std::exception & e)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Error: Loading the OCIO profile ";
+ if(filename) os << "'" << filename << "' ";
+ os << "failed. " << e.what();
+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ void Config::Impl::resetCacheIDs()
+ {
+ cacheids_.clear();
+ cacheidnocontext_ = "";
+ sanity_ = SANITY_UNKNOWN;
+ sanitytext_ = "";
+ }
+ void Config::Impl::getAllIntenalTransforms(ConstTransformVec & transformVec) const
+ {
+ // Grab all transforms from the ColorSpaces
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<colorspaces_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(colorspaces_[i]->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE))
+ transformVec.push_back(colorspaces_[i]->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE));
+ if(colorspaces_[i]->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE))
+ transformVec.push_back(colorspaces_[i]->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE));
+ }
+ // Grab all transforms from the Looks
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<looksList_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(looksList_[i]->getTransform())
+ transformVec.push_back(looksList_[i]->getTransform());
+ if(looksList_[i]->getInverseTransform())
+ transformVec.push_back(looksList_[i]->getInverseTransform());
+ }
+ }
+#include "UnitTest.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "pystring/pystring.h"
+#if 0
+OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, test_searchpath_filesystem)
+ OCIO::EnvMap env = OCIO::GetEnvMap();
+ std::string OCIO_TEST_AREA("$OCIO_TEST_AREA");
+ EnvExpand(&OCIO_TEST_AREA, &env);
+ OCIO::ConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::Config::Create();
+ // basic get/set/expand
+ config->setSearchPath("."
+ ":$OCIO_TEST1"
+ ":/$OCIO_JOB/${OCIO_SEQ}/$OCIO_SHOT/ocio");
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getSearchPath(),
+ ".:$OCIO_TEST1:/$OCIO_JOB/${OCIO_SEQ}/$OCIO_SHOT/ocio") == 0);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getSearchPath(true),
+ ".:foobar:/meatballs/cheesecake/mb-cc-001/ocio") == 0);
+ // find some files
+ config->setSearchPath(".."
+ ":$OCIO_TEST1"
+ ":${OCIO_TEST_AREA}/test_search/one"
+ ":$OCIO_TEST_AREA/test_search/two");
+ // setup for search test
+ std::string base_dir("$OCIO_TEST_AREA/test_search/");
+ EnvExpand(&base_dir, &env);
+ mkdir(base_dir.c_str(), 0777);
+ std::string one_dir("$OCIO_TEST_AREA/test_search/one/");
+ EnvExpand(&one_dir, &env);
+ mkdir(one_dir.c_str(), 0777);
+ std::string two_dir("$OCIO_TEST_AREA/test_search/two/");
+ EnvExpand(&two_dir, &env);
+ mkdir(two_dir.c_str(), 0777);
+ std::string lut1(one_dir+"somelut1.lut");
+ std::ofstream somelut1(lut1.c_str());
+ somelut1.close();
+ std::string lut2(two_dir+"somelut2.lut");
+ std::ofstream somelut2(lut2.c_str());
+ somelut2.close();
+ std::string lut3(two_dir+"somelut3.lut");
+ std::ofstream somelut3(lut3.c_str());
+ somelut3.close();
+ std::string lutdotdot(OCIO_TEST_AREA+"/lutdotdot.lut");
+ std::ofstream somelutdotdot(lutdotdot.c_str());
+ somelutdotdot.close();
+ // basic search test
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->findFile("somelut1.lut"),
+ lut1.c_str()) == 0);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->findFile("somelut2.lut"),
+ lut2.c_str()) == 0);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->findFile("somelut3.lut"),
+ lut3.c_str()) == 0);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->findFile("lutdotdot.lut"),
+ lutdotdot.c_str()) == 0);
+OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, InternalRawProfile)
+ std::istringstream is;
+ OIIO_CHECK_NO_THOW(OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromStream(is));
+OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, SimpleConfig)
+ std::string SIMPLE_PROFILE =
+ "ocio_profile_version: 1\n"
+ "resource_path: luts\n"
+ "strictparsing: false\n"
+ "luma: [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722]\n"
+ "roles:\n"
+ " compositing_log: lgh\n"
+ " default: raw\n"
+ " scene_linear: lnh\n"
+ "displays:\n"
+ " sRGB:\n"
+ " - !<View> {name: Film1D, colorspace: vd8}\n"
+ " - !<View> {name: Log, colorspace: lg10}\n"
+ " - !<View> {name: Raw, colorspace: raw}\n"
+ "colorspaces:\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: raw\n"
+ " family: raw\n"
+ " equalitygroup: \n"
+ " bitdepth: 32f\n"
+ " description: |\n"
+ " A raw color space. Conversions to and from this space are no-ops.\n"
+ " isdata: true\n"
+ " allocation: uniform\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: lnh\n"
+ " family: ln\n"
+ " equalitygroup: \n"
+ " bitdepth: 16f\n"
+ " description: |\n"
+ " The show reference space. This is a sensor referred linear\n"
+ " representation of the scene with primaries that correspond to\n"
+ " scanned film. 0.18 in this space corresponds to a properly\n"
+ " exposed 18% grey card.\n"
+ " isdata: false\n"
+ " allocation: lg2\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: loads_of_transforms\n"
+ " family: vd8\n"
+ " equalitygroup: \n"
+ " bitdepth: 8ui\n"
+ " description: 'how many transforms can we use?'\n"
+ " isdata: false\n"
+ " allocation: uniform\n"
+ " to_reference: !<GroupTransform>\n"
+ " direction: forward\n"
+ " children:\n"
+ " - !<FileTransform>\n"
+ " src: diffusemult.spimtx\n"
+ " interpolation: unknown\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpaceTransform>\n"
+ " src: vd8\n"
+ " dst: lnh\n"
+ " - !<ExponentTransform>\n"
+ " value: [2.2, 2.2, 2.2, 1]\n"
+ " - !<MatrixTransform>\n"
+ " matrix: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n"
+ " offset: [0, 0, 0, 0]\n"
+ " - !<CDLTransform>\n"
+ " slope: [1, 1, 1]\n"
+ " offset: [0, 0, 0]\n"
+ " power: [1, 1, 1]\n"
+ " saturation: 1\n"
+ "\n";
+ std::istringstream is;
+ OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config;
+ OIIO_CHECK_NO_THOW(config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromStream(is));
+OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, Roles)
+ std::string SIMPLE_PROFILE =
+ "ocio_profile_version: 1\n"
+ "strictparsing: false\n"
+ "roles:\n"
+ " compositing_log: lgh\n"
+ " default: raw\n"
+ " scene_linear: lnh\n"
+ "colorspaces:\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: raw\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: lnh\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: lgh\n"
+ "\n";
+ std::istringstream is;
+ OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config;
+ OIIO_CHECK_NO_THOW(config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromStream(is));
+ OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(config->getNumRoles(), 3);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(config->hasRole("compositing_log") == true);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(config->hasRole("cheese") == false);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(config->hasRole("") == false);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getRoleName(2), "scene_linear") == 0);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getRoleName(0), "compositing_log") == 0);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getRoleName(1), "default") == 0);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getRoleName(10), "") == 0);
+ OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getRoleName(-4), "") == 0);
+OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, Serialize)
+ OCIO::ConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::Config::Create();
+ {
+ OCIO::ColorSpaceRcPtr cs = OCIO::ColorSpace::Create();
+ cs->setName("testing");
+ cs->setFamily("test");
+ OCIO::FileTransformRcPtr transform1 = \
+ OCIO::FileTransform::Create();
+ OCIO::GroupTransformRcPtr groupTransform = OCIO::GroupTransform::Create();
+ groupTransform->push_back(transform1);
+ cs->setTransform(groupTransform, OCIO::COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE);
+ config->addColorSpace(cs);
+ config->setRole( OCIO::ROLE_COMPOSITING_LOG, cs->getName() );
+ }
+ {
+ OCIO::ColorSpaceRcPtr cs = OCIO::ColorSpace::Create();
+ cs->setName("testing2");
+ cs->setFamily("test");
+ OCIO::ExponentTransformRcPtr transform1 = \
+ OCIO::ExponentTransform::Create();
+ OCIO::GroupTransformRcPtr groupTransform = OCIO::GroupTransform::Create();
+ groupTransform->push_back(transform1);
+ cs->setTransform(groupTransform, OCIO::COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE);
+ config->addColorSpace(cs);
+ config->setRole( OCIO::ROLE_COMPOSITING_LOG, cs->getName() );
+ }
+ // for testing
+ //std::ofstream outfile("/tmp/test.ocio");
+ //config->serialize(outfile);
+ //outfile.close();
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ config->serialize(os);
+ std::string PROFILE_OUT =
+ "ocio_profile_version: 1\n"
+ "\n"
+ "search_path: \"\"\n"
+ "strictparsing: true\n"
+ "luma: [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "roles:\n"
+ " compositing_log: testing2\n"
+ "\n"
+ "displays:\n"
+ " {}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "active_displays: []\n"
+ "active_views: []\n"
+ "\n"
+ "colorspaces:\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: testing\n"
+ " family: test\n"
+ " equalitygroup: \"\"\n"
+ " bitdepth: unknown\n"
+ " isdata: false\n"
+ " allocation: uniform\n"
+ " to_reference: !<GroupTransform>\n"
+ " children:\n"
+ " - !<FileTransform> {src: \"\", interpolation: unknown}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: testing2\n"
+ " family: test\n"
+ " equalitygroup: \"\"\n"
+ " bitdepth: unknown\n"
+ " isdata: false\n"
+ " allocation: uniform\n"
+ " to_reference: !<GroupTransform>\n"
+ " children:\n"
+ " - !<ExponentTransform> {value: [1, 1, 1, 1]}\n";
+ std::vector<std::string> osvec;
+ OCIO::pystring::splitlines(os.str(), osvec);
+ std::vector<std::string> PROFILE_OUTvec;
+ OCIO::pystring::splitlines(PROFILE_OUT, PROFILE_OUTvec);
+ OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(osvec.size(), PROFILE_OUTvec.size());
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PROFILE_OUTvec.size(); ++i)
+ OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(osvec[i], PROFILE_OUTvec[i]);
+OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, SanityCheck)
+ {
+ std::string SIMPLE_PROFILE =
+ "ocio_profile_version: 1\n"
+ "colorspaces:\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: raw\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: raw\n"
+ "strictparsing: false\n"
+ "roles:\n"
+ " default: raw\n"
+ "displays:\n"
+ " sRGB:\n"
+ " - !<View> {name: Raw, colorspace: raw}\n"
+ "\n";
+ std::istringstream is;
+ OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config;
+ OIIO_CHECK_NO_THOW(config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromStream(is));
+ OIIO_CHECK_THOW(config->sanityCheck(), OCIO::Exception);
+ }
+ {
+ std::string SIMPLE_PROFILE =
+ "ocio_profile_version: 1\n"
+ "colorspaces:\n"
+ " - !<ColorSpace>\n"
+ " name: raw\n"
+ "strictparsing: false\n"
+ "roles:\n"
+ " default: raw\n"
+ "displays:\n"
+ " sRGB:\n"
+ " - !<View> {name: Raw, colorspace: raw}\n"
+ "\n";
+ std::istringstream is;
+ OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config;
+ OIIO_CHECK_NO_THOW(config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromStream(is));
+ OIIO_CHECK_NO_THOW(config->sanityCheck());
+ }
+#endif // OCIO_UNIT_TEST