path: root/src/nuke/OCIOCDLTransform/OCIOCDLTransform.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/nuke/OCIOCDLTransform/OCIOCDLTransform.cpp')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/nuke/OCIOCDLTransform/OCIOCDLTransform.cpp b/src/nuke/OCIOCDLTransform/OCIOCDLTransform.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51ec866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nuke/OCIOCDLTransform/OCIOCDLTransform.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ * OpenColorIO conversion Iop.
+ */
+#include "OCIOCDLTransform.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <DDImage/Channel.h>
+#include <DDImage/PixelIop.h>
+#include <DDImage/NukeWrapper.h>
+#include <DDImage/Row.h>
+#include <DDImage/Knobs.h>
+const char* OCIOCDLTransform::dirs[] = { "forward", "inverse", 0 };
+OCIOCDLTransform::OCIOCDLTransform(Node *n) : DD::Image::PixelIop(n)
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+ m_slope[i] = 1.0;
+ m_offset[i] = 0.0;
+ m_power[i] = 1.0;
+ }
+ m_saturation = 1.0;
+ m_readFromFile = false;
+ m_dirindex = 0;
+ m_file = NULL;
+ m_reload_version = 1;
+ m_slopeKnob = NULL;
+ m_offsetKnob = NULL;
+ m_powerKnob = NULL;
+ m_saturationKnob = NULL;
+ m_fileKnob = NULL;
+ m_cccidKnob = NULL;
+ m_firstLoad = true;
+void OCIOCDLTransform::knobs(DD::Image::Knob_Callback f)
+ // ASC CDL grade numbers
+ m_slopeKnob = DD::Image::Color_knob(f, m_slope, DD::Image::IRange(0, 4.0), "slope");
+ m_offsetKnob = DD::Image::Color_knob(f, m_offset, DD::Image::IRange(-0.2, 0.2), "offset");
+ m_powerKnob = DD::Image::Color_knob(f, m_power, DD::Image::IRange(0.0, 4.0), "power");
+ m_saturationKnob = DD::Image::Float_knob(f, &m_saturation, DD::Image::IRange(0, 4.0), "saturation");
+ Enumeration_knob(f, &m_dirindex, dirs, "direction", "direction");
+ DD::Image::Tooltip(f, "Specify the transform direction.");
+ DD::Image::Divider(f);
+ DD::Image::Bool_knob(f, &m_readFromFile, "read_from_file", "read from file");
+ DD::Image::SetFlags(f, DD::Image::Knob::EARLY_STORE);
+ DD::Image::Tooltip(f, "Load color correction information from the .cc or .ccc file.");
+ m_fileKnob = File_knob(f, &m_file, "file", "file");
+ const char * filehelp = "Specify the src ASC CDL file, on disk, to use for this transform. "
+ "This can be either a .cc or .ccc file. If .ccc is specified, the cccid is required.";
+ DD::Image::Tooltip(f, filehelp);
+ // Reload button, and hidden "version" knob to invalidate cache on reload
+ Button(f, "reload", "reload");
+ DD::Image::Tooltip(f, "Reloads specified files");
+ Int_knob(f, &m_reload_version, "version");
+ DD::Image::SetFlags(f, DD::Image::Knob::HIDDEN);
+ DD::Image::SetFlags(f, DD::Image::Knob::ENDLINE);
+ m_cccidKnob = String_knob(f, &m_cccid, "cccid");
+ const char * ccchelp = "If the source file is an ASC CDL CCC (color correction collection), "
+ "this specifies the id to lookup. OpenColorIO::Contexts (envvars) are obeyed.";
+ DD::Image::Tooltip(f, ccchelp);
+ /* TODO:
+ These scripts should be updated to make use of native OCIO APIs, rather than convenience functions
+ exposed in ocionuke. Ideally, ocionuke would be a minimal module (essentially only ui code) that makes
+ use of OCIO for all heavy lifting.
+ */
+ DD::Image::PyScript_knob(f, "import ocionuke.cdl; ocionuke.cdl.select_cccid_for_filetransform()", "select_cccid", "select cccid");
+ // Import/export buttons
+ DD::Image::PyScript_knob(f, "import ocionuke.cdl; ocionuke.cdl.export_as_cc()", "export_cc", "export grade as .cc");
+ DD::Image::Tooltip(f, "Export this grade as a ColorCorrection XML file, which can be loaded with the OCIOFileTransform, or using a FileTransform in an OCIO config");
+ DD::Image::PyScript_knob(f, "import ocionuke.cdl; ocionuke.cdl.import_cc_from_xml()", "import_cc", "import from .cc");
+ DD::Image::Tooltip(f, "Import grade from a ColorCorrection XML file");
+ DD::Image::Divider(f);
+ /*
+ TODO: One thing thats sucks is that we dont apparently have a mechansism to call refreshKnobEnabledState
+ after the knobs have been loaded, but before scripts have a chance to run. I'd love to have a post-knob
+ finalize callback opportunity to reload the cdl from file, if needed. The current system will only do the
+ initial file refresh when either the ui is loaded, or a render is triggered.
+ */
+ if(!f.makeKnobs() && m_firstLoad)
+ {
+ m_firstLoad = false;
+ refreshKnobEnabledState();
+ if(m_readFromFile) loadCDLFromFile();
+ }
+void OCIOCDLTransform::refreshKnobEnabledState()
+ if(m_readFromFile)
+ {
+ m_slopeKnob->disable();
+ m_offsetKnob->disable();
+ m_powerKnob->disable();
+ m_saturationKnob->disable();
+ // We leave these active to allow knob re-use with the import/export buttons
+ //m_fileKnob->enable();
+ //m_cccidKnob->enable();
+ loadCDLFromFile();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_slopeKnob->enable();
+ m_offsetKnob->enable();
+ m_powerKnob->enable();
+ m_saturationKnob->enable();
+ // We leave these active to allow knob re-use with the import/export buttons
+ //m_fileKnob->disable();
+ //m_cccidKnob->disable();
+ }
+void OCIOCDLTransform::append(DD::Image::Hash& nodehash)
+ // There is a bug where in Nuke <6.3 the String_knob (used for
+ // cccid) is not included in the node's hash. Include it manually
+ // so the node correctly redraws. Appears fixed in in 6.3
+ nodehash.append(m_cccid.c_str());
+ // Incremented to force reloading after rereading the LUT file
+ nodehash.append(m_reload_version);
+int OCIOCDLTransform::knob_changed(DD::Image::Knob* k)
+ // return true if you want to continue to receive changes for this knob
+ std::string knobname = k->name();
+ if(knobname == "read_from_file")
+ {
+ refreshKnobEnabledState();
+ if(m_readFromFile)
+ {
+ loadCDLFromFile();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if(knobname == "file")
+ {
+ if(m_readFromFile)
+ {
+ loadCDLFromFile();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if(knobname == "reload")
+ {
+ knob("version")->set_value(m_reload_version+1);
+ OCIO::ClearAllCaches();
+ m_firstLoad = true;
+ return true; // ensure callback is triggered again
+ }
+ return false;
+// Check to see if file exists
+// read from file
+// set knob values
+// throw an error if anything goes wrong
+void OCIOCDLTransform::loadCDLFromFile()
+ OCIO::CDLTransformRcPtr transform;
+ try
+ {
+ // This is inexpensive to call multiple times, as OCIO caches results
+ // internally.
+ transform = OCIO::CDLTransform::CreateFromFile(m_file, m_cccid.c_str());
+ }
+ catch(OCIO::Exception &e)
+ {
+ error(e.what());
+ return;
+ }
+ float sop[9];
+ transform->getSOP(sop);
+ m_slopeKnob->clear_animated(-1);
+ m_slopeKnob->set_value(sop[0], 0);
+ m_slopeKnob->set_value(sop[1], 1);
+ m_slopeKnob->set_value(sop[2], 2);
+ m_offsetKnob->clear_animated(-1);
+ m_offsetKnob->set_value(sop[3], 0);
+ m_offsetKnob->set_value(sop[4], 1);
+ m_offsetKnob->set_value(sop[5], 2);
+ m_powerKnob->clear_animated(-1);
+ m_powerKnob->set_value(sop[6], 0);
+ m_powerKnob->set_value(sop[7], 1);
+ m_powerKnob->set_value(sop[8], 2);
+ m_saturationKnob->clear_animated(-1);
+ m_saturationKnob->set_value(transform->getSat());
+void OCIOCDLTransform::_validate(bool for_real)
+ if(m_firstLoad)
+ {
+ m_firstLoad = false;
+ if(m_readFromFile) loadCDLFromFile();
+ }
+ // We must explicitly refresh the enable state here as well,
+ // as there are some changes (such as expressioned knob updates)
+ // that wont trigger the knob_changed callback. This allows
+ // us to catch these here.
+ refreshKnobEnabledState();
+ try
+ {
+ OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::GetCurrentConfig();
+ OCIO::CDLTransformRcPtr cc = OCIO::CDLTransform::Create();
+ cc->setSlope(m_slope);
+ cc->setOffset(m_offset);
+ cc->setPower(m_power);
+ cc->setSat(m_saturation);
+ if(m_dirindex == 0) cc->setDirection(OCIO::TRANSFORM_DIR_FORWARD);
+ else cc->setDirection(OCIO::TRANSFORM_DIR_INVERSE);
+ m_processor = config->getProcessor(cc);
+ }
+ catch(OCIO::Exception &e)
+ {
+ error(e.what());
+ return;
+ }
+ if(m_processor->isNoOp())
+ {
+ set_out_channels(DD::Image::Mask_None); // prevents engine() from being called
+ } else {
+ set_out_channels(DD::Image::Mask_All);
+ }
+ DD::Image::PixelIop::_validate(for_real);
+// Note that this is copied by others (OCIODisplay)
+void OCIOCDLTransform::in_channels(int /* n unused */, DD::Image::ChannelSet& mask) const
+ DD::Image::ChannelSet done;
+ foreach(c, mask)
+ {
+ if (DD::Image::colourIndex(c) < 3 && !(done & c))
+ {
+ done.addBrothers(c, 3);
+ }
+ }
+ mask += done;
+// See Saturation::pixel_engine for a well-commented example.
+// Note that this is copied by others (OCIODisplay)
+void OCIOCDLTransform::pixel_engine(
+ const DD::Image::Row& in,
+ int /* rowY unused */, int rowX, int rowXBound,
+ DD::Image::ChannelMask outputChannels,
+ DD::Image::Row& out)
+ int rowWidth = rowXBound - rowX;
+ DD::Image::ChannelSet done;
+ foreach (requestedChannel, outputChannels)
+ {
+ // Skip channels which had their trios processed already,
+ if (done & requestedChannel)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Pass through channels which are not selected for processing
+ // and non-rgb channels.
+ if (colourIndex(requestedChannel) >= 3)
+ {
+ out.copy(in, requestedChannel, rowX, rowXBound);
+ continue;
+ }
+ DD::Image::Channel rChannel = DD::Image::brother(requestedChannel, 0);
+ DD::Image::Channel gChannel = DD::Image::brother(requestedChannel, 1);
+ DD::Image::Channel bChannel = DD::Image::brother(requestedChannel, 2);
+ done += rChannel;
+ done += gChannel;
+ done += bChannel;
+ const float *rIn = in[rChannel] + rowX;
+ const float *gIn = in[gChannel] + rowX;
+ const float *bIn = in[bChannel] + rowX;
+ float *rOut = out.writable(rChannel) + rowX;
+ float *gOut = out.writable(gChannel) + rowX;
+ float *bOut = out.writable(bChannel) + rowX;
+ // OCIO modifies in-place
+ // Note: xOut can equal xIn in some circumstances, such as when the
+ // 'Black' (throwaway) scanline is uses. We thus must guard memcpy,
+ // which does not allow for overlapping regions.
+ if (rOut != rIn) memcpy(rOut, rIn, sizeof(float)*rowWidth);
+ if (gOut != gIn) memcpy(gOut, gIn, sizeof(float)*rowWidth);
+ if (bOut != bIn) memcpy(bOut, bIn, sizeof(float)*rowWidth);
+ try
+ {
+ OCIO::PlanarImageDesc img(rOut, gOut, bOut, NULL, rowWidth, /*height*/ 1);
+ m_processor->apply(img);
+ }
+ catch(OCIO::Exception &e)
+ {
+ error(e.what());
+ }
+ }
+const DD::Image::Op::Description OCIOCDLTransform::description("OCIOCDLTransform", build);
+const char* OCIOCDLTransform::Class() const
+ return;
+const char* OCIOCDLTransform::displayName() const
+ return;
+const char* OCIOCDLTransform::node_help() const
+ // TODO more detailed help text
+ return "Use OpenColorIO to apply an ASC CDL grade. Applied using:\n\n"\
+ "out = (i * s + o)^p\n\nWhere i is the input value, s is slope, "\
+ "o is offset and p is power";
+DD::Image::Op* build(Node *node)
+ DD::Image::NukeWrapper *op = new DD::Image::NukeWrapper(new OCIOCDLTransform(node));
+ op->channels(DD::Image::Mask_RGB);
+ return op;