path: root/share/nuke/ocionuke
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/nuke/ocionuke')
3 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/nuke/ocionuke/ b/share/nuke/ocionuke/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/nuke/ocionuke/
diff --git a/share/nuke/ocionuke/ b/share/nuke/ocionuke/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ed76ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/nuke/ocionuke/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+"""Various utilities relating to the OCIOCDLTransform node
+import nuke
+import nukescripts
+import PyOpenColorIO as OCIO
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+def _node_to_cdltransform(node):
+ """From an OCIOCDLTransform node, returns a PyOpenColorIO
+ CDLTransform object, which could be used to write XML
+ """
+ # Color_Knob.value returns single float if control is not
+ # expanded, so use value(index=...) to always get three values
+ slope = [node['slope'].value(x) for x in range(3)]
+ offset = [node['offset'].value(x) for x in range(3)]
+ power = [node['power'].value(x) for x in range(3)]
+ sat = node['saturation'].value()
+ cccid = node['cccid'].value()
+ cdl = OCIO.CDLTransform()
+ cdl.setSlope(slope)
+ cdl.setOffset(offset)
+ cdl.setPower(power)
+ cdl.setSat(sat)
+ cdl.setID(cccid)
+ return cdl
+def _cdltransform_to_node(cdl, node):
+ """From an XML string, populates the parameters on an
+ OCIOCDLTransform node
+ """
+ # Treat "node" as a dictionary of knobs, as the "node" argument could be
+ # a the return value of PythonPanel.knob(), as in SelectCCCIDPanel
+ node['slope'].setValue(cdl.getSlope())
+ node['offset'].setValue(cdl.getOffset())
+ node['power'].setValue(cdl.getPower())
+ node['saturation'].setValue(cdl.getSat())
+ node['cccid'].setValue(cdl.getID())
+def _xml_to_cdltransforms(xml):
+ """Given some XML as a string, returns a list of CDLTransform
+ objects for each ColorCorrection (returns a one-item list for a
+ .cc file)
+ """
+ tree = ET.fromstring(xml)
+ # Strip away xmlns
+ for elem in tree.getiterator():
+ if elem.tag.startswith("{"):
+ elem.tag = elem.tag.partition("}")[2]
+ filetype = tree.tag
+ if filetype == "ColorCorrection":
+ ccxml = ET.tostring(tree)
+ cdl = OCIO.CDLTransform()
+ cdl.setXML(ccxml)
+ return [cdl]
+ elif filetype == "ColorCorrectionCollection":
+ allcdl = []
+ for cc in tree.getchildren():
+ if cc.tag != "ColorCorrection": continue
+ ccxml = ET.tostring(cc)
+ cdl = OCIO.CDLTransform()
+ cdl.setXML(ccxml)
+ allcdl.append(cdl)
+ return allcdl
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "The supplied file did not have the correct root element, expected"
+ " 'ColorCorrection' or 'ColorCorrectionCollection', got %r" % (filetype))
+def _cdltransforms_to_xml(allcc):
+ """Given a list of CDLTransform objects, returns an XML string
+ """
+ root = ET.Element("ColorCorrectionCollection")
+ root.attrib['xmlns'] = 'urn:ASC:CDL:v1.2'
+ for cc in allcc:
+ cur = ET.fromstring(cc.getXML())
+ # Strip away xmlns
+ for elem in cur.getiterator():
+ if elem.tag.startswith("{"):
+ elem.tag = elem.tag.partition("}")[2]
+ root.append(cur)
+ return ET.tostring(root)
+class SelectCCCIDPanel(nukescripts.PythonPanel):
+ """Allows the user to select from a list of CDLTransform
+ objects
+ """
+ def __init__(self, allcdl):
+ super(SelectCCCIDPanel, self).__init__()
+ self.available = {}
+ for cur in allcdl:
+ self.available[cur.getID()] = cur
+ self.addKnob(nuke.Enumeration_Knob("cccid", "cccid", self.available.keys()))
+ self.addKnob(nuke.Text_Knob("divider"))
+ self.addKnob(nuke.Color_Knob("slope"))
+ self.addKnob(nuke.Color_Knob("offset"))
+ self.addKnob(nuke.Color_Knob("power"))
+ self.addKnob(nuke.Double_Knob("saturation"))
+ def selected(self):
+ return self.available[self.knobs()['cccid'].value()]
+ def knobChanged(self, knob):
+ """When the user selects a cccid, a grade-preview knobs are set.
+ This method is triggered when any knob is changed, which has the
+ useful side-effect of preventing changing the preview values, while
+ keeping them selectable for copy-and-paste.
+ """
+ _cdltransform_to_node(self.selected(), self.knobs())
+def export_as_cc(node = None, filename = None):
+ """Export a OCIOCDLTransform node as a ColorCorrection XML file
+ (.cc)
+ If node is None, "nuke.thisNode()" will be used. If filename is
+ not specified, the user will be prompted.
+ """
+ if node is None:
+ node = nuke.thisNode()
+ cdl = _node_to_cdltransform(node)
+ if filename is None:
+ ccfilename = nuke.getFilename("Color Correction filename", pattern = "*.cc")
+ if ccfilename is None:
+ # User clicked cancel
+ return
+ xml = cdl.getXML()
+ print "Writing to %s - contents:\n%s" % (ccfilename, xml)
+ open(ccfilename, "w").write(xml)
+def import_cc_from_xml(node = None, filename = None):
+ """Import a ColorCorrection XML (.cc) into a OCIOCDLTransform node.
+ If node is None, "nuke.thisNode()" will be used. If filename is
+ not specified, the user will be prompted.
+ """
+ if node is None:
+ node = nuke.thisNode()
+ if filename is None:
+ ccfilename = nuke.getFilename("Color Correction filename", pattern = "*.cc *.ccc")
+ if ccfilename is None:
+ # User clicked cancel
+ return
+ xml = open(ccfilename).read()
+ allcc = _xml_to_cdltransforms(xml)
+ if len(allcc) == 1:
+ _cdltransform_to_node(allcc[0], node)
+ elif len(allcc) > 1:
+ do_selectcccid = nuke.ask(
+ "Selected a ColorCorrectionCollection, do you wish to select a ColorCorrection from this file?")
+ if do_selectcccid:
+ sel = SelectCCCIDPanel(allcc)
+ okayed = sel.showModalDialog()
+ if okayed:
+ cc = sel.selected()
+ _cdltransform_to_node(cc, node)
+ else:
+ return
+ else:
+ nuke.message("The supplied file (%r) contained no ColorCorrection's" % ccfilename)
+ return
+def export_multiple_to_ccc(filename = None):
+ """Exported all selected OCIOCDLTransform nodes to a
+ ColorCorrectionCollection XML file (.ccc)
+ """
+ if filename is None:
+ filename = nuke.getFilename("Color Correction XML file", pattern = "*.cc *.ccc")
+ if filename is None:
+ # User clicked cancel
+ return
+ allcc = []
+ for node in nuke.selectedNodes("OCIOCDLTransform"):
+ allcc.append(_node_to_cdltransform(node))
+ xml = _cdltransforms_to_xml(allcc)
+ print "Writing %r, contents:\n%s" % (filename, xml)
+ open(filename, "w").write(xml)
+def import_multiple_from_ccc(filename = None):
+ """Import a ColorCorrectionCollection file (.ccc) into multiple
+ OCIOCDLTransform nodes. Also creates a single node for a .cc file
+ """
+ if filename is None:
+ filename = nuke.getFilename("Color Correction XML file", pattern = "*.cc *.ccc")
+ if filename is None:
+ # User clicked cancel
+ return
+ xml = open(filename).read()
+ allcc = _xml_to_cdltransforms(xml)
+ def _make_node(cdl):
+ newnode = nuke.nodes.OCIOCDLTransform(inputs = nuke.selectedNodes()[:1])
+ _cdltransform_to_node(cdl, newnode)
+ newnode['label'].setValue("id: [value cccid]")
+ if len(allcc) > 0:
+ for cc in allcc:
+ _make_node(cc)
+ else:
+ nuke.message("The supplied file (%r) contained no ColorCorrection's" % filename)
+def select_cccid_for_filetransform(node = None, fileknob = 'file', cccidknob = 'cccid'):
+ """Select cccid button for the OCIOFileTransform node, also used
+ in OCIOCDLTransform. Presents user with list of cccid's within the
+ specified .ccc file, and sets the cccid knob to the selected ID.
+ """
+ if node is None:
+ node = nuke.thisNode()
+ filename = node[fileknob].value()
+ try:
+ xml = open(filename).read()
+ except IOError, e:
+ nuke.message("Error opening src file: %s" % e)
+ raise
+ allcc = _xml_to_cdltransforms(xml)
+ if len(allcc) == 0:
+ nuke.message("The file (%r) contains no ColorCorrection's")
+ return
+ sel = SelectCCCIDPanel(allcc)
+ okayed = sel.showModalDialog()
+ if okayed:
+ node[cccidknob].setValue(sel.selected().getID())
diff --git a/share/nuke/ocionuke/ b/share/nuke/ocionuke/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..883525a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/nuke/ocionuke/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import nuke
+def register_viewers(also_remove = "default"):
+ """Registers the a viewer process for each display device/view, and
+ sets the default viewer process.
+ ``also_remove`` can be set to either:
+ - "default" to remove the default sRGB/rec709 viewer processes
+ - "all" to remove all processes
+ - "none" to leave existing viewer processes untouched
+ """
+ if also_remove not in ("default", "none", "all"):
+ raise ValueError("also_remove should be set to 'default', 'none' or 'all'")
+ if also_remove == "default":
+ nuke.ViewerProcess.unregister('rec709')
+ nuke.ViewerProcess.unregister('sRGB')
+ nuke.ViewerProcess.unregister('None')
+ elif also_remove == "all":
+ # Unregister all processes, including None, which should be defined in config.ocio
+ for curname in nuke.ViewerProcess.registeredNames():
+ nuke.ViewerProcess.unregister(curname)
+ # Formats the display and transform, e.g "Film1D (sRGB)"
+ DISPLAY_UI_FORMAT = "%(view)s (%(display)s)"
+ import PyOpenColorIO as OCIO
+ config = OCIO.GetCurrentConfig()
+ # For every display, loop over every view
+ for display in config.getDisplays():
+ for view in config.getViews(display):
+ # Register the node
+ nuke.ViewerProcess.register(
+ name = DISPLAY_UI_FORMAT % {'view': view, "display": display},
+ call = nuke.nodes.OCIODisplay,
+ args = (),
+ kwargs = {"display": display, "view": view, "layer": "all"})
+ # Get the default display and view, set it as the default used on Nuke startup
+ defaultDisplay = config.getDefaultDisplay()
+ defaultView = config.getDefaultView(defaultDisplay)
+ nuke.knobDefault(
+ "Viewer.viewerProcess",
+ DISPLAY_UI_FORMAT % {'view': defaultView, "display": defaultDisplay})